Responsibility card standard work

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Responsibility Card To solve problems and transfer responsibility


Table of contents Cover Page Summary Page Main Process Appendix A: PDCA Appendix B: Document Revision History Appendix C: How to Use This Document

2013-12-12 | Š 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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Summary When you encounter a problem that you don’t have the responsibility or know how to solve, use this process to explain how to properly transfer responsibility of a problem to its rightful owner.

Trigger Encounter a problem

Inputs   

Fill out problem card Put problem card up on board Share card in huddle

Timing Within next huddle meeting or when person responsible for problem comes into office.

Duration Varies upon how long it takes to find who is responsible for solving problem.

Output A card that describes the problem and lists whom should take responsibility of that problem.

Receivers  The person who claims responsibility for the problem at hand

2013-12-12 | © 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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Content 1. If problem involves someone but yourselfA: Fill out responsibility card  Your name  A short summary of the problem  The root cause of the problem

Note: If you think you have a good idea as to who needs to take responsibility of the problem, note it on the card, but do not give it to that person until you are positive they are involved with the problem. B: Post card on your huddle board in the hall. C: During next huddle explain the problem and identify who would be responsible for resolving that problem. D: Record name of person who has claimed the problem and pass the card to them. NOTE: This problem is your responsibility until the owner has been found. Once the owner has claimed the card the responsibility then transfers to that person. 1.a. Claimed responsibility for a problem E. Once problem has been resolved give a brief summary of the solution to the problem. If a root cause has not been identified please note it on the card.

2013-12-12 | © 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

Page 4 of 8 F. Store card in safe. G. Do a dance. 2. If problem involves only youNote: It is pertinent that you fill out a problem card when you encounter a problem so you can keep track of what works. A. Fill out responsibility card:  Your name (both on who encountered and who responsible)  Short summary of the problem  Identify the root cause of the problem  Short summary of the problem

B. Record problem/solution. C. Store card in safe. D. Do a dance.

2013-12-12 | © 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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Appendix A: PDCA Summary: This line is just a quick description of this PDCA project for easy identification. Start Date: YYYY-MM-DD End Date: YYYY-MM-DD PDCA project owner: Adjust: If successful, implement changes into the standard work. If unsuccessful, loop through again.

Plan: Problem (Root Cause):


Check: Notes on how the results aligned to the goals.


Implementation (6W):

Do: Notes on how the process was executed.

2013-12-12 | Š 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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Appendix B: Document Revision History This table describes the changes to Shingo Standard Work Template.docx. Date Note Editor YYYY-MM-DD

Summary of changes.

First Last

2013-12-12 | Š 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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How to Build, Maintain and Use This Document Format Keep the format of all standard work documents consistent with this template. The content pages, that contain the Main Process, are largely left to each individual to build in a way that makes best sense to them, except the requisite header and footer.

Headers & Footers The header and footer are included in all pages including the cover page. The header follows a format of “Page X of Y” where X is the current page and Y is the total number of pages. This is an auto text field in Word. The footer always has the following information:  Date of current edit in the following universal format “YYYY-MM-DD”  “© 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business” where the year stays current.  The path to the document. Include the file name at the end of the complete path.  Include the “Created by: Name” of the original file creator.

Overview page The overview page consists, as much as possible, of the following: Summary, Trigger, Inputs, Timing, Duration, Output and Receivers. Each of these are described in greater detail on page 3. Appendix A Proposed changes to the standard word document are designed in a PDCA. The intent of these pages is to give a documented and scientific process to making changes to the standard work. This allows all readers to see what worked and what didn’t. Add as many PDCA cycles to this appendix as needed. If you are unacquainted with the document, before proceeding with the instructions in this standard work, consider looking in Appendix A for current PDCA cycles. These may have baring on how you proceed with the process.

Appendix B Every time a standard process is updated, make note of it in the Document Revision History. Include the date in universal format YYYY-MM-DD and the name of the revisor. The file name is an auto text field and should automatically set itself.

2013-12-12 | © 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

Page 8 of 8 **This appendix can be removed from the document after it is converted from the template. However, it should always aremain with the template.**

2013-12-12 | Š 2013 Shingo Institute, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business | All Rights Reserved. Standard Work:Support:IT:Responsibility card standard work | Created by: Tom Davis

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