July 2017- Hoof Print Journal

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July 2017


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Online Edition

This months cover is sponsored by Von Holten Ranch See their ad on Page 3!

Tribute to our Soldiers inside!

Cover photo of 12 year old Jessica Kukanich Cowgirls and Gypsies - Salute to America Read her story on Page 20

What's Inside CONTENT

FEATURED ARTICLES â—? Cowboy Wisdom, By Dennis Cappel Page 5-7

â—? Missouri & Illinois 2017 Event Listings Page 17, 19-23


â—? Kids Corner Featured Rider of the Month Featured Club of the Month Page 25-27

â—? About our cover winner Page 18

July 2017

â—? Classified Page 28 â—? Missouri & Illinois upcoming Auctions & Auction Barns Page 29 â—? Advertising Information Page 30-31

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July 2017 ISSUE PAGE 2


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July 2017 ISSUE



By Dennis Cappel

Preparation pays off...


rilliant A8tude journey to the Fort Worth makeover is very

exci ng and full of adventure. These two horses were born in the same area and captured at the same me and held in the same holding facility. Judging by their similar physical


appearance, they would make you think that they are likely half brothers. They are smart, strong and apparently deep thinkers. They are very observant and a5en ve and respond to situa ons with deďŹ nite purpose. However, at this point, they are as dierent in their acceptance of people, as night and day. Brilliant A8tude one has chosen to be the one I will prepare for the makeover, because of his much more trus ng nature. BA 2 will be ďŹ ne as well but appears to need more me to accept domes city.

July 2017 ISSUE



ith Brilliant A8tude I have

chosen to use my agility course as the founda on to build upon. This course is an on line program that we developed to help people to understand be5er how to eec vely communicate with their horses. Course one consist of 12 groundwork lessons. Each lesson is like learning a word in horse language. It teaches you the meaning of the word and how to use it in everyday language that both you and your horse will fully understand. Much like our language the more understanding you have of it the more eec vely you can communicate. As soon as a person with a highly developed comprehension of the English language begins to speak it becomes apparent to all that hear how the words are used that this person sounds intelligent and that they have a high degree of understanding. This use of the language makes the person interes ng and someone that you are drawn to and you want to spend me with. The same is true of horses

when a person has studied the language of the horse and developed the art of using it uently the horses are drawn to that person and want to spend me with them because they feel secure and comfortable around them . Don't we all appreciate it when we feel like we are heard and understood?


rilliant A8tude was quick to be drawn to this understanding.

The third day he let me touch him and on day 4 he accepted a halter and using the techniques in the agility course he allowed me to lead him easily and with a trus ng acceptance. He followed me around my barn and over some ground poles, even some with plas c owers in them. He let me put him onto a lt bridge and while he was on it I rubbed on him to reassure him that this was in a good spot and that I was there for him. I took his halter o and he walked o of the bridge quietly. When I approached him to re catch him he walked over toward the bridge. With just a li5le encouragement from me he quietly crawled back into the bridge and soDly looked at me as if to say is this what you wanted! WOW!! In my 30 plus years of working with hundreds more like thousands of horses I have never seen understanding displayed like this in such a short amount of me. This really is exci ng!


I completed the agility course with him in about 20 days and I rode him on day 24 and it was as if he already understood what was expected of him. The founda on and the slowed down pace of learning is producing conďŹ dence in both he and me.

Thank you for joining us on the journey! Dennis & Brilliant Attitude

July 2017 ISSUE


Tribute to the Men and Women who have served our countryThank You for Your Service!

Joe Schock

Before 1983 not much happened

that I would want to put in a blog, I did a lot of things most people don’t do, should not do, and I am not proud of. I can’t really remember the turning point, but I remember thinking things had to change,

reasons, I was even expelled from school for threatening a teacher’s life. (That could have been the turning point) after being expelled I started to get my GED, but after a few months of that I remembered promising my dad that I would get my high school diploma before he past away, I was a year and a half back when I graduated from Riverdale High school (couldn’t go back to Bonnable because of the threat to the teacher thing)

I didn’t do great or even good in school. I think I was one of the “reasons” Saturday detentions were started again at Bonnabel High School. I failed in a few grades, having to spent most of my summers in school to try keep up with my class, I was suspended multiple of times for multiple

In 1983 while still in high school I enlisted in the Army Reserve delayed entry program. After finishing high School in 1985 I enlisted in the Army for 4 years. After finding out I was not going to get the assignment I preferred, I spoke with a Navy Recruiter who assured me he could have me transferred to the Navy, without a problem, so I joined the Navy in 1987. After boot camp I went to Meridian Mississippi for class A school to be a Yeoman, not being able to type out and I was discharged from school. I was then assigned to the USS Missouri (BB63), stationed out of Long Beach, CA. I was not aware of the historic importance of the ship I was about to serve on, but the longer I served aboard her, the more I learned.

we spent many months out to sea, visiting different ports — both US and foreign. Some of the ports we went to: San Diego CA, San Francisco CA, Bremerton WA, Honolulu HI, Canada, Mexico, Australia (twice), The Solomon Islands, the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Diego Garcia, Bahrain, and Thailand. There were others but unfortunately, I was too drunk to remember them. (More on that later) The ship also was off the coast of Iran and Iraq during the first gulf war and Desert Shield/Storm. The first department I worked for was the Deck Dept. Daily duties included maintenance of the teak wood deck and metal bulkheads. Maintaining the wood deck included holystoning—using large sandstone with a hole in the middle for a broom stick, to scrub the deck by hand. As a young sailor, far from home for the first time, I was usually in trouble, often due to combining alcohol with my outgoing personality. I had three or four NJP’s, (NonJudicial Punishment is known by different terms among the branches of service s, such as "Article 15," "Office Hours," or "Captain's Mast,) I lost stripes, money and was put on restriction (couldn’t leave the ship) and extra duty(work after normal duty hours) while in port. After the second or third NJP I was sent to alcohol rehab in the Long Beach Naval Hospital, where I got into more trouble for lets just say “expressing my opinion.” After getting kicked out of the program, I was sent back to the Missouri where Command Master Chief Charles Fleeks, (the top enlisted sailor) took me into his office and spoke with me. Facing loss of another stripe and an Other than Honorable Discharge, he asked me if this was truly where I wanted to be headed. I said no, and he had me reassigned to work in his office with the understanding I would still lose my stripe, but I would complete alcohol rehab and work hard to find where I belonged. During this time I was able to “test the waters” in different departments, to see which area fit me better. After about four to six months, I found the Ships Services area, including Laundry, Barber Shop, and the Ships Stores and was attached to them permanently. My final year and a half of service on the Missouri, my career in the military turned around. My evaluations went from 1.5’s -1.7’s (Low), to 3.7-4.0 (High). I ran the snack bar and found that the military was a job I really could enjoy and be proud of.

Once on board the Missouri, we immediately went out to sea. Over the years


July 2017 ISSUE


this unit, making all the sacrifices worthwhile. I have volunteered to serve in the AOR in Iraq, UAE and Afghanistan. I don’t ever look forward to being away from my wife and/or son, but these deployments are time I would say well spent away from my family. The first time I was due to go to Iraq my sister asked me “why you” I told her I asked to go because it was my job. Not understanding my “Why” she again asked why you. I wrote the following to answer her question.

Once I was in a job I liked, the military became a better place to be. I made friends that I still keep in touch with today. I began a new relationship with the woman who would eventually become my wife. When we would visit ports, I did all the fun stuff without drinking, but also participated in other things like painting an orphanage in Mexico, or giving tours of the ship to locals. Why then, when everything started going right, would I get out? I got married, then shortly thereafter, my wife and I got pregnant. The Missouri was scheduled to be out to sea when she was due. My enlistment was up in February of 1991, and with a baby on the way, I wanted to be home with my new family. So I went out on the cruise, but in the end of January, right before the Gulf War went into full force, I was allowed to leave the ship and go home, just weeks before my son was born.. After getting out of the Active Navy I went joined the Navy Reserves in New Orleans as a Sea BEE, where I did a couple of deployments, including one to Japan to help warehouse the items taken from the bases in the Philippines before they were shut down. When we moved to Springfield, MO where I joined the Army National Guards 1105th Aviation Classification and Repair Depot (AVCRAD) (later it changed into the 1107th) While in Springfield I went to Missouri State University and took ROTC classes towards becoming a commissioned officer. I did well while in the ROTC program, but during the 4th year (transition period) I decided I didn’t want to be an officer and dropped the course. At this point I have had more than 13 years as an enlisted member of the military and was, well tired of the “Army.” While in Springfield I started to work for Lowe’s. After about a year and a half Lowe’s moved us to Saint Joseph, Mo where I joined the 241st Air Traffic Control Sq. in the Missouri Air National Guard. I rejoined the military because I didn’t want to waste all the years of service and the September 11 bombings just increased my resolve to continue to serve my country

This Is Who I Am, To everyone I am somebody to. I am a Husband, I am a Father, I am a Brother, I am a Son in Law, I am a Brother in Law, I am an Uncle, I am a Cousin, I am a Nephew, I am a Friend, I am a Neighbor, I am a Co-Worker, I am a Christian, I am an American, I was a Son, And for all that I am or was… I was and always will be a SOLDIER!!! Since I retired from the military in 2013 I work full time as an engineer for the Saint Joseph School District and part time pastry and donut maker at Gold N Glaze donuts shop. Other than work, I enjoy time at home with my family (wife—Julie and 25 year old son—CJ his wife Damara and three Grandkids, Gracie(6), Sam(4) and Dalton(2)) and pets. My wife and I have 2 dogs and 2 horses. I am currently the vice president of the local Saddleclub, Pony Express Saddle & Bridle Club of Saint Joseph (PESBC). We are all semi active in our church, keeping us busy most of the year. We enjoy traveling whenever possible. We try to visit our families when we can--hers in Springfield, MO and Black River Falls, WI, or my family in New Orleans La. Motivation and Dedication is what I have learned from my military service: To have pride in my country, (After getting to visit so many other countries around the world it is easy for me to see how lucky we are here) Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice my wants and needs for the betterment of this country. And truly, I feel it is more than an honor to be able to serve this country, It is a privilege!!! And I am very Proud to have been able to.

Being attached to the 241st Air Traffic Control Squadron 12+ years had been like being a part of a big family. This unit made learning and serving fun. The leadership cares about all the people and makes sure they are there to support us whenever and however we need it. There is a sense of camaraderie within


July 2017 ISSUE


Joe Schock


July 2017 ISSUE


Jonathan Ebeling My name is Jonathan Ebeling! I am engaged to the beautiful Samantha

Dawn of Heart of a Cowgirl Photography who's photography was on the cover of the June issue. I joined the United States Army right after I graduated high school in 2009. It was never something I really thought about doing, but something I felt I had to do. I never thought about going National Guard or Reserve, I wanted to do it full time, so I made sure to be Active Duty. I enjoyed every second of it, made great friends along the way, and would do it all over again. I went to many advanced leadership schools during the 7 years I served. I also spent some time across the "big pond" over in

Afghanistan. There were scary moments, crazy moments, and of course funny moments. But the one thing it taught me was how close and caring others could be for one another. I did get injured, and still deal with the repercussions of it everyday. But I would do it all over again if I could! I seen a couple close buddies die right in front of me, and they are the reason I am so thankful I made it home. It was an honor to serve this great nation! I want to say thank you to all the Veterans and those still serving! Keep fighting that fight!

Audra Lenhart

I am active duty nurse in the United States Public Health Service

and hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander. I got my first horse in 1980, an American Quarter Horse. After being away from horses for 20 years, I adopted this rescue horse, a 2 year old American Saddlebred in 2015

Gene writes-

I entered Pana Township High School (Illinois), in the fall of 1942

and graduated May 31, 1946. While in High School, I was very active

in anything except scholastics. I played in the concert band, marching band, pep band, dance band, and school contest. I went to Centralia and Effingham for a massed band concert. Actually, played in any kind of band that needed a trombone during high school .

I entered the Army about June 26, 1946. Five of us joined the Army at the same time– Me, George Proffitt– Ronnie Hinton– JimKehias and Jack Haupt. Right after taking basic training, I was sent to Kobe,

Japan, where I was put in the signal corps and became a switchboard

operator. Soon after I went to Japan, George Proffitt was sent t0 Osaka, Japan, where he was playing in the 25th Infantry band. We got

together often. Soon ater, Ronnie Hinton was sent to Kyoto, Japan,

playing in a band. We were all close together and got to see each other quite often. Ronnie arranged to have me transferred back to Kobe to play in a dance band, for the balance of my time in Japan. George, Ronnie, and I all came back to the states on the same troop ship.

Gene Metzger

On a personal note, Gene Metzger is the grandfather of myself,

Katherine Metzger– the owner and editor of The Hoof Print Journal.

My grandfathers story means a lot to me, he is not the kind of person

to brag or boost about anything . But at 89 years old, my grandpa stills works full time at The Print Shop, which he and his late wife started nearly 50 years ago, he drives an hour home from work every day,

then proceeds to mow his 5 acres, or plant flowers in the garden. He is a grandfather, a brother, a father, and a great grandfather. Every

month when I sent this magazine off to print, my grandfather is the

one to “edit” it, and point out any errors. He is as sharp as nails, smart as anyone could be, and as scarastic and witty as they come. I am very proud of him, and proud of my late grandmother.

Gene Metzger served double duty in the service, both a Army and Navy veteran. His wife Jean Metzger was also a navy veteran.


July 2017 ISSUE


Soon after being discharged sometime in late 1947, I applied for

enrollment at Illinois college in Jacksonville, IL, and stayed there for 2/3

during that time. One time while collecting my pay at the Navy

Disbursement center, I attempted to get a date with a navy payroll clerk,

of the year. While there, I

Jean Heasley. She said that she would let me know, but gave no

but George was attending

denied me. I asked her “Home come?’, and she stated “I don date liars”. I

and I wanted to go there.

have left without collecting money owed to them. “What money?”, I

played in a college band,

immediate answer. Shortly soon after, I asked her again for that date, she

Conn Vocational School,

told her I did not lie, and she said that no body that left the Army would

So I quit college and went

asked her– Well Jean has discovered over $500 that was never collected.

while there. After

Diego, then were married June 21, 1952.

to Elkhart, IN. I played in a Jean waited for me to call home, get PROOF of my service in the army MAILED to me before she would accept my date. We dated while in San couple of different bands graduation, I returned to

Pana and opened my own repair shop in Mom and

Pops basement. While in Pana, I played in the tricounty fair band, the

Taylorville Community

Band and the Taylorville VFW drum and bugle

Corp. Then at the urging of Big Brother Bob, Ed Moore, and Jim

Rochkes, I joined the Naval Reserves (4/4/50). About 6 months later, I was called to active duty with the Navy, NO LESS. I had to learn

the navy lingo quick! We/all the reserves that were called to active

duty were sent to Great Lakes for assignment, We were asked what

kind of ship we wanted to serve on– well, having gotten back not too long before, and being on a troop ship, I knew I didn't even want to

be on any ship– but that didn't matter– the guy in front of me in line told them he wanted to be on “xyzx329” (whatever that was)...I

asked him if that was a good duty and he said “the best”, so I said

“give me the same”- then found out it was a “troop ship” and I knew

it wasn't for me. Then at the end of the “passageway” (“that’s a hall”– in English) there was a sign on the bulkhead (“that’s a wall”- in English) askig for musicians to audition for the Navy band. I

auditioned and passed and was sent to Washington, DC to music

school. While waiting for class to begin, I was assigned the musical

instrument repair shop. After a very short period of time, I became

sick, and was sent to Bethesda Naval Hosptial with a burst appendix. Spent two months there and was shipped to San Diego, where I played in that band until I was released from active duty.

While in San Diego, I played in the Navy base band, as well as

participated in several Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis movies prevalent

During all of my moves, I was still able to keep up with playing in bands. The Post Office Band in Saginaw, Michigan, A German Band in

Indianapolis, IN, a community band in Lake Orion, Michigan, the

Clarkston Community Band in Clarkston, MI, and New Horizons Band in Waterford, MI.

Probably one of my biggest thrills was when my son, Gary, decided to

give up learning to play clarinet, and decided to play trombone, “because dad could help me”. Gary and I played duets until he went to college.

MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events!

Reoccuring Events 2017

Reoccurring Events

Win Wednesday Rides Every Wednesday with Dennis Cappel. See Dennis Cappel on Facebook for times 66 White Wildlife Road Silex, MO 63377 314-486-4064 FUN SHOW 4th Saturday of every month, MAY -October. Brigton Saddle Club. Located just east of Hwy 13 (North of Springfield) at Hwy 215 West Go to www.brightonsaddleclub.org 417-849-2244 Daily Open Arena Double T Performances Horses Call or Text to reserve! $10 1556 Clearview Road Union, Missouri Brittney Teiber 636-856-6191 Brighton Saddle Club Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month Held at Smiths Restaurant, just south of Bolivar in Brighton, Missouri. 7pm 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddlecub.org


Thank you to all the trainers, clubs, and events centers who have let us list their event AT NO COST in The Hoof Print Journal. If we missed any important info for your listings, PLEASE contact us right away so we may fix it before the next issue comes out. Thanks again!! Kat Me,ger Owner/Editor Call or Text (314) 696-9848


July 2017 ISSUE


About our Cover!

Jessica Kukanich is 12 years old and from Eagle River Wisconsin. She started riding at the age of four. She found her true passion, trick riding, 2.5 years ago. Jessica’s horses name is Rex. Rex is a nine-year-old bay Gyspy Vanner. His beauty runs deeper than his coat. Through the years, Jessica has built a relationship with Rex that is unparalleled in terms of their loyalty and commitment to one another. Rex and Jessica had minimal training when Jessica got him 5 years ago. Everything that these two do together, even trick riding, Jessica has taught him. Jessica and Rex perform and compete solo in the art of trick riding and they perform as a team for Cowgirls and Gypsies – Salute to America. Salute to America is a performance that honors our service men and women and their families. Having family members in service the girls, Jessica and her sister Jenna, wanted to do something to honor them and others. Their performance includes choreographed riding to patriotic songs, recognition of what our American Flag means, honoring those who serve or have served our country and their families and then Jessica finishes the show off with thrilling trick riding. Truly a family friendly show and heart warming to see our youth, Jessica and Jenna, honor those who have given their lives so freely for our country.

June & July 2017

MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! July 2017

July 1 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

July 1, 2, 3, 4 4th of July Celebration– Patriotic Scavenger Hunt Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

July 8 Mo Central 4D Barrel Racers PENDING July 8 Brighton Saddle Club Team Sorting Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org July 8, 9 Missouri Paint Horse Show Sedalia, Missouri Schellie Blochberger 573-690-7014

July 11-15 Lincoln County Fair 1 Fairgrounds Road Troy, Missouri lincolncountyfair.net July 12 Open Youth Horse Show Macon County Fairgrounds South Hwy 63, Macon, MO July 15 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

Custom Draft Horse Frog Pads Frog pads add support to your horses hoof, giving them the feel of being barefoot, just like nature intended them to be, But with the added support and protection that they need!

July 1, 2 Miniature Horse Show Longhorn Arena 8802 Highway M, Mount Vernon, MO 308-380-2244


To place an order EMAIL: raber237@aol.com

July 5-9 Regional XI Arabian Horse Association Lake St Louis Equestrian Center July 7, 8, 9 Clinician– Michael Lyons Horsemanship Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 July 8 SW MO Regional All Breed Show Springfield Riding Club 5964 S State Highway NN, Rogersville, MO 65742 Contact Izzy 417-693-8260


July 2017 ISSUE


July & August 2017

MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! July 2017

July 15 Rockin’ Wragler Round Up Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 July 15 NBHA Barrels After Dark! Longhorn Arena 8802 Highway M, Mount Vernon, MO 308-380-2244 July 15 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers Hillsboro Civic Club Juy 15 Lincoln County Trail Riders Show LTR Arena– Located on Quarry Road, O'Fallon, Illinois 618-514-1145 July 15 St Clair Saddle Fun Club Show 1258 Gravois Road, St Clair, MO 63077 www.stclairsaddleclubsite.com July 15 Highland Saddle Club Super Show 12118 Ellis Road, Highland, IL 618-654-3401 July 16 Cowboy Chruch & Chuck Wagon on the Trails Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 Jul 15, 16 Mid Rivers Saddle Club Lake St Louis Equestrian Center July 15, 16 SLADS Lake St Louis Equestrian Center July 22 Brighton Saddle Club Show Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org July 22, 23 2nd Annual VHR Country Tough

Cowgirl Challenge Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 July 27 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers Farmington Fair July 28 Clinican– Brandy Von Holten/Double Excel Horsemanship Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 July 28, 29, 30 Flying R Ranch Chuckwagon Races West Plains, Missouri 417-469-2267 July 29 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

July 29, 30 AHCA MO State Championship Series, events 9-10 of 14 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 July 30 Avalon Horse Farms Mini Series Event 2275 New Farm Lane, Millstadt, IL Contact Denise 314-630-9490 July 31-August 5 American Shetland Pony Club Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

August 2017

August 2, 3 August 2nd 9am-August 3rd Hiking survival School August 3rd, 6pm– August 4th 6pm Equestrian Extension 8-12th Grades and Adults welcome! Experience level: No experience required. Taking a hike or a horseback ride in one of St Louis’s


many beautiful parks is fun and enjoyable until something goes wrong! Unforeseen circumstances like sudden weather changes, trail wash outs, an injury, falling off and losing your horse and even your horse spooking and running with you for a few miles from your intended trail do happen. Preparing for these evens take a little planning, skill and a “go kit” that includes the tools you will need. We’ll use Hidden Acres Homesteads large acreage & trails to learn to prepare for losing your trail and finding yourself on-the-grid without cell phone service; even to be able to handle the unexpected overnight out in nature! Go Kits are included! The evening will include a camp out with tents and cooking with cast iron over the campfire! Www.holistichorsemanshipllc.summe r-school.html lisa@holistichorsemanshipllc.com August 5 Sullivan Saddle Club Show Sullivan, MO 630-449-8587 August 5, 6 4th Annual Missouri EXCA Race: Double Double Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 August 6 American Saddle Association has its Cherry Valley Equestrian debut for a one day clinic! This is your opportunity to try riding aside “like a lady”. Lunch and saddles provided! Need a mount? We have side saddle horses ready for you to ret for the day! $75 per participant (includes classroom, lunch, and annual membership to ASA) or $25 to audit. Lara 847-602-1433 Cherry Valley Equestrian 5561 Rotary Road Cherry Valley, IL 61016

July 2017 ISSUE


MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! August 7, 8 Clinician– Dan James/Double Dan Horsemanship Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 August 6 Broke & Busted Saddle Club Horse Show 2pm Lincoln, Missouri 573-552-6635 August 11-13 Central States Team Roping Lake St Louis Equestrian Center August 9-13 NAWD & FOSH Festival for the Horse Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 August 12 SW MO Regional All Breed Show Springfield Riding Club 5964 S State Highway NN, Rogersville, MO 65742 Contact Izzy 417-693-8260 August 12 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers PENDING August 12 Brighton Saddle Club Trail Challenge Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org August 12, 13 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm on the 12th, 1pm on the 13th. Ultimate trail class on the 13th, will not be reschedule if rained out 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

August 18 Clinician– Brandy Von Holton/ Double Excel Horsemanship Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

August & September 2017

August 19 Lincoln County Trail Riders Show LTR Arena– Located on Quarry Road, O'Fallon, Illinois 618-514-1145 August 19 Highland Saddle Club Super Show 12118 Ellis Road, Highland, IL 618-654-3401 August 19, 20 AHCA MO State Championship Series, events11-12 of 14 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 August 19 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers Hawk Point Arena August 19 Kaysinger Horse Show Circuit Pleasant Hill Bit N Spur Arena Located west of Pleasant Hill, MO South side of Hwy 58 & Miller Rd 660-624-3026 August 19, 20 Kirkwood Show Lake St Louis Equestrian Center August 25, 26, 27 Clinician– Wylene Davis/Extreme Wylene Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 August 25, 26 Down under Horsemanship Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org August 26, 27 Clinton Anderson Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

September 2017

September 2,3 The National Mounted Police Training Service joins us again, this time for a more Advanced course in desensitizing our horses. More challenging than the basic course, we get deeper into scarier objects (Visual, auditory and sensory). Cost is$400 for the two day clinic (Includes lunch and certificate). MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE BASCI NMPTS DE-SPOOKING & DESENSITIZING CLINIC PRIOR TO THIS! Contact Lara 847-602-1433 Cherry Valley Equestrian 5561 Rotary Road Cherry Valley, IL 61016 September 2 Sullivan Saddle Club Show Sullivan, MO 630-449-8587 September 2, 3 4 Labor Day Weekend & Scavenger Hunt Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

August 26 Broke & Busted Saddle Club Horse Show 2pm Lincoln, MO 573-552-6635

September 2, 3 4 ETS Fall Buckle Series, events 1-23 of 9 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

August 26 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313

September 2, 3 Missouri Paint Horse Show Sedalia, Missouri (Partner show with MO POA) Schellie Blochberger 573-690-7014


August 26 Brighton Saddle Club Show Arena is located between Hwy 13 &


September 6-10 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

July 2017 ISSUE


MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! September 2017

September 8 Clinician– Brandy Von Holton/ Double Excel Horsemanship Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

September 9 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

September 9, 10 AHCA MO State Championship Series Finals Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 September 9 SW MO Regional All Breed Show Springfield Riding Club 5964 S State Highway NN, Rogersville, MO 65742 Contact Izzy 417-693-8260 September 9 Brighton Saddle Club Team Sorting Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org September 10 Broke & Busted Saddle Club Horse Show 11am Dietz Arena Calhoun, MO 573-552-6635 September 13-17 SLNCHS Hunter/Jumpers Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

September & October 2017

September 16 Saddle Up for St. Jude 18th Annual trail ride & Auction Higbee, Missouri 660-456-7829 September 16 St Clair Saddle Fun Club Show 1258 Gravois Road, St Clair, MO 63077 www.stclairsaddleclubsite.com September 16 Lincoln County Trail Riders Show LTR Arena– Located on Quarry Road, O'Fallon, Illinois 618-514-1145 September 15, 16, 17 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers Central 4D District Finals September 16, 17 2nd Annual VHR Country Tough Cowgirl Challenge Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 September 23 POA Horse Show Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 September 23 Brighton Saddle Club Show Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org September 23 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

September 15 Reining Clinic (Clinician TBD) Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

September 23 Kaysinger Horse Show Circuit Pleasant Hill Bit N Spur Arena Located west of Pleasant Hill, MO South side of Hwy 58 & Miller Rd 660-624-3026

September 16 Highland Saddle Club Super Show 12118 Ellis Road, Highland, IL 618-654-3401

September 27-30 SLNCHS Saddlebred Lake St Louis Equestrian Center


September 29, 30, Oct 1 We Ride Festival (Tentative) Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 September 30 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers PENDING September 30 Broke & Busted Saddle Club Horse Show 11am Lincoln, MO 573-552-6635

October 2017

October 1 Saddlebred Academy Classes Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 6, 7, 8 MO Central 4D Barrel Racers Fickerwood Arena DATES PENDING October 7 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubin c.com October 7, 8 VHR Country Tough All Around Cowboy Competition Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 October 7-8 SLADS Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 12-14 Rodeo Finals Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 14 SW MO Regional All Breed Show Springfield Riding Club 5964 S State Highway NN, Rogersville, MO 65742 Contact Izzy 417-693-8260

July 2017 ISSUE


October, November, December 2017

MISSOURI & ILLINOIS Upcoming Equine Events! October 14 Kaysinger Horse Show Circuit Pleasant Hill Bit N Spur Arena Located west of Pleasant Hill, MO South side of Hwy 58 & Miller Rd 660-624-3026 October 14, 15 Clinician– Lee Hart/Cowboy Logic Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 October 15 Illinois Boots & Saddle Club Show– 6pm HALLOWEEN SHOW 2043 Harris Lane Alton, IL 62002 Christ Sherer 618-570-4313 www.theillinoisbootsandsaddleclubinc.com

October 21 Costume Show! St Clair Saddle Fun Club Show 1258 Gravois Road, St Clair, MO 63077 www.stclairsaddleclubsite.com October 21 (Rain day show) Lincoln County Trail Riders Show LTR Arena– Located on Quarry Road, O'Fallon, Illinois 618-514-1145 October 21 (Rain Day Show) Highland Saddle Club Super Show 12118 Ellis Road, Highland, IL 618-654-3401 October 21, 22 Bullshitters Weekend Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 October 21, 22 Mid Rivers Saddle Club Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 21, 22 Missouri Paint Horse Club Carthage, Missouri Schellie Blochberger 573-690-7014 October 21, 22 Fall Festival & Draft Horse Plow

Days 834 NW Osage Drive Hamilton, MO 64644 Cathy Youtsey 816-284-1654 October 21, 22 MO Reining Horse Association Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 28 Brighton Saddle Club Show Arena is located between Hwy 13 & Hwy F @ Hwy 215 West. Brighton, MO 417-894-2244 www.brightonsaddleclub.org October 28, 29 ETS Fall Buckle Series, events 4-56 of 9 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 October 28, 29 Irish Fox Schooling Show Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 28, 29 MO Paint Show Lake St Louis Equestrian Center October 29 Avalon Horse Farms Mini Series Event 2275 New Farm Lane, Millstadt, IL Contact Denise 314-630-9490

November 17-19 Fall Harvest Youth Horse Show National Equestrian Center Lake St Louis, Missouri 573-220-1543 November 18-19 MO Ranch Horse Association Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 25 SLADS Schooling Lake St Louis Equestrian Center November 25, 26 ETS Fall Buckle Series, events 7-89 of 9 Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880

December 2017

December 6-10 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center December 13-17 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center

October 29 HALLOWEEN SHOW Sullivan Saddle Club Show Sullivan, MO 630-449-8587

November 2017

November 1-5 Queenie Productions Lake St Louis Equestrian Center


November 4,5 Annual VHR Country Tough One Fly Cowgirl Challange Von Holten Ranch 30455 Pacific School Road Mora, Missouri 65345 Contact Brandy 660-668-0880 November 11, 12 Irish Fox Show Lake St Louis Equestrian Center


July 2017 ISSUE


Tranquil Companion Healing touch for Animals Ž Encompassing animals with energetic healing through stress and pain relief. Imagine being able to study the Equine Iris and determine whether you should ride or show today– and what to do about it‌

This is all possible with Equine Iridology Ellen Collinson School of Equine Iridology hosted by Tranquil Companion, enrolling now for September classes! Iridology is one of the most beneďŹ cial and rewarding sciences one can learn. It is a safe and painless and non intrusive form of diagnosis, via the study of the iris using magniďŹ ca on. In this way inherited gene c strengths and weaknesses as well as tendencies toward certain ingrain/system dysfunc on may be ascertained. Professional iridologists agree that acute, subacute, chronic and degenera ve condi ons of the body are all reected in the iris. Iridology is now part of the curriculum for many colleges, including, the medical schools in Moscow and in the Medical Department of the University of Paris Nord. Which is why French equine trainers know immediately what an equine iridologist is.

Ellen Collinson’s School of Equine Iridology is now being oered in the Un!ed States, hosted by Tranquil Companion. Cer ďŹ ca on can be completed in as li le as ďŹ ve days. Curriculum includes four levels of training with prac cal's at the end of each day, books are included. We oer cer ďŹ ca on, life me mentorship, advise, and tools for se+ng up your own prac ce as well as lis ngs on the Tranquil Companion and the Ellen Collinson’s School of Equine Iridology Resource Page and Websites. For Enrollment Informa on go to: www.tranquilcompanion.com email– tranquilcompanion7@gmail.com

Tranquil Companion Services Treatment Sessions Photonic Health Tuning Fork Magnetic Therapy Raindrop, Detox, Emotional Release with Essential Oils Therapy and More! Assessments Animal Empath Communication Equine Iridology Acupressure Charka

Maureen Keller Practitioner Certified Equine Iridologist

618-972-8267 tranquilcompanion7@gmail.com www.tranquilcompanion.com


Our mission Engaging youth as valued, contribu ng members of their communi es in partnership with caring adults.

Our vision A world in which youth and adults learn, grow and work together for posi ve change.

Get involved Build friendships at camps, conferences and events as well as club and project mee ngs. Showcase your work and crea ons at fairs and compe ons. Dive into exci ng ac vi es that interest you. Join our ac ve members who are learning, growing and preparing to be leaders who make a real dierence in their community, country and world. Get involved! Come explore the world of 4-H.

Projects and opportuni es 4-H projects and opportuni es fall into the eight topic areas. You can browse by topic, the alphabe cal list on the Illinois or Missouri website. Projects 4-H members enroll in projects at the beginning of the academic year based on their personal interests and the availability of project leaders for their club. Not all projects are available to all clubs. Check with your club leader to ďŹ nd out what projects your club has available. Enrolling in a project is a commitment to follow the curriculum, par cipate in project ac vi es with your group or on your own, and have something to show for your eort at the end of the year. Credit is given for project comple on through your 4-H club Opportuni es

Opportuni es are ongoing statewide programs, camps, compe ons and ou ngs in which 4-Hers, clubs, families or schools may par cipate. Check out the website for your state to see what's available.

And, YES, Horses & Horsemanship are projects that are very popular in 4-H!

h5p://4h.missouri.edu/home.aspx h5ps://4h.extension.illinois.edu/


July 2017 ISSUE


YOUTH EQUESTRIAN NEWS Results from the Memorial weekend Missouri Paint Horse Club show: Hi Pt Yth W/T Madelyn Williams & Sultry Sweet & Good Hi Pt Yth 13 & under Hannah & Another Gentleman Res. Hi Pt Yth 13 & under Payton Williams & The GiD of Love Hi Pt Nov. Yth Kelsey Dunlap & Exo c Res. Hi Pt Nov. Yth Chiara Traub & Gentlemen Set Trends Hi Pt Yth 14-18 Chiara Traub & Gentlemen Set Trends Res. Hi Pt Yth 14-18 Lizzie Jacobs & Get Down N Get Fancy Hi Pt Yth Solid Chiara Traub & Oh Where Is My Spot

Results from the Training Classic Show at Sedalia, Mo. May 13 Josey Bartle5 - 2nd in Costume and WT Trail, 5th in WT Horsemanship, 4th in WT Youth, 5th in Egg & Spoon on Maybe I'll Be Famous. Brodey Bartle5 - 4th in Showmanship, 4th in WT Horsemanship, 3 in Youth Barrels, 2 in Open Barrels on Transfer D Moolah. Brodey Bartle5 - 1st in Costume, 5th in Youth Barrels on Bold Sun Rising. Dankia Latham - 3rd Youth Trail, 4th WT Youth Eq, 1st Yth Eng Eq, 6th Youth WT English Pleasure, 2nd Yth Eng Pleasure, 3rd WT Yth Horsemanship, 1st Yth Horsemanship, 5th Yth Western Peasure, 3rd Walk Trot, 5th Open Western Pleasure, 2nd Egg & Spoon on Only Invite The Babes. Ella Hiliman - 1st Youth Showmanship with Hun n Gold. Trenton Weber - 1st Lead Line on Postman. Cassidy Lawson - 3rd Halter, 2nd Showmanship, 5th Trail, 1st WT English Eq, 12nd WT Pleasure, 1st WT Horsemanship, 6th Walk Trot, 2nd Green Horse, 2nd WT Barrels, 1st WT Poles on Not About The Money. Cassidy Jones - 1st in Pony Halter and 1st In Hand Trail, and on Five O-Clock Somewhere 1st in Western Pleasure. Madelynne Alden - 2nd Showmanship, 1st WT Trail, 5th WT Horsemanship, 4 in 18 & under WT Horsemanship and 18 & under Horsemanship, 2nd in WT on I'm Extra Flashy. CJ Kirkland - 3rd in WT Barrels & Poles on BCQH Diamonds Lass. Riding Reinvest In Houston 5th Showmanship, 3rd WT Eng Eq, 4th WT Eng Pleasure, 1st WT Horsemanship, 3 Walk Trot, 6th Egg & Spoon. Brinley Mulligan - 1st in Showmanship, 3rd WT Horsemanship on Zippin In My Beetlbug. Dankia Latham - 1st in Yth & Open Barrels and Yth & Open Poles on Tu Ki5y Belle. Dankia Latham - 2nd in Ranch Riding on Playboy Zan It.

Do you have some club news to share? Feature it here at no cost! Share your results from the past shows, upcoming events, or anything you would like to share!! Just send your informa on to Sheillie Blochberger at Osagehorsesbandb@gmail.com or adver se@hoofprintjournal.com


July 2017 ISSUE


Featured Youth Rider!! We are looking for you!! Would you like to be in The Hoof Print Journal??? Any youth in the horse industry can be our featured youth rider! Send your picture and info to the email below, and YOU could be in the next issue!!

This could be you!!!!

(If you would like to be included in our bio sec on, please send your name, where you live, what grade you're in, a photo of you and your horse, what your horse is and why you like horses to Schellie at Osagehorsesbandb@gmail.com.)


HELPFUL HINTS Summer is Horse Camp time. You or your parents may be looking at signing you up for a summer horse camp. Lots of fun! Camps can vary widely, but always include riding. So here are just a few tips to help you have a great experience. Choose a camp that teaches safe horsemanship that will fit your ability level that has a good reputation for youth programs that have facilities that are maintained with experienced instructors where the horses are healthy and well trained All this and more can be found out by making a call and asking questions about the camp program you are interested in. Most facilities will be willing to answer and invite you for a visit before hand. If you don't get a good response, then maybe it's not the camp for you. Happy Horse Camping! Schellie Blochberger CHA Instructor APHA/AQHA Professional Horseman


July 2017 ISSUE


Horse Stables, Training, and services www.trixiechx.com Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram Kelsey Temmen Westphalia, Missouri 573-694-8423




Helmuth Equine Enterprises World Class Carriages & Comfy Fit Driving Harness available! We always have a nice selection of driving horses for sale! Serving St Louis & Surrounding Areas 906-221-3374

Horse Trailer RENTAL! 2 Horse bumper pull available. Flat rates, short or long hauls are the same price! Half Day- $50 Full Day- $100 Friday Pickup-Sunday Drop Off$200 Multiday discounts available Call or text at 314-696-9848 advertise@hoofprintjournal.com



TRANSPORTATION WANTED Wanted: Western Collectable Horses related items. Old back saddles, bits, spurs Contact Alvin Wagler 20273 CR 201 Bogard, MO 64622 660-731-5131 (Leave Message)

Trick Riding Performances, Clinics & Lessons! Trixie Chicks Trick Riders Fast, Fearless, Fabulous Professional PRCA Specialty Act We are now booking Performances, Clinics & Lessons for 2017! Please do not hesitate to contact us or check out our website at

CLASSFIED ADS 1st ad up to 60 words


One free ad per issue Add a photo for only $5 2nd Classified ad is only $3


July 2017 ISSUE


Horse auctions & sale barns MISSOURI AUCTIONS


Davis County Livestock Market 912 W Grand Gallatin, Missouri 64640 660-663-2177 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30pm

Tim Phipps Horse & Tack Auction 1224 NW 10th Road Liberal, Missouri 64762 417-214-0040 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Tack at 5pm, horses to follow.

Farmington Livestock Sale 1600 Woodlawn Drive Farmington, Missouri 63640 Curtis Clark 573-429-9000 Horse sale every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Tack at 2pm, horses at 8pm. Catalog sale 3 times a year

Roberts Bros Livestock Auction 1416 E Hwy 32 Bolivar, Missouri 65613 417-326-5815 1st Wednesday of the month

North Missouri Livestock Auction 52762 Bus Hwy 5 Milan, Missouri 63556 660-265-4286 Rolla Auction 15596 N Highway 68 St James, Missouri 65559 573-265-8813 3rd Saturday of the month Tack at 1pm, horses to follow at 7pm Mid States Livestock Sale Kirksville, Missouri 660-341-7964 Lollies Brother Auction 704 Main St #A Macon, Missouri 63552 660-385-2516 1st Saturday of the month. March, May & September are 2 day (Friday/Saturday) consignment catalog sales. November is a consignment catalog sale Kirksville Livestock Market 24295 Benton Road Kingsville, Missouri 63501 660-665-9804 Horse & Tack Sale 2nd Saturday of the month

Carters SW City Livestock Auction 1913 Route MM Noel, Missouri 64863 417-762-4171 2nd Saturday of the month. Tack at 6, horses at 7:30 Boone County Sale Sedalia, Missouri Missouri State Fairgrounds 719-431-3137 March & September Missouri Horse Auction Springfield Sale Barn 417-725-3333 Last Friday of the month Tack at 2pm, Horses at 7:30 Bolivar Sale 1st Wednesday of the Month Montgomery City Sale 1st Friday of the Month Montgomery, Missouri Summersville Horse Sale 1st Friday of the Month Summersville, Missouri Robbins Horse Auction 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month


Schuyler Livestock E Lafayette Street Rushville, Illinois 62681 217-322-3385 Monthly horse sale Goreville, Illinois 800-872-0222 2nd Friday of the month Anderson Equine Sales 611 W Williams St Wyoming, Illinois 61491 309-657-3886 2nd Saturday of the month Kewanee Sale Barn 25836 N 800 Ave Kewanee, Illinois 61443 309-856-8806 Arthur Sale Barn 1204 N Vine Street Arthur, Illinois 61911 217-543-3255 3rd Saturday of the Month starting at 9am Horses Priced Right Horse and Tack Sale Ridgway Sale Barn Murphy Street in Ridgway, Illinois 1st Saturday of Every Month Used tack at 1pm, New tack at 3pm, Saddles 5pm, Horses 6pm Dan Browning 618-508-2028 Nebraska Palmyra Sale 1st Saturday of the month 1pm Morris, Illinois Spring Sale

Auction listings are FREE! Do you have an auction barn that we missed? Contact us today to get your information in the next issue of The Hoof Print Journal! www.hoofprintjournal.com advertise@hoofprintjournal.com Call or Text (314) 696-9848

July 2017 ISSUE


Missouri & Illinois source for all things horse related!

2017 Rates Multi Ad Discounts: (cost per issue)





Full Page Ad


$54 $51

Half Page Ad


$27 $25 $24

Quarter Page Ad


$18 $17


Business Card Ad




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$67 $63 $60

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* First come basis, includes your name and logo on cover, and full page ad on Page 3

*First ad up to 60 words FREE. One per issue, per customer.

Photo addition to classified


Deadline is the 15th of Every Month Prior to Advertising


$55 $52

Missouri & Illinois source for all things horse related!

2017 Rates New changes this year: * We have changed from a seasonal magazine to a MONTHLY magazine! * Yearly subscriptions now available! Sign up on our website. FREE business card ad with a subscription. Limit one per customer, for the duration of your subscription. * Your first classified ad (up to 60 words) is now FREE! Limit one per customer, per issue.

What hasn't changed: * FREE event listings * FREE Auction information * FREE to view The Hoof Print Journal online

The DEADLINE for all advertisements, and article submissions is the 15th of the month prior to advertising. CALL OR TEXT (314) 696-9848 ADVERTISE@HOOFPRINTJOURNAL.COM


The Hoof Print Journal ® 230 May Ave Winfield, Missouri 63389 Call or Text (314) 696696-9848 advertise@hoofprintjournal.com www.hoofprintjournal.com



Don’t own a horse trailer? Rent one! 2005 Exis 2 (can fit 3 small ) Horse aluminum bumper pull trailer. Located in Winfield, Missouri 63389. Weekends fill up fast! Book your dates now! •

Half Day RentalRental- $50

Full Day RentalRental- $100

Friday PickupPickup-Sunday Drop off RentalRental- $200

Multi day discounts available Same price for local and long distance! Text or Call for more info! (314) 696-9848 advertise@hoofprintjournal.com

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