Надія і житло для дітей
Makariv rayon A typical rayon for Ukraine (800 rayons) Here lives - 44 892 people, including - 7753 children (0 to 18) 69 settlements.
Надія і житло для дітей
2006 - the beginning of a comprehensive implementation of the project “Development and testing mechanisms of deinstitutionalization through implementation at the rayon level family-oriented services for children and families in difficult circumstances” first attempt to build system of services for children and families at the community level
Надія і житло для дітей
In the Makariv rayon Orphanage "Barvinok" - 60 children resides No data bank - how many orphans are in the area and where they are (the approximate number of 100 children) No database of families where there is danger of removing children Under the care is 44 orphans
Надія і житло для дітей
How workstarted in the rayon Work with children, parents, children’s relatives, and staff at the orphanage “Barvinok” Carrying out a detailed analysis of the situation in the rayon to determine the most appropriate services for children and families Supporting families to prevent removal of children from families and placement they in institutions The development of family-based care for orphans and children deprived of parental care www.hopeandhomes.org.ua
Надія і житло для дітей
Preventing removing children from families Assessing the needs of the family Individual work plan Social and psychological consultation Conducting network meetings, family meetings Financial assistance to families Training for parents on life skills development From 2006 to 2010 we worked with 83 families Prevented removal of 173 children www.hopeandhomes.org.ua
Working with children and staff of the orphanage “Barvinok” Надія і житло для дітей
Assessing the needs of children Individual and group work with children directed on development life skills Survey of housing and the property of kids Finding and maintaining contacts with relatives Medical examination and treatment of children
Training for children, staff, teachers of school
50 40 30 20 10 0
38 16
Number of children
0 2006 2007 2009 2010
Preparing children up to move (reintegration, placement in family-based care, further professional education)
Placing inmates of the orphanage "Barvinok" and prevent sending children up to institutions THROUGH: creating new and improving the efficiency of existing services for families and children
work with rural communities
adoption (16 children) return to biological family (5 children)
placement under guardianship of relatives (1 child) preparing graduates to adulthood (39 children)
Placement to Small group home (8 children)
placement in a foster family, (8 children)
Надія і житло для дітей
Placing children in family-based care Conducting information activities on the development of familybased care. Distribution of information materials in the villages of the rayon Finding and training of volunteers Publication of articles in the local press and demonstration of TV rolls on local TV Counseling families who wish to take the child to upbringing There are arranged in the family (custody, adoption) 102 children
Надія і житло для дітей
Development of new models of service delivery that will provide providing services to children and families in accordance with their needs early identification of children and families at risk and early intervention provide comprehensive care to children and their families with living and day care realization of children's rights to upbringing in family, saving and development of the child's identity www.hopeandhomes.org.ua