King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
summer at kaust
BEACON at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
May 2012 / Jumada Al-Akhir 1433 Volume 2, Issue No. 9
turn to page 3
Photograph of KAUST taken from the satellite (iv)
bedouin role in stratospheric discovery
(iii) (Top) Fabrication of polymer ferroelectric memory devices on banknotes :(i) PDMS coated banknote (ii) spin-coating PEDOT:PSS bottom electrodes (iii) spin-coating P(VDF-TrFE) ferrolectric layer ~ 140 nm (iv) thermally evaporated pentacene thin film (~60 nm) and
A group of expectant KAUST community members gathered during the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) to witness the launch of an experimental nano-satellite, not with rockets, but rather attached to a strato-
(Bottom) Photograph of a 1-Saudi Riyal note covered with arrays of polymer ferroelectric memory devices.
spheric weather balloon. As the balloon rose – gently and silently - the helium within it expanded, increasing its diameter from 2 to 8m, and causing it to ascend to 31 km into the
stratosphere where it met the prevailing easterly winds. It traveled 160 km over the next few hours toward the desert, north of the hill city of Taif - landing and becoming tangled in the volcanic rocks of the lunar-like landscape nearby, where it languished for several weeks after the students lost radio and GPS contact with the device. A Bedouin farmer, seeking a disobedient camel, stumbled upon
KAUST RESEARCH: the buck stops here
it, wondering at first whether the polystyrene
Anyone visiting the Functional Nanomaterials
receive their power from radio signals. In this
and achieve a significant improvement in per-
box could be dangerous. Upon opening it, he
and Devices Laboratory several months ago
study, the all-polymer ferroelectric memory
formance of all-polymer ferroelectric memory
discovered the mobile phone that was part of
might have been surprised to see PhD student
devices can store data permanently, making
on a par with metal electrodes.
the flight instrumentation and, being a 21st
Mohammad Adnan Khan ironing Saudi Riyal
them a more attractive option. To fabricate
The third challenge was the integration of
century Bedouin, plugged it into a socket at
notes or cutting others into pieces. Indeed he
memory devices on banknotes it was neces-
the active device on the hydrophobic pla-
the first opportunity. The software team had
is proud to display his drawer - full of torn-
sary that all the active layers of the device
narization layer. “The highly conducting
programmed an Android application on the
up and ironed Riyals. In a paper published in
were flexible, transparent, cheap, capable of
water based polymer electrodes would never
craft, which automatically alerted them of the
the April 2012 issue of the prestigious journal
being deposited at low process temperatures,
stick on this hydrophobic layer,” explains
GPS location of the device.
Advanced Materials, the reasons for this unu-
and robust. The team’s decision to fabricate
Adnan. To solve this, the team modified the
sual activity become clearer.
solution-deposited all-polymer devices has led
surface of the planarization layer using a gen-
to the world’s first all-polymer ferroelectric
tle plasma process that changed the surface
memory on a banknote with properties that
properties without losing the smooth surface.
rival those of memories made on conventional
The fabrication steps of ferroelectric memory
silicon substrates with metal electrodes.
on a Saudi one-riyal banknote are illustrated
Saad Alrawaf, the lead programmer, was able to call the finder of the box and a desert rendezvous was arranged for late one evening. In
( adma.201200626/abstract)
the dead of night some 30 km from a small
Under the guidance of Professor Husam
village, Usayrah, 50 km from Taif, Alrawaf
Alshareef, Khan and postdoctoral researcher
and Mohammad Shaqura eventually met with
Dr. Unnat Bhansali worked together to fabri-
The team had to overcome several major
in the figures above. The fabricated mem-
Faisal Al-Otaibi and the handover was made.
cate the first all-polymer non-volatile memory
challenges to succeed, the first being the rough
ory devices exhibit excellent performance
Al-Otaibi returned the payload and explained
device on a banknote. The idea of integrat-
fibrous surface of the Saudi Riyal, which makes it
with low operating voltages, high mobili-
that he was less anxious after reading on the
ing memory on banknotes was conceived
almost impossible to fabricate quality electronic
ties, and a large memory window with good
box that housed the satellite that it was not
to demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating
devices. The decision was taken to integrate a
retention characteristics.
dangerous – written clearly in Arabic and
active electronic security features such as
polymeric planarization (smoothing) layer
This work has not only demonstrated high
English. He had assumed that he was meeting
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags
(polydimethylsiloxane – PDMS) on the rough
performance non-volatile polymer memories
local meteorologists, but was delighted to retell
on banknotes. In theory, an RFID tag would
riyal surface, which was flexible, transparent,
on banknotes, but also highlights the fact that
his story and, indeed, with true Arab hospitality,
give governments and law enforcement agen-
had good adhesion and was inert to active
polymers can be used as cheap, flexible, and
invited his new friends for dinner. The team had
cies a means to literally follow money. The
layers on top.
transparent local as well as global interconnects
hoped to recover these to verify that they had
RFID allows money to carry its own history by
The second major challenge was to improve
indeed correctly deployed - that the box had
recording information of its whereabouts. The
the performance of these all-polymer memory
Apart from the value of this technology for
survived impact and that the parachute worked.
RFID chip is an important advance because it
devices on banknotes. Traditionally, polymer
anti-counterfeiting applications, other possible
The KAUST pair returned to KAUST to prepare
no longer depends on humans to spot “funny
electrodes have always decreased the perfor-
applications include electronic paper, flexible
the recovery expedition at the landing site.
in electronic circuitry instead of metal lines.
money”. Volatile memories, however, are not
mance of such devices. By chemically doping
displays, and sensors. At an anticipated pro-
With the recovered photos of the satel-
suitable for passive RFID tags as they do not
the polymer electrode material, the team was
duction cost of only tens of cents, the memory
lite landing, the KAUST team of Yan Azdoud,
have a constantly available power source and
able to dramatically increase its conductivity
could be used in cheap disposable sensors and
Nano | Continued on p2
News 1-3
Polymer | Continued on p2
The KAUST School 4-5
Research 6–7
Community 8
May 2012
The Beacon
As we wind up our third academic year, we send some 25 graduat-
community members who do their best to equip them with tags
ing KAUST School seniors off to their university journey somewhere
to track their travels throughout the coming year. Movement
around the globe. Our own graduate students will be continuing
abounds. We take a short pause at The Beacon during the summer
their research, finishing theses or performing internships as they
to prepare next season’s two special issues, Food and Energy, but
pursue their degrees. The Red Sea’s whale sharks congregate and
encourage you all to follow our blog, The Lens, wherein you'll find
find a welcome from the Red Sea Research Center scientists and
our campus news.
in brief KCC research on display at the research poster exhibition
The Beacon, Volume 2, Issue 9, May 2012. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia. Contact Salah Sindi, or Caroline Kingdon © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.
KCC Milestone in 100 words
Polymer | Continued from p1 RFID tags useful for tracking and transportation of money, goods,
independently perform high caliber research that is recognized
The KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC) marked its 100th publication
inventory control, and vehicle security. Prof. Alshareef’s laboratory
by their international peers,” added Prof. Husam Alshareef.
with a celebratory ceremony and a research poster competition in April. The event recognized the accomplishments of all KCC stu-
has been working closely with industry partner SABIC in developThe researchers at work in the Functional Nanomaterials and Devices Laboratory
ing organic electronics on flexible substrates such as plastic and paper using cost-effective and low-temperature methods such as solution processing and inkjet printing.
dents, post-docs, engineers, and researchers since its inauguration in December 2010. Under the directorship of Professor Jean-Marie Basset, the Center has quickly grown into a productive catalysis research hub.
Prof. Alshareef and Dr. Bhansali received their education in the US while Khan studied for his undergraduate degree at the King
President Choon Fong Shih congratulated the Center saying,
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). The delight
“Catalysis is all about “making things happen”…and the fact that
the researchers took in their work is evident. “The entire project
such a young Research Center has already produced one hundred
was so much fun and gave us many laughs; it has also been a
papers demonstrates that in research and education things are
truly rewarding experience where we learnt something new every
happening, and they are happening fast.”
day,” Khan and Dr. Bhansali told The Beacon. “I am proud of Adnan and Unnat for their hard work and achievement, which shows that researchers at KAUST can
Dr. Unnat Bhansali, Prof. Husam Alshareef, Mohammad Adnan Khan
KICP Research Symposium The KAUST Industrial Collaboration Program (KICP) welcomed both members and potential recruits to a three-day research symposium in April; many were visiting the University for the first
Nano | Continued from p1 Anna Scott, Saad Alrawaf and Mohammad
that such a nano-satellite could be a viable,
terrain and sparse radio communication in
time. Organized around 4 research themes, the KAUST faculty,
Shaqura compared the images with Google
cost-effective way to collect data, which
Saudi Arabia was not conducive to radio-
researchers and scientists provided short insights into their work:
Earth, pinpointing the place where they
could be used effectively to manage and
location, the application designed by the
Water-Related, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Mathematical
believed it had landed. Armed with a GPS
predict floods, and accurately survey the
software team enabled successful retrieval,
and Computational, and Separation Chemistry.
system and plenty of water, Azdoud, Scott
region for groundwater. The Royal Saudi
although it should have worked immedi-
and Shaqura set out at 3 am that day
Air Force was supporting and following
ately, not some weeks later.
arriving at the now-familiar spot in the
the mission.
“We realized the importance of check-
Presentations around water were particularly interdisciplinary involving the Water Desalination and reuse center, the Desert Agriculture Research Initiative and the Red Sea Research Center.
ing experiments multiple times,” Scott told
Guests were encouraged to visit the facilities including the
tems engineering team attached to the
The Beacon. Commenting from his office in
Clean Combustion Research Center and the Solar and Alternative
box successfully prevented the spinning
California, Jack Cackler, KAUST alumnus
Energy Engineering Center. The organization of the event provided
chute and the balloon were to be found.
the team had encountered at an earlier
and KAUST Nanosatellite Laboratory leader
exceptional opportunities for networking and meetings.
Exhausted and disappointed, they set off
launch. Similar balloon experiments had
said, “It was an incredible privilege to work
Early feedback indicates an enthusiastic response to the high quality
home when they chanced upon the empty
been flown numerous times in the United
with the talented students at KAUST to
presentations on the projects and activities being conducted in science
polystyrene box!
States, and successful recovery relied on
achieve a great deal in a short amount of
directly relevant to the needs of the Kingdom and the region.
early morning, when they discovered to
The fin system designed by the sys-
their dismay that the object they sought was nowhere to be seen. Only the para-
So what did the team hope to achieve
using amateur radio networks to extend
time, for which WEP was the perfect forum.
with this launch and what did they learn
the signal range of the GPS transmitter.
Launching from Saudi Arabia we were lit-
from it? The materials launched cost around
Earlier KAUST balloon experiments in
erally exploring uncharted territory, and
$700, and except for the helium and the
the US have flown payloads for KAUST
the students overcame every obstacle put in
KAUST took an active part in the third International Higher Education
balloon, all mission critical items returned
and NASA, among others, and have
their way. There’s a great future for using
Exhibition and Conference at the Riyadh Exhibition Center, one of 450
operational to KAUST. This is the first
been featured in a documentary by the
satellite technology to improve the quality
local and international universities from 39 countries.
stratospheric observation launch from the
BBC and Nature, and won top prizes at
of life and advance science in Saudi Arabia,
Over 80 of the top 100 international universities participated in
Western coast of Saudi Arabia. As such, the
the International Genetically Engineered
and I’m thrilled to see KAUST becoming a
the exhibition during April, together with many other international
experiment demonstrated proof-of-concept
Machines competition. While the rugged
center of that movement.”
institutes of higher education.
igher Education Exhibition H and Conference
The KAUST stand attracted many potential students, who were introduced to the postgraduate study programs offered by the university. The exhibition aims to promote international higher
Photographs taken from the satellite
education, to sustain the development of higher education in the Kingdom with its increasingly high caliber programs, and to guide young Saudis as they select the best paths for their education. Several workshops, discussion seminars, training courses and lectures were organized in conjunction with the exhibition.
ARTISTS OF KAUST 2012 EP 2013 Call for Proposals W Reminder – Less than two Weeks to go!
community at KAUST.
The Third Annual Artists of KAUST exhibit ran from April 23
Proposals should
through May 4 in the University Library. This year’s exhibit brought
reflect a diversity of
together 80 works by 33 artists, from 16 countries. The diverse
The deadline for proposal submissions is May 16.
disciplines and nation-
artworks included oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, pen-
Proposals will be accepted for courses, lectures,
alities. For each proposal, the instructor or speaker
cil sketches, photography, embroidery, paper sculpture, digital art,
seminars, and events in four categories: Academic,
needs to know that they have been recommended to
and jewelry.
Cultural, Recreational, and Entrepreneurial.
be part of WEP 2013.
Proposals can also be submitted for the WEP Film
All ideas are welcome and no proposal is too big!
Festival: fiction/ non-fiction films about Science and
Proposals that didn’t make it into the 2012 program
Technology, Environment, and Saudi Arabia and the
may be re-submitted.
Gulf Region (non-political), and guests related to these films/ topics.
Please visit WEPSubmission/Pages/WEP-Submission-Form.
The WEP 2013 Committee will review propos-
aspx to submit a proposal. For additional informa-
als for their ability to enrich, inspire, and broaden
tion, please email contact or
the knowledge and experience of students and the
call Marie-Laure Boulot at 808-3128.
Artists and attendees at the opening reception
May 2012
Summer 2012 at KAUST summer internships
Many KAUST students already have approved internships, both
opportunity to connect classroom learning with on-site learning
academic and industrial, in the Kingdom, in the region as well as
in an internship and the institution is able to further its mission of
in Europe and the United States. Last year 143 internships, offer-
educating its students.
ing students the ability to apply knowledge and skills to real-world
So far this year, KAUST students have been offered academic
settings, were approved and this year the Office of Graduate Affairs
internships at universities worldwide including Princess Sumaya
is anticipating receiving over 100 applications. Internships vary in
University in Jordan, Texas A&M in both Qatar and Texas,
length but are for a minimum of 8 weeks. Travel subsidies are avail-
Technische Universität München (TUM, Munich), University of
able for students and particularly benefit those from the region.
Toronto, and Princeton.
Internships are three-way partnerships between the University,
Over 80 students applied to ARAMCO for industrial internships
the internship site, and the student, providing students with expe-
and already many of them have been accepted for the summer in
riences that are quite different to those they get in the classroom.
Jeddah, Dhahran, and Yanbu. Others will be traveling further afield
Benefits can include practice in disciplinary skills, increased
to take up places at Dow Chemicals in Spain and elsewhere, the
self-awareness, expansion of social and professional networks,
Institut Curie in Paris, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunications de
and résumé building. Faculty can be confident of the students'
Catalunya, Flibe Energy and Total in the US.
institute attracts high school hopefuls
Gifted student program doubles
Forty highly talented Saudi high school stu-
intensive hands-on research, lectures, college
The KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP)
students are now completing their foundation
dents from all over the Kingdom will attend the
and career workshops, scientific paper writing,
will hold its annual workshop and pre-depar-
year and all have been admitted to under-
2012 Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI)
presentations, and an array of extracurricu-
ture orientation on the University campus at the
graduate programs in some of the top science
from June 12 through July 26 at KAUST.
lar activities. Thirty faculty members will be
end of July. This will be a chance for the 2012
and engineering universities in the US includ-
The selected students represent the top eche-
volunteering their time, lab resources and per-
intake of 120 high school graduates to meet the
ing MIT, Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Cornell and
lon of Saudi students and come from diverse
sonnel to mentor the students. There is great
existing KGSP students. Some of the new group
Georgia Tech. Each of these students received
backgrounds. These young scholars and their
enthusiasm among these young people who
will go directly into undergraduate programs
an average of five admission offers, with some
parents visited the university in late April for
have been given an extraordinary opportunity
in the fall, while others will begin foundation
receiving up to ten. Five KGSP students cur-
the orientation program. The summer program,
to experience university-level scientific life
or English language programs. This new intake
rently completing their undergraduate studies
modeled on the Research Science Institute (RSI)
and become part of a network of excellence in
will effectively double the number of stu-
in the US and UK will be joining KAUST gradu-
held annually at MIT, engages participants in
science and technology.
dents in the program. 43 of the current KGSP
ate programs in the fall.
Marine Microbes Hold Cancer Fighting Potential The Red Sea’s diverse microbial flora is a tremendous resource
with this, medically important biosynthesis a breakthrough in
for basic research and a source of natural products with com-
natural product chemistry.
One drawback of PharmaMar’s current production method for aplidine is a multi-step, total synthesis in vitro, which is labori-
mercial potential. Bioprospecting for novel chemicals and
Key to the success of this Special Partnership is the collaboration
ous and produces limited quantities of the drug. While there can
enzymes has, in a number of cases, led to the commercializa-
between Prof. Qian and Dr. Abulaziz Al-Suwailem, Manager of the
be advantages to a purely synthetic route, the KAUST-HKUST
tion of a range of products for the pharmaceutical, chemical and
KAUST Coastal and Marine Resources Core Lab. The collabora-
discovery of genes for the didemnin chemical family offers the
agricultural industries.
tors have held joint expeditions to unique Red Sea environments
prospect of low-cost fermentation to produce the drug in bulk.
The KAUST Special Academic Partnership Program with Hong
such as hot brine pools, cold seeps and coral reefs, bringing home
Furthermore, possession of the DNA blueprint for biosynthesis
Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is an exam-
seawater samples and marine invertebrates such as sponges and
will enable genetic engineering to produce novel didemnin struc-
ple of the Red Sea’s potential as a rich source for bioprospectors.
tunicates (sea squirts) from which the HKUST team has isolated a
tures, some of which might be even more effective than aplidine
veritable zoo of exotic bac-
or which might have uses in therapies against other cancers or
teria. At HKUST they have
infectious disease. Technologies derived from the KAUST-HKUST
isolated and characterized
collaboration offer the potential to produce novel, therapeutic
over 1,300 Red Sea bacte-
drugs that may otherwise be difficult to synthesize.
The identification of these two didemnin peptides by the partner institutions represents a major advance for both basic and applied science. The unveiling of novel pathways for in vivo peptide synthesis and the identification of natural compounds with potential anti-cancer properties is of major importance. In order to leverage this discovery commercially, it will be critical to establish the right partnerships to further test the anti-cancer properties of didemnin, determining not only its potential therapeutic effect but also its bioavailability and toxicology profile.
rial strains to date. Prof. Qian’s team has set up a high-throughput screening pipeline to test the strains for their anticancer, antibiotic and anti-biofouling
Led by HKUST Professor Pei Yuan Qian, the project’s aim is to
activities, and then identify the chemicals responsible for these
screen and catalog the diverse chemistry and bioactivities pro-
activities. Plans are now underway for a copy of Prof. Qian’s Red
duced by Red Sea microbes. An early and notable success story
Sea bacterial cultures to be transferred from HKUST to KAUST.
from this KAUST-HKUST Partnership is the discovery of potent
Although the HKUST team has identified many promising
anticancer activity from compounds made by two Red Sea bacte-
strains with various biological activities, they are especially
ria, as recently reported in the Journal of the American Chemical
excited by the didemnin-producing bacteria. Members of the
Society ( and featured in Nature
didemnin chemical family were already known for having anti-
Middle East (doi:10.1038/middle east.2012.59).
cancer activity, as well as antivirus and immunosuppressive
The lead author on this study is Dr. Sharon Xu Ying, a KAUST-
activities. Two didemnin compounds were identified in tuni-
funded postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Qian’s team. Dr. Xu Ying
cates decades ago, one in the Caribbean and the other in the
has focused on two related bacterial strains, Tistrella mobilis and
Mediterranean Sea, but an actual organism producing these com-
T. bauzanensis that produce potent anticancer activity, based on
pounds was not known. The KAUST-HKUST project has revealed,
assays with HeLa human cancer cell cultures. Both strains pro-
for the first time, both the bacterial origin and the genetic basis of
duce a suite of chemicals called didemnins. One feature of these
the didemnin chemical family. Years ago, a Mediterranean tuni-
unusual peptide-based compounds is their synthesis by a non-
cate was found as a source for a potent anticancer drug called
ribosomal peptide synthetase-polyketide synthetase pathway. The
dehydrodidemnin B, or aplidine. This drug has been synthesized
Collecting samples in the Red Sea
HKUST team sequenced the entire genome of T. mobilis and discov-
artificially by the Spanish company PharmaMar, and is now in
Left: Bacteria cultured from seawater
ered the full multi-gene cluster encoding enzymes that produce the
Phase III clinical trials for multiple myeloma therapy in 20 coun-
didemnin chemical family. The linking of a full genomic sequence
tries around the world.
Right: Variation in appearance of different bacterial strains
The KAUST School
May 2012
The Beacon
A Busy Year for ‘Shark’ Athletics
The Continuing Journey to Excellence in International Education Further to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Authorizations
ensure that all systems and services have student learning and
Fourteen U16 and U19 Girls’ and Boys’ KAUST School sports
that The KAUST School (TKS) was awarded in 2010 and 2011,
well being as their primary focus.
teams (the ‘Sharks’) competed this year in respective Volleyball,
a team from the Council of International Schools and the New
The process involves this preliminary visit, a self-study and
Soccer, Basketball, Softball, and Badminton Championships
England Association of Schools and Colleges visited in April to
a further team visit, after which a decision on accreditation is
in the Saudi Arabian Inter-Kingdom Activities Conference
assess the school’s preparedness for the accreditation process.
taken; it often takes two years from start to finish. With accredi-
(SAIKAC) League.
IB Authorization focuses very sharply on the teaching and
tation, TKS aspires to become a full member of the Near East
For the second year running the KAUST School hosted three
learning program whereas accreditation examines the wider
South Asia (NESA) Conference, a professional organization
major SAIKAC events, the U19 Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
operations within the school including governance, policy,
serving International Schools across the region. Membership
Championships, and the U19 Girls’ Volleyball Championship.
professional development, health and safety, staffing and recruit-
enables the school to present workshops, participate in bench-
ment. School Superintendent Madeleine Hewitt welcomes the
mark reviews and other joint endeavors, and receive funding. Madeleine Hewitt reported that in the closing review ses-
was having all four basketball teams (U16 Boys’ and Girls’, and U19
sion, the visiting team members Mr. Peter Gittins of Council
Boys’ and Girls’) compete in the league. “This is the first year that
beneficial process as one designed to help the school meet bestin-class standards.
Tarique Al Iesa, Athletic/Activities Coordinator for the KAUST School, explained that one of the milestones of the sporting year
TKS strives always to be in a process of continuous improve-
of International Schools (CIS) and Mr. Steve Ingram of New
we have been able to field full teams in any sport,” said Al Iesa. The
ment, and the IB Accreditation procedure helps to formalize
England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) shared
U19 Basketball teams both placed in the top four in their respective
this based on practices which include a rigorous program of
how impressed they were with what had been accomplished in
Championships. Al Iesa is also proud of the development of girls’
self-examination followed by an objective external appraisal
just three years. They believe the self-study process will help
sport at the school. Having started with just one girls’ team there
by a team of peers. The accreditation process is challenging,
the school to build on its successes and accomplishments while
are now seven teams for girls competing across various disciplines.
helping the school to use its mission, vision and objectives to
determining priorities for the next chapter at TKS.
As the school grows, more teams will be able to participate in the league, but Al Iesa says that the focus for now is on building sportsmanship and a spirit of commitment towards athletics. “For us, success is fielding a team and enjoying the experience at this early stage,” says Al Iesa.
Current Universities (April 2012) where TKS students have offers: Canadian Universities •
University of British Columbia
University of Toronto
Ryerson University
University of Victoria – BC
Concordia University
Wilfrid Laurier University
University of Guelph
McMaster University
• University of Western Ontario UK Universities •
University of Nottingham
University of Kent
University of Essex
US Universities •
Iowa State University
University of Wyoming
University of Utah
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
State University of New York – Plattsburg
University of Massachusetts – Boston
University of Rhode Island
Northeastern University
Smith College
Rochester University of Technology
Suffolk University
University of New Hampshire
University of Missouri
All seniors in the Class of 2012 who applied to universi-
ally tackling the prestigious and exacting International
Duke University
ties in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
University of Miami
have met with great success. They have all been offered
It is evident that College Counselor Andrew Zienchuk rel-
University of Virginia
provisional places at the universities listed in the table
ishes working alongside seniors, supported by their parents,
American University Beirut
(see table to the left). Several of the 25-strong class are
to find courses in which each individual will be both chal-
Washington University of St. Louis
awaiting news from colleges in Qatar, while students hop-
lenged and supported at institutions where they will thrive. The KAUST Gifted Students Program invests in out-
Boston University
ing to study at in-Kingdom universities must wait until
Mount Holyoke University/
they have their Tawjihi (general secondary examina-
standing Saudi scholars, supporting and nurturing them in
tion) in June to start the application process for a place
their undergraduate studies, to ensure that KAUST will wel-
this September.
come high caliber graduates to its future student body. This
College •
Wheaton College (Massachusetts)
Seniors Take Wing
diversity of the students’ educational experiences further complicates the scenario; all graduate with a TKS High School Diploma while the majority are addition-
The application process – during which hopes and
year a number of the students are being considered for this
dreams are matched with the reality of university courses –
prestigious scholarship. The final offers are conditional on
is particularly exacting at TKS where seniors have applied
grades and examination results and will be made later in
for places on five continents these past three years. The
the summer.
Kyle Brewerton
In order to support the challenging multidimensional journey that students undertake, Kyle believes that school leaders must be responsive to their social, emotional and academic needs, providing rich opportunities to flourish in all aspects of life. He is confident
Newly appointed Elementary Principal Kyle Brewerton visited TKS in April and will
that by imparting explicit teaching skills and knowledge, students can be encouraged
begin his appointment in July 2012.
and motivated to explore the world of today and tomorrow in a spirit of inquiry.
A New Zealander, Kyle is currently serving as Head of Primary at The New Cairo British
Kyle has particular strengths in information technology and sees extraordinary
International School in Egypt. Kyle comes with Primary Years Programme (PYP) expe-
opportunities to create and share new learning using its vast array of tools. He looks
rience, a strong IT Background, and expertise in inquiry-based education.
to embracing the digital strengths of the students and supporting them as they navi-
Kyle believes that education should be holistic. To offer valuable contributions to Kyle Brewerton
society, students should not only strive for academic excellence, but must have opportunities to discover their passions, for example in sport, debating, theatre or visual arts.
gate this new environment. Kyle, his wife Caroline and their son Stone (9) and daughter Nova (5) look forward to joining our KAUST Community in the very near future.
The KAUST School
May 2012
The KAUST School Student Council (StuCo)
Student Leaders Find Their Voice
Pint Sized Picassos... The school’s K3 kindergarten class has been exploring the interesting sculptures and architecture of our campus during field trips
Now in its third year, the KAUST School (TKS) Student Council
experience” that had encouraged them to “learn and grow”, from
this semester as part of their Unit of Inquiry into Imagination and
(StuCo) is made up of 21 male and female students, 3 from each
the campaign trail to the responsibility of representing the opin-
Creativity. Socratic learning starts young in our community and
of grades 6 through 12, who commit to a cycle of meetings where
ions of others, and the opportunities for public speaking, helping
onlookers witnessed earnest collegial discussion around the 5 and
they have the opportunity to give their opinions on a broad range
to “develop ideas and move toward what the school hoped
6 year-old students’ multisensory experiences as the teacher, Eric
of subjects. StuCo representatives are elected annually by their
to achieve”.
Bakken and his teaching assistant, Fadia Balkhair, listened care-
peers, with their Executive Council (EC) elected by the StuCo members following a week of intense campaigning.
Organizational skills are important and these impressive
fully, gently prompting inquiry from time to time.
young people spoke of juggling meetings and activities within
How do you capture with paper and crayons the feel of the blaz-
The Beacon met members of the EC in April to learn about the
busy schedules. “The hard thing is not being overwhelmed with
ing sun or a cool scented breeze on skin, the flow and splash of
role of StuCo at TKS. The truly international StuCo sees itself as the
what is going on,” an EC member commented, while several
water cascading down a wall, or the fun of running down a slope
“voice of the student body”, representing the ideas and concepts of
spoke of learning to cope with the frustration of recognizing
that seems to go on forever? These were all part of the conversations
their peers in a consultation process that not only acknowledges
the limitations of the role.
between the students as they observed the campus: first hearing and
the student perspective within the community and responds to it,
That teenagers like these are already playing an active role in
but can help to support ideas around the social events and activi-
student leadership with commitment, enthusiasm and respon-
ties that properly reflect the diversity of the school.
sibility, speaks volumes about the values that TKS is instilling
“The best bit is making stories,” commented one 5 year-old
in its young learners - shaping future community leaders and
between bites of his well-earned snack as the group wondered how
global thinkers.
to draw a smell.
When asked what they had gained from their roles, the EC members spoke passionately about the “great leadership
then seeing a pair of doves playing above them, absorbed by the tiny wildlife underfoot, and distracted by a crane in full swing.
Another child certainly had a tale to tell: meeting his friend on narrow stepping-stones across a fountain pool, he ended up quite
primary passion
soaked. It certainly enriched his particular sensory experience and the class learned a vivid and important lesson about negotiation
The Exhibition opening on the evening of May 7 at the
Drawing on the essential elements of the PYP, Exhibition is
West Elementary School will be the culminating event
not about competitive, individual, project-driven work. In con-
The pictures below speak for themselves. Below them are exam-
of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) for the 50 Grade 5
trast, it is an exciting, intense, self-directed journey to provoke
ples of the extraordinary artwork produced by the seniors for their
students participating.
action that can make a difference - in some way - to the world
IB portfolio.
Eight weeks ago, each child began focusing on a passion, something that they loved and about which they felt strongly, to explore in further detail in a process of collaborative inquiry.
and thoughtfulness.
in which we live. Look out for further details on The Lens, coming soon. The community is warmly welcome to attend Exhibition on May 7-8.
" The experience was one that I will always remember as positive,
the students learn about the government, history, economics,
not only because I participated,
politics and military strategy of the country they represent.
but because my voice was heard"
It requires these young people to think outside their per-
— Sofia Valenzuela (left)
sonal belief system in the interest of mobilizing “international cooperation” to resolve problems that affect countries all over the world. At the conference, TKS students made speeches, negotiated with allies and adversaries, resolved conflicts, and navigated the conference rules of procedure, which included communicating without ever using the first person, “I”. For the large majority, this was their first MUN conference. "MUN was a great experience for us to meet new people from new
TKS Model United Nations team
cultures, learn about geopolitics and experience a new country. We spent many hours working on our
Gaining Global Insight A team of 14 KAUST School students between the ages of 14
resolutions at home and then used them as a baseline to collaborate with other delegates to eventually form the resolution that got passed by the general assembly. We also used our debating skills to defend and amend resolutions that we or others put forth. I can honestly say that it was an experience worth having and I hope to go again next year." — Spencer Peterson (left)
and 17 recently attended the Model United Nations (MUN) conference in Berlin, Germany at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
"My trip to the Berlin MUN was
Conference Center. The MUN is a program aimed at young
a very memorable one. Debating
people worldwide to encourage students to assume the role of
is the key skill that MUN focuses
ambassadors from UN member states to debate current issues on
on. When I first started, my con-
the organization’s agenda.
fidence was very low, however,
TKS representatives, themselves hailing from 9 different
after going to Berlin, I am now
nations, took the identities of delegates from countries as
much more confident with my
diverse as St. Kitts, Liberia, the Czech Republic and Pakistan.
work and I am able to improvise
In this Olympic year, the chosen topic was “Sports for Peace
very well, which comes in handy
and Development”. Each student needed robust knowledge of
very often. My MUN experience was great, not only did I gain
the government policy of their assigned country, requiring in-
confidence, but I also learnt how to work collectively with
depth research and the preparation of a policy statement as well
other people, to think of feasible solutions to help our world,
as a draft resolution on the subject. Encouraged and guided
and learnt how to socialize with many unique and
by Christopher Williams, history teacher at TKS since 2009,
interesting people." — Siraj Abualnaja (left)
and budding botticellis
May 2012
The Beacon
photo by Dr. Simon Thorold
Whale sharks (rhincodon typus) and researchers in the Red Sea photo by Dr. Greg Skomal
Researchers and community members scan the water for whale sharks
Jesse Cochran, PhD student, prepares for a tagging attempt
secrets of the Red Sea's Gentle Giants Every year between March and May, the seas off the southwest-
identified was in the Gulf of Mexico, but this group in the Red
that detach after 6-8 months). Each tag has a unique ‘ping’ signa-
ern coast of Saudi Arabia experience an unexplained influx of
Sea is thought to be one of the densest.
ture that underwater receivers can distinguish to locate the sharks.
whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) - the largest fish on earth. For the
On our second day out, the sea is calm and glassy and we’re told
The tag tethers are a daunting 15cm long, designed to penetrate
researchers at KAUST’s Reef Ecology Lab in the Red Sea Research
these are ideal spotting conditions. “Sometimes we spot a fin break-
the sharks’ amazingly thick skin (15-20cm) without causing any
Center, this is an exciting and busy time dedicated to an intensive
ing the surface,” says Jesse, “other times we look for certain patterns
pain. Red Sea Research Center technician Tane Sinclair-Taylor
whale shark tagging project.
at the surface created by shoals of fish that indicate the sharks are
also prepares a smaller-tipped device to take skin samples for
This whale shark ‘hotspot’ near Al Lith, about 200km south of
feeding close by, and we wait.” After what seems an eternity we spot
genetic studies. But the shark is skittish and keeps diving out of
Jeddah, was only discovered in 2008 and the tagging project is
a dark patch of disturbed water caused by a feeding school of small
reach so after multiple tagging attempts the researchers settle for
producing some of the first ever research on whale sharks in the
fish. We edge closer and, sure enough, a shiny grey fin breaks the
visual identification. This is painstaking fieldwork requiring great
Red Sea. The team has now tagged over 120 whale sharks in this
surface, followed by the distinctive spotted body of a whale shark.
persistence and patience.
aggregation, arguably making this the largest whale shark tag-
It’s a comical sight as 30 excited snorkelers start swimming
“Sightings have been fairly consistent – same numbers, same time
behind the shark, which remains remarkably unperturbed. This is
of year, in some cases even the same sharks, some for the fourth year
This year, for the first time, members of the KAUST community
a juvenile female less than five meters in length but still a huge
in a row,” explains Jesse. Most of the sharks identified so far are
were invited to join the tagging expeditions as part of a formal
fish to be seeing up close. The largest whale shark ever measured
immature, less than 5m in length. Preliminary results from tagging
community outreach program and on the first weekend of April,
was 12.2m – the size of a school bus – and the species is thought
indicate surprisingly limited movement of the Red Sea whale shark
The Beacon went along to find out more:
ging project in the world!
to grow even bigger. We observe her filter feeding - her gaping
populations with relatively little connectivity to the Indian Ocean.
We set out from base early on the first morning with a group
mouth sieving plankton as she swims near the surface. We’re able
There are gaping questions about the whereabouts of the adults and
of about 30 community members, researchers, and crew. Jesse
to trail her for a few hundred meters but eventually she dives and
the origin of these juveniles. “No one knows where they breed, how
Cochran, PhD student in the Reef Ecology Lab and a specialist on
we lose her to the depths.
long gestation is, how many pups are born, etc.,” comments Jesse.
whale sharks, leads the expedition. He tells us that astonishingly little is known about the biology and ecology of the species and
“It’s hard to imagine a more docile fish,” said Jesse. “Despite their size, they are completely harmless.”
“Our current studies include determining the population demographics of the sharks visiting our sites, what brings them here, and
this kindled his interest in studying whale sharks. “There have
“I was amazed at how calm I felt swimming next to a creature
any potential connections with populations outside of the Red Sea,”
only been about 20 peer reviewed articles on Red Sea sharks, but
so large. It didn’t evoke a fear reaction at all, it was completely
explains lab head, Professor Michael Berumen. “We want to establish
nothing has been published on whale sharks,” explains Jesse. In
inspiring,” said South African Cameron MacPherson.
a connection between these sharks and Indian Ocean aggregations.
fact, just spotting whale sharks is difficult as they don’t surface
While these trips are primarily about giving community mem-
Also, by using genetic analyes we hope to start understanding rela-
frequently and the areas they inhabit are vast. So, not altogether
bers the opportunity to swim with whale sharks, the snorkelers also
tionships among the sharks, which may help to unravel the mysteries
surprisingly, our first day’s search proves unsuccessful. In addi-
contribute to research by taking photographs of the sharks which,
of these animals’ reproductive habits and lifespan.”
tion, “The sharks travel such vast distances that tracking them is
together with the GPS coordinates, will add to the visual refer-
According to Prof. Berumen no one has been able to explain
challenging even with current technology.” But, through state-
ence library that is critical to the whale shark identification and
this seasonal ‘hotspot’ yet, but it seems likely that these young
of-the-art techniques (see illustration on facing page) this project
tracking process.
sharks have identified this area as a good, nutrient-rich nursery.
hopes to significantly add to the collective knowledge about
But tagging individual whale sharks is still essential for col-
Related studies are being designed to investigate the movement
lecting scientific data. The tether of a lost satellite tag remains
of plankton communities in the Red Sea that may be influencing
Although considered to be fairly rare, whale sharks can be
attached to the shark, and Jesse attempts to re-tag her. He pre-
the whale sharks. Prof. Berumen is also interested in the possi-
found throughout many of the world’s tropical oceans, but their
pares a 2m long spear fitted with an acoustic tag; this tag will
ble draw of the outflow of nutrient-rich effluents from the large
global population size is unknown. The largest aggregation ever
remain attached for up to 5 years (as opposed to the satellite tags
prawn factory situated just north of Al-Lith (see article above).
whale sharks.
Whale shark | Continued on next page
May 2012
President Choon Fong Shih and Eng. Ahmad R. Al Ballaa (Managing Director of NPC) shake hands after signing the MoU
crustacean collaboration
The feed silos adjoining the sub feeder canal at the NPC prawn farm in Al Lith
In April 2012, KAUST joined forces with the
model of large-scale food production. “NPC is
possible links between the plant’s outflow and
National Prawn Company (NPC) by signing a
a very forward looking company, but they are
the seasonal influx of whale sharks to the region.
Managing Director of NPC Eng. Ahmad
memorandum of understanding (MOU) that
not into basic research, so the potential inter-
The prawn farm generates a unique resource of
R. Al Ballaa looks forward to the successful
paves the way for joint research into two of
face between KAUST and NPC is enormous.”
the most pressing global challenges – food
at our campus alone,” said Prof. Fedoroff.
concentrated, high-saline but nutrient-rich waste-
application of the research findings that result
At the Computational Bioscience Research
water, much of which flows back into the sea. Prof.
from this cooperation. He believes this is an
Center Dr. Arnab Pain, Associate Professor of
Fedoroff hopes to exploit this resource for sustaina-
important building block in the network of
The MOU establishes a framework for col-
Bioscience, and his colleagues are initiating a
ble feed and food production. “What interests me is
competencies leading towards the expansion
laborative discovery in the areas of shrimp
high-throughput genomics-driven project that
how to capture nutrients from the waste water and
of the aquaculture industry in the Kingdom.
genome research, water management, marine
aims to enhance shrimp aquaculture produc-
use them to drive the growth of plants,” she said.
“We are committed to ‘open innovation’ - to
biology, and saline agriculture. Joint projects
tion by identifying genes affecting important
Finding ways to capture and convert the volatile
working closely together with research facil-
will encompass research on water borne dis-
production traits, such as the resistance to com-
ammonia emitted by shrimps into stable nitrogen
ities throughout the world to develop the
eases relevant to shrimp cultivation, studies
mon diseases of shrimps in the Red Sea farms.
could develop a new generation of energy-efficient
industry - and therefore we strongly believe
of the impacts of long-term aquaculture and
“The Indian white prawn, Fenneropenaeus indi-
and environmentally friendly fertilizers. The NPC
in maintaining research cooperation with most
agriculture on the Red Sea, biotechnology, and
cus, is the most successfully cultivated shrimp
is already growing algae to produce carotenoids –
renowned universities,” stated Eng. Al Ballaa
environmental monitoring.
species in KSA, with high demand in domes-
pigments highly valued in the health industry and
after the signing event.
security and the supply of clean water.
About 180km south of Jeddah on the Red
tic and international markets. The Saudi stock
used for adding color to food products such as eggs
Sea coast lies one of the world’s largest, fully
is the only domesticated stock of F. indicus and
and salmon.
integrated prawn farming facilities, privately
its development is a true first for the Kingdom,”
owned by the NPC. The farm spans an area of
explained Dr. Pain.
KAUST President Choon Fong Shih commented on this partnership saying, “Today’s
On a broader scale, halophytes (salt tolerant
agreement with NPC strongly complements our
plants) such as Salicornia bigelovii, commonly
research agenda in sustainable food production,
approximately 210sq km with almost 450 ten-
Scientists in the Water Desalination and Reuse
known as sea asparagus or samphire could
incorporating the holistic cycle of aquaculture
hectare ponds, and currently produces in the
Center will be developing new membrane tech-
be domesticated for large-scale agricultural
and agriculture – led by globally renowned
region of 19,000 tons of prawn each year. The
nologies to partially desalinate seawater for
production for feed, food, and biomass. The
expert Professor Nina Fedoroff. This endeavor
farm uses only seawater in its operations and
brackish water aquaculture and eventually for
extensive breeding and inter-breeding necessary
will also benefit significantly from the work of
has its own feed mill, reverse osmosis plant,
integrated aquaculture-agriculture using the
for any significant discoveries in this domain
our Red Sea Research Center.
water treatment plant, and power generation
nutrient-rich wastewater from aquaculture to
will be enabled by pooling the resources, infra-
"The Memorandum of Understanding offers
irrigate salt tolerant crops. And researchers in
structure, research capabilities, and process
NPC and KAUST a joint platform to seek win-
“In some ways, the NPC is the future of
the Red Sea Research Center will pursue joint
expertise offered both by the NPC and KAUST.
win opportunities in the Kingdom’s scientific
food,” explained Dr. Nina Fedoroff, Professor
investigations into the impact of the prawn
“I’m excited by the potential for field research
and technological development, economic
of Bioscience at KAUST who sees this as a
operations on marine ecology, such as exploring
on a scale much larger than would be possible
prosperity, and environmental well-being.”
Whale shark | Continued from previous page Prof. Berumen explains that typical studies have been limited to only a few whale sharks, so all that’s
attempts to piece together a more complete story of the lives of whale sharks in the Red Sea.
known about them is inferred from a few anecdotal
“I’ve been going to the Red Sea my whole life
case studies. “With this project we are optimistic
and nothing beats the whale shark experience.
about the number of sharks we are tagging, so we
It’s indescribable excitement to see such a huge
can start looking at patterns on the species level,
creature right in front of your face,” commented
not just individual accounts. The community con-
Samia Falimban, a Saudi community member
tribution and support is vital in achieving this
who brought her children on the trip.
goal.” By the end of the season over 200 KAUST
“Credit should go to the scientists for allowing
community members will have experienced whale
us this opportunity. My youngest has a new hero
sharks up close, had a taste of the challenges of
now, “Beruman” [Prof. Berumen], and wants to be a
marine fieldwork, and contributed to the project’s
marine biologist.”
Continuous access to data
photo by gassan al jehdali
The current whale shark tagging techniques involve both acoustic tagging (high-resolution, low range) and satellite tagging (low-resolution, wider range) technologies. PhD student Pedro de la Torre, also from the Reef Ecology Lab, is developing a device that integrates both technologies into a single automated system offering optimal resolution and range. The Integrated Satellite AcousticTracking System (iSAT) follows acoustically tagged sharks using a miniature receiver array that identifies the position of the shark and adjusts its course to stay in close proximity. Satellite communication systems mounted on the vessel allow for real-time and two-way communication with the iSAT, providing far superior spatial and temporal accuracy than the traditional methods. The system will reveal the long-range motion patterns of the Red Sea whale shark, including geographical as well as some environmental measurements, e.g. water temperature and depth. >
Satellite and local wireless networks for communication and control
Acoustic transducers array for tracking
Tag: acoustic pinger
Thuwal fishermen's society The Thuwal Fishermen’s Cooperative Society was established in
including equipment, helping them to secure any required doc-
1983. It provides a range of services to the fishermen and com-
uments, encouraging the villagers to consider working in the
munity of this historical Red Sea fishing village.
industry, as well as marketing their products and addressing any
Both the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the
problems encountered. The society further seeks to nurture the
Kingdom’s Ministry of Agriculture, represented by the Fishery
concept of cooperative work for the positive impact it can have
Resources Department, contributed to the establishment of the
on the lives of individuals and the larger community.
society - the first cooperative fishermen’s society on the Red Sea coast.
KAUST’s Coastal and Marine Resources Core lab provides the Society with voluntary technical and educational support. Recent
The Society was established to serve and promote the fishing
initiatives include a workshop on sea pollution, and conducting a
industry by supplying the fishermen’s needs and requirements
water quality study for a proposed site for cage culture farming.
May 2012
Advanced Membranes And Porous Materials Center Inaugurated The Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials (AMPM) Research Center was officially opened on Tuesday March 6, 2012. To commemorate the opening, the AMPM Center organized a two-day Inauguration Technical Symposium with topics focused on novel functional materials, membranes, and world-leading, cutting-edge separation technologies that can provide solutions to enduring challenges related to energy security and envi-
photo by aram amassian
ronmental sustainability. The symposium hosted about 140 attendees including a diverse range of international scientists and engineers from academia and industry. In his introductory remarks, Dr. Ingo Pinnau AMPM Director and Named Professor of Chemical Engineering stated: “The center is developing innovative graduate-level research programs by providing education and training to students and scientists in various multidisciplinary areas including nanotechnology, materials science, chemistry, and chemical engineering. The AMPM center will play a leading role in the search for advanced functional polymeric Aram Amassian, Assistant Professor of Materials Science
Island is home to two falcons as well as hundreds of red
and inorganic materials, membrane structures, and devices for economic and
and Engineering, took this photo of a Shaheen falcon dur-
crabs. The crabs ran off into the water and underground
environmentally benign processing of natural gas and oil resources, as well as
ing a visit to Sand Island, a tiny island a few kilometers
as soon as we approached the island, but the falcons were
more efficient desalination of seawater and wastewater treatment. These chal-
to the south-west of KAUST. He told The Beacon, "Sand
brave and stuck around for a few snaps."
lenging goals will be carried out in collaboration with KAUST academic and industrial partners. The AMPM center will strive for fundamental academic excellence with the mission of providing innovative ideas for development of
my university
commercial membranes and porous materials”. At the opening, President Choon Fong Shih explained that research con-
ducted at AMPM would “take center stage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia…
Born in India, raised in
University, Kent State University, and Indiana State
To turn the vast gas reserves into commercial products, we need membranes.
London, and educated in the
University. Heemanshu is passionate about higher edu-
To turn the vast body of Red Sea water into viable water for human needs, we
US, Heemanshu Bhagat is the
cation and particularly believes in working with young
need membranes.”
new head of Young Talent
adults to develop talent and potential.
“Specifically, this center for Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials aims to
Development and Retention,
While at Cornell, Heemanshu worked with and developed
develop premier separation technology for advanced gas purification for sustain-
in the Department of Saudi
tremendous respect for Dr. Frank Rhodes (KAUST Trustee
able energy and environmental applications and water treatment,” he continued.
Initiatives. He brings to KAUST
Emeritus) and it was Dr. Rhodes’ willingness to invest in
"Choosing people for the center was similar to putting together a world-class
almost three decades of experience in higher education,
KAUST that inspired Heemanshu to take the professional
soccer team – one in which everybody contributes something very important to the
management, and consulting. He was the Vice President
leap to Saudi Arabia. He says that his first impressions of
team’s mission,” Professor Pinnau said. “The goal is not only to have isolated groups
and Dean of Students at Woodbury University and at
the University were of its immense scale. But now, having
with individual investigators, but to encourage collaboration within the center and
Adrian College in the US, and has held top academic
been here a while, he says, “It looks much bigger than it
then to collaborate with other world-class academic groups and with industry."
administrative posts at institutions including Cornell
is, but it still feels huge with respect to its bold vision.”
In line with the KAUST mission, the center will seek to diversify the Saudi
< Professor Mohamed Eddaoudi, Dr. Mohamed Samaha, Professor Jean Frechet, Professor Choon Fong Shih, Professor Ingo Pinnau
photo of the month
economy through the formation of highly innovative start-up companies and
the development of strategic partnerships with key industry players.
In her role as an English for
comfort zone. She taught English in Greece, Spain,
Furthermore, the center will focus on educating future academic and indus-
Specific Purposes Instructor,
Poland, Venezuela, Italy, China, and Cape Verde, over
trial leaders and pioneers who will contribute effectively to the field of advanced
Er ic a J o lly p r o v id e s a c a -
a period of 12 years, before returning to teach English
functional materials and membrane science.
demic writing, presentation,
for Academic Purposes in her home
and speaking skills training
country, Britain. Erica began her stud-
to graduate students. Together
ies with a BSc in Mathematics, but she
with her colleagues in
soon realized her dream was to travel
Graduate Development and Support, she also facil-
the world and so she completed a cer-
Two of KAUST’s founding team, Dr. Ammar Al-Nahwi and Dr. Mustafa Al-Ali, have become inaugu-
itates an intensive summer session of integrated
tificate in Teaching English to speakers
ral Lifetime Fellows of the University. The announcement was made by President Choon Fong
skills training and offers weekly thesis support clin-
of Foreign Languages, and later an MA
Shih “in recognition of their lasting contribution to the institution,
ics. “My job’s never boring because I’m meeting new
in English Language Teaching. Erica
and to sustain a lifelong connection.” Both Dr. Al-Nahwi and Dr.
people all the time,” says Erica, who relishes the diver-
enjoys her work at KAUST and finds
Al-Ali joined KAUST from Saudi Aramco at the earliest stages of
sity of the international students she works with on a
it particularly satisfying to watch
the University’s development, and each returned to the company
daily basis.
h e r s t u d e n t s fl o u r i s h a n d g a i n
recently. At a dinner held to mark their farewell, Senior Vice
confidence in their speaking or
President for Economic Development Dr. Mohamed Samaha
writing skills.
said both men had played a “pivotal role in the establishment
Life at KAUST is “challenging and interesting” for her, but Erica is no stranger to being out of her
of collaborations with prestigious partners worldwide.”
Front, L-R: Dr. Ammar Al-Nahwi, Dr. Mustafa Al-Ali. Back, L-R: Dr. Mohamed Samaha, Prof. Choon Fong Shih, Mr. Nadhmi Al Nasr, Prof. Stefan Catsicas
MRS Establishes First International Student chapter at KAUST
Algerian born Taous
Meriem, she was drawn to KAUST because she
Meriem Laleg, Assistant
“loved the project” and found it “very impres-
Professor of Applied
sive and exciting.” She is delighted to have the
opportunity to take an active role in the devel-
Computational Science
opment of science in the Kingdom as a woman.
The Materials Research Society (MRS) has established its first international student chapter at
in the MCSE Division,
Although currently not teaching due to the
KAUST, under the umbrella of the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) program. Dr. Husam
obtained her PhD from
recent arrival of her second child, her research
Alshareef, Associate Professor of Materials Science, together with Mohammad Adnan Khan, PhD
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt. She specialized in
work is gaining momentum with a growing
student in Prof. Alshareef’s group, accepted the Chapter Certificate during an awards ceremony at
Control Systems and Applied Mathematics and
team of students and postdocs working under
an MRS meeting in San Francisco in April. Prof. Alshareef has been working with MRS for two
developed a new signal analysis method based on
her on various projects. One of her promis-
years to make this happen. Khan will be the chapter president and Nuha Al-Hebshi, a Master’s stu-
a semi-classical analysis of a Schrödinger oper-
ing projects is concerned with developing new
dent in the MSE program, will be the chapter vice president. Prof. Alshareef and Prof. Osman Bakr
ator. This new method has been applied to the
models and techniques to characterize the
from the MSE program will act as advisors to the new chapter.
analysis of arterial blood pressure signals in order
hemodynamic response in functional Magnetic
to propose new clinical diagnostic methods.
Resonance Imaging (fMRI), which in turn
There are currently 66 active MRS University Chapters throughout the US, with KAUST becoming its 67th and first international chapter.
In December 2010 she relocated to Saudi
will provide better understanding of the rela-
Chapter students are entitled to many benefits including eligibility to enter MRS-sponsored
Arabia with her husband and young daughter
tionship between neural activity and the
competitions, discounts on registration fees, travel assistance, and MRS official sponsorship of
to join the KAUST faculty. According to Taous
fMRI response.
workshops and symposia that can take place here at KAUST and in the Kingdom.
املنارة King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
May 2012 / Jumada Al-Thani 1433 Volume 2, Issue No.9
أمساك خجولة ال تظهر إال عندما يكون البحر هادئًا وحتمل بطاقات تعريفية لتجميع البيانات العلمية
(األعلى) تصنيع أجهزة الذاكرة البوليمرية الشفافة على النقود الورقية • اآلوراق النقدية املغلفة ب””SMDP • طالء تدويري ألقطاب سفلية (( )SSP:TODEPحملول مبلمري) • الطالء التدويري ()gnitaoc nips للطبقة الفريوكهربية من مادة -)FDVP (( EFrTحملول مبلمري) ذات السمك 041نانومرت. • الغشاء الرقيق املكون من مادة البنتاسني بواسطة التبخري احلراري. (األسفل) صورة الريال السعودي مغطى مبجموعة من أجهزة الذاكرة املصنوعة من البوليمرات الفريوكهربية.
تفيد احلكومات ودوائر الشرطة وتكافح التزوير
باحثان من جامعة امللك عبداهلل ينجحان يف تطبيقات مادة البوليمر اإللكرتونية على أوراق النقد أي شخص زار خمترب وأجهزة مواد النانو الوظيفية قبل عدة أشهر يف جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية رمبا قد أصيب بالدهشة ملشاهدة طالب الدكتوراه حممد عدنان خان وهو يكوي أوراق العملة النقدية أو يقطع بعضها .وهو فخور بعرض درج مكتبه وهو مملوء بأوراق العمالت النقدية املمزقة واملكوية .ومت نشر هذا البحث امللفت املحكمة يف ورقة علمية نشرت يف املطبوعة ّ “ ”Advanced Materialsيف شهر أبريل املاضي. doi/10.1002/adma.201200626/abstract وحتت إشراف وتوجيه الربوفيسور حسام الشريف قام طالب الدكتوراه حممد عدنان خان وباحث ما بعد الدكتوراه الدكتور أونات بهنسايل بالعمل معا بهدف تصنيع أول ذاكرة مستقرة بالكامل من مادة البوليمر على ورقة نقد. وأتت فكرة دمج شرحية ذاكرة يف الورقة النقدية إلثبات إمكانية تصنيع خواص أمنية الكرتونية نشطة مثل بطاقات التعريف بالذبذبة الالسلكية على أوراق النقد .ومن الناحية النظرية متنح بطاقات التعريف بالذبذبة الالسلكية احلكومات وإدارات الشرطة وسيلة “لتتبع النقد” .وتسمح هذه البطاقات ألوراق النقد حبمل تارخيها من خالل تسجيل أماكن وجودها .ومتثل الشرحية يف هذه البطاقات تطورا هاما ألنها مل تعد تعتمد علي البشر الكتشاف النقود املزورة. ولكن الذاكرة غري املستقرة ال تناسب بطاقات التعريف الالسلكية السلبية لعدم وجود مصدر مسستمر للطاقة ولكنها تتلقى الطاقة من اإلشارات الالسلكية .ويف هذه الدراسة البحثية
ميكن ألجهزة الذاكرة ختزين البيانات بصورة دائمة مما جيعلها اخليار األكثر جاذبية .ومن أجل تصنيع أجهزة الذاكرة على أوراق النقد تعني أن تكون مجيع الطبقات انشطة على الذاكرة مرنة وشفافة ورخيصة الثمن .وقد أدى قرار الفريق بتصنيع جهاز ذاكرة مصنوع بالكامل برتسيب مادة البوليمر إىل إنتاج أول ذاكرة يف العامل من مادة البوليمر على ورقة نقد تتمتع خبواص تنافس الذاكرة املصنوعة من طبقات السيليكون التقليدية. وتعني على الفريق جتاوز العديد من التحديات الكبرية لكي ينجح وأهمها امللمس اخلشن للعملة النقدية الذي جيعل عملية تصنيع أجهزة الكرتونية ذات جودة عالية شبه مستحيلة ولذلك مت وضع طبقة لتنعيم سطح الورقة النقدية من مادة البوليمر. وثاين هذه التحديات هو حتسني أداء هذه الذاكرة املصنوعة بالكامل من مادة البوليمر على أوراق النقد. ومتكن الفريق كيميائيا من زيادة عملية التوصلية بصورة كبرية وحتقيق حتسن ملحوظ يف أدائها. أما التحدي الثالث يتمثل يف دمج اجلهاز النشط على الطبقة املسطحة الطاردة للماء .ويشرح عدنان الوضع قائالً :إن الكرتودات البوليمر ذات املوصلية العالية للماء لن تلتصق أبدا على الطبقة الطاردة للماء .ولتذليل تلك املشكلة قام الفريق بتعديل سطح الطبقة باستخدام عملية بالزما بسيطة أدت إىل تغيري خواص السطح دون فقدان السطح األملس .ويشرح الشكل يف الصورة أعاله خطوات تصنيع الذاكرة على الورقة النقدية .وأثبتت هذه الذاكرة املصنعة أداء ممتازا مع اخنفاض فلطيتها وقدرتها العالية على احلركة إضافة إىل توفر نافذة ذاكرة ضخمة وخصائص حفظ جيدة.
وهذا العمل مل يثبت فقط إمكانية تصنيع ذاكرة بوليمر مستقرة عالية األداء على أوراق النقد ،ولكنه يربز أيضا إمكانية استخدام البوليمر حمليا ودوليا كموصالت رخيصة الثمن ومرنة يف الدوائر االلكرتونية عوضا عن اخلطوط املعدنية. وإىل جانب قيمة هذه التقنية يف تطبيقات مكافحة التزوير ،تشمل التطبيقات األخرى األوراق االلكرتونية والعروض املرنة وأجهزة اإلحساس .وبتكلفة إنتاج متوقعة تصل إىل عشرة سنتات ،ميكن استخدام الذاكرة يف أجهزة اإلحساس الرخيصة اليت تستخدم مرة واحدة وبطاقات التعريف الالسلكية املفيدة يف رصد وتتبع عمليات نقل النقود والبضائع والتحكم يف املخزون وأمن املركبات .وقد ظل خمترب الربوفسور الشريف يتعاون بصورة دقيقة مع الشريك الصناعي شركة سابك يف تطوير إلكرتونيات عضوية على الطبقات التحتية املرنة. وتلقى الربوفسور الشريف والدكتور بهنسايل تعليمهما يف الواليات املتحدة بينما درس عدنان لنيل شهادته اجلامعية يف جامعة امللك فهد للبرتول واملعادن .وصرح خان والدكتور بهنسايل ملطبوعة املنارة بأن املشروع بأكمله كان ممتعا للغاية كما أنها جتربة ثرية ظلوا يتعلمون منها أشياء جديدة كل يوم. ويقول الربوفسور حسام الشريف إنه يشعر بكل الفخر بعمل عدنان وأونات اجلاد وإجنازاتهما واليت تثبت أن الباحثني يف جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية ميكنهم القيام بأحباث عالية اجلودة يعرتف بها نظراؤهم الدوليونo .
باحثون من جامعة امللك عبداهلل يطمحون لتأسيس عالقة بني (قرش) البحر األمحر واملحيط اهلندي
بني شهري مارس ومايو من كل عام تشهد السواحل اجلنوبية الغربية للمملكة العربية السعودية هجرة يتعذر تفسريها ألعداد ضخمة من أمساك القرش الضخمة. ومتثل هذه اهلجرة بالنسبة للباحثني يف خمترب دراسة بيئة الشعب املرجانية يف جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية وقتا مناسبا ملشروع شامل يهدف إىل رصد هذا النوع من االمساك ووضع بطاقات تعريف. وقد اكتشفت هذه البؤرة الساخنة هلذا النوع من األمساك يف عام 2008بالقرب من الليث على بعد 200كم جنوب جدة وترتب على مشروع البطاقات أول حبث جيرى على اإلطالق عنها يف البحر األمحر .وقام الفريق حىت األن بوضع أكثر من 120بطاقة تعريف على أمساك القرش مما جعله أضخم مشروع يف العامل. ويف هذا العام متت دعوة عدد من أفراد جمتمع اجلامعة ألول مرة لالنضمام إىل فريق الرصد كجزء من برنامج اجلامعة خالل الشهر املاضي ،وكانت صحيفة (املنارة) ضمن هذا الفريق للتعرف على املزيد عن الربنامج: انطلقت الرحلة يف وقت مبكر مع جمموعة مكونة من 30شخصا من جمتمع اجلامعة والباحثني وطاقم الفريق حتت قيادة طالب الدكتوراه يف خمترب دراسة بيئة الشعب املرجانية وأحد املختصني يف أمساك القرش جيسي كوشران ،والذي لفت إىل قلة املعلومات املتوفرة عن هذه الفصيلة مما أثار اهتمامه لدراسة حالتها حيث ال يتوفر سوى حنو 20دراسة حول أمساك القرش يف البحر األمحر إال أنه مل ينشر شيء عنها . وليس من السهولة مشاهدة هذا النوع من األمساك ألنها ال تطفو على السطح بصورة متكررة وتعيش يف مساحة شاسعة وممتدة .وذكر جيسي أن أمساك القرش تنتقل ملسافات بعيدة حبيث يشكل أمر رصدها حتديا صعبا حىت مع استخدام التقنيات احلديثة .ويأمل هذا الربنامج يف حتقيق إضافة هامة يف املعرفة اجلماعية حليتان القرش. ومع أنه يعترب أمرا نادرا بعض الشيء إال أنه ميكن العثور على حوت القرش عرب العديد من املحيطات املدارية يف العامل ولكن جمموع أعدادها غري معروف. وقد مت التعرف على أكرب جتمع هلا يف خليج املكسيك غري أن هذه املجموعة يف البحر األمحر تعد واحدة من أكرب املجموعات كثافة.
منظر مبهج
ويف اليوم الثاين من الرحلة ،كان البحر هادئا وهذه هي الظروف املثالية ملشاهدة أمساك القرش .ويشرح جيسي ذلك بأنهم يشاهدون بقعة سوداء من املياه املتحركة تسببها أسراب األمساك الصغرية وهي تتناول طعامها ،فيقرتبون أكثر وبدرجة تكفي لرؤية زعنفة رمادية تربز فوق سطح املاء ويعقبها اجلسم املنقط املميز حلوت القرش. كان منظرا مبهجًا عند مشاهدة ثالثني غواصا يرتدون أجهزة التنفس وهم يبدأون يف السباحة خلف القرش الذي ظل يف وضع طبيعي وغري منزعج ،وقد كانت أنثى صغرية السن يصل طوهلا إىل أقل من 5أمتار ولكنها مع ذلك ضخمة ملن يشاهدها عن قرب .وقد بلغ طول أطول مسكة قرش مت قياسها 12.2مرتا ،أي ما يعادل طول حافلة مدرسة .ومن احلقائق املعروفة أن هذه الفصيلة ميكن أن تنمو إىل احجام أكرب من ذلك مع العلم أنها غري مؤذية .وقد متت مشاهدة
اجلمعية التعاونية نظمت هلم دورة تثقيفية مبشاركة جامعة امللك عبداهلل
صيادو األمساك يف ثول يتسلمون قواربهم اجلديدة ويتدربون عليها
عملية إطعامها بالرتشيح حيث يقوم فمها املفتوح برتشيح العوالق أثناء سباحتها إىل السطح كما متكن اعضاء الرحلة من تتبعها لعدة مئات من األمتار ولكنها توارت إىل األعماق وغابت عن األنظار. ويقول كامريون مكفرسون من جنوب أفريقيا إن ما أصابه بالدهشة هو شعوره باهلدوء أثناء سباحته بالقرب من خملوق مبثل هذه الضخامة ومل يشعر باخلوف على اإلطالق . ويف حني أن هذه الرحالت تهدف أيضا إىل إتاحة الفرصة ألفراد جمتمع اجلامعة للسباحة مع حيتان القرش ،إال أن الغواصني يساهمون بدورهم يف األحباث من خالل التقاط صور أمساك القرش اليت تضيف مع إحداثيات نظم حتديد املواقع األرضية على مكتبة املراجع البصرية اليت تعد ضرورية للتعرف على أمساك القرش وعملية رصدها وتتبعها. ولكن عملية وضع بطاقات التعريف على أمساك حوت القرش الفردية ما تزال تعد حيوية لتجميع البيانات العلمية .وهناك جهاز إشارة مفقود من بطاقة التعريف باألقمار اإلصطناعية اليت ما تزال على جسم أحد أمساك القرش وحياول جيسي إعادة بطاقة التعريف فقام بتحضري رمح بطول مرتين جمهز بالبطاقة الصوتية وستبقى هذه البطاقة ملتصقة به ملدة 5سنوات (مقارنة ببطاقات األقمار اإلصطناعية اليت تنفصل عن جسم حوت القرش بعد 6إىل 8أشهر) .ويتوفر يف كل بطاقة عالمة رصد تستطيع أجهزة االستقبال يف املياه اجلوفية متييزها لتحديد موقع القرش .وأسالك هذه البطاقات يصل طوهلا إىل 15سنتمرت وهي مصممة الخرتاق جلد القرش السميك ( 15إىل 20سم) دون أمل .ويقوم فين خمترب أحباث البحر األمحر ين سنكلري تايلور أيضا بتجهيز أجهزة ذات رأس أدق ألخذ عينات من اجللد ألغراض دراسة اجلينات .ولكن مسك القرش خجول ويظل يغطس مبتعدا ولذلك وبعد عدة حماوالت لوضع البطاقة يكتفي الباحثون بالتعرف البصري .وهذا عمل ميداين شاق يتطلب إصرارًا وصربًا غري عاديني. ويشرح جيسي األمر قائال “إن البعض من الباحثني ظل مثابرا نوعا ما -نفس العدد ونفس الوقت من العام ويف بعض احلاالت نفس أمساك القرش للمرة الرابعة على التوايل .ومعظم أمساك القرش اليت وضعت عليها بطاقات تعريف حىت اآلن غري ناضجة وطوهلا أقل من 5أمتار .وتشري النتائج األولية ملشروع البطاقات إىل أن حركة جمموعة أمساك القرش يف البحر األمحر حمدودة بصورة مدهشة مع تواصل صغري نسبيا مع املحيط اهلندي .وهناك تساؤالت مفتوحة حول أماكن وجود أمساك القرش البالغة ومصدر أمساك القرش الصغرية .ويعلق جيسي على ذلك بقوله إنه ما من شخص يعرف أين تتوالد هذه األمساك وطول مدة احلمل وعدد ما تضعه من مواليد ،ذلك من املعلومات املجهولة.
إثارة ال تصدق
ويشرح رئيس املخترب الربوفسور مايكل بريومن الوضع بقوله إن الدراسات احلالية تشمل حتديد التجمعات املكانية ألمساك القرش اليت تزور مواقعنا وما حيضرها إىل هنا وأية عالقات حمتملة باملجموعات خارج البحر األمحر .ويقول إنهم يريدون تأسيس عالقة بني أمساك القرش ومتوسط جمموعات املحيط اهلندي ،كما انهم يأملون من خالل استخدام التحليل اجليين الشروع يف فهم العالقات بني أمساك القرش مما قد يساعد يف كشف الغموض الذي حييط بهذه الكائنات وكذلك عادات تكاثرها ومتوسط حياتها. ويضيف الربوفيسور بريومن“ :ال يوجد شخص استطاع أن يشرح وجود هذه البؤرة الساخنة حىت اآلن ولكن يبدو من املرجح أن صغار أمساك القرش هذه تعرفت على هذه املنطقة كحاضنة جيدة وغنية بالغذاء .وجيري اآلن تصميم دراسات لتقصي حركة جمموعات العوالق يف البحر األمحر واليت قد يكون هلا تأثري على حوت القرش” .ويضاف إىل ذلك أن الربوفيسور بريومن مهتم مبعرفة جذب املغذيات الغنية املتدفقة من مياه صرف مصنع الروبيان الكائن إىل الشمال مباشرة من الليث. ويقول الربوفيسور بريومن إن الدراسات النموذجية اقتصرت على عدد حمدود من حيتان القرش ولذلك فإن املعلومات عنها تعد قليلة ،وهلذا فهم متفائلون بسبب هذا املشروع . وتقول سامية فلمبان وهي أحد أفراد جمتمع اجلامعة واليت أحضرت أطفاهلا للمشاركة يف الرحلة أنها ظلت ترتاد البحر األمحر طوال حياتها ولكن ما من شيء يتفوق على جتربة حوت القرش اليت متثل مشاهدتها عن قرب وأمام وجهك مباشرة! إنها إثارة ال تصدق وترى ضرورة اإلشادة بالعلماء للسماح هلم بهذه الفرصة. تنطوي التقنية احلالية لبطاقات تعريف أمساك القرش على تقنية تستخدم بطاقات صوتية (ذات وضوح عال ونطاق منخفض) وبطاقات باألقمار اإلصطناعية (بوضوح منخفض ونطاق أوسع) .ويقوم طالب الدكتوراه بيدرو دي ال تور ،وهو أيضا من خمترب دراسات بيئة الشعب املرجانية ،بتطوير جهاز يتوىل دمج التقنيتني يف نظام آيل واحد يوفر الوضوح والنطاق األمثلني .ونظام الرصد الصويت املدمج باألقمار اإلصطناعية يقوم بتتبعه أمساك القرش اليت مت تركيب بطاقات تعريف عليها باستخدام جهاز استقبال صغري يقوم بتحديد مواقعها وضبط مسارها لكي تبقى بالقرب .وتتيح نظم االتصاالت املركبة على منت املركب التواصل الثنائي حسب الوقت الفعلي مع نظام الرصد الصويت املدمج باألقمار الصناعية مما يوفر دقة مكانية وزمنية أفضل بكثري من الطرق التقليدية .وسيكشف النظام أمناط احلركة طويلة املدى حليتان القرش يف البحر األمحر مبا يف ذلك املقاييس اجلغرافية والبيئية لدرجة حرارة املياه وعمقهاo .
جامعة امللك عبداهلل تشارك يف املعرض واملؤمتر الدويل الثالث للتعليم العايل شاركت جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية يف فعاليات املعرض واملؤمتر الدويل للتعليم العايل يف نسخته الثالثة والذي أقيم يف مركز معارض الرياض مبشاركة 450جامعة حملية وعاملية من 39دولة. وشارك يف هذا املعرض الذي عقد يف شهر أبريل املاضي أكثر من 80جامعة مصنفة ضمن قائمة أفضل 100جامعة عاملية ،إىل جانب عدد من مؤسسات التعليم العايل العاملية واملنظمات الدولية ذات العالقة. وتوافد على جناح جامعة امللك عبداهلل العديد من الطالب والطالبات للتعرف على برامج الدراسات العليا اليت تطرحها اجلامعة واليت تسعى إىل تطوير العلوم والتقنية من خالل األحباث والتعليم واإلبتكار يف عدة ختصصات. ويهدف هذا املعرض إىل االستفادة من التجارب الدولية ،والعمل على مواصلة تطوير التعليم العايل يف اململكة ،ونقل اخلربات والربامج املميزة إليها ،وتفعيل برامج االبتعاث ،مبا يف ذلك متكني أبناء اململكة من اختيار الوجهة الصحيحة واملناسبة هلم يف التعليم. كما أقيمت على هامش املعرض العديد من ورش العمل وحلقات النقاش والدورات التدريبية واملحاضراتo .
نظمت اجلمعية التعاونية لصيادي األمساك يف ثول الدورة التثقيفية األوىل للصيادين وتوعيتهم باملستجدات احلديثة يف مهنة صيد األمساك من املعدات واألدوات ووسائل السالمة ..واستمرت الدورة اليت مزجت بني اجلانبني التنظريي والتطبيقي مدة أربعة أيام ( ،)3/5/2012 - 30/4وافتتحت الدورة يف مقر التنمية االجتماعية يف احلي اجلنويب لبلدة ثول وسط حضور كثيف من ممتهين صيد األمساك ،حيث دشنت الدورة بكلمة لرئيس اجلمعية عبدالرحيم اجلحديل ،تالها عرض من شركة اخلريف عن املعدات احلديثة واملراسي اجلديدة يف كورنيش ثول، ويف اليوم الثاين كان احلديث عن قواعد وأصول ووسائل السالمة البحرية ..فيما شارك ،يف اليوم الثالث ،املخترب املركزي للموارد البحرية والساحلية يف جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية بعرض مرئي قدمه الزميل هيثم اجلحديل أخصائي األحياء البحرية نيابة عن الدكتور عبدالعزيز السويلم مدير املختربات البحرية ،وكشف العرض للصيادين عن تأثريات أدوات الصيد مثل الشباك البالستيكية على البيئة البحرية واملراسي اليت تضر بالشعاب املرجانية ومدى أهمية هذه الشعاب للصيادين وعدم إلقاء ورمي املخلفات البالستيكية يف البحر. واشتمل اليوم الرابع واألخري على توزيع القوارب اجلديدة على صيادي ثول واملراسي اخلاصة بهم يف الكورنيش اجلديد الذي أجنزته أرامكو بإشراف ومتابعة جامعة امللك عبداهلل ومت تدشينه قبل عامني برعاية أمري منطقة مكة املكرمة األمري خالد الفيصل ،كما نفذ الصيادون جتربة تطبيقية لكيفية عمل هذه القوارب بتقنياتها احلديثة. وأنشئت اجلمعية التعاونية لصيادي األمساك يف بلدة ثول عام 1983م ،وتقوم بتقدمي عدة خدمات ألهايل البلدة اليت تقع على ساحل البحر األمحر ال سيما صيادي األمساك. وتعد هذه اجلمعية اليت ساهمت يف إنشائها منظمة األغذية والزراعة العاملية (الفاو) إىل جانب وزارة الزارعة يف اململكة ممثلة يف الثروة السمكية أول مجعية تعاونية لصيادي األمساك تقع على ضفاف البحر األمحر. ومن أهم األهداف اليت قامت من أجلها هذه اجلمعية هي خدمة وتطوير مهنة الصيد وتأمني معداته ،واحتياجات الصيادين ،ومساعدتهم يف استخراج الوثائق الالزمة هلذه احلرفة ،وتشجيع أبناء البلدة ملزاولة هذه املهنة واإلسهام يف تسويق إنتاجهم ،والسعي حلل املشكالت اليت قد تواجههم ،باإلضافة إىل ترسيخ مفهوم العمل التعاوين لدى مجيع الفئات ملا له من مردود إجيايب على الفرد واألسرة واملجتمعo .
جامعة امللك عبداهلل وشركة الروبيان الوطنية توقعان مذكرة تفاهم وقعت جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية وشركة الروبيان الوطنية يف شهر ابريل املاضي مذكرة تعاون للقيام بأحباث مشرتكة يف أثنني من أكرب التحديات اليت تواجه العامل هما األمن الغذائي وتوفري املياه النظيفة. وحتدد مذكرة التعاون إطار االكتشافات يف جماالت أحباث جينومات الروبيان وإدارة املياه وعلم بيولوجيا البحار والزراعة باملياه املاحلة .كما تشمل املشاريع املشرتكة األحباث املتعلقة باألمراض املحمولة يف املياه ذات العالقة برتبية الروبيان وتأثري الزراعة املائية واجلوانب املتعلقة بالزراعة املائية يف البحر األمحر على املدى البعيد والتقنية البيولوجية والرصد البيئي. وتبلغ مساحة هذه املزرعة اليت تقع على سواحل البحر األمحر وتبعد عن جدة 180كم بإجتاه اجلنوب حوايل 210كم مربعة مع حنو 450حوضا مبساحة 10 هكتارات وتنتج حاليا ما يقارب 19000طن سنويا من الروبيان .وتستخدم املزرعة مياه البحر فقط يف عملياتها ويتوفر لديها مطاحن الغذاء ونظام التناضح العكسي ومنشأة لتنقية املياه ومرفق لتوليد الطاقة اخلاص بها. وتقول أستاذة علوم األحياء جبامعة امللك عبداهلل نينا إن هذه الشركة متثل منوذجا لإلنتاج الغذائي فيدوروفّ ، على أوسع نطاق وتصنفها كشركة ذات رؤية مستقبلية فإن جماالت ولكنها ال تقوم باألحباث األساسية ولذالك ّ التعاون مع جامعة امللك عبداهلل سوف تفتح املجال لعمل األحباث يف مثل تلك املجاالت . ويعمل كل من الدكتور أرناب باين األستاذ املساعد يف علوم األحياء ،وزميله أيريس يف مشروع جينومات اإلنتاج الغزيز ويستهدف حتسني إنتاج الروبيان بالزراعة املائية من خالل التعرف على اجلينات اليت تؤثر على اخلواص اهلامة إلنتاج الروبيان مثل مقاومة األمراض الشائعة يف الروبيان يف مزارع البحر األمحر .ويقول الدكتور باين إن خمزون الروبيان السعودي هو الفصيلة الوحيدة املستأنسة وتطويرها يعترب املجهود احلقيقي األول للمملكة. وسيقوم العلماء يف مركز أحباث حتلية املياه وإعادة استخدامها بتطوير تقنيات أغشية جديدة من أجل حتلية املياه بصورة جزئية لتكون صاحلة للزراعة املائية املتكاملة مع الزراعة اليت تستخدم مياه الصرف الغنية باملغذيات بهدف ري حماصيل تتحمل امللوحة. وسريصد العلماء التحريات املشرتكة يف تأثري عمليات تربية الروبيان على البيئة البحرية مثل استكشاف العالقة املحتملة بني تصريف مياه املصنع واهلجرة املومسية ألمساك القرش إىل املنطقة.
إن ما يهمها الكيفية وتقول الربوفيسور فيدوروفّ : اليت ميكن بها حصاد هذه املغذيات من مياه الصرف واستخدامها يف تشجيع منو النباتات ،وترى أن العثور على طرق الستخالص األمونيا املتطايرة اليت يفرزها الروبيان وحتويلها إىل نيرتوجني مستقر قد يؤدي إىل تطوير طرق جديدة لتوليد أمسدة تتميز بكفاءة الطاقة وصداقة البيئة. وعلى نطاق أوسع يصبح باإلمكان استئناس النباتات اليت تتحمل امللوحة املرتفعة لإلنتاج الغذائي الواسع للغذاء والطعام والكتلة البيولوجية .وسيتم متكني عمليات الرتبية والرتبية البينية الشاسعة الضرورية ألية إكتشافات هامة يف هذا املجال من خالل جتميع املوارد والبىن التحتية واخلربات العملية املتوفرة لدى كل من شركة الروبيان الوطنية وجامعة امللك عبداهلل. وحتدثت الربوفيسور فيدوروف عن االحتماالت اهلائلة لألحباث امليدانية على نطاق أوسع بكثري مما كان ممكنا يف احلرم اجلامعي وحده. ويتطلع العضو املنتدب لشركة الروبيان الوطنية املهندس أمحد البالع إىل التطبيق الناجح للنتائج اليت تسفر عنها األحباث املرتتبة على هذا التعاون ،وقال يف إن هذا العمل مبثابة تصريح له بعد التوقيع على املذكرة ّ أحد املكونات اهلامة يف منظومة الفعاليات املؤدية إىل التوسع يف الزراعة املائية يف اململكة ،مضيفا أن الشركة ملتزمة مببادئ “اإلبتكار املفتوح” والعمل بصورة لصيقة مع مرافق األحباث عرب العامل بهدف تطوير هذه الصناعة وهلذا السبب فإن الشركة حترص على املحافظة على التعاون البحثي مع معظم اجلامعات العريقة. من جهته قال رئيس جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم إن االتفاقية اليت والتقنية الربوفيسور تشون فونغ شي ّ أبرمت اليوم مع شركة الروبيان الوطنية تكمل وتتكامل بقوة مع أجندة أحباث اجلامعة املتعلقة باإلنتاج املستدام للغذاء مبا يف ذلك تطبيق الدورة الشاملة للزراعة املائية والزراعة العادية اليت تقودها اخلبرية الربوفيسور نينا فيدوروف واليت حتظى بشهرة على مستوى العامل. واستطرد الربوفيسور شي قائال :إن هذا املجهود سيستفيد بشكل كبري من األحباث اليت يقوم بها مركز أحباث البحر األمحر. وتوفر هذه املذكرة لكل من شركة الروبيان الوطنية وجامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية قاعدة مشرتكة للحصول على فرص ذات مكاسب يف التطوير العلمي والتقين والرخاء االقتصادي وسالمة البيئة يف اململكةo .