November 2011

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KAUST 2011

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



November 2011 / Thul-Hijjah 1432 Volume 2, Issue No.3


EXPEDITION pages 4–5

a close up with PHOTO BY Anastasia Khrenova

david keyes

The sensors were manufactured by the Core Lab Electronics Workshop under the supervision of Engineer Guodong Li from March 2011 to date.

‫العميد ديفيد كيز يتأمل في الوقت‬ ‫الذي أمضاه في جامعة امللك عبدالله‬ .‫ويتطلع إلى مستقبل باهر‬ Founding faculty member, David Keyes, has a passion for the development of higher education within the Kingdom that is clearly evident when he speaks about the future of KAUST. “There is so much to take advantage of here,” says this former head of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, “I love the ambition evident in this country. For a professional in higher education, few, if any, locations in the world are more fascinating at the moment.” During the interview with The Beacon, Professor Keyes touched on subjects ranging from making optimal use of Shaheen

On-campus pilot project

.‫برنامج جتريبي لإلنذار بالفيضان وأحوال املرور يجري تنفيذه في حرم اجلامعة‬

(the University’s supercomputer and part of the Core Laboratories), the emergence of data-driven research in science and engineer-

In 2011 alone, there have been several natural disasters and in particular, significant flooding occurrences. From the January floods in Australia that destroyed

ing, and research areas in which KAUST can

vast amounts of valuable farmland, to the recent floods in the Philippines, whose monsoon season is the worst seen in 50 years and has affected more than

make immediate contributions of value to the

2 million people. Flooding is an issue across continents: during this past year there has been flooding of historic proportions in Angola, Australia, Brazil,

Kingdom, such as cybersecurity and opera-

Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, The Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and several parts of the United States. Even western Saudi Arabia isn’t

tions research applicable to the petrochemical

immune to this natural disaster often only associated with excessive rainfall. Unusually heavy rains have affected Jeddah in recent years, causing fatalities and


millions of dollars of property damage. The desert terrain is such that any heavy rain falling 50 km or more from the city travels swiftly in the wadis and can

Arriving here in July 2009, Prof. Keyes was lifted out of specialized work with the US

cause flooding in Jeddah, where one meter of gradient can be significant. So much of the desert is unpopulated that there is often no warning of the imminent danger. In order to prevent any recurrence, King Abdullah issued a royal decree to address the flooding problem in the city following last winter’s flooding.

Department of Energy on which he had focused for the previous 10 years. He took up his role

Arriving at KAUST last fall and witness to the heavy rains, Christian

which uniquely form distributed computing platforms using two modes:

here as inaugural Dean of Mathematical and

Claudel, Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering, felt a social

ultrasound detectors and infrared temperature sensors. The sonars track

Computer Sciences and Engineering, where

responsibility to use his scientific knowledge to help local communi-

the number of passing vehicles and their speed while the infrared sen-

he has been intellectually broadened by the

ties. Prof. Claudel and his multidisciplinary team are currently piloting

sors confirm this data by sensing the coolness of an air-conditioned

scope of the programs he oversees, and by

a traffic and flood integrated wireless sensor network on campus. The

vehicle in contrast to the hot tarmac. The sensor network processes raw

brilliant young faculty all around him in

project involves academic input from electrical engineering, software

data in a distributed fashion using an exact formulation of the inverse

MCSE. He is thrilled to see the combination

engineering, applied mathematics, and visualization as well as facili-

modeling problem based on Linear Programing and Hamilton-Jacobi

of demographics of the Kingdom (some 40%

tation from colleagues in KAUST security, facility and community,

equations prior to central assimilation. Real time data is vital in these

of Saudis are under the age of fifteen) and the

occupational health and safety, and government affairs. “I am a sys-

situations. This aggregates the computational power and speeds up the

thirst of Saudi students for training in com-

tems engineer,” Prof. Claudel explained, “and systems engineers think

data assimilation allowing the system to refresh with more frequency,

puter science, especially artificial intelligence


lessening the energy requirements and thus curbing costs. Additionally,

and high performance computing. He believes

The scope of the project isn’t limited to flooding, but includes traf-

the system architecture is more flexible: multiple independent sensor

that with the national R&D budget likely to

fic issues as well. Traffic congestion costs worldwide are significant

networks can be deployed without the need for a central database or a

increase tenfold and the promise of a growing

(estimated as 10% of GDP in many developed countries). They include

central computer server for data assimilation.

number of Saudis with the appropriate exper-

incremental delay, vehicular costs including fuel and wear and tear, air

The flood sensor builds on the traffic sensor technology but is also

tise, Saudi Arabia has a chance be a key player

pollutant emissions, and the stress that we all experience when caught

able to detect any difference in the distance between the sensor and

in these emerging disciplines, where some of

up in a traffic jam. Congestion can be regular, occurring on a daily,

the road surface that would be caused by floodwater. Aided by fund-

the research frontiers are so new that even well

weekly, or annual cycle (such as during Ramadan) or non-recurrent,

ing from the Office of the Provost and the VP for Research, the pilot

established universities are not far ahead. He

when a road traffic accident occurs for example.

project will demonstrate proof of concept of the invention. Campus

anticipates rewarding relationships with other

The proposed traffic monitoring system uses solar-powered sensors

residents may have noticed the seven pole-mounted ultrasound

DAVID KEYES | Continued on p.2


PILOT PROJECT | Continued on p.2

News 1-3

Red Sea Expedition 4-5

Research 6–7

Community 8

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