Cooperative Strategy for Connecting Prairie Landscapes

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Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Coordinator Bill Bartush December 7, 2012

Gulf Coast Prairie (GCP)

Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) • Cooperatives (LCCs) are a continental effort to engage in collaborative Conservation; • Taking on multi-­‐state & international issues; • Focus on Landscapes; • Species & Habitats; • Change Indicators; • Prairie Wildlife TRULY a Canary in the Coal Mine!

The Power of Partnerships “partnerships can

enable a level of conservation that no single agency or organization can accomplish alone�

…to ensure that we accomplish the right things, in the right places, at the right times based on sound science, good planning, monitoring of outcomes, and adaptive management

Outline – Prairies, LCCs, and Climate •  Background on LCCs •  Why? How? Who? What? Where?

•  The Gulf Coast Prairie LCC •  The place, partners, and resources •  Function and form – examples of value-­‐added LCC

•  Why are we here? •  Issues – More People, Declining Resources, Climate Change •  Climate, Weather, or People?? •  Where Are We ? What can WE DO?

GCPLCC -­‐ Purpose Today •  Celebrate Prairies – our rich Heritage •  Bring Global Issues to our doorstep •  Discuss CLIMATE or Weather •  Discuss People – Urban Growth “demand more” •  Recognize Disturbance – Drought, Flood, Fire •  Conservation -­‐ with many more people •  Adaptation – what can we do? •  Habitat System for North America •  All Things PRAIRIES – Partner & Plan

The Impetus for LCCs: Why “The conservation challenges of the 21st Century represent a force of change more far-­‐reaching and consequential than any previously encountered.” We We’re are headed here here 2010:2040: 6.7 B10 B

Invasive Species Urbanization Pollution Globaland Climate and Contaminants Habitat Change Loss Emerging Infectious Diseases

Changing Land use and Energy Water Quality Development and Quantity Issues Agricultural Practices

Mission of LCCs: Who and What •  LCCs are self-­‐directed, non-­‐regulatory conservation partnerships comprised of private, state, and federal agencies and organizations that exist to define, design, and deliver landscapes capable of sustaining natural and cultural resources at desired levels nationwide, now and into the future. •  Seamless network – founded on Science

GCPLCC: BToundaries: he Place Where LCC Geographic

GCP LCC: The Partners •  The Partners* •  State

•  Louisiana DWF •  Oklahoma DWC •  Texas PWD •  MS & KS

• Partnerships • Joint Ventures • Fish Habitat Partners

  Federal

US Fish and Wildlife Service   US Geological Survey   National Park Service   Natural Resources Conservation Service   Department of Commerce NOAA 

  Private & NGO

American Bird Conservancy   Ducks Unlimited   The Nature Conservancy   The Conservation Fund 

GCPLCC – Setting Context  Let’s Bring Global Issues to our doorstep

 Discuss CLIMATE or Weather Is it just ME OR Do we seem kinda dry?

• Increase in the magnitude and frequency of extreme events • More untimely freezes • Longer summers • More intense but less frequent rain events • Increase in the frequency of ice storms and blizzards • Fewer cold, hard winters


  Expect  More  Extreme  Weather Texas Weather

Less Rain Dry Winters Summer Rain

GCPLCC – Setting the Context  Let’s Bring Global Issues to our doorstep

 Our Growing Population Is it just ME OR Do you feel crowded?

Head of Elm St. Jo TX

2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 2030

Conservation – In the News • Texas Fires 2011: •  Over 1 Million Acres Burned In Wildfires

• Drought: “rearing its ugly head” •  Agriculture Loss of Over $7.62 billion •  Reservoirs LOW (many less 60% capacity)

• Rice Farmers Disappointed •  LCRA decision to withhold water •  Rice farming good for economy, good for waterfowl

•  Fish Kill on Red River Still Under Investigation

Purple Finch: Considered an ‌

"irruptive species“ winters far south in some winters; as temperatures increased birds have not gone as far south overall North movement of over 433 miles in the last 40 yrs.

moving NORTH

Almost gone from Texas in 1940, prompting Research & Conservation actions.

White-winged Dove

Once restricted to far South Texas & Mexico, the White-winged dove now nests well north into the TX Panhandle, North TX & Oklahoma!   White-winged dove Texas history - Ups & Downs;   Farming = over 12 million WW dove by 1923;   By 1939, WW dove in TX dropped to less than 300,000;   White-winged Dove Stamp 1971 to 2005 = $$   $$ Used to Purchase 12,000 ac Rio Grande Valley


Majority of nesting occurs within the cities; nesting white-winged doves seem to prefer older more established residential neighborhoods with live oak, pecan, and ash trees. Perhaps protection from predators, consistent food and water (lawns & bird feeders).   In contrast - Mourning dove are on long-term decline;   Agricultural practices in southern plains have changed;   Climate and other stressors may be factors in this change.

Black-capped Vireo Restricted by Disturbance Can we Grow & Manage ?? Fire Frequency •  More East •  Less West

What will be the IMPACTS of

Dryer & Hotter Climate On Habitat?

GCPLCC – SO what do WE do?  Work together Private, State, Federal, & NGO

 Partner and Collaborate use science – seek facts Use Data & Develop Tools

 Plan to Manage manage through the PLAN

Global, National, State, & Local!

GCPLCC – Adding Value to Conservation use science – seek facts Use Data & Develop Tools


Urbanization Projections

Global, National, State, & Local!

GCPLCC – Adding Value to Conservation  Work together Private, State, Federal, & NGO  Partner and Collaborate use science – seek facts Use Data & Develop Tools

 Incorporate change into conservation planning  #1 in adaptive management process Stressors: Energy Development & Fragmentation Urban Growth Climate & Sea Level Rise

Global, National, State, & Local!

GCPLCC – WE can SUPPORT collective Vision  Work together Private, State, Federal, & NGO

 Partner and Collaborate use science – seek facts Use Data & Develop Tools

 Plan to Manage manage through the PLAN

Global, National, State, & Local!


To develop, synthesize and disseminate information and tools that help accelerate conservation of wildlife habitat in the United States. 38






How much land needs

What ecosystem

How much funding is

What are the

What portion of

and what will it cost?

services from

available across

relative financial

the conservation

conserved land ?

sectors for habitat

efficiencies of

bill is paid by


deeds, easements,

public vs. private

and stewardship



Landscape-scale conservation is imperative •

Wildlife conservation must occur on a scale beyond single species or threatened species and focus on regional communities and habitats.

Requires cross-jurisdictional approaches with multi-stakeholder engagement including: landowners, conservation, recreation, agriculture, forestry groups, and local/ state/federal governments.


GCPLCC – WE can SUPPORT collective Vision  Work together Private, State, Federal, & NGO

 Partner and Collaborate use science – seek facts Use Data & Develop Tools

 Plan to Manage manage through the PLAN

Connectivity and Corridors Global, National, State, & Local!

  

SGCN/SERI, Habitats, and Landscape Priorities: Enhancing Conservation Delivery Duane German, TPWD Landscape Ecology Wendy Connally, TPWD Action Plan Coordinator +

    

Gulf Coast Prairies & Marshes South Texas Plains Edwards Plateau Cross Timbers Texas Blackland Prairies


State Wildlife Action Plans, SEAFWA, GCPLCC, JV, International Priorities

•  Texas •  Oklahoma •  Louisiana •  Mexico


species selec@on habitat classifica@on priority seCng available technology resource alloca@on coordina@on capacity

SGCN – Focal Species – Surrogates Habitats, Systems, and Landscapes * Priorities *

CLOSING COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS Bill Bartush Gulf Coast Prairie LCC Coordinator National Wetland Research Center Lafayette, LA (337) 266-­‐8816

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