M U LT I - I M AG I N G C R E AT I N G P H OTO C U B I S M A trip up London on a ‘Jack the ripper tour’ gave me an opportunity to take pictures where we walked and then create a multi-imaged picture, inspired by David Hockney’s work.
M I R R O R I N G I M AG E S A visit to Worthing was the perfect landscape to take pictures with my manual SLR camera and once developed manipulate them to create a new image. I found mirroring a picture created a unique projection of the original scenery and explored it further.
C O N C LU S I O N F O R M Y P E R S O N A L P R O J E C T From exploring the basic mechanics of a camera it allowed me to understand more about how to capture a photograph. It is important to consider the f stop, shutter speed and depth of field to know how the photograph will come out. I enjoyed experimenting with photography and allowed me to create some unique and interesting images.