Kayla Art Direction & Design

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k ay l a a r t

d i r e c t i o n


d e s i g n


a r t

d i r e c t i o n EDITOR


d e s i g n




This edition of Kayla art direction & design, showcases layout design skills through several campaigns consisting of different subject matters. Celebrity and fashion spreads come from Venue Magazine, for which it has been a pleasure to contribute both conceptually and artistically. From production to print design, examples of my work could be found in this special issue.


- Kayla barrera




BVK MEKA ADVERTISING BRAVO PRINTERS INFORMATION BLURB.COM KINKOS en portada En Cuba, el acceso al cine americano no es algo común. ¿En qué momento descubriste a James Dean?


Cuando llegué de Cuba empecé a modelar, y a través


del modelaje descubrí el cine y ese mundo artístico. Lo que me llamó la atención de James Dean es que fue una persona que tuvo mucho éxito en muy poquito tiempo. Me gusta observar a las personas exitosas y ver cómo lo hacen; poder aprender y obtener algo de ellos. Yo creo que uno debe tomar los mejores ejemplos de cada persona, juntarlos, y de eso hacer algo bueno de uno mismo. Claro, sin cambiar tu forma de ser.

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A veces la necesidad hace al ser humano más creativo. ¿Cómo te favoreció el haber nacido en una isla como Cuba, entre tantas necesidades y limitaciones? Te permite poder apreciar todas las oportunidades que se presentan. Disfrutas las cosas más. Poder irte de un lugar en donde no existe un futuro, y encontrarte con tantas posibilidades, te da esa energía de querer triunfar; y encima te hace más humilde. Te nace del corazón


ser humilde porque nunca tuviste nada y siempre fuiste muy feliz. Al tener oportunidades que nunca antes te imaginaste tener, aprendes a apreciar las cosas que se te presentan y a no dejarlas pasar. ¿Qué cualidad tienes que te ha ayudado a alcanzar tanto en tan poco tiempo? La capacidad para disfrutar cada cosa que hago; saber









vivir las cosas al máximo; decir “este es el momento”; aprovechar las oportunidades y no dejarlas ir. Soy una persona que vive el momento. Si vives en el pasado, puedes revivir sufrimientos del ayer, y si vives proyectado hacia el futuro, te olvidas del presente. Este es mi futuro, el ahora, porque esto es lo que yo veía de niño en Cuba.

Camiseta blanca con marrón: Lulu Couture, Bal Harbour, Fl. Pantalón gris, chaqueta gris y tennis: J Lindeberg, Aventura Mall, Fl. Pulsera: Pianegonda.com

williamlevyportada.indd 4

6/24/10 12:40 PM



ka(y)-la\ is pronounced KAY-la. Variant

of Kay; modern variant of Katherine (Greek) “pure”; diminutive of Michaela (Hebrew) “who is like God?”. Initial popularity of the name is due to the character named Kayla on the daytime TV drama “Days of Our Lives”.

what’s your definition? webster.com


F U S I O N we bring the music to you M

iami is filled with artists and music. Whether it be at local bars or local artists, music surrounds this city. People come all over the world to different festivals, listen to djs play at the hottest night clubs or watch musicals. s unty ist ard Co art & Brow hed s i abl est and w ests e inter e n same tur h a t e i f ity w comun Unite

Fusion newspaper is a new periodical that is the best go to guide to be in the know of all these events that are all across the city. The name was chosen because they wanted to Fuse together all genres of music and people in Miami. Fusion had an event in Bayside Miami promoting their new periodical to help serve the masses of music lovers here in this bright light city. The event was filled with new artisits as well as home town artists such as, Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias, Jason Derulo and many more. Fusion stands were placed all over offering promotional shirts, hats and mugs.

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Contests were done at all these booths such as, the ipod playlist. People picked at random different songs in order to create a playlists. If the contestants playlist appeared in order was the winner of a meet and greet with the artists featured on the first issue of Fusion Music Newspaper. This event was a success and it created a way to join the Miami community in a commmon agreement of music and entertainment.

Support Fusion Newspaper at www.Fusionmusic.com

inside the fusion march edition 2010

GerArD & steFAnie At Fusion

f*BANDS Enrique Iglesias was one of the surprise performances. He participated to support his home town Miami,FL.

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What’s going this month?

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BAND of the Week | Miami Style



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Rick Ross@ mansion



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Calle Ocho





Miami M iami Art Festival Sunday March 14,2010 Coconut Grove $5 entrance fee Local Artists


V3 2010 March FUSION

FUSION March 2010 V3





FUSION March 2010 V3

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FIlM Festival

2010 Miami 25

Pericles@ Tabacoo Rd


Miami art festival

V3 2010 March FUSION




EDITOR'S favorites

People have always had certain things that they call their favorites. Here are a few of mine that are on the top of my list.

Sushi is my favorite food. Anytime I get the chance I go eat sushi.

My guilty pleasure on tv is One Tree Hill. I met two of the actors on South Beach and this is also one of my most embarrasing moment. Never been star struck, till them.

My favorite fashion show, that I never miss is the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. I love how they aire the behind the scenes production and the detail in the fashion pieces.

Rachel McAdams is my favorite female actress. I love how she takes on each role and transforms herself into to the character she is trying to portray. Who knew she could be the Mean Girl and have a fairy tale in the Notebook.

Christian Louboutin is my favorite “want” item. Everytime I see that red sole, I get butterflyes in my stomach. obessed.


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ady Gaga has branded herself as an artist from the beginning, but reality hit and she now wants to show how she is a human like everyone else. Her upcoming album, Fame, shows an inside look of how being in the lime light really is. Songs like, ‘Paparazzi’ explain how people treat her as a toy that entertains. She is not viewed as a human but as a music icon. Since Lady Gaga’s face and style is so recognizable, the Fame album cover depicts what the media has made her out to be. When the Album drops, you will see stands across the country with a barbie themed house selling the new album. It will be called “Monster Dream House”. At these stands, which will be in music stores and malls, there will be codes to enter a special website that is rumored to have a lady gaga dress up feature. It will be exciting to see this new promotional strategy to keep her “ little monster” fan base growing.

Find this Lady Gaga shoe on the Monster Dream House website, from Alexander McQueen and get the chance to WIN tickets to her unplugged show!

Andy Warhol is one of the inspirations for this whole campaign idea. His idealisms and art work created a forground for this Album.



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The cover of her upcoming album ‘Fame’

Lady Gaga’s fans at one of her concerts

Chaqueta de cuero: Diesel Camiseta blanca: Lulu Couture, Bal Harbour, Fl Estilista de Moda: Irma MartĂ­nez / trendyinc.net Asistente de Estilista: Cristina Alvarez / trendyinc.net





in duda alguna, William Levy es un hombre bendecido con una sobredosis de belleza, pareciera que fue físicamente esculpido en una noche de pasión por Auguste Rodin y Camille Claudel. No es una sorpresa saber que él esta más que conciente de sus atributos y del poder de sus encantos, pero no de una forma arrogante, sino con la disposición de querer trascender y ser más que una cara bonita. Él ha buscado contenido para esa espléndida fachada. Desde niño soñaba con alcanzar “algo grande.” Siempre supo que iba a viajar y a ser alguien, que no pertenecía a un sólo lugar. Todo lo que ha logrado, primero lo visualizó. En su niñez “hacía películas en su cabeza de la vida que iba a llevar” hasta que un día, a los 15 años de edad, el destino conspiró a su favor e hizo que llegara a las costas de Miami para poner en prueba la Ley de Atracción que practicaba, sin saber de ella. Hoy, William Levy abre su corazón a los lectores de Venue, en este pequeño estudio al oeste de Miami. Comienzo por pedirle que se describa en pocas palabras. Su mirada se vuelve tierna, baja la cabeza, toma una pausa que saborea, me mira a los ojos y con su famosa sonrisa seductora contesta: “soy alegre, positivo, ambicioso y espontáneo.” Entre el vaivén del fotógrafo, el equipo de producci ón e imágenes de James Dean por todas partes (la inspiración de esta sesión de fotos), nos acomodamos en un sofá color chocolate para entrevistar a este Don Juan moderno con pinta de rebelde.

En Cuba, el acceso al cine americano no es algo común. ¿En qué momento descubriste a James Dean? Cuando llegué de Cuba empecé a modelar, y a través del modelaje descubrí el cine y ese mundo artístico. Lo que me llamó la atención de James Dean es que fue una persona que tuvo mucho éxito en muy poquito tiempo. Me gusta observar a las personas exitosas y ver cómo lo hacen; poder aprender y obtener algo de ellos. Yo creo que uno debe tomar los mejores ejemplos de cada persona, juntarlos, y de eso hacer algo bueno de uno mismo. Claro, sin cambiar tu forma de ser. A veces la necesidad hace al ser humano más creativo. ¿Cómo te favoreció el haber nacido en una isla como Cuba, entre tantas necesidades y limitaciones? Te permite poder apreciar todas las oportunidades que se presentan. Disfrutas las cosas más. Poder irte de un lugar en donde no existe un futuro, y encontrarte con tantas posibilidades, te da esa energía de querer triunfar; y encima te hace más humilde. Te nace del corazón ser humilde porque nunca tuviste nada y siempre fuiste muy feliz. Al tener oportunidades que nunca antes te imaginaste tener, aprendes a apreciar las cosas que se te presentan y a no dejarlas pasar. ¿Qué cualidad tienes que te ha ayudado a alcanzar tanto en tan poco tiempo? La capacidad para disfrutar cada cosa que hago; saber vivir las cosas al máximo; decir “este es el momento”; aprovechar las oportunidades y no dejarlas ir. Soy una persona que vive el momento. Si vives en el pasado, puedes revivir sufrimientos del ayer, y si vives proyectado hacia el futuro, te olvidas del presente. Este es mi futuro, el ahora, porque esto es lo que yo veía de niño en Cuba. ¿Con qué soñabas de niño? ¿Te imaginabas todo este éxito? Yo me sentaba en la playa y soñaba con ser alguien. No sabía exactamente qué era lo que iba a hacer. Es decir, no sabía que iba a ser un actor, pero sabía que no me iba a quedar ahí…que no pertenecía a ese lugar. Me veía viajando y visitando otros países; quería ser alguien importante. Camiseta blanca con marrón: Lulu Couture, Bal Harbour, Fl. Pantalón gris, chaqueta gris y tennis: J Lindeberg, Aventura Mall, Fl. Pulsera: Pianegonda.com


El poeta Alemán Rainer Maria Rilke decía que dejar de crear es como una muerte, y que el destino escoge al artista. ¿Estás viviendo tu destino? Es un poco difícil explicarlo. Quizás si te lo explico bien va a sonar un poco loco (sus ojos se iluminan y suelta una risa). Era algo raro…yo sabía que me iba a tocar vivir algo diferente a lo que estaba viviendo en mi niñez. También creo en la energía. Si uno pone toda su mente, esfuerzo y corazón en algo, ese algo toma forma y llega a ti. Me acuerdo de cuando jugaba béisbol y visualizaba el juego en mi mente; me preparaba para lo que iba a pasar y de la forma en que lo visualizaba ocurría. ¿Y por qué hoy en día no estoy entrevistando a un famoso atleta en lugar de a un reconocido actor? Porque también me pasaba que cuando estaba jugando béisbol me visualizaba como actor. Es algo que siempre quise hacer. Te has hecho famoso a través del formato de telenovela que es un formato popular, pero no siempre bien visto en el mundo artístico. ¿Te llama la atención el cine? Sí, sueño con Hollywood. Me gusta el cine. Proyectar con los ojos…con la mirada, es un trabajo muy íntimo. Me gusta el trabajo de adentro. Es el trabajo que existe en el cine, y es lo que me gusta. Pero la televisión es algo que igual me gusta y que hoy en día te da esa proyección que como artista es muy buena. En estos momentos estás en tu etapa de descubrir el teatro. Cuéntame de la obra que estas realizando, La obra se llama “Un Amante a la Medida” y es una comedia. Terminamos la gira por toda la República de México y ahora empezamos en los Estados Unidos. Lo hago con la intención de romper un poco con el estereotipo de galán de telenovela; por eso también quise hacer una comedia y para no tener que repetir el verme lindo. Es más, en esta obra hasta hago el ridículo. Mi forma de actuar es muy diferente a lo que las personas están acostumbradas a ver de mí. En este caso, el personaje hace tonterías, es divertido y cómico. La comedia no es un género fácil y quería el reto. Entiendo que si quiero ser bueno en este negocio tengo que asumir riesgos y hacer las cosas que me cuesta hacer. ¿Ahora con qué sueñas? La verdad, te lo juro por mi vida, yo sueño con mis hijos. Lo único que quiero es que estén bien. Donde quiera que yo esté, estoy pensando en ellos. Polo de rombos: Prada, Neiman Marcus, Village of Merrick Park, Coral Gables, Fl. Jeans: J Lindeberg, Aventura Mall, Fl.

¿Y qué te quita el sueño? Lo que me mantiene despierto en la noche es pensar en qué pude hacer mejor en el día. Llego a la casa, y cuando me voy a acostar a dormir pienso en todo lo que hice bien y todo lo que hubiera hecho mejor. También pienso en todo lo que quiero lograr como persona. Trato de ser un mejor ser humano. Me hablas del hombre. Pero, como actor profesional, ¿qué te quita el sueño? Hollywood. Yo no dejo de pensar en Hollywood, quiero llegar ahí. Mi sueño es llegar allá, y no me lo quito de la mente. Soy el tipo de persona que no espera a que las cosas lleguen. Quiero crear la oportunidad, y por eso estoy produciendo. Si nadie me da la oportunidad, voy a producir mis propias cosas. Si veo que no se me están abriendo las puertas, voy a hacer que se abran. Uno tiene que llevarse adonde quiere llegar. Dios me está dando la posibilidad de trabajar en lo que me gusta y de hacer dinero; pues ese dinero lo voy a invertir en proyectos. Eso es lo que estoy haciendo en estos momentos. Los medio también te han adornado con el título de Don Juan, y dicen que cuando el rio suena, piedras trae. ¿Qué tan lejos de tu persona está ese concepto? No sé de qué me hablas. ¿Eres tan enamoradizo como cuentan que eres? Sí, pudiera decir que sí soy un poco enamoradizo. ¿Eso te causa conflictos? No, soy un hombre bueno. ¿Eres romántico? Mira yo diría que soy un poco raro. Es que depende de con quién y dónde estoy y del momento. Puede ser un momento romántico, un momento que inspira locura, un momento divertido. No sé, soy una persona divertida. No es que trate de ser romántico o trate de ser sensual. Me gusta estar en el momento, dejarme llevar por el estímulo del momento. Me encanta ser romántico cuando se da la oportunidad de ser romántico: una copa de vino, la música, una mirada, sentirme pícaro, divertirme. No sé, es una mezcla que se da. Al inicio de esta entrevista te describiste con tres adjetivos. Pero, como la gran parte de la comunidad femenina, quiero saber más de ti. ¿Cómo es William Levy? Me gusta ser un ganador. Soy una persona cariñosa, me encanta abrazar y que me abracen. No sé, soy alegre. Me encanta estar con mi familia o con mis amigos. Soy muy positivo y me gusta compartir. Siempre comparto lo que tengo. Y en este momento esa es la meta de este soñador que se rebela contra su propia belleza para demostrar su talento y poder crear oportunidades para encontrar su lugar, su Hollywood, y continuar compartiendo todo lo que tiene con sus seres queridos y su público.

“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.� -Tuli Kupferberg



ayla Barrera is a Miami native. Born 22 years ago to a Cuban mother and Venezuelan father, she has embraced the various cultures that make her who she is today. Exposure to the different cultures has allowed her to feel equally comfortable in a Spanish or American enviorment. Kayla had the opportunity to live in Santiago, Chile for 2 years. During this time, she was able to become fluent in Spanish and learned to read and write proficiently. She has always been a dedicated student. Kayla loves challenges and is always improving herself. Early on she knew she wanted to study Graphic Design. She enrolled at Miami International University of Art and Design, where she pursued a degree in Advertising with a strong emphisis on Graphic Design. During her time there, she has been on the Dean’s list and been selected for Honor courses. At her second year in the Univeristy, she was hired to be the Graphic Designer for Venue Magazine. Venue is a publication based in Miami and directed to a Latin market involving fashion, celebrities and social events. She is resonsible for the Graphic Design and also called upon to supervise and coordinate photoshoots. How do you think growing up in a diverse city like Miami, has influenced your sense of design? I believe that being exposed to so many different cultures has allowed me to become a well rounded individual able to portray many view points effectively. When did you realize that art direction and design was your passion? While studying Advertising at MIU, I realized that art direction and design played an important part in positioning any product. The creativity needed to capture the attention of readers, and making it visually appealing was the part I couldn’t wait to get to. What would you say was the best thing about working as a Graphic Designers for Venue Magazine? Venue Magazine gave me the opportunity to really design the graphics for the entire publication and let me be creatively involved in production for Fashion editorials and Cover shoots. I learned what it takes to successfully put together a magazine from beggining to end. What has been the most challenging project in your career? While at Venue, I got the opportunity to coordinate and direct the Real Housewives of Miami cover shoot. I was involved in the creative concept and the execution. Having six women on location for a photoshoot was challenging but it put my organizational skills to the test. It was a very successful photoshoot. Where do you see yourself in your career in the next 5 years? Once I graduate my goal is to relocate to New York and utilize the knowledge and experience that I have achevied to work for a highly reknown Publication or production company. In the next five years I hope to have acheived my dream of being an Art Director.

Abercrombie & Fitch

vs Race

The reason for this research is find out if Abercrombie should expand their clothing product to a wider range of people of all shapes and sizes. Right now, Abercrombie & Fitch clothing line does not provide the opportunity for a person of all shapes and sizes to wear their clothes, which in turn, becomes a prejudice battle. To do this research we must first know who is currently purchasing the clothing. Then we must figure out who would like to purchase but cannot due to the size of the product. We also need to take a look at where geographically are these stores located. Does the location of the store make a difference?


bercrombie & Co. is a company founded by David Abercrombie in 1892. Later he joined forces with Ezra Fitch and the company evolved to Abercrombie & Fitch. They almost always did not see eye to eye, and did not know what direction they wanted to take the company. Abercrombie wanted to sell outdoors gear, and Fitch wanted to sell mainstream clothing. With all the differences, Abercrombie decided to leave the company but Fitch decided to keep the company name as Abercrombie & Fitch. Fitch kept the idea of outdoor feel with adding the mainstream clothing for the “average” person. Other then the store, the company started sending mail in catalog. The catalog was sent to 50,000 customers and included a lot of the items featured in the store. Although the catalog cost was running the company to bankrupcy, it was a very effective marketing tool and it increased their sales. The company kept expanding and opened a store in New York. By 1929, Ezra retired and even when he left, the company kept growing. After several years, The Limited Inc. bought the company and changed its look and sales strategy. They re-launched Abercrombie & Fitch targeting 18-24 year old college students. It was “upscale” and “preppy” and they described their image as “sexy, classy, casual, and All-American.” Now in 2010, Abercrombie & Fitch launched other brands and is part of a controversial battle. Many lawsuits have been filed against this brand and their sub brands. Everything from discrimination with employees, customers etc and to controversial clothing “quotes”.


RESEARCH According to Claire E. Driessen, a law student who researched the consumers who bought Abercrombie & Fitch, A&F is sold predominately to Caucasians. They have an All- American look. Male and females consumers who buy the clothing fit well into what A&F wants their consumers to be. In their catalog, which was taken off market, included only three African Americans and the rest were Caucasians. The in-store atmosphere also represents exactly what their “models” represent in all their advertising campaigns. The A&F employee is not overweight; therefore they can fit into the clothes. The clothing is not meant for curvy or slightly over weight people. Even the typography on their clothing is relating a “thin” message. Abercrombie & Fitch Corporation directly enforces this message. A quote that represents the small consumer and target market comes straight from the CEO of A&F, Mike Jefferies, “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” he says. “Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don’t alienate anybody, but you don’t excite anybody, either.” While visiting the Abercrombie and Fitch site, I went to see where their stores are located. I came to find that in California there are 41 stores and in New Mexico they are zero stores. I also checked in Miami, Florida, where they is great diversity and they only have 2 stores.

Other than the issues of who the consumers “can” be, we have a situation of who can work there. There have been many lawsuits against A&F and their discrimination towards African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian former employees. In the case Gonzalez v. Abercrombie & Fitch, is one the largest discrimination lawsuits filed against a company. In this case, many people of different races, other than Caucasian, testified about the discrimination and prejudice ideals the company followed. “I remember how discouraged I felt when I applied for a job at the Santa Clara store and the manager suggested that I work in the stock room or on the late night crew in a non-sales position,” Eduardo Gonzalez told reporters. “I felt it was because I was a Latino – but there was no one I could report this to at the time.” This case showed different races standing up to this company and stating reasons of discrimination. This showed that it went further than fitting into the clothing, its showing the lack of tolerance with people’s races. A&F settled on paying 40 million dollars to all the minority races who have felt discriminated by the company. Joan Ryan wrote about the image problem in 2003 stating, “ According to a class action suit, Abercrombie & Fitch discriminates against minorities by pressuring stores to hire sales associates who fit the “A&F look,’’ which from their catalogs, advertisements and looping videos in their stores, is white, young and preferably blond. The plaintiffs claim they were denied jobs or squeezed out of jobs because of their race or ethnicity.” After the settlement, Eduardo Gonzalez, the lead plaintiff, stated, ”I love this settlement,” Mr. Gonzalez said. “It’s a landmark thing for an American icon. They were portraying this image that all-American is all white. That’s not the case.” The New York times said that Abercrombie & Fitch agreed on adding more blacks, Hispanics, and Asians to its marketing materials. A&F has always inforced a policy preferring white employees to be in the sales department, but they don’t hire white basketball players from colleges. They have an exact look and they want to keep it that way, but they cannot use their policy to cover

for race discrimination. The company has hired people of differnt races, but they keep trying to push the non-American look to the back rooms. There are countless blogs and websites that still have people commenting and postig on situations in these stores. this issue has yet to be resolved.

TARGET AUDIENCE? Hispanics are the primary target audience. Hispanics is a race that is denotes the culture and people of countries who were formaly ruled by the Spansih Empire. Hispanics perdomintaly speak the Spanish language. In the United States there is a huge percentage of Hispanics known and Hispanic American. As of March 2002, their was 37.4 millions Hispanic living in the United States, which is 13.3% of the total population. Just alone April 2002 to July 2002 the percetage jumped 10%. Now, in 2010 the number be must higher from all the Hispanic immigrating here for better job opportunities. Hispanic rates grow 4 times the rate of the U.S population in just two years. Hispanics is an ethinicity that identify strongly with family. People somtimes percieve Hispanics as only being Mexican, but Hispanics has much more diversity. Hispanics are from many different countries, they could be white, black or mulato. Specific Target: Hispanic women ages 1525, who live in the United States. They are Maintreemers. As their name implies, they are the mainstream of society.They respond to big established brands, to ‘family’brands and to offers of value for money. Their core need in life is for security.

CONCLUSION: Technically, A&F co. is a very successfull company selling their opinion on the all american look. But from the data collection and the different lawsuits that they have been part of, A&F can profit more if they start to cater to all types of people. In 2007 A&F revenue was 3,318.2 million dollars with catering just to their target audience, imagine with the 37.4 million hispanics (which to date is much more) living in the United States. Let’s take it further, imagine with the other races who live and are born in the United States, A&F can double even triple their profit.

“Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive All-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes, and they can’t belong...”

TodoLujo un La austeridad le cede al lujo en este oto帽o. Las pieles, las joyas y el brillo son todo un espect谩culo de ostentaci贸n y sofisiticaci贸n

Esta primavera, emular a las chicas de los 70 estรก mรกs de moda que nunca. Toma nota de los que serรกn los looks mรกs buscados: blanco impoluto, caftanes, vuelos, estampados y mucho mucho color.


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T&CO. 2009 800.843.3269 | TIFFANY.COM







This is a banner ad for Tojan condoms. Simplicity is key.

Burger King Corporation contacted me to do promotional boards for a franchise event in Las Vegas.




This is a poster inserted in a fictional National Geographic edition. This was part of my Advanced photoshop class.



For my InDesign Fun Fact: My family owns class I had to go and an Exotic Animal Store in recreate a magazine Miami,Florida. of my choice with my own content but keep the same style factor. This is the inside cover spread for Megan Fox.


MEGAN FOX has her fingers in her long black hair, and as she tosses her head this way and that, she runs her hands slowly down her face and onto her neck and chest. She’s panting as if undergoing some very heavy exertion. “My daddy’s in prison,” she heaves. “Sam! Sam! We’re not leaving without Bumblebee!”

Megan’s Pieces With all the hoopla over vampires these days, It’s no wonder dark lipstick has become so popular. An aubergine or deep crimson shade is a bold but modern look” - Holly Carter People style watch


Fox is having breakfast in a hotel lobby in San Diego, and this “Sam! Sam!” bit is her impression o zf her work in Transformers—the movie that launched her career in 2007 and earned her such dubious honors as the Sexiest Woman in the World. She’s not exactly proud of the performance. “It’s like: Fuck. Fuck!” she says. “Every time that movie is playing on a plane, I pull my hat down like blinders.” It’s been a year since Transformers director Michael Bay had her bend her denim-skirted body over the hood of a ’76 Camaro, a moment that’s since blown up on the Web and made Fox into Farrah Fawcett for the Internet-video age. But lately, Fox has begun to see all the attention coming her way as a problem. “I don’t want to be famous right now,” she says. “I’ve done one movie. And it’s not a movie I want to stand on as far as acting ability goes. I mean—I’m not going to win an Oscar anytime soon. I’m not Meryl Streep.” There are, she says, all sorts of perils in becoming famous at 22 without having earned it. There’s the anxiety (“Before I go onstage anywhere, I take a Xanax now”), the endless gossipy attention (“The other day, I said I eat a lot of cake, and that was the top story on Yahoo!”), the comparisons to older actresses whose biographies even remotely resemble hers—in Fox’s case, Angelina Jolie (“I don’t even consider her human; she’s like a superhuman goddess”). More than anything else, Fox is worried that all the hype might cause everything to fizzle out before she’s given a chance to, you know, act. “I want people to know me through the movies I do,” she says. “I want to be judged on that. If you start becoming famous for your personal life, that’s when your career goes away.” She is here in San Diego for Comic-Con—an annual convention that draws more than 125,000 admirers of all things superhero, sci-fi, and fantasy—in part because her fiancé, Brian Austin Green (of original 90210 fame), is participating in a panel on his latest TV show but also because she’s been into comic books since she was a kid. Our plan for the day is this: After breakfast, Megan and I—along with a former Marine turned security guard named Anthony—will head out onto the Comic-Con floor, where Megan wants to meet some graphic artists whose work she admires and shop for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt. It seems straightforward enough—except for the fact that there’s likely no greater concentration of Megan Fox fanboys anywhere on the planet. After hearing what we’d be doing, the first question the security firm that Anthony works for asked was: “Do you want your guard armed?” (Um, no guns, please.) A friend and Transformers fan with some appreciation of how the crowd might react to Fox described walking around with her as akin to “chumming a shark tank.” WHEN MEGAN FOX was 19, she posed half-naked for a magazine photo shoot and boasted in the accompanying interview that she possessed “the libido of a 15-year-old boy.” (She also described a tattoo she’d gotten of her boyfriend’s name as being “next to my pie”—not exactly the kind of thing you say if you’re hoping to keep a low profile.) At that time, Fox was filming the third season of ABC’s Hope & Faith, a family-friendly sitcom starring Kelly Ripa that’s best summed up by its eventual fate—syndication on the WE network—and she was fed up with playing the coquettish 18

InStyle / December

yet chaste teen. The show was repressing her, she says, tamping down her sexuality: “Sex is something that everyone does, so why can’t I talk about it?” Sexual double standards make Fox angry, and when conversation turns to tabloid-flamed scandals surrounding other teen stars who’ve been photographed in various stages of nudity and seminudity, she goes off: “With any of the Miley Cyrus shit, or any of that Vanessa Hudgens shit—I would never issue an apology for my life and for who I am. It’s like, Oh, I’m sorry I took a naked, private picture that someone is an asshole and sold for money. I’m sorry if someone else is a dick. No. You shouldn’t have to apologize. Someone betrayed Vanessa, but no one’s angry at that person. She had to apologize. I hate Disney for making her do that. Fuck Disney.” Can I get that on the record? “Yeah. Fuck Disney.” There goes your career. “Yeah, that was probably a bad move—they own everything. But it’s not right. They take these little girls, and they put them through entertainment school and teach them to sing and dance, and make them wear belly shirts, but they won’t allow them to be their own people. It makes me sick.” What did you think when you first read the script? Megan Fox: “I thought it was the funniest script I’ve ever read. I was laughing on every page. She makes a joke on the first page about Amanda’s character, says she gets more fan mail than Jesus, Santa Claus and Zac Efron. I thought that was brilliant. It was darker and more interesting on every page.” Had you seen Juno before you were approached? Megan Fox: “No, Juno hadn’t come out yet.” What did you think of the dialogue and the vibe? Megan Fox: “I think she created a whole new dialogue in this movie. It’s definitely outside of the box, what you really see in the movie. It’s a different chord with the groove than most films do, but it was interesting. It’s interesting words.” What do you think of the soundtrack? Megan Fox: “Karyn [Kusama] did an amazing job. I saw the last two scenes of the movie while I was in Toronto and the music makes such a huge, huge difference in viewing the film. It really affected me as an audience member, even though I knew what was going to happen. It really tied into the scene a lot.” How much fun did you have doing this? Megan Fox: “I had a lot of fun doing it. I think we all had a lot of fun doing it. It was tedious and it was difficult at times, but we definitely had a lot of fun.” What was your favorite thing about Jennifer? Megan Fox: “That she’s irreverent and unapologetic.” Are you squeamish about gore? Megan Fox: “Yeah, not in this movie because I feel like we went in, not a cartoonish direction, but we didn’t try to make it gut-wrenching, frightening, disgusting to watch. In slasher movies, yeah, I can’t stand to watch the blood and the guts.” If you’re a fraidy cat, what made you decide to do a horror movie? Interview by: Chelsea Handler


Best Style Guide 2009 !






She is learning how to deal with this new found spotlight we call fame, Thanks to a little picture called ‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,’ we’ve been seeing an awful lot of the lovely Megan Fox lately. “Sexiest Woman in the World” BY: KAYLA BARRERA PHOTOGRAPHED BY DAILYSLICK STYLES BY MAC JACOBS

Most Outrageous QUOTES


Get Megans CoverLook! “ Im horrible to live with. I don’t clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forgt to flush the toilet.” - Megan fox

“I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I’m also a hypocrite...”


InStyle / D


This is a page from the Fusion Newspaper, advertisments. Top: Coolpix camera Bottom: is for Village Tavern with live music.

December 2009 www.instyle.com



Photography is one of my passions and editing the photopgraphs is my guilty obsession.



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