Ardour Logistics

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Contents Introduction 1. Content 1.1 Photoshoot 1.2Fabric 1.3 Text 1.4 Design

2. Production 2.1 Print 2.2 Paper 2.3 Fabric 2.4 Finishing

3. Publishing 4. Distribution 5. Promotion 5.1 Website 5.2 Viral Marketing 5.3 Launch

6. Timescale 7. Budget Summary

‘Ardour’ is unique bi-annual publication produced to guide, transform and inspire. An innovative direction in the world of trends, every issue will open the eyes and minds of the reader to the most innovative images, stories that encapsulate the current trends and identify with ‘Ardour’ philosophy. This document identifies the logistical implications of creating a magazine for the fashion arena and how a variety of elements will contribute in ‘Ardour’ becoming a tactile experience for the reader. Logistics will explore the content of ‘Ardour’ through the execution of photoshoots and the elements that are involved. The design and layout of the ‘Ardour’ will be explained in order to create a strong visual journey for the consumers. The production is a crucial part of the logistics process as this affects the content right through to distribution, and will help determine if it will become successful in today’s market and to be of a competitive nature to the existing fashion trend magazines.



This section will explain the initial content of ‘Ardour’ and the main sections that each issue will consist of, with regards to the layout design and imagery of this new magazine.

‘Ardour’ is a collection of fashion, style, alluring imagery, print textiles and colour.

Each issue will encapsulate the current trends that are inspired by both high end and high street fashion. Inspiring photoshoots narrated by the emerging fashion, fabric swatches to feel and colour collages, ‘Ardour’ is a new direction of style lookbooks.


Photoshoots Location Each issue will have a vast number of innovative photoshoots to captivate the reader’s imagination. There will be both studio and location shoots dependant on the art direction of the trend.

The studio that will be used for the studio shoots will be Hoxton Street Studios. Located in London, it offers 5 premier studios used for advertising, music and Fashion. It has hair and makeup areas, private changing rooms and client areas. Lighting and other props are excluded from the price however these only require a small fee to use, and would not need to be sourced from another company. Cost ÂŁ395

‘Ardour’ will work closely with a range of photographers, stylists and makeup artists to capture the most exquisite fashion images to feature in the magazine.


The photography will be commissioned by London based photographer Julia Kennedy. Known for capturing style, Julia produces incredibly dynamic photos. For a full day of editorial photoshoot is £850. This price includes any time in pre or post production. Cost £850


Hair & Make-up Stylist Hair and make-up will be produced by Carol Hayes Management. One of London's leading agencies in providing Hair & Makeup Artists to a range of clients, from the Catwalks of top fashion shows to editorial photo shoots and film shoots. There are many make-up artists within the agency but Carl Stanely, Nina Pach and Lisa Valencia have been requested. With each excelling in different styles, they would be requested for different shoots to show a range of looks. Cost £250 = VAT

Stylist Fashion Stylist Sarah Nash will assist the photographer in styling the models. Sarah has worked with many highstreet brands to luxurious from Zara to Net-a-porter on editorial shoots. Known for create beautiful fashion stories she will bring an innovative insight to ‘I’ll be your mirror’. Cost £350 £150 for preparation days.


Models will be requested through MOT models. Based in London, MOT is one of London and Europe's leading model agencies, specialising in high quality commercial and fashion models for stills and TV commercials. Cost ÂŁ550, which includes the rights for the images to be published.

Clothing Clothing for the photoshoots will be arranged through the PR team who will liaise with the fashion brands who will then send out the clothes on loan to be in the shoot as this creates wide publicity for the brands. Brands that will be used throughout the magazine will range from Topshop to Reiss.

Photo Editor There will be a small level of airbrushing involved due to lighting or small errors. However no attempt will be made in airbrushing the models as this is provide an unrealistic image. John Deaville is a freelance photographic editor operating in London, UK, and has been working alongside photographers and the commercial photographic industry since 2000. CostÂŁ40per hour.


Fabric Enriched with fabrics, ‘Ardour’ offers a new element to the fashion magazine arena. Not only visualisng stimulating, the readers will also be aesthetically pleased. With fabrics accompanying the trends, the readers will be informed of the current prints and textures. Sourced from Miroglio, a textile company specializing in the production of fabric will provide the readers with high quality material. With ranges from silk to cotton, there is a vast selection of materials that can be chosen. Priced at £10 per metre, the magazine will need 320,000 swatches (four pages consisting of four patterns). This works out at 870 swatches per metres therefore 380 metres of fabric would be required. Cost £3800 + VAT.


Layout and Design Design The design of ‘Ardour’ is crucial as this will set it aside from its competitors and draw the reader in. From the initial idea, it has been apparent that the layouts will be clear and coherent. A unique approach to displaying trends allowing the reader to be inspired With a variety of textured papers and prints throughout, a tactile element will connect with the consumer and will give the fashion conscious a piece to admire. Specialised papers will be chosen to carry through the design breaking up the different sections. The size of the magazine is an important element of the concept and therefore it had to be designed to fit into a handbag with the dimension of 23.6 x 18.1cm. ‘I’ll be your mirror’ will have white embossed front cover that is perfect bound to allow flexibility within its surroundings.

Text Text within the publication will be minimal. The text used will be in the form of short introductory paragraphs explaining the emerging trends as a concept is not to dictate what to wear but to allow the consumer to be visually inspired with the blank pages allowing them to create their own vision through words and images.


Production This section will explain the production methods of the print process, Publishing and distribution. This includes the suppliers for printing, finishing, paper types and publishing alongside the costs that will incur.

Printing & Finishing The printing and finishing process needs thorough planning in order to be executed and produce into a high quality magazine. Paper qualities are a very important aspect of this publication due to the concept of the magazine being aesthetically pleasing not only through the images and text but by the touch as well.

Many printers and Paper samples were sourced to ensure the magazine is produced to the desired outcome. ‘I’ll be your mirror’ will be produced at Print house, a design, pre-press, print and finishing Printers. Located in Northwest London, Print house is FSC and PEFC certified so that the printing is environmentally friendly showing ‘I’ll be your mirror’ is adapting to the ongoing climate change and environmental issue.

Print Requirement 20,000 magazines Approx 198 pages 130gsm Silk white 140gsm matte white Endpapers CMYK Colour Litho Ribbon Bookmark

The main bulk of the printing will take place at these printers however due to the specialty of the fabric pages, they will be specially put together by another company and delivered back to Print House for the finishing process.


Paper types The concept behind the magazine is all about textures and the art of aesthetics, therefore having textured and specialized papers throughout will enhance the experience of the consumer and will set it aside from the competitors. ‘Ardour’ will be printed on 150gsm white paper, silk matt supplied by Print house. However the tear sheets and inspirational sheets will be supplied by GF Smith.

Fabric Mounting The fabric pages are for the consumer to feel and gain an insight into different textures corresponding with different trends. As a mainstream printer is unable to produce this type of specialty print, another printer has been sourced that specializes in fabric card mounting and producing fabric collections. Located in Nottinghamshire The Sample Room is a company that specializes in sampling. They will produce cards that will have the fabric mounted upon from the instructions given. These will then be produced and sent over to the Print house for the binding and finishing touches. There will be one fabric card for each trend section which totals at 80,000cards. Cost ÂŁ3560 = VAT.

Binding and Finishing of the final print will also be executed by Print house Cooperation. The magazine will be PUR perfect bound finished with a silk ribbon bookmark with the emphasis of a luxury and personal magazine. Cost printing and finishing is ÂŁ23017



There are no adverts throughout as it isn’t coherent with the magazine. This is a personalized magazine that is luxurious and specialized. However there will be advertorials that will gain media attraction and brand awareness with each trend focusing on the high street clothes. There will be loose inserts in each magazine which will advertise brands and products keeping in tone with ‘I’ll be your mirror’. This will generate £129 per 1000 inserts therefore for the 20,000 required it will produce £2580 revenue.

Subscriptions Subscriptions will be available as this increases sales and consumer base. This also allows a certified income for the magazine. As a promotional offer, there will be 20% price off for subscribing to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th issue. This will advertised on the website and within the publication. Example: Bi-annual magazine subscription sales.

Vogue Paid Subscriptions: Verified Subscriptions: Newsstand: Total Average Circulation:

836,384 58,799 319,844

68.8% 4.9% 26.3%



Purple Subscription: 928,727 Newsstand: 154,146 Total Average Paid Circulation: 1,082,873

86% 14% 100%

Example: Bi-annual magazine subscription sales.



This section identifies the publishing process and how the magazine will reach retail.

The National Magazine Company is one of the UK’s leading media companies with over 20 brand platforms reaching more than 20 million adults every year. Ever growing always connected NatMag and NatMag brands are at the heart of women's lives, across many platforms. NatMag will help throughout the whole production from printing to the distribution. Publishers are not paid a set fee; however through the selling of the magazine it gets a % cover price of the sold copies . %= Cover Price (£15) X frequency X estimated copy sales This usually works out around 45%-50%. As NatMag will be have the staff of the magazine in house this would cost £24,000 for the editor, fashion editor, production editor and art director for one issue.

ISSN ‘Ardour’ is in process of receiving an ISSN number which will establish itself within a database that shows all publications worldwide. ISSN provides a useful and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers, making trade distribution systems faster and more efficient as well as consumers being able to find the magazine online.



After the printing of the magazine has completed, the circulation of the 20,000 magazines will be though Comag distribution. As the largest and most influential third party magazine distributor, Comag represents high profile market leading titles and global brands as well as niche magazines and specialist publications. Comag will carry about all the carriage of the publications from printers to distribution to wholesalers and then onto retailers. The distribution price is based upon the weight of a single copy of the magazine itself. An average magazine is 350 grams; therefore to deliver your 20,000 of ‘I’ll be your mirror’ to wholesale this would cost £360 +VAT. A further £65 per tonne for the delivery of the magazines from printers to the depot in Redditch.

‘Ardour’ be sold in large retailers such as WHSmith and specialist stores such as R.D Franks and online store Magma at the selling price of £15.

Image- Ardour sold on

Large retailers such as WHSmith can distribute the publication throughout their main 417 stores in order to gain wide consumer gathering. With a minimum 3issue contract it will cost £5700 to locate ‘I’ll be your mirror’ in the stores. However with the smaller specialised stores, there would be a longer commitment due to a smaller number of intakes with R.D Franks taking 45% remit. To be sold in Amazon and Magma a direct deal with the buyer would have to be made as they only sell subscriptions for a small amount of selected titles.



‘Ardour’ is an innovative publication produced to guide, transform and inspire its readers. This is a unique magazine in the fashion marketplace and alone promotes itself. However the in house PR team will advertise ‘I’ll be your mirror’ through online promotion, viral marketing and the launch event.

Website ‘Ardour’ website will be created to communicate and promote the magazine and ensure that the target audience is reached. This is effective through the design of the website which will be produced by Catch Digital who specialises in providing the design and technical production of websites. contain information about the brand, trend information, links to the featured brands and blog. There will be a link to order the print publication as there will not be an online version as the concept of the magazine is that it is a tangible interactive object. The design and branding of the website will be clean and neutral following through the magazines theme and will not detract the reader from the content. At first the website will be simple as this will help promote the print publication. However in the future, will develop and become an interactive website having gained a reader following, which could cost up to £100,000 dependant on the source of interactivity. Cost £7000

Image- Ardour website


Viral Marketing As digital media is a fast growing market, online promotion and viral marketing is key as it creates wide coverage to a mass market audience and will become a main source of communication. Viral marketing will include social networking sites, a blog linked to the website and a promotional teaser video.

Social Networking is vital promotion technique as it reaches its target audience and ensures that they know about the publication. Through Facebook, Twitter and online blog, followers of the magazine will be able to receive instant updates on the world of trends, what the magazine is doing and basic information about ‘Ardour’. This creates wide coverage as it not only target followers, but also magazine editors, journalists and bloggers which creates awareness of the magazine.

Image- Ardour facebook page Viral Marketing

Promotional Video The promotional teaser video will be produced on set of the photoshoots and capture behind the scenes footage. This will be sent out through YouTube and be the fronting on the website which will gain media coverage and essential free publicity. BlueCat productions will film the video and complete the editing which will then be uploading on the internet. Cost ÂŁ750


Launch The launch of ‘Ardour’ will take place in the Mess Room at The Saatchi Gallery, London the night before the release. The launch will be held in order to gain publicity with the media. There will be around 100 people invited including bloggers, journalists, brand representatives and fashionistas, each given a magazine on departure. Cost £500 Compulsary £750 = Sercurity guards + event insurance

Invitations will be planned and designed by Downey & Co, a bespoke invitation company. The invitations will be designed with the idea of a little curiosity and little luxury. Alongside the invitations being sent out will be the Press Pack. Press pack is a vital communication source to promote awareness of the magazine including a Press release which the in house PR team will produce. At the launch, there will be an interactive video of behind the scenes of the photoshoots and set of the magazine. This will capture the guest’s imagination and create wide media coverage through the blogging and feedback after the event. Canapés and drinks will run throughout the whole evening with live music whilst being photographed by Duncan Soar, a well established events photographer. Cost £1325 Kai Catering Live music £750 Duncan Soar £180 per hour



A week by week strict timescale of all the logistical elements that will be put in place in order to create the finished magazine.


Week 1

Initial research into concept, covering all the main areas from the brand, print, promotion and distribution.

Week 2

Research into Branding and creating an identity. Seek Catch Digital for branding and website design.

Week 3

Research into the content and production of the magazine. Flatplan will be drafted in order to understand the outcome and follow the brief.

Week 4

Source Publishers and meet with them to discuss publication.

Week 5

Planning of photoshoots and creating a storyboard. Contact PR agency to contact clothing brands to use for photoshoots.

Week 6

Book Models, Photographers, Hair and Makeup, Stylists and confirm clothing choices with PR agency.

Week 7

Source Printers, Fabric Suppliers and Paper Suppliers

Week 8

Work on branding and set up promotional website and email address. Create draft layouts of artwork. Meet with Fabric and Paper suppliers to test samples.

Week 9

Pre production of photoshoot. Clothes received from brands.

Week 10

Photoshoots and viral ad

Week 11

Photoshoots and editing of images

Week 12

Printers, Fabric and paper Suppliers booked. Meeting with publisher regarding timetable of distribution. Organise Launch Party and source location etc.

Week 13

Completion of written work. Slot in work and photoshoots and complete layout of artwork finished. Publishers confirmed where the magazines will be sold.

Week 14

Proof read artwork. All fabrics confirmed and cut. Image development for website. Launch event booked. Meeting with Downey& Co to design layout. Press Pack confirmed.

Week 15

Work on branding. Fabrics sent to the printers. Liaise with Pr agency surrounding launch event.

Week 16

Work sent to the printers. Viral ad sent out and website being updated.

Week 17

Fabric sent to the printers for binding. Invitations & Press Pack sent out

Week 18

20,000 copies have been printed and bound. Distributors pick up and take them to depot. Website goes live with updates on the daily blog.

Week 19

Promotion goes into overload and viral marketing. Magazines get taken to wholesalers for launch in one week. Press Release sent out to all media.

Week 20

Launch Party Launch of magazine.



This section explores all the costs for the logistical elements that are need to create the magazine.



Cost ÂŁ

Studio x 3 Hoxton Street Studios 395 Model x 6 MOT Models 550 Photographer x 6 Julia Kennedy 850 Hair & Make-Up x 6 Carol Hayes Management 250 Stylist x 6 Sarah Nash 350 +150 Clothing Ordered through P.R department Shipping Photo Editor- 5 hours John Deauville 40 per hour Total

Total Cost 1185 3300 5100 1800 2600 200 14,185

Print & Finshing


Paper GF Smith Printing & Finishing PrintHouse Fabric Migrilo Fabric Printer The Sample Room Ribbon Bookmark PrintHouse Total

Cost £ 1,631 23,017 3800 + VAT 3,560 + VAT 2,365 35,845

Launch Event


Location Saatchi Gallery - Mess Room Invitation x 100 Downey & Co Catering Kai Catering Photographer- 3 Hours Duncan Soar Music To be Confirmed Total



Public Relations In House Interactive Website Catch Digital Loose inserts Brands themselves Viral Marketing Social Networking Publishing NatMag Distribution Comag Promotional Video BlueCat Staff In House Total

Cost £ 500 room hire 750 Security + insurance 120 per personalised 50 53 per next 50 1325 180 per hour 750 budget 4,038

Cost £ 2500 per month (5month) 7000 + £129 per 1000 Estimated 20,000= 2580 Free %= Cover Price X fre quency X estimated copy sales 615 + VAT 750 Approx 24,000 44,937


The research, production, distribution and promotion will occur over a 20 week period. In this time, ‘Ardour’ will be set up, the branding of specialist magazine, the content will be produced, and the production and distribution into retail will be executed in an organised manner through a planned timescale. This is ensuring everything goes to plan and ‘Ardour’ is produced to the desired outcome.A contingency plan will be created in the emergency of the plans changing that are out of the magazines control. However should this happen there is enough time through the strict timescale for this plan to come into action. The total cost to produce and promte the magazine is £99,005. With the circulation of 20,000 books @ £15 will generate an overall cost of £300,000.


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