Vol 79 no 5

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Volume 79 Issue 5

201 E. Tomlinson Longview, TX

PROM , PAGES 4 & 5



Friday 04.29.2016





Your Vote, Your Voice Students weigh in on elections, candidates Estrella Gonzales/ / THE LONG-VIEW

pages 6-7


Friday, 04.29.2016


d the Wor n u o ld Ar







Prince was pronounced dead at 10:07 AM at the age of 57 in an elevator in his Minneapolis compound on Thursday, April 21. Autopsy was conducted the next day. The results are pending.

Uwa Ihionkhan Krisana Yuen Trevor O’Connor Soumya Donty

Juniors Rutvi Patel Lucy Castillo Chris Guck Neal Rangu Naomi D’Arbell Daniele Farren Jason Randall Daniel Bally Aaron Brown

Sophomore Amy Inita Joyner-Francis was killed at the age of 16 after being brutally beaten up by three classmates in Wilmington, Delaware high school bathroom. Charges will be filed against the attackers.

Target announces new policy that allows transgenders to use the restroom of the gender they personally identify with. The British have advised travelers to beware the South due to strong LGBT disapproval.

Information gathered from cnn.com

TSA Members Qualifying for National Competition Seniors



Levi Grant Stephanie Guck Justin Melendez

Freshman Ejehi Ihionkhan Brady Miller Payton Schaap Samantha Taylor Kathryn Roper Surya Donty Ben Taylor Sam Pistone Nitin Rangu

May 2016 AP Testing Schedule Alyssa Shobert staff writer Monday, May 2: Chemistry at 8:00 AM and Psychology at 12:00 PM, both in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Tuesday, May 3: Spanish Language at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 210; Art History at 12:00 PM in Room 121. Wednesday, May 4: English Literature and Comp. (12th) at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Thursday, May 5: Calculus AB at 8:00 AM in Room 236. Friday, May 6: U.S. History at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Monday, May 9: Biology at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Tuesday, May 10: U.S. Govt. and Politics at 8:00 AM and French Language at 12:00 PM, both in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Wednesday, May 11: English Language and Comp. (11th) at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 210 and Room 121; Macroeconomics at 12:00 PM in the Upper Gym by Room 210. Thursday, May 12: World History at 8:00 AM in the Upper Gym by Room 200, Upper Gym by Room 210, and Room 121; Statistics at 12:00 PM in the Upper Gym by Room 210.

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201 E. Tomlinson Pkwy Longview, TX 75605 Volume 79 Issue 5 Adviser

Sasha Cantu


Estrella Gonzales

Editorial Staff

Daniel Bally - News Editor James Babbitt - Sports Editor Victoria Weaver - Entertainment Abby Jester - Opinions Editor Emily Araiza - Feature Editor

Staff Writers

Alyssa Shobert Sam Recendiz Kim Perlata Yosef Ibitayo Kyle McCain

The Long-View is printed by Champion Printing. The LongView is a free publication distributed each month during the school year. The opinions expressed in The Long-View are those of The Long-View staff and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of LISD administration or staff. The LongView welcomes comments on school related issues. Names will be withheld upon request. We reserve the right to edit letters before publication. The Long-View is self-supported by advertising sales sold by newspaper students. Ads in The Long-View are $6 per column inch, with discounts for large ads. For more information, contact The Long-View Adviser Sasha Cantu at (903) 663-7181, or email at scantu@lisd.org.

Letters to the Editor The Long-View encourages you to submit us letters. It should be no more than 300 words. Include your full name and email or phone number (email and phone number will not be published). We reserve the right to edit for space, spelling, grammar, and libelous statements. Send your letters by email to scantu@ lisd.org or mail them to The Long-View, 201 E. Tomlinson Pkwy, Longview, TX 75605.


Friday, 04.29.2016

RaNt CoLuMn

Computer Testing


After Prom Estrella Gonzales editor-in-chief


-Faster grading

-Not paper...sad that they’ve replaced

one of the only things that technology had not taken over

Prom has to be

-Most people type faster than they write

one of the most anticipated

nights that students look forward to in their senior year in high school. Cliches about prom are often depicted in many right-of-passage teen movies where

I envisioned my prom as this wonderful night

prom dress. Everything about my senior prom was so underwhelming. I can’t even tell you who was Prom King and Queen because it was just under-played. I thought that crowning moment would have been so beautiful to watch but instead I was trying to poke my head above the crowd to see what was going on, and when I finally got a glance all I saw were random people dabbing. Yes dabbing, so not royalty etiquette.


filled with fun just like in the movies, but in reality I and thinking I spent way too much money on a

-Staring at a computer screen for too long isn’t healthy

generation nowadays

in this case it has already been forgotten.

sat with my date while we waited for a slice of cake


-Technology is easier for today’s

the characters make it a night to remember. However,

Abby Jester opinion editor

-People don’t have to worry about pencils (sharpening, erasing, bringing a No.2, etc.)

-Harder to access

-Essays have easier requirements regarding length

-No answers are safe

previous questions

Administering Online Tests: Teacher MoS Teachers give their opinions about computer testing

Now I’m not going to talk about an after party prom in particular, but this town has a problem. After prom should be safe and after what I saw it was the exact opposite. All Longview ever builds are nursing homes and chain restaurants, which offers nothing for safe after prom activities. Our youth should not have to drive an hour to go get drunk at parties and ruin their reputations and lives. So yes prom was terrible and I thank God that I don’t have to repeat this ever again. I went because of the people, everyone looked gorgeous and it’s one of the last times we will all be together, but let me make this clear: prom wasn’t worth all the money I spent and I know for a fact I am not the only person in this school who feels this way. Especially after prom, these parties have no business being extremely exclusive or dangerous. We need to find a middle ground before someone gets hurt.

Katherine Weatherspoon

11th, 12th English

“Last year I [administered online tests]. I think if we did online [testing] more that it would probably be easier because the student is used to seeing screen[s]. That’s just my personal opinion. Years ago I took a test on a computer and I felt like I had to be more aware of what was going on than [with] paper and pencil, so I think eventually it’s a better deal. I think there’s less chance of cheating also because they’ve been putting things on either side [of the monitor].”

Jennifer Jamerson

11th, 12th Pre-Calculus “The difference between the online and paper [tests is], I would say, online offers a lot more resources. I liked [the online tests] because the kids were more self-sufficient. I believe it cuts down on the irregularities such as cheating. I feel like to transition for college readiness, online testing [is] what’s expected when you go off to college. So I think it’s great to transition to where education and where society is heading rather than traditional and old.”

Monica Hawkins 9th, 11th, 12th Biology

“I like the online tests a little bit better, and the only reason why is because we get the scores back faster and we don’t have to make sure all the answer documents [are] in order. It takes hours to prepare all those booklets to get sent back off after they take the test, so it’s less hassle with the online tests. I know that there was a glitch last time. That probably was an oversight. [ETS, the company giving the test] can handle it, they just happened to mess up at the wrong time.”

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Christopher Stout 9th English

“As far as administering, the online is the easiest to administer. For the students, I think it depends on their preference, but I think the paper might be easier because you can go back and you have something tangible you can look at again and write on with you. I like a combination of both, so when I do tests, if there’s multiple choice I’ll print out a class set of tests and then I’ll have them use the clickers to answer.”


Friday, 04.29.2016

A Midsummer Night’s Prom Emily Araiza feature editor Yosef Ibitayo staff writer

TEEN ROYALTY Prom King and Queen seniors De’Keithan Ingram and Chantrel Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW Hutchings dance on the floor after being crowned.

VOGUE Seniors Allison Monthie-Kemp and Jaylon Seastrunk dance the night away. Jaylon Seastrunk // THE LONG-VIEW

LADIES MAN Seniors Andrew Vo, Kyleigh Johnston, and Tiffany Faber Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW pose for a picture. THROW IT UP Senior Emily Aguilar dances to a popular Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW song.

STUN Senior Sabion Noble and his date Gaybrielle Salone take a moment to snap a picture. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW

THREE AMIGOS Seniors Frida Reyes, Shay Massey, and Josue Soria pose for the camera. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

SWEET TUNES 2008 Longview alumni Brittany Crowe plays the piano as students vote and take pictures. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW


Friday, 04.29.2016

Prom continued...

Emily Araiza features editor

CHEESIN’ Senior Chelsey Templeton smiles for the camera. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW CAUGHT OFF GUARD Junior Landon Calhoun, seniors Reed Fisher, Josue Soria, and Junior Hayden Montoya look towards the dance floor. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW

SMOKIN’ Senior Dale Wallace and his date junior Nita Brimmer smile for the camera. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW

ALL HAIL THE KING AND QUEEN Seniors De’Keithan Ingram and Chantrel Hutchings smile as they are announced prom royalty. Jaylon Seastrunk // THE LONG-VIEW

SLAY Seniors Eric Taylor and Gaylen Lyons are all smiles. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW

DATE Senior Josiah Willis and his date junior Lauren Benjamin relax during prom. Jaylon Seastrunk // THE LONG-VIEW F I N D O U T M O R E AT O U R W E B S I T E a t www.lobonow.com

MODEL STATUS Senior Seema Brimmer stuns in her dress with her friend Jaemyn Quinn. Monica Arreguin // THE LONG-VIEW

ON FLEEK Senior Akiva Knighton poses for the camera at prom. Jaylon Seastrunk // THE LONG-VIEW


Friday, 04.29.2016

Friday, 04.29.2016

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Friday, 04.29.2016

College TIPS Kim Peralta staff writer


Be prepared to have sleepless nights full of homework.

2 Always make sure you write down dates, so buy a planner.

3 Keep your stuff organized, especially if you are going to be in a double-dorm.

4 Always secure all your stuff. You don’t want it stolen.


Take early college classes at your high school.


Stay healthy, hydrated, and work out. Beware of the freshman 15.


Scholarships: all throughout high school, apply for them.

8 Get a part time job just to help cover your own expenses.

Dangerous Signs

Tips for when the rose tinted glasses break Estrella Gonzales editor-in-chief Young love, isn’t it sweet? Dating in high school can be fun. You’re both learning and finding yourself as people and figuring out who you want to be in life; everything is great. High school relationships are fine and dandy and honestly shouldn’t be taken too seriously because, after all, we are still kids. Yet, what do you do when your relationship has taken a dark path? We are all still so young and some people encounter situations far beyond their years when it comes to dating. So here are some tips on what you should do and some signs to help you see if you are one of those cases. #1: He Treats Other Girls Better Than You This is something that has surely gone extinct in this day and age: chivalry. There have been cases where a significant other can completely toss you to the side emotionally because he compliments other girls and not you, or spends more time talking to them and not you. I totally get that you may be not the prettiest girl in school, which is fine, but you have a lot more to offer than looks and if he doesn’t get that then that’s his loss. #2: He Lies, Over and Over (9x)

Hello, giant red flag here. Girls, let me tell you something. If you catch your boy in a lie, and I mean a ridiculous, unnecessary lie, just leave him. It will spare you the heartbreak and humiliation, especially if he keeps cheating. The saying goes, “You fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Don’t be a fool. #3: He Will Do It Again Now listen up because this is a very serious problem. If he/she is physically, sexually, mentally, or emotionally abusing you, leave. Run. Run away as fast as you can and never, ever look back. Out of all the advice I have ever given in all my tips, this is the one you need to remember. Ladies, you can not go into a relationship thinking you can fix somebody. You are not God. Dating Violence is extremely serious and should not be taken lightly, and it occurs more often than you think. Please do not wait months or years to get out of a controlling and abusive relationship. Find someone you can trust, talk to a parent, a teacher, a counselor, or a pastor at church, and talk about it. I know it’s hard and I know it’s scary, but you can save a life, even your own. You are worth saving.

dating violence the facts

Roughly 1.5 million high school boys and girls in the U.S. admit to being intentionally hit or physically harmed in the last year by someone they are romantically involved with. 1 in 3 young people will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. 33% of adolescents in America are victim to sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional dating abuse. In the U.S., 25% of high school girls have been abused physically or sexually. Violent behavior often begins between 6th and 12th grade. 72% of 13 and 14-year-olds are “dating.” 50% of young people who experience rape, physical, or sexual abuse will attempt to commit suicide.

info gathered from dosomething.org

Corrections and Apologies for Volume 79, Issue 4 NEWS Pg.3

One Act Play: Amadeus Junior Alex Lammers, name spelt incorrectly.

senior to start resturant NEWS Apologies to Kelsey Pg.4 Dunn for failure to write and place story. senior Celebration F E AT . Seniors Kybrin Sheridan Pg.7 and Uwa Ihionkhan, names spelt incorrectly. Failed to identify Lakendra Henderson.

Winning Argument F E AT . Written by Alyssa Pg.10 Shobert. Class Favorites F E AT . Failure to name all class Pg.11 favorites, did not mention worst drivers.

SPORTS Pg.13 March madness

Story was not timely.

lobo varsity

SPORTS baseball Pg.14 Failure to

identify players, no photo captions.

10 things ENTERT. you need to Pg.16 know Failure to state the story was about Broadway musical, Hamilton.

did we miss something? Let us know at scantu@lisd.org

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Friday, 04.29.2016

A tipping point

Multiple problems with Olympics held in Rio Yosef Ibitayo staff writer

Two years ago, the vice president of the northern South America, and thus Brazil, since last May. There International Olympics Committee, have been rumors of the American and Kenyan teams pulling John Coates, declared the preparations for the 2016 Rio out of the competition due to Zika since February, though so Summer Olympics to be “the worst [he has] experienced.” far, there have been no withdrawals. Now, with only four months until the events begin, the only Another issue, the corruption within the Brazilian thing that has improved is the government, has been in contention for compeltion of the venues. many years, but has only recently become Among the litany of issues connected to the Rio Games. The Odebrecht facing the quadrennial event, there Organization, a Brazilian manufacturing are two primary areas of concern: conglomerate, is being investigated for the sewage-quality water and the bribing officials from Petrobras, the state oil rampant corruption surrounding company, in exchange for contracts. These Brazil’s officials. contracts include the building of a subway line The water in Rio de Janeiro’s connecting Rio’s beach zone to a station near waterways, as well as Rodrigo de the Olympic park in Barra da Tijuca, almost Frietas Lake, the primary venue half of the Olympic venues themselves, and The Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio Photo from Travellingmoods.com apparently “all major public works”. for Rio’s Olympic watersports, has been heavily contaminated with Adding into the mix the continuing human excrement as of last July; the governor of Rio state, Luiz recession in Brazil and the overarching corruption scandal and Fernando Pezão, was cited in the same month as saying that investigation into nearly all levels of Brazilian government, the the Lake will not be cleaned in time for the event. Adding on 2016 Rio Olympics seems to be a tipping point for the nation in to international concerns, the Zika virus has been present in the years to come.

Dead rotting fish in the Guanabraa Bay

Photo from Nationalpost.

Trash and filth fills the bay where many sports will compete

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Photo from Gizmodo.com


Friday, 04.29.2016

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Friday, 04.29.2016

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Friday, 04.29.2016

Home for the Wolf-Child The Jungle Book 2016 movie Yosef Ibitayo staff writer

Disney’s The Jungle Book, from Iron Man director Jon Favreau, is, first and foremost, not a remake of the seminal 1967 animation so much as it is a good, if flawed, merge of Rudyard Kipling’s stories and the film everyone knows and loves. The titular jungle is an often muted locale, wreathed in mist at its heights and dripping with water on the floor below. At one point in the film, we are treated to a cliffside view of the entire expanse of the region, and it is certainly a sight to behold. For that moment, I forgot that everything that I was seeing was purely CGI, and I could only marvel at the sheer sense of life hidden just underneath the verdant canopy. Of course, the jungle is not made up purely of its flora. The animals in the film are well-animated, if not a bit disconcerting whenever they talk. You can see the actors behind them in their eyes and facial motions, and it leads to a bit of breaking in the audience’s ability to suspend their disbelief. In something brought over from Kipling’s original stories, they also possess a sort of society, with the main start of the conflict in the story happening at a neutral location known as “Peace Rock” in the dry season of the jungle. This sense of community was one thing that particularly fascinated me as I was watching the film, as this theme was never explored in the seminal animation. It’s darker tone, on the other hand, does not hold upon reflection. The primary characters do very little to endear me to their stories. When Mowgli leaves Akela’s pack with Bagheera, he continuously questions the panther as to why he must run from Shere Khan, despite the obvious fear that the other animals have towards him. In this way, he comes across as a bit of a fool, despite his apparent aptitude with machines, or “tricks”, as Bagheera calls them. Bagheera himself is annoying with his constant insistence that Mowgli adhere to the “law of the jungle” and not be what he is, and Baloo is obviously the bear version of a con artist; he insists on of honey for the winter, like a reincarnated Winnie the Pooh, despite having a wide variety of food sources surrounding him. “Bare Necessities” even explicitly says that he eats ants! The lesser characters have barely a lick of development in their arcs apart from their interactions with Mowgli. For example, Christopher Walken’s King Louie doesn’t have nearly as much of a fun personality as Louis Prima’s original orangutan, instead coming off like some sort of fat simian mob boss, and Lupita N’yongo’s Raksha comes across only as a concerned mother for Mowgli and her pups. The only character that I can say I really enjoyed was Shere Khan. Idris Elba is terrifying as the scarred Bengal tiger; he exudes an unsettling sense of dread and rage from the very first time we see him at the “Peace Rock” meeting, and whenever he attacks, the ferocity is a sharp break from the otherwise light tone of the film. But those are still the only good things about him. He simply lacks in substance, like all of the other characters. All in all, The Jungle Book is a good movie on the surface, but when you attempt to dig deeper into the meat of the story, you ultimately find something stringy and soaked in nostalgia. I would recommend seeing it once, then sticking to the 1967 original. All images found online

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