Hoof Print Journal- December 2017

Page 1

Online Edition


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On the cover: GK Performance Horses

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What's Inside WHAT’S INSIDE

Page 11

â—? Cowboy Wisdom By Dennis Cappel Pages 4-5

â—? How to Despook your Horse By Brandy VonHolten Page 12-15

â—? Subscription Order Form Page 7

â—? Missouri & Illinois Horse Clubs Membership Drive Page 16-17

â—? Missouri & Illinois Upcoming Events

â—? Featured Rider of the Month Page 19

December 2017

â—? Breed Spotlight Page 20 â—? Christmas, Kids and Ponies Page 21 â—? Classified & Horse Auctions Page 24, 25 â—? Advertising Info Page 26, 27

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December 2017 ISSUE PAGE 2


December 2017 ISSUE PAGE 3

By Dennis Cappel

You don’t know- What you don’t know


ow does this season affect you? Does it fill you with joy or a sense of humbug? What causes you to precieve it one way or the other or someplace in between. Have you always felt this way at this time of year? Why you might ask are these questions even important?

something to change how your feel about the holiday time, would you?

Is it really possible that we do not have to accept what we have been dealt? Let’s put it into horse terms since this is an equine publication. If you want to go left but your horse wants to go right, which way are you going to go? Does the answer to that question not have to do with the level of understanding of the person riding this horse? How can one person get the horse to agree with them and another think, Perhaps these are questions you have never even thought about and they probably are. The reason we don’a ask those they simply have to agree with the horse? kind of question, I believe is because most people go The answer to all of these questions has a common theme. through life on a sort of automatic pilot mood. Our habits of This theme is simple but profound. It has power and the daily life guide us here and there and we might or might not potential to change your life. So here it is – understanding like where we are, but we don’t think we can do anything or awareness. Yes that is it! The only problem that any of us about it, so we just conform and continue on with life as it is have is that we don’t know what we don’t know. When we dealt to us. Have you ever heard the expression just play gain understanding our perception changes. How we see the hand your have been dealt? Let’s go back to the any situation that is our focus is always a reflection of our questions I startred this conversation off with for a minute. perception. So then the difference between the person that Do you think that all people feel the same way about this enjoys these coming months and the one who doesn’t is season or do you think this opinion is specific to different simply this, how one thinks which leads to how they feel. people with different circumstances? If you could do


f you hold a thought long enough in your mind it will come to pass. We do have a choice to get understanding or to remain ignorant which merely means uneducated or untrained.

Are you tired of your horse taking you where he wants to go? The good news is that you can change your circumstance; you can stack the deck in your favor if you simply use the mind you have been given and choose to think differently. These together are like seeds you plant in the ground, if you plant corn you get corn, you plant beans you get beans. If you think of what is good, joyful and abundant you will eventually get good, joyful and abundant results. Remember, once you plant a seed if you want it to grow you can’t kick up the dust up and uncover it. Doubt, fear, unbelief will leave your good seed to the wide open for survival. The only response you need is to be willing to change and take responsibility to gain the understanding


that you need to make those changes. Some people rather wither than change. So decide to make this holiday season the best one you have ever experienced by seeing it as an opportunity for you to be honestly thankful that right now at this very moment all is well. My past will not determine my future. Tomorrow is not here yet but today right now, peace, joy and love are present and with this understanding, I choose to look forward to the development of a bright future by the planting of good seeds of thought moment by moment.

Picture your Life, Dennis Carpel

December 2017 ISSUE PAGE 5

All photography published for Dennis Cappel and Brilliant Attitude have been taken by Lori Aschbrenner WWW.HOOFPRINT JOURNAL.COM ©

December 2017 ISSUE


2018 Subscrip on Order form 12 Month Subscrip on- $35, includes shipping Includes a FREE business card size ad for the dura on of your subscrip on

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December 2017 ISSUE PAGE 9

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December 2017 ISSUE


November, December 2017

MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! Reoccurring Events

FUN SHOW 4th Saturday of every month, MAYOctober. Brighton Saddle Club. Located just east of Hwy 13 (North of Springfield) at Hwy 215 West Go to www.brightonsaddleclub.org 417-849-2244 Daily Open Arena Double T Performances Horses Call or Text to reserve! $10 1556 Clearview Road Union, Missouri Brittney Teiber 636-856-6191 Brighton Saddle Club Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month Held at Smiths Restaurant, just south of Bolivar in Brighton, Missouri. 7pm 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddlecub.org

November 2017

November 1-5 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 4,5 Annual VHR Country Tough One Fly Cowgirl Challange Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 November 11, 12 Irish Fox Show Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 17-19 Fall Harvest Youth Horse Show National Equestrian Center Lake St Louis, Missouri 573-220-1543


November 18-19 MO Ranch Horse Association Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 25 SLADS Schooling Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 25, 26 ETS Fall Buckle Series, events 7-89 of 9 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880


December 2017

Thank you to all the trainers, clubs, and events centers who have let us list their event AT NO COST in The Hoof Print Journal. If we missed any important info for your listings, PLEASE contact us right away so we may fix it before the next issue comes out. Thanks again!!

December 6-10 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

Kat Me7ger

December 13-17 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

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Owner/Editor (314) 696-9848

December 2017 ISSUE


By Brandy Von Holten


irst, if you are having trouble with your horse, do not be afraid to seek help from a trainer or clinician. Do not feel like a lesser rider by wearing a

helmet, and ride with others until you have overcome any issues. Your safety always needs to be a priority! In my world, I must have equine that are desensitized and able to handle some crazy situations. Our mule and horses and used for lessons, daycare visits, nursing home visits, guided rides, and competitions. With us hosting all sorts of clinicians and with me having a Masters in Teaching, I have been able to categorize every form of training used to despook/desensitize all sorts of personalities of mules and horses.


s an overarching theme, all equine learn

schedule. It could take 10 minutes, or it could take 45

from the release of pressure. To put

minutes. In “resting point” when you have a refusal, it

what I have learned to the test I

is time to get those legs moving and then offer the task

competed with 3 different horses and a

you asked for to be the only place they get to rest and

mule this year. I ended up with a 12 year old horse

catch their breath. If you offer it to them and they

winning the Reserve National Champion in Lead Line,

refuse again, then it is back to work. I am never mean,

a very spooky mare ranked 3rd in Missouri in the Open

just factual.

Division who also won the 2016 Reserve National


Champion in the Green Horse Division, a small filly qualifying in Green Horse, Open, and the Futurity Division, and a mule winning a rodeo queen title, a Reserve Champion at the Festival for the Horse which was a Western Dressage competition, and qualify for nationals in the Green Horse and Open Division. I am not saying this will always work, but I am saying that it is working for me with very different equine.

If you are past the point of being able to use blocking because they over shot the task, make them back up until they are able to correctly to do what was ask. If your horse starts backing up on their own when they are scared, then you cannot use backing as your correction. It is a fine line that you will have to decide what works for your mule. Out of my four equine that we use on the ranch, I can use backing

Blocking If you ask your horse to

for three on the four equine.

go over something or through something such as a ditch and they move

Circle 75

their hindquarters to the

This was a new

left, you use your left

technique I picked up

heel to push them back

from Amish trainer, Sam

over. Blocking reminds me of the game of pinball. If

Shetler. This is highly affective with spooky mules and

they skirt right, you apply pressure to the right.

horses. Have you ever had a ride do a 90 or 180 with

Resting Point

you on them because they spooked. Typically, our first instinct is to pull the animal back towards the thing that

I use “resting point” when all else fails, because once

spooked them. Wrong. Think about this; they were

you start this baLle, you have to stick with it until the

scared and now they have pressure applied to that side

task is finished. Your horse is not on your time

of their mouth. You just justified their fear.


December 2017 ISSUE


ones that are highly reactive, and I only use it after other tries have failed. Typically, it is a sound spook or cumbersome items such as a raincoat, umbrella, or a massive stuffed animal. I present the object and when Instead, you should have that mule spin on their

they stop reacting I give them a treat. There is a major

haunches with pressure for 75% of a circle in the

right way and a major wrong way to treat train.

direction they spooked. You want to make their

Each equine is a different combination. My primary decision a BAD decision. Once you come around, 25% lesson horse just needs blocking, the highly reactive of the circle has no pressure, which is in the direction mare needs circle 75 and treat training, the small filly of the initially scary object. If they spook again,

needs backing, and the mule needs backing, circle 75, around you go again. It does not take long for them to and resting point. Happy safe trails! start seeking the release of pressure towards the object that once scared them. Treat Training I am aware that I will probably get some humbles from the crowd from saying treat training. However, last time I checked killer whales are doing performances with swimmers, dogs are doing some amazing agility maneuvers, and children have been taught how to use the poLy for years with treat training. Here’s an animal that spends over half the day eating, and you don’t think they would be motivated by a treat? I do not use treat training with every animal, just the


December 2017 ISSUE


History and mission of the club The Lincoln Trail Riders Saddle Club is the longest running saddle club in Illinois. Our focus is on promo ng horse ac vi es and horsemanship for all skill levels. The club arena has been in several dierent loca ons over the past couple of decades due to development. The ďŹ rst loca on was on Lincoln Trail (Highway 50) in what is now known as Fairview Heights, IL. This is how the name of the club originated. We oer both open pleasure and speed events on a regular basis from about April through September each year with our shows being held on Saturdays. The Lincoln Trail Riders also host family-friendly fun shows on occasion as well as an annual awards ceremony/White Elephant sale/ Christmas party. We also oer our club members the opportuni es to par cipate in parades, trail rides, and clinics. Come and join us! Mee ngs are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. They are held at Hardee's, just o Interstate 64 and Route 157 in Caseyville, Illinois. 62232. New members are always welcome and encouraged to a5end. Loca/on- Quarry Road in O’Fallon, Illinois 62269 Membership Cost -A Family membership is $30.00 plus a ďŹ rst-year ini a on fee of $10.00 and a single membership is $15.00 plus $10.00 ďŹ rst year ini a on fee. Membership dues are due by February 1st of each year. We oer a discounted rate for 4-H members as well.

Contact informa/on- Stephanie Goepfert 618-977-5167 or the Lincoln Trail Riders Facebook page on all upcoming events, photos, reminders, and other happenings with the club.

FREE Ads HERE for Club and Associations Membership Drive! WWW.HOOFPRINT JOURNAL.COM

December 2017 ISSUE


Upcoming Special Magazine Issues December 2017— 2017—January 2018 Club & Association Membership Drive

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Or mail to: Hoof Print Journal 230 May Ave Winfield, Missouri 63389 Call or Text for questions and more info (314) 696– 696– 9848

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December 2017 ISSUE PAGE 17


Deadline is the 15th of every Month prior



Wagler’s Leather Shop Manufacture, Wholesale and Retail Leather Goods, Saddles, Tack and Supplies Saddle Repairs

Alvin Wagler 6 miles North of Carrollton on Hwy. 65 then West on Highway W 6 miles

20273 CR 201 Bogard, MO 64622 660-731-5131

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December 2017 ISSUE


Featured Rider of the Month

Hunter Davidson WinďŹ eld, Missouri Age: 12 Hunter has been involved with horses for three years. He also likes to ride dirt bikes, play baseball, ďŹ sh, hunt, and is currently learning to play the trumpet. Hunter rides a black horse named Maverick, and a Buckskin named Wyoming. He loves going to the barn and feeding the horses.

BREED SPOTLIGHT Gypsy Vanner Traditionally a ʺcobʺ in the UK was a comparatively short-legged, sturdy type with an easy-going nature. Ideally, a small head, which probably brought about the saying that ʺA Cob should have the back end of a cook and the head of a ladyʺ. Fairly heavy boned and of medium height with obvious draft influence; even so he could pick up a good pace when in harness and was also very popular as a hunter/jump mount. The Gypsy Horse has been bred in a true cob mold but also with the unique qualities, as described above, for which the Romany folk bred. The Gypsy Horse gains popularity with each new person he meets. He is an ʺall-aroundʺ horse equally suitable for riding or driving, and is healthy, hardy, and strong. He is the answer for the average horse-loving family who longs for a horse that is easy to manage and keep, and who meets the needs of young and old alike. He has a warm, loveable nature which is active, kind, intelligent, and willing. According to description he had to be ʺfleet of foot, a good jumper, a good swimmer and able to carry a substantial weight on his backʺ. He also had to be capable of drawing heavy loads of timber. Throughout the ages he has flourished and worked, often in poverty-stricken conditions. This was the sort of life that has shaped the Gypsy Horse what he is today. After a long period of disregard and neglect, the Gypsy Horse has finally come back into his own. Time and time again, he continues to prove himself to be the ideal trekking animal with his safe, sure-footed responsiveness. He is unrivalled for private driving and is a natural jumper. In addition, he is perfect for the disabled rider who benefits from his tractable and gentle disposition. The Gypsy Horse is, beyond doubt, the most versatile of animals in existence and long ago established a reputation as the best ride and drive animal in the world.

Description and artwork taken from and for more information visit: hLp:// www.gypsyhorseassociation.org/breed.html


Yes, I was one of those kids who got a pony for Christmas! A Shetland/ Hackney Cross. Too far back to remember my emotion, but the love of horses has stuck to this day. It has also led to my involvement with horses and associations throughout the years. Who knew that this first pony would lead to a lifelong love. I've already heard of a few kids that will be getting a pony for Christmas or pony's being advertised to be a present to that special boy or girl. It will be magical! Have some fun with this maze and have a Merry Christmas!

Shellie Blochberger CHA Instructor AQHA/APHA Professional Horsewoman


December 2017 ISSUE



December 2017 ISSUE


Horse Stables, Training, and services www.trixiechx.com Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram Kelsey Temmen Westphalia, Missouri 573-694-8423




Helmuth Equine Enterprises World Class Carriages & Comfy Fit Driving Harness available! We always have a nice selection of driving horses for sale! Serving St Louis & Surrounding Areas 906-221-3374

Horse Trailer RENTAL! 2 Horse bumper pull available. Flat rates, short or long hauls are the same price! Half Day- $50 Full Day- $100 Friday Pickup-Sunday Drop Off$200 Multiday discounts available Call or text at 314-696-9848 advertise@hoofprintjournal.com



TRANSPORTATION WANTED Wanted: Western Collectable Horses related items. Old back saddles, bits, spurs Contact Alvin Wagler 20273 CR 201 Bogard, MO 64622 660-731-5131 (Leave Message)

Trick Riding Performances, Clinics & Lessons! Trixie Chicks Trick Riders Fast, Fearless, Fabulous Professional PRCA Specialty Act We are now booking Performances, Clinics & Lessons for 2017! Please do not hesitate to contact us or check out our website at

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December 2017 ISSUE


Horse auctions & sale barns MISSOURI AUCTIONS


Davis County Livestock Market 912 W Grand Gallatin, Missouri 64640 660-663-2177 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30pm

Tim Phipps Horse & Tack Auction 1224 NW 10th Road Liberal, Missouri 64762 417-214-0040 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Tack at 5pm, horses to follow.

Farmington Livestock Sale 1600 Woodlawn Drive Farmington, Missouri 63640 Curtis Clark 573-429-9000 Horse sale every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Tack at 2pm, horses at 8pm. Catalog sale 3 times a year

Roberts Bros Livestock Auction 1416 E Hwy 32 Bolivar, Missouri 65613 417-326-5815 1st Wednesday of the month

North Missouri Livestock Auction 52762 Bus Hwy 5 Milan, Missouri 63556 660-265-4286 Rolla Auction 15596 N Highway 68 St James, Missouri 65559 573-265-8813 3rd Saturday of the month Tack at 1pm, horses to follow at 7pm Mid States Livestock Sale Kirksville, Missouri 660-341-7964 Lollies Brother Auction 704 Main St #A Macon, Missouri 63552 660-385-2516 1st Saturday of the month. March, May & September are 2 day (Friday/Saturday) consignment catalog sales. November is a consignment catalog sale Kirksville Livestock Market 24295 Benton Road Kingsville, Missouri 63501 660-665-9804 Horse & Tack Sale 2nd Saturday of the month

Carters SW City Livestock Auction 1913 Route MM Noel, Missouri 64863 417-762-4171 2nd Saturday of the month. Tack at 6, horses at 7:30 Boone County Sale Sedalia, Missouri Missouri State Fairgrounds 719-431-3137 March & September Missouri Horse Auction Springfield Sale Barn 417-725-3333 Last Friday of the month Tack at 2pm, Horses at 7:30 Bolivar Sale 1st Wednesday of the Month Montgomery City Sale 1st Friday of the Month Montgomery, Missouri Summersville Horse Sale 1st Friday of the Month Summersville, Missouri Robbins Horse Auction 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month


Schuyler Livestock E Lafayette Street Rushville, Illinois 62681 217-322-3385 Monthly horse sale Goreville, Illinois 800-872-0222 2nd Friday of the month Anderson Equine Sales 611 W Williams St Wyoming, Illinois 61491 309-657-3886 2nd Saturday of the month Kewanee Sale Barn 25836 N 800 Ave Kewanee, Illinois 61443 309-856-8806 Arthur Sale Barn 1204 N Vine Street Arthur, Illinois 61911 217-543-3255 3rd Saturday of the Month starting at 9am Horses Priced Right Horse and Tack Sale Ridgway Sale Barn Murphy Street in Ridgway, Illinois 1st Saturday of Every Month Used tack at 1pm, New tack at 3pm, Saddles 5pm, Horses 6pm Dan Browning 618-508-2028 Nebraska Palmyra Sale 1st Saturday of the month 1pm Morris, Illinois Spring Sale

Auction listings are FREE! Do you have an auction barn that we missed? Contact us today to get your information in the next issue of The Hoof Print Journal! www.hoofprintjournal.com advertise@hoofprintjournal.com Call or Text (314) 696-9848

December 2017 ISSUE


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