2013 June Beacon

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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

BEACON ‫املنـارة‬ at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

June 2013 / Shaban 1434 Volume 3, Issue No. 10



(L-R) PhD student Alfonso Caraveo-Frescas, Dr. Hala Al-Jawhari, a visiting assistant professor from King Abdulaziz University, Professor Husam Alshareef, and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pradipta Nayak examine a p-type oxide thin film transistor fabricated in the lab.

A well-designed nanostructure that combines the plasmonic and catalytic activities in the form of a single crystal enables the study of the kinetics of a catalytic reaction at the monomolecular layer scale with SERS

OBSERVING REAL-TIME CATALYTIC REACTIONS ON NANOMATERIALS RESEARCHERS at KAUST have demonstrated how even at ultra-small or nanometer-scale, well-designed nanomaterials can successfully integrate multiple functions for delicate and important applications. In a paper recently published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Professor Yu Han and his team from the Advanced Membranes and


Porous Materials Center outline how they have developed an efficient platform for investi-

“SnO, or tin monoxide, is a very elusive and challenging material to

gating the kinetics of catalytic reactions with

work with,” notes Alfonso Caraveo-Frescas, a PhD student in Prof.

surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).

Husam Alshareef’s Functional Nanomaterials and Devices group in

The other authors are: Jianfeng Huang, Yihan

Materials Science and Engineering. Over the past year, Caraveo-Frescas

Zhu, Ming Lin, Qingxiao Wang, Lan Zhao,

and Dr. Hala Al-Jawhari, a visiting assistant professor from the Physics

Yang Yang, and Ke Xin Yao.

Department at King Abdulaziz University, have worked to tackle a

By using a wet-chemistry synthetic method,

difficult task involving the material — developing SnO as a viable

the scientists created an ideal catalyzing envi-

p-type transparent oxide semiconductor material, an advancement

ronment whereby highly active catalytic sites

which has the potential to produce a significant technological leap in

are united with strong SERS sites in a single

transparent electronics, display, and solar cell applications.

entity. Through the real-time data obtained

Caraveo-Frescas and his research collaborators’ work resulted in a

over this platform, the kinetics of the hydro-

paper published recently in the high-impact journal ACS Nano, which

genation reaction of 4-nitrothiophenol can

can be accessed at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nn400852r#.

be directly determined. The innovation of this

In semiconductors, current conduction occurs via free electrons and

research is through the in-situ and real-time

electron holes. In its pure state, a semiconducting material conducts

monitoring of catalytic reaction processes

little current and is of limited value. To increase conductivity, con- transparent oxides that transport electrons and holes equally fast, we

over heterogeneous catalyst surfaces with

ventional semiconductors are modified or “doped” with impurities to

high sensitivity. It is even possible to peer

increase the number of free electrons, which results in n-type semi- better resolution, and we could eliminate the need for backlights in dis-

down to the monomolecular level.

conductors, or holes, which results in p-type semiconductors.

A fabricated device produced by the researchers contains several hundred thin film transistors and uses gold for the electrodes to make it visible Adds Prof. Alshareef: “If we were able to make fast transistors using could make power-efficient transparent electronics and displays with plays, as these drain the battery of many portable devices.”

Conventional methods, such as the Fourier

Oxide semiconductors, which are used in thin-film transistors

Prof. Al-Jawhari and Caraveo-Frescas were assisted in their research

transform infrared spectroscopy, mass spec-

(TFTs), are unique because they can also be doped by controlling the

by KAUST postdoctoral fellow Dr. Pradipta Nayak, Prof. Alshareef,

troscopy, and gas chromatography suffer from

level of oxygen in the material, a process which must be carefully

and members of the research group of Dr. Udo Schwingenschlögl,

slow response, low sensitivity, or incapability

carried out under precisely controlled conditions to correctly tune the

KAUST Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. Prof.

to detect surface species. They therefore aren't

material’s electronic structure.

Schwingenschlögl’s group, including former student Danilo Granato, a

able to reveal surface reactions in a real-time

n-type oxide semiconductors have made impressive progress in

manner. Overcoming these limitations, Prof.

areas like display electronics, for example, and companies such as

recent graduate from the master’s degree program, performed electronic

Han and his team’s work has developed a

Samsung and Sharp use n-type oxide semiconductors to fabricate

“Working with the group has been one of the best experiences I have

bi-functional (plasmonic and catalytic) plat-

high-resolution display technologies. However, p-type transparent

had in my career,” Prof. Al-Jawhari notes. “I am sure this work will pio-

form, which allows in-situ and real-time

oxide semiconductors that perform comparably to n-type oxides

neer the field of p-type oxide TFTs.” Adds Caraveo-Frescas: “I am very

monitoring of a catalytic reaction with very

have been difficult to develop. “The development of a high perfor- grateful to Prof. Al-Jawhari for her valuable discussions, perseverance,

structure calculations to help explain the experimental results.

high sensitivity down to the monomolecular

mance p-type transparent oxide semiconductor would open the door

and optimism, and to the entire team for helping me better understand

layer level by means of surface enhancement

for the fabrication of a huge variety of transparent electronics,” notes

SnO. I hope that our findings in the field of transparent electronics will

Raman spectroscopy.

Caraveo-Frescas, “and that possibility is really exciting.”

improve our lifestyle and reduce our excessive energy consumption.” 

REAL-TIME REACTION | Continued on p4


Research 1

In Brief 2

News 3

Community 4


June 2013

In Brief

The Beacon

THIS June issue is a first for The Beacon. We have not published in the summer months preAram and Zhipviously,Not butpictured: there was tooAmassian much taking place on campus to put off its delivery to you until ing Lai. the fall –important research, noteworthy accolades, workshops and showcases, and end of

recipients, the members of the KAUST family who have been with KAUST from the begin-

the year programs at The KAUST School. Be sure to take note of the five-year service award

held at KAUST. 

ning – spring 2008. The activities of some of the younger members of the KAUST community are featured on page four – TKS graduation, art exhibit and the Inter-Kingdom Music Festival —THE BEACON Editorial

The Beacon, Volume 3, Issue 10, June 2013. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia. Contact Salah Sindi salah.sindi@kaust.edu.sa, or Michelle D'Antoni michelle.dantoni@kaust.edu.sa © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.

)WSSV( ‫ورشة عمل عن فريوس متالزمة البقع البيضاء‬

WORKSHOP ON WHITE SPOT SYNDROME VIRUS (WSSV) ON MAY 18-19, KAUST’s Center for Desert Agriculture, together with the National Prawn Company and the Saudi Aquaculture Society, convened a workshop on the control of the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) of shrimp. WSSV causes untold damage to the shrimp aquaculture industry worldwide and is currently impacting production in Saudi Arabia. The workshop brought together leading scientists engaged in WSSV research and other potentially relevant fields to assess the current state of knowledge about the virus, identify limitations of current control strategies, and devise new biological approaches to eradicating the disease. 

)WSSV(‫ لشهر مايو املاضي ورشة عمل عن مكافحة فريوس متالزمة البقع البيضاء‬18-19 ‫عقدت يف الفرتة من‬ ‫ وشركة الروبيان‬،‫للروبيان برعاية كل من مركز الزراعة الصحراوية جبامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية‬ ‫ ويتسبب فريوس متالزمة البقع البيضاء بأضرار جسيمة‬.‫ واجلمعية السعودية لالستزراع املائي‬،‫الوطنية‬ .‫للصناعات القائمة على تربية الروبيان يف العامل ويؤثر حاليًا على إنتاج اململكة العربية السعودية للروبيان‬ ‫واستقطبت ورشة العمل كبار العلماء الذين لديهم أحباث رائدة يف جمال هذا الفريوس وامليادين األخرى‬ ‫ذات الصلة وذلك لتقييم حجم املعرفة احلالية بفريوس متالزمة البقع البيضاء وحتديد ثغرات وقيود طرق‬  .‫ وإنشاء خطة حبوث مشرتكة للقضاء على املرض‬،‫املكافحة احلالية‬

ACCOLADES FOR SRSI GRADUATES CONGRATULATIONS to the four KAUST Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI) alumni who, after participating in the IBDA’A National Olympiad held in Riyadh on March 20, continued with their research and entered and won top positions in the prestigious Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) which took place at the Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona on May 12-17, 2013. Intel ISEF is the world's largest international pre-college science competition and provides an annual forum for more than 1,500 high school students to showcase their independent research. These young innovators and scientists came from over 70 countries, regions, and territories for a week-long celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math, to share ideas and present original research as they vied for more than USD 4 million in prizes and scholarships. Congratulations to the four outstanding achievers and their KAUST faculty mentors: Abdullah Hassan Bukhamsin - Second Award in Plant Science Category (mentor: Prof. Nina Fedoroff, BESE) • Reem Ahmed AlRabiah - Fourth Award in the Environment Sciences Category (mentor: Prof. Christian Voolstra, BESE) • Alma Amad Alhussaini - Second Award in the Special Award Organization- the Society for Experimental Mechanics (mentor: Prof. Gilles Lubineau, PSE) • Ahmed Nabil Halawani - Third Award in the Special Award Organization – the American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Physical Society (mentor: Prof. Iman Roqan, PSE) The SRSI is a mentorship program run by Saudi Initiatives, designed to inspire the future young scientists and engineers of the Kingdom. SRSI offers academically motivated and scholastically accomplished grade eleven high school students the opportunity to conduct university-level research under the mentorship of KAUST professors, through a rigorous six-week scientific research program. The program, which has been held at KAUST over the past two years, now has 65 alumni. Forty more students will take part in SRSI from June 11-July 26. 

)SRSI( ‫الرتحيب خبرجيي معهد علوم األحباث السعودي‬

‫تهينء جامعة امللك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية خرجيي معهد علوم األحباث السعودي باجلامعة ملشاركتهم‬ ‫ كما تهنئهم‬،‫ من شهر مارس املاضي‬20 ‫املتميزة يف األوملبياد الوطين (إبداع) الذي عقد يف الرياض يف‬ ‫على املراكز املتقدمة اليت حققوها جبدارة من خالل مشاركتهم يف مسابقة إنتل الدولية للعلوم واهلندسة‬ 17 - 12 ‫) اليت أقيمت يف مدينة فينيكس بوالية أريزونا بالواليات املتحدة األمريكية يف الفرتة من‬ISEF( .2013 ‫مايو‬ ‫وتعد مسابقة إنتل اليت تقام سنويا من أكرب املسابقات العاملية يف جمال البحوث العلمية قبل املرحلة‬ ‫ دولة حول‬70 ‫ طالب من محلة الثانوية والذين ينتمون ألكثر من‬1500 ‫ وتستضيف حوايل‬،‫اجلامعية‬ ‫العامل وذلك لعرض أحباثهم اإلبداعية املستقلة يف أجواء من العلوم والتقنية واهلندسة والرياضيات‬ 4 ‫وتبادل األفكار والبحوث األصلية والتنافس للفوز باملنح الدراسية وجوائز املسابقة البالغة قيمتها‬ .‫مليون دوالر‬ ‫وفيما يلي أمساء املتفوقني األربعة إىل جانب أعضاء هيئة التدريس من جامعة امللك عبداهلل والذين أشرفوا‬ :‫على أحباثهم‬ ،‫ البرفسور نينا فيدروف‬: ‫ فئة علوم النبات ( المشرف‬، ‫ الجائزة الثانية‬- ‫• •عبداهلل حسن بوخمسين‬ .)‫العلوم والهندسة البيولوجية والبيئية‬ ، ‫ البرفسور كرستيان فولسترا‬:‫ فئة علوم البيئة (المشرف‬، ‫ الجائزة الرابعة‬- ‫• •ريم أحمد الربيعة‬ )‫العلوم والهندسة البيولوجية والبيئية‬ :‫ مجتمع الميكانيكا التجريبية ( المشرف‬- ‫ جائزة المنظمة الخاصة‬، ‫ الجائزة الثانية‬-‫• •الما الحسيني‬ .) ‫ العلوم والهندسة الفيزيائية‬، ‫البرفسور جيلز لوبينو‬ ‫ جائزة المنظمة الخاصة – الرابطة األمريكية لمعلمي الفيزياء‬، ‫ الجائزة الثالثة‬-‫• •أحمد نبيل حلواني‬ .)‫ العلوم والهندسة الفيزيائية‬،‫ البرفسور إيمان رقعان‬:‫والجمعية الفيزيائية األمريكية (المشرف‬ ،‫ومعهد علوم األحباث السعودي هو برنامج تعليمي تابع إلدارة املبادرات السعودية جبامعة امللك عبداهلل‬ ،‫وميثل خطوة رئيسية يف املسار األكادميي للشباب السعودي املوهوب لكي يصبحوا علماء وباحثني وقادة‬ ‫ويتيح الفرصة للطالب املتفوقني يف املرحلة الثانوية ولديهم اهتمامات أكادميية بإجراء األحباث على‬ ‫املستوى اجلامعي حتت إشراف أساتذة من جامعة امللك عبداهلل من خالل برامج أحباث علمية مكثف يف‬ 65 ‫ ووصل عدد خمرجات هذا الربنامج الذي أقامته اجلامعة على مدى العامني املاضيني إىل‬.‫ستة أسابيع‬  .‫ يوليو املقبل‬26 ‫ يونيو إىل‬11 ‫ وسوف ينضم إليهم أربعني طالبًا اخرين يف الفرتة من‬.‫خرجيًا‬

KAUST is the only Saudi university to be represented at the 2013 PetroBowl. Teams from other prestigious universities, including Stanford University, Colorado School of Mines, Texas A&M, and TU Delft, will also participate in the event. 

COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS (CEMAM) WORKSHOP KAUST’s PetroBowl 2013 participants (L-R) Ayrat Abdullin, Ibrahim Gawish, Sultan Safin, and Klemens Katterbauer will represent the only Saudi university to take part in the competition this year.


FROM July 1-3, the Physical Sciences and Engineering Division will present an international workshop focused on the mechanics of solids and structures with applications to composite materials. The main themes of this workshop are: multiscale experimental and computational approaches for design; inverse problems for non-destructive control and health monitoring of composite structures; and durability of materials and structures.

MEMBERS of the KAUST Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) student chapter will participate in

The workshop is being organized by Gilles Lubineau (KAUST), Glaucio H. Paulino (University

the 2013 PetroBowl competition in New Orleans, Louisiana, US on September 30. At PetroBowl,

of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, US), and Marco Alfano (University of Calabria, Italy).

SPE student chapter teams from universities around the world are pitted against each other to

For details, visit http://www.kaust.edu.sa/media/symposiums/cemam/ 

answer a series of technical and non-technical quiz questions about the oil and gas industry.


Since its inception in 2002, PetroBowl has been hosted by the Gulf Coast (US) Section of SPE, and demand from student teams to participate in the event climbed to new highs this year. The KAUST team, consisting of students Ibrahim Gawish, Sultan Safin, Ayrat Abdullin, and Klemens

NINA FEDOROFF, Distinguished Professor in the Biological and

Katterbauer, answered a set of questions during PetroBowl’s first round, a qualification stage to

Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division and Director

enter the competition. Despite fierce competition from other universities’ student chapters, the

of the Center for Desert Agriculture, was awarded the 2013

team succeeded in gaining one of the 36 spots.

Desert Research Institute (DRI) Nevada Medal.

“I liked the team spirit we had during the first round of PetroBowl,” stated Ayrat Abdullin, a

“In only a few decades Prof. Fedoroff's research has helped

PhD student in Earth Science and Engineering. “It was very exciting and a great experience for us as a student chapter. I’m looking forward to participating in the PetroBowl finals.”

stimulate a revolution in biology," said DRI President, Dr. Stephen Nina Fedoroff

Wells. "The reality is our world is changing, and we need leaders

Sultan Safin, a master’s student in Earth Science and Engineering, concurred, saying:

like Prof. Fedoroff to help us address the problems and challenges

“Thank you to the SPE chapter for giving me the opportunity to learn and work in a great

that lie ahead." The Nevada Medal was established by the Desert Research Institute in 1988 to

team of graduate students from different fields. I call [PetroBowl] a dive into the world of

acknowledge outstanding achievement in science and engineering. The award program involves

petroleum engineering.”

public lectures by the medalist at DRI campuses in Reno and Las Vegas. 




June 2013

‫املعرض السنوي لربنامج‬ ‫صندوق التمويل التأسيسي‬

‫ امني‬،‫ املتحدث الرئيسي‬،‫ كريس شرودر‬،‫ مسؤول استثمارات‬،‫ ابراهيم فازا‬،‫ عامل أحباث أول‬، ‫ حممد شليب‬،‫ مساعد إداري‬،‫(من اليسار إىل اليمني) دعاء داود‬ ‫ املدير املايل للجائزة‬،‫ حممد سيد عثمان‬،‫ مدير املشاريع اجلديدة وريادة األعمال‬،‫ قادر تيومان أوسال‬،‫ نائب رئيس التنمية االقتصادية‬،‫الشيباين‬ (From left to right) Duaa F. Dawood, Administrative Assistant; Mohamed Shalaby, Senior Research Scientist; Ibrahim F. Faza, Portfolio Officer; Chris Schroeder, Keynote Speaker; Amin M. Al-Shibani, VP Economic Development; Kadir Teoman Uysal, Director of New Ventures and Entrepreneurship; Mohammad Osman Sayeed, Award Finance Administrator THE SEED FUND recently held a showcase event

Peter Rautek, uses 360 degree panoramas and

to unveil its latest winner and to highlight some

augmented reality technology on a mobile app

of the program’s awarded projects. The recipients,

platform. It provides interactive content for his-

representing a diverse group ranging from an

torical sites and landmarks in Makkah, further

early award winner to the most recently awarded

enriching the experience of pilgrims and visitors.

project, shared with the audience a snapshot of

The latest Seed Fund winner was the HACHID

their ongoing entrepreneurial journey. The four

project. Mohamed Shalaby gave a presentation

teams who presented were Acadox (Mustafa

on their proposed highly accurate hardware and

Nabulsi); Makkah Window (Mohammed Alzaydi

software enabling real-time high density crowd

and Peter Rautek); iDive (Michael Berumen); and

counting. This technology can be particularly use-

HACHID (Mohamed Shalaby).

ful for monitoring and simulating massive crowds

The Seed Fund supported these projects which

in Makkah during the Hajj and Umrah seasons.

have introduced innovation to the Saudi economy

The keynote speaker for the event was entre-

and created jobs. Acadox, a first round Seed Fund

preneur and investor Christopher Schroeder, who

winner, was represented at the event by Mustafa

specializes in global entrepreneurship and tech-

Nabulsi, co-founder of the online education plat-

nology startups in the MENA region. Schroeder

form. Providing a problem-solving solution for

remarked that a common trait found in innovative

fellow marine researchers and a wider demographic

entrepreneurs is that they are “problem solvers.”

of scuba divers, KAUST Professor Michael Berumen

He added that KAUST assumes an important role

shared an update on the iDive project. The iDive

in the region because he believes the Middle East

project provides hardware and software to ena-

is where world-class global technology and inno-

ble full functionality of touchpad devices (iPad,

vation will increasingly play out.

iPhone, tablet PC) underwater for diving activities.

“The Seed Fund program is so profoundly

The two other presenting teams at the Seed

important here in Saudi Arabia and the region

Fund Showcase provided inventive applica-

overall” because it facilitates and nurtures a

tions for the millions of pilgrims who journey to

“hub of entrepreneurs helping entrepreneurs,” he

Saudi Arabia’s Holy sites. The Makkah Window

remarked. As this happens, ecosystems start to

project, presented by Mohammed Alzaydi and

grow exponentially. 


‫هذين املشروعني هو مشروع (نافذة مكة) الذي قدمه‬ ‫ وهو عبارة عن تطبيق‬،‫حممد الزيدي وبيرت راوتيك‬ ‫على أجهزة اهلاتف املحمول يستخدم تقنية الصورة‬ ‫ درجة وتقنية الواقع املدمج‬360 ‫البانوراميه بزاوية‬ ‫لتوفري حمتوى تفاعلي للمواقع التارخيية واملعامل‬ .‫يف مكة املكرمة وزيادة إثراء جتربة احلجاج والزوار‬ ‫) أحدث املشاريع الفائزة‬HACHID( ‫وكان مشروع‬ ‫ وقام بتقدميه الدكتور حممد شليب‬،‫جبائزة الربنامج‬ ‫الذي قدم عرضًا عن أجهزة املشروع وبرناجمه الذي‬ ‫يستطيع عد حشود كبرية من الناس بدقة عالية ويف‬ ‫ وهذه التقنية مفيدة جدًا يف مراقبة‬.‫الوقت الفعلي‬ ‫حركة أفواج احلجيج واملعتمرين وحماكاتها يف مكة‬ .‫املكرمة خالل مومسي احلج والعمرة‬ :‫نبذة عن صندوق التمويل التأسيسي‬ ‫صندوق التمويل التأسيسي هو عبارة عن آلية لتمويل‬ ‫ ودفع األفكار الواعدة حنو اإلعداد‬،‫تطوير املنتجات‬ ‫ كما يهدف‬.‫للسوق ومن مث تكوين شركات جديدة‬ ‫إىل تزويد اجلامعة بوسيلة لتحويل املشاريع العلمية‬ ‫إىل شركات باإلضافة إىل إبراز النماذج الناجحة اليت‬ .‫ميكن تكرارها على نطاق اململكة‬ ‫املشاركة يف برنامج صندوق التمويل التأسيسي‬ ‫مفتوحة جلميع منسويب جامعة امللك عبداهلل‬ ‫من طالب وأعضاء هيئة تدريس وموظفني وباحثني‬  .‫ دوالر‬200000 ‫ويقدم الربنامج متويال يصل إىل‬

“Back in January 2009, I spoke of three essentials for excellence – or three ‘bests.’ First, get the best. Since our earliest days, we have worked hard to bring in the best – faculty, staff, and

AS A FLEDGLING institution, much gratitude is given to the

students. We wanted to get the best to join KAUST, so that we all

people who have been with KAUST since the very beginning

could experience the joy of working with the best. The second – be

– those individuals who have been a part of this journey

your best. Since our earliest days, I have seen for myself how hard

since spring 2008 – before the research buildings were con-

you have worked to be your best. Third, help others be their best…

structed, before classes began, and even before the first

When we help others be their best, we create a supportive environ-

meeting of the Board of Trustees (in April 2009). These first

ment for the unrelenting pursuit of excellence. Helping others be

K AUST employees believed in the ambitious vision of the

their best, we build excellence together.”

University when it was still just a dream and had an integral part in shaping its reality today. June 2013 marked a milestone for 65 notable KAUST employees, who celebrated five years of service at the University. At a recognition ceremony honoring these individuals on May 7, remarks were given by Patricia Ann Hughes, Vice President, Human Resources; and Nadhmi Al-Nasr, Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance. President Choon Fong Shih gave the keynote address where he expressed his appreciation. “KAUST is where we are today because of you. To me, the achievements of our young institution are not so surprising. From the beginning, we brought on board people who want to excel, who want to make a difference. And you do.”

Congr at u lat ion s to t he fol low i ng member s of ou r University family celebrating five years of service: Shadi Abdallah Luluwah Abokhodair Martina Agustin Syed Ahmed Ayman Al Shehri Hadeel Al Sulaimany Ali Al Yami Feras Al-Batran Saud Al-Deraan Hatim Algarni Ali Al-Ghanim Maha Alhaddad

Salem Al-Hajri Yasser Al-Harazi Hatem Al-Jahdali Haitham Aljehdali Saif Alkatheri Wael Almoazen Abdullah Al-Mutawa Ali Al-Qahtani Balqees Al-Ramahi Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem Tariq Alyahya Abdullah Alzuabi


‫أقام برنامج صندوق التمويل التأسيسي مؤخرًا‬ ‫فعالية املعرض السنوي لتسليط الضوء على بعض‬ ‫املشاريع الفائزة وتقدمي الفائزين جبائزته لفرتة‬ ‫ وقدمت الفرق‬.‫الربنامج احلالية والفرتات السابقة‬ ‫األربعة الفائزة ملحات سريعة عن رحلة مشاريعهم‬ ،)‫ مشروع أكادوكس (مصطفى نابلسي‬:‫القائمة وهي‬ ،)‫ وبيرت راوتيك‬،‫ومشروع نافذة مكة (حممد الزيدي‬ HACHID ‫ومشرع أي دايف (مايكل بريومني) ومشروع‬ .)‫(حممد شليب‬ ‫وكان رجل األعمال واملستثمر املتخصص يف‬ ‫ريادة األعمال العاملية واملشاريع التقنية الناشئة‬ ‫يف منطقة الشرق األوسط ومشال أفريقيا السيد‬ ‫كريستوفر شرودر هو املتحدث الرئيسي هلذا‬ ‫ حيث أشار إىل أن السمة املشرتكة‬،‫الفعالية‬ ‫ألصحاب تلك املشاريع هي سعيهم الدووب لتقدمي‬ ‫ وأضاف شرودر أن‬.‫حلول للمشاكل املختلفة‬ ‫جلامعة امللك عبداهلل دورًا مهمًا يف منطقة الشرق‬ ‫األوسط نظرا ألنها ستشهد نشاطا متزايدًا للتقنية‬ .‫واالبتكار العاملي‬ ‫ " إن لربنامج صندوق التمويل التأسيسي‬:‫وقال شرودر‬ ‫أهمية كبرية هنا يف اململكة العربية السعودية بصورة‬ ‫ ويعتقد أن الربنامج‬."‫خاصة واملنطقة بصورة عامة‬ ‫يشكل "مركزًا لرواد املشاريع الذي يساعدون الرواد‬ ‫االخرين والذي من شأنه حتقيق النمو املطرد يف‬ ."‫املنطقة على مجيع األصعدة‬

‫فرق االبتكار واحللول االبتكارية‬ ‫يدعم صندوق التمويل التأسيسي املشاريع الواعدة‬ ‫اليت تقدم االبتكار لالقتصاد السعودي وتوفر فرص‬ ‫ وكان من بني املشاريع االستثمارية اليت مت‬.‫العمل‬ ‫ والفائز يف اجلولة األوىل‬،)‫تقدميها مشروع (أكادوكس‬ ‫للربنامج واملشارك يف تأسيس منصة التعليم عرب‬ ‫ وقام بتقدميهم يف هذه الفعالية السيد‬.‫اإلنرتنت‬ ‫ كما حتدث الربفسور مايكل‬.‫مصطفى نابلسي‬ ‫بريومني من جامعة امللك عبداهلل عن التحديثات‬ ‫ والذي يقدم‬،)‫اليت أدخلت على مشروع (أي دايف‬ ‫احللول للعديد من املشاكل اليت تواجه الباحثني‬ ‫يف جمال علوم البحار والغواصني بصورة عامة و‬ ‫يوفر األجهزة والربامج املتطورة لتمكني استخدام‬ )iPhone,iPad,tablet PC( ‫أجهزة االتصال املحمولة‬ .‫بكامل وظائفها خالل أنشطة الغوص حتت املاء‬ ‫وقدم فريقان يف معرض برنامج صندوق التمويل‬ ‫التأسيسي تطبيقات مبتكرة تساعد ماليني احلجاج‬ ‫ وأحد‬.‫الذين يزورون اململكة لزيارة األماكن املقدسة‬

Roberto Aprueldo Zaldy Aquino Joy Azur Naif Bashen Ghazi Basohail Shereen Bawazeer Omaimah Bazaraa Paul Bennett Charlie Biunas Hani Bukhari Mary Ann Caillan Gheraldine Carpio Roberto Chato, Jr. Rogin Diaz Dennis Dilao Tareck Elass Afrah Faid Mohammedzain Fairaq Victor Fajilan Larry Fayad Janeth Hermida Hani Itani Shahinaz Jan Mohammed Kareemullah Bernard Llovore

Edgardo Mateo Arwin Mayordomo Maria Miclat Catherine Montiano Allan Napoles Shakeel Parkar Mohamed Pattani Jofrey Perje Azeez Rizwan Iffat Saadeh Andrew Salomon William Stamm Jerry Thomas Gerry Torno Regina Valido Paterno Victorino Hiba Zamzam



June 2013

The Beacon

also teachers Ms. Kristy Wilkinson and Dr. Jacque Phillips whose commitment and dedication made a significant positive impact in his progress. In her senior address to the Class of 2013, Mariyam Mahmud echoed appreciation for TKS teachers. “On behalf of the graduates I would like to thank you, teachers, for all the motivation, inspiration, and care that you have given us in order to strive for the greater good for ourselves and for the world. We are going to miss you very much.” “We have made it this far, all of us, after much anticipation and longing. I sincerely hope we are able to adopt the lessons learned in school and from our parents to actualize our greatest invention ever, which is our very own lives! As John C. Parkin says, ‘Every moment has infinite potential. Every new moment contains for you possibilities that you can't possibly imagine. Every day is a blank page that you could fill with the most beautiful drawings.’” The 2013 graduates were also offered words of wisdom from chemistry teacher and senior advisor


Daniel Whitehair, who was nominated by the senior class to deliver the faculty address. “What you must do is work hard to endow yourself with skills and resilience and give things a try. I’m not going to tell you that if you do this, your dreams will come true. They might, and they might not…But I will

WHEN MOHAMMAD Fairaq, 18, first started at The KAUST School (TKS) two years ago, he only

tell you that if you prepare, if you work hard and you try, you can do more than you think. You can get

knew a handful of English words. Intimidated and daunted by having to complete grades 11 and

a college degree, you can work harder, you can exercise regularly, you can eat healthy, you can learn

12 all in English and at an International Baccalaureate school, Mohammad never thought he would

Spanish, and you can make a difference - you can do it. You are capable of more than you imagine.”

end up giving the senior address in front of his classmates, their friends and families, and the TKS Secondary School faculty, at his high school graduation ceremony.

Congratulations to the 20 students in the TKS Class of 2013: Basel Imad Abukhalaf

Rima Hallak

Siddharth Samtaney

“This is my first speech in English so please bear with me…I think most of us felt that we didn’t

Sumaya Ahmed AlMubarak

Maram Jamal Jahln

Mahmoud Shalaby

know very much before we moved to KAUST…now I know that being part of an international school

Mohamed Asem Al-Ramahi

Matias Kaspar Lehvaslaiho

Osayil Skinner

like this has taught us to know the difference an international education can make. Now we know:

Liam Gracielle Chato

Mariyam Mahmud

Mohamad Razeen Stoffberg

nothing is impossible.”

Mohammad Fairaq

Rahaf Osama Mandurah

Jake Veikoso Twigg

Malek Ziyad Fraihat

Hollie Martin

Nolan Yimrawd-Thivin

Mohammed Yaseen Goolam

Renad Nabeel Masoudi

In his speech, Mohammad recounted all of the hard work and determination it required to learn English and apply it in his studies. He thanked his classmates for their support and encouragement and

PhD student Afnan Mashat’s innovative research work in the Controlled Release & Delivery (CRD) Lab recently won her the 12th Annual Almarai Prize for Scientific Innovation in the branch of “Scientific Research Prize for Women.” The Almarai Prize was established to “support, encourage, and motivate Afnan Mashat

scientists, researchers, and inventers in the Kingdom to be creative in the fields of science.” Almarai, a major Saudi corporation founded in 1977,

manufactures dairy and other food products, and is partnered with the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in Riyadh to award and administer the prize.


Under the supervision of Dr. Niveen Khashab, Assistant Professor of Chemical Science and Principle

Photo Credit: Chuck Brooker


Investigator in the CRD Lab, Mashat and Dr. Lin Deng, research scientist, investigate the design of

STUDENTS from The KAUST School (TKS) and middle school students from nine international

nanomaterials, and specifically carbon nanotubes, for controlled release and delivery applications.

schools in Saudi Arabia “had a blast” at the 2013 Saudi Arabia Inter Kingdom Activities Conference

Mashat’s prize-winning work entitled “Zippered release from polymer-gated carbon nano-

(SAIKAC) Middle School Music Festival, said Chuck Brooker, TKS Music Teacher.

tubes” was published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry in 2012. The research examines

The festival, which was held on the KAUST campus from April 30 – May 2, gave students in

the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to form a thermo-sensitive drug delivery system in which

the Honors Band and Honors Choir a unique opportunity to come together and participate in

CNTs are loaded with the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) and coated with polyethylen-

two days of intensive rehearsals on wind and percussion instruments for the band and vocal

imine (PEI) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) via the “zipper effect.”

preparations for the choir. The event culminated in a Gala Concert presented to the KAUST com-

The zipper effect allows for control and support of drug release, and changes in tempera-

munity on May 2.

ture enable the complexation at low temperature and decomplexation at high temperature

“This year’s festival was a huge success,” Jennifer Hermanson, TKS Choral Director, said. “The

of PEI and PVA via hydrogen bonding. DOX is released at high temperature (≥40˚C), and is

students and music directors who participated really enjoyed working and collaborating together

slowly released at normal human body temperature (37˚C). The system looks to be a promising

for the final concert.”

method for the use of stimuli triggered polymer-gated CNTs in controlled release applications.

Edward Elkins, visiting Band Director from the Saudi Aramco Schools in Dhahran, noted

Said Mashat of her win: “I was so excited. Winning for me means working even harder in

how TKS staff and students and the KAUST community embraced the event. “We were over-

the future and presenting more research. I am proud of the work that was accomplished.” 

whelmed by the welcome we received from our K AUST hosts,” he said. “Congratulations, KAUST, on a job well done.” 


High school seniors from The K AUST

our individual and collective place in it,” explained Morris. “The students began the program

Schools (TKS) taking part in the IB Diploma

as a global scattering of nations, cultures, and understandings. We had a great dialogue and

program in Visual Arts began a creative

came to a deeper understanding of each other through the process. I am very proud of how the

journey with their Visual Arts teacher

students have grown, and I hope they take art with them to use what they have learned in the

Rebecca Morris two years ago, with Morris guiding the students through the use of various art media to create pieces reflecting an individually chosen theme. The students’ journey through the art world culminated in a display of their pieces in the lobby of the Administration Building, with a special reception held there for the young artists on May 27. “Art is a way of listening to the world, communicating our perceptions of it, and understanding

next part of their journey in life.” Contributing high school seniors: Rima Hallak

Basel Abukhalaf

Rahaf Mandurah

Mahmoud Shalaby

Sumaya AlMubarak

Renad Masoudi

Osayil Skinner

Matias Lehvaslaiho

Jake Twigg

REAL-TIME REACTION | Continued from p1 The observation of these designed complex functions at such an exquisite nanostructure were made possible by the cutting-edge electron microscopic facilities of KAUST’s core labs. The input of the core lab staff through their expertise in electron microscopy has been a crucial component to the project. By introducing surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy into the realm of catalysis, allowing for fast and highly sensitive study of catalytic reactions, the researchers’ findings offer a unique possibility to investigate the intrinsic reaction kinetics on the catalyst surface by excluding the influence of adsorption/desorption of reactants and products.  (L-R) Jianfeng Huang, Qingxiao Wang, Kexin Yao, and Yang Yang

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