the making of
s o f t  i n d u s t r i a l
leather bags
play unique
designer owner
soft industrial I am inexorably drawn to the simple and practical lines of raw and weathered look of vintage tools and materials. Weathered wood, rusty metals, hard lines They remind me of deserted places of dust and rust, that tell the story of forgotten craftsmanship and hard labour. This is the feeling I endeavour to capture with my signature SOFT INDUSTRIAL COLLECTION. Sturdy leathers with irregularities that build up character with time and use. The bags start with their own history and eventually they recount your own.
Bags that carry dreams, ideas and stories.
floating shapes
s m a r t  t e c h n i q u e s
concept research
eco tanned leather
handmade oversized bags
sustainable natural marks
 c r a f t work process
t o o ls
full grain unlined
soft industrial conversation piece original
social design
Put your Childhood in a Bag and Play.
© 2016 by Labour of Art - Leather Goods concept - photography - text created exclusivly by and for Labour of Art - Leather Goods. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without permission. @labourofart