King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
املنارة BEACON
at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
this month get
December 2011 / Muharram 1433 Volume 2, Issue No.4
the beacon in arabic!
between pages 4-5
calvin appointed as VP for education
Provost Stefan Catsicas recently spoke about the appointment of Professor James Calvin as the Vice President for Education at the university. He is one of three Vice Presidents who will serve the university in delivering excellence across education, research, and management. Prof. Catsicas said, “I am thrilled to have someone of Jim’s scientific stature to help ensure the inte-
farewell to Frank Rhodes
gration of our education from our classrooms
“It’s a very difficult thing to found a university from scratch,” Cornell
model, but everywhere at KAUST,” commented VP Mohamed Samaha.
right across the campus into our research cent-
President Emeritus and KAUST Trustee Professor Frank H.T. Rhodes
“Frank is its unseen intellectual architect.” Recalling his calming influence,
ers and core labs. Jim has demonstrated, as a
once commented in his understated way. “As I look back…I catch my
Dr. Samaha continued, “He used science as a unifier to convince others of
scientist, statistician, teacher, researcher, and
breath and pinch myself!” Involved since fall 2006 when KAUST was
the dream, even initially suggesting that the university should focus on
academic administrator, the breadth of experi-
just a concept, Dr. Rhodes was part of the seminal team advising the
graduate students and quality research.”
ence, enthusiasm, and wisdom we need as we
KAUST founders and concludes his role of trustee this month. This
Addressing the inaugural graduating class last December (described as
build and strengthen KAUST’s unique educa-
towering scholar typically took an enormous risk when, convinced of
the “the first fruits of a dream”), Dr. Rhodes thanked them for the trust
tional offerings.”
the veracity of the project, he put his personal reputation on the line
they had given KAUST by “coming to a country most did not know,
and agreed to be named to the board of the fledgling postgraduate
to a campus that did not then exist, to which faculty had not yet been
university. “I am really too old for this sort of thing,” he declared, “but
appointed, to a new experiment in learning that was then untested, to
sabic strengthens kausT collaboration
I am really very honored to be part of it.”
degree programs that were not fully planned…” He spoke from the heart
KAUST’s “greatest institutional challenge in
had the mind and the passion that we needed,” explained Executive Vice
fulfilling its vision” as it continues to grow
President Nadhmi Al-Nasr, “but that didn’t mean that the process was
and develop, remarked Dr. Ernesto Occhiello,
without the inevitable challenges that arise when bridging two cultures,
will be to “become firmly rooted in the local
each with their own noble principles and sensitivities.” As His Excellency
community: an avenue of future economic
Minister Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi introduced him to King Abdullah's vision
growth in the Kingdom — thereby foster-
for the University and more generally to the culture of Saudi Arabia, so
ing the realization of the founder’s dream.”
Dr. Rhodes reciprocated by sharing the intricacies of higher education,
Dr. Occhiello, Executive Vice President of
offering him selected Western publications on the subject and always tak-
Technology and Innovation at Saudi Basic
ing the time to discuss the mutual issues they raised.
JIM CALVIN | Continued on p.2
It has been KAUST’s privilege to have this extraordinary academic
recalling his own experience when he commended to them “a hope based
and visionary leader alongside, a man “with all the energy of a 50
on large dreams and high aspirations. (KAUST’s) gift that turns commu-
year-old” and many years of experience examining the role of higher
nity into teamwork…knowledge into purpose…technology into service…
education in the west. Welcomed by his colleagues to the Kingdom, Dr.
skills into benefits...a job into a career and a career into a calling”.
Rhodes deeply believed that a successful institution would be campus-
As President Choon Fong Shih told The Beacon, “I will personally
rooted, but internationally oriented. He was instrumental in drafting the
miss Frank’s wise and generous counsel, his high ideals and expecta-
charter and by-laws, which include strong guarantees of academic free-
tions and, most of all, my dear friend and fellow adventurer on this
dom; an independent, self-electing board of trustees; and an endowment
most extraordinary journey….he is my role model.”
income free of the influence and control of government ministries. “He
Industries Corporation (SABIC), spoke to The
A few months later, in a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony that
Beacon during his November visit to confer
acknowledged the decades-long dream of His Majesty, King Abdullah, Dr.
the inaugural 2011 SABIC postdoctoral awards
Rhodes celebrated the institution’s “bold vision and innovative design”
(see p.3).
that promise to “make it a place of transforming influence and enduring
Frank H.T.Rhodes •
Born in Warwickshire, England and now a naturalized US citizen
Married to and closely supported by his wife, Rosa Carlson
Studied for his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Birmingham, England. Holds 35 honorary degrees
Has published widely in the fields of geology, paleontology, evolution, and the history of science and education
President Emeritus of Cornell University 1977-1995
SABIC chose to site its new Center for
significance.” Recalling the historical Arab and Muslim spirit of learning,
Research and Innovation (CRI) at the KAUST
he saluted this present-day Bayt al-Hikma, for “the boldness of its plan.”
Member of the National Science Board (President Reagan)
Research Park, attracted by the University’s
Later, King Abdullah asked specifically to be introduced to his contempo-
world-class personnel, the state-of-the-art
rary, acknowledging that “This is indeed a great man.” A man of stature
Member of the President’s Educational Policy Committee (President G.W. Bush)
core laboratories, and in anticipation of the
and a gracious diplomat, Dr. Rhodes demonstrates his concern for all who
rich recruiting ground the student body will
seek his wisdom, regularly meeting with KAUST graduates visiting the
provide. “In fact, organizations rarely distin-
Cornell campus. He acted as a compelling champion to bring students
Chairman of the 1987 National Commission on Minority Participation in Education and American Life with honorary co-chairs Presidents Ford and Carter
guish themselves by their facilities,” explained
of excellence to the university, brokering and maintaining many of the
Dr. Occhiello, “but a skill set takes many years
international links that have jumpstarted the research.
Former President of the American Philosophical Society
SABIC | Continued on p.3
News 1-2
“Frank has left his fingerprints not just in his vision for the academic
Winter Enrichment Program 4-5
Research 6–7
Community 8