Vol 79 No 3

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Volume 79 Issue 3

201 E. Tomlinson Longview, TX




Friday 02.12.2016





Love, American Style Students weigh in on romantic holiday. Jaylon Seastrunk / / THE LONG-VIEW

pages 8 -9


Friday, 2.12.2016

District Paper Released



Alyssa Shobert staff writer






Starting at the new semester, Longview ISD established a monthly district newspaper called The Longview Voice that was distributed to students, giving the latest information in the district. The LongView newspaper staff along with journalism classes from the middle schools will work with Sarah Lebus, Longview ISD’s new communications officer, to get this paper out every month. The first issue came out at the end of January. Stories cover everything newsworthy from the elementary, middle, and high school campuses. Although it is mainly about the district, there will be some additions by board members themselves, such as Mayor Mack attributing a column.

d the World n u Aro 1/8/16- Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, is captured by Mexican marines six months after escaping from a maximum security prison in July 2015.

1/28/16- The World Health Organization announced an outbreak of the Zika virus, which has spread to much of Central and northern South America since the initial infection in April 2015

2/9/16- The Democratic and Republican New Hampshire Primaries were held, with Businessman Donald Trump winning on the Republican side and Senator Bernie Sanders winning for the Democrats.

Senior Celebration

When: February 20 Time: 7 p.m. Location: Mickey Melton Center F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

Information gathered from cnn.com


Friday, 02.12.2016

MLK Parade


Sam Recendiz staff writer


Eighty-seven years ago on January 18, Martin Luther King was born. Today, every third Monday of January is celebrated as Martin Luther King day and every year on Martin Luther King Blvd. the late activist is commemorated with a parade. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) Lobo Battalion participated in the parade on Jan.16. Some people may not fully understand what King fought for or what the parade symbolizes, but there is meaning behind the march. “I think the parade means unity between all [because] that’s what Martin Luther King’s mission was, to bring unity between all people and all races,” freshman Jude Rucker said. “I think he brought more people together than anybody else

I’ve [ever] read about.” August 28, 1963, the march of Washington D.C. was attended by an estimate of a quarter of a million people. Several speeches were made but King’s remains one of the most famous speeches. “When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every valley and every hamlet, from every state and every city,” King Jr said “we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: ‘Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!’”

Freedom Walk The JROTC Color Guard leads the community during the MLK Walk to Mount Olive Baptist Church.

Marching Down the Boulevard Seniors Estrella Gonzales and Tyreick Lewis lead the Lobo Battalion down MLK blvd.

photo provided by Aurora Ruacho

photo provided by Aurora Ruacho

We Are the Lobos Sophomore Alicia Cerda and Freshman Cynthia Rojas pave the way with the JROTC banner.

photo provided by Aurora Ruacho

Pledging Allegiance Sophomores Joanna Compozano, Kiera Brice, Alondra Vega, and Dyron Franklin present the colors at the Broughton Center.

photo provided by Aurora Ruacho

201 E. Tomlinson Pkwy Longview, TX 75605 Volume 7 Issue 1 Adviser

Sasha Cantu


Estrella Gonzales

Editorial Staff Daniel Bally - News Editor James Babbitt - Sports Editor Victoria Weaver - Entertainment Abby Jester - Opinions Editor Emily Araiza - Feature Editor

Staff Writers

Alyssa Shobert Sam Recendiz Kim Perlata Yosef Ibitayo Kyle McCain

The Long-View is printed by Champion Printing. The LongView is a free publication distributed each month during the school year. The opinions expressed in The Long-View are those of The Long-View staff and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of LISD administration or staff. The LongView welcomes comments on school related issues. Names will be withheld upon request. We reserve the right to edit letters before publication. The Long-View is self-supported by advertising sales sold by newspaper students. Ads in The Long-View are $6 per column inch, with discounts for large ads. For more information, contact The Long-View Adviser Sasha Cantu at (903) 663-7181, or email at scantu@lisd.org.

Letters to the Editor

Parade Rest Seniors Estrella Gonzales and Tyreick Lewis stand at parade rest after marching in the parade.

photo provided by Aurora Ruacho

F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

The Long-View encourages you to submit us letters. It should be no more than 300 words. Include your full name and email or phone number (email and phone number will not be published). We reserve the right to edit for space, spelling, grammar, and libelous statements. Send your letters by email to scantu@ lisd.org or mail them to The Long-View, 201 E. Tomlinson Pkwy, Longview, TX 75605.


Friday, 02.12.2016

MLK Scholarship best way to teach people how to love like Reverend King did was through education. This January, as our nation “Through education, we can honored a man who changed learn to understand each other our society for the better, and better,” Roper said, “which as we continue to progress will help us live together as in making our country truly brothers and sisters in harmony “united”, three students and peace. Martin Luther presented their thoughts on King preached acceptance of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther everybody, no matter race or King, Jr.’s message of loving creed, and I still think that’s your enemies and how it applies applicable in today’s world.” to the world today. Second-place winner senior Senior Robyn Roper: who Jessica Saltou, who received a won first place in the MLK $1000 scholarship, responded Scholarship Essay contest and a to the prompt by stating that $1500 scholarship, said that the she would “lead by example, by Yosef Ibitayo staff writer

loving all of [her] friends and everyone regardless of money, status, or race.” When asked about the significance of Reverend King’s message to her, Saltou said “[Reverend King’s message] means a lot [to me], because he used non-violence across the country to incite a movement across the country. People are not doing [that] today, with riots exploding and everything like that, so it means a lot because the world is able to see what non-violence does and the power of that, and people aren’t looking at that like they should

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right now.” With the mixing of different, yet similarly volatile opinions being commonplace in the world today, the two seniors were asked their thoughts on how people with said differing opinions should interact. Roper reiterated her stance on education being the key to unity, also noting that differing opinions are a healthy and necessary part of the advancement of society, while Saltou said that they should interact calmly and with level heads, without avoiding each other.


Friday, 02.12.2016

open Carry Controversy New gun law sparks debate Open Carry On Open Carry Off Kyle McCain staff writer

Is the new open carry law good or bad? There has become an uproar of controversy in America due to the passing of this law. I myself have pondered upon a not 100% validity on this subject, but an eerie view of sensicality. In this country we are divided among very different social classes, of these, there are the ones with the rebel flag tattooed on their forehead, whom would still carry their gun on a holster, and only piece of legislation they know are the right to bear arms, and God bless America. Guns have molded this country in many ways and will always be around. With this new law there are certain qualifications that must be met in order to indulge, a psychological and target test, along with a record check and you must be 21. Without these steps to be able to earn this right, I would probably lean more towards open carry as a bad thing, because with these steps the person has to be very willing, and I don’t necessarily think anyone would go through said process just to go shoot somebody. This law isn’t made for killings to occur, but for your protection, the likely shooters would do this anyways, even without a law, so I think these steps of securing your right to openly carry makes sense, because there will always be murderers, so why not be able to legally protect yourself and loved ones?

Cannen Hanzik guest writer

Photo by Abby Jester // THE LONG-VIEW

On January 1, 2016, Texas Government passed a legislation that allows for qualified citizens to openly carry a handgun in a holster. Most people would argue that allowing people to openly carry a weapon would reduce crime rates. However, data reciprocated from the national census states that since concealed carry has been in effect, crime rates have gone down 33%. Ever since the law was passed in Texas, there has been no change in crime rates from when it wasn’t in place. How has open carry really helped us when concealed carry dropped the crime rates? According to a 3-year study of Texas crime statistics, Texas CHL (Concealed Handgun License) holders were were 13 times less likely to commit any crime than the general population. To me, keeping concealed carry would be the best thing, but we should allow more schools and more businesses to concealed carry. Most mass shootings happen in places that people can’t have a weapon to protect themselves with. I believe that gun-related crimes would substantially decrease, and it is not an infringement to our 2nd amendment that allows us to keep and bear arms. I believe that having open carry may, in fact raise the rate of gun related crimes, though. Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely for being able to have a firearm with you, I just don’t think that having them openly visible and easily accessible to everyone is a good idea. It is true, that those who frequently commit crimes will always have a way to get firearms, but I would feel much safer if I were able to protect myself through subtle means, not making myself an easy target by having a visible firearm. Info from mysanantonio.com

Concealed Handgun Licenses In Texas Counties:

Illegal Weapon Carry At:

(Some) Correctional Facilities Public Schools Voting Sites Courtrooms Racetracks Airports

Harris- 30,972 Tarrant- 15,129 Dallas- 12,042 Bexar- 11,622

People who are licensed to openly carry a handgun must put weapons in holster, over shoulder, or on belt. washingtontimes.com


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RaNt CoLuMn The Dab Okay. Is the dab a Abby Jester opinions editor dance or just another stupid thing that decided to trend? I vote number two. I am sick of seeing this “dance” everywhere. Someone makes a slam dunk? Dab. Someone makes a touchdown? Dab. Someone just survived a roller coaster ride? DAB. Sense a pattern? Yeah, so do I. It’s a rather irritating one, if I do say so myself. It’s bad enough that it’s all over sports’ fields and social media, but it’s even MORE irritating when you have a friend who decides to send you the well known Cam Newton dab gif EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m not throwing shade, but you totally know who you are. I’m sorry if you think that dabbing is cool, but it’s not and it will never be. Supposedly the dab has been around for what, two-ish years? Who cares. If it was unpopular for that long, or popular on the down-low, then it should’ve never surfaced. I’m sorry if you think that the dab is awesome and you wanted to write an opposing argument to this rant, once again you know who you are, but it is literally impossible to validate why you like it because it’s stupid. Plain and simple. It’s considered a freaking dance and all it is is a head nod and a finger point. In the words of Anna Ward, it looks like you’re sneezing. How is that great? So what, you just won something. What are you pointing at? Who are you nodding at? What happened to the old fashioned motion of jumping up and down to celebrate victory? The dab is a waste of one second of the lives of those who participate, and a waste of one second to the poor souls having to witness it. Seconds add up, people. All I’m saying is that the dab is just another of our generation’s ridiculous fads. Oh, and I’m actually not sorry for internally judging and kind of hating you as a person for liking the dumbest thing since the quan.

Friday, 02.12.2016

Affluenza Absurdity Reckless behavior should not be excused, regardless of financial status Abby

Affluenza. For those of you who Jester opinions editor have never heard of this term, it

is used to describe a rich person who’s basically unaware that their actions are wrong due to the fact that they are wealthy. This psychological term is most commonly associated with Ethan Couch, a boy who injured a total of nine people, killing four. When Couch was 16 years old, he and his friends, all drunk out of their minds, piled into his truck. He drove 70 mph in a 40 mph zone and swerved off the road, hitting a parked car, killing four people standing, and injuring the passengers of his own vehicle. After the wreck, he crawled out of the car and walked away. He was soon tested positive for Valium and his blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit for adult drivers (.24) in Texas THREE HOURS AFTER THE INCIDENT. So, what do you think this kid’s punishment was? If you don’t know the story already, then you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you that he was found guilty on June 15, 2013 of four counts intoxicated manslaughter and reckless, drunk driving in juvenile court and only sentenced to rehab and ten years of probation, would you? He killed four people after illegally drinking and driving, and all he got was probation? Affluenza. Psychologist G. Dick Miller is the man who diagnosed Couch with Affluenza, ultimately helping to place him in rehab instead of 20 years in prison

(maximum sentence he could’ve received). According to him, Couch only behaved so badly because his parents taught him that he could do whatever he wants to because of how wealthy they are, so it’s not his fault. What has society become when someone kills four people and the only punishment they receive is rehab and probation? I can guarantee that this kid doesn’t want to go to rehab because he thinks he can do anything he wants to, and because of the stupid affluenza diagnosis, I’m sure he thinks he can get away with anything so he’s just going to break the probation. And guess what? After the time in rehab that was supposed to fix him, he broke probation by going to a beer pong party. Someone took a video and posted it, and that’s how Ethan was found and his case was reopened. He had a hearing scheduled for January 19, 2016 and there was a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) petition for his trial to be moved from juvenile court to adult court. Ethan deserves to be thrown in jail because that’s the one place he can’t escape his punishment. He didn’t even make it a fourth of the way through his probation. Affluenza is no excuse for killing people. He got drunk because he wanted to, then he chose to get in the car and drive. To be honest, I don’t even think Affluenza should be considered any kind of real condition. There is no condition for the poor for if they steal, why should there be any kind of excuse for the rich? Just because he doesn’t feel guilty doesn’t mean he should be treated like he’s innocent.

Did Somebody Say Chocolate? Who deemed chocolate the Abby Jester opinions editor candy of Valentine’s Day? Why

not gummy bears or sweetarts? Valentine’s Day had really begun to be celebrated by the 1840s, as Victorians loved love. Then came Richard Cadbury, a descendant of a notable British chocolate making family. He had improved the family company’s chocolate production technique by extracting pure cocoa butter from whole beans, which resulted in a more delectable drinking chocolate. This process also resulted in an overabundance of cocoa butter, which Cadbury used to make many different kinds of “eating chocolate.” Cadbury began selling this eating chocolate in elaborate boxes he designed. Soon, these boxes were decorated with Cupid, roses, etc., shaped like hearts, and were so beautifully ornate they could be used after the chocolate had been eaten to store mementos. Valentine’s Day celebration was dialed down and sugar had to be rationed with the outbreak of WWII, but chocolate was not forgotten and forever stuck to the holiday. Info from history.com F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com



Friday, 02.12.2016

When in Rome... Rangu family explores Italy Food, art, and architecture. The Rangu family experienced all of this and more on their New Year trip to Italy. The trip was initially inspired by Neal Rangu’s mother. “It’s always been my mom’s dream to go there,” junior Neal Rangu said. “She really likes the Catholic church and everything.” The Rangus stayed in Rome and took trips to most of the major Italian cities such as Vatican City, Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast, Florence. “[My favorite moment was] seeing David in Florence, the statue by Michelangelo,” Rangu said. “It’s different seeing it in real life.” The Rangus visited many landmarks in their travles. “We visited Pompeii and the ruins,” Neal Rangu said. “[In] Florence we saw the David by Michelangelo. [In] Vatican City we saw St. Peter’s Basilica, [the] Sistine Chapel, and

Emily Araiza features editor

the Pope Franci’s audience. [In] Rome [we saw the] Roman Forum, Circus, Maxima, Fountain Trevi, [and the] Pantheon. In Pisa we saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa.”

NEW YEAR IN ITALY Junior Neal Rangu and family traveled to Italy for New Years to see sights such as this statue of a river-god.

Adventure Time Students share memorable times of the new year

“RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards and it was a camp to become better leaders and better team workers. The first day was mostly about gaining trust with your team. The second day was pure teamwork. There were challenges that there is no way that one individual could achieve by himself. The last day was probablyu the best one. It was a high rope course that involved zip lining, jumping of a 40 foot tree trunk and trabbing a ring mid-air, and walking through ropes 30 feet off the ground.” -Junior Alejandro Martinez Berrios

NEW YEAR IN ITALY Junior Neal Rangu and family traveled to Italy for New Years to see sights such as the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. Photos provided by Neal Rangu

Emily Araiza features editor

“I went mountain hiking in Oregon. My church was going on a trip and I did it the year before. It was a lot of fun, I went to the Sawtooths. I really liked the scenery and being able to connect. [We were in the mountains] for fourteen days. We had only what we needed so basically we carried everything on our backpacks, so we’d carry food and pots and pans, and we would get water from the lakes and put iodine in it so it would be pure.” -Freshman Nicole Magee

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Photo provided byNicole Magee


Friday, 02.12.2016

Friday, 02.12.2016

, Estrella Gonzales editor-in-chief

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Friday, 02.12.2016

Bad Romance


Students open up about bad Valentines experiences February 14, a time for romance and happiness... for almost everyone. You either love it or hate it, celebrate it or forget it. Most people have experiences with it, some good some bad. Those who have had bad experiences have a story to be told. Most people, like Vamichia Butler, might say, “I have never had a Valentines,” but others may not have it so easy. “One time I got this chick a rose, you know in middle school you could buy the little rose and [the school would] deliver it, well I liked this girl a lot.” junior Tristen Fisher said. “So I decided to tell her a few days before. When she got [the rose] she stood up and tossed it in the trash.” Usually people think that these type of things don’t happen often to many people. You’d be surprised what actually happens to people around this time of the holiday. “I got cheated on the day before Valentine’s day. On Valentine’s day he broke up with me, and the girl [direct messaged] me on Instagram and told me,” an anonymous source said. “To top it off

Sam Recendiz staff writer


he bought her something instead of me.” Somehow people find beautiful ways to express themselves and their experiences. Some have specific details planned for the future. For senior Jaylon Seastrunk, he’s done some of both. “We weren’t dating or anything but I had a really huge crush on [her and] from the movie, I was hoping it would evolve to dating,” Seastrunk said, “but then [she] was like ‘haha [just kidding] I really don’t like you, I like somebody else’.” After this traumatic experience, Seastrunk made definite restrictions on the holiday of love. “So after that, I never, ever, ever, ever, ever put myself out there like that again. Now I’m just like I don’t want a relationship. I wanna stay single because people are not nice and they will take your heart for granted and stab it fourteen thousand times,” Seastrunk said. “No chocolates for me on Valentine’s Day.” Others find ways of continuing life. “My Valentine’s Day is a movie with my mother,” said anonymous source number two. “We went to go see Fifty Shades of Grey last year, and that was my Valentine’s Day.”




Photos from:

1.) https://www.pinterest.com/alexismakay/taylor-alison-swift-13/ 2.) http://giphy.com/gifs/ellen-page-do-you-babycouples-and-stuff-k68QNmNboqOUo 3-4.) http://www.hercampus.com/love/relationships/10-breakup-excuses-guys-give-how-react 5.) https://www.linkedin.com/ pulse/20141118125921-144734912-when-it-stime-to-break-up-with-your-testing-tool F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com


Friday, 02.12.2016

Zeru Dong Finds Home 7,233 Miles From Home Chinese exchange student adjusts to new lifestyle “In China, the teacher would move, move, move from class to class, but in America the students move, move, move from class to class,” Dong said. He leaves his structured life, comes to America “School here so far is easy, not much homework. In where his father lives- lots of change, but also China the teachers would give us many activities to opportunity. This is the new adaption sophomore do, and were very hard.” Zeru Dong, or how he likes to be called, Vic, must In China, Dong was taught to speak english in focus on fitting into. While being only in his first a classroom setting. He talks of his still recurring few weeks here, Vic seems to be soaring with focus hardship with the language, with all the different and a flow of nonchalance as if he has lived here his ways you pronounce and spell words, with similar whole life. appearances and sounds. “I like it here. In China it is very, very “For me, it’s really hard. I’ve been speaking it for crowded. You have a while now, and still I speak it no idea. I like it being very poorly,” Dong said. ‘Some I like it here. In China it not as crowded here,” words I can speak pretty fluent is very, very crowded. Dong said. “Even but others make me just mumble.” You have no idea. though I sometimes Vic’s school was very small. He enjoy all the people, told me so far he really enjoys the it’s more comfortable for a permanent stay.” size change, and in the short time he’s been at LHS, He tells me of his enjoyment in sports; he played it’s like he’s on a long field trip. Also with all the basketball in China, and wants to try out for the racial diversity it must be strange, after seeing the team here, but doesn’t know how him being so new same race and the same group of people everyday. would inevitably work. Food in China is a vast flavorful attention seeker, “I like the basketball. I would like to participate with many branches of Chinese and Asian foods in the Longview High team, but my English is very everywhere in America, it has become a household poor, and I don’t really know anyone.” and easy dish to go grab and take home. Going from the sardine-like packed streets of “With all the different meals and cuisines, we China to a much more subtle East Texas is like being ate a lot of different things,” Dong said. “Sometimes super hungry and having a full bowl of cereal, then in China we have the burgers, they’re really good, I within a couple blinks of the eye, it’s empty. In the enjoy them a lot.” To recap the interview I shook Mr. schools of China, class switching is actually totally Dong’s hand and was happy to make a new friend. opposite than here in America.

Kyle McCain staff writer

HOME AWAY FROM HOME Sophomore Zeru Dong poses for a picture Photo provided by Zeru Dong

Photo from: http://www.dreamstime.com/ stock-image-usa-china-flag-button-image24465651 F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com


Friday, 02.12.2016

Love Advice New Years Resolutions for Girls did you keep up with them? Sam Recendiz

Kim Peralta staff writer

staff writer

Valentine’s Day is legit around the corner. Girls, what are we gonna get? Is it roses, or Victoria’s Secret, or both? A contour palette for my makeup lovers? STOP IT. How about we think of the guys. The guys who are buying us all of these things. What are YOU getting HIM? Don’t spaz out, I’m here to help. I think a lot of girls will agree with me when I say GUYS ARE HARD TO SHOP FOR. Shopping for girls is hard, but at least girls give hints. Girls talk. With guys it’s “does he like v-necks?”,“What kind of cologne does he wear?”, “What if he doesn’t like it?” My main tip for you: do NOT go and get your guy friend a rolex watch because 1) you’re most likely broke 2) he is just a guy friend {friendzone} 3) That could be YOUR watch. So either you found a guy who likes stuffed animals and chocolate, or he’s a liar. PLEASE do NOT last minute shop becasue the stuffed animals are ugly. Trust me, you will stress unless it’s just a guy friend {friendzone pt.2}. Don’t be scared to diy. There’s so many cute things you can make with such meaning and a few bucks. There’s millions of diy videos of “gifts for him” so you don’t have to overthink anything. In all honesty, just enjoy valentines. If you are boyfriendless, friendless, and straight up lonely (like some of us) you can always hang with your other lonely friends. Fenny and I will be spending the day together on February the 14, if anyone is in need of plans please contact us. Also, I will not care for what you get and I’m sure, if people don’t ask you, they don’t either. xoxo

New Years Resolution “[My resolutions were to] try better at school, turn in work on time, [and to] not argue with my parents.” Did you keep up with it? “[It has been] a little difficult but I’ve been following them.” -Jesenia Olvera, 11

New Years Resolution “This year my New Year’s resolution is to not have any, be happy with who you are.” -Mr. Guerrero

Are You Dateable?

1 2

New Years Resolution “My New Year’s resolution is to be a better person, get along with people, stay drug free, [and] get a raise at work.” Did you keep up with it? “Yes, I’ve been trying to follow it every day.” -Steven Yanez, 11

New Year’s Resolution “[My New Year’s Resolution is] to step up my life goals, not get influenced by others, and excercise every day.” Did you keep up with it? “Yes, I have been following my resolutions, I even said no to a twinkie.” -Arteyu Powel, 11

Sam Recendiz and Kim Peralta staff writers

It’s date night, what do you prefer? a)Movies b)Dinner c)Netflix and Chill

What do you buy? a)Chocolates b)Flowers c) Nothing, they buy you something

What do you wear? a)Jeans and a nice shirt b)Dress or Tux c)The Kanye West’s Yeezy line

Bringing them home goes like this...

a)Just friends b)Introduce them to everyone c)Sneak them in through the window

3 4

Mostly A’s: You’re pretty casual, so sure

B’s: You’re traditional, yes KEY Mostly Mostly C’s: Baby you need to simmer down

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Friday, 02.12.2016

Seniors Signing to Their Future Colleges

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

Emily Aguilar // THE LONG-VIEW


Friday, 02.12.2016

Just keep Swimming Swim team places 8th in the regional meet

Sophomores Justin Turgeon and Jorin Sides, and Seniors Truman Thompson and James Babbitt on the podium with 4th place on the 200 Medley relay. Victoria Leak // THE LONG-VIEW

Sophomore Justin Turgeon (lane 7) and Freshman Sam Taylor (lane 6) swimming in the 100 Butterfly. Victoria Leak // THE LONG-VIEW

Sophomores Austin Lawson (lane 3) and Jorin Sides (lane 5) swimming in the 50 Freestyle. James Babbitt // THE LONG-VIEW

Lobo Swim team watching the meet next to the warm up pool.

Sophomore Nickolai Van Zyl, Jorin Sides, Austin Lawson, and Senior Cannen Hanzik, huddeled up before their 200 freestyle Relay.

Victoria Leak // THE LONG-VIEW

James Babbitt // THE LONG-VIEW

Sophomores Jorin Sides and Austin Lawson, Seniors Cannen Hanzik and Ross Duvall on the podium with Fourth place in the 400 Freestyle relay. James Babbitt // THE LONG-VIEW

Freshmen Nicole Magee, Samantha Taylor, Maritza Gonzalez, Junior Alpha Gonzalez walking to the blocks for their 200 Freestyle relay.

James Babbitt // THE LONG-VIEW F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

Freshmen Nicole Magee, Samantha Taylor, Maritza Gonzalez, Junior Alpha Gonzalez on the podium after the 200 Medley relay.

Victoria Leak // THE LONG-VIEW


Friday, 02.12.2016

Legends Never Say Die Lemmy Kilmister Dec. 28 2015

Alan Rickman, Jan. 14 2016

David Bowie, Jan. 10 2016 Alyssa Shobert staff writer

Glenn Frey, Jan. 18 2016

Natalie Cole, Dec. 31

They say celebrities die in threes, though the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 gave us five deaths to mourn. Lemmy Kilmister, Natalie Cole, Alan Rickman, Glenn Frey, and David Bowie all departed within a few months, and even days apart. These unique legends leave behind grieving family and fans as well as a legacy that will never be forgotten. Natalie Cole was an actress, singer and songwriter. Known for her biggest hit, “This Will Be” the songstress is the daughter of the legendary Nat King Cole. Cole’s heavenly pipes attracted many greats such as Earth, Wind and Fire, After struggling with ongoing health issues, Cole died on New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles due to congestive heart failure. Founder and frontman of the classic metal band Motorhead, Lemmy Kilmister was an English musician up until his

death on December 28, 2015, just four days after his 70th birthday. Kilmister was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer which led to his death. Fans and members from other heavy bands such as Metallica, Anthrax and Black Sabbath took to social media and remembered their departed friend. He is survived through their love. For Harry Potter fans everywhere Alan Rickman’s death was a true tragedy. His role as Severus Snape will go down in history as will Alan’s legacy as an actor and performer. Rickman’s performance in Die Hard and many other famous films make him an unforgettable talent. Cancer took Rickman’s life on January 14, 2016 in London. His passing saddened many collaborators and friends, being one of the most admired British actors in recent years. Best known for his founding of the band the Eagles, Glenn Frey also was

an actor, producer, and songwriter. He played guitar and keyboard with the band, as well as lead singing in many of the Eagles top hits, including, “Take It Easy” and “Already Gone”. After earning six Grammy awards and five American Music Awards as a part of the Eagles, Frey took off on his own successful solo career when the band broke up in 1980.Since about 2000, Frey suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, which led to colitis and pneumonia. He passed on January 18, 2016 at the age of 67. Rock-and-roll star David Bowie was a diverse actor and singer. Bowie’s famous 1972 pop album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars followed his first hit song “Space Oddity” in 1969. His eclectic style attracted many fans, and put him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. At 69 years old, Bowie died of cancer on January 10, 2016 surrounded by family and friends.

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Friday, 02.12.2016

Estrella Gonzales editor-in-chief

Before Michael Bay’s 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, I never understood the whole “Benghazi” situation. It was a very obscure concept that adults failed to explain. All I knew about this Benghazi ordeal is that Hillary Clinton was in trouble over some emails. 13 Hours takes place in Libya, Benghazi on September 11, 2012, eleven years after the World Trade Center attacks. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans are killed by Islamic militants. In a nearby compound, six former U.S. soldiers at a secret CIA annex defy orders from the chief CIA commander by responding to the attacks. In Bay’s film, the soldiers are repeatedly told to stand down and not to rescue the ambassador. As reported by Time’s Sam Frizell (“The True Story Behind the Benghazi Movie 13 Hours,” Jan. 16, 2016), Hillary Clinton is never mentioned in the movie, which is true. However it is clear that, in Frizell’s words, “Clinton’s world of government technocrats and sheltered professionals failed to save lives.” Up until that point, Benghazi had never seemed so clear to me. It was astonishing that the film was powerful enough to refrain from pointing the finger; instead, it depicted the truth, the whole, confusing truth. I personally waited throughout the whole film for Clinton’s character to be portrayed, but after the final ending credits, I was disappointed at the complete lack of emphasis on her. She didn’t need to be depicted, though, because the results of such incompetence are be more than enough to really get the viewer upset. Bay was smart enough to let the acting do all of the explaining. From the low protection in the Middle East, to miscommunication to the government, watching the utter confusion all round in a time of crisis is the most important point of the whole film. Viewers were warned that the film would make you angry enough to stand up and yell at the screen, and in my case, they were right. This is one of the most important events in recent history, and everyone should pay attention. It really makes one question the validity of our government, because, to be honest, we deserve the truth.

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