Online Edition
Cover photographed by Bethany Cantrell
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What's Inside â—? Cowboy Wisdom By Dennis Cappel Pages 4-5 â—? FREE Poster, from Dennis Cappel Page 6-7 â—? Missouri & Illinois Upcoming Events Page 11 â—? Exclusive List of Events from Von Holten Ranch
Pages 12-13 â—? Creating Trust and Respect By Brandy VonHolten Page 14-17 â—? Missouri & Illinois Horse Clubs FREE Membership Drive Page 18-19 â—? Breed Spotlight Page 20-21
January 2018
â—? Rider Fitness By Schellie Blochberger Page 22 â—? Classified & Horse Auctions Page 25-28
â—? Advertising Info Page 26, 27
â—? Advertising Info page 29-31
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January 2018 ISSUE
January 2018 ISSUE
By Dennis Cappel
D ecision The most important step in any journey is deciding where you want to go. This decision is the opposite to procrastination. Lack of decision is an ingredient common to most failures. Procrastination can easily become a habit that automatically derails the success of any endeavor. In the world we live road maps are becoming a thing of the past. The Li le box we all carry with us we still call a phone has replaced a lot of things the we used to rely on. Some of you for example have never even see an encyclopedia! Technology is changing our world at exceedingly rapid speed. GPS on our phones are sure convenient but they might be lulling us in to a state of complete ignorance on how to use a map. I use a map for everything I do with a horse, from balancing their feet to training them to whatever endeavor that they are asked to do. There are two things that must be accurately determined for any map to be of any use to you at all. These two things require one common ingredient.” Decision!” You have to accurately decide where you are and where you want to go. When these two things are determined and then dated with decision of when you want to arrive at your desired destination, you have set the stage for a successful journey.
January 2018 ISSUE
This is a great time of year to use a map to take control of your life! Kick procrastination out by making informed decisions on where you are and where you want to be. Successful people make these decisions quickly and change them slowly if ever. The voice of procrastination wants you to delay deciding and be quick to change them. This habit will keep stress high and results poor. It is your choice. Which will you choose? No more blaming and complaining like the famous Nike slogan, just do it!
All photography published for Dennis Cappel and Brilliant Attitude have been taken by Lori Aschbrenner
January 2018 ISSUE
January 2018 ISSUE
YOUR BUSINESS CARD HERE!!! FREE with your one year subscrip on! Only $35 Call or Text 314-696-9848 adver
January 2018 ISSUE
Decembers cover photo was taken at
GK Performance Horses, photographed by Annette Bosgal.
January 2018 ISSUE
MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events!
Reaccuring Events 2018
Reoccurring Events
FUN SHOW 4th Saturday of every month, MAYOctober. Brighton Saddle Club. Located just east of Hwy 13 (North of Springfield) at Hwy 215 West Go to 417-849-2244 Daily Open Arena Double T Performances Horses Call or Text to reserve! $10 Union, Missouri Brittney Teiber 636-856-6191 Brighton Saddle Club Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month Held at Smiths Restaurant, just south of Bolivar in Brighton, Missouri. 7pm 417-894-2244
Thank you to all the trainers, clubs, and events centers who have let us list their event AT NO COST in The Hoof Print
Journal. If we missed any important info for your listings, PLEASE contact us right away so we may fix it before the next issue comes out. Thanks again!!
Custom Draft Horse Frog Pads Frog pads add support to your horses hoof, giving them the feel of being barefoot, just like nature intended them to be, But with the added support and protection that they need!
Kat Me+ger Owner/Editor Call or Text (314) 696-9848
To place an order EMAIL:
January 2018 ISSUE
MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events!
Von Holten Racnh Events Mora, Missouri
January 1: New Year’s Day Ride January 7: VHR 2018 Cowboy Hat & Chat January 13: Indoor Tack Swap January 15: Mar n Luther King, Jr Unity Trail Ride January 21: VHR 2018 Cowboy Hat & Chat February 3-4: Free Day Pass Weekend February 10: Boots & Bow Ties Barn Dance February 23-25: Equifest of Kansas March 2-3: Stalls Half Priced Weekend March 10: Clinician: Brandy Von Holten: Mounted Archery March 16: ETS (Equine Trail Sports) Midwest Banquet March 17: 3rd Annual Luck of the Irish Treasure Trail Ride March 17-18: ETS Spring Buckle Series March 24: Clinicians: Brandy Von Holten & Taressa Rankin: Ranch Dressage March 31: 4th Annual Horseback Easter Egg & Scavenger Hunt April 6-7: Stalls Half Priced Weekend April 14-15: Clinician: Tinker Turner: Novice Working Cow Horse Clinic April 21-22: Clinician: Cindy Branham: Working Equita on Clinic April 27: Arbor Day: Plant a Tree, Get a Tree for Free April 28-29: ETS Spring Buckle Series May 4-5-6: ASHA (American Stock Horse Associa on) VHR Spring Versa lity Clinic & Show May 10-11-12: Clinician: Ty Evans: Mulemanship I & II May 13: NASMA Show May 19-20: Clinician: Magen Warlick May 26-27-28: Memorial Day Trail Ride and Scavenger Hunt May 26-27-28: ETS Spring Buckle Series Finals June 2-3: Clinician: Dan James: Double Dan Horsemanship June 4-7: Clinician: Lee Hart: Four Day Cowboy Logic Clinic June 8: Clinician: Lee Hart: Working Cow Horse and Ranch Pleasure Clinic June 9-10: 3rd Annual Country Tough Cowgirl & Cowboy Challenge June 16-17: 5th Annual Missouri State EXCA Championship June 18-21: Country Tough Double Excel Health Challenge June 23-24: Clinician: Lukas Novotny: MA3 Mounted Archery
January 2018 ISSUE
MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events!
Von Holten Racnh Events Mora, Missouri
June 30-July 1: 4th of July Celebra on: Patrio c Scavenger Hunt July 14: 2nd Annual Rockin’ Wrangler Round Up July 14-15: Country Tough Trail Versa lity (1 of 3) July 15: Country Tough Mounted Archers Prac ce July 21: UHCA (Ul mate Horseman’s Challenge Associa on) Compe on July 22: EXCA Big Bucks Showdown July 27-28-29: Clinician: Wylene Wilson-Davis: Extreme Wylene Horsemanship Clinic August 4-5: 3rd Annual Country Tough Cowgirl Challenge August 11-12: Country Tough Trail Versa lity (2 of 3) August 12: Country Tough Mounted Archers Prac ce August 20: Von Holten Ranch 112th Celebra on August 25-26: ASHA VHR Versa lity Clinic & Show September 1-2-3: Labor Day Weekend September 1-2: Country Tough Trail Versa lity Finals September 2: Country Tough Mounted Archers Prac ce September 8-9: Country Tough All Around Cowgirl September 15-16-17: Clinician: Lee Smith September 20: VHR’s 4th Year Blastoff September 22-23: ASHA VHR Fall Versa lity Clinic & Show October 6-7: VHR Country Tough All Around Cowboy October 26-27-28: 2018 Sport & Trail Games October 27-28: ETS Fall Buckle Series November 3: 3rd Annual Thanksgiving/Bad Santa November 10-20: Closed/Deer hun ng season November 24-25: ETS Fall Buckle Series Finals December 1-2: VHR Winter Versa lity Series December 20-27: Closed/Christmas Holidays
Von Holten Ranch WWW.VONHOLTENRANCH.COM 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, MO 65345 660-668-0880
January 2018 ISSUE
January 2018 ISSUE
By: Brandy Von Holten
ave you ever had someone
demand something when you would have gladly done it if they would have asked nicely? Have you ever had a boss that was too bossy? Think about how much more could get done if every request was asked, then told, and then demanded. This is the basis of earning the trust of people and of your horse. Of course there is way more to this than asking, telling, and demanding a cue. You must always ask first, and you must always follow through with your demand. If you are wondering what in the world I am talking about, then read along with me and learn how creating trust and respect can be as easy as 1-2-3. All training begins on the ground. I ask that my horse back up, demonstrate all gaits from the ground, and
amount of time, because if you turn into a kissing machine or clucking machine, you are begging. The verbal cue is a level 2.
yield the hind quarters. Let’s start with sending them around. With my lead rope in my left hand, I will raise my left hand, point, and look at my pointing hand. This is me “asking” my horse to read my body language, which I consider a level 1. If the horse does not depart, I will then cluck or kiss once. It is imperative that you only make the noise for a short
Continued on Page 16... January 2018 ISSUE
communicate with you. If you are predictable, and always do a level 1, level 2, and then a level 3, then your horse will understand to start seeking to complete the task at a lower level. Eventually you will be able to get your horse to a level 1 in all commands from the ground and saddle. Your horse will respect you because you fulfill the level 3, but can trust that you will use the lowest level if they comply. In the saddle, the exact same philosophy can be used. If you wanted to turn your horse to the left, you would first look to the left. Looking without the use of your hands or legs is a level 1. A level 2 would be to squeeze with your right leg. Level 3 is to lift with your left rein. So many people completely leave out level 1 and level 2 when turning and immediately go to using their
f your horse has still not budged, it is time for level 3,
which is the demand. I will actually make contact on the hind quarters with the extra rope in my right hand. It is crucial that you do not threaten the rope but go ahead and fulfill the demand. When I explain this concept to my students, I discuss children that know that there is a consequence and children that know that there is not any follow through. I would disengage the hindquarters and begin again. The most important part of this training exercise is that I must always present the level 1. No maAer how many times you are forced to go to a level 3, you must always start with a level 1. Here’s why. Your horse is trying to learn how to
January 2018 ISSUE
rom the horse’s stand point, you are a jerk. He/she had absolutely no idea that you wanted to turn and you went straight to the piece of metal in their mouth that works by pressure on the tongue, the corners
of the mouth, the bars of the jaw, and possibly the poll and roof of the mouth. If you consistently turn by looking and then leg pressure, followed by the use of your reins, this allows your horse the ability to learn over time that he/she can trust that you will do the levels in order. Every maneuver I ask my horse to do has a level 1, a level 2, and a level 3. If you are predictable, your horse will learn to comply with the least amount of pressure. They figure out that that they can rely/trust in your horsemanship. If you always give your horse two options before reaching a level 3, they will respect you and because you always give them cues before you use your level 3. Trust and respect are as easy as 1-2-3, but now forcing yourself is the real problem. I have found that I have to implement change, one maneuver at a time and make a mental effort to always try to remember to use the different levels. Not only do we need help with our horses, but our horses need help with their riders.
January 2018 ISSUE
History and mission of the club The Lincoln Trail Riders Saddle Club is the longest running saddle club in Illinois. Our focus is on promo ng horse ac vi es and horsemanship for all skill levels. The club arena has been in several dierent loca ons over the past couple of decades due to development. The ďŹ rst loca on was on Lincoln Trail (Highway 50) in what is now known as Fairview Heights, IL. This is how the name of the club originated. We oer both open pleasure and speed events on a regular basis from about April through September each year with our shows being held on Saturdays. The Lincoln Trail Riders also host family-friendly fun shows on occasion as well as an annual awards ceremony/White Elephant sale/ Christmas party. We also oer our club members the opportuni es to par cipate in parades, trail rides, and clinics. Come and join us! Mee ngs are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. They are held at Hardee's, just o Interstate 64 and Route 157 in Caseyville, Illinois. 62232. New members are always welcome and encouraged to a5end. Loca"on- Quarry Road in O’Fallon, Illinois 62269 Membership Cost -A Family membership is $30.00 plus a ďŹ rst-year ini a on fee of $10.00 and a single membership is $15.00 plus $10.00 ďŹ rst year ini a on fee. Membership dues are due by February 1st of each year. We oer a discounted rate for 4-H members as well.
Contact informa"on- Stephanie Goepfert 618-977-5167 or the Lincoln Trail Riders Facebook page on all upcoming events, photos, reminders, and other happenings with the club.
FREE Ads HERE for Club and Associations Membership Drive! WWW.HOOFPRINT JOURNAL.COM
January 2018 ISSUE
Upcoming Special Magazine Issues Now extended through March 2018 Club & Association Membership Drive
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Or mail to: Hoof Print Journal 230 May Ave Winfield, Missouri 63389 Call or Text for questions and more info (314) 696– 696– 9848
January 2018 ISSUE
BREED SPOTLIGHT This ar cle will not be breed speciďŹ c but encompasses all breeds. Due to the philosophy of the organiza on, I thought I would share my excitement about The American Stock Horse Associa"on.
The ASHA has its roots from the early 1990s in Texas. Set out to iden fy future needs of the equine industry and develop programs to help meet this goal, Jack Brainard, Roger Blackmon, Vicki Hogge5, Doug Householder, Bill Jackson, Dennis Sigler and B. F. Yeates recognized the need for educa onal programs designed to ride, train and promote the versa le horse. You may even recognize some of these founding members from other organiza ons.
I recently a5ended a clinic and judges seminar for the ASHA at VonHolten Ranch. My intent was to learn about the organiza on and test for my judges card. I learned so much more! The focus is not intended to just show your horse but to learn and grow ďŹ rst. Then have the opportunity to display your skills being judged individually on each maneuver you perform. And gePng feedback and help to consistently become a be5er rider. The ASHA endeavors to be posi ve and straight forward always encouraging growth and improvement.
There are only 4 classes to compete in: Stock Horse Pleasure Class (not your ordinary pleasure class). Very invi ng and easy to do in a sense. This class measures the ability of the horse to be func onal and a pleasure to ride. Nothing fancy. Neat and clean in presenta on; good horsemanship and proper way of going, focusing on transi ons.
Next is the Stock Horse Trail Class. Containing 6 to 9 obstacles, natural and nothing that forces spooking of any kind. No fancy pa5erns to remember.
Stock Horse Reining. Yes! The Reining pa5erns you will recognize, but you are not expected to perform long sliding stops and spins that make your head drop. Although these are fantas c to watch.
And last the Working Cow Horse. This may seem like the most diďŹƒcult part, especially if you've never rode around or worked ca5le before. The ASHA has it set up for every level to make it invi ng and easy where you can gradually work your way up to actually running the cow down the fence and turning it.
The ASHA will help you with every aspect of this organiza on from puPng on a show to showing and everything in between. There are divisions for youth and novice as well as the pro. And Mustangs and Mules are welcome to show. All this in a relaxed environment. I would encourage you to visit the ASHA and request a handbook at to learn more.
VonHolten Ranch in Mora, Missouri will be holding 3 compe ons and clinics in 2018 and Missouri State University will be holding 2 compe ons for the collegiate division. You may ďŹ nd out more informa on for these events at or h2ps://
by Schellie Blochberger CHA Cer ďŹ ed Instructor APHA/AQHA Professional Horseman OHSA Judge
January 2018 ISSUE
ASHA Clinic held in December at
VonHolten Ranch
RIDER FITNESS OK. Here's your chance. If you're not ďŹ nding me over the winter or don't have the luxury of an indoor riding arena and you ďŹ nd yourself doing nothing but chores (keep doing them!); or maybe just not being as ac ve over the winter with horses, now is the me to prepare for the spring riding season. Get yourself ďŹ t in order to be a be5er rider and meet some of those goals you've set for 2018.
One of the ques ons I've so oTen asked the rider's I've interviewed is how do you prepare for compe on. For some it's mental and some it is a workout of speciďŹ c exercises or cardio along with riding. Maybe it's both or maybe it's just making sure to ride on a regular schedule. Staying ďŹ t to ride may be a li5le easier for those who are youthful or those who ride year-round. However, you will become a be5er rider by strengthening your core and improving your balance. Here are a few exercises that you might try.
Balance - The best way to get in great shape and become a good rider is to ride. Having strong muscles is half of it, but training your brain and eyes and having balance and body control while on a moving object is also important. If you don't get this experience regularly, you will not be in the best possible shape for riding. If your winter riding is limited, ďŹ nd an indoor arena to haul to or take a few lessons at a stable with an indoor arena.
Flexibility – basic stretching exercises will work for this.
Cardiovascular – Running three mes a week. If running is not for you or if you can not take the impact, walk instead at least three to 5 mes a week.
January 2018 ISSUE
January 2018 ISSUE
Deadline is the 15th of every Month prior
Wagler’s Leather Shop Manufacture, Wholesale and Retail Leather Goods, Saddles, Tack and Supplies Saddle Repairs
Alvin Wagler 6 miles North of Carrollton on Hwy. 65 then West on Highway W 6 miles
20273 CR 201 Bogard, MO 64622 660-731-5131
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January 2018 ISSUE
Horse Stables, Training, and services Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram Kelsey Temmen Westphalia, Missouri 573-694-8423
Helmuth Equine Enterprises World Class Carriages & Comfy Fit Driving Harness available! We always have a nice selection of driving horses for sale! Serving St Louis & Surrounding Areas 906-221-3374
Horse Trailer RENTAL! 2 Horse bumper pull available. Flat rates, short or long hauls are the same price! Half Day- $50 Full Day- $100 Friday Pickup-Sunday Drop Off$200 Multiday discounts available Call or text at 314-696-9848
TRANSPORTATION WANTED Wanted: Western Collectable Horses related items. Old back saddles, bits, spurs Contact Alvin Wagler 20273 CR 201 Bogard, MO 64622 660-731-5131 (Leave Message)
Trick Riding Performances, Clinics & Lessons! Trixie Chicks Trick Riders Fast, Fearless, Fabulous Professional PRCA Specialty Act We are now booking Performances, Clinics & Lessons for 2017! Please do not hesitate to contact us or check out our website at
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One free ad per issue Add a photo for only $5 2nd Classified ad is only $3
January 2018 ISSUE
Horse auctions MISSOURI AUCTIONS Whites Equine Sales 1863 Hwy 59 Diamond, Missouriv64840 Cecil White, Owner/Manager Office (417) 325-4141 Home: (417) 325-5263 Cell: (417) 437-7594 Horse sale to be held last Wednesday of each month at 5pm World Fox Trotting Horse Sale 14375 County Road 7220 Newburg, Missouri 65550 Phelps County Ralph Vankirk, Owner/Manager Office: (573) 364-3662 Horses– Four special horse sales a year March and October at Boone County Fairgrounds. June and September at Douglas County Livestock Market Wright County Livestock Auction 9871 East 20th Street Mountain Grove, Missouri Wright County Mailing: PO Box 723 Mountain Grove, Missouri 65711 Nathan Kelly, Owner/Manager Office: (417) 926-4136 Home: (417) 746-1423 (Nathan) Cell: (417) 849-7496 Horse sale 1st Thursday of each month Norwood Producers Auction Yards PO Box 847 West Plains, Missouri 65775 Tom Haqrtley, Manager Office: (417) 746-4105 Home: (417) 581-6093 (Tom) Horses 1st Monday of each month at 6pm Owensville Auction Company 3635 Cuba Street Owensville, Missouri 65066 Gasconade County David and Donna Blankenship, Owners Office: (573) 437-5360 Cell: (573) 437– 5360 Horse sale 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 1:303-7679 Dale
(573) 783-3830 Jimmy (573) 631-9653 Mike Horses held 1st , 3rd, and 5th Saturday of each month at 6:30 Robbins Horse Auction Route 2, Box 1 Exeter, Missouri 65647 Barry County Gene Robbins, Owner/Manager Office: (417) 835-2238 Horses– Friday sale begins with tack at 6pm, horses at 8pm Show Me Driving Sale 18268 Kelsay Road Barnett, Missouri 65011 Morgan County Earl Zimmerman, Owner/Manager Office: (573) 378-4395 Home: (573) 378-4335 Cell: (573) 789-0923 4 horse sales per year, 12pm– call for details Unionville Livestock Market, Inc PO Box 405, Jct Hwy 5 and 136 Unionville, MO 63565 Putnam County Curt Sporleder, Owner/Manager Office: (660) 947-2451 Home: (660) 947-2870 Call for sale info Urbana Stockyards PO Box 321 Urbana, MO 65767 Dallas County Amy Knight, Owner Office: (417) 993-5989 Home: (417) 533-3475 Cell: (417) 594-1061 LD Dampier Stables and Sales 25336 Peach Drive Lebanon, MO 65536 Laclede County LD Dampier, Owner/Manager Office:(417) 532-3806 Foxtrotter sale held 1st Saturday in April starting at 11:30
January 2018 ISSUE
s & sale barns Mid States Livestock Sale NEMO Fairgrounds Kirksville, Missouri Jeb Weaver, Owner Home: (660) 457-3582 Horse sale held the last Saturday of January, March, April, May, June, September and October. Tack starts at 10am, horses at 3pm Midwest Livestock Auction Rich Hill, Missouri Bates County PO Box 67 Rockville, MO 64780 Puxico Livestock Auction 24400 State Highway 51 North Puxico, Missouri 63960 Stoddard County Mike Spain, Jimmy Spain– Owners Dale Spain– Manager Office: (573) 222-6229 Home: (573) 7 Davis County Livestock Market 912 W Grand Gallatin, Missouri 64640 660-663-2177 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30pm
Macon, Missouri 63552 660-385-2516 1st Saturday of the month. March, May & September are 2 day (Friday/Saturday) consignment catalog sales. November is a consignment catalog sale Kirksville Livestock Market 24295 Benton Road Kingsville, Missouri 63501 660-665-9804 Horse & Tack Sale 2nd Saturday of the month
Tim Phipps Horse & Tack Auction 1224 NW 10th Road Liberal, Missouri 64762 417-214-0040 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Tack at 5pm, horses to follow. Roberts Bros Livestock Auction 1416 E Hwy 32 Bolivar, Missouri 65613 417-326-5815 1st Wednesday of the month Carters SW City Livestock Auction 1913 Route MM Noel, Missouri 64863 417-762-4171 2nd Saturday of the month. Tack at 6, horses at 7:30 Boone County Sale Sedalia, Missouri Missouri State Fairgrounds 719-431-3137 March & September
Farmington Livestock Sale 1600 Woodlawn Drive Farmington, Missouri 63640 Curtis Clark 573-429-9000 Horse sale every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Tack at 2pm, horses at 8pm. Missouri Horse Auction Catalog sale 3 times a year Springfield Sale Barn 417-725-3333 North Missouri Livestock Auction Last Friday of the month 52762 Bus Hwy 5 Tack at 2pm, Horses at 7:30 Milan, Missouri 63556 Bolivar Sale 660-265-4286 1st Wednesday of the Month Rolla Auction 15596 N Highway 68 St James, Missouri 65559 573-265-8813 3rd Saturday of the month Tack at 1pm, horses to follow at 7pm Mid States Livestock Sale Kirksville, Missouri 660-341-7964
Montgomery City Sale 1st Friday of the Month Montgomery, Missouri Summersville Horse Sale 1st Friday of the Month Summersville, Missouri Robbins Horse Auction 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month
Lollies Brother Auction 704 Main St #A
January 2018 ISSUE
Horse auctions & sale barns ILLINOIS AUCTIONS Schuyler Livestock E Lafayette Street Rushville, Illinois 62681 217-322-3385 Monthly horse sale Goreville, Illinois 800-872-0222 2nd Friday of the month Anderson Equine Sales 611 W Williams St Wyoming, Illinois 61491 309-657-3886 2nd Saturday of the month
B and B Farm, LLC Horsemanship Instruction “Experience and knowledge combined to create safe horsemanship!”
Auction listings are FREE! Do you have an auction barn that we missed? Contact us today to get your information in the next issue of The Hoof Print Journal! Call or Text (314) 696-9848
Lessons – Boarding – Judging - Showing CHA Certified & Site Accreditation, AQHA/APHA Professional Horsewoman OHSA Judge
Kewanee Sale Barn 25836 N 800 Ave Kewanee, Illinois 61443 309-856-8806 Arthur Sale Barn 1204 N Vine Street Arthur, Illinois 61911 217-543-3255 3rd Saturday of the Month starting at 9am Horses Priced Right Horse and Tack Sale Ridgway Sale Barn Murphy Street in Ridgway, Illinois 1st Saturday of Every Month Used tack at 1pm, New tack at 3pm, Saddles 5pm, Horses 6pm Dan Browning 618-508-2028 Schellie Blochberger -12813 Brush Creek Rd., Russellville, MO 65074 573 - 690-7014
1/4 Page Ad $20 Per Issue!
Nebraska Palmyra Sale 1st Saturday of the month 1pm Morris, Illinois Spring Sale
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January 2018 ISSUE
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January 2018 ISSUE
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January 2018 ISSUE
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January 2018 ISSUE
The Hoof Print Journal ® 230 May Ave Winfield, Missouri 63389 Call or Text (314) 696696-9848