Technology Bytes Newsletter - September 2014

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“Inspired Technology Leadership to Transform Teaching and Learning”



TECHNOLOGY BYTES Naomi Harm, CEO ◆ PO Box 188, Brownsville, MN 55919 ◆ (608) 386-2018 ◆ ◆

PO Box 188 Brownsville, MN 55919 Phone: (608) 386-2018 Email: #nharm

S TAY C O N N E C T E D ! Click on the appropriate app icon below to download our app! app/innovative-educatorconsulting/id737480444?mt=8 apps/details? id=com.conduit.app_2318c8d33 d6845f6824c2a14923576f9.ap Conduit-Innovative-Educator-


Back To School Greetings from Innovative Educator Consulting! It is amazing to see that summer has raced by and we have all entered into a new school year. We have raced all over the midwest providing many technology integration workshops, summer tech academies and other teacher professional development opportunities. We have also had the wonderful pleasure of presenting on the national level in Washington D.C., Atlanta, South Carolina, and Oregon. It never ceases to amaze us the energy and excitement that teachers can bring during our events. It is great to remove the teacher hat from time to time and revitalize our energy and love for education by remembering that our most important job is to remain a lifelong learner. The end of our summer rush has allowed us to renew and revitalize ourselves as well to prepare for our new workshop offerings this fall. We are also evaluating our goals and celebrating all of our accomplishments. If you are new to Tech Bytes, we originally set in January a goal to help provide further support to educators through regular monthly communication in our “Tech Bytes e-newsletter.” This e-newsletter is our way of staying in touch with all our teaching friends around the region and nation that have shared a part in our trainings to keep you posted on technology news and events throughout our region as well as brief technology tidbits (Bytes) to keep you on the cutting edge of technology available to support you in your school, classroom, or building. We hope you find these monthly updates useful to support your learning throughout the school year! From everyone here at Innovative Educator Consulting~ we would like to wish you and all staff members returning to our schools, hallways, and classrooms the very best school year yet. You play such an important role in our young people’s lives and we greatly appreciate everything you do to empower them to change the world! Best wishes to a terrific 2014-2015 school year!

IEC’s Inspiring Professional Development Workshop Opportunities ........................................................................................................... 2 Googly About Google ............................................................................................ 3 Chats with Deb ....................................................................................................... 3


An Eye on the Globe: Global Collaboration International Dot Day and Global Read Aloud Project ......................... 4 Reflections from the ISTE Conference in Atlanta ................................... 5 iPad Apps................................................................................................................... 5

O CTOBER I NSPIRING P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT W ORKSHOP O PPORTUNITIES October 1 Get Your Google On Host Site: Wisconsin Rapids School District Come explore the wonderful world of Google Apps, Chrome Apps, Drive Apps and Extensions for education. Participants will be immersed in innovative ways of how to use Google Apps and resource tools to extend mobile learning opportunities for all of their students.

October 1 Mobile Literacy Centers for K-3: Producing Primary Thinkers and Creators Host Site: Wisconsin Rapids School District In this workshop we focus on building strong foundaBons for our youngest learners in Pre-­‐K-­‐3rd Grade taking a look at the best supporBve learning tools on iPads and other online web tools.

October 7 Mobile Literacy Centers for K-3: Producing Primary Thinkers and Creators Host Site: Holmen School District In this workshop we focus on building strong foundaBons for our youngest learners in Pre-­‐K-­‐3rd Grade taking a look at the best supporBve learning tools on iPads and other online web tools.

October 8 Mobile Literacy Centers for K-3: Producing Primary Thinkers and Creators Host Site: TBD In this workshop we focus on building strong foundaBons for our youngest learners in Pre-­‐K-­‐3rd Grade taking a look at the best supporBve learning tools on iPads and other online web tools.

October 8 Creative and Engaging Mobile Assessments for Learning Host Site: TBD In this hands-­‐on workshop, teachers will create engaging mobile DNA (Device Neutral Assessments/Apps/Activities) with Chrome and iPad Apps, and Web 2.0 resources to collect data, and use this feedback to check for student understanding during the instructional process, and to make adjustments to their instruction as necessary.


h.p:// Enrollment is limited to 30 educators s o register early to save your spot!

October 14 Get Your Google On Host Site: TBD Come explore the wonderful world of Google Apps, Chrome Apps, Drive Apps and Extensions for education. Participants will be immersed in innovative ways of how to use Google Apps and resource tools to extend mobile learning opportunities for all of their students.

October 14 Mobile Literacy Centers for K-3: Producing Primary Thinkers and Creators Host Site: TBD In this workshop we focus on building strong foundaBons for our youngest learners in Pre-­‐K-­‐3rd Grade taking a look at the best supporBve learning tools on iPads and other online web tools.

October 22 Moon Shot Thinking Host Site: TBD Allow your students to shoot for the moon through personalized learning research experiences. This workshop will empower you as educators to deliver a driving force of curiosity, problem solving and inspirational learning for each and every student in your classroom.

October 29 Moon Shot Thinking Host Site: TBD Allow your students to shoot for the moon through personalized learning research experiences. This workshop will empower you as educators to deliver a driving force of curiosity, problem solving and inspirational learning for each and every student in your classroom.

All workshops are available for graduate credit. Keep watching our website for more details as they become available -- 2

G OOGLY A BOUT G OOGLE Google continues to grow and change. It has evolved in many different ways over the summer months and many of you, if you did not dig into Google too often this summer, will notice some changes have occurred since last May. Here are a few of the key updates and information to help you keep up with the changes: GOOGLE CLASSROOM IS HERE! This new tool is designed for Google Apps for Education districts that help teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes. Your classroom workflow just got much easier. • Click here to get a preview of Classroom. • Here you will also have access to screenshots to help you see what is available in Google Classroom. • 3 different things you can do with classroom • Google Classroom Infographic GOOGLE SLIDES IOS APP IS HERE! You can download the app by clicking here. Slides joins the other Google Docs and Sheets apps that have been available since late spring. • Here are some ways to use Google Slides in Education. • Read more about the release of Google Slides THE NEW GOOGLE DRIVE! Google Drive has been around for a little over 2 years and over the summer it saw some major improvements and changes. If you haven’t logged into your Drive space since last spring you may be opening up to see a changed and simplified layout. Here are some important resources to keep you keyed into the changes: • Getting to Know the New Google Drive • New Google Drive: Shared Becomes Incoming




“Mrs. Norton’s Neighborhood”

GOOGLE FORMS: A WELCOMED CHANGE Google Forms is such a powerful tool for easy data collection. One of the biggest complaints we have heard is educators wanting a bit more flexibility in the themes and style of their forms! This past week brought great news...Wait no longer, we now have the power to personalize Google Forms. See the announcement here.

Mrs. Norton’s Neighborhood is back! Deb Norton began sharing her Chat with Deb segments earlier this year and after some wonderful job transitions and enjoying the summer she’s back! Congrats to Deb and her new position with the Appleton School District. You will be a wonderful asset to their entire district!

A FEW OTHER GOOGLE GOODIES • Google Apps Updates for June • Google Apps Updates for July • Google Apps Updates for August • 7 Ways to Customize Gmail, Add Features, and Save Time • Suggested Edits in Google Docs • 20 quickfire ways of using Google Apps in the Classroom

This month Deb shares ideas for App Smashing for International Dot Day. Deb shares some ideas to blend multiple tools together in a dynamic digital project. Check out several of the other ideas Deb has posed as a way of involving your students with International Dot Day and helping to “Make Their Mark” in the world! Click here to watch this Chat with Deb video. Sharing Technology blogpost





Each year there are more and more ways to connect your students to the world. Global collaboration projects are growing in numbers each year because of the motivation it brings to the classroom, while also covering many classroom standards through dynamically integrated lessons. Below you will see two wonderful examples to help your students experience the world through global collaboration.

I NTERNATIONAL D OT D AY From the Official International Dot Day website: International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began when teacher Terry Shay introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15, 2009. The Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark.” What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough of confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing, which has gone on to inspire countless children and adults around the globe. And each year on International Dot Day ~ with the help of people just like you ~ the inspiration continues. What started as a story in the pages of a book is transforming teaching and learning around the world as people of all ages rediscover the power and potential of creativity in all they do.

*Map Courtesy of FableVision: Read more here

Join others on and around September 15th-ish to celebrate International Dot Day with your children or students. In 2013 over 1.3 million celebrated in over 84 countries. So I challenge you to Make Your Mark this year! Just give it a try and see who you can inspire to do great and amazing things!


HELP YOU GET ROLLING ! Dot Day- An Educator's Handbook

The official Dot Day Song Music Video featuring a bouncing dot Matthew Winner- Librarian’s ideas on Celebrating Dot Day Celebrate Dot Day with some fun Augmented Reality! Watch the creations come to life!






The Global Read Aloud was created in 2010 with a simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. It began with about 600 students. Now, four years later and more than 200,000 connections made, we realize we are on to something larger than us so we look forward to continuing the global connections. As of September 7th there were more than 4,100 facilitators in more than 30 different countries participating. That equates to approximately 244,000 students from Kindergarten to college age participating and over 100,000 more than last year alone!

think of to make these connections. Teachers get a community of other educators to do a global project with, hopefully inspiring them to continue these connections through the year.

The premise is simple; we pick a book to read aloud to our students during a set 6-week period and during that time we try to make as many global connections as possible. Each teacher decides how much time they would like to dedicate and how involved they would like to be. Some people choose to connect with just one class, while others go for as many as possible. The scope and depth of the project is up to you. In the past educators have used Twitter, Skype, Edmodo,The Global Read Aloud Wiki, email, regular mail, Kidblog, and any other tools we can

The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm



Author Study: Peter H. Reynolds (Primary Levels)

B OOK C HOICES : The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo One For the Murphy's by Lyndy Mullaly Hunt The Fault in Our Stars by John Green We wish to thank the efforts of the creator of the Global Read Aloud Pernille Ripp, a Wisconsin educator. What is amazing is she began this project not knowing its reach, the impact it would have around the world, but now the project is attributed and successful because of all the connections and collaborations fostered around the world. We hope you will consider joining the Global Read Aloud project and exposing your students to THE WORLD!




Here is the number one tool all teachers and educators must check out. Broadcast your message to all Parents and/or Students. Remind is a great tool for added communication. What is great is you can access and send messages via the web at or the iOS app. Get the Android App Here. This device neutral tool has expanded over the summer and is now international. It is estimated 1 in 5 teachers is using this tool in the classroom. It is also great for extra curricular groups, coaches, and youth organizations. If you haven’t explored it yet, please take the time to do so. You won’t be disappointed. Here are some tools and resources to get you rolling: ✦ Erin Klein’s post about the BEST Back to School App for ALL Teachers ✦ Top 10 Ways to Use Remind ✦ Remind’s Back To School Guide ✦ Check out a NEW Remind Feature: 10 Tips for Using Stamps with Remind Messages Adobe Voice is an iPad app for digital storytelling. Click here to read a blog post about how Terri Eichholz is using Adobe Voice in her classroom. This app makes it fun and easy to create a digital story. While this isn’t completely app based, it is a great approach to balanced learning using hands on manipulatives we have all used in our lives and complementing it with technology for performance feedback. Osmo is a new product that combines play with critical thinking. Watch this video to see Osmo in action. Click here for their website. Pixlr Express Plus for iPad is a free app that provides intuitive tools for cropping your pictures and many other photo editing tools and techniques. Just like Instagram you will find different filters to give your photos an interesting look. Check out this demo of using Pixlr express to turn your photos into art. Google Apps Extra: 23 Google Apps for iPad Every Teacher Should Know About


R EFLECTIONS FROM THE ISTE C ONFERENCE IN A TLANTA Each summer comes the rush of conferences and other professional development opportunities. Several members of the IEC team were able to travel down to learn and present at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. We as a team were able to have wonderful conversations and learn some wonderful technology skills and lessons to bring back and implement in our upcoming workshops. We look forward to sharing our learning with others. Deb Norton provides you with a recap of ISTE2014. This years annual conference was hosted in Atlanta, GA and involved over 16,000 attendees. Come and see what all the excitement was about. This is a two part series. View Part 1 & Part 2 of Deb’s wonderful resource share out! Tim Nielsen also took some time to blog about his experience and takeaways from attending the ISTE conference this summer. You can click here to read his recap blog post. During the conference we saw a release of the Horizon Report. This report examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching and learning. Below you will find a brief summary as well as the full report for you to view. Horizon report K-12: Edition Preview Horizon report K-12: The full report You can click here to view many many more recap and blog posts from the ISTE conference with lots of resources to guide your learning.

We hope September provides for you a wealth of opportunities of inspiration, happiness and gratitude! #TogetherWeAreBetter from the Innovative Educator Consulting Team! Have a wonderful School Year!

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