2013 December Beacon

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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

BEACON ‫املنـارة‬ at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

December 2013 / Muharam 1435 Volume 4, Issue No. 4



2013 MS and PhD degree recipients at KAUST’s Fourth Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Dean of Academic Affairs Prof. Brian Moran marshals in the PhD candidates to the ceremony. HE Ali I. Al-Naimi, Chairman of the KAUST Board of Trustees

Commencement Guest Speaker Dr. Robert H. Grubbs

Prof. Jean Fréchet, Vice President of Research, leads in KAUST faculty.

Student Speaker Hassan Al-Ismail

On December 14 against the backdrop of the setting sun on the Red Sea, President Jean-Lou Chameau, at the University’s Discovery Walk to honor the 114 candidates soon to receive their MS and PhD degrees at KAUST’s Fourth Commencement Ceremony. University Marshal Prof. James Calvin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, extended a warm welcome to the assemblage. HE Ali I. Al-Naimi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, inaugurated Dr. Chameau as the University’s new President, saying, “President Chameau’s track record as a researcher, educator, and distinguished academic leader make him well-qualified to lead the next phase of KAUST’s development. He will continue to build upon excellence in education and research. His presence on campus, around the Kingdom, and among global audiences is already bolstering our long-term vision for KAUST.”

Dean Pierre Magistretti and President Jean-Lou Chameau with a BESE MS degree recipient

PhD candidates

members of the KAUST Board of Trustees, leadership, faculty, staff, proud families, and friends gathered

‫جامعة امللك عبداهلل حتتفل بتخريج الدفعة الرابعة من‬ ‫طلبة املاجستري والدكتوراه‬

‫ لدرجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه في جامعة الملك عبد اهلل للعلوم والتقنية‬2013 ‫تسلم خريجو دفعة‬ ‫ كما اقيمت‬.‫درجاتهم األكاديمية في حفل التخرج الذي أقيم أخيرًا في ساحة االكتشاف في مقر الجامعة‬ ‫مراسم التعيين الرسمي لرئيس الجامعة الجديد الدكتور جان ــ لو شامو من قبل معالي وزير البترول‬ .‫ رئيس مجلس األمناء في الجامعة‬،‫والثروة المعدنية المهندس علي بن إبراهيم النعيمي‬ ‫ بعد أن ترك منصبه كرئيس‬2013 ‫وانضم الدكتور شامو إلى جامعة الملك عبداهلل في شهر يوليو من عام‬ .‫لمعهد كاليفورنيا للتقنية في الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‬ 2 ‫تتمه صفحة‬

Commencement | Continued on p2


News 1-4

KAUST President Jean-Lou Chameau


Research 6-7

Community 8

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