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FROM M TO M Or, How to Begin in the Midst of Things Modulator—To whom should the invitation be addressed? Does Modulator have an address? No. Modulator is not the name of a group of artists. Is Modulator the name of a work of art? Occasionally it performs that function. And when it is not performing that function, what is it then? A number of variables for presenting exchange. But who exchanges what? The number of participants is undetermined because it includes a recipient who cannot be ordered about. One recipient? Well, perhaps there are several, and so the number of participants cannot be stated. It does happen that an exhibition is visited by more than one person. So are we talking about an exhibition as a presentation in art space? Occasionally that is what the Modulator is, yes. Over the long term, however, it is a format that is undergoing a change of format—from seminar to publication to exhibition, and so on. Your next question is perhaps Modulator as well. Because it could modulate the next answer? Who is directing? The question-and-answer model. So, not modulator? We both have knowledge that the other has signaled a willingness to receive. We exchange, and in the process a third potential is achieved. Modulator appears when neither of us lays claim to possession or authorship of this potential. Is Modulator something like a curator of knowledge? In order to constitute it as a subject, one has to assume that this potential can be represented by a subject. Yet it is potential that has no fixed support. A potential with a material support is no longer a potential but rather capital. And the stage direction? Imagine this: While you ask me a question, you are listening to yourself. Whether you speak and listen simultaneously or one after the other, the Modulator appears when you can imagine playing both of these roles. Does the modulator program my thinking? It is no substitute for a moderator, an adviser, a teacher, or any other function for which we expect the person to have more knowledge than we do. It generates the exchange of roles between me, you, the model for discussion, the stage direction, and the material 142

Eran Schaer

of the dialogue. Is it then an authority? Certainly, but not like one in a representative democracy where the representatives are elected on the basis of certain content, because content is undetermined and cannot therefore be represented. Rather than representing this or that or its authority, Modulator sets a process of mutual authorization in motion. In other words, can visitors no longer withdraw from the business of understanding an artwork with the justification that they lack knowledge? In order to know that they lack knowledge, visitors must have an idea of this knowledge, otherwise how could they assume they lack it? Do you mean to say that our social institutions and especially educational systems are based on the idea of what someone lacks. I do not intend to say that; I just did say it. No, I said that. Eran Schaerf, “Imaginäres Interview,” 2006 1 2

Jenni Zimmer, Modul (Module), ink on paper, 2005. Modulator (Mareike Bernein, Nadine Droste, Gunnar Fleischer, Axel Gaertner, Oliver Gemballa, Un-ui Jang, Heiko Karn, Jeong Hyun Kim, Alexander Mayer, Katrin Mayer, Nicole Messenlehner, Karolin Meunier, Stefan Moos, Miriam Pietrusky, Christoph Rothmeier, Eran Schaerf, Eske Schlüters, Jochen Schmith, Robert Schnackenburg, Mirjam Thomann, Sabin Tünschel, Gunnar Voss, Karsten Wiesel, Benjamin Yavuzsoy, Joachim Zahn, and Jenni Zimmer), View of installation of the exhibition Akademie: Kunst lernen und lehren, Kunstverein Hamburg, 2005.

Multiple—For Hegel “acting is simply transferring from a state not yet explicitly expressed to one fully expressed.” And “till he has made himself real by action,” “the individual cannot know what he is.” Thus when the individual knows what he is he is a transferred individual. Can he transfer himself back or re-transfer himself? Or does he have to reverse his state of knowledge in return? And how is that to happen if not through the metaphorical deleting of files? Perhaps with the “undercover autobiography” of Eva Meyer in which a story of perception takes place “that casts doubt on the adjective ‘real,’ on the verb ‘to be,’ and on the per-

sonal pronoun ‘I.’ Without question it goes back to the desire to show what is inside through behavior, and that is the moment in which one begins to write a undercover autobiography” (Meyer, Von jetzt an werde ich mehrere sein). That begins with a thing that is “by no means a multilayered thing” but a thing that one “neither knows nor keeps.” “One doesn’t see it directly. One sees the perspective that A has from B’s perspective which in turn sees C.” Once in a while this is seen in this teaching of being several, this indirect perspective that interlocks apart perception in order to arrive at a subject that neither knows nor doesn’t know what the perspective is but that there is still a possibility beyond the alternative knowing or not knowing: the possibility of a “saving as” that is not understood in terms of data management but rather self-reflexively highlights the activity of saving as creative intervention into the future. Sometimes it appears under the name “similar third” sometimes as the difference “between being on one’s own, not being on one’s own, and not thinking about it” (Meyer, Der Unterschied, der eine Umgebung schafft). Often it starts at three, as in Llull’s case. That may be a coincidence. Or the site where one begins when one has not saved one’s own memory of duality thinking or can no longer call it up and, for this reason, is dependent on the coincidence and on sites where a coincidence is able, in fact, to occur. This is also the site where the author’s disappearance occurs by distributing herself across multiple voices. “From now on I will be several. I will never again say of myself that I am this or I am that. From now on I am no longer the extension of a given state. I give expression to the choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities between the state itself and the possibility transcending it.” One gradually discovers that one has no identity “when one is on the point of doing something.” > Live montage Eran Schaerf, “Ähnlich, möglich, unbestimmt: Figuren der Kombination,” introduction to the seminar, HfbK Hamburg, 2004

N Name—1. The false name. I desire something. That happens a lot. Sometimes I fulfill my desire. Sometimes someone else fulfills it for me. In the bookstore I decided to approach the salesman. I asked him for the book I wanted. He said it was not in stock. I was disappointed. But he said he could order it for me and have it the next day. I accepted his offer. I was pleased that I would get it so quickly. I gave him the title and the author of the book. He found it in the list of available titles and told me the price. He asked for my name and address. “Benjamin Kirschbaum,” I said. Meanwhile the friend who was with me stood next to me leafing through a catalog and looking at me. I returned his eye contact. We looked in each other’s eyes briefly until I had to turn to the salesman again. I must have suddenly become alien to my friend. Even more alien than the salesman was to him. What kind of a situation have we gotten into here? No one asked. He didn’t ask me. He didn’t interrupt me. With his consent, which I could expect from him after our 143

exchange of glances and the trust that I sensed in it, I could continue my order. At that moment I alone had to take responsibility for us. The question what he must have felt as I did so occupied all my thoughts. It came unexpectedly— “What just happened?” was one question that came up. After I had given the salesman a deposit and the order was complete, I said goodbye to him, wished him a nice day and said that I would see him tomorrow. My friend had finished leafing through his catalog and wanted to leave the bookstore. It didn’t surprise me. It isn’t easy to endure having to make someone wait. On the street he asked me why I gave a false name. Why had I lied? I gave in to my desire to offer the salesman a closeness to the recent event, to the opening of the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, that I myself sought. I found a Jewish name by means of which I perhaps made him think briefly, could thus perhaps give him a small private event after the large public event, without entering into a personal conversation with him. A name that bore fruit, that I found pretty, as a way of saying thank you for his providing a service. In possession of my new name, I knew it would not last long. But perhaps it had contributed to establishing direct contact between self and other, in order to be able to feel responsibility for both. The improvisation I thought up was employed because the time and situation were right for it. Perhaps it will be employed again. With other means. With you, with me, with us. I don’t know whether the salesman thought of what I wanted to initiate. I couldn’t know it in advance. I didn’t know it while it was happening, and I still don’t know. It is impossible to know. I had the feeling when I left the store that I no longer had anything to do with it. I didn’t want to get to know the salesman. Something could be set in motion. The salesman could tell the story to others. It all happened very quickly. The moment made it so urgent. It could not happen so quickly again. The friend who was with me asked what book I had ordered. “A different one that I had been thinking of,” I said. The next day I picked up my book. Benjamin Yavuszoy, “Der falsche Name,” in . . . als wären vier Wände um sie, Kombinator 4 (Hamburg: Materialverlag, 2006)

2. Not in My Name. Group exhibitions are often presented in a way that the juxtaposition of works is not thought out. Either the respective positions are too sharply demarcated from one another or they are subsumed under a common theme. [. . .] In Not in My Name both the spatial interventions and the substantive positions taken by the artists are concerned with the possibilities and leeway available in locating oneself in group exhibitions. In addition, they refer to the urban surroundings. Press statement on Not in My Name, Ausstellungsraum KX, Hamburg, 2004, with Nadine Böll, Axel Gaertner, Heiko Karn, Katrin Mayer, Sandra Schäfer, Eske Schlüters, Jochen Schmith, Mirjam Thomann, and others

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Modulator by Katrin Mayer - Issuu