King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
BEACON املنـارة at Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
September 2014 / Thul Qedah - Thul Hijjah 1435 Volume 5, Issue No. 1
“The world’s population stands at 6.5 billion people right now. By the year 2050, we will be 9.5 billion. So we will have a gap of about 3 billion people to feed in the next 35 years,” said Heribert Hirt, Associate Director of KAUST’s Center for Desert Agriculture. An upcoming international
conference at KAUST, titled Desert Rhizosphere Microbes for Future Sustainable Agriculture, to be held on November 3-5,
“These are the times of dreamy quietude, when beholding the
2015, will focus on examining ways to help plants and crops
tranquil beauty and brilliancy of the ocean's skin, one forgets
survive and thrive in extreme environmental conditions.
the tiger heart that pants beneath it; and would not willingly
“We try and understand how these plants can actually
remember, that this velvet paw but conceals a remorseless fang.”
live under these extreme conditions and determine how
Perhaps the following interview with Dr. Xabier Irigoien,
we can use this knowledge from these plants,” Hirt said.
Director of the Red Sea Center, isn’t quite as dramatic as Herman
“We are looking into the microbes that are living with these
Melville’s “Moby Dick,” but it is true that the world’s oceans
plants and help them to establish themselves under these
are not as beautiful, nor as clean as they once were. Irigoien’s
conditions of heat, drought and salt which are the three key
findings were recently published in a paper titled, “Plastic Debris
factors in agriculture.”
in the Open Ocean,” in the Proceedings of the National Academy
As we face the growing reality of global warming, this
of Science (PNAS).
knowledge is of primal importance. We will have more heat
We recently sat down with Dr. Irigoien for a face-to-face
and resulting droughts. So our agricultural system will need
interview. Candid and insightful, he detailed the findings of
USING SCIENCE TO FEED | Continued on p7
PLASTIC | Continued on p3
اكتشف الباحثون ارتفاع كمية املواد البالستيكية يف املحيطات أكثر مما كان متوقعا توصل فريق عمل البروفيسور زابير إريجوين مدير مركز أبحاث البحر الى معرفة أن كمية المواد البالستيكية في المحيطات مرتفعة،األحمر وتم نشر نتائج هذا البحث أخيرًا في ورقة بحثية.بصورة غير متوقعه ” في مجلة األكاديميةPlastic Debris in the Open Ocean " بعنوان .)PNAS( الوطنية للعلوم .وفي ما يلي جانب من حوارنا مع البروفيسور زابير إريجوين هل يمكنك أن تتحدث لنا بإيجاز عن هذا البحث؟،دكتور اريجوين أجرينا في هذه الورقة دراسة مفصلة عن مدى انتشار المواد البالستيكية .الدقيقة في محيطات العالم المفتوحة خالل رحالتنا االستكشافية حيث قمنا بعمل بعض االختبارات وجمع العينات من محيطات العالم األولى أن البالستيك: وتمكنا من الخروج بنتيجتين رئيسيتين.المختلفة والثانية أن معدل البالستيك الذي عثرنا عليه أقل، منتشر في كل مكان 3 تتمه صفحة
DIVERSITY HELPS TEAM DISCOVER NEW PARTICLES Sometimes what it takes to discover something new is a team with a diversified vision and a lot of patience. At least, this was the case with the latest biomimetic block copolymer particle research conducted by KAUST professors Dr. KlausViktor Peinemann and Dr. Suzana Nunes, along with postdoctoral fellows Dr. Haizhou Yu and Dr. Xiaoyan Qiu. “For me, the most interesting thing with this experiment, is that when most people reach a point in the results when they think this is not what is expected, they will stop. But Haizhou Yu and Xiaoyan Qiu didn’t stop. They are the type DIVERSITY | Continued on p5
News 1-5
التنوع يساعد فريق االحباث على اكتشاف جسيمات جديدة أحيانا كل ما تحتاجه الكتشاف أشياء جديدة هو القليل من الصبر ال في آخر أبحاث ً وهذا ما حدث فع.وفريق أبحاث برؤية متنوعة ) التيcopolymer( المحاكاة البيولوجية لكتلة جسيمات كوبوليمر أجراها مجموعة أساتذة من جامعة الملك عبداهلل هم الدكتور إضافة الى زمالء،كالوس فيكتور بينيمان والدكتورة سوزانا نونيس ونشرت.ما بعد الدكتوراه الدكتور هايشياو يو والدكتور زياويان كوي Nature Communication نتائج هذا البحث في ورقة بحثية في مجلة .في شهر مايو الماضي 5 تتمه صفحة
Research 6-7
Four KAUST faculty members were recently acknowledged in “Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers 2014.” Congratulations to KAUST researchers Dr. Jean M.J. Frechet, Dr. HIGHLY CITED RESEARCHERS | Continued on p8
Community 8
September 2014
The Beacon
A great university is defined by its people. As we enter our fifth academic year, I would like to thank you
professionals and staff who arrive at KAUST ready to embrace the opportunity before us. Together,
for your collective dedication to building a world-class research university and a vibrant community.
we are exploring the world’s most difficult problems in an environment that motivates us to think
Like you, each year, I enjoy welcoming our new students to campus—they come with fresh ideas, new
big. My good friend Dean Pierre Magistretti recently told our new students “as a scientist you have to
perspectives and the drive to succeed. This fall we welcome 284 new students to KAUST, as well as
like uncertainty. You have to like to be in unchartered territory and you must not be unsettled by the
11 new faculty, 30 new post docs and 64 staff members. Since last summer, 27 faculty, 175 post docs
unknown. Actually, you have to be driven by the unknown.”
and over 300 staff members have agreed to join our ranks. They and their families join you to bring
I believe this applies to all of us, in every corner of KAUST. After five years we are still navigating
forth the best ideas from all over the world. Our international DNA makes us truly unique, with over
unchartered territory, but to our advantage we have the brightest minds in the world and our shared
100 nationalities confidently working together to advance innovative research and education that will
passion for a good challenge. King Abdullah gave us this opportunity by intentionally creating a
benefit humanity.
university “where faculty, students and staff would have the freedom to aim high and explore risky
Collectively, we share the same passion for curiosity, adventure and creativity—simply put, we love challenges. This is why we attract some of the world’s best scientists, engineers, scholars, administrators,
ideas without constraints.” Welcome to the new academic year and let’s continue our journey as a Great University! Jean-Lou Chameau
The Beacon, Volume 5, Issue 1, September 2014. Published by The Communications Department, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia. Contact Salah Sindi, or Nicholas Demille © King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Printed on partially recycled paper.
I really underscore, extremely self-critical. At every moment of your journey in science you
Defining what “the big question” is, however,
have to question what you have found. Is this
is only the first step. Equally important is
really true? Is this an artifact maybe? Or is
devising a sustainable strategy to stay on track.
this something that is only marginal and you
Short-term goals have to be very rigorous, very
kind of blow it up thinking that it’s a big and
concrete, very down-to-earth and integrated in a
important observation. So here again you need
long-term vision. But at the same time students
to have a balance.”
“should think long-term and a vision about the
The path to a Ph.D. isn’t always easy. A
big question that they want to answer. It’s a
student may have an idea which he or she thinks
juggling act every day,” Magistretti explained.
is the greatest concept since Leonardo DaVinci.
“I really think that for science to be an inspiration,
is about science,” he said. Highlighting the fact
for science to be exciting, you have to address a big question,” said Prof. Pierre Magistretti, Dean
While having their research published in a
But, on occasion, the mentor will advise against
great journal is an ambition of any graduate
it when they think it will not work. “I would say
student as they embark on their academic career,
that 90 percent of the time the mentor would be
that their academic mentors have in most cases
it should not be their only goal. The BESE Dean
right,” said Magistretti.
10 to 30 years experience in their field, and thus
said, “your goal should be to find something
“So again it’s a matter of balance,” he adds.
of KAUST’s Biological and Environmental Science
may be inclined to be less critical of received
important, to ask an important question and to
“You have to trust the knowledge that your
and Engineering Division and Bioscience Professor,
hypotheses, he pointed out that “graduate
find something significant—especially if you’re in
mentor has acquired over the years and let
during a recent orientation speech to new students.
students have some kind of ignorance about the
a place like KAUST. And at the same time, as you
him or her orient you towards an important
The guiding principles Magistretti focused on
field. This ignorance can be sometimes helpful
go to the lab everyday to conduct experiments
question and you can bring an important
in his talk were: curiosity, passion, establishing
because it provides an unbiased, fresh eye
and try something, you must be conscious of the
contribution to a bigger picture that the
a short and long-term vision, and balancing
toward a question.”
fact that most of the time it won’t work. You must
mentor has developed over time. But I think,
keep on persisting.”
particularly as you progress in your Ph.D., as
the requirements of being both self-critical and self-confident.
Expressing his confidence that the students must possess that curiosity fiber to have been
Having the passion and the vision to address
As he reminded the incoming master's and Ph.D.
accepted at KAUST, Magistretti said that those
big questions will help overcome the frustrations
candidates that they are in “one of the best places
traits of curiosity and passion represent the
of the short-term goals that sometimes
in the world,” Magistretti said it’s really up to them
bedrock of a scientific career.
inevitably occur.
to follow their curiosity and identify important
“When you do experiments, when you do
questions—with the help of their mentors. Stressing
research, don’t let your creativity be constrained
the importance of applying themselves to learning
by your knowledge,” Magistretti cautioned.
you read more and acquire more knowledge, you gain a fresh eye also.” Conducting original research always entails a measure of self-confidence when questioning existing knowledge. This
comes hand-in-hand with being extremely
“In addition to being curious, driven and
self-critical. To illustrate this point, Prof.
proven and accepted scientific knowledge, he
“As a scientist you have to like uncertainty. You
passionate, you have to be very self-confident
Magistretti referred to a quote by pioneering
cautioned students, especially the ones doing
have to like to be in unchartered territory and you
when you do science,”
Magistretti told
scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, who said he “made
original research, to not be afraid of questioning
must not be unsettled by the unknown. Actually,
the incoming students. “You really have to
discoveries because he was standing on the
prevailing paradigms.
you have to be driven by the unknown. And that’s
believe in yourself. This is important. Okay,
shoulders of giants.”
“If you want to advance science you have to
a matter of passion. So this is really an engine
the experiment didn’t work, you’ll try another
“We have to acknowledge the truth and
tackle, as I said, a big question for which there
to move ahead in your quest for knowledge and
one and modify this but you go ahead. And at
validity of existing knowledge but at the same
is not yet an answer. And that’s everything there
discovery. You need passion,” he said.
the same time you have to be extremely, and
time we have to be ready to question it.”
KAUST’s Osman Bakr, Assistant Professor of Materials Science and
Dr. Blanca Ayuso de Dios, KAUST Visiting Researcher of Stochastic Numerics
Engineering, was elected one of the first 50 members of the Arab-German
Research Group, has been named the 2013 Romberg Visiting Scholar by the
Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) this June.
Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for
The first 50 AGYA members were selected after two calls for membership
the Sciences. The official notification was made in February, 2014.
in 2013 and 2014. From these calls, the organization chose 25 Arab and
After receiving her Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from Universidad
25 German outstanding researchers to represent their community. The
Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) in October 2003, de Dios took a postdoctoral
selected members came from universities and research institutions across
position at the Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche in
the Middle East including Egypt, Jordan, Oman and Saudi Arabia as well
Pavia, Italy. In 2007, she returned to Madrid as an Assistant Professor. Several
as Germany. To celebrate the announcement, Bakr and his fellow members gathered for the opening conference in Germany at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
years later, her work led her to the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Barcelona, as a Ramon y Cajal Researcher. On January 2014, she joined KAUST and the Stochastic Numerics Research Group as Visiting Researcher.
(BBAW) in Berlin to discuss topics around education, energy, water and environment, cultural
Her research is mainly concerned with the development and analysis of numerical methods (mainly of
heritage, innovation and transformation processes. They also attended AGYA’s opening
finite element type) for partial differential equations. She is also active in the analysis and development
ceremony on June 21.
of fast solvers for the algebraic systems that arise from numerical discretization, in particular domain
AGYA began in 2013 at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in
decomposition and multilevel methods. Her more recent interests include uncertainty quantification,
Germany and the Arabian Gulf University in Bahrain as the first bilateral young academy in the
and the applications of her work are most directly related to continuum mechanics and plasma physics.
world. Its goal is to promote cooperation between Arab and German researchers who are in the first ten years of their career following their Ph.D. AGYA also support interdisciplinary projects across various fields of research, scientific policy and education, and see their members as ambassadors of science and culture.
The Romberg Visiting Scholarship is for up to six months, while spanning an eligible period of three years. During visits, de Dios will contribute to the training and research program of HGS MathComp. In doing so, she will work closely with Prof. Guido Kanschat and other members of the IWR, the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing of Heidelberg University.
September 2014
which encourages nondestructive competition,
the evolution of the course, from something simple and low-profile,
knowledge-sharing and mutual respect among
to a campus-wide event, and finally to an internationally-recognized
peers for the betterment of all.
course. He noted that the course is intended to inspire students to
At lunch and dinner prior to the lecture,
tackle increasingly challenging problems each year.
young SRSI scholars flocked to Flowers to
Flowers then described the FIRST LEGO League robotics
discuss the future of modern technologies and
competitions, which he helped to create, and his work to engage
share their experiences participating in the
younger audiences in the rewards and challenges of robotics. Now
LEGO League. Students also tried their best
spanning nearly 60 countries, these efforts have enjoyed increasing
to find out in advance from Flowers all they
success, and an award in his name celebrates advances in effective
could about topics in his upcoming lecture,
communication in engineering and design.
which they eagerly awaited. The reason for Flowers’ broad international appeal to young people was immediately
The lecture concluded with a long Q & A session, in which SRSI participants had the opportunity to continue the discussion with Flowers.
apparent in his lecture. A captivating and
“It was both exciting and gratifying to see the students’
creative speaker, he began by telling the
overwhelming response to Prof. Flowers’ talk,” said Debra Carlson
LAST MONTH, as part of its Distinguished Speakers lecture series,
students about his first steps into technology as a teenager from
Wood, Manager of Young Talent Development for Saudi Initiatives.
the Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI) hosted world-renowned
a poor family in Louisiana, USA. Now one of MIT’s most beloved
“Clearly, his topic and his approach resonated deeply.”
MIT Professor Woodie Flowers—one of the most recognizable faces
researchers, he said his goal is to create a passion for technology
in modern robotics.
in his students.
The SRSI program hosts 45 top high school students from throughout the Kingdom for six weeks of intensive research
Flowers is perhaps best known by young international students
Indeed, Flowers’ course, Introduction to Design and Manufacturing,
under world-class KAUST faculty mentors. Now in its fourth
who compete in the FIRST LEGO League—a robotics program
is one of the most popular and influential engineering courses at
year, SRSI inspires the next generation of young Saudi leaders
designed to engage secondary and high school students in science
MIT. In it, students are given kits containing parts, and must compete
in science and research. SRSI is administered by KAUST’s Saudi
and technology—for coining the phrase “gracious professionalism,”
throughout the semester to design robotic devices. Flowers described
Initiatives organization.
:تتمة الصفحة األولى
PLASTIC | Continued from p1 the expedition’s research, spoke of what
by humans – via barges and so forth -that
Is there a risk of these microplastics
worries him and talked about what’s next
then travels into the open ocean?
getting back into human water supplies?
in the global battle to clean up our oceans.
Yes, it’s coming out from the rivers, from the coast, wherever.
Dr. Irigoien, could you please give a brief synopsis of this latest research?
No. Although the microplastics are very tiny, they are still much larger than anything that could pass through water treatment
OK. So let’s just take a plastic milk container,
facilities. But, the real concern would be the
This is a paper where we studied the
for example. When you’re referring
plastics that enter the food chain, when fish
distribution of microplastics in the open
to microplastics, you’re talking about
eat them.
ocean around the planet. This was done
something that, when traveling out into the
with an expedition crew that went around
open ocean, it is being deteriorated by salt
Was there anything that surprised you
the planet collecting samples. There are two
water, so it ends up in tiny pieces?
in these findings?
main messages and findings that we got.
Yes, what happens is the weathering
The fact that there are plastics everywhere.
The first is that there is plastic everywhere.
effect. You have the sun, the salt, the water
Perhaps that was naïve on our part. You’re
There are microplastics as far away from dry
– so the plastic starts breaking down. Any
used to going to the open ocean and seeing
land as one can travel. The second finding is
large piece will break into smaller pieces.
clean, clear water everywhere so you don’t
that much less plastic was found than what
Those smaller pieces break down to even
expect to find as much as we did. The other
should be there. We know the amount of
small sizes, and so on - eventually to sizes
surprise is that so much plastic is missing, is
plastics that are produced, and the number
less than one millimeter. We found that
unaccounted for. The question then is where
of plastics that are entering the ocean. This
in the centimeter sized ranges, there is
has it gone?
means the plastics are either sinking or
an amount of plastics that we expected.
going into the food chain of ocean species.
When we looked for sizes in the one to
What’s the next step in the research?
two millimeter range, we found that they
The next step is to find out where the
So that’s the crux of it? You have a pretty
are, and have been, disappearing. And our
microplastics are going, with certainty. Our
good bead on the quantity of plastics that
main hypothesis is that they are being
main hypotheses are that they are being eaten
are leaving dry land and going out into the
eaten by fish.
or that they sink.
quantity, but that quantity is not there.
Are there studies that have caught fish
What’s the most important message for
Then, it’s a question of where it has gone,
and checked their digestive systems to
the average person on the street?
and is it then harmful in some fashion?
see if plastics are present?
oceans. You’re expecting to find a certain
Plastics have been around for a long
Yes. The exact estimation of how much
There are studies looking at fish in the
time, and they are a large part of our
plastic is going out into the oceans is not
open ocean, and they have found that
daily lives. Eliminating plastics from our
absolutely precise, but we are finding 100
they do eat the plastics. There are a limited
lives is not practical. But the issue of the
times less plastic than expected. So even if
number of these studies, but they do find that
management of the plastic trash, any trash,
the outgoing plastic estimation is slightly
the fish do have plastics in their stomachs.
is something that needs to be addressed.
off, the discrepancy between what plastic is being found is a lot less…a lot less. So, the plastic is entering the ocean, and then breaking down into microplastics – but then much of it is disappearing. Another interesting observation is that for the larger-sized plastic materials, we are finding the expected amounts. But for the smaller-sized plastics, the microplastics- they are disappearing. There is a range of smaller sizes that are disappearing. In 88 percent of the water samples we pulled from the world’s oceans, we found plastics. That is a significant percentage. To clarify, when you’re referring to plastics, you are talking about trash? Trash that is dumped
ألننا نعرف مقدار المواد البالستيكية التي.بكثير من ما يفترض أن يكون وهذا يعني. ونسبة المواد البالستيكية التي تصل للمحيطات،يتم إنتاجها أن هذه المواد البالستيكية إما أنها وصلت إلى قاع المحيط أو دخلت .ضمن السلسلة الغذائية لكائنات المحيطات أين اختفى البالستيك وهل هو ضار للبيئة؟ ،تقديرنا عن كمية البالستيك التي تصل إلى المحيطات ليس دقيقًا كفاية ولكننا الحظنا أن كمية البالستيك التي وجدنها هي أقل بمائة مرة عن حيث أننا نعلم أن كثير من البالستيك يصل الى المحيط.ما كان متوقعا ثم يتحلل الى مواد بالستيكية دقيقة – ولكن جزء كبير منها يختفي .بصورة محيرة وثمة مالحظة أخرى مثيرة لالهتمام وهي أن كمية المواد البالستيكية الكبيرة الحجم مماثلة تمامًا لما كان متوقع بحسب الدراسات التي أجريت في هذا المجال ولكن الموضوع مختلف تماما بالنسبة للمواد البالستكية الصغيرة الحجم و الدقيقة والتي لوحظ أنها تختفي بنسب من88% وخالل هذه الدراسة عثرنا على مواد بالستيكية في.متفاوتة .عينات المياه التي جمعناها من مختلف محيطات العالم هل هناك خطر في أن تصل هذه المواد البالستيكية الدقيقة الى مخزوننا من مياه الشرب؟ هذه المواد البالستيكية دقيقة جدًا ولكنها أكبر من أن تتجاوز عملية لكن الخطر الحقيقي هو أن تدخل هذه المواد.معالجة وتحلية المياه .ضمن السلسلة الغذائية في حال تناولتها االسماك ما هو أكثر ما فاجأك في هذه النتائج؟ حيث أننا اعتدنا على الذهاب.حقيقة وجود البالستيك في كل مكان ولم،إلى المحيطات المفتوحة ورؤية المياه نظيفة ونقية في كل مكان والمفاجأة.يخطر ببالنا العثور على هذه الكمية الكبيرة من البالستيك وال يمكننا،األخرى هي أن الكثير من هذه المواد البالستكية تختفي معرفة أين اختفت؟ ما هي الخطوة التالية في هذا البحث؟ الخطوة التالية هي معرفة مسار هذه المواد البالستيكية الدقيقة والفرضيات الرئيسية لدينا هي أنها إما تنتهي كطعام.في المحيطات .لألسماك أو انها وصلت إلى قاع المحيطات
September 2014
The Beacon
sense this is a simplified version of life. I mean, life is a random
pattern. “The averaging process is based on complicated individual
process with a drift and football is likewise,” Markowich explained.
behavioral patterns. It may not be a world-changing thing to
The drift is there because the better team should win, but this
describe the Ola wave in a soccer stadium, but it is interesting that
doesn’t always happen and the “not always” is when the randomness
using mathematics you can describe such a social phenomenon,”
becomes too strong and takes over the drift. “In a football match, you
said Markowich.
have 11 players on each side – the more players the more complexity
While the wave equation is interesting, crowd motion is a
you have to the game. You have external factors and internal factors
practical and serious mathematical problem. Crowd motion in a
and it’s all random, but in many cases the drift beats the randomness,”
stadium is an unusual case as it is three dimensional. A stadium has
Markowich said.
different entrances and levels and of course, an important question
Take a look at the world champions in the last 30 years. It wasn’t always the favorites that won, but it was always good teams and that
“We have examples in football stadiums where people were killed
is what Markowich says is the drift. There may be some consistency
like in the Heysel Stadium disaster in 1985. It was a catastrophic
overall, but in a single match anything is possible.
event in the crowd started by the follow the leader behavior that led
“I think that’s what makes football so exciting. It is just not predetermined. You never know when you get in the game what will
is how do you evacuate a stadium in a fast and organized manner?
to the deaths of 39 people and 600 more injured,” said Markowich. “Managing an evacuation is a complicated mathematical process.“
happen. If you compare it with tennis, which is a game that I like
Using simulations, mathematicians try to come up with ways to
very much, there are only two players so it’s much less complex,” said
organize the behavior of people. One idea is to put a column in the
Markowich." There is still some randomness, but most often in tennis
middle of exits. “You might think this is going to be detrimental as
the favorite wins. With 11 players many more things can happen.”
it decreases the area of the exit, but in many cases it leads to the organization of the crowd,” said Markowich.
MATH is in everything including football, but it takes a mathematician like Dr. Peter Markowich to explain how football equates to life.
He says when watching simulations, you can see that crowds
Crowds are another mathematical issue. Take for example, the
exit faster when there is an obstacle in the middle or a double
“I really love football. I actually grew up with football. My father
motion created when spectators do the Ola-wave through the
door. In these cases, an obstacle has a positive effect in organizing
took me to the pitch when I was a young boy and even my mother
stadium. There is an interesting mathematical model that goes
the crowd motion.
came along. It was a family thing, and since that time I’ve gone to
along with it which was developed by Gueant, Lasry and Lions
see matches,” said Dr. Peter Markowich, Distinguished Professor of
in their “Mean Field Games and Applications” framework. The
Applied Mathematics at KAUST.
idea begins with a large number of players—in this case 80,000
Panic in crowd modeling is an important factor, as when setting
But while the game is fun to watch, there are various aspects of
spectators and a few control aspects. “The model is based on the
up the model equations, you have to discard other strategies and
football where mathematics are involved. The first example is one that
idea that you want to behave similar to your neighbors. So if
predefined patterns. Markowich says you may begin with a model
Markowich says is a more philosophical concept.
they get up, you also tend to get up. On the other hand, when
based on averages, but in a crisis, patterns change catastrophically
you sit, you are comfortable and when you stand you are also
and these can be described by so-called mathematical panic models.
comfortable. You don’t want to be in the middle position with
“It’s not based on physics and the principles that are written in
“If you think of football as a whole—any football match that is 90
bent knees and uncomfortable, but at the same time you want to
stone, but based on our behavioral instincts which are much more
minutes—it is really a great example of a very complicated random
be coordinated with what your neighbor does,” said Markowich.
complicated,” he explained. “In the end we still write equations
The Mean Field Game developers have written down a
which are physics-based, although the constitutive equations come
process. I would say it’s a random process with a drift,” he said. The randomness Markowich is talking about comes from everyone
mathematical equation for the Ola-wave and have tested it and
involved in the game. It includes the physical shape of the players, how
it does the job. Markowich says the reason it works is because
Which brings us back to football and why the game is so exciting
the leading players slept during the night, how the referee sees things
these models are based on an averaging principle. In other words,
to watch. “We are enticed by the game because it’s a small model
and the quality of the pitch. Even the weather plays a role. “Maybe it
you have a large number of people. What each one does is not
of life. It is full of random processes just like life,” Markowich said.
rains; maybe it doesn’t. It depends on very minor things—so in some
really relevant, but what is relevant is the emerging, averaged
their significant accomplishments in the few
Vice President James Calvin, Dean Brian Moran
short years since graduation. Some of the Alumni
and several professors led a KAUST delegation
have become entrepreneurs and formed their
to China. A highlight of the trip was a special
own companies, while others have joined the
gathering, hosted by President Chameau, in
professorial ranks at universities.
Beijing of Alumni (graduates and former post-
It was also exciting for new students to meet
docs), as well as students from China who will be
KAUST Alumni from China and see how proud
joining KAUST in August.
the Alumni are of KAUST and the opportunities
This was the first formal gathering and
KAUST has provided them. In recognition of
celebration of KAUST Alumni outside of the
the strong and enthusiastic cohort of Alumni in
Kingdom. It was especially exciting for President
China, KAUST will be forming a working group
Chameau and the faculty to meet with the
on the establishment of an Alumni chapter in
enthusiastic Alumni in China and to learn of
China in the very near future.
from non-physical considerations like how do humans behave.”
It’s a random process with a drift.
لو شامو يلتقي خرجيي جامعة-الرئيس جان امللك عبداهلل يف بكني وأعضاء الوفد بالطلبة والخريجين في الصين وتعرفوا على أعمالهم وإنجازاتها الملموسة والتي إستطاعوا تحقيقها كما تم خالل هذه الزيارة.في سنوات وجيزة بعد التخرج اإللتقاء ببعض الخريجين الذين أصبحوا روادًا لألعمال بينما البعض اآلخر فضل،ويمتلكون شركاتهم الخاصة .االنضمام إلى صفوف األساتذة في الجامعات وكانت هذه المناسبة فرصة رائعة لطالب الجامعة الجدد كي يلتقوا بالخريجين حيث عبروا عن فخرهم بانتمائهم إلى جامعة الملك عبداهلل التي وفرت لهم هذه الفرص وتشجيعًا لروح الحماس لدى خريجي الجامعة.الكبيرة فقد قررت جامعة الملك عبداهلل تشكيل،في الصين مجموعة عمل إلنشاء فرع محلي لخريجي الجامعة في .الصين في المستقبل القريب
قام وفد من جامعة الملك عبداهلل للعلوم والتقنية لو شامو رئيس الجامعة وعضوية-برئاسة الدكتور جان ،كل من نائب الرئيس للشؤون األكاديمية جيمس كالفين وعميد شؤون الطالب براين موران وعدد من أعضاء هيئة .التدريس بزيارة للصين خالل شهر مايو الماضي وتهدف هذه الزيارة إلى اإللتقاء بخريجي الجامعة الذين حصلوا على درجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه التي تمنحها وكذلك اإللتقاء بباحثي ما،جامعة الملك عبداهلل باإلضافة إلى اإللتقاء بالطلبة،بعد الدكتوراه السابقين الصينيون الجدد الذين سينضمون الى جامعة الملك .عبداهلل في شهر أغسطس الحالي ويعتبر هذا اللقاء هو األول رسميًا بخريجي جامعة الملك عبداهلل خارج المملكة حيث إلتقى الرئيس شامو
September 2014
Founding President of Ozyegin University in Seed Fund spring 2014 winners pose with members of the Seed Fund team during the Spring Gala 2014.
Istanbul, Turkey. Prof. Erkut discussed the mission of the world’s new “global universities,” which are “third-generation” universities that must focus on commercializing technology produced through their education and research. “Universities are breeding grounds for entrepreneurs,” Erkut said, “and universities today must make a point of producing and encouraging entrepreneurs. Through this, economic value, new companies, and employment opportunities will be created.” All these, he noted, are essential in the global economy today, as the world has an increasing need for more and better jobs for an ever-growing workforce.
Erkut also stated that he believes KAUST has many of the characteristics of a third-generation university, and has the potential of becoming a fully-fledged third-generation institution. This, he
New Ventures & Entrepreneurship hosted the 2014 Spring Seed Fund
The winning teams’ project titles and members were: “I3-Waste CO2
said, will be essential to fostering economic growth and creating new
Gala on June 4 to recognize and honor this spring’s winning Seed
to Commercial Products” (Dr. Jeremie Pelletier, Laboratory Manager
employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, which is as essential for
Fund teams.
at Catalysis Research Center; Dr. Valerio D’Elia, Research Scientist
the Kingdom today as it is for his home country of Turkey. “There is
The KAUST Seed Fund functions as a product development funding
at Catalysis Research Center; Mr. Blake Ashwell, Center Manager
the important need,” he stated, “to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem
mechanism that helps budding entrepreneurs move their ideas
at Catalysis Research Center); “ONCOGENOMICS - Highly Accurate
in our respective countries.”
through the commercialization process and ultimately form them
Test for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer” (Prof. Vladimir Bajic,
The event concluded with the Seed Fund winning teams presenting
into new businesses. The University aims to provide the Kingdom
Director of the Computational Bioscience Research Center (CBRC); Dr
their innovative business ideas through a series of short videos and
with innovative startup companies leading to new jobs, and present a
Roberto Incitti, Bioinformatician at the CBRC; Dr. Hicham Mansour,
presentations. The teams then had a chance to network with event
successful startup model that may be used Kingdom-wide.
Research Scientist in Biosciences Core Lab; Dr. Claude Hennion,
visitors from academia and industry.
As Amin Al-Shibani, KAUST Vice President for Economic
external member; Dr. Jean-Pierre Roperch, external member); and
The Seed Fund is led by Nicola Bettio, who has recently joined
Development, noted during the event: “The Seed Fund program
“ZAD - Microbes to improve agriculture under drought, heat and
KAUST and who has been managing a venture capital fund in Europe
is geared at empowering interested faculty, research scientists,
salinity” (Prof. Heribert Hirt, Biological Sciences and Engineering
for the last 13 years. Saifuddin Tajuddin Mohamed, another new hire
postdoctoral fellows and students, and providing them with the space
Division (BESE); Prof. Daniele Daffonchio, BESE; Dr. Axel de Zelicourt,
with long experience in entrepreneurial ventures in North America,
needed as well as the seed capital to turn their ideas into successful
postdoctoral fellow, Center for Desert Agriculture (CDA); Dr. Feras
is managing the Fund portfolio. Other members of the team include
businesses. We recognize they are working in deep science with real
F. Lafi, Research Scientist, CDA; Dr. Ramona Marasco, postdoctoral
Osman Sayeed, Award Financial Administrator; Amal Dokhan, Project
business potential.”
fellow, Red Sea Research Center).
Coordinator; and Ozden Yurtseven, Pre-Award Specialist.
The Seed Fund hosts two rounds of applications for funding during
“It is just the beginning of the teams’ journeys,” Al-Shibani noted.
The Seed Fund team is always ready to meet people with novel
the year, one in the spring and one in the fall. This spring’s three
“The teams will face incredible pressure, the need to make difficult
business ideas to discuss their projects and investigate how to
winning teams were drawn from a pool of 37 applications, and were
decisions, and take risks – and all of this in addition to honoring their
commercialize them. For further information and to schedule a
selected by a panel of judges from academia to industry. A final
dedication to their current professional and scientific engagements.”
one-on-one meeting, contact the Seed Fund team at
selection was made by the Seed Fund Oversight Committee.
The event featured Keynote Speaker Professor Erhan Erkut,
:تتمة الصفحة األولى
DIVERSITY | Continued from p1 of people who will take the results and be curious
With this particular project, they took a powder
enough to go forward and find the real beauty of
from a polymer and stirred in it different organic
Xiaoyan saw things differently. When she looked at
it,” said Nunes, Professor of Environmental Science
solvents. As they stirred it, the structures formed
Qiu’s knowledge gave the chemistry and
and Engineering.
and changed over time. “In the end, we made quite
membrane team insight from a new perspective. She
it, she said it looked like biomaterials,” said Yu.
Using their combined experience with block
interesting particles. We are trying to learn from
noted when looking at the pore size, that it might
copolymers and self-assembly, the team utilized
nature and are using the principle of self-assembly
be suitable to separate something like proteins. And
what they knew to learn something they didn’t.
like nature does,” Peinemann said.
because the pores were so regular, they were not only
When the initial results were not as planned, they
The particles the team found contained attributes
continued to explore to see what happened. Taking
that could be useful in biotechnology, medicine and
the chance on waiting was worth it. “They found
catalysis applications. They were able to separate
a nice biomaterial application. Then investigated
specific proteins by electrostatic interaction or by
why this structure is that way and not in the way
size. The particles were also able to absorb these
we expected it to produce,” Nunes said.
able to separate proteins, but ones with almost equal molecule weight.
proteins. “Another potential application for the
Currently, many groups are looking at natural
Their results were published in Nature
particle is the control and release of certain proteins.
structures and trying to mimic what they can do.
C o m m u n i c a t i o n i n M a y ( D O I 10 . 10 3 8 /
For example, they may perhaps be loaded with a
Nunes says their case is unique as the structure is
ncomms5110). The paper explains how they found
drug and injected into the body that then slowly
completely porous. It can absorb the protein similar
a simple way to fabricate microspheres through
release the drug,” Peinemann said.
to how it would work in nature. “It’s the way many
block copolymer self-assembly. The particles they
But this discovery might have not occurred
of our own organs work. We, ourselves, are in a way
found are able to act as pH-responsive gates and
without the dynamics of the team involved. They
a self-assembly. This is amazing to get this structure
have a highly porous infrastructure, which allows
say without their mix of expertise, they may not
just by mixing without a planned specific design
them to have ultrahigh protein sorption capacity.
have immediately seen the potential in the initial
or probing. You have an order that is happening
It was the first time this simple strategy to fabricate
structures. Nor would they have realized how time
spontaneously,” she said.
micrometer-sized spheres with complexed porous
would have changed the shape of the particles.
order and gated nanopores by BCP self-assembly had been reported.
The team said they are trying to learn from these
As members of KAUST’s Advanced Membranes
biological channels as they are much more effective
& Porous Materials Center and Water Desalination
than artificial channels. This research was one of
and Reuse Center, Peinemann has decades of
their ways to approach it, but other groups around
experience creating large-scale membranes,
the world are trying different things.
For over a year, the team had been working on this
while Yu is experienced in block copolymers and
“We—and I mean the scientific groups around
block copolymer research with an interest in self-
Nunes’ specialty is in membranes and polymer
world—are in a state of development where we can
assembly. “We always want to develop structures
thermodynamics. But it was Xiaoyan Qiu’s
afford to explore much more complex mechanisms of
which can do new types of polymer separations –
expertise in proteins and biology that gave them
transport,” said Nunes. “I think with all the knowledge
separations that are difficult to do. This is our main
the breakthrough they needed.
we now have on membranes, it’s time to go a step
goal,” explained Peinemann, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering.
“When I looked at the structure, I looked at it as a chemist. But because her background is in biology,
forward and mimic some of the special biological channels that allow for complex separation.”
أستاذة العلوم،تقول الدكتورة سوزانا نونيس "أكثر ما شدني في هذه: والهندسة البيئية هو حقيقة أن معظم الباحثين عندما،التجربة يصلون إلى مرحلة متقدمة في أبحاثهم ثم يكتشفون أن النتائج مغايرة تماما عن ما هو متوقع فإنهم في معظم الحاالت يتوقفون ولكن األمر لم يكن. .عن البحث والمحاولة كذلك بالنسبة للدكتور هايشياو يو والدكتور فهم من العلماء المجتهدين.زياويان كوي الذين ال تثنيهم غرابة النتائج عن مواصلة ال يكفي ً ال علميًا جمي ً البحث ويمتلكان فضو لدفع نتائج البحث إلى األمام والخروج بأشياء ."جديدة منه وتمكن الفريق باستخدام خبراتهم في مجال المحاكاة البيولوجية لكتلة جسيمات كوبوليمر من التعرف على أشياء لم يكونوا على علم فعندما كانت النتائج األولية مخالفة لما.بها استمر الفريق في البحث،كان يتوقعه الفريق .واالستكشاف لمعرفة ما يمكن أن يحدث وكان قراره في المواصلة واالنتظار يستحق كل "اكتشفوا: قالت الدكتورة نونيس.هذا العناء ثم.جسيمات مادة بيولوجية ذات تركيب فريد قاموا بدراسة بنية هذه الجسيمات ولماذا هي ."مغايرة عن ما كانوا يتوقعونه ووجد الفريق أن هذه الجسيمات تمتلك خصائص مفيدة و لها تطبيقات عديدة في مجاالت مختلفة كما استطاعوا.مثل التقنية الحيوية والطب والحفز فصل بروتينات محددة بالتفاعل الكهربائية الساكن وتبين أن هذه الجسيمات قادرة على يقول الدكتور بينيمان.امتصاص هذه البروتينات " إحدى تطبيقات هذه الجسيمات هو قدرتها: حيث.الكبيرة على التحكم بإطالق البروتينات يمكنها حمل العقاقير الطبية وإطالقها في مجرى ."الدم داخل الجسم بفاعلية
September 2014
The Beacon
“In order to get a local model at the level of Jeddah, we first
The group has, for instance, observed that the currents of
go from very large-scale MENA-wide models all the way down to
the Red Sea turn differently in the summer than they do in
a few hundred meters on Jeddah,” Hoteit outlined. To obtain the
the winter. “This has a very important impact on the biology,”
MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region data, his team used
Hoteit explained. “It regulates and changes the food supply and
data from satellites and international sources.
nutrients for the fish and corals. You cannot study the biology
As they eventually zoomed in over the Jeddah region, the local
without the currents. There is no way.”
data was sourced from PME (Presidency of Meteorology and
KAUST scientists also observed that, due to heat and wind, the
Environment). The data collected is then used to complement and
Red Sea experiences a lot of evaporation. It loses around two
guide the atmospheric and weather models employed to forecast.
meters of water per year. It’s actually supplied back by water from
“We can predict these events one or two days in advance. So
the Indian Ocean—a process known as overturning.
we can greatly improve the prediction of these events and issue appropriate warnings,” said Hoteit.
It’s important however to keep in mind that these models are
Detailed information about the Red Sea’s current circulation and
not certain. They are estimates of probability. “The question is
atmosphere is not only important for purely scientific reasons—it
how good the estimate is,” said Hoteit. Many variables come
has direct applications for industry. One specific example offered
into play such as seasonality and various other observable
by Hoteit is an oil company wanting to consult real-time current
circulation models in order to determine optimal drilling areas
“What can be done is to form a database from simulations based on known data,” Hoteit clarified. By assimilating known
for the purpose of mitigating the risk of spill propagation in the event of an accident.
data from various sources, the simulations are made to be as
Using KAUST’s visualization and supercomputing resources,
accurate as possible, with an estimate of uncertainty. “The data
Hoteit can produce a real-time model of the sea currents, before
pushes the model toward the truth,” he emphasized.
the design is complete, to inform the company on where to drill.
As KAUST prepares to celebrate its five-year anniversary, the
These sophisticated models, taking into account uncertainties,
The company may have certain conditions such as water speed
community has a plethora of milestones to celebrate, not to mention
are achieved through highly multidisciplinary work involving
of less than 1 meter per second. Through the clicking or hovering
more than a few infamous events to look back on. Interestingly, a
various teams at KAUST. Hoteit relies heavily on his
of a mouse, the computerized model can offer various points in
natural disaster is the basis for ongoing, interdisciplinary research
collaboration with the visualization and supercomputing teams.
the sea map offering these specific conditions, as informed by the
at the University. Shortly after the University’s inauguration, over
“Visualization is important for us because people usually don’t
underlying data sets.
140 millimeters of rain flooded much of the Jeddah region within a
understand these things. But when you show them visually, they
mere eight hours, causing more than 100 fatalities and over $100M in
start appreciating what we do,” explained Hoteit.
damage to area property and infrastructure.
An important project at KAUST, led by Burton Jones (Marine Science), is a Marine Environmental research center. Jones’ group
Working with data sets collected from Saudi Aramco, from
is developing an observatory for the Red Sea. In partnership with
“All this rain coming at the same time, in a matter of few hours,
PME, as well as from satellite data, KAUST was able to develop
Saudi Aramco, their goal is to facilitate long-term monitoring
meant the water had nowhere to go; so it went into the streets,” said
a 14-year model (from the years 2000 to 2014) of atmospheric
of the Red Sea. This strategic partnership also serves to help
KAUST’s Ibrahim Hoteit, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences and
conditions over the Red Sea at a 10-kilometer resolution—one of
minimize environmental impact in the areas of the Red Sea where
Engineering and Principal Investigator of the Earth Fluid Modeling
the highest of its kind in the world.
Saudi Aramco operates and aims to increase the sustainability of
and Prediction group. Flash floods present a particular challenge in arid areas with limited sewage systems.
This atmospheric model also allows Hoteit’s group to work
the energy sector in the Kingdom.
on mapping the history of the waves in the Red Sea. “Once you
Hoteit’s team works closely with this project, providing vital
“When it rains the water remains and it doesn’t get absorbed,”
have the atmosphere, you can go down and simulate the rest.
models for the operation of autonomous robotic gliders deployed
said Hoteit. “We’re trying to reconstruct the rain event that happened
We want to trace the history of everything that happened in
in the Red Sea on observational survey missions. Since these
during the 2009 flood using modeling.”
the Red Sea from both the oceanic and atmospheric points of
gliders operate at a speed of one meter per second, real-time
view” said Hoteit.
data about the speed and direction of Red Sea currents is vital. If
He points to an impressive computerized model of Jeddah on his monitor, capturing over 60,000 buildings, complete with
Understanding the behavior of ocean currents is also of vital
water is moving past the glider in the opposite direction it will go
surrounding mountains and estimated paths taken by the water as
importance to develop a comprehensive picture to predict the
backwards, stalling operational progress. To help mitigate these
it flooded the city.
Red Sea’s physics and even biology. By assimilating data, Hoteit’s
challenges, the center could be provided with a 10-day forecast accessible on the web in real-time.
In an effort to build forecasting models meant to predict extreme
group seeks to provide real-time “nowcasting” and forcasting
marine and weather events, Hoteit and his group observe the ocean
models for the Red Sea. This involves the long-term monitoring
“It’s thanks to a combination of high-performance computing,
and the atmosphere. For any model to be effective, it’s important to
and studying of fundamental processes in the Red Sea such as
visualization and physics,” said Hoteit. “Really, no other
complement it with actual data from the whole region.
cyclonic recirculation.
institution has access to this type of technology.”
Jean-Lou Chameau in his remarks at the ceremony. President Chameau noted the graduates had seen many successes—and some failures—while completing their research, but that this journey was essential, adding to their character, ingenuity and creativity. “Through all of this,” he said, “you deepened your knowledge, contributed to new research and extended KAUST’s influence in the world. You deserve our gratitude and our highest accolades for your achievements.” A number of KAUST professors added their congratulations during the ceremony, advising the graduates to aim high and always search for opportunities to grow in their personal and professional lives. “You should always strive to set the bar high so everyone not only recognizes you, but also the fact that you are from KAUST,” said Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering.
“We look forward to hearing from you in the coming years and celebrating new achievements and milestones as you take the values of KAUST into the world,” President Chameau said at the conclusion of the ceremony. He thanked King Abdullah Bin
THE UNIVERSITY celebrated the Spring 2014 graduation of 11
including Saudi Arabia, China, Mexico, Pakistan and France, and
Abdulaziz Al Saud for his generosity in giving the graduates
Ph.D. and 20 master’s degree candidates at a special graduation
were joined by members of their families for the ceremony in the
the “great gift” of their educations, and noted that “through
luncheon on June 7.
University Library.
his vision, you are now empowered to be great scientists,
The graduating students came from nine different countries,
“We are all here to celebrate you,” said KAUST President
engineers and leaders.”
the same connectivity as the RE clusters. The
Image credit: Prof. Mohamed Eddaoudi and Dr. Vincent Guillerm.
September 2014
metal-organic polyhedra act as supermolecular building blocks, or SBBs, when they form gea-MOF-2.” “This required the challenging synthesis
“SOLID-state materials that have been designed and constructed in
of a very specific, asymmetric, trefoil
a made-to-order manner may provide potential solutions to many
organic ligand,” noted Dr. Łukasz Weselinski,
present-day challenges in energy and environmental sustainability,”
postdoctoral fellow in the FMD3 group and
explained Dr. Mohamed Eddaoudi, KAUST Professor of Chemical
second author of the paper.
Science and Associate Director of the University’s Advanced
“The discovery of a (3,18)-connected MOF
Membranes and Porous Materials Research Center. “However, it is
followed by the deliberate transposition of
very difficult to design these materials, as their assembly is done in
its topology to a predesigned second MOF
a one-step synthesis.”
with a different chemical system validates
Eddaoudi’s Functional Materials Design, Discovery and Development
the prospective rational design of MOFs,”
(FMD3) research group concentrates on developing strategies to
Eddaoudi said. “Here we have shown that the
permit the design of solid-state materials and the control of their
rational design of MOFs is indeed a reality,
functionality. In particular, the researchers focus on introducing
thanks to the SBB approach.”
certain specific properties and functionalities at the design stage prior to assembly in pre-selected molecular building blocks (MBBs).
The research team also examined the catalytic activity of gea-MOF-1 and found Vthat it is
The group's research concentrates on metal-organic
catalytically active and has great potential for
frameworks (MOFs), a promising class of modular solid-state
hydrocarbon separation. “We found that it can
materials, because MOFs can be constructed by the assembly-of-
serve as an excellent recoverable catalyst for
predefined-MBBs approach.
the solvent-free synthesis of carbonates under
“It is possible to mutually control the porous structure of MOFs
mild conditions,” explained Dr. Valerio D’Elia,
and their composition and functionality,” said Dr. Vincent Guillerm,
Research Scientist from the KAUST Catalysis
a post-doctoral fellow in Eddaoudi’s FMD3 group. “In our group,
Center (KCC) and a co-author of the paper.
we look for novel, highly connected MBBs and their transposition into nets with high connectivity.”
“Our work also revealed that gea-MOF-1 can be employed as a C3H8/CH4 and n-C4H10/CH4
“Targeting high-connectivity MBBs will reduce the number of
separation agent for natural gas upgrading
possible outcome nets and will therefore be of great help on the
because of its high affinity for C3H8 and
road to the rational design of porous materials,” noted Eddaoudi.
n-C4H10 versus CH4 and CO2,” Dr. Youssef
In a paper recently published in Nature Chemistry (DOI: 10.1038/ NCHEM.1982), the group discovered and isolated highly connected polynuclear clusters which are used as MBBs in the synthesis of
Belmabkhout, co-author of the paper and research scientist in the FMD3 group, noted. The researchers state that finding new
Prof. Mohamed Eddaoudi’s Functional Materials Design, Discovery & Development group
MOFs. In particular, they discovered and formed a new rare earth (RE)
nets that can be used as blueprints is (FMD3) discovered a special minimal edge transitive net with high connectivity, pictured here.
nonanuclear carboxylate-based cluster ([RE]9(μ-OH)8(μ2-OH)3(O2C)18],(RE=Y, Tb, Er, Eu)), which was then used as an 18-connected
becoming increasingly rare today, as many frameworks (MOFs). The (3,18)-connected blueprint and the supermolecular building block nets have already been predicted. “Our (SBB) approach enabled the deliberate design and synthesis of a novel MOF.
MBB to form a gea-MOF (gea-MOF-1) based on an unprecedented
novel (3,18)-connected gea net has a great
(3,18)-connected net. “gea” stands for “Guillerm, Eddaoudi net A.”
potential to be systematically targeted through the MBB or SBB
solid-state materials design. “Use of this is critical if one wants to
approach for the synthesis of made-to-order MOFs for specific
achieve made-to-order materials for specific applications,” he said.
applications,” says Dr. Guillerm.
In addition, he notes that the group’s work “also highlights the great
“We then utilized the gea net as a blueprint to design and assemble another MOF, called gea-MOF-2,” explained Dr. Guillerm. “In gea-
The image illustrates its use as a blueprint for the design and construction of metal organic
MOF-2, the 18-connected RE clusters are replaced by metal-organic
Eddaoudi hopes that through the team’s research, others will
potential of MOFs for hydrocarbon separation, a feature which has
polyhedra which have been peripherally functionalized to have
realize the use of geometry and topology is often underestimated in
barely been explored so far.”
to adapt to these new realities. The plants and crops currently
more and more interested, also through this technology, in the use
said Hirt. So he thought that KAUST would be an ideal place
produced will have a hard time surviving.
of microbes to help plants grow,” Hirt explained.
to pursue desert research. The Desert Rhizosphere Microbes
USING SCIENCE TO FEED | Continued from p1
“The problem is that meeting our future challenges will require that we increase food production by about 50%. With the current
Conference is the kickoff for an international collaboration,
helmed by Hirt and his colleague—extreme environments
crops that we have we cannot do that. So the question is how can
Drought conditions alone are responsible for up to 60% of
microbiologist Dr. Daniele Daffonchio—to go into different
we achieve this?” As Hirt further elaborates, “We need to actually
harvest losses, according to Hirt. “Our concept is not to have plants
deserts of the world. With the collaboration of KAUST's Center
improve their performance under these heightened drought and
that grow bigger and faster, it’s actually to preserve the capacity
for Bioinformatics (CBRC), this program will foster transnational
heat conditions.”
of current crops to fruitfully produce without dying off due to a
collaborations among several institutions in Oman, the United
drought period.”
Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Jordan, as well as African and South
We have evidence right here at KAUST of plants growing in the
American states.
seawater with the surrounding mangroves and other vegetation
Aiming to become a global knowledge base of desert rhizosphere
There are two ways to do this. One way is to experiment with
growing along the shores of the Red Sea. “They are basically
microbes, the DARWIN21 project was inspired by the scientific
genetic engineering to improve crops. The other way is to promote
drinking seawater,” said Hirt. “So the question is how do they do
voyages undertaken by Charles Darwin, aboard the HMS Beagle,
the use of natural microbes. Hirt is exploring answers that can
that? How can they live on that?”
in the 19th century. This project now aspires to complete a similar
be found through the capabilities of microbes. The upcoming conference will particularly focus on rhizosphere microbes. Environmental conditions, even more than the negative impact
Since this vegetation proves that it’s possible to actually use
voyage of discovery in the 21st century. The DARWIN21 project will
seawater to grow crops, it means that we might be able to help
go about exploring the various deserts on the planet and study the
current crops to do the same.
plants and microbes that grow there.
of insects or bad microbes eating up the plants, is in fact the major
“I’ve been working on plant stress biology for 25 years, with a
Saudi Arabia is an ideal place for prospecting different types of
limiting factor in plant productivity. The particularity of rhizosphere
focus on abiotic stress,” said Hirt. In recent years, he came across
deserts since, as Hirt pointed out, “we already have very different
microbes is that they can increase plants’ abiotic stress tolerance
an example of a remarkable fungus from a desert in Pakistan with
types of deserts in Saudi Arabia: inland deserts, salty ones, less
(caused by heat, drought, and salt). All plants can adapt at some
the unique ability to interact with any kind of plant species—crops,
salty ones—so there are very different conditions.”
level to environmental changes but the more they are associated
cereals, and others to make them strongly resistant to drought
with these rhizosphere microbes, the greater their stress tolerance is.
His group of international scientists, many of whom will be present at KAUST for the conference, are seeking answers as to how
The rhizosphere (from the Greek word “rhiza”, meaning root), is
This discovery gave Dr. Hirt the strong impression that there must
these desert plants are able to survive. Are there different microbes
a soil area around a plant’s roots where microorganisms directly
exist other microbial organisms around the world that can do this.
that help them do that? What are the distinguishing factors tied to
interact with secretions or chemicals released by the plant’s roots. As Hirt explained, in the past 15 years, thanks to sequencing technologies, scientists have come to realize that the soil is the richest source of microbes in the world. “People now have gotten
these microbes?
AN INTERNATIONAL PROJECT TO DISCOVER THE DESERTS OF THE WORLD “Nobody has really gone in-depth to identify those microbes,”
“We’ve got the tools to analyze spots on Earth that are yet to be discovered,” said Hirt. “I think KAUST can be a great incubator to make this happen.”.
September 2014
The Beacon
are used in many applications, including solar
Shahd Bawarith, and Yousef Alowayed, conducting
cells and biosensors. “I previously worked with
research at KAUST this summer as part of the
metal alloys at my home university, Pennsylvania
KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP) has been
State University, so my research at KAUST was a
an unparalleled opportunity for academic and
good opportunity to explore a different class of
personal growth.
materials,” she said.
KGSP sponsors academically gifted Saudi
Jawaher will complete her bachelor’s degree in
students earning undergraduate degrees in science
Materials Science and Engineering next year, and
and engineering subjects at universities in the
plans to study Nanotechnology at KAUST for her
United States and prepares them for eventual
master’s degree.
matriculation at KAUST. A major component of the
Shahd, who studies Bioengineering at
made me interested in a new area, computational
program is the opportunity for students to conduct
George Mason University, has been working
fluid mechanics,” he explained. He will be a senior
research at KAUST during their undergraduate
with Professor Klaus-Viktor Peinemann in the
in the autumn at Johns Hopkins University, where
studies. This year, 43 students are carrying out
Advanced Membranes & Porous Materials Center
he is majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
summer research at KAUST.
(AMPM), where she has learned how to produce
“My summer has certainly been enjoyable,” said
composite membranes.
“I am definitely excited to return to KAUST for my master’s degree,” he said. “In the future, I hope
Yousef, who will be a junior at MIT in the coming
“I don’t think I could have done this kind
to go for a PhD so I can work in the research field.”
academic year, and who has been working with
of cutting-edge research with such amazing
“Knowledge gained from textbooks and in
Assistant Professor Osman Bakr on developing
professors and so much support anywhere else,”
classrooms is important,” noted Jawaher, “but it
solar cells. “It has been great to get a feel of the
said Shahd, who will be a sophomore in the next
is not enough. My summer research at KAUST
different kinds of research going on at KAUST
academic year. “I originally wanted to study law
has enabled me to understand my major better,
before coming back here for my master’s degree.
in university, but now I definitely feel a future in
and I feel that opportunities like this provided
And I have really learned a lot.”
science is worthwhile.”
through KGSP will make it easier to contribute
“KAUST is wonderful,” agreed Jawaher, who
Abdulmohsen says he discovered a new field to
to the advancement of science and technology
worked with Assistant Professor Iman Roqan
explore during his summer working with Associate
in the development of my country. That is my
Initiatives organization. Now in its fifth year, the
to study the optical properties and structure of
Professor Ravi Samtaney in the Fluid and Plasma
greatest motivation.”
program cultivates the next generation of Saudi
gadolinium (Gd)-doped zinc oxide thin films, which
Simulation Laboratory. “My research at KAUST has
KGSP is administered by KAUST’s Saudi
leaders in science, research, and innovation.
HIGHLY CITED RESEARCHERS | Continued from p1 Victor M. Calo, Dr. Mohamed Eddaoudi, and Dr. Heribert Hirt. “Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers 2014” is an authoritative listing of the world’s preeminent scientific minds and noteworthy intellects. Those who appear have passed a
rank among the top 1% of most cited researchers for their subject
Materials, Dr. Mohamed Eddaoudi, was also recognized in
field and year of publication.
Chemistry. His work with the Advanced Membranes and Porous
KAUST Vice President of Research, Dr. Jean M.J. Frechet was noted for his contributions in Chemistry.
Materials Center team was also honored in Thompson Reuters’ book, “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2014.”
stringent set of criteria. Researchers who are considered and
Dr. Victor M. Calo, an Associate Professor of Earth Sciences and
Dr. Heribert Hirt, Professor of Bioscience and the Associate
evaluated have written the greatest number of reports found to
Engineering, was honored in the Computer Science classification.
Director of the Center for Desert Agriculture, was honored for his
be highly cited by their peers. Those who make the final listing
Associate Director of Advanced Membranes and Porous
work in the category of Plant and Animal Science.
to stay on to pursue her Ph.D., also in Bioscience. As she notes,
Engineering Lab of The University of California at Davis (U.S.),
Ph.D. candidate María Fernanda Contreras
“I did my bachelor’s thesis in biophysics and my bachelor’s
and at the Laboratory of Materials and Low Temperatures at
Gerenas has fully embraced all that KAUST
degree was in physics. I wanted to learn biology, which I did
the University of Campinas (Brazil). A recipient of the KAUST
has to offer in her five years here. Active
during my masters. Now during my Ph.D., I am combining the
Academic Excellence Award, Maria’s research is profound in both
in many pursuits, she is a former member
two disciplines in a potential biomedical application.” Working
complexity and in its potential.
of the KAUST female football club. “It was
under the guidance of Timothy Ravasi and Jürgen Kosel, Maria
“KAUST has been more than just a university to me. Here
a nice experience. I got to share with the girls, participate in a
now finds that she is often the mentor, affirming, “My Ph.D.
I have found life-long friendships, and I found the love of
tournament, and improve my football skills,” she notes. Maria
research topic has drawn the attention of master’s students who
my life - to whom I got married around year and a half ago.
hasn’t stopped with football, however. In addition to frequently
are doing their theses in topics related to it. I taught them the
Being at KAUST has also allowed me to travel to locations
playing tennis and swimming, she earned her PADI diver’s
basics of cell culture, and then they were able to be independent
that previously seemed unreachable, and that I have never
certification, and then completed the advanced diver’s course.
in their own lab work.”
thought I would visit at my young age. Last but not least,
“KAUST offers a pretty high life quality. In terms of recreational facilities and travel opportunities, it is a nice place to be.” Maria received her master’s in Bioscience, and then decided
Born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia, Maria earned her
KAUST has provided me with everything I need to fulfill my
bachelor’s degree in physics from the National University of
professional goals - nice research facilities, personnel, and
Colombia (Bogotá), and has done internships at the Membrane
working environment.”.
Nate (as he prefers), has lived across the United States from
education, engineering, business development, and management,
Alaska to Florida, and spent time in Peru, Mexico, and Oman –
it provides me a variety of angles to solve problems, establish
Texas-born Nathaniel Robinson has been
before making it to KAUST. “I enjoy being able to expand my
processes, and so on.”
around – including some ups and some
views, approaches to projects and challenges, and a diversity of
In his spare time, Nate enjoys all types of music and enjoys
downs, noting, “I’ve been fortunate to
experiences. KAUST offers the opportunity for each of those. I’d
reading. However, it doesn’t sound like he spends too much time
survive a series of events - from cancer to
like to see more of the world and learn more languages, which is
on the couch. As fit as any man half his age, Nate used to train in
sinking a kayak in the Artic Sea and then
also something KAUST can help to achieve,” he said.
mixed martial arts (MMA), and now works at boxing, plyometrics
swimming for my life to the shore. Interesting things seem to
With degrees in engineering, technology management,
and strength training. He loves competitive sports, adding, “I
happen to me. So if I’m on your snorkeling trip you may want
economics and finance, Nate brings his considerable resume and
used to play goalkeeper in football/soccer in college, then later
to think about rebooking; but on the positive side, I’ve made it
experience as manager of the Advanced Engagement and Support
in city leagues in the USA and Mexico.” At KAUST, Nate offers
through all of them with memories to hold.” And many stories to
Department, within Saudi Initiatives, asserting, “I like to think
his expertise to anyone up for the challenge, providing physical
tell, it sounds.
that I bring a nice diversity to any position. Having worked in
training, strength training and conditioning..