June 12, 2024 CI

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1 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024

inside Insider


JONVANFLEET (jvanfleet@cmonitor.com) NEWS

ARIANNAMacNEILL (amacneill@cmonitor.com)



ADVERTISING DIRECTOR STEVEPARE (spare@cmonitor.com, 369-3229)

2 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 The Concord Insider is published weekly by the Concord Monitor. Our offices are located at 1 Monitor Drive, Concord, NH. Our postal address is P.O. Box 1177, Concord, NH, 03302-1177.
Bookoftheweek...............................................................................................................................................................15 Bulletinboard ......................................................................................................................................................................5 ThisweekinConcordhistory ........................................................................................................................................18 the theconcordinsider.com 9 bee’skneessocialclub
success:Clubraises $130,000 find it CONCORD AVIATION SERVICES WE CAN TEACH YOU TO FLY! 71 Airport Road Concord, NH 603-228-2267 www.confbo.com Find us on Facebook /ConcordAviation NE-439200

citizen science

White Farm Bioblitz a great success

TheWhiteFarm Bioblitz,previewed byDavidBrooksin theConcordMonitor,wasagreatsuccess. Thiscommunityeventwas hostedbyProjectSEEinthe ConcordSchoolDistrictin cooperationwiththeUNH CooperativeExtension.54 participantsjoinedusalong with18volunteerleaders forabeautifulmorningof exploringandlearning abouttheoutdoors.Together,weidentifiedover 170speciesofplants,animalsandfungiontheWhite Farmproperty!Many thankstoallwhoparticipatedinthiscitizenscience effort!

4 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
COURTESY COURTESY NE-439728 The Best Gift Ever! Purchase a gift certificate or prepay for a friend so they can schedule SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR DEEP CLEANING! Scan here for more info! MOBILE AUTO DETAILING - SERVING MAJORITY OF MERRIMACK AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FULLY INSURED TEL: 603-333-5600 IN-DEPTHMOBILE.COM WE OFFER SENIOR CITIZEN & MILITARY DISCOUNTS! Follow us on Facebook NE-444236 91 Sheep Davis Rd, Pembroke NH | 603-228-8294 Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm | Sat 8am - 6pm | Sun 8am - 5pm Scan QR code to see our surprise specials DON'T FORGET FLOWERS FOR YOUR GRADUATES! Here are some big days in June: June 4 - National Donut Day (we've got Chichester Store Donuts) June 8 - National Best Friends Day (we’ve got great cards & gifts in the shop) June 13 - National Weed Your Garden Day (but really we know you have to do it more often than that) June 14 - Flag Day (yes, we’ve got flags too) June 16 - Father’s Day (Fathers garden too) nicolesgreenhouseandflorist.com Presented by: MarketDaysFestival.com JUNE 20-22 10 AM-10 PM Thank you to our presenting media sponsors Scan for more info! Mr. Aaron Mr. Aaron Puppet Shows Puppet Shows Storytime Storytime Flying Gravity Circus Flying Gravity Circus Reading with Reptiles Reading with Reptiles KID FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES! 3 STAGES OF LIVE 3 STAGES OF LIVE MUSIC ALL 3 DAYS! MUSIC ALL 3 DAYS! Kids’ Music Classes Kids’ Music Classes Bounce Houses Bounce Houses 4 Station 4 Station Bungee Jump Bungee Jump

‘Cthulhu: The Musical!’

Aftersold-outperformancesalloverthewest coast,PuppeteersforFears, Oregon’sonlydedicated puppetmusicalhorror troupe,willbringitsoriginalshow,Cthulhu:theMusical!,toConcordforaperformanceJune26at CapitolCenterfortheArts aspartofthecompany’s 2024summertour.Far fromthelo-fipuppetshow stereotype,theproduction featuresafullcastoffive actorswithelaborate custom-madepuppets,a full-rockband,andprojectedmultimediabackgroundsforanimmersive andengagingtheatricalexperience.Theshowwill takeplaceattheCapitol CenterfortheArts’BNH Stage,16S.MainSt.,in Concordbeginningat7:30 p.m.Ticketsbeginat$25; forages18andup.

Church yard, bake sale

EastCongregational Churchisholdingabig yardandbakesaleonSaturday,June22,from8a.m. until1p.m.Expertlymade woodcraft,too!Shopat51 MountainRoadinEast Concord.Bagsalestartsat 11:30a.m.Churchislocated3/10milenorthof theExit16trafficcircle. Call224-9242orvisit eastchurchucc.org.Seeyou


Tea with Jane

“TeawithJane”willfeaturePhyllisGagnonasJane PierceonSunday,June30, from2to4p.m.atThe PierceManseinConcord. Janewillwelcomeguests, provideashortoverviewof

herlifeattheManse,and thencirculateamongthe seatedguestsinthe Manse’sdiningroomand parlortoanswerquestions. Duringtheevent,guests willenjoyabuffetoftea sandwiches,scones,anda varietyofsweetandsavory bites.Teawillbeserved

tablesidebyJane’shouseholdhelpers.Seatingislimitedto32people.Tickets are$25perpersonandand canbepurchaseduntilJune 25bycalling603-7155566.Cashandcreditcards areaccepted.

Radio Club will hold ‘Field Day’

TheContoocookValley RadioClubwillbeoperating"FieldDay",anannual EmergencyPreparedness Exercise. Ifyouwouldlike toparticipate,orlearn

moreaboutAmateurRadio, pleasecall428-3840,before Friday,June,21st.

Attic treasures sale

OnSaturday,July13, from9a.m.to2p.m.,Our LadyofFatimaChurch,724 MainSt.inNewLondon willhostanattictreasure sale.Lotsoftreasures! Householddécorandfurniture,smallappliances andkitchenitems,books andtoys,puzzlesandmuch more.

5 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 bulletin
COURTESY ThePierceManseinConcord. Country Carpet & Oriental Cleaning When Quality Counts Call (603) 526-8485 or Text (603) 746-2240 NHCARPETCLEANERS.COM • Carpet Cleaning • Rug Washing • Upholstery Cleaning Free Pickup & Delivery! Buying Old Oriental Rugs any condition 603-753-6200 | 191 Village Street, Penacook | NHFurnitureStore.com Monday-Friday: 9:30AM to 6:00PM • Saturday: 9:30AM to 5:00PM • Sunday 11:00AM to 3:00PM Come on in and get comfortable #1 Furniture Store ALWAYS FREE LAYAWAY & 0% FINANCING Vote Us Again!

Beatles instrumental tribute takes the stage derry opera house

Getreadytotwistand shoutbecause“WhileMy GuitarGentlyWeeps”is bringingtheinstrumental magicofTheBeatlesalong withacaptivatingmultimediaexperiencetothe DerryOperaHouseonJune 29at8p.m.


periencethetimelesshitsof theFabFourlikeneverbeforeasthistalentedinstrumentaltributeacttakesthe stage.From“HeyJude”to “LetItBe,”immerseyourselfinthemelodiesand harmoniesofallyourfavoriteBeatlesclassicsona nightthat’ssuretobefilled

6 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
COURTESY Anne Carroll, Cindy Bradley, David Leach, Rowan McClure, Shannon Clancy-Burgess Ace, Bella Raimer, Chloe Knapton, Dewey, Maximus, Milo, Newton, Olive Amidon, Oreo, Vidalia, Willie Boots, Bowdi & Sammy, Brody, Snicker doodles Abby Lange, Barbara Chr Callie, Chris Stevens, Dennis P Fitzgerald, Irene, Hiram & Frances, Julie Hart, James A Spring, Katy Burns, Kay Graves, Laurette Thibeault, Rhonda L Borey, Rita Bianca, Sammy Gobin, Terry Church, Tilly


Butthat’snotall!Inadditiontothemesmerizing music,“WhileMyGuitar GentlyWeeps”willalso featureadynamicmultimediacomponent,addinga visualdimensiontotheexperience.Preparetobe transportedbacktothe swingingsixtieswithstunningvisualsandarchival footagethatcomplement themusicandenhancethe overallatmosphereofthe show.

LedbyGuitarVirtuoso NeilD.Santosthisgroupof seasonedmusicianswho shareapassionforTheBeatles,“WhileMyGuitar GentlyWeeps”capturesthe spiritandenergyofthe iconicband,deliveringan unforgettableinstrumental performancethatwillhave youdancingintheaisles. Sograbyourtickettoride andjoinusforatripdown memorylaneattheDerry OperaHouseonJune29. Whetheryou’readie-hard Beatlesfanorjustlooking foranightofgreatmusic andentertainment,“While MyGuitarGentlyWeeps”

promisesaneveningyou won’tsoonforget.

Ticketsareonsalenow andcanbepurchasedonlineatGentlyWeeps.band. Don’tmissyourchanceto experienceTheBeatles’instrumentalmagicandmultimediaextravaganzalive onstage!

SponsoredbyNHGuitars inWyndham,NH

7 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
COURTESY SUNRISE HEATING & COOLING (603) 507-2600 Family Owned • Fully Licensed/Insured Contractors sunriseheatingac@gmail.com Call us for all your HV C needs! Call us for all your HVAC needs! www.concordimagingcenter.com Compassionate Cost-Conscious Care Concord Hospital Campus Pillsbury Building 248 Pleasant Street, Suite 106 Concord, NH · (603) 415-2902 Horseshoe Pond Medical Center 60 Commercial Street, Suite 101 Concord NH · (603) 415-9444 Lung Cancer Screening Osteoporosis Screening Colon Cancer Screening 3D Mammography CT Scan Ultrasound Truly Open MRI Same-Day X-Ray "Take control of your health." 163 Manchester Street, Unit 2, Concord, NH 603-456-8294 • www.TrendAcupuncture.com

Writer’s Cafe continues grounds cafe canterbury

Covered Bridges, past and present

JoinKimVarney Chandlerasshepresents anoverviewofthehistoriccoveredbridges nearCanterburyand sharesinformationon theareacoveredbridges thathavebeenlostto time. Followingtheprogram,Kimwillbeavailabletosigncopiesof CoveredBridgesofNew Hampshire.Thiseventis sponsoredbytheElkins PublicLibraryandmade possiblebyagrant fromNewHampshire Humanities.Theprogramisopentothe publiconJune13at6 p.m.atElkinsPublicLibrary(9CenterRoad, Canterbury)

Concord-Laconia Connector Free Public Transit

WritersCafecontinuesat GroundsCafeonJune19at 6:30p.m.Freeformembers, $10fornon-members/session

Allwritersareinvitedtodeveloptheircraftduringthese cozywritingworkshops. TracyWood,aretiredEnglish teacherandlocalwriter,will leadthesessionswithanemphasisonthewritingprocess.

new london

Wewelcomeparticipants tobringapproximately500 wordstosharewiththe group.

Groundscafewillbeopen duringourtimetogetherto purchasebeveragesifanyone getsthirsty.

Becomeamember,andbe suretoreserveyourspot todaybyemailinginfo@ cfanh.org.

History and Humanities


12,000YearsAgointhe GraniteState,presentedby RobertGoodby

CAT now offers FREE public transit connecting Laconia, Tilton, Franklin, Boscawen, Penacook and Concord.

Our buses make four roundtrips per day, Monday through Friday.

You can hop on and off the bus at more than a dozen places along the route for work, shopping, medical appointments and anything else you need to do.

Save on gas and car repairs and save yourself the stress of driving when you ride the Concord-Laconia Connector.

Morethan12,000 yearsago,small groupsofPaleoindiansenduredfrigid wintersontheedge ofasmallriverin whatwouldbecome Keene,NewHampshire.


KeeneMiddleSchooldiscoveredtheremainsof theirstayand broughttolight oneoftheoldest NativeAmerican sitesinNewEngland. Thiseventisfree andopentothe publiconMonday, June17at5:30p.m. atWhippleHallinNew London.

8 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
A Senior Living Community Active seniors can enjoy an exciting lifestyle with fun daily activities. Granite Ledges of Concord is a lively community which supports our residents’ independence, while offering the security of a 24-hour staff, as well as personalized care services when they are needed. Call to arrange a tour today! Warmth | Friends | Laughter Joint venture between Genesis & Capital Region Health Care 151 Langley Parkway | Concord, NH 603-224-0777 | genesishcc.com NE-445548 Penacook Route Concord-Laconia Connector Briar Pipe Apartments Merchant’s Way Boscawen Park & Ride NH Veterans Cemetery Jamie Welch Memorial Field Merrimack County Jail Merrimack NursingCounty Home Franklin Industrial Park Hobby Lobby Tanger Outlets Belknap Marketplace Concord Hospital – Laconia Walmart Penacook Park Penacook Boscawen Lockmere 3 3 3 4 93 93
Bus Stop Locations Laconia 603-225-1989 concordareatransit.com For complete schedule information and detailed bus stop locations visit ConcordAreaTransit.com The Concord-Laconia Connector meets the Penacook Route for quick, easy transfers to/from Concord (and the first and last trips each day serve Concord directly)

knees social club

Roaring success: Club raises $130,000

Over200attendees dressedinroaringtwenties attiregatheredattheBee’s KneesSocialClubatChurch LandingatMillFallsin Meredith,NH.Theevent raisedcloseto$130,000to supportmaternitycare alongwithprenataland postnatalpatientcare throughprograms,services, andcapitalenhancementsat ConcordHospitalhealth system.

“Wearetrulyappreciative ofalloursupporterswho joinedusforafunevening relivingthejazzage,”said ChiefAdvancementOfficer VeronicaRosa.“TheNH JazzOrchestragavean amazingperformanceand keptourguestsontheirfeet cuttingarugallnight.Ialso wanttorecognizethewonderfulandattentivestaffat ChurchLandingatMillFalls andCommonManRestaurantsforhelpingus rescheduleoureventdueto thesnowstormweencounteredinlateApril.”

TheBee’sKneesSocial Clubwouldnothavebeen possiblewithoutgenerous supportfromourpartners, sponsors,supporters,and volunteers.Eventsponsors included1924Wines(DelicatoFamilyWines),Baker NewmanNoyes,BankNH Pavilion,BankofNew Hampshire,BarHill(CalendoniaSpirits),BrianKottensette,ConcordImaging Center,ConcordOrthopaedics,Davis&Towle, EngelberthConstruction, FidelityInvestments, HarveyConstruction,JP Morgan,MaryBakken,MS Walker,NewHampshire Distributors,Nuance,Prime Buchholz&Associates,RadiationOncologyAssociates,Scott&CandySloane, andSulloway&Hollis. ConcordHospitalTrustis thephilanthropicarmof ConcordHospitalhealth system,whichsecuresand distributescharitablegifts inaccordancewithdonors’ intentstosupporttheorganization’smissionof meetingthehealthneedsof individualsthroughoutthe communitiesitserves.

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Come get a good nights sleep with Sunmeds new CBN Sleep Gummies. Clinically shown to • Improve

9 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
603-715-1153 • HTTP://WWW.GETSUNMED.COM OPEN TUE - SAT 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CLOSED SUN & MON CBD PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE. FOR ADULTS OVER 18+ MIND: Gummies | Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble Bath and Beauty Mushroom Gummies BODY: Topical Gummies Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble Bath and Beauty Mushroom Gummies SLEEP: Gummies Long Lasting Tincture RISE: Gummies Long Lasting Tincture | Fast Acting Water Soluble | Mushroom Gummies PET: Treats and Chews Long Lasting Tincture TRIM: Long Lasting Tincture Soft Gel Capsule Trim Gummies Thank
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GET A CLUE interactive boardgame

Ifyou’vewonderedwhy youkeepseeingsmall groupsofpeoplepuzzling overclipboardsasthey wanderthroughdowntown Concord,thisisyourlast weekendtofindout.

Thosepeopleareplayinga liveinteractiveversionof theboardgameClue. They’repartofateam (calledGreen,Mustard,Pea-

cock,Plum,Scarlett orWhiteforobviousreasons!)huntingfor–what else?–cluestoanunsolved murder.

Startingwithabutlerat theCapitolCenterforthe Arts,44S.MainSt., theysearchfurnituretaken fromtheroomsinthe game’sTudormansion(the Library,theBilliardRoom, theBallroom,etc.)thatare nowdispersedthroughout


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10 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
COURTESY RIGHT ANGLE ENTERTAINMENT CluehuntersinConcord. Small local business and family owned. Special Offer 10% off your next Plumbing or Heating service. Just mention this ad 603-707-1175 | www.jenkinsplumbingnh.com $750 rebate on heat pump water heater (hybrid) install and up to 30% tax deductible • New construction • Remodels • Fixture Installs • Water Heaters • HVAC / Mini Splits / Ref • 24/7 Service Available • Boilers • Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning NE-440638 Swenson Granite Company, 1883 to 2016
determined, resolute in the face of the elements—few symbols characterize New Hampshire and the people who live here like the granite bedrock of our state. For more than 130 years,
New Hampshire, providing
building blocks that created the Library of Congress,
Brooklyn Bridge, battlefield memorials at Gettysburg,
other notable structures
the country. Join Kurt
the Swenson Granite Company
Swenson, the fourth-generation of Swensons to manage the company, as he talks about the dramatic story of this once family-owned business and the future of the granite industry in New Hampshire. This talk is co-sponsored by the Concord Historical Society and NH Historical Society, with support from the Walker Lecture Fund. Admission is free and open to the public.
June 13 | 7pm New Hampshire Historical Society
Park St., Concord, NH Presented by
Concord Historical Society
North Main St, Concord, NH www.Concordhistoricalsociety.org SLEEK,

ABOVE: Aparticipant fills out oneof the provided Clue workbooks.

LEFT: Anevent employeedisplaysthe workbook to participants.

thecity. Thehuntgoesto locationssuchasLucky’s Barbershop,Gibson’sBookstore,Penumbra,andTeatotaller,gatheringdetailsin hopesoffiguringoutwho didit.

Thegamewasdeveloped byRightAngleEntertainment,amediaproduction companybasedinLosAngeles,inassociationwith Hasbro,whichownsrights tothegameClue. Thisinteractiveversioniscurrentlyplayinginninecities, includingBoston,ofwhich Concordisbyfarthe smallest.

Concord’sversionruns throughSunday,June16.It isrecommendedforages8 andolderwithanadultaccompanyingallminors. Uponpurchasingtickets, guestscanchoosewhichof thecharacterstheywill bringtolifeandwhen they’llstarttheirhunt. Ticketsstartat$35andare availableatccanh.com/clue

11 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
RIGHT ANGLE ENTERTAINMENT PHOTOS Oneoftheeventemployees. ICE CREAM • BAKERY • SUBS • DONUTS CHICKEN WINGS & TENDERS • COFFEE PIZZA • BURGERS • FRIED FOOD SUSHI • DESSERT CAST YOUR VOTE! www.theconcordinsider.com/ cappies2024 or scan the QR code Voting will be open until June 28. Winners will be published in July. CAST YOUR VOTE FOR THE 2024 CAPPIES! SPONSORED BY FUN FOOD CATEGORY SPONSORED BY 2024 NE-444850

June 13

■ Author Brinda Charry, The East Indian: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. “The East Indian” Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. 603-224-0562. gibsonsevents@ gmail.com.

■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Thursdays): 6 to 8:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Concord.

■ METALSUM – Art Inspired by Nature and Imagined Through Found Objects: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Rd., Concord. (603) 2249909.

■ Roller Skating: 6 to 9 p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.

■ Swenson Granite Company, 1883 to 2016: 7 to 8 p.m. Free. New Hampshire Historical Society, 30 Park St., Concord. 602-228-6688. zbinette@ nhhistory.org.

June 14

■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Fridays): 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Con-

cord. (603) 595-8233.

■ Friday Night Figure Drawing: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. A model will pose for drawing: We generally start with short gesture drawings, then do three 10-15 minute poses, and then finish with an hour pose Free. Membership $10/month. Drop-in is $20. Tip the model!. Concord Art Works, 46 N Main St., Con-

cord. info@concordartworks.com.

■ METALSUM – Art Inspired by Nature and Imagined Through Found Objects: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord. (603) 2249909.

■ Roller Skating: 6 to 9 p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.

June 15

■ Art Opening Reception: 5 to 6:30 p.m. Fine Art Opening Free. The Glimpse Gallery, 4 Park St., Concord. 6038928307. contact@ theglimpsegallery.com.

■ Open Artist Workshop: 3 to 6 p.m. A time for intermediate- advanced artists to share, discuss

and work on their art. bring your art, and art supplies Membership is $10/month. One time drop-in is $20. Concord Art Works, 46 N. Main St, Concord. info@concordartworks.com.

■ Storytime Stations at the Heights: 9:30 a.m. Free. Heights Branch Library, 14 Canterbury Rd., Concord. jsalemy@concordnh.gov.



■ Roller Skating: 6 to 9 p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.

June 17

■ Caregiving in the Age of Longevity: 11 a.m. to noon. Caregiving has become the new normal across the country. $5. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St, Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@ goodlifenh.org.

■ Teen and Tweens Movie Night: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Library, 45 Green Street, Concord.

■ Total Body Fitness: 9 to 10 a.m. A complete and varied full body workout. $55. GoodLife Programs & Activities, Concord. kgagnon@goodlifenh.org.

12 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 calendar
HEADLINE ALERTS... SENT DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX DAILY. SIGNUPTODAYAT CONCORDMONITOR.COM CLICK ON EMAIL NEWSLETTER ON THERIGHTSIDE OFOURHOMEPAGE TOSIGN UP MONITOR FILE AcoupleskatesatEverettArenaonopeningnightin2022. CASA Volunteer Advocates Needed Help us give every child who experienced abuse or neglect a voice in court. casanh.org/infosessions 239 Loudon Rd Concord NH Tue - Sat 11am - 8pm | Sun 11am - 7pm Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/people/Koung-Sushi-Mart2/61554516652585/?mibextid=LQQJ4d 2 (603) 715-9243 FRESH SUSHI DAILY Every Saturday 8:30 to Noon, May thru October • Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Vegetables • Honey & Maple Products   • Soaps & Herbs • Specialty Foods • Local Meats & Cheeses • Seafood  • Pet Treats • Plants & Flowers • Wine & Ale • Baked Goods  Next to the State House ~ Capitol Street, Concord NH Roof Protection and Innovation for Your Home. 40 Industrial Park Dr. • Franklin, NH 03235 (603)724-2266 • www.wimar.us AFTER Black WIMAR BEFORE Our goal is simple: Save failing roofs for decades to come. ~ Sarah Davison, Co-Founder WIMAR Roof Coating is both a preventative and a solution! With our Patent Pending coating, we will add strength and durability to your shingled roof for a fraction of the cost of a re-shingle. Our coating combats wind, hail, UV and more! Let us save you money while giving you a better than new roof! Multiple Color Options!

Mo Rocca joins Writers on a New England Stage portsmouth

OnTuesday,June18,Mo Rocca,theNewYorkTimes bestsellingauthorofMobituaries,comestoTheMusic HallaspartoftheWriters onaNewEnglandStageseriestodiscusshisnewbook “Roctogenarians”.

InthesameveinasMobituaries,Roctogenariansisa collectionofentertaining andunexpectedstoriesof yesterday’sandtoday’s strongestfinishers.Mo Roccaandcoauthor JonathanGreenbergintroduceustothepeoplepast andpresentwhopeaked whentheycouldhavebeen puttering breakingoutas writers,sellingoutconcert halls,attemptingtosetlandspeedrecords andinthe caseofoneninety-yeartortoise,becomingafirst-time father.

“MoRoccajoinsourcaptivating2024Writersona NewEnglandStageline-up followingDorisKearns Goodwin,bringinghisnew collectionofinspiringstories,”saidTinaSawtelle,ExecutiveDirectorofThe MusicHall.“Roccaproves it’snevertoolatetomakean impact,andI’msureouraudiencewillbethrilledto hearmore!”

Theeventstartsat7p.m. andincludesamoderated literaryconversationwith NHPR’sJuliaFurukawa, hostofAllThingsConsidered.

About the author

MoRoccaisacorrespondentforCBSSunday Morning,hostofthehitMobituariespodcast,andhost

ofTheHenryFord’sInnovationNation.He’salsoa frequentpanelistonNPR’s hitweeklyquiz showWait Wait…Don’tTell Me!RoccaiscoauthoroftheNew YorkTimesbestsellingMobituaries: GreatLivesWorth Relivingandauthor ofAllthePresidents’Pets.


Theticketpackagefor WritersonaNewEngland

Stage:MoRoccawithROCTOGENARIANSon Tuesday,June18,at7p.mis $18.Foreach1-2 ticketssold,the purchaseofabook voucher(Roctogenarians,$29hardcover)isrequired. Ticketscanbepurchasedonlineat TheMusicHall.org,overthe phoneat603-4362400,orinperson attheB2WBoxOfficeat 104CongressStreet,in Portsmouth.

13 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
JOHN PAUL FILO PHOTO What’s going on this week? Read Talk of the Towns in the Monitor! concordmonitor.com/community 124 Storrs Street, Concord  •  WeedFamilyAutomotive.com  •  603.225.7988 Maintenance & Repair for all makes & models EasywithSchedule  real  human response Schedule i h l Family friendly service at a fair price 248 Sheep Davis Road, Suite 10, Concord NH BudgetBlinds.com/ConcordNH 603-369-6597 Buy 2 Get 1 Free!* *Some exceptions apply, ask your design consultant for details. Avoid the glare from the sun in your windows this summer with our fresh offer and best price guarantee. jmessinastumpgrindingnh.com Concord • Manchester Goffstown • Portsmouth Rochester YOU ALREADY BELONG. YOU JUST NEED TO JOIN! When you join the Y, you’ll see that all fitness types, abilities, & ages are welcomed—whether you’re here to improve your health, learn something new, or make connections. No matter what your journey looks like, we’ll help you get there. YOU & YOUR FAMILY CAN ENJOY • Access to 5 facility branches & Ys nationwide • State-of-the-art health & wellness centers • In-person & virtual exercise classes weekly • Indoor & outdoor pools at 4 local branches • Cycling studios, basketball courts & gym spaces • Early access to program registration • Discounts on swim lessons, summer camp & more • Income-based membership rates & program fees • Supervised activities for kids while you exercise** • Free monthly family, kids & teen nights** Amenities vary by branch. **Select amenities exclusive to family memberships. STOP BY THE Y OR JOIN ONLINE BY SCANNING THE QR CODE! The Granite YMCA • www.graniteymca.org 5JOIN FEE June 1 - 21 $5 join fee offer is valid June 1 – 21, 2024. MEMBERSHIP LOCATIONS

Voice workshop with Dorothy Yanish

DorothyYanish,ahighly regardedvoiceteacherand mezzo-sopranoperformer whoperformedasMother Abbessinour2023productionofTheSoundof Music,willleadavoice workshopforTheCommunityPlayersofConcord membersatthePlayers StudioonSaturday,June 29from10a.m.to12p.m. Thisworkshopwilladdresssomebasicprinci-

plesofvoicetechnique:1) physicalbalance;2) breathing;and3)presence –aframeworkforeverythingyouwanttodowith yourvoice.Wewilllearn bysinginginharmonyand alone,usingvocalmusic fromGregorianchantto Broadway.

DorothyYanishhasa longcareerinteachingand operaandrecitalperformance.Shehasbeenon

The Gem Of The South End! Our Laundromat Has It All!

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We have single loaders, double loaders, triple loaders, four load, five load and six load washers. Our machines accept debit, credit, and cash

We have years of experience with wash,dry and fold! South End Laundromat 71 Downing Street Concord

Medicare Options are Complicated. Understanding them shouldn’t be.

Turning 65

Turning 65 is a big milestone in a person’s life. For most, it’s also the time to apply for Medicare. Most commonly now you apply for Medicare Part A and/or Part B on the Social Security website.

I’m told by my clients who are new to Medicare that they feel fortunate to have me “hold their hand” and help them through the process. I will hold your hand too if you want my assistance as you face this dilemma of decisions.

Much of my consultation time is going through the appropriate steps of someone just getting their Medicare active. But this seems to be the most daunting step for most that I meet with.

You can enroll in Medicare online by going to SSA.gov. Medicare alone is not enough, and that's where I come in to help you understand your Medicare options. Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement (Medi-gap) plans and Medicare Drug plans are complex and the fact that you can have my knowledge (at no cost to you) to help you decide the right choice for you at this milestone in your life will give you peace of mind.

Well, that’s what my clients tell me at least.

thefacultiesofKeene StateCollege,Franklin PierceUniversity,and ConcordCommunity MusicSchool,andalso teachesatherprivate studioinPeterborough. SheistheformerArtistic DirectorofTheRaylynmorOpera.WithaB.S. inMusicEducationandan M.M.inVocalPerformance,shehastaughtstudentsofallagesandskill


Theworkshopwillbe heldatThePlayer’s Studio,435JosiahBartlett Road,Concord.TheworkshopisopentoPlayers membersages13andup. Notacurrentmember? Signupnowandyour membershipwillbehonoredthroughJune30, 2025.

ThefeeforthisVoice Workshopis$20.Toreg-

isterfortheworkshop, pleasecompletetheregistrationformandsendthe formwithpaymentto workshopadministrator CindyDickinson(addressesareonthe form).Theregistra Questions?Contact CindyDickinsonatcdcarolinablue@gmail.com. Moreinformationatcommunityplayersofconcord.org/workshops-2024

Majestic Theatre presents ‘Sleuth’ stage show

MajesticTheatrepresents SleuthonJune21-23,by AndrewShaffer.

Theultimategameofcat andmouseisplayedoutina cozyEnglishcountryhouse ownedbycelebratedmys-

terywriter,AndrewWyke. InvitedguestMiloTindle,a youngrivalwhoshares Wyke’sloveforgames,declareshisintentiontorun offwithWyke’swife.The twomendeviseanelaborate

revenge/powergame; throughtheirstyleandcunning,thestakescontinueto rise,leadingtotheplay’sinexorable,heart-stopping finish.Shaffer’ssublime thrillerisamasterpieceof plots…crackingentertainmentthatwillappealtoeveryone.

SleuthisdirectedbyGreg ParkerofManchesterand starsIanAllenofWeareand GaryLockeofMerrimack. Joinusfor“Sleuth”on FridayJune21at7p.m.,Saturday,June22at2p.m.and 7p.m.andSunday,June23 at2p.m.Performanceswill beheldatTheMajesticTheatreStudioslocatedat880 PageStreet,Manchester. Ticketsare$20foradults and$15forseniors65and above,andyouth17and under.Ticketscanbepurchasedbyvisitingorcalling theboxofficeat603-6697469,onlineatwww.majestictheatre.netoratthedoor priortotheperformance. TheMajesticisanon-profit NHcommunityartsorganization.

14 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 singing
do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800MEDICARE to get information on all your options.

book of the week


(2023,114pages,Genre: Fantasy)

Thornhedgeisaquirky retellingofSleepingBeauty. Thistalewasdark,suspenseful,butfunandhumorousaswell.Ifyouthink youknowthestoryof SleepingBeauty,think again!

Theheroineofthisstory isnottheprincesstrapped andsleepinginatowerfor alleternity althoughthere isoneofthose.It’snoteven afairygodmother,inthe traditional,aesthetically pleasingwaywe’reusedto thinkingoffairies.The saviorofthistaleisalittle creaturenamedToadling, whoisn’tquitefae,isn’t quitetoad,andisn’tquite human,either.Toadlingwas shunnedbythefairiesand raisedbythegreenteeth,beingsthatlivedowndeepin themireoftheswamps. Whilesheislovedandnurturedbyheradoptive family,Toadlinghasalways feltunsureofherplace.She canchangefromherfairy formintothatofatoad, whichishowsheprefersto stay.

Whenshebecomesan adult,thefaeforceToadling totakeherfairyformand traveltothehumanworldto putaspellofprotection overthenewly-born “princess,”whoisactuallya changelingwithquitethe backstory.However,under duresstoperformthespell perfectly,Toadlingmakesa slightmistake,andthespell doesn’tstick.Infact,becauseofhermistake,Toad-

lingisdestinedtokeep watchovertheprincessforever.

Asthe“princess”grows up,herdisturbinglysadistic naturebecomesapparent.Sheenjoys beingcrueltoward alllivingthings, andToadlingends uptryingtoprotect othersfromher,insteadoftheother wayaround.The changeling’s strengthevolves,andToadlingdecidesthebestwayto shieldothersfromherevilis toplaceherinaspellbound sleep.Overthecenturies, Toadlingconstantlyworks todetertheinvariableonslaughtofprincesand knightswhojourneytotry

andsavethe“princess”from herunyieldingslumber. Eventhehorrorsofthe BlackDeathdonothingto stopthesewould-be heroesfromtheir quest.Eventually,a youngTurkish knight-in-training namedHalimarrives,andheand Toadlingstrikeupan unlikelybond.This bondistestedand strengthenedbythe eventsthatoccurin therestofthestory.

Kingfisher’sadepttreatmentofthetimelessstoryof SleepingBeautyisrefreshingandthought-provoking.ToadlingandHarim aremarvelous,endearing characters,andthetruenatureoftheprincessFayette

isbothdisturbingandcaptivating.Theauthordoesa wonderfuljobofapplying deepermeaninganduniversallyexperiencedthemesto astoryweallthoughtwe knew

Emily Kosowicz

15 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
When Should You Sell Your Home? Ask Sue Susan Roemer is Specially Trained In Senior Transitions With 20 Years  of Capital Region Knowledge Call or Email for a Confidential Consultation 603-491-0833 | SRoemer@masiello.com Senior Real Estate Specialist We specialize in the installation of Hardwood, Vinyl, Laminate Floating Flooring, Interior painting, Kitchens and Stairways Over 20 years experience. Veteran owned. @valhallaflooring Call today for a FREE Estimate (603) 252-8104 Valhalla Flooring Are you looking for affordable senior living options? John H. Whitaker Place is an affordable 55+ assisted living community that provides an unparalleled combination of private apartment living and personal care services that facilitate independence. Learn more... Visit us online at whitakerplace.org or call 603-753-9100 to arrange an in-person tour. 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE NOW 102 Fisherville Rd, Concord NH • 603-224-3522 Limited Store Hours, Please Call Ahead ✃ 15%OFF ANY ONE FULL-PRICED ITEM EXCLUDES SALE ITEMS Offer good through August 31, 2024 Please bring this coupon — one coupon per customer •Bird Feeders •Birdbaths •Bird Houses •Bird Seed and Suet •And Much More

Berit Brown brings Market Days to life young professional of the month

ConcordYoungProfessionalsNetwork (CYPN)introduces youtothe“YoungProfessionaloftheMonth,”Berit Brown.Eachmonth,the CYPNSteeringCommittee recommendsindividualsinthecommunityit thinksreaderswould enjoygettingtoknow better.

Howoldareyou?26. Wheredoyoulive? Warner,NH.

Wheredoyoucurrently work?IamtheEvents& MarketingManageratIntownConcord.Rightnow wearepreparingforour 50thAnnualMarketDays FestivalonJune20-22.

What’syourfavorite partofyourworkday? Gettingtocreatecontent

aboutallofthefantastic downtownbusinessesand communityeventsinConcord!

Tellusalittlebitabout yourself.I’moriginally fromMinnesotabutended upoutEasttoattend HampshireCollege.After boppingaroundthe countryforawhilepostgrad,Ifinallymovedto WarnerinAprillastyear withmypartner,Rhett, andmycat,Otis.Ilove contentcreation,communitybuilding,andnow, Concord!

What’sasecretorpiece offuntriviaaboutConcordthatyouthinkmost peopledon’tknow?Atthe veryfirstMarketDays (thencalledBargainDays), theorganizersheldaraffle

wheretheyreleased300 pingpongballsfromthe skyontoMainStreet.Each pingpongballcaughtwas worth$1offapurchaseat BargainDays.Unfortunately,raindelayedtherelease,andbythetimethey werereadytolaunch,the windhadpickedup.Everyonestoodonthestreet staringupattheplaneas the300pingpongballs (whichwerenearlyinvisibleagainstthewhiterain clouds)floateddown–entirelymissingMainStreet. Myfavoritequotesfrom theConcordMonitorarticleare“where’dtheygo?” and“Ineversawsomany peopledowntown...not evenwhenBuffaloBill cametotownwithhisWild WestShow!”

16 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
COURTESY ConcordYoungProfessionals Network(CYPN)introducesyou tothe“YoungProfessionaloftheMonth,”BeritBrown. NE-419619 Best selection of USA made Jackets & Vests We have Big Boy sizes up to 8X Visit NH’s Best Biker Shop 94 South Road Deerfield NH 03037 (603) 463-5591 deerfieldleathers.com Biker belts, chaps, gloves and accessories REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS NEWSLET TER NEWSLETTER MUSIC MOVIE & POSTER SALE All proceeds go to support RRT! June 20-22 Mark your calendar for Red River Theatres annual fundraiser! CD’s, Tapes, Vinyl Records DVD’s, Blu-rays, VHS Tapes Movie Posters and more!

Whatorganizationsare youinvolvedwith?The ConcordMonitorReader AdvisoryBoard.

What’syourfavorite restaurantinConcord? CurryLeaf.Amangolassi andsamosaisanunbeatablecombo.

Whatissomethingyou wouldliketoseeaddedor broughttoConcord?More publicart!I’dlovetosee colorfulsidewalks,murals, artpianos–anything playfulandcolorful!

Whatdoyouliketodo forfun?Baking–Iworked asabakerbeforemycurrentpositionandhave mademysiblings’wedding cakes!

Whereisthebestplace you’vevisited?Copenhagen,Denmark.Specifically,JunotheBakery whereIhadthebestcardamombunofmylife. Lastbookyou’veread? BiographyofX. Favoritemovieofall time?Jaws.

Tellusafewinteresting factsaboutyourself!I spentayearlivinginAustraliawhenIwasakid,and themainthingIremember ishowbigthespiderswere. Duringtheheightofthe pandemic,Ilivedinayurt andhadpigletsasneighbors.Icanplayboththe harpandtheaccordion, andIcanlickmyelbow.

Whatisoneofyourlife goals?Tomakeasweater outofwoolfromasheepI raised.

Howdidyoufindout aboutCYPNandhowhas itbenefittedyourbusiness oryoupersonally?Ijoined throughmyjobwithIntownConcord.Itcanbe difficulttomeetandconnectwithotheryoung peopleinConcord,and CYPNisagreatwaytofacilitatethoseconnections! JoinCYPNforanetworkingpartyintheheart ofdowntownConcord!

Grabadrinkandmeetnew friendsinafun,casualatmosphereatTandy’sPub& GrilleonWednesday,June 26from5:30-7p.m.Learn moreandsignupforall CYPNeventsatconcordnhchamber.com.

17 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
YOUR VOTE FOR THE 2024 CAPPIES! MEXICAN • BREAKFAST • BUFFET • LUNCH • DINNER SEAFOOD • VEGETARIAN • TAKE-OUT OUTDOOR DINING • FINE DINING • ASIAN • BARBECUE FAMILY-FRIENDLY • ROMANTIC • STEAKHOUSE • ITALIAN SPONSORED BY DINING CATEGORY SPONSORED BY 2024 Voting will be open until June 28. Winners will be published in July. CAST YOUR VOTE! www.theconcordinsider.com/cappies2024 or scan the QR code below WashingtonStreetCatering.com • 603 228 2000 Any Event • Any Size • Anywhere Concord's Favorite Café for over 35 Years!

June13,2003:Thestate SupremeCourtrulesthat theFranklinElksLodgediscriminatedagainstfive womenwhenitrejected themasmembersin1997. Thejusticesrulethatalthoughthelodgeisaprivate organization,itsmembershipisnotexclusiveenough toexemptitfromanti-discriminationlaws.

June13,2002:Inapreliminaryvote,theConcord citycouncilunanimously approvestherestorationof FireEngine1toConcord’s CentralFireStation.

June13,1859:Ahugefire onthesouthwestcornerof MainandPleasantstreetsin Concordconsumesa bakery,severalstoresand theSouthCongregational Church.Whenitbecomes

certainthatthefirewilldestroythegranite-and-wood GreekRevivalchurch,the Rev.HenryParkergivesone finalpulltothechurchbell rope,andthebellisheard abovethecrackleofflames.

June13,1954:Thisis FreedomDayinNew Hampshire,sodeclaredby Gov.HughGreggasadayof remembranceandprayer forthosewhohavediedresistingtheCommunist regimeinEasternEurope.

June13,1983:A92-yearoldcoveredtrussbridge, fondlycalledOldRedby residentsofPembroke,collapsesinafiercestorm.“It wasbypassedbyamodern bridgeandwasn’tinuse,” saysJimGarvinoftheNew HampshireHistoricalSociety.“Butitwasofinterest

toafewlocalpeople.It’s beensittingtherelikekind ofarelic.”

June13,1957:President DwightD.EisenhowerappointsJamesM.Langley,editorandpublisherofthe ConcordDailyMonitor,to beU.S.ambassadortoPakistan.Langleywillholdthe jobforjustovertwoyears.

June14,2001:TheU.S. Senatevotestowithhold federalmoneyfromschool districtsthatdenyuseof theirfacilitiestotheBoy Scoutsbecauseoftheorganization’sexclusionofhomosexuals.“Ihavenever beenprouderinmyentire politicallife,”NewHampshireSen.BobSmithsaysin declaringhissupport.

June14,1776:New Hampshire’sGeneralCourt adoptsaresolutionasserting “thatourDelegatesatthe ContinentalCongress...are herebyInstructedtojoin withtheotherColoniesin Declaringthethirteen unitedcolonies,afree&independentstate.”Fourdays

later,MeshechWeare,the colony’spresident,willforwardtheresolutionto JosiahBartlettandWilliam WhippleinPhiladelphia.

June14,1962:Astronaut AlanShepardofDerryisin Concordfortheunveilingof hisportraitattheState House.Afteraweekof speechesandbanquets,he says,heisgladthepicture showshiminaspacesuitso peoplewillknowthat“at leastonceinawhileIdo work.”

June15,2002:Concord HighSchooljuniorRachel Umbergerwinsthenational titleforthe800meters.She runsitin2minutes,9.67 seconds,apersonalbest.

June15,2001:Thestate holdsitsannuallotteryfor moosehuntinglicenses.Of theroughly10,000New Hampshireresidentsand 5,000otherswhoapplied, only585win.

June15,1981:New Hampshire’sRepublican Sen.WarrenRudmanpurposelypassesupaGOP

fund-raisingdinnerinNew YorkbecauseformerpresidentRichardNixonisoneof theinvitedguests.George Clark,aNewYorkRepublicanleader,sniffsatthe snub,asking:“Who’s Rudman?”

June15,1946:When NashuaDodgersManager WalterAlstoniskickedout ofthegameforarguingwith anumpire,RoyCampanella takesoverfortheday,becomingthefirstAfrican Americantomanageanintegratedteam.DonNewcombe’slatetwo-runhomer tiesthegame,andNashua winsinextrainnings.

June15,1799:TheConcordMusicalSocietyisincorporated“toencourage andpromotethepracticeof sacredmusickinConcord.”

June16,2003:Whenthe stateprivatizedtheMount SunapeeSkiResortfive yearsago,legislators promisedrigorouspublic oversighttoensurethatthe parklandinwhichtheresortsitswouldnotbe

18 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
Visit us today for kitchens, vanities, windows, doors & so much more. 287 South Main St. Concord | 603-227-9571 | bigjimsnh.com Locally owned since 1954 $1.95 - $2.95 LF  DECKING D DECCKKIINNG G Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE 603-718-3776 / fixmyhomenh.com Basement Waterproofing Foundation Repair Crawl Space Repair Concrete Lifting & Leveling Radon Mitigation Humidity & Mold Control

harmed,theMonitorreports.Butagrowingnumber ofresidentsintheregion saytheyaredisillusioned withthatoversightprocess. Theyaccusethestateof providingtoofewopportunitiesforpublicdiscussion, cedingtoomuchauthority totheresort’smanagers.

June16,2002:Marking theendofMotorcycle Week,bikerscheckoutof hotelroomsandvendors packuptheirwares.Accordingtheevent’spromoters,rainyweathermade theweekthequietestand mostpoorlyattendedevent inatleastfiveyears.

June16,1833:Agroupof NewHampshirepoliticians visitstheCanterburyShaker Village.U.S.Sen.IsaacHill introducesthemtoFrancis Winkley,the74-year-old Elderwhowasoneofthe signersofthecovenantfor theCanterburyvillagein 1796.Anobserverwrites thatWinkleyis“arobust hearty-lookingman,andappearsasifTimehaddealt verykindlywithhim.”

June16,1946:Brooklyn DodgerPresidentBranch RickeycomestoNashuato checkonhowthecityis treatingAfricanAmerican ballplayersDonNewcombe andRoyCampanella.He findslittlecauseforworry. Newcombewillpitchtoa 14-4recordfortheNashua Dodgers,andCampanella willhit.291andbenamed theleague’smostvaluable player.

June16,1864:Stillshort ofthestate’srecruiting quotafortheUnionArmy, Gov.JosephGilmoreannouncesastatebonusof $400foranymanwhowill signupfortheFirstNew HampshireCavalryRegiment.

June17,2003:Inhonorof formerpresidentRonald Reagan,Gov.CraigBenson signslegislationrenaming MountClay,a5,553-foot peaknearMountWashington,toMountReagan.

June17,2002:Alawyer representingmorethan50 peoplewhosaytheywere molestedbyRoman

Catholicpriestsasksajudge toapprovea$30millionlien againsttheDioceseof Manchester.PeterHutchins, whofiledaclassactionlawsuitagainstthediocese,asks thecourttofreezethediocese’srealestate,bankaccountsandotherassetsto ensureithasenoughmoney topayanysettlementor verdictforhisclients.

June17,2000:TheClass of2000saysthankyouto ConcordHighSchoolAssistantPrincipalMichaelGarrett,whohasannouncedhis retirementafter40yearsat theschool.Inhishonor,a pathofgranitestepsbe-

tweentheschoolbuscircle andthemainentranceis christened“GarrettWay.”

June17,1975:Gov.Mel Thomsonvetoeslegislation guaranteeingequalopportunityinschoolsportsfor boysandgirls.Hisfear: costlylitigationover“problemsthatexistmoreinthe mindsofsocialarchitects thanontheplaygrounds.”

June17,1977:Thefederal EnvironmentalProtection AgencyapprovesconstructionoftheSeabrooknuclear powerplant,sayingthe builder,PublicServiceCo., isusing“thebesttechnologyavailable”tolimit


June18,1812:Congress declareswaronGreat Britain.SidingwiththeFederalistopposition,New HampshiremanDaniel Webstercallsthedeclarationofwar“prematureand inexpedient”andaccuses theRepublicansofhaving enteredanallianceagainst Englandwiththe“papists, theinfidels(andthe)atheists”ofFrance.

June18,1853:Agroupof Concordcitizensmeetsand raisesmoneyforastreet sprinklertokeepthedust downonMainStreet.


S.C.Lowe,a29-year-oldnativeofRandolph,N.H., sendsatelegramtoearth fromhisballoon1,000feet up.WatchingthisexperimentinWashington,D.C., isPresidentAbrahamLincoln.Lowewillbecomean aeronaut,performingreconnaissancedutiesforthe Unionarmy.Alas,mostof hiseffortswillbeineffectual.

June19,2002:After66 years,WashingtonStreet SchoolinPenacookcloses. Inthefall,studentswillattendPenacookElementary School,abrand-newfacility onemileaway.

19 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024
Installing Better Bathrooms Call Today For Your Free Quote 603-736-3120 • ShapiroBathrooms.com New/Used Cars-Service-Parts 175 Manchester Street, Concord, NH 603-224-1300 www.concordnissan.com Nobody does it like... Nominations Open! Call for Nominations 18th Annual Champions for Mental Health Awards Honor those making a difference in the mental health of our local communities. NOMINATE NOW a deserving colleague, leader, or community member. Winners will be honored October 22 at Riverbend's Champions for Mental Health Awards ceremony and public celebration! Questions? Contact: development@riverbendcmhc.org DETAILS A Champion for Mental Health is an individual who: • Advocates for greater access to mental health services • Contributes extraordinary time, talent or treasure to improving the lives of people with mental illness • Publicly gives voice to those with mental illness, helping eliminate the stigma and stereotypes. • Has spent significant time working on this issue in Merrimack County or the Capital Region. NOMINATION DEADLINE: Friday, June 28
20 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 SAVINGS HOT SUMMER Going on Now! AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Bisson & Union Ave Laconia NH 603-524-4922 | irwinzone.com NEW 2024 LINCOLN CORSAIR Stock # RLT002 MSRP $47,845 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,259 due at signing ($6,525 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to quali ed customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LMCJ1DA4RUL00982. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $4,680 OFF MSRP Lease for only $390 For 24 Months NEW 2024 LINCOLN NAUTILUS Stock # PLT021 MSRP $62,870. 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,114 due at signing. $6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing. Special includes trade assist rebate to quali ed customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LMPJ8KA7R810760. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $3,727 OFF MSRP Lease for only $614 For 24 Months NEW 2024 LINCOLN AVIATOR Stock # RLT025 MSRP $57,990 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,156 due at signing ($6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to quali ed customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LM5J6XC0RGL03931. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $2,530 OFF MSRP Lease for only $656 For 24 Months NEW 2024 TOYOTA COROLLA LE NEW 2024 TOYOTA RAV4 LE AWD NEW 2024 TOYOTA RAV4 LE Hybrid AWD NEW 2024 TOYOTA TUNDRA Crew Max SR5 4x4 SAVE UP TO $1,412 OFF MSRP Lease for only $96 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,538 OFF MSRP Lease for only $179 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,622 OFF MSRP Lease for only $225 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $3,696 OFF MSRP Lease for only $317 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,401 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing available for 36 months, MSRP: Corolla-$23,584, Rav4-$31,515, Rav4 Hybrid-$34,343, Tundra-$45,403. Subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. *TFS financing is required. Expires 6-30-2024. Stock # RJC173 Stock # RJT556 NEW 2024 FORD ESCAPE Active AWD NEW 2024 FORD EXPLORER XLT AWD Stock # RFT048 NEW 2024 FORD BRONCO SPORT Big Bend 4x4 Stock # RFT048 NEW 2024 FORD F-150 STX 4x4 Crew Cab SAVE UP TO $5,335 OFF MSRP Lease for only $89 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $6,385 OFF MSRP Lease for only $119 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $5,739 OFF MSRP Lease for only $59 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 7,500 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,501 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer including Ford trade assistance. Special financing in lieu of manufacturers rebates and subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. FMCC financing may be required. * See dealer for complete details. Expires 6-30-2024. NEW 2024 CHEVROLET TRAX LS AWD Low lease: 24 mos 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $695 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $3,447-Trailblazer, $2,949-Trax, $6,518-Silverado cash or trade equity due at signing. $0 security deposit due. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing in lieu of manufacturers rebates and subject to credit approval. Silverado lease must have a current Chevy lease through GM Financial. Must trade a 2010 or newer car or truck to qualify for $1,000 trade assist and own a 2010 or newer Chevrolet to qualify for the current price. See dealer for details. Manufacturers programs subject to change without notice. GM Financing required. 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The Laconia School District is seeking applicants for the position of Assistant Principal at the Middle School.

We are looking for a collaborative school leader to join our middle school team. Candidates must possess an understanding of school management, supervision, and effective communication. Working effectively to support our students, staff and families is an important component of our next leader at LMS.

The staff at Laconia Middle School have done extensive work in inquiry-based learning, personalization, performance assessments, Multi-Tiered Systems of

Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness (MTSS-B), and career exploration to support multiple pathways for students.

Laconia Middle School is located in the heart of the Lakes Region of New Hampshire in a single-board district. There are approximately 412 students at LMS that are served by an outstanding administrative team and staff. Along with the Middle School, the Laconia School District includes three elementary schools, a high school, a regional career & technical center that receives six sending schools, and an adult education program.

New Hampshire Principal certification or eligibility required Excellent Benefit Package Annual Salary $106,467

Applications accepted until position is filled with the position starting July 1, 2024

Please send Letter of Intent, Resume, Certification & three Letters of Reference to:

Linda Murphy, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Laconia School District

39 Harvard Street, Laconia, NH 03246 lmurphy@laconiaschools.org


21 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS For More information email: jmorgan@cmonitor.com or Call Joe at 603-369-3393 please leave a message CONCORD MONITOR • Deliveries take approximately 4 - 4 1/2 hours • Delivery deadlines 6:30 a.m. weekdays, 7 a.m. weekends • Both Store & Home deliveries • Reliable vehicle and proof of insurance BELMONT AREA ANDOVER AREA THE WHITFIELD HOUSE, 86-86 1/2 Pleasant St.,Concord. Semi-Private Lodging. 603-225-9734 Loudon: Fox Pond Plaza Rt 106, 1st flr retail 300+ sqft/ht/ac/elec inc 798-3128 Rooms Business/Commercial REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 99 Clinton Street, Concord Open House Daily * Two bedroom gardenstyle and townhouse apartments in a beautiful country setting * Indoor heated pool, sauna, jacuzzi, fitness facility and tennis courts * Covered parking and storage available * Garden-style units include heat Call (603) 224-2268 for hours and info. www.MesitiRealEstate.c om WE ARE GROWING Local screenprint and embroidery company looking to add to our team EMBROIDERER POSITION This is full time, experience preferred but not required We offer competitive pay, health insurance, and paid time off. Please email Jess@stitchesNH.com or call 603-224-6470 Apartments Unfurnished Help Wanted REAL ESTATE FOR RENT EMPLOYMENT

Our Vision

In the ConVal community, all learners will achieve academically, act thoughtfully, and contribute to the larger society.

Our Mission

To provide opportunities and inspire our learners to explore interests, pursue new knowledge and skills, learn about self and others, and give of oneself to the greater community.

ConVal is hiring for the following positions:

• ConVal School District

Elementary School Principal

District/Community Preschool and Elementary Case


Special Education Teachers – All Levels

Speech/Language Pathologist Assistants

School Psychologist – Elementary and High School

Occupational Therapist

School Nurses

Sign Language Interpreter

Paraprofessionals – All Levels

• ConVal High School

General Science Teacher

Math Teacher

Music Teacher

Computer and Information Technology CTE Instructor

Pre-Engineering CTE Teacher

ELO Work Base Learning Counselor

10-Month Administrative Assistant

• ConVal Middle Schools

Technology Integrator

Physical Education Teacher

Math Teacher

• ConVal Elementary School

Elementary School Counselor

Physical Education/Health Teacher

Library/Media Specialist


• ConVal Support Staff

Part-Time Administrative Assistant


Daily and Long-Term Substitute Positions



Junk, Appliances, Furniture, Cleanouts, Small Moves, Lawn Mowing Houses, Garages, Basements & Attics From Truck Loads to Dumpsters

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Handyperson Services

STEVE'S BUILDING REPAIRS Specializing in small home repairs 45 years experience in building and remodeling

Replacement Decks Kitchen Installs Bath Remodels Trim Work Replacement Doors call (603) 748-4902 or email: sedgecomb01@gmail.com for more information

Pressure Washing

22 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 HOME REPAIRS
MAINTENANCE Kitchens, baths,
doors, painting, Fully insured NO JOB TO SMALL call
Roof Cleaning & Power Washing Free Estimates, References 20 years experience 603-715-6195 sprayforcenh.com
Repairs Chimney Sweeping & all Masonry needs 603-674-0492
Serving Central New Hampshire 7 Days a Week
Dump Runs RALPH A. POTTER Building, Remodeling. Decks, Small jobs. Roofing & Metal Roofing 603-228-2366
Carpentry PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER Drivers, Delivery Helpers and Ice Plant Positions available. Lifting required! Must have good driving record and some truck driving experience. CDL Not required. Apply in person Monday - Friday
at Laconia Ice Co. 45 Blaisdell Ave Laconia, NH 03246. Email laconiaice@metrocast.net Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT Absolutely All Cars & Trucks Wanted Will pay up to $600. Call Murray's Auto Recycling 425-2562 WE ARE GROWING Local screenprint and embroidery company looking to add to our team FULL TIME SCREEN PRINTER Will train, new equipment experience preferred but not required We offer competitive pay, health insurance, and paid time off. Please email Jess@stitchesNH.com or call 603-224-6470 Autos Wanted Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOTIVE & BOATS
Home Improvement
MA+00 is $62,000! Go to www.conval.edu, click on “Careers” and complete an application.
Salary Range for new EDUCATORS:  BA+00 is $50,000! MA+ 00 is $54,000! Beginning Salary Range for
SSPs: BA+00 is $55,000!


Seeking dynamic candidates to join our school community for the 2024-2025 school year.

The successful candidates should seek to cultivate a learning environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and self-direction.

• SCHOOL DISTRICT OPENINGS • High School Science Teacher

High School English Teacher (anticipated opening)

High School Student Assistance Counselor

Special Education Administrative Assistant

All positions are open until filled. NH Certification required for all teaching positions. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefit package.

For more information and consideration, candidates should apply online at www.SAU73.org

Gilford School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer





The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Hampshire is accepting applications for a fulltime, permanent Court Services Clerk. Court Services Clerks perform various functions including maintaining and processing case information, collecting fees, and managing the progression of cases from opening to final disposition. They are responsible for the accurate and appropriate verbatim recording of court proceedings in the courtroom and provide calendaring and courtroomrelated assistance as required. Full benefits are available with a starting salary range of CPS CL-24 $49,044 to $79,767, depending upon qualifications and experience, with promotion potential up to CPS CL 26, which currently has a maximum salary of $96,977. For additional information and application requirements, please visit https://www.nhb.uscourts.gov/employment. Position is open until filled. Preference will be given to applications received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14, 2024 Applicants deemed most qualified will be invited to participate in a personal interview at their own expense. EOE.

23 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER DETAILS OF OFFER: Offer expires 8/31/2024. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy one (1) window or entry/patio door, get one (1) window or entry/patio door 40% off, and 12 months no money down, no monthly payments, no interest when you purchase four (4) or more windows or entry/patio doors between 5/1/2024 and 8/31/2024. Additional $100 off your purchase, minimum purchase of 4, taken after initial discount(s), when you purchase by 8/31/2024. 40% off windows and entry/patio doors are less than or equal to lowest cost window or entry/patio door in the order. Subject to credit approval. Interest is billed during the promotional period, but all interest is waived if the purchase amount is paid before the expiration of the promotional period. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or familial status. Savings comparison based on purchase of a single unit at list price. Available at participating locations and offer applies throughout the service area. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. CA License CLSB #1050316. Central CA License #1096271. License #RCE-50303. OR License #198571. WA License #RENEWAP877BM. WA License #RENEWAW856K6, FL License #CGC1527613. All other license numbers available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. “Renewal by Andersen" and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of their respective owners. © 2024 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA13669 *Using U.S. and imported parts. Save on Windows & Doors! Minimum purchase of 4 – interest accrues from the date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. NO Money Down, NO Monthly Payments, NO Interest for 12 months 40%OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 1 Take an Extra Buy One, Get One $100 OFF AND AND 866-703-3104 Call by August 31 to schedule your FREE consultation. NE-445268
24 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June13 , 2024 NE-434016

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