Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre Newsletter Welcome Back!
Autumn Term 1
Welcome back! I hope you all had a great half term break and a safe Bonfire night!
8th November 2012
Over the next few weeks I will be supporting another school quite intensively so will be around less than usual—something you all know I don’t like! However Miss Dring ,Miss Holdsworth and Lisa will be available if you need to speak to a member of the school leadership team and I will only be a phone call away! Another busy half term awaits us with lots more fantastic learning! If you haven’t had the opportunity to look at our Art week blog or displays please do—the children and teachers produced some AMAZING work! I look forward to seeing you all parents evening in the next couple of weeks if not before.
After School Clubs. New clubs starting this week and running on Thursdays are: Film Club Football
Ms D :)
Diwali Celebrations Next week sees the start of the Indian festival—Diwali—the festival of lights! The Children Centre children will be doing lots of activities linked Diwali aswell as enjoying Indian food! Yum! Keep an eye on the blog for updates!
Children’s Centre Child care available 1 hour to a whole day. For further information contact the Children’s centre manager. Look at Books Group—Tuesday 1-3 Little Stars Baby Group—Wednesday 10-12 Toddler Group—Friday 9.30—11.30
Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children’s Centre
Parents Evening Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December
Bruce Ave Barnsley S70 4EB
All welcome
Phone: 01226 289989
Barrier The barrier will now be down all day. Parents/carers will only be allowed access up the school drive if they are accessing the Children’s Centre and have been allocated a password.
PE Kit/Uniform Thank you as ever for your support with uniform—the children looked great today! Just a reminder; That no strappy tops or football shirts are allowed in PE and trainers need to be brought in for all PE sessions. Uniform is available in the office, including PE T shirts Facebook/Twitter We have a Facebook and Twitter accounts (@WCPS_RSCC) make sure your following!
Chess Club! Back by popular demand! Chess club restarts Monday 17th September 4pm-5.15 Year 4 upwards.
Reading, Reading and more Reading! Please can you support us and your child by reading regularly with them at home—5 minutes a day makes a huge difference! We are aiming to get the school library back up and running more effectively this half term, if you need an extra reading book for child or have any questions about how to help your child with reading please come and ask!
Have a good weekend!