KHS Contact | Summer Schedule
YTD Statistics | Special Volunteer Opportunities
2018 Dog Walk & K-9 Festival Follow-Up and Thank You
T-Shirt Design Contest for the 2019 Dog Walk & K-9 Festival Shirts
Reverse Raffle Save the Date Little Brown Bats Facts
Honorary & Memorial gift directory for March 1st to May 31st, 2018
KALAMAZOO HUMANE SOCIETY 4239 South Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo MI 49008 | (269) 345-1181 |
HUMANE NEWS & VIEWS | KALAMAZOO HUMANE SOCIETY PAGE 1 Kalamazoo Humane Society Humane News & Views 4239 S Westnedge Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49008
(269) 345-1181 (269) 345-1290
PRESIDENT Stacy Nowicki VICE PRESIDENT Benjamin Damerow SECRETARY Karen Arvanigian TREASURER Mike Wittenberg MEMBER AT LARGE Bette Zawacki MEMBERS Sondra Nowak EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Aaron Winters DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS David Hess COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS Julie Barber VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Sarah Mead DONOR RELATIONS | ACCOUNTING Gail Starr RECEPTION STAFF Catherine Moore Linda VanOrder VETERINARIAN Dr. Francesca Nielsen, DVM VETERINARY ASSISTANTS Paulette Fenton Samantha Mejeur Penny Haight Daniel Browne Diane Schmiege Jessica Conkin
Don’t miss Animal Instincts Wednesdays from 1-4 PM at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum! These free hands-on programs feature 8 animal themes. While you’re there, stop by and say “Hi!” to Nipper who is on display during the Cats & Dogs exhibit (exhibit details on back cover). This is Nipper’s last public appearance before he’s returned to KHS where he will be on permanent display at the soon-to-be-constructed Animal Care & Resource Center. Visit for details and schedule. JULY 4
9 am to 5 pm; The KHS office will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July holiday. Regular hours will resume Thursday, July 5th. AUGUST 11
7:05 pm; Join KHS at Mayor’s Riverfront Park for Bark in the Park night with the Kalamazoo Growlers! Exciting entertainment; pet-friendly. SEPTEMBER 3
9 am to 5 pm; The KHS office will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Regular hours will resume Tuesday, September 4th. SEPTEMBER 27 & 28
Join staff and volunteers from animal shelters, rescue organizations, advocacy groups, policy makers, veterinarians, vet techs, educators, students and compassionate community members to learn ways to save lives in your community. More information at
Want to make a difference? Volunteering with the Kalamazoo Humane Society offers you the chance to make a difference in the lives of the animals of our community. We offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for those wanting to share their time, from cat grooming to community outreach and education.
Volunteers are our most important asset, and they do a remarkable job for the animals and our programs. Last year, our volunteers put in over 2,600 hours. That’s over $65,000 worth of work that could theoretically purchase 128,375 pounds of dog and cat food for our Emergency Pet Food Bank! What we do wouldn’t be possible without the help of our volunteers. If you would like to make a difference and join our fantastic team of volunteers, visit our website for a complete list of our volunteer opportunities and fill out our volunteer application.
Special volunteer opportunity! We will need volunteers for the Reverse Raffle on October 12, 2018! Volunteers are needed for set-up and during the event. For more details please contact Sarah Mead at 269-743-0393 or We’re always looking for passionate, outgoing individuals to help represent KHS at various community events! Apply to volunteer on our website and let us know that you are interested in special events!
Let’s talk about the Dog Walk & K-9 Festival The 2018 Dog Walk & K-9 Festival helped raise $64,700 for our services and programs! While we didn’t hit our fundraising goal of $75,000, we will still be able to do great things for animals with the funding we received from this year’s event! Our top-raising team, Camp Fido’s Walk with the Wranglers, raised $2,889. We also had four individuals raiser over $1,000 each! Special thanks to Kerry Mulholland, Janet Leonard, Yvonne Stork and Karen Arvanigian for your dedication! We’re able to do so much more for animals when we have amazing supporters like you!
doesn’t do much for actual fundraising. Fundraising involves asking friends or family to support you as you walk for animals like a traditional walk-a-thon.
We do want to let all of our event attendees know that we look closely at the post-event surveys and we make changes and improvements based on the feedback we receive. This year the surveys came back with two primary complaints: food at the event and cost to participate. Let’s take a moment to address these concerns and let you know what we have planned for 2019. We do plan to include some type of food with your registration, and we’re working on affordable options that won’t cause the registration cost to increase. In the past we had food donated to the event which allowed us to feed all of our event guests and no cost to us, but we aren’t able to include the same perks year to year as donations aren’t always available. We will include something, but every year is going to be different based on donations, sponsorships and overall participation so although it was nice to have a great lunch included in the past, we just can’t afford to do it on our own. We also still plan to have food vendors for those who want more than we’re able to include next year. As always, guests are welcome to pack a lunch and enjoy it at the event. The cost of registration ($20 / $30) includes the shirt and all event activities which helps to offset event expenses, but
We’ve made it easy to fund raise by partnering with FirstGiving, that allows you to create a personal and team on-line fundraising pages and easily share them to your social media and email contacts. If you haven’t helped us fund raise during previous Dog Walk events, please set a personal fundraising goal and help us during our 35th Annual Dog Walk & K-9 Festival! Forming a team is also a great way to get your business more recognition without extra expense! Top teams are listed on the event website, and as the friendly competition heats us, you’ll receive more exposure.
your cool design here
Friday, October 12 The Fetzer Center | WMU 5:00 PM Doors Open 6:00 PM Buffet Dinner 7:00 PM Raffles Begin
Presented by
For sponsor info or ticket sales contact Julie Barber or 269-743-0393
Join us for an exciting night of great food and games with fellow animal lovers just like you! With the support of Zhang Financial, the Kalamazoo Humane Society asks you to get your ticket for a chance at one of 16 cash prizes, including a $3,500 Grand Prize! Unlike a traditional raffle where the first ticket drawn wins, the grand prize will go to the last ticket drawn! There will be side raffles and prizes to win along the way to the last ticket, so buckle in
for an exciting night and many changes to win cash or prizes! Tickets for the raffle are $100 and include entry to the event with dinner and open bar. $50 tickets are available for those who want to attend but don’t want to participate in the cash raffle. All proceeds benefit Operation Fix-It low-cost spay and neuter clinic. If you can donate a prize or would like to volunteer, please contact us at 269-345-1181.
Bats activity may be increasing between July-August. Even though little brown bats mate during the fall, it takes seven months for a female to become pregnant. During June and July, a pregnant female bat will give birth to one pup.
from the winter months. Little brown bats may travel up to 100 miles to find a good place to hibernate.
The pups develop quickly. They can fly by three weeks of age, and are independent and the size of an adult at only four weeks old.
Due to the risk of Rabies, you should contact your local Animal Control or health department if you find a bat in your home. Pets, children and sleeping persons can be exposed to Rabies without necessarily knowing they were in contact with a bat.
Once the pups reach adulthood and can fly, home owners might see an increase in bat activity. Shortly after, mating begins again in August-September which can also cause bats to swarm around their roost, also called a hibernaculum. During late summer-early fall when temperatures drop, bats will hibernate in attics or other areas that offer protection
Bats can sleep for up to 83 days, but typically sleep deeply for 12-19 days at a time.
The Michigan DNR website has more information about bats and Rabies. You can learn more by scanning the QR code.
JULY2018 PAGE 6 We gratefully acknowledge these gifts made between March 1 and May 31, 2018 in honor & memory of beloved friends, family & pets. Honorary & Memorial gifts made between June 1 and August 31, 2018 will appear in the September 2018 issue.
In Memory of Pets… "Balah Bender" Friar Mark & Patricia Resetar and Barbara Gustafson "Coco" Krone Tim, Charlie, Amy, Olive & Sweetpea Krone "Cole" Dayharsh Mark, Ann & Stella Austin Gerald & Marie Dayharsh "Cookie" Zajac Jan Zajac "Django & Orso" Einspahr Jessica Hansen & Noah DeLano "Harry" Novess Monica Valdes "Jackie O" Coleman Mike & Deb Kosko "Katie" Oostindie Stacy Nowicki & Anders Dahlberg "Kiki" June Maxine M. June "Kirby" Halpert Janice G. Herrick "Liz" Lightenburg Janice G. Herrick "Lucy" Seelig Gilkey Lake Dog Walking Friends "Pansy" Brown Janice G. Herrick "Polly" Freed - Hershbein Joyce, Steve, Allie & Melissa Camhi "Sprinkles" Ballosh Geraldine Greve "Toby" Perry Mike & Carol O'Connor "Tuka" Havel Betsy Thorson
In Memory of… Dr. H. Dale Alkema Anita Lawson Dr. Edward Lean
Joyce JoAnn (Haas) Beebe Carroll J. Haas Burdett A. "Sonny" Belcher Mary & Dick Carruthers Chuck & Jan Cushman George & Joyce Galloway Dona Gilson Bruce & Susan Hutt Konrad & Linda Jockus Bud & Char Livingston Joe & Jackie McGuire Donald McPherson Audrey Taylor Westwood Firefighters Assoc. Henry "Hank" J. Bonnes Edward & Joan Bradley Jack & Nancy Flipse Dale & Darlene Griffith Josephine Koning Lois M. Smith Victor T. "Vic" Boucher Lorraine Baron John Hill & Rhonda Fle mming-Hill Law Firm of Miller Johnson Sara & Rob Nicholson John & Carol Stickney Katherine "Kay" Braybrooks Steven & Brenda Dougherty Jeff Carr Joel, Shannon & Zack Carr and Family Virginia "Ginny" Chamberlin John & Josette Songco Bailey Jeanne Dalton Chris & Pete Wilkins Dana Lynn Fish Peter Berger Greg Doty & Deb Walters Martin O. Gilcher Craig W. Cosby Martha Hall Lois M. Smith Bonnie Jean King Victor Kordish
Blaine & Jayne McLeod Diana Soens Linda Stearns Cathy McLay Ron & Denise Higginbotham Cliff & Paula Kegeler Clarence Nowakowski Lyle & Darlene Schenck Pamela Ozanich Bruce & Brenda Carroll David & Joan DeYoung Scott, Ramona & Adam McDavid John Pickron Bill & Veni Pillai Bill & Vicky Steffen Lynn M. (McLeod) Patterson John & Barbara Steffler John R. Smeda Anne Smeda William & Elly Smeda John Sorenson Kathy & Jim Chandler Donald & Ann Parfet Pat & John Griffith Pat Wilshusen Florence M. Swindell Mearl & Candace Marlow Terry Swindell and Linde Sandra K. Long and A manda James Edward "Jim" Wunderly Dr. Lori Montalbano Levine & Levine, Attorneys at Law Michael P. Zann Corinne Zann
In Honor of… Walter Biber Carol Black Donald & Christina Doyle Karmena Smith Ms. Vicki Harris Mary Frederick
Roy & Delores Leftwich Steven & Sharon Clark
Ginger Palmer & "Cruiser" Betsy Thorson
Margaret Ann (Jorgensen) McCormick Robert & Luanne Heemstra Cheri Jodoin
Lindsey Rooney Grandma Nie
Soon KHS will be packing up and heading to 3661 Easy Street near Sprinkle and I-94. Moving to the Easy Street location will allow us to get the Westnedge building in better shape to sell, and will give us more space while we wait for our new Animal Care & Resource Center! Until we officially move, you can still find us at 4239 S Westnedge Avenue and continue to bring scheduled pets to the Westnedge location for surgeries. We will make an official announcement when we know our move date, and we will inform scheduled surgery clients if there is going to be a change in location for drop-off and pick-up. Thank you so much for all of your patience as we struggle with tight-quarters at the Westnedge location. Our move to the temporary location on Easy Street will bring us one step closer to the Animal Care & Resource Center that we’ve all been working toward for so long!
Follow us for instant updates!