PORTFOLIO 2024 - Selected Works

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NYC Subway Layered Infrastructures

In this 10 days AA Visiting School course, we are asked to dissect the New York Subway system, to observe, speculate its history, elements, forms, language, structures, hence re-design & re-define the NY Subway in a contemporary manner. At the beginning, we made a diorama out of 3 main parts of a subway station - Overground, Entrance & Concourse, Underground. We then chose the elements that mostly represent these 3 parts and used them in testing the Wasp script in Grasshopper & Rhino, both for learning & experimenting the aesthetics & forms generated.

Type Year Site Collaboration Tutors Software Research, Conceptual 2020 July New York Subway / Hong Kong Chun Sang Dennis Leung, Sze Man Mandy Wong Ramon Weber, Paul Clemens Bart Rhino, Grasshopper, Enscape 01 (Pre-professional) AA Visiting School New York
New York Subway Diorama
Elements of Overground
Elements of Entrance & Underground

Dismantled Green Steel Overground Structure

Aggregation Test 2

# of component = 650

Same part = FALSE

Same connection = TRUE


# of component = 300

Same part = TRUE

Same connection = TRUE

Aggregation Test 1


Painted Steel Column

# of component = 200

Same part = TRUE

Same connection = TRUE

Aggregation Test 3

7 Wasp - Modular
Aggregation in Grasshopper & Rhino

Other than the initial Wasp testing, we then chose the Concrete Tunnel (from underground), Steel Green Structures (from overground) & Railings (from railway) to further explore the verticality of the Subway and their possibilities in generating new vertical forms from those elements. The carriage itself is also further examined and dissected, a new type of carriage is then designed out of the elements extracted from it. They are then put on the tracks designed, allowing the transit between different levels within the same structure.

Diorama + Aggregation Railings Steel Structure
Original Carriage
Concrete Tunnel Remake Carriage

Festival of Cosmic Resurrection

Type Year Site



Masterplanning, Conceptual, Research, Festive 2019-2020, 5th Year

Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China

Rahesh Ram, Sam Coulton Cinema 4D, Octane

Souls (in the form of Artefacts) are gathered in the Vessel of Souls, which sits at the heart of the city of Beijing – the Tiananmen Square, and ready to be discharged to every corner of the city during the Festival of Cosmic Resurrection. Centre to the structure, stood the Cosmic Tower, which symbolically connects the spirits of Ancestors from the Cosmo, to the Vessel of Souls & to other sites representing different Chinese traditional cultures such as the Tower of Taoism.

During each Festival of Cosmic Resurrection, the position of the Vessel of Souls & Tiananmen Square acted as a rotational pivot in the masterplan of Beijing, for deciding the project site of various cultures. The Vessel & these sites are then connected through millions of lanterns (which symbolize millions of ancestors’ souls), thus visualizing the carefully calculated time distortions & compensations made in traditional Chinese calendar.

02 (Master Studies) 5th Year Final Design Project
Roof Plan of the
Soul The Vessel of Soul
Layout of the 108 grid, 72+36
Vessel of

The Growing Constellation Altering Sites: 2023-2041

According to visualized distortions of chinese calendar, the venues of cultural celebrations are different at every festival. As said in an old Chinese sayings about calendar - “19 Years 7 Intercalary (十九年七閏)”, a complete calibration cycle is done during 2023-2041. And by connecting strings of lanterns (representing souls) to varying sites of these 7 celebrations happened within these 19 years, a new type of constellation is formed. In addition, at the upcoming festivals, the structure at the oldest site would be removed & replaced by the newest structure at the new venue, hence generating a ever-changing constellation.

Constellation formed over 2023-2041

2023 2025 2036 2031 2039 2028 BackwardsDistort
ForwardsDistort ForwardsDistort 2033 Site 2023 Site 2025 Site 2028 Site 2031 Site 2033 Site 2036 Site 2039 2023 2025 2028 2031 2033 2036 2039 Collaborative works by citizens Tower connection Centre of all connections: The Vessel of Soul
BackwardsDistort BackwardsDistort

The Tower of Taoism

The Tower of Taoism is designed according to Tao’s largest ritualLuo Tian Da Jiao (羅天大醮). The Ritual itself is composed of many smaller individual rituals, which happens at different time. These smaller rituals are then expressed as spatial configurations, experienced by visitors either by the use of materials, colours, forms, circulations, or even certain actions to be performed before proceeding to the next space. These spaces are also arranged in the same order as the scheduled individual rituals. Visitors would then experienced this largest ritual of Tao by completing a tour of the tower from top to bottom.

Day -1 Structure Setup Cleansing Ritual Ritual of Offering to Heaven Keyi of Fazou Jinke Start Keyi Chanting Continue on Keyi of Chanting Ritual of Concluding Altars Escorting Deities Ritual of Inviting Deities Ritual of Opening of Golden List Rice Dragon Ritual Jin Guang Shui You Keyi Stars’ Blessings Keyi Da Sanqing Keyi Ritual at Yin List & Ten Kings Temple Ritual of Pole Star Lantern Matrix Configuration Day Day (Start) Day Day Day (Last) Day Structure Tear Down Chaoyou Keyi (For the Dead) Star Praising Keyi
The Tower of Taoism The Tower of Links Linkage of Souls
The Cosmic Tower

Embd Summerhouse

The Summerhouse is owned by a fanatic of pictures who had hundreds of pictures at his place. We took that idea of pictures and utilize picture frames as our design language. Hence creating various kinds of frames for different sizes of portraits, paintings & photos. The design aimed to elevate the flat pictures into 3D beings, therefore the frames are laid out with different depths to embrace the 3-dimesionality of spaces. We decided to use woods of different kinds & thicknesses since the summerhouse itself is primarily constructed by woods. Small lightings are added to simulate light installed on site & the battery expressed itself as the utilities like boilers & electric switches.

16 Type Year Site Company 03
Interior, Residential, Construction 2016 Embd,
Architectural Assistant Interior Design (Year Out)
Architecture & Design & Research
04 (Bachelor Studies) 2nd Year Design Project Mechanical Dissemblance Type Year Site Tutors Experimental 2014-2015, 2nd Year Broadway Market, Hackney, London Stefan Lengen, Kyriakos Katsaros

Although the topic of the year is about recycling, the project is mostly led by my own interests of kinetic forms & mechanical parts. Therefore I collected ‘antiques’ from various markets in U.K. such as the Portobello market, Brick Lane, & a small market in a secret corner in Brighton. The collection includes some mechanical clocks and two typewriters. They were then manually dismantled into many small parts, one of them as a display of parts and the other was combined with the clock parts and remodelled into an architectural proposal. The aesthetic of the kinetics & machines demonstrate a strong language, and also suggest relationships between spaces & dynamic circulations around site.


The Caring Community™

Poet Filippo Tommaso

produced the Manifesto of Futurism in 1909. Antonio Sant’Elia’s vision was for a

and mechanized city of

which he saw not as a mass of individual

but a vast, multi-level, interconnected and integrated urban conurbation designed around the “life” of the city. Russian Futurism was a movement of Russian poets and artists who adopted the principles of Filippo Marinetti’s “Manifesto of Futurism,” which embraced the rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry it also advocated the modernization and cultural revitalisation

Constructivism was an artistic and architectural philosophy that originated in Russia beginning in 1913 by Vladimir Tatlin and flourished in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and

The Caring Community™ is a critic, metaphor of our society under the current overly digitalized & mechanized era. On a superficial stage, this housing project presents itself as a ‘fun’, ‘warm’ & ‘comforting’ home for all people at different social levels, promoting inhabitants to fight the worsening trend of stratification in London.

The project starts off from a comprehensive research about machines & architecture. I then focused on the relationship of the digital & biological - designing varies machine concept that monitors biological data of the inhabitants. The Teddy - the representative element in the model - is filled with all kinds of machines taking data such as pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate & body temperature etc., however it retains its outer soft fur & its cute look to soothen uneasy emotions, even knowing that datas are taken from your body. It then led to other researches about social structure & technology such as Lewis Mumford’s The Myth of the Machine, Megamachine; Pyramidal systems; B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two; Panopticon; how they represent themselves as harmless orders, persuading everyone in the society to blindly believe only in the numbers shown by machines, without truly knowing meanings of their actions/decisions, but only ratings & numbers on the digital screens.

The vorticists were a British avant-garde group formed in London in 1914 with the aim of creating art that expressed the dynamism of the modern world Vorticist painting combined cubist fragmentation of reality with hard-edged imagery derived from the machine and the urban environment It was, in effect, a British equivalent to futurism although with doctrinal differences, and Lewis was deeply hostile to the futurists.

20 Type Year Site Tutors Software Residential, Masterplanning, Research, Critique 2018-2019, 4th Year Heygate Estate, Elephant & Castle, London, SE17 1UB, United Kingdom Rahesh Ram Rhino, Grasshopper, Lumion 05 (Master Studies) 4th Year Final Design Project
Second Industrial Revolution is synergy between iron and steel, railroads and coal developed at the beginning of the Second Industrial Revolution. Railroads allowed cheap transportation of materials and products, which in turn led to cheap rails to build more roads. Railroads also benefited from cheap coal for their steam locomotives. This period in the early 20th century when there was greater production mass production and more new inventions of machinery than previously, and considered to be at a peak between the first and second world wars, is then called, Machine Age. It forms late part of the Second Industrial Revolution, and considered to be at a peak in the time between the first and second world wars. There was greater production and more new inventions of machinery than previously: steam engine replaced by gas turbines, internal combustion engines and electric motors; Mass production of high-volume goods on moving assembly lines, particularly of the automobile; Steel framed buildings of great height (the skyscraper); Radio and phonograph technology; High speed printing presses, enabling the production of low cost newspapers and mass market magazines; Fast and comfortable long distance travel by railroad, automobile, and aircraft etc. Futurist architecture is an early-20th century form of architecture born in Italy, characterized
strong chromaticism, long dynamic lines,
suggesting speed, motion,
highly industrialized
the future
early 1930s. It combined advanced technology and engineering with an avowedly Communist social purpose Though Tatlin’s Tower remained unbuilt, the materials—glass and steel—and its futuristic ethos and political slant (the movements of its internal volumes were meant to symbolise revolution and the dialectic) set the tone for the projects of the 1920s. Googie architecture is a form of modern architecture, a subdivision of futurist architecture influenced by car culture, jets, the Space Age, and the Atomic Age Googie-themed architecture was popular among motels, coffee houses and gas stations. The term “Googie” comes from now-defunct coffeehouse in Hollywood designed by John Lautner. Metabolism( 新陳代謝 shinchintaisha) was a post-war Japanese architectural movement that fused ideas about architectural megastructures with those of organic biological growth The word Metabolism describes the process of maintaining living cells. Young Japanese architects after World War II used this word to describe their beliefs about how buildings and cities should be designed, emulating living being High-tech architecture appeared as revamped modernism an extension of those previous ideas helped by even more technological advances This category serves as a bridge between modernism and post-modernism Some of its themes and ideas were later absorbed into the style of Neo-Futurism art and architectural movement. Neo-futurism is a late-20th/early-21st century architectural style. It evolved out of high-tech architecture It is seen as a departure from the more sceptical and referential style of post-modernism, and more of an idealistic approach to the future It aims to rethink the aesthetic and functionality of rapidly growing urban areas and an idealistic belief in a better future and “a need to periodize the modern rapport with the technological”. Precisionism was the first indigenous modern art movement in the United States and an early American contribution to the rise of Modernism Influenced by Cubism and Futurism Precisionism took for its main themes industrialisation and the modernization of the American landscape the structures of which were depicted in precise, sharply defined geometrical forms Precisionist artists considered themselves strictly American and some were reluctant to acknowledge their European artistic influences. The ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) was Marxism–Leninism, an ideology of a centralised, planned economy and a vanguardist one-party state, which was the dictatorship of the proletariat. 1. Dictatorship of the proletariat 2. Anti-imperialism 3. Peaceful coexistence 4. Socialism in one country (Start of Information Age) 3rd Industrial Revolution is the shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics with the adoption of digital computers and digital record keeping that continues to the present day. Central to this revolution is the mass production and widespread use of digital logic circuits and its derived technologies, including the computer, digital cellular phone, and the Internet Digital Information and Communication Technologies led to advancement in space research and biotechnology Automatons, prgrammable logic controllers (PLCs) and robots are invented and gave rise to high-level automation in industry. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is the fourth major industrial era since the initial Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems It is marked by emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), additive manufacturing/3D printing and fully autonomous vehicles 1st Industrial Revolution 1760s-1840s Main events Era / Movements in Art / Architecture about machine 2nd Industrial Revolution (Technological Revolution) 1870-WWI World War I 1914-1918 World War II 1939-1945 3rd Industrial Revolution (Digital Revolution) 1950s-Present Machine Age 1880-1945 (Italian) Futurism 1909 (Russian) Futurism 1912
Futurism) Vorticism 1914
Constructivism 1913
Googie late 1940s (Japanese) Metabolism,1960s Neo-futurism, late 20th (British) High-tech / Structural Expressionism, 1970s (American) Precisionism 1920s (European) Cubism 1910s Modernism International Style 1932 Postmodernism 1960s (Soviet) Communism 1922 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) 2016-Present Trench Warfare Chemical weapons & Gas masks Facist’s Benito Mussolini Nazi’s Adolf Hitler Imperial Japanese Army Computer motherboard Heavy eqiupment Fixed Crane Filippo Tommaso Marinetti ‘s Manifesto of Futurism Antonio Sant’Elia’s La Cittá Nuova El Lissitzky’s poster for post-revolutionary production of the drama Victory Over the Sun Wyndham Lewis’s 2nd issue of Blast “War Number” 1915 Vladimir Tatlin’s The Monument to the Third International 1919 El Lissitzky’s Lenin Tribune 1920 Norms Restaurants, West Hollywood California, U.S., 1949 Nakagin Capsule Tower Richard Roger’s Lloyd’s building Norman Foster’s Lloyd’s building Zaha Hadid’s Dominium Office Building, 2015 Charles Sheeler Ford Plant, 1927 CPSU’s Lenin pin New York Times, 21 Sep 1986 Programmable Logic Controllers iPhone’s Siri Google’s data center in Oklahoma Cotton Spinning Machine 1870s Before 1870s 1900s 1920s 1940s 1960s 1980s 2000s Present Future The onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution (3rd Industrial Revolution). The definition of what digital means (or what information means) continues to change over time as new technologies, user devices, methods of interaction with other humans and devices enter the area of research, development and market launch. For persent, the Information Age means the idea that access to and the control of information (Data). It is also characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on the information computerization. The Atomic Age is the period of history following the detonation of the first nuclear (“atomic”) bomb Trinity, on July 16, 1945, during World War II. The bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki that ended World War represented the first large-scale use of nuclear technology and inflected profound changes in sociopolitical thinking and the course of technology development. A nuclear power plant or nuclear power station is a thermal power station in which the heat source is nuclear reactor. But since serious accidents had happened and they were planned to be phased out: Japan’s plans to completely phase out nuclear power by 2030; Germany plans to completely phase out by 2022 too. The Space Age is a time period encompassing the activities related to the Space Race, space exploration, space technology, and the cultural developments influenced by these events. The Space Age is generally considered to have begun with Sputnik 1 launched by the Soviet Union. The launch of Sputnik 1 ushered in a new era of political, scientific and technological achievements that became known as the Space Age. The Space Age reached its peak with the Apollo program that captured the imagination of much of the world’s population Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two people on the Moon. Armstrong was the first person to step onto the lunar surface Information Age (Computer Age) (Digital Age) (New Media Age) Atomic Age Space Age Information Age / Digital Era Space Age Atomic Age 1950s-Present 1st Large-scale automatic digital computer Harvard Mark 1, 1944 1st nuclear (atomic) bomb test, Trinity Before bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Plant 1st Artficial earth satellite Sputnik 1, 1957 Laptop nowadays Neil Armstrong landed on moon July 21 1969 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 11 March 2011 Reusable spacecraft Space Shuttle 5th Industrial Revolution (IR5.0) ? (Mechanical Care) ? Present-Future ? Machine Age Peak Time between WW1&2 Timeline of Humanities with Machine from 1800s Research on Machines Aesthetics
Model of new machine concepts The Teddy, within new machine concepts The Teddy

Eye: LED


Motion-activated Speaker Motion Sensor Bluetooth: Phone Control Interface Bluetooth: Bluetooth Receiver Bluetooth: Bluetooth-Activated LED 3D Printed Shell: + Wood Filler + Sanding + Flocking Sound Card: Connected to Motion sensor & Speaker Cables in tubes: Connecting all components
The ‘Caring’ Teddy
External USB Charger: Power Supply - USB LED, LED, Motion Sensor, Speaker

Inhabitants are forced to be ‘Caring’ to neighbours, ‘Environmental friendly’ & ‘Healthy’, by the use of a point system and data collected from various machines installed in every corner. Each individual’s scoring depends on how well they behave ‘socially’, ‘environmentally’ & ‘healthily’.

Artificial Turf Artificial Turf FOAMGLAS Insulation FOAMGLAS Insulation Breathing Membrane Breathing Membrane Steel Balustrade Plywood 16mm Plywood 16mm 50mm x 100mm Timber Battens Sliding Door (Entrance) of Living Pod Provisional space under the floor for machines & services I-Beam Structure 150mm I-Beam Structure 150mm I-Beam Structure 150mm Vapour Barrier Vapour Barrier Plywood 8mm Plywood 8mm Steel Square 110mm Steel Support Leg EPDM Rubber EPDM Rubber Playground Rubber Concrete Aluminium Deck I-Beam Structure Truss Structure I-Beam Structure 150mm Living Pod 1:100 EPDM Rubber FOAMGLAS Insulation Steel Leg Connection Plate welded with Steel Leg Artificial Turf Steel Balustrade Steel Balustrade Sliding Door Composition Sliding Door Rail & Connections Plywood 8mm Vapour Barrier Concrete Screed Playground Rubber Concrete Aluminium Deck I-Beam Structure I-Beam Structure Bespoke Concrete Embed Plate Bespoke Steel Truss Structure Connection Plate Gutter Single Clip Angle Screed Bracket Connection Support for Gutter & Steel Balustrade Living Pod 1:25 U-Value & Part L: Conservation of Fuel & Power Requirements of U-Value of living pod Roof 0.20 W/m²K Wall 0.30 W/m²K Triple glazed Window less than 1.00 W/m²K Material Thickness in Metre Conductivity (K-Value) in W/(m.K) Resistance = Thickness ÷ conductivity (R-value) in m²/W Artificial Turf 0.080 0.331 0.302 Foamglas® Wall Board W+F 0.100 0.038 2.632 Breathing Membrane-Plywood 0.016 0.115 0.139 Steel I-beam 0.150 -Vapour Barrier - -Plywood 0.008 0.115 0.069 EPDM Rubber 0.050 0.245 0.204 Total 3.346 U-Value = 1 ÷ 2.942 0.298 W/m²K Calculations of U-Value of Living pod Wall U-Value of Wall Materials of Wall Photovoltaics Panels Kingspan Solar PV 1.7m x 1m per module Structures for Pitched Photovoltaics Panels Aluminium Skin oversprayed with polyurethane acrylic automotive paint to ensure UV stability BASWA Cool Sound Insulation Panel embedded with capillary tubes helping thermoregulation of interior spaces Kingspan KS1000RW Composite Panel (Insulation) Aluminium Framework Capillary Tubes for Thermoregulation Metal frame suspended ceiling system by British Gympsum Casoline MF Skylight (Canteen) 1:50

FORCED COMFORT - Elements of fun & comfort are applied to motivate inhabitants to engage with the scoring; to relief from the supervision by machines and from the underlying mechanical data collection & analysis.

24 Male Toilet Female Toilet Disabled Toilet 60-120 mins Fire Rated Door 60-120 mins Fire Rated Door 60-120 mins Fire Rated Door 60-120 mins Fire Rated Door Fire Rated Door 60mins Fire Rated Door 60mins Fire Rated Wall 60-120 mins Fire Rated Wall 120 mins Fire Rated Wall 120 mins Fire Rated Wall 120 mins Fire Rated Wall Entrance hall protected by fire rated doors and walls 7.5m 8.6m 8.9m 5.8m Disabled Lift Access Machinery & Services Route Fire Escape Route Waste Disposal Point Fire Escape Core 6 Fire Escape Core 4 Fire Escape Core 3 Fire Escape Core 2 Fire Escape Core 1 Proposed 4/F Plan Part B - Fire Safety Part M - Access & Use Fire Door 16m 16m 16m 10m 12m 14m 14m 18m Escape Distances to Entrance Doors from Canteen Escape Distances to Entrance Doors from Flat Disabled Access, Services Routes & Fire Escape Routes Proposed Canteen Floor Plan Proposed Canteen Floor Plan Proposed Flat Floor Plan Part B & M
Corridor slab Lift core Truss system Living pod Filtered Fumes disposal Part D, G, H & 7 HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU HRU Photovoltaic Panels Electricity generated by photovoltaic panels and stored CHP & Solar Electric Underfloor Heating Floor surface is heated and heat is radiated throughout. The electricity pipework is separated from domestic ones as the power is different. Thermal Drywall System Heat is delivered through embedded pipes in thermal mass drywall Vertical Riser Core Fig. 47: Power & Heating Strategy CHP (Combined Heat & Power) Fuel, Heat , Gas & Power are combinedly supplied to this unit and then delivering Heat and electricity to spaces. Part of the electricity is generated by photovoltaic panels from rooftop of canteen and top of canopy structure. Heating Electricity Hybrid Power & Heating Systems Hybrid Power - Solar Power - Combined Heat & Power plant Hybrid Heating - Heat Recovery Unit - Combined Heat & Power plant Hybrid Heat Delivery - Underfloor Heating - Thermal Drywall System Waste Processing & Disposal System Exposed pipeworks along truss structure Biological waste & Grey Water analysing Unit Gas Filtering Unit

Tannery of the Moroccans

Type Year Site Tutors Software

Industrial, Research

2015-2016, 3rd Year

2-18 Britannia Row, Islington, N1 8PA, London, U.K.

The Tannery is for the former leather shop owner couples who used to lived in Morocco and migrated to London with their dog. They found out the vanished culture once florished in Islington of agriculture has now almost been forgotten, only having meat shops and leather selling shops around in the area. It is then decided to have a tannery that could act as a reminder for the public about multiple pasts that once dominated the area and whole country - the Agricultureland, expressed through generating products from animals like leathers; the Machine Age & Industrialisation, expressed through aesthetics of machineries.

26 06 (Bachelor Studies) 3rd Year Final Design Project Section A-A 1/F Floor Plan Proposed Structure Sunlight & Stack Effect Skylight & LUX Levels 3D Printed Models Initial Model Tanning Tower Main Building One-way Beams Two-way Waffle Slab


Experimental 2015-2016, 3rd Year

2-18 Britannia Row, Islington, N1 8PA, London, U.K. Stefan

This project is the predecessor of Tannery of the Moroccans, inspired by an everyday action: Shoe tying & untying. It is an experimental project focusing on the movements of fingers and how they relates to the leather shoe alongside with time. Therefore generating spaces by the observation made from their dynamic relationships. The spaces are then elaborated and transformed into an architecture that sits itself into a secret corner/gap of site, which bizarrely having a steel structure stretching out to the street and above the pedestrians, locating in Islington.

27 Type Year Site Tutors 07 (Bachelor Studies) 3rd Year Design Project
Thumb Index Middle Ring Little Thumb Index Middle Ring Little
Lengen, Tim Culverhouse

In addition to traditional auditory and sequential classroom teachings, students are encouraged to foster creativity through exploration and self-directed learning. The school places particular emphasis on seven (7) visions, as illustrated on the right. To integrate these concepts, a Rainbow Learning Staircase was designed as a symbolic representation, promoting joyful, diverse, and limitless learning in a creative and spiritual manner for the students. Facilitated by centralized circulation and interconnected clusters of spaces, this design not only streamlines school management but also enhances connectivity, allowing students to navigate seamlessly through various functions.

28 Type Year Site Company Institution 2020 Nov - Present Area 9, Tai Po Wong Tung & Partners Ltd. 08
Central Spine (Main circulation) Render Rainbow Learning StaircaseCentralized Aaccess to various spaces & resources
A 36-classroom Primary School Concept of Clusters School’s Vision Concept of Centralization
Architectural Assistant New Building
at Area 9, Tai Po
29 4 2 3 THE OWNERSHIP OF THE COPYRIGHT IN THIS DRAWING IS RETAINED BY THE ISSUER WHOSE CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY USE OR Facade Materials & South Elevation 1/F Floor Plan Matching Cover details Flag Pole details Aluminium Cladding details 4 4 5 EXTERIOR 3 5 D21 D15 D21 D15 D21 D21 W W D21 D15 D21 D15 D21 4 11 10 9 MiC Modules (Lavatories) MiC Modules (Classroom) BIM Model Sun Pipe details

Kwun Tong

As the school’s vision is “快樂校園・創新未來 ”, we drew inspiration from UNESCO’s concept of a “Happy School.”—characterized by warmth and friendliness; ensuring a secure environment free from bullying; and embraces open and green spaces helpful to both learning and playing. Therefore, we decided to incorporate numerous open areas, emphasizes transparency, and features flexible spaces catering to diverse functions to nurture students’ curiosity. Our aim was to establish a safe environment that fosters learning and creativity through exploration and interaction. Given that the site being surrounded by 4 distinctive spaces—a Secondary school, a Slope, a park and a carriageway—we carefully considered these elements to strike a balance between the primary school’s needs and the impact from its surroundings.

30 Type Year Site Company Institution 2020 Nov - Present Site KT2a, Development at Anderson Road, Kwun Tong Wong Tung & Partners Ltd. 09 Architectural Assistant New Building (Postgraduate)
A 30-classroom Primary School at Site
Developement at Anderson Road
Rendering Sectional Perspective
School’s Vision
Noise Mitigation
Visual & Physical connections
Massing and Blocking
4 Hubs concept
Entrance Segregation, Control
and Access
31 D.L.O. REF: READ THIS DRAWING IN CONNECTION WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, STRUCTURAL PLANS NOTE: Structural, Civil & Geotechnical Engineer Landscape Consultant (P.W.P. No. 364 InForM No. 8539) Primary School at Site KT2a, at Anderson Road, Kwun Designed By: AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd. Wong Tung & Partners Limited Joyce Wong Yat Ching CONTRACT DRAWING MiC CLASSROOM TYPICAL DETAILS CLASSROOM (2) CLASSROOM (4) CLASSROOM (5) CLASSROOM (3) P.D.(E) P.D.(E) P.D.(E) P.D.(E) P.D.(E) P.D.(E) OPEN CORRIDOR D16 U-CHANNEL MIN. 1300H R.C. PARAPET AFFL D15 D21 (41P) (MIC) D21 D15 D15 D21 (41P) (MIC) D21 D15 D15 D21 (41P) (MIC) D21 D15 W W +151.150 +151.175 +151.175 +151.100 D16 S.S. DRINKING FOUNTAIN (W/ 1NO. FOR PERSON W/ DISABILITY) 3200 1500 600 800 350 1650 3200 1500 600 800 350 1650 3200 1500 600 800 350 1650 3200 PLANTER BOX F.F.L R.C. SLAB DRAINAGE 700 900 CHANNEL 400 250 1300 CORRIDOR 30 75 150 400 300 100 1175 PLANTER 1300 MAX EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 900 400 230 170 0 1300 25 RAILING TYPE 7 ELEVATION 1 RAILING TYPE 7 PERSPECTIVE 2 1 25 RAILING TYPE 7 SECTION 3 150 RAILING TYPE 7 LOCATION PLAN (TYPICAL FLOOR) 4 THE OWNERSHIP OF THE COPYRIGHT IN THIS DRAWING IS RETAINED BY THE ISSUER WHOSE CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY USE OR REPRODUCTION OF THE DRAWING OR ANY PART THEREOF CAN BE MADE. ARCHSD. REF: F.S.D. REF: D.L.O. REF: DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, FIGURE DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED. READ THIS DRAWING IN CONNECTION WITH GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, STRUCTURAL PLANS AND OTHER RELATED DRAWINGS. THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCY FOUND THEREIN. COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING RESERVED BY THE ARCHITECT. NOTE: Drawing Title: Drawing No. Architect Structural Engineer Building Services Engineer Landscape Consultant: Project: (P.W.P. No. 364 EP) InForM No. 8539) Construction of 30-classroom Primary School at Site KT2a, Development at Anderson Road, Kwun Tong Architectural Services Department 建 築 署 Designed By: Drawn By: Approved By: AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. ADI Ltd. Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd. Wong Tung & Partners Limited DATE 14 JAN 2022 Job No.: Contract No. SS L513 DATE 14 JAN 2022 DATE 14 JAN 2022 Joyce Wong Suet Yan Belinda Liu Sin Han Philip Chen Yat Ching Scale: Rev. No.: CONTRACT DRAWING RAILING DETAIL 7 AB/8539/MS066 J032550 REV. DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED TENDER 01/2022 TENDER ADDENDUM NO.1 01/2022 REFER TO DWG A AB/8539/LA213b BENCH DETAIL THE OWNERSHIP OF THE COPYRIGHT IN THIS DRAWING RETAINED THE ISSUER WHOSE CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY USE OR REPRODUCTION OF THE DRAWING OR ANY PART THEREOF CAN BE MADE. Drawing Title: Building Services Engineer Landscape Consultant: Project: (P.W.P. No. 364 EP) InForM No. 8539) Construction 30-classroom Architectural Services Department Designed By: Drawn By: AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. ADI Ltd. Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd. Wong Tung Partners Limited Contract No. SS L513 Hugo Fung Siu Ko Barry Lo Wing Fai Alison Lee REV. DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED DATE 14 JAN 2022 B3 LAYOUT A CONTRACT DRAWING \\Adi7\temp2\Email Sent\CAD\WTPA17A\2022\20221207 Contract Drawings\2022.12.07 Contract Drawings\E-AB-8539-LA213b-0 _.dwg, 8/12/2022 17:42:03, DWG To PDF.pc3 FFL AB/8539/LA213d BENCH DETAIL B1-TYPICAL ELEVATION (ON SLAB) B1-SECTION DETAIL (ON GRADE) B1-SECTION DETAIL ARCHSD. REF: D.L.O. REF: DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, FIGURE DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED. SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCY FOUND THEREIN. NOTE: Drawing Title: Scale: Drawing No. Structural Engineer Landscape Consultant: Project: (P.W.P. No. 364 EP) InForM No. 8539) Construction 30-classroom Anderson Road, Kwun Tong Architectural Services Department Designed By: Approved By: ADI Ltd. Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd. Wong Tung & Partners Limited Rev. No.: Hugo Fung Siu Ko Wing Fai Shui Ping CONTRACT DRAWING \\Adi7\temp2\Email Sent\CAD\WTPA17A\2022\20221207 Contract Drawings\2022.12.07 Contract Drawings\E-AB-8539-LA213d-A.dwg, 8/12/2022 17:46:26, DWG To PDF.pc3 7 B A FH ST-02 +146.550 +146.950 +147.000 +148.025 +148.075 UP 29R UP 3R AB/8539/PE202 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 AB/8539/GP305 400 2300 600 400 1387.5 125 1387.5 2400 250x7=1750 1450 100 2100 1400 100 275 250 250 400 1625 150 650H METAL GUARDRAIL AFFL UNDERNEATH STAIRCASE FOR HEADROOM LESS THAN 2000mm 7 B A FH ST-02 +149.825 +149.875 +151.175 +151.125 UP 24R DN 28R AB/8539/PE202 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 400 2300 600 400 2150 250 150 250x8=2000 1450 100 1387.5 125 1387.5 1400 250x11=2750 1450 525 1625 100 150 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 7 B A FH ST-02 +154.725 +154.775 +152.925 +152.975 +152.700 UP 24R DN 24R AB/8539/PE202 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 AB/8539/GP305 1400 250 150 250x11=2750 3150 100 3100 250x11=2750 1450 400 2300 600 400 1387.5 125 1387.5 1625 150 100 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 7 B A FH ST-02 +158.325 +158.375 +156.300 +156.525 +156.575 UP 24R DN 24R AB/8539/PE202 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 3 AB/8539/GP305 400 2300 600 400 1387.5 125 1387.5 1400 250 150 250x11=2750 1450 100 1625 1400 250x11=2750 1450 100 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 7 B A FH ST-02 +161.925 +161.975 +159.900 +160.125 +160.175 UP 24R DN 24R 7 AB/8539/PE202 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 AB/8539/GP305 400 2300 600 400 1387.5 125 1387.5 1400 250 150 250x11=2750 1450 1625 1400 250x11=2750 1450 180 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 7 B A FH ST-02 +165.525 +165.575 +163.500 +163.725 +163.775 DN 24R 7 AB/8539/PE202 2 AB/8539/GP304 AB/8539/GP305 AB/8539/GP305 400 2300 600 400 1387.5 125 1387.5 1400 250 150 250x11=2750 1450 1625 3050 250x11=2750 1450 150 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL G/F 147.050 1/F 151.100 2/F 154.700 3/F 158.300 4/F 161.900 5/F 165.500 6/F 169.100 B A ST-02 1400 3100 100 150 250 250x11=2750 2800 1400 100 250x8=2000 2150 1450 250x7=1750 1450 250x11=2750 250x11=2750 1450 +148.025 +148.075 +149.825 +149.875 +146.950 +147.000 +152.925 +152.975 +151.175 +154.725 +154.775 +152.700 2400 1450 3150 +151.125 +158.325 +158.375 +156.525 +156.575 +156.300 +161.925 +161.975 +160.125 +160.175 +159.900 +161.900 +165.525 +165.575 +163.725 +163.775 +163.500 +165.125 +165.425 +146.550 2125 2350 2125 250x11=2750 1450 250x11=2750 1450 250x11=2750 1450 250x11=2750 1450 250x11=2750 1450 250x11=2750 2850 250 150 2625 2625 2625 1825 1825 1825 1825 2875 150 2825 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 1300 R.C. PARAPET AFFL 650H METAL GUARDRAIL AFFL UNDERNEATH STAIRCASE FOR HEADROOM LESS THAN 2000mm 700 LEGEND FLOOR DRAIN WITH COVER PRECAST STAIRCASE THE OWNERSHIP OF THE COPYRIGHT IN THIS DRAWING IS RETAINED BY THE ISSUER WHOSE CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY USE OR REPRODUCTION OF THE DRAWING OR ANY PART THEREOF CAN BE MADE. ARCHSD. REF: F.S.D. REF: D.L.O. REF: DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, FIGURE DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED. READ THIS DRAWING IN CONNECTION WITH GENERAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, STRUCTURAL PLANS AND OTHER RELATED DRAWINGS. THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCY FOUND THEREIN. COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING RESERVED BY THE ARCHITECT. NOTE: Architect Structural, Civil & Geotechnical Engineer Building Services Engineer Landscape Consultant Project: (P.W.P. No. 364 EP) InForM No. 8539) Construction of 30-classroom Primary School at Site KT2a, Development at Anderson Road, Kwun Tong Drawing Title: Scale: Drawing No. Job No.: Architectural Services Department 建 築 署 Designed By: Drawn By: Approved By: AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. ADI Ltd. Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd. Wong Tung & Partners Limited DATE 14 JAN 2022 Contract No. SS L513 J032550 Joyce Wong Suet Yan Belinda Liu Sin Han Philip Chen Yat Ching DATE 14 JAN 2022 Rev. no: CONSTRUCTION DRAWING L:\32550 30-Classroom Primary School KT2a, Anderson Road, Kwun Tong\TENDER\20211112 TENDER.rvt 50 STAIRCASE PLAN AND SECTION (ST-02) AB/8539/PE202 1 50 ST-02 G/F PLAN 1 1 50 ST-02 1/F PLAN 2 1 50 ST-02 2/F PLAN 3 1 50 ST-02 3/F PLAN 4 1 50 ST-02 4/F PLAN 5 1 50 ST-02 5/F PLAN 6 1 : 50 ST-02-Section 7 REV. DESCRIPTION DATE CHECKED 00 TENDER 01/2022 REVISION 09/2023
Staircase Section MiC Classroom Section MiC
MiC Classroom - Exploded Axo. Modular Outdoor Seating Outdoor Seating details Railing with Planters details Combined Services Drawing - G/F
Concept of Hubs
THANK YOU LAU Chun-Yin Kavika M: 91396644 E: kavikalau@gmail.com A: Flat 5A 70-72 Queen’s Road West Hong Kong

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