KWO - December 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 12

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Ke¯ke¯mapa (December) 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 12

t h e l i v i n g w at e r o f o h a

Land deal? Governor Abercrombie has proposed a settlement for past-due revenues owed to OHA. The $200 million land package comprises 10 mostly waterfront properties in Kaka‘ako. OHA is holding meetings to inform and consult with the community on the proposal. OHA wants to hear from you. To learn more, please turn to page 18. In foreground, a waterfront parcel that is part of the proposed land deal. - Photo: John De Mello








practice Mälama i ka ‘äina: and culturethical, prudent stewardship ally appropriate s. of lands and resource



Pauahi Bishop bequeathed Princess Bernice one Over 120 years ago, land to a trust with acres of Hawai‘i more than 375,000 the well-being of Hawaiians throughthat land is stewarding purpose: to restore Kamehameha Schoolsprotected. are education. Today, precious resources to ensure that its

of progress, we… During this decade stewardship of to guide the sustainable water resources resources, • Established a policy including natural our Hawai‘i land (ancestral places). and wahi küpuna from 3,000 to of native ecosystems • Increased our stewardship 179,000 acres. of ancient Hawaiian protection and restoration the birthplace of • Supported the including and historic sites fishponds heiau, a I. our namesake, Kamehameh

of our lands “The health and well-beingcritical to the are and natural resources our people.” of health and well-being NÄMAKA WHITEHEAD Ecologist Kamehameha Schools

“Over the past decade, learners in there has been significant Serving Hawaiian the right growth and development perpetuity requires and organizational resources of our organization workforce. a high-performing and its strategies, has invested Kamehameha Schools programs and services. initiatives including in both through upgrades and We have also broadened information technology and strengthened our s, professional development programs community collaboration for employees. extending our outreach of progress, we… During this decade efforts. This progress to nurture • Established a program culminates in a maturityus in our growth professional of KS that will position both on education workforce community. well for our next strategic the plan.” L

He‘eia Fishpond




as Continue to develop ng, a dynamic, nurturi nity. learning commu



Schools’ Kameha meha : Strategic Planwth Gro Ten Years of passionate community ago, several hundred a plan that would Just over 10 years themselves to creating Princess Bernice members committed a Schools to fulfill opportunities in chart a path for Kamehameh to create educational people Pauahi Bishop’s desire the capability and well-being of perpetuity to improve of Hawaiian ancestry. Kamehameha Schools be known as the That plan came to years Strategic Plan 2000-2015. and fewer than five progress recorded we take a look back at a With ten years of you to join us as to a future of promise. remaining, we invite and look forward decade of progress,



campuses and in published credible • Gathered and learners to data on Hawaiian make informed help our leaders decisions.


Look inside for a 4-page insert from Kamehameha Schools



operates three co-ed including educational system Kamehameha Schools students and an outreach programs. enrollment of 5,400 and community preschool, scholarship,

of progress, we… increasing During this decade and Hawai‘i Island, campuses on Maui • Built new K-12 percent to 5,400 students. sites statewide, enrollment by 60 classrooms at 31 learners. 20 additional preschool percent to 1,500 • Opened nearly enrollment by 50 increasing preschool plan designed education strategic through implemented an change for Hawaiians • Developed and intergenerational long-term, create to education.

the past and progress over and staff Due to its growth of full-time faculty than decade, the number a Schools has more members at Kamehameh 2,100 employees. doubled to nearly


integrated e a wide range of Provide and facilitatprograms and services to quality educationalof Hawaiian ancestry. combined serve more people campuses with a

Kamehameha Schools Maui

Schools Kamehameha Since the year 2000, of learners and caregiv2010. doubled the number 45,000 in fiscal year ers it serves to over


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KWO - December 2011 | Vol. 28, No. 12 by Ka Wai Ola - News For The Lāhui - Issuu