2013 June Beacon

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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

BEACON ‫املنـارة‬ at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

June 2013 / Shaban 1434 Volume 3, Issue No. 10



(L-R) PhD student Alfonso Caraveo-Frescas, Dr. Hala Al-Jawhari, a visiting assistant professor from King Abdulaziz University, Professor Husam Alshareef, and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pradipta Nayak examine a p-type oxide thin film transistor fabricated in the lab.

A well-designed nanostructure that combines the plasmonic and catalytic activities in the form of a single crystal enables the study of the kinetics of a catalytic reaction at the monomolecular layer scale with SERS

OBSERVING REAL-TIME CATALYTIC REACTIONS ON NANOMATERIALS RESEARCHERS at KAUST have demonstrated how even at ultra-small or nanometer-scale, well-designed nanomaterials can successfully integrate multiple functions for delicate and important applications. In a paper recently published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Professor Yu Han and his team from the Advanced Membranes and


Porous Materials Center outline how they have developed an efficient platform for investi-

“SnO, or tin monoxide, is a very elusive and challenging material to

gating the kinetics of catalytic reactions with

work with,” notes Alfonso Caraveo-Frescas, a PhD student in Prof.

surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).

Husam Alshareef’s Functional Nanomaterials and Devices group in

The other authors are: Jianfeng Huang, Yihan

Materials Science and Engineering. Over the past year, Caraveo-Frescas

Zhu, Ming Lin, Qingxiao Wang, Lan Zhao,

and Dr. Hala Al-Jawhari, a visiting assistant professor from the Physics

Yang Yang, and Ke Xin Yao.

Department at King Abdulaziz University, have worked to tackle a

By using a wet-chemistry synthetic method,

difficult task involving the material — developing SnO as a viable

the scientists created an ideal catalyzing envi-

p-type transparent oxide semiconductor material, an advancement

ronment whereby highly active catalytic sites

which has the potential to produce a significant technological leap in

are united with strong SERS sites in a single

transparent electronics, display, and solar cell applications.

entity. Through the real-time data obtained

Caraveo-Frescas and his research collaborators’ work resulted in a

over this platform, the kinetics of the hydro-

paper published recently in the high-impact journal ACS Nano, which

genation reaction of 4-nitrothiophenol can

can be accessed at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nn400852r#.

be directly determined. The innovation of this

In semiconductors, current conduction occurs via free electrons and

research is through the in-situ and real-time

electron holes. In its pure state, a semiconducting material conducts

monitoring of catalytic reaction processes

little current and is of limited value. To increase conductivity, con- transparent oxides that transport electrons and holes equally fast, we

over heterogeneous catalyst surfaces with

ventional semiconductors are modified or “doped” with impurities to

high sensitivity. It is even possible to peer

increase the number of free electrons, which results in n-type semi- better resolution, and we could eliminate the need for backlights in dis-

down to the monomolecular level.

conductors, or holes, which results in p-type semiconductors.

A fabricated device produced by the researchers contains several hundred thin film transistors and uses gold for the electrodes to make it visible Adds Prof. Alshareef: “If we were able to make fast transistors using could make power-efficient transparent electronics and displays with plays, as these drain the battery of many portable devices.”

Conventional methods, such as the Fourier

Oxide semiconductors, which are used in thin-film transistors

Prof. Al-Jawhari and Caraveo-Frescas were assisted in their research

transform infrared spectroscopy, mass spec-

(TFTs), are unique because they can also be doped by controlling the

by KAUST postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pradipta Nayak, Prof. Alshareef,

troscopy, and gas chromatography suffer from

level of oxygen in the material, a process which must be carefully

and members of the research group of Dr. Udo Schwingenschlögl,

slow response, low sensitivity, or incapability

carried out under precisely controlled conditions to correctly tune the

KAUST Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. Prof.

to detect surface species. They therefore aren't

material’s electronic structure.

Schwingenschlögl’s group, including former student Danilo Granato, a

able to reveal surface reactions in a real-time

n-type oxide semiconductors have made impressive progress in

manner. Overcoming these limitations, Prof.

areas like display electronics, for example, and companies such as

recent graduate from the master’s degree program, performed electronic

Han and his team’s work has developed a

Samsung and Sharp use n-type oxide semiconductors to fabricate

“Working with the group has been one of the best experiences I have

bi-functional (plasmonic and catalytic) plat-

high-resolution display technologies. However, p-type transparent

had in my career,” Prof. Al-Jawhari notes. “I am sure this work will pio-

form, which allows in-situ and real-time

oxide semiconductors that perform comparably to n-type oxides

neer the field of p-type oxide TFTs.” Adds Caraveo-Frescas: “I am very

monitoring of a catalytic reaction with very

have been difficult to develop. “The development of a high perfor- grateful to Prof. Al-Jawhari for her valuable discussions, perseverance,

structure calculations to help explain the experimental results.

high sensitivity down to the monomolecular

mance p-type transparent oxide semiconductor would open the door

and optimism, and to the entire team for helping me better understand

layer level by means of surface enhancement

for the fabrication of a huge variety of transparent electronics,” notes

SnO. I hope that our findings in the field of transparent electronics will

Raman spectroscopy.

Caraveo-Frescas, “and that possibility is really exciting.”

improve our lifestyle and reduce our excessive energy consumption.” 

REAL-TIME REACTION | Continued on p4


Research 1

In Brief 2

News 3

Community 4

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