September Newsletter | Volume 11 | Issue 2

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Division 34 North | Region 17 | Cali-Nev-Ha

DLT Messages Articles & Visuals Division Goals
Events District Updates
SOSP Information SERVEtember Banana Challenges D34N Contacts D34N Club

Hey Aqua Apes!

Happy September! Wow! The first month of nine or ten is done. Now onto the “ber” months. The first month of school went smoothly and I’m already getting accustomed to my classes. That being said, some abnormal events have happened at my school but it’s fine. Now time to tacklethedauntingpartsofsenioryear.Goodlucktoeveryonethisschool year. Whenever there is stress, there comes a reward. One plus to Septemberisthatitisclubrushseason.Ihopeclubrushwasasuccessand I look forward to seeing new key club members at future events. Membershipgrowthiskey.

On top of it being September, FRN and RTC are right around the corner. It’s time to start preparing for the fall fun. To ensure that enough peoplecometoRTCandFRN,itisimportanttostartadvertisingforthoseas soonaspossible.FRNwasoneofmymainhighlightsofbeinginkeyclub,so whoknows,itmightbeyours…

Another thing that you should check out is the SERVEtember initiative. Check out page 24 to learn more about SERVEtember and what you can doandhowtosubmityourprojects.HappyServingAquaApes<3

Love, CatharineNightingale DivisionNewsletterEditor

Hello Aqua Apes!

Hi Aqua Apes! I hope the first month of school has been eventful for you all, and I hope that your club rush/ club rush plans are going great. Feel free to contact me on how many sign ups you received! September will be a fun one, September Dares, DCMs, and we’re finally starting spirit preps!

Spirit preps are important to going to FRN, in order to attend FRN, you must attend 2 out of 3 spirit preps. In addition, your school will most likely be hosting your own club spirit prep! And that still counts. There will also be a spirit prep at RTC, I hope that gives you more incentive to go to such a fun event.

Registration for RTC has opened, and I hope to see most of you guys attend. In my opinion, this event was my key club moment, and even strived me to become LTG. I am co-chairing this event, so it would be an honor to see my aqua apes go to an overnight trip that I helped plan.

Hope you guys have a good month! Contact me whenever.

Swimming Through Oceans of Service, ReaAngelaVeraCruz D34NLieutenantGovernor

Happy September!!

I hope you all had a great start to the new schoolyear!Clubrushhasofficiallystarted,soI hope you all have been very active in your home club, whether as an officer or member. If not, it's not too late! Participate in as many events hosted by your home club and the division, and of course, go to RTC!! You will make so many friends and memories, so I highly encourage you all to go (ask your president for more details). Keep up the good workaquaapes!

Hey KEY clubbers!

I realized I never introduced myself in my first message.(Howsillyright?)I'mNatalieandI'm a junior at Lowell High School. I hope school has started on a good note for you. (Unless you haven't started, then lucky you!) Can youbelievenextmonthisRTC?I'msoexcited for that, it's going to be my first time ever going, and even though I've never been, I cannot wait to meet more of you KEY clubbers there. Again don't hesitate to contactmeatanytime.Seey'allsoon!

MelodyChen Love,
ExecutiveAssistant NatalieNG

Summer seems so far away now that we're in September! We had the cnh website registration contest? But now that schools are back in full swing hopefully we can get some more memberssoon!Cuhciao,Luout.



Hopefully school is treating everyone well (senioritis is hitting hard). I also hope every club is preparing for club rush/first meetings and getting that member retention! Don't forget to also attend RTC and advertise it at your meetings!! I can't wait to see everyone at our next DCM and wish you guys luck in your classes + key clubmeetings:)

D34N! ExecutiveAssistant LucasNguyen Peace Out,
Photo provided by Westmoor Key Club

The experience volunteering at the food bank was honestly better than I had expected it to be. I had the simple job of helpingtakethecartsoutsideandunloadingthebagstothe pick up area. Although I was really exhausted at the end, I hadsomefunandenjoyedfeelingusefulandcontributing.

Matias Prieto | Westmoor

ConsideringIhaveneverdonevolunteeringatafoodbank,I was expecting the experience to be an alright event. However, having helped contribute by helping load the food that was being distributed out towards the community, I was so wrong. Although this was one of the most tiring events I've ever done, I felt the most grateful seeing that I have helped contributetowardsservingthosewhoarehungry.

1858.98/15,000 3,685.32/10,000
Carlmont Notre Dame Balboa 722 Service Hours 494 Service Hours 207 Service Hours

Will be updated later!

your classes from favorite to least favorite
us your favorite movie of ALL TIME.
03 ) What’s your favorite season? 01 ) Rank
02 ) Tell
Earn BANANA POINTS for your club by completing monthly DNE & LTG Challenges! Answer all three of the questions (pg. 20) to get 5 banana points for your club! Type your responses into a new email draft and send to and LTG Angela ( Subject Line Template: [Month] LTG & DNE Challenges | [School] Hit send + repeat next month. → Thank you for participating!

What is SOSP?

The Spotlight on Service Program is a CNH program designed to promote the service goals of the CNH District. By focusing on different themes each month, clubs are able to host a variety of service, social, and fundraising events that all go towards important causes in the community.

September SOSP: Pediatric Trauma Program Support PTP by spreading awareness and fundraising! Check out the numerous guides and tips for more ideas on fundraising and service projects.

For more information on the monthly SOSP: please visit > Projects > Spotlight on Service Program.

During the month of July, key clubbers were encouraged to keep their communities clean. Many key clubbers participated in clean up events throughout their community. Some places that the clean ups occurredinareatthebeaches,communityparks,etc.

Planning a service/social/fundraising project for September’s SOSP (TBD) submitting it to the district can get your club 15 banana points!

Some project ideas include:

● Book Drive

● Schoolhouse Tutoring

● Self-cafe packages

● Doll Houses from Upcycled Boxes


ForyourSOSPprojecttobefeaturedinthenext newsletter,makesuretosubmitarticles&visuals fromyourprojecttoeithertheearly-bird(10th @6pm)oron-time(15th@6pm)deadline.

Plan a service, social, or fundraising event based on the SOSP theme for the month.

After the event, complete the form under > Projects > Spotlight on Service Program before the 5th of the following month.

Submit any additional visuals to SP Chair Annabel Lee (

Email to let our DSEC know that you submitted the form.

Earn BANANA POINTS for your club by submitting your SOSP projects to the CNH District!

Register here :

Want to make an impact on DCON?

If so, now the chance to apply asaSAACaptain!YOUwillhave the opportunity to become a bigger part of our district and collaboratewithindividualsfrom other divisions :D. YOU will get the chance to help shape the experience of those attending our District’s BIGGEST event of theyear,DCON.

IfyouhaveanyquestionsBEE suretocontactSAA

Does your advisor need more resources?

BEE excited, because the Membership Growth committee is releasing their new advisors manual, ADVISORS 101!! It will cover a variety of topics addressing faulty advisors, Kiwanis advisors, and the process of how they work with Keyclubbers to ensureasuccessfulterm!!

To find it: access the Cyberkey (>resources>advisors)

Does your club have a good website?

If so, we encourage you to apply for theclub/divisionwebsitecontest. Registration for Club and Division Websites are now open at!!

We hope to see your websites at DCON2024!

Any additional resources can be found on the Cyberkey ( -> Recognition -> Contests)!

Tofindthismonth’sissue,goto! CNHKeyClub Make sure to check out the latest episode of What’s Poppin’ on the CNHYoutubeChannel!

During the month of August, the Aragon officer board began preparing for the club rush. We created spirit sticks, updated our posters, and reached out to old members. We had a successful club rush, as we got more than 75 new sign-ups! During the club rush, we gave out candy and had new members join our remind. We are now preparing for our next meeting in the first full week of September, as we plan to introducetheboardandwhatKeyClubisallabout.

This month, we wrapped up our summer events, which marked our decision to transition to exclusively in-person events to foster a greater sense of community. At the clubs fair, we got over 180 sign-ups from interested freshmen who we entered into a free raffle for a club shirt! Club meetings have stayed very interactive by having guest speakers, including an outside organization, talking to members about volunteering to help special needs kids learn soccer. Other guestspeakerswereKeyClubalumswhoansweredmembers' questions about college and how Key Club continues to help them after graduating! In addition, we have been having more members of the board present slides to keep meetings freshandengaging.Wehavealsobeenpromotingleadership by opening applications for freshman director and reopening committee applications. We had many successful events, including Victorian Days, San Carlos Adult Community Center Hawaiin Luau, and the San Carlos Block party. In addition, at our board and committee meetings this month, we discussed and plan to implement plans for club boba fundraisers at football games, posting more photos of members on our Instagram,andourPTPfundraiserfortheSeptemberSOSP.The boardisexcitedandreadytorecruitandserveclubmembers andourcommunity!

El Camino has had a very productive start to the term! With 150+ sign ups at club rush, we had to move our first meeting to the theater to accommodate for the number of attendees. We've heldafewboardmeetingsentailingourfutureplans for collabs with other clubs on campus and fundraiser ideas to decrease fees for our club members and raise money for charity! We are looking forward to the term and getting our membersmoreinvolvedinthecommunity!

Starting off our new 2023-24 school year, we are so excited to finally begin our journey in providing volunteering and Key Club specialized events with moreofourfellowstudentpeers!Launchingourfirst general meeting, we have introduced the generics of Key Club from what events would be held, what servicesweprovide,andhowthestudentbodycan get more involved with Key Club. Additionally, we have also started planning for two volunteering eventssettooccurinSeptember.Thefirstislocated in San Francisco's Oracle Park aka the home of the Giants, where we will be helping setup, distribute bibs/t-shirts, and overall support the marathon/race that will be taking place there. Our second event is a familiar sight as we will be working with Sunday Streets again to help setup and carry tasks as needed.

Lieutenant Governor Rea Angela Vera Cruz

Executive Assistant Melody Chen

Executive Assistant Natalie NG

Executive Assistant Lucas Nguyen

Newsletter Editor Catharine Nightingale

Division Secretary Julia Tsuei

Carlos Menendez

Spirit Coordinator

Serene Li

Spirit Coordinator

Jernee Evangelista

PR Coordinator

Ting Ting Wang Service Coordinator

Charis Hsieh

Fundraising Coordinator



Emma Li


Phone: (415) 530-6815


Gaby Ejercito


Phone: (415) 559-6594


Angelo Sta Cruz


Phone: (415) 846-8808


Harjyot Kaur


Phone: (781) 354-9504


Darius Ruazol


Phone: (415) 439-9959


Manya Kumar


Phone: (650) 850-9294

Julia Tsuei

El Camino


Phone: (650) 922-5209


Rico TanChen


Phone: (628) 213-9675


Serene Li


Phone: (860) 969-1688

Liana Myvett


Phone: (415) 5354359

Tiffany Lum


Phone: (415) 769-9663

Manal Faisal


Phone: (650) 455-8385

Mallory Moore


Phone: (650) 4436-7825


Adylene Moran Valverde


Phone: (209) 914-7445

Lauren Ta & Jernee Evangelista


Phone: (650) 733-3734 | (650) 219-8362


Austin Moe & Angelica Enriquez


Phone: (650) 740-5368 | (650) 267-9300

Notre Dame
San Mateo
South San Francisco
St. Ignatius

Abraham Lincoln Aragon

2162 24th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94116 #: 415-759-2700


1000 Cayuga Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112 #: 415-469-4090

900 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 94402 #: 650-558-2999


1 Mangini Way, Burlingame, CA 94010 #: 650-558-2999

Burton Carlmont

400 Mansell St, San Francisco, CA 94134 #: 415-469-4550

1400 Alameda de Las Pulgas, Belmont, CA 94002 #: 650-595-0210

El Camino Galileo

1320 Mission Road, South San Francisco, CA 94080 #: 650-877-8806

1150 Francisco Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 #: 415-749-3430


3115 Del Monte Street, San


6996 Mission Street, Daly City, CA 94014

#: 650-550-7700

Lowell Mills

1101 Eucalyptus Dr, San Francisco, CA 94132 #: 415-759-2730

400 Murchison Dr, Millbrae, CA 94030 #: 650-558-2999

Notre Dame San Mateo

1540 Ralston Ave, Belmont, CA 94002

#: 650-595-1913


1201 Brewster Ave, Redwood City, CA 94062 #: 650-367-9780

506 N Delaware St, San Mateo, CA 94401 #: 650-558-2399

South San Francisco

400 B St, South San Francisco, CA 94080 #: 650-877-8754

St. Ignatius Westmoor

2001 37th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116 #: 415-731-7500

131 Westmoor Ave, Daly City, CA 94015 #: 650-550-7400

@d34naquaapes @d34n2022 KeyClub D34NAqua Apes

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