November 2010

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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

‫ اململكة العربية السعودية‬، ‫ثول‬

at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

BE the

November 2010 / Dhu’l Qa’ada 1431 Issue No. 3


Turn to p.8

3D rendition of the amino acid glycine

NEW PROVOST APPOINTED PROFESSOR Stefan Catsicas has recently been appointed the University's Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and will assume his position on January 1, 2011. He received his Ph.D. in Neurosciences from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland in 1987, following which he did postdoctoral research at the Research Institute of Scripps Clinic, San Diego, USA. He was head of Neurobiology at the Glaxo Institute for Molecular Biology in Geneva before joining the University of Lausanne’s School of Medicine as Professor and Chairman of Cellular Biology. In 2000, Professor Catsicas was appointed Vice President, Research Director and Professor of Cellular Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institue of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). Professor Catsicas’ personal scientific interests were centered on neuronal development and cell death with a focus on protein biophysics. His work has contributed to a better understanding of neuronal plasticity and of its possible role in neurodegenerative diseases. Among Professor Catsicas’ many accomplishments in academic governance are merging three institutes at the University of Lausanne’s School of Medicine to focus on basic and clinically relevant neurosciences. At EPFL he was instrumental in the restructuring of EPFL into five schools and interdisciplinary centers. Professor Catsicas helped recruit the Deans for the schools as well as more than 60 senior and tenure track faculty. He also played a key role in designing EPFL’s new technology transfer policy. Welcoming Professor Catsicas and family to the University, KAUST President Professor Choon Fong Shih said, "I am sure we all look forward to getting to know Professor Catsicas and working with him as he leads the academic sector towards realizing our collective aspirations for KAUST as a globally renowned research university." INSIDE:

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The Seed Fund is one THE winning innovations in the second round of the KAUST Seed of a number of initiatives Fund Program are as diverse as their run by KAUST’s Economic proponents. Among the winning teams Development Department to nurture are a student, post doc, senior research prospective entrepreneurs at the scientist, staff member and assistant university and help them develop professor – each awarded grants new technologies and establish to further develop their discoveries businesses. Unique to KAUST, it and innovations into viable aims to reduce barriers experienced by other early-stage funds to invest. business ventures. Through the commercialization The funding does not compete with of their start-up businesses, the five venture capital, but strives to act in a teams hope to impact the Kingdom synergistic manner to facilitate very and beyond. The Seed Fund Program early and early-stage developments helps to pave the way, awarding toward commercial uptake. budding entrepreneurs with funding The award panel is compromised along with critical of five distinguished Through the support services judges and university commercialization of authorities who and facilities. The mission their start-up businesses, assess each case of the Seed Fund giving the five teams hope to individually, valuable feedback is to promote impact the Kingdom regardless of their the economic competitiveness win status. and beyond of Saudi Arabia Applications are through investment in technological presented anonymously to the innovations that lead to the judges and then critiqued, based establishment of enterprises. on: the maturity of technology Winners receive grants of up to or research; the strategic fit of the $250,000 to fund first steps towards proposal within KAUST’s mission; turning their concepts into viable the applicant’s business case commercial products. and model; possible intellectual The Seed Fund also co-invests property and technology transfer; with other types of funding vehicles the available entrepreneurial skills to complement the activities of and requirements; and the project’s privately and publicly funded economic impact on Saudi Arabia. In this round, the panel selected incubators and technology transfer centers elsewhere. The program five winners among 30 applicants works in close collaboration with based on the following innovations: KAUST Industrial Partners (both within the Kingdom and globally), TRIPLE OUTPUT SOLAR the Intellectual Property and WATER TANK Technology Transfer department, – Nassar Al Madhoun, Dr. Raed Bkayrat the KAUST Research Park, Water, for which there are no and the entrepreneurship and incubation services of the KAUST substitutes, has always been one of mankind’s most precious resources. Innovation Cluster. Our Town 4-5

In Depth 6-7

This is especially true in the Middle East, where rising populations and economic development continually demand new water supplies. Globally, the demand for water has more than tripled over the past half century, creating an urgent need for cost effective innovations utilizing wise and efficient use of water resources. The Triple Output Solar Water Tank hopes to be part of the solution. Its technology is based on developing a solar water tank for residential application that is simple, low cost and offers multiple services to the household – including the use of both municipal water and brackish water. The inventor, Nassar Al Madhoun, was first inspired through his desire to see the Saudi desert bloom with agriculture. This led him to develop an innovative replacement to conventional tanks that offers more value and functionality providing output in three ways: clean, sterilized drinking water; hot water for residential use like cleaning and bathing; and service water for the bathroom and sinks. Al Madhoun has been working on desert innovations for the past 30 years. He is collaborating with Dr. Raed Bkayrat (KAUST staff) to commercialize his water tank invention. SERIES OF CATALYSTS FOR PRODUCING OPTICALLY ACTIVE ALPHA-AMINO ACID DERIVATIVES - Dr. Kuo-Wei Huang, Dr. Xiao-Yu Guan This is Dr. Huang’s second Seed Fund win. In this latest round, his winning innovation is a series of catalysts capable of catalyzing a wide variety of enantioselective Technology 7

reactions. Enantiomers are two mirror image stereoisomers and enantioselective synthesis is when only one of the enantiomers, and not the other, is formed. One of the applications of this series of catalysts allows the preparation of a wide variety of optically pure alpha-amino acids in an economic fashion. Some of the industry applications of alpha-amino acids include the production of biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Huang and his team have devised a more economical synthetic process, which has significant commercial benefit. AGENDAT WEB APPLICATION CALENDAR SOFTWARE - Reem Ibrahim Khojah With rapid developments of technology and increased channels of communication, productivity demands are rising and sophisticated time-management skills are vital. It’s no surprise that in this digital age and growing market for mobile software applications, time management tools are in high demand. Agendat is a practical solution that efficiently integrates a social networking utility within a calendar template. Beyond managing tasks and appointments, users share their activities by various means of digital information exchange, including but not limited to, sharing images, videos, text files or digital documents. It provides a special website portal that can be further enhanced by adding other software applications suited to the user’s specific interests and needs. (Continued on p.2)

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