process journal
annotated process journal
lost connections
process journal
Sometimes, we find ourselves to be adrift and at cross roads in our lives feeling lost and isolated. A singular human interaction causes a shift in attitude, helping to numb the pain and escape reality. In the end, there is the sad realization that life awaits, and reality awaits.
lost connections
table of ideas
the director.
the list.
the buckets.
the moodboard.
the identity.
the poster.
the catalog.
process journal
the ads.
the dvd package.
the tickets.
the schedule.
the soundtrack.
the website.
the mobile app.
the business system.
lost connections
process journal
the director sofia coppola
lost connections
process journal
lost connections
process journal
her story Born on May 14, 1971, Sofia Coppola is a screenwriter,
to spend her summers as a young kid drawing and
director, producer and actress. She is most popularly
experimenting with different kinds of design. When
known for the movie ‘Lost in Translation’ which won
she was in her twenties, she considered different
her the Academy Award for ‘best original screenplay.
career paths including fashion, photography as
In 2010, she became the first American woman to
well as acting. After acting in the godfather series,
win the Golden Lion, a prestigious award at the
and receiving harsh reviews from the critics, Sofia
Venice Film Festival.
realized that acting was not her cup of tea. Taking a
Childhood & Early Life
page out of her father’s book, Sofia decided to try her
She is the daughter of the famed director Francis Ford Coppola, who is primarily known for directing The Godfather trilogy. Coppola herself has made brief appearances in the godfather movies while she was a young girl. Following this, Coppola moved from the big apple to sunny California enrolling in the fine arts program at the California Institute of Arts, concentrating on her photography, experimenting with costume and fashion design and contributing to her brother Roman’s film efforts.
Film Career Growing up in a family of directors, screenwriters, actors and other creative pursuits, Sofia was constantly surrounded by artistic minds. Sofia used
hand at directing which proved to be her true calling. She soon understood the art of visually expressing a story through the use of a lens. In 1993, she began writing the screenplay adaption of the book ‘The Virgin Suicides’ starring James Woods, Kathleen Turner, and Kirsten Dunst. She then made headlines again in 2003, when she debuted ‘Lost in Translation’, a film that she both wrote and directed. This movie bagged her an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. She also wrote, directed, and produced ‘Marie Antoinette’ which wasn’t as well received as its predecessor. She then went on to direct ‘Somewhere’ in 2010, and ‘The Bling Ring’ as recently as 2013.
lost connections
process journal
her style Moving from the front of the camera to behind, her film making style uses her personal life experiences to manifest a sense of emotional empathy into the characters of her films. Through the use of dreamlike imagery and styling, hazy filter and technique of informality on screen, she uniquely evokes a sense of
Featured Films
intimacy that emotionally resonates with the viewer.
The Virgin Suicides
down time and with this she is able to communicate
Lost In Translation Marie Antoinette Somewhere The Bling Ring
She also purposely focuses on the essence of slowing to her audience the troubles the characters face in their own lives. There is a special kind of photo storytelling style that Coppola chooses to depict in her movies. Sofia Coppola possesses a specific artistry in the way she directs the emotional stories she tells. Through the use of her dreamlike styling, hazy filters, the technique of informality and the essence of slowing down time, Sofia Coppola communicates to her audience the troubles of the upper class people who have everything face in their own complicated lives. Through the use of dream like and hazy imagery, the kind of message Coppola chooses to convey is very evident in her films.
lost connections
process journal
the list design brief
lost connections
design brief Filmography Bed, Bath and Beyond (short) Lick the star (short) The Virgin Suicides Lost In Translation Marie Antoinette Somewhere The Bling Ring A Very Murray Christmas The Beguiled (pre-production)
Thread Sometimes, we find ourselves to be adrift and at cross roads in our lives feeling lost and isolated. A singular human interaction causes a shift in attitude, helping to numb the pain and escape reality. In the end, there is the sad realization that life awaits, and reality awaits.
Possible Title and Subtitle
Drifting Further Away The eternal struggle for fulfillment for the character’s of Sofia Coppola’s films.
Weary, Wandering Hearts Sidestepping the romantic cliches in search of something more complex in Coppola’s films.
Transforming Realities The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in Sofia Coppola’s films.
process journal
Fading Reflections The search for a fresh reality for the characters in Sofia Coppola’s films.
Lost and Found Wandering, lost souls in Coppola’s films searching for purpose in a momentary interaction.
Fading Reflections Bleak existential outlook of the rich and privileged characters in Coppola’s films.
Bittersweet Memories Perpetually adrift characters, yearning for purpose and empathy.
Lingering Souls A study of the unfulfilled, alienated hearts in Coppola’s films.
Shifting Reflections Alienated people who are looking for a direction in life where a brief human encounter changes their lives forever.
Missed Connections The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in Sofia Coppola’s films.
Lost Connections The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in Sofia Coppola’s films.
lost connections
Location + Date The festival is set to take place from May 12–May 14, 2017 honoring Coppola’s work on the days leading up to her birthday and ultimately culminating on her birthday. The festival is set to take place in Manhattan, New York. Manhattan is also the most densely populated of New York City’s 5 boroughs. It’s mostly made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by Hudson, East and Harlem rivers. Among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers, it’s the heart of “the Big Apple.” Its iconic sites include skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building, neon lit Times Square and the theaters of Broadway. What makes Manhattan special for this festival is the fact that Sofia Coppola’s native city is New York. Many of her movie themes also revolve around “girl in big city” kind of vibe, hence it felt appropriate to hold it in Manhattan. There are three cinemas that the festival is taking place at: ‘The Angelika Film Center’, ‘IFC Center’, ‘Museum of Modern Art’.
Audience The audience for this festival is young, 20-something professionals who live in Mnahattan and identify themselves as ‘millennials.’ These young women are rich and privileged but identify with the running theme of Coppola’s movies which mainly is lost and alienated privileged characters who are at some kind of cross-roads in their lives who are waiting for the next person who crosses their path to change their life.
Guiding Narrative I’m a sad, privileged, lonely twenty something college girl, enjoying a cup of coffee in the crisp autumn midday sun looking at the tall buildings of Manhattan around me hoping that the next person who passes by me will change my life.
process journal
+ Start
Similar Directors
Cameron Crowe
Jane Campion Sofia Coppola
Shunji Iwai
lost connections
process journal
the buckets
photo, type, graphic elements
lost connections
photo bucket
process journal
type bucket
lost connections
graphic style bucket
process journal
materials bucket
lost connections
process journal
the photos master moodboard
lost connections
master moodboard level 01
level 03
level 02
process journal
lost connections
process journal
the identity
logo, typography, vernacular
lost connections
logo sketches
process journal
lost connections
process journal
lost connections
final logo
process journal
Color Iterations
lost connections
typography + color Primary Typefaces Neue Haas Grotesk A B C D E FG H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X YZ a b c d efg h i j k l m n o p q r st u v w x yz Neue Haas Grotesk A B C D E FG H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z a b c d efg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x yz Neue Haas Grotesk A B C D E FG H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X YZ a b c d efg h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Neue Haas Grotesk A B C D E FG H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X YZ a b c d efg h i j k l m n o p q r st u v w x yz
process journal
Museo Slab ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ a b c d e f g h i j kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Museo Slab ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Museo Slab ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Museo Slab ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
lost connections
vernacular adoption
The New York MTA system served as a perfect foil and cover for this film festival. This vernacular was very systematic and informative to adopt. The original system uses helvetica and a variety of bright colors, but for the festival Helvetica was substituted for Neue Haas Grotesk which is almost identical in appearence, and the bright colors were dnoe away with for more subtle, pastel, feminine colors which suited the director, Sofia Coppola well.
process journal
know your stops 1
2 A
3 B
4 C
lost connections
process journal
the poster deliverable no. 1
lost connections
the poster iterations, it ultimately landed up in a spot which
Angelika Film Center, New York
simple, and although it went through many different
May 12–14, 2017
The approach for the poster was straightforward and
The Virgin Suicides
aptly captured the essence of the festival. The final
Lost in Translation Marie Antoinette
poster depicted a woman’s hand on a glass window
Somewhere The Bling Ring
looking at the hazy world outside. This image could easily be one of the characters in a Sofia Coppola festival dreamily glancing outside their window for something exciting to come along in their lives.
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional
connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
the bling ring
Angelika Theater, New York
m a r i e a n t o i n et t e s o m ew h ere
May 12–14, 2017
Angelika Film Center, New York
May 12–14, 2017 A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
t h e v i rg i n s u i c i d es l o s t i n t ra n s l a t i o n
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
the virgin suicides lost in translation marie antoinette somewhere the bling ring
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
process journal
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
A S ofia Coppola Fil m Festival
Angelika Theater New York
Angelika Theater New York
lost in translation
05.12 somewhere
lost in tra nslation
05.12 the bling ring
th e virgin suicid es
marie antoinette
ma rie a ntoinette
the virgin suicides
som e wh e re
the bling ring
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional
emotional connections
connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
in the films of Sofia Coppola
The steadfast search for heartfelt,
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
Angelika Theater New York
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
lost in translation
05.12 somewhere the virgin suicides
05.12 the bling ring
marie antoinette
the virgin suicides
lost in translation
marie antoinette
New York
Angelika Theater
the bling ring
lost connections
New York
A Sofia Coppola
the virgin suicides
Film Festival
Angelika Theater
lost in translation
marie antoinette
lost in translation
marie antoinette
the bling ring
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
Lost in Translation Marie Antoinette
Somewhere The Bling Ring
the bling ring
The Virgin Suicides
New York
the virgin suicides
Angelika Theater
Film Festival
Angelika Film Center, New York
May 12–14, 2017
A Sofia Coppola
May 12–14 ANGELIKA THEATER NEW YORK The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional
connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
Angelika Film Center, New York
May 12–14, 2017
t h e v i rg i n s u i c i d es w
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
l o s t i n t ra n s l a t i o n
New York A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
lost in translation
lost in translation somewhere
marie antoinette the bling ring
the bling ring
Angelika Theater New York
05.12 A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
323 Sixth Ave New York, NY 10014
the bling ring
05.13 05.13
the virgin suicides
Angelika Theater, New York
the virgin suicides marie antoinette
11 W 53rd St New York, NY 10019
IFC Center
s o m ew h ere
May 12–14, 2017
18 West Hudson St New York, NY 10012
m a r i e a n t o i n et t e
Angelika Theater
the virgin suicides
Angelika Theater
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
lost in translation
marie antoinette
somewhere the bling ring A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
the virgin suicides lost in translation marie antoinette The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
somewhere the bling ring
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
process journal
Angelika Theater
IFC Center
18 West Hudson St New York, NY 10012
11 W 53rd St New York, NY 10019
323 Sixth Ave New York, NY 10014
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
the virgin suicides
lost in translation
marie antoinette
the bling ring
The steadfast search for heartfelt, emotional connections in the films of Sofia Coppola
lost connections
process journal
the catalog deliverable no. 2
lost connections
the catalog Sometimes, we find ourselves to be adrift and at cross roads in our lives feeling lost and isolated. A singular human interaction causes a shift in attitude, helping to numb the pain and escape reality. In the end, there is the sad realization that life awaits, and reality awaits.
May 12
May 13
Opening party +
Photo exhibition +
film screenings
film screenings
May 14 Hit records concert + film screening
the director
photo exhibit
sofia coppola
This informal photo exhibit showcases how Sofia Coppola possesses a specific artistry in the way she directs the emotional stories she tells. Through the use of her dreamlike styling, hazy filters, technique of informality and the essence of slowing down time, Sofia Coppola communicates to her audience the troubles of the upper class people who have everything face in their own lives.
the films FILM DETAILS Director:
Jeffrey Eugenides (novel) Sofia Coppola Francis Ford Coppola Julie Costanzo Dan Halsted Chris Hanley
4.00 pm
7.00 pm
4.00 pm
4.00 pm
2.00 pm
The Virgin Suicides
Lost in Translation
Marie Antoinette
The Bling Ring
Sofia Coppola
Written by: Producers:
Music: Cinematography: Running Time: Studio: Release Date:
Kirsten Dunst Kathleen Turner James Woods Josh Hartnett Air Edward Lachman 1 hr 37 min American Zoetrope 21 April 2000
process journal
There is a time in the adolescent season of every boy when a particular girl seems to have materialized in his dreams, with backlighting from heaven. Sofia Coppola's "The Virgin Suicides" is narrated by an adult who speaks for "we"—as in all these boys in a girls kill themselves,
Michigan suburban neighborhood 25 years ago,
who loved and lusted after the Lisbon girls. We know
the next morning, alone, in the football field. And the
from the title and the opening words that the girls
point is that Trip, as the adult narrator, remembers
But that is not the point. The point is that she wakes up
do not blame their deaths on the weird parents. Mourn
for the passing of everyone you knew and
everyone you were in the last summer before sex.
killed themselves. Most of the reviews have focused
not only that "she was the still point of the turning
Mourn for the idealism of inexperience. Mourn for
on the girls. They miss the other subject—gawky,
world then" and "most people never taste that kind
the beauty that died within them, that nobody could
of love" but also, "I liked her a lot. But out there on
understand their quiet suffering.
insecure yearning of the boys.
"The Virgin Suicides" provides perfunctory reasons
the football field, it was different." Yes, it was. It was
The movie is as much about those guys, "we," as about the Lisbon girls. About how Trip Fontaine (Josh
the end of adolescence, and the beginning of a
that the Lisbon girls might have been unhappy.
Hartnett), the leader of the pack, loses his baby fat
lifetime of compromises, disenchantments and real
Their mother (Kathleen Turner) is a hysteric so
and shoots up into a junior stud who
things. First time sex is ideal only in legend. In life
rattled by her daughters' blooming sexuality that
is blindsided by
it attaches plumbing, fluids, gropings, fumblings
she adds cloth to their prom dresses until they
sex and beauty, and dazzled by Lux Lisbon (Kirsten
and pain to what was only an hour ago a platonic
appear in "four identical sacks." Their father
Dunst), who of the Lisbon girls is the most perfect.
ideal. Trip left Lux not because he was a pig,
(James Woods) is the
In every class there is one couple who has sex while
but because he was
well-meaning but also emasculated high school
the others are only talking about it, and Trip
a boy and broken with grief at the loss of
math teacher who ends up chatting about
and Lux make love on the night of the big
his—their—dream. And when the Lisbon
photosynthesis with his plants. All parents look gruesome to kids, and all of their attempts at discipline seem unreasonable. The teenage years of the Lisbon
lost in translation
lost in translation
Acted in Directed
Faerie Tale Theatre Peggy Sue Got Married
The Virgin Suicides
2004 Independent Spirit Awards
awards & nominations
2000 Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards
2003 Awards Circuit Community Awards
2015 A Very Murray Christmas
Best Woman Screenwriter Somewhere
Best Screenplay
Lost In Translation
Best Picture
Best Female Newcomer
Lost In Translation
The Virgin Suicides
Best Motion Picture
Best Director
Lost In Translation
Lost In Translation
Best Director Lost In Translation
2004 BAFTA Awards Nominated
2004 American Screenwriters Association
Best Film Lost In Translation
Discover: Screenwriting
2003 New York Film Critics Circle Awards
Lost In Translation
Best Screenplay Lost In Translation
Best Director
2004 Australian Institute Nominated
The Bling Ring
2004 Golden Globes, USA
Best Foreign Film
Lost In Translation
Best Screenplay
Lina Mangicapre Award Lost In Translation
Lost In Translation
2004 Chicago Film Critics Association Awards
2003 Boston Society of Film Critics Awards
2003 Venice Film Festival
Best Woman Director Somewhere
Best Original Screenplay Lost In Translation
Best Original Screenplay
Lost In Translation
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
2011 Alliance of Women Film Journalists
Best Director
Lost In Translation
Rumble fish
Lost In Translation
Lost In Translation
Best Director
Golden Lion
Best Original Screenplay
Lick the Star
2005 Bodil Awards Won
2001 Young Hollywood Awards
2006 Marie Antoinette
The Spirit of ‘76 Godfather Part III
A Very Murray Christmas
2004 International Cinephile Society Awards
2004 Academy Awards, USA
Directors Guild, America
Best Screenplay Best Feature
2003 Lost in Translation
The Godfather Part II
Best Director
Lost In Translation
The Godfather
2005 César Awards, France
Won Best Director Lost In Translation
Best Director
Best Screenplay
Lost In Translation
Lost In Translation Nominated Best Screenplay Lost In Translation
lost in translation
date + location
Museum of Modern Art, New York The Museum of Modern Art is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and provides inspiration. With extraordinary exhibitions, the world’s finest collection of modern and contemporary art, MoMA is dedicated to the conversation between the past and the present, the established and also the experimental. Our mission is helping you understand and enjoy
5/12/2017– 5/14/2017
Angelika Theater New York
IFC Center, New York
The festival is set to take place from May 12–May 14 honoring Coppola’s work on the days leading up
The original Angelika Film Center & Café opened
IFC Center is an art house movie theater in
to her birthday and ultimately culminating on her
in New York City’s Soho district in 1989. The
Greenwich Village, New York City in the United
birthday. The festival also includes a photography
Angelika plays an impressive and diverse mix of
States of America. Located at 323 Sixth Avenue
exhibit and music concert.
independent films, and is the definitive cinema of
at West 3rd Street, it was formerly the Waverly
choice for filmmakers and film lovers alike. Since
Theater, a well- known
The festival is set to take place in Manhattan, New York. Manhattan is also the most
its opening, the Angelika New York has become
art house movie theater. IFC Center is owned by AMC
densely populated of New York City’s 5
the most successful and recognized art house
Networks, the entertainment company that owns
boroughs. It’s mostly
in the United States.
made up of Manhattan Island, bounded by Hudson, East and Harlem rivers. Among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers, it’s the heart of “the Big Apple.” Its iconic sites include skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building, neonlit Times Square and the theaters of Broadway. What makes Manhattan special for this festival is the fact that Sofia Coppola’s native city is New York. Many of her movie themes also revolve around “girl in big city”
The Angelika offers a dynamic and sophisticated atmosphere. The theater is a great place to meet your friends or hang out by yourself, and patrons who come early can enjoy a gourmet snack at the café or
lost connections
schedule of events
hit records
May 13 2017 2.00pm
Photo exhibition opens
4.00 pm
Movie screening—’Marie Antoinette’
6.30 pm
Director’s talk
7.00 pm
Movie Screening—’Somewhere’
May 12 2017
Sofia Coppola greatly incorporates rock music as a part of her toolbox for creative film-making. Rock music is a genre that many young adults can
Opening party
3.00 pm
Director’s talk
4.00 pm
Movie screening—’The Virgin Suicides’
6.30 pm
Tea time break
7.00 pm
understand and relate to. We see Lux Lisbon soothing to rock records while spending her time
Movie Screening—’Lost in Translation’
locked away from life. Music remains a huge part
May 14 2017
of Coppola’s personal background before her love of film-making began. Along with acting, she involved
Movie screening—’The Bling Ring’
5.00 pm
Hit records Concert
9.00 pm
A Coppola birthday celebration
herself into making music videos for some of America’s most popular bands. She has an art to selecting the right music to communicate to her viewers the feeling she wishes to evoke. For The Virgin Suicides, Coppola handpicked the music that evokes the feelings of being a teenager
Bill Murray's acting in Sofia Coppola's award winning movie "Lost in Translation" is surely one of the most exquisitely controlled performances in recent movies. Without it, the film could be unwatchable. With it, I can't take my eyes away. Not for a second, not for a frame, does his focus relax, and seems effortless. It's sometimes said of an actor that we can't always see him acting. I can't even see him not acting. He seems to be existing, merely existing, in the situation created for him by Sofia Coppola. Is he "playing himself"? I've known Murray since his days at Second City. He married the sister of a girl I was dating. We were never friends, I have no personal insights, but I can fairly say I saw how he behaved in small informal groups of friends, and it wasn't like Bob Harris, his character in the movie. Yes, he likes to remain low key. Dryness and understatement come naturally to him. Sharing a stage
Based on the award-winning biography Marie
Coppola’s personal background before her love of film-making began. Along with acting, she involved
Marie Antoinette in a new, modern way. Music by
herself into making music videos for some of
Phoenix creates a feeling of love which is perfect
America’s popular bands. She has an art to selecting
for Somewhere because it focuses on pure human
the right music to communicate to her viewers the
connections between family.
feeling she wishes to evoke in her films.
actor. He does anger, fear, love, whatever, and broad
comedy. But what he does in "Lost in
great as Coppola dreamed of it, in the way intended, and few directors are so fortunate. She has one objective: She wants to show two people lonely in vast foreign Tokyo and coming to the mutual realization that their lives are stuck. Perhaps what they're looking for is the same thing I've heard we seek in marriage: A witness. Sofia Coppola wants to get that note right. There isn't a viewer who doesn't immediately expect Bob Harris and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) to end up in love, or having sex, or whatever. We've also met Charlotte's husband John (Giovanni Ribisi). We expect him to return unexpectedly from his photo shoot and surprise them together. These expectations have been sculpted, one chip of Hollywood's chisel after
Comtesse explaining that Antoine must relinquish
One of the strengths of Coppola's screenplay is
Charlotte; he leaves her alone in the hotel for silly
reasons that betray him as callow. We understand
that her people and everything they do are believable.
that Bob loves his wife and especially his children
Unlike the characters in most movies, they don't
at home in America, but after years he knows and
quickly sense they belong together, and also they don't
says that marriage and children are "hard." So they
a hotel bar. She isn't flirting, and she isn't not flirting. He
isn't flirting.
Translation" offers an experience in the exercise of empathy. The characters empathize with each
He's composed and detached. He doesn't give away one hint of emotion. Without making it a big deal, as if making it clear he's not
other (that's
it's about), and we can empathize
with them going through that process. It's not a
immediately want to be together. Coppola keeps them
are. We know that. Few movie characters know in
coming on to her. Of course he finds her attractive.
question of reading our own emotions into Murray's
apart for a noticeably long time. They also don't know
the sense he means.
He did when he saw her in the elevator and didn't
blank slate. The slate isn't blank. It's on hold. He
notice him. Or are we simply assuming he'd feel the
doesn't choose to wear his heart on his sleeve for
striking the right note of tentative friendliness
After they start talking, Johansson is instinctive in
same way as us? Maybe he noticed her because they
Charlotte, and he doesn't choose to make a move.
She knows Bob is a star, but doesn't
were the two tallest people in the elevator.
But he is very lonely and
they're the Girl and the Boy. They don't have a Meet Cute. We grow to know them separately. We understand Charlotte loves her husband, and we also understand how he wounds
care. Earlier their
her, and why
eyes met in a kind of telepathic sympathy strangers
I can't tell you how many people have told me that just don't get "Lost in Translation." They want to
not without sympathy for her. She would plausibly have sex with him, to be "nice," and because she's
she cries on the phone. There's no possibility he
share when they know that they're thinking
know what it's about. They complain "nothing
mad at her husband and it might be fun. But she also
will cheat on her with the Other Woman, the ditzy
the same thing about something happening in
happens." They've been trained by movies that
doesn't know as he does that if you cheat it shouldn't
"star" Kelly, played by Anna Faris. John is simply
a room. Now they can't sleep and it's in the
tell them where to look and what to feel, in stories
be with someone it would make a difference to.
a moth fluttering around her fame. That's what hurts
middle of the night in
that have a beginning, a middle and end. "Lost in
There is wonderful comedy in the film, involving
everything from her Austrian
life; her clothes, jewelry, friends, ladies-in-waiting, and her beloved pet Pug dog, Mops. Ushered into a
account of the private life of the last queen of France
tent, she is dressed in the elaborate French fashion before emerging onto the French bank as the Dauphine of France, with her name translated to the French tongue. Later that day, Marie Antoinette is introduced to
youngest daughter of Austria's empress Maria
King Louis XV (Rip Torn), the lewd grandfather of
Theresa (Marianne Faithfull). She is selected by her
her betrothed, Louis XVI (Jason Schwartzman). The
mother to marry her second cousin, the Dauphin
young Dauphin himself is awkward and shy, and
of France, Louis XVI, and seal an
nervously meets his fiancée. His aunts, Victoire (Molly
alliance between the
Shannon) and Sophie (Shirley Henderson) quietly
two rival countries. The 14-year-old girl is bundled
discuss the new Dauphine, remarking that "she looks
into a carriage and travels the long journey to a small
like a child," and mocking her Austrian roots.
island in the middle of the Rhine River, a symbolic
culture gap between Japan and America. Lyrics by The Strokes helped bridge the historical story of
Translation" shows as much of a reach as if he were
before the bloody revolution began. Joanna (Kirsten Dunst), affectionately known
soothing to rock records while spending her time locked away from life. Music remains a huge part of
playing Henry Higgins. He allows the film to be as
Antoinette: The Journey by British author, Lady
as Antoine, is the beautiful, charming, but naïve
Rock music is a genre that many young adults can understand and relate to. We also see Lux Lisbon
at Second City with John Belushi, he was a glider in contrast to the kamikaze pilot. He isn't a one-note
Antonia Fraser, Marie Antoinette is a sympathetic
Opening in the year 1770, Maria Antonia Josepha
Sofia Coppola greatly incorporates rock music as a part of her toolbox for creative film-making.
in the mid-70s. Air also highlight the mood of Lost in Translation, as it successfully represents the
Marie Antoinette is shuttled to the magnificent
location representing the transition from Austrian to
Versailles, her new home. She beholds the decadent
French territory. Antoine meets the Comtesse
splendor of the palace. She is given very little time
This points to the movie's most serious problem: the "impartial" viewpoint. Is "The Bling Ring" a movie
“I’m a firm believer in Karma and I think this situation is a huge learning lesson for me. I want to lead a country one day for all —Nicki I know.”
That sensitivity is largely absent in "The Bling Ring"; in its place is a void. Coppola neither makes
about characters ogling at celebrities, or is it an
a case for her characters nor places them inside
excuse for the audience to ogle along with them?
of some kind of moral or critical framework; they
While Coppola's attitude toward the Bling Ring
simply pass through the frame, listing off name
isn't entirely sympathetic, it isn't overtly critical either;
brands and staring at their phones. About an hour
in fact, it often comes off as blasé.
into the film, one starts to get the nagging feeling
All of Coppola's films have focused on characters
that Coppola's "neutrality" is a dodge; she avoids
that are isolated from the world—like movie stars
moral commitment, thereby creating a movie
("Lost in Translation", "Somewhere"), royalty ('Marie
ambiguous enough to
Antoinette"), a strict family ("The Virgin Suicides").
be interpreted in several ways, but too vague to have
Because the protagonists of most of these films
much meaning in any interpretation.
happen to be wealthy —after all, isolation is a luxury—and because Coppola has never shown much interest in depicting the world that these protagonists have separated themselves from, her work has often been accused of cultural myopia.
de Noailles (Judy Davis), the mistress of the household
to adapt to her new surroundings before she and Louis
While that criticism isn't entirely unearned ("Lost
at Versailles, Antoine's future home. A traditional
are married in a lavish ceremony. The king toasts
in Translation", for one, is marred by ugly ethnic
"crossing-over" ceremony that takes place, with the
the couple, and wishing them many healthy children
stereotyping), it overlooks the sensitivity that she brings to the material.
process journal
Final Product
lost connections
process journal
the ads
deliverable no. 3
lost connections
the ads
process journal
lost connections
process journal
lost connections
process journal
the dvd package deliverable no. 4
lost connections
the dvd package The DVD package was made keeping in mind the New York MTA system and kind of supplies associated with it, hence it evolved into a kind of psuedo industrial look with this aluminum clipboard box serving as the framework for the packaging. The screw posts and binders tape is also reminiscent of things bus drivers would carry, and in this case there is an added Sofia Coppola flair to fit the festival.
process journal
lost connections
process journal
the tickets deliverable no. 5
lost connections
the tickets The tickets were also designed keeping in mind clipboard that ticket conducters and people who ride public transport usually carry. The tickets themselves were designed according to the subway mta card in that shape with the black strip but made longer to avoid confusion.
day pass
day pass
IFC Center
Hit Records Concert
Lost in Translation
5.00 pm
May 13 2017
Marie Antoinette
day pass
special exhibit IFC Center
2.00 pm
The Bling Ring
May 14 2017
IFC Center 5.00 pm May 14 2017
Hit Records Concert
Angelika Theater
Marie Antoinette
4.00 pm
May 13 2017
MoMa NYC 7.00 pm
May 14 2017
May 14 2017
day pass
2.00 pm
Lost In Translation
day pass
IFC Center
7.00 pm
May 12 2017
May 13 2017
May 13 2017
7.00 pm
The Virgin Suicides
4.00 pm
7.00 pm
Angelika Theater
May 12 2017
The Virgin Suicides
May 12 2017
Angelika Theater
4.00 pm
4.00 pm
May 12 2017
Angelika Theater
process journal
lost connections
process journal
the schedule deliverable no. 6
lost connections
the schedule
The schedule was designed and ultimately clipped with fasteners to add to the subway, transit feel. The schedule consists of three seperate booklets which are meant to be handy for the people attending the festival. One booklet consists of specifically the festival’s schedule, the second is limited to attractions and things to do in New York City and the third one is a subway map handy for them to get around the city very easily.
process journal
the schedule
the attractions
the map
lost connections
process journal
the soundtrack deliverable no. 7
lost connections
the soundtrack
process journal
The USB soundtack for the festival had to be created keeping in mind an everyday object which would also suit the chosen director and at the same time work in terms of the materials. Watching a couple Sofia Coppola movies, there are certain recurrent themes and the characters in the movies are always twenty something rich, privileged girls who are well dressed and care about their appearence. Therefore, a lipstick felt as an appropriate medium, and it is also easy and convenient to carry on public transport.
lost connections
process journal
the website deliverable no. 8
lost connections
the website
process journal
lost connections
process journal
the mobile app deliverable no. 9
lost connections
the app
Lost Connections Festival
A Sofia Coppola Film Festival
the virgin suicides
Angeli ka The
2.0 May 12–13
Lo st in Tr anslati TICKET
Lost i n Translatio n 2.00 pm May 12–13 2017
the movies
Subway Map
process journal
the movies
the city
the movies
washington square park
Director: Sofia Coppola Written by: Sofia Coppola Producers: Francis Ford Coppola Julie Costanzo Dan Halsted Chris Hanley Cast: Kirsten Dunst Kathleen Turner James Woods Josh Hartnett Music: Air Cinematography: Edward Lachman Running Time: 1 hr 37 min Release Date: American Zoetrope 21 April 2000 Studio:
PLOT SUMMARY. In an ordinary suburban house, on a lovely tree-lined street, in the middle of 1970s America, lived the five beautiful, dreamy Lisbon sisters, whose doomed fates indelibly marked the neighborhood boys who to this day continue to obsess over them. A story of love and repression, fantasy and terror, sex and death, memory and longing. It is at its core a mystery story: a heart-rending investigation into the impenetrable, life-altering secrets of American adolescence.
the city the movies
the route
attractions of the city
the schedule
day 01
Director: Sofia Coppola Written by: Sofia Coppola Producers: Francis Ford Coppola Julie Costanzo Dan Halsted Chris Hanley
day 02
Getting to washington square Cast:parkKirsten
Dunst Kathleen Turner
F James M Woods
to W. 4th St/Washington Sq Park Josh
Music: Air
washington square park
Cinematography: Edward Lachman Running Time: 1 hr 37 min
Release Date: American Zoetrope 21 April 2000 Studio:
the route
day 03
lost connections
process journal
the business system deliverable no. 10
lost connections
the business system
kayla silverman Festival manager 950 Folsom St San Francisco 94105
process journal
November 28, 2016
Kayla Silverman Manager, The Angelika Theater 987 Wisteria Terrace Manhattan, NY 94106
Dear Ms. Silverman, I’m writing to you in regards to the exclusive Sofia Coppola Film festival that we here at New York Women in Film and Television are organizing. We hold festivals every alternate year to honor women in cinema, and more specifically women directors, producers, and cinematographers. Next year, we plan to honor the work of Ms. Sofia Coppola as you know who is most famously know for her work as a director helming movies such as ‘The Virgin Suicides’, ‘Lost in Translation’, and most recently ‘The Bling Ring’. I’m writing this letter to you as we are interested in holding this festival in various venues all over Manhattan to honor the birthplace of Ms. Coppola and therefore, are very interested in holding the screenings of the movie ‘The Bling Ring’ at the IFC Center. The IFC center is a legendary art house cinema theater famous for the various screenings of movies all throughout the year and when we were deciding venues for the film festival, your theater was one of the cinemas that immediately came to mind and felt like the perfect fit. This festival honoring Ms.Coppola showcases all five of her big screen hits such as ‘The Virgin Suicides’, ‘Lost in Translation’, ‘Marie Antoinette’, ‘Somewhere’ and ‘The Bling Ring’. These movies will be screened over the course of three days from May 12–14th, 2017. The name of our festival is aptly titled as lost connections, as we are focusing on Adrift characters who are at cross roads in their lives, finding themselves to feel lost and isolated. A singular human interaction causes a shift in their attitude, helping them numb their pain to avoid the emptiness. Ultimately in the end, they realize that life awaits, and they must return back to reality. The festival is the first of it’s kind in the sense that it is co-organized by the non-profit organization, New York Women in Film and Television. The festival is purely to honor women in film and television who are severely under appreciated and under represented. I will also attach with my mail the official catalog guide for the festival along with complimentary tickets, schedule, and application in honor of the festival, and the soundtrack which will be the soundtrack to the festival as a whole. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you think about our theme so far and how we can carry it forward with your help by our side. Please let me know if we can tentatively schedule to screen The Bling Ring at the IFC center on the 14th of May at 7.00pm followed by a talk given by none other than Ms. Coppola. Hope you are well, and looking forward to hearing from you.
Kavya Sivaraman
950 Folsom St San Francisco 94105
Lost Connections Festival Kavya Sivaraman/04005890 GR612/Integrated Communications Fall ‘17 Instructor/Hunter Wimmer