Technology Bytes Newsletter - April 2015

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APRIL 2015


TEC HNOLOGY BY TES Naomi Harm, CEO ◆ PO Box 188, Brownsville, MN 55919 ◆ (608) 386-2018 ◆ ◆

Greetings and Welcome Spring! Yes it is true- Spring has sprung and we are finally being welcomed with warmer temperatures and sunny skies. This month’s Tech Bytes e-newsletter is full of hands on activities to keep your students engaged with creative Earth Day and global collaboration projects, while bringing world experiences, online experts, and wonderful learning opportunities right into your classroom.

PO Box 188 Brownsville, MN 55919 Phone: (608) 386-2018 Email: #naomiharm

S TAY C O N N E C T E D ! apps/details? id=com.appbuilder.u217926p14 app/innovative-educatorapp/innovative-educatorconsulting/id955196570?mt=8 consulting/id737480444?mt=8


Summer is right around the corner, and we hope you can join us with some exciting summer fun technology professional development opportunities. We have scheduled a multitude of Summer Tech Splashes, Get Your Google On Academies and a brand new offering of The K-12 Learning Space Symposium event. These hands-on tech events will be facilitated by national edtech presenters and will take place in several locations across the big beautiful state of Wisconsin. We hope you and your dynamic team can join us for these collaborative events to network with new teacher and administrator friends, and add many dynamic teaching resources and inspiring ideas to your digital toolbox.

IEC’s Inspiring PD Workshop Opportunities.............................................. 2

An Eye on the Globe: Celebrating Mother Earth.......................................6

Tech Tuesdays ........................................................................................................ 3

Global Collaboration Corner.............................................................................. 6

2015-16 Tech Leadership Sign-Up is Open ............................................. 3

Maps ............................................................................................................................ 6

The K-12 Learning Space Symposium ........................................................ 4

Resource Roundup ............................................................................................... 6

Autism Acceptance Month ............................................................................... 5

Show Me the Money: Contests & Grants .................................................. 6

National Poetry Month ........................................................................................ 5

Intel Engage Live Webinars .............................................................................. 7

Where is Innovative Educator Consulting .................................................. 5

The Digital Buzz Radio Show: Global Citizenship ..................................... 7

Googly About Google.........................................................................................5

Chats with Deb: Evernote ................................................................................... 7



The IEC Team is also gearing up for our 2015-2016 professional development services and new inspiring online offerings. Checkout page 3 to review and sign up your district for our “Midwest Agents of Change Technology Leadership Forums” and the new webinar series of “Tech Tuesday’s.” The Technology Leadership program will provide school leadership teams with critical insight on emerging technology practices and collaborative networking opportunities with neighboring school districts to find new solutions to streamline your technology implementation initiatives in your school. The Tech Tuesday’s webinar program will provide just-in-time emerging technology topics and researched-based classroom best practices through an online and interactive learning format each Tuesday. All 30 minute webinars will be recorded and archived to view when it fits into you and your educator’s busy schedules.

 WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES Keep watching our website for more details as they become available.

EVENTS June 11

April 15

Student Driven Action Research Experiences with Moonshot Thinking
 Host Site: Mauston School District Allow your students to shoot for the moon through personalized learning research experiences. This workshop will empower you as an educator to deliver a driving force of curiosity, problem solving and inspirational learning for each and every student in your classroom.


April 18
 Personalized Learning Collaborative: Get Your Google On!
 Host Site: Monticello School District

Come and explore the endless possibilities of Google Apps for Education and how you can deliver a more personalized, relevant, passion-driven learning experience for you and your K-12 students.

April 27

Creative and Engaging Mobile Assessments for Active Learning
 Host Site: Kenosha School District

In this workshop, teachers will create engaging mobile DNA (Device Neutral Assessments/Apps/ Activities) with Chrome and iPad Apps, and web 2.0 resources to collect data, and use this feedback to check for student understanding during the instructional process.

Summer Tech Splash
 Host Site: Wisconsin Rapids School District

June 16 - 17
 Summer Tech Splash
 Host Site: Iowa-Grant School District

July 7 - 8
 Get Your Google On Technology Academy
 Host Site: Madison School District

July 21 - 22
 The K-12 Learning Space Symposium
 Host Site: Arrowhead School District

July 28 - 29
 Get Your Google On Technology Academy
 Host Site: Medford School District

August 4 - 5
 Summer Tech Splash
 Host Site: Medford School District

August 11 - 12
 Summer Tech Splash
 Host Site: 
 Portage School District page


 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES TECH TUESDAYS Get ready for an exciting and new interactive professional development webinar program. IEC’s inspiring team of national edtech consultants are providing this new contracted service opportunity based on the needs requested from K-16 Schools

 SIGN-UP IS OPEN The Technology Leadership Forums are a contracted service from school districts in Wisconsin and Minnesota and are designed as leadership immersion experiences embedding ISTE Standards for Administrators and Educators focusing on six essential strands: • Modeling 1:1 Mobile Literacy, Blended and Online Learning

and universities. We will bring the learning to you each Tuesday morning through Adobe Connect and will provide you with just-in-time emerging technology topics and researched-based classroom best practices. All 30 minute webinars will be recorded and archived, and be made available for on-demand

• Strengthening District Technology Leadership with Support of ISTE Standards

playback to view when it fits into your

• Raising the Bar with Future Ready Schools

busy schedule. Visit our website for

• Redesigning and Transforming Classroom Teaching and Learning Spaces • Supporting Professional Development and Communities of Practice • Planning and Operational Strategies through Technology Law, Policy, Data and Ethics The program is truly collaborative, with participants engaged in active learning experiences modeled throughout the quarterly face-to-face leadership forums, and blended learning opportunities utilizing Adobe Connect for “anytime ~ anywhere” learning. The Technology Leadership Forums will also provide PreK-12 administrative and district technology leadership teams’ essential and critical information focused on federal, national, state level updates and grant funding. Visit our website for more information! page


more details including pricing and membership sign-up.

THE K-12 LEARNING SPACE SYMPOSIUM Helping Schools Create the Spaces Students Need Hosted by Arrowhead School District

JULY 21-­‐22, 2015

# k 12 l e a r n i n g s p a c e s

 1:1 Mobile Learning and Brain-based Teaching Specialist

David Jakes
 Learning Space Designer

Curt Rees
 Onalaska, WI School Administrator

The K-­‐12 Learning Space Symposium is the first of its kind to be offered in the Midwest. This exciting two-­‐day event will enable participants and school teams to explore the design of 21st Century learning spaces and how they support a variety of teaching and learning strategies, including personalized and brain-­‐ based learning. Participants will have the opportunity to vision and plan spaces through a design challenge that will be supported by a lineup of thought-­‐ provoking sessions facilitated by five widely recognized speakers and industry partners. Collaborative and in-­‐depth panel discussions with attending school district leaders and students will add additional voices to the experience. The Symposium sessions will be organized into three, interconnected strands that will challenge participants to examine how learning space and cutting edge pedagogies support the design of 21st Century student learning experiences.

 Oregon, WI School Inspiring Educator and Author

Jon Tanner
 Oregon, WI School Technology Director and Personalized Learning Specialist

Learning Spaces InstrucGonal Design Personalized Learning Through a highly engaging and interactive gallery walk, attendees will also have the opportunity to experience and test drive replica models of contemporary learning spaces, explore unique learning space resources and see the tools of learning space design. Throughout the Symposium, participants will use their experience to begin crafting a “learning space sketchbook” that will support a personal or team exploration of practical ideas associated with creating new spaces, or renovating or “hacking” their current school spaces. After the Symposium, all participants will receive a crowd-­‐sourced composite Learning Space Playbook that contains the ideas and insights generated by participants over the course of the event.

h t t p : / / n a o m i h a r m . o r g / t h e k - 12 l e a r n i n g s p a c e s y m p o s i u m



AUTISM ACCEPTANCE MONTH Autism Acceptance Month Autism Apps for OT Autism Programs, Supports and iPad Apps Autism Speaks Books Apps About Being Different Free app(s) of the day for awareness 
 of Autism Acceptance Month Google Chrome Assistive Technology Smart Apps for Special Needs

NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Education World Poetry Month Resources Four Free Poetry Apps from the 
 International Reading Association Read Write Think Acrostic Poem Interactive Online Poetry Resources Useful Resources for Teachers and Students




INNOVATIVE EDUCATOR CONSULTING? We have a wonderful line up of Spring sessions and some are occurring on Saturdays to meet your PD learning timeframes. Checkout all the upcoming events here. April 11


Tim will be representing IEC at the Minnesota Spring ITEM (Information and Technology Educators of Minnesota) workshop in Minnetonka, MN. There he will present on STEM Makerspace Mobile Learning Studios and Designing Learning Spaces for a Creative, Collaborative Future. Follow #mnitem April 11 - 12


Naomi will be presenting in Sun Prairie along with other Google Certified Educators in a two-day highintensity event focusing on integrating and using Google Apps for Education to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education. Hands-on sessions Naomi will facilitate will include: Chrome Smashing, Moonshot Thinking and Gizmos and Gadgets with Chromebooks to Enhance Learning.

May 9


Naomi will be presenting in Edina, MN for this event focusing on Google Apps for Education. Highly engaging sessions Naomi will facilitate Chrome Smashing, Moonshot Thinking and Gizmos and Gadgets with Chromebooks to Enhance Learning.

GOOGLY ABOUT The 2015 Google Science Fair is a science and technology competition across the globe open to all individuals and teams ages 13 to 18. See how you can enter the competition. See past examples and learn to inspire your students to dream big to change the world. 2015 Google Science Fair is now accepting submissions (Due May 19th) Here are some tips to remember and support your creative endeavors: How to Enter Identify Word Count in Google Docs

Interactive Poetry Sites for Education

6 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do in Google Sheets

Tips for Teaching Poetry

Conditional Formatting Improvements for Google Sheets

Teaching Channel- Poetry Pre-Reading Strategies

Coming Soon: New Ways to Share in Drive and Classroom Google Unveils Chromebit and other New Chromebooks





50 Earth Day Activities


100 Hours Outside: Nature as an Extracurricular Squiggles of Awesome Celebrate Earth Day with Scholastic


How To Smile

Squiggles Google Hangout Overview

Planet Pals

Big Question Challenge

Read-Write-Think Earth Day Activities

Bring In The Authors and Storytellers

Tour Builder: Put Your Story on the Map Google Lit Trips World Maps Online- 
 Classroom Lesson Plans Google My MapsCustomize and Create Your Own National Geographic’s MapMaker Interactive Google Earth for Educators

ePals and Projects

RESOURCE ROUNDUP Quench your “APP”etite with Adobe’s newly released iPad App, Adobe Slate for iPad: The Newest in Presenting a Visual Story. If you haven’t already seen or utilized Adobe Voice- be sure to check it out!

Guest Speakers On Computer Science Projects By Jen

Apple Offers 'For Educators' Collection of App Store, iBooks, and iTunes U Educational Resources A New Search Tool for You and Your Students 14 Apps for Higher Order Thinking A Guide to Using Canva in Education

Google Earth in the Classroom Mapping Skills in Elementary MapMaking Guide (Grades 6-8)

You Can Do a Graphic Novel- A Teachers Guide




Funding Opportunities Grant Alerts Grants For Teachers Grants To Educators Innovative Teacher and teacher Team Grants Small Grants For Teachers

Teachers Count Grants Teacher Development Grants Thank America Teachers This Big List of Educational Grants and Resources The Journal Grant Listing



INTEL ENGAGE LIVE WEBINARS Intel Engage offers monthly webinars that are FREE. Tap into these inspiring and insightful webinars created by and led by K-16 teachers. Many free tech prizes are also given away during these webinars for attendees collaborating on the trivia challenges related to the content of the webinar being presented. 
 Click here to view and register for all upcoming webinars. Intel Teach Elements: Project-Based Approaches
 Wednesday, April 22, 2015 4:00:00 PM CDT - 5:00:00 PM CDT What is the difference between projects and project-based learning? In this webinar, we'll explore Project-Based Approaches, an engaging professional development course for understanding and designed project-based learning experiences. ITL: The Wonders of Google Classroom
 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:00:00 PM CDT - 8:00:00 PM CDT Kelly Fitzgerald will showcase the wonders of Google Classroom. Google Classroom, the newest tool in the Google for Education suite, helps teachers create, organize, and deliver assignments to students. Through Classroom students are able to keep track of classwork, turnin assignments, and engage in class discussions. This webinar will also showcase the structure of Google Classroom and explore several integration ideas. Living and Learning in 2025
 Wednesday, May 20, 2015 4:00:00 PM CDT - 5:00:00 PM CDT As technology races forward what do we need to do today to prepare for tomorrow? Join futurist Brian David Johnson, as he explores the technological and cultural trends that will shape 2025.

April showers bring May flowers and the Intel Engage Digital Buzz radio show will be blooming with creative ideas focused on global citizenship and global collaboration projects. Naomi will also be broadcasting live from the Wisconsin Google Summit with engaging live interviews with Google Certified Teachers who will share their best teaching practices and digital blooms for April. Click here to listen to this radio show broadcast lineup and tap into the resources shared within this month’s broadcast.

CHATS WITH DEB “Mrs. Norton’s Neighborhood” This month, on Chat with Deb, we learn about utilizing Evernote to help students create and maintain a great digital backpack. This tool helps students stay organized and they can even utilize a mobile device to drop in pictures and audio clips to show support of their learning! Click here to review Deb’s overview of using Evernote for Students’ Digital Backpacks. Please tap into the many insightful posts that Deb has to share through Deb’s Blog: Sharing Technology



We hope April provides for you a wealth of opportunities of inspiration, happiness and gratitude! #TogetherWeAreBetter from the Innovative Educator Consulting Team!

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