1 minute read

Take Care of Your Home

with Leah Ragsac, Kauai Realty

Many of us have busy lifestyles and our homes can be a mess, but developing a lifestyle of minimalism and cleanliness has many benefits: a healthier environment, stress reduction and increased happiness, to name a few. Many of our homes are bursting at the seams with stuff, so here are a few tips to help you clean and declutter.

MINIMIZE. I have helped many clients declutter their homes and often we conclude that most of the stuff we have we don’t need. Reducing clutter has been proven to reduce stress. The less you have, the less you have to clean and maintain.

DEEP CLEAN. Take one room at a time and empty it out. Clean every inch of it from floor to ceiling. You will need good cleaning equipment and supplies. Mindfully select which items to put back in the space. After you do a deep clean, it becomes easier to keep it clean.

CREATE A CLEANING SCHEDULE. Create a calendar and designate chores for everyone in the family. Involving the whole family helps parents not get overwhelmed. Even little ones are capable of pitching in. A regular routine will teach children good cleaning habits that they will hopefully carry into adulthood.

If you are a homeowner, keeping your home clean will help maintain its value. If you rent, keeping your house clean will show your landlord that you are a steward of the property. With a little dedication and consistent effort, your home can be clean and shining in no time.

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