King Abdullah University of Science and Technology at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
February 2011 / Safar 1432 Issue No. 6
Dr. Magdy Mahfouz has developed a technology for targeted genome modification in crop plants. The results of his original thinking and novel approach have been published in recent issue of the prestigious journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (Jan 24, 2011). While helping set up and awaiting the completion of the Plant Stress Genomics Research Center (PSGRC) directed by Professor Jian-Kang Zhu at KAUST in 2009, Dr. Mahfouz, an Egyptian postdoctoral team leader newly arrived from Abu Dhabi UAE, decided to conduct a broad and comprehensive literature search on genome engineering. He discovered extensive materials. As the world population increases and resources become more limited, this technology holds significant potential for improving the quality and yield of current crop varieties. An initial basic conclusion was that genetic engineering in plants has suffered from two major drawbacks: 1) novel genes are inserted at random locations in the genome; and 2) other forms of modification have relied on chemical- or radiation-induced mutations that are also random and laborious to exploit. In effect, inserting a new gene in the wrong place could make it ineffective or could disrupt an endogenous, functional gene. In recent years, a bio-engineering technology based on enzymes called zinc finger nucleases has been used to manipulate the genomes of many organisms, but the process is labor-intensive and has had limited efficiency and success. Having assimilated all of this material then, when the PSGRC’s molecular biology laboratory was fully operational in March 2010, Dr. Mahfouz knew exactly what his first experiments would involve. Dr. Mahfouz devised a molecular “repair tool” in the form of an engineered protein that makes a complete cut in the DNA double helix of an organism’s genome. The molecular scissors module of the protein is combined with an address-seeking module (like a ZIP code) that, with pinpoint accuracy, takes the whole protein to the region or address of the genome. The address-seeking module can be engineered to recognize any sequence in the DNA. For specificity reasons this address has to be at least 12 base pairs and can be as long as 34 base pairs. The genome break created by the bi-modular protein can permit the addition, deletion or editing of genes with extreme specificity and precision. To demonstrate the activity of the protein and the generation of the DNA break, Dr. Mahfouz analyzed
Turn to p. 4–5
Bi-modular protein makes a complete cut in a DNA double helix
Molecular Scissors for
طور الدكتور جمدي حمفوظ تقنية لتعديل اجلينومات املستهدفة يف حماصيل النباتات وهو اكتشاف يبشر .مبساهمة ذات تأثري عال جدا يف جمال علوم احلياة the sequencing data of many reactions performed in the KAUST genomics core labs by Dr. Kumaresan Rathinam and Mr. Dinesh Reddy. Early tests of the engineered protein employed a special type of tobacco plant, nicotiana benthamiana, because this species is exceptionally easy to grow and genetically modify. Transient gene expression assays in tobacco leaves confirmed that Dr. Mahfouz’s protein has achieved its intended function of genome engineering. Using this new technology, novel genes can be identified, crop trait development can be accelerated, and the range of possible traits can be expanded. The implications for agricultural science are profound. The novel DNA-modifying protein will greatly facilitate
“trait-stacking”, which is the placement of more than one beneficial gene into a genome. In this case, multiple genes can be placed at one or more precise genomic addresses. Historically, the process of genetically engineering plants has randomly introduced molecular artifacts into the genome—including antibiotic resistant genes arising from the DNA of bacteria that are used as vectors to insert the genes of interest. Although evidence is overwhelming that these extraneous DNA fragments are completely benign to humans and the environment, this foreign DNA is a major basis for opposition to genetically engineered (or, more popularly, genetically modified—GM) plants by some environmental groups. Political pressure in many countries has Continued on p.2
One month in
استطاعت جامعتنا استقطاب وكيل اجلامعة اجلديد بروفيسور ستيفان كاستيكاس نظرا لطبيعة اجلامعة .املتعددة التخصصات واساسها املتني الذي بناه فريق املؤسسني
Stefan Catsicas
الربوفيسور كاستيكاس يتطلع إىل االستماع لردود أفعال الفريق التنفيذي والعمل معه لالنتقال إىل اخلطوة .التالية بطريقة منطقية يف تطوير اجلامعة PROFESSOR Stefan Catsicas has just finished his first month as KAUST’s new Provost. He sat down to discuss the whirlwind of these past weeks. "At both the University of Lausanne and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), I had the privilege of joining well-established institutions. One of the biggest challenges many existing universities face is the hindrance of siloed approaches which often has the effect of limiting discovery and innovation. At KAUST there is effectively a tabula rasa - we should work without walls to solve problems together, free of traditional academic departments – free, frankly, of a history,” he reflected. “Research questions and practices should be framed according to real-world problems rather than
disciplinary frameworks. Great breakthroughs often occur at the interface of traditional scientific disciplines.” Prof. Catsicas intends to listen to feedback, and take time to assess before helping the executive team transition to the next logical, and not unexpected, step. To coin a phrase, we’re now ready to “bring the university home. This is a further evolution and integration of ourselves as we develop the next generation of scientists, professors, and students to prepare the future”. Catsicas was attracted to his role as KAUST’s newly appointed Provost because it is an institution whose very DNA bears the transdisciplinarity he had worked to foster in his previous roles. "Science and technology that improves
the quality of human life, and addresses critical problems facing the Kingdom and the world absolutely needs this open and collaborative environment to find innovative solutions", he told The Beacon. Prof. Catsicas, a neurobiologist and academic leader, comes to the university after five years as an entrepreneur founding innovative university spin-offs. He received his Ph.D. in 1987 from the University of Lausanne. Following his doctorate, and post-doctoral work at the Research Institute of the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, California, he
was head of Neurobiology at the Glaxo Institute for Molecular Biology in Geneva. Thereafter he joined the University of Lausanne's School of Medicine as Professor and Chairman of Cellular Biology until, in 2000, he was recruited to join EPFL as Vice President, Research Director and Professor of Cellular Engineering. Continued on p.2
News 1-2
WEP Round-Up 3
Poster Session 4-5
Research 6-7
Community 8