JONVANFLEET (jvanfleet@cmonitor.com) NEWS EDITOR ARIANNAMacNEILL (amacneill@cmonitor.com)
INSIDER NEWS TIPS (news@theconcordinsider.com) ADVERTISING DIRECTOR STEVEPARE (spare@cmonitor.com,369-3229)
PowerhouseTheatreCollaborative,theresidenttheatrecompanyofTheColonialTheatreinLaconia,announcesauditionsforits nexttwoproductions.On June30attheColonial, localactorsareinvitedto auditionforbothArthur Miller’sTheCrucibleas wellasaspecialoriginal productioncalledAlices AdventureinWonderland. Theformerispartofthe 2024ColonialSeries,and thelatterpartoftheSpark Seriesandwilltakeplaceat thebeautifulPrescottFarm inLaconia.
TheCruciblelikelyneeds noexplanationasitisone ofAmerica’sbest-known plays,ahistoricalaccount oftheSalemWitchcraft trialswrittenasaparableof theMcCarthyEratrialsof Miller’stime.TheCrucible hasrolesforadultsofall ages,aswellasteenand preteenfemales,toplaythe “afflicted”girlsattheheart oftheaccusations.Rehearsalswillbegininlate Augustandperformances willbeOctober11-13.The
Crucibleisdirectedby BryanHalperin.
AlicesAdventure isa neweventonPowerhouse’s schedulewrittenbyPowerhouseveteranTessHodges anddirectedbyCourtney Palmer.Every20minutesa differentAlicewillbegin heradventureaccompaniedbygroupsof15audiencemembersandrove aroundthePrescottFarm
campuschasingthewhite rabbitandinteractingwith Wonderlandcharacters suchasTweedleDeeand Dum,theMadHatter, CheshireCat,andmore. Whilethepromenadetheatreexperienceisappropriateforallages,auditions willbeopentoadultsand teens14+.AlicesAdventurewillrunSept.15,21, and22.
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AuditionsforAlicewill beginat5p.m.onJune30, andTheCrucibleauditions willfollowat6:30.Actors areencouragedtoaudition forbothtoimprovetheir chancesofparticipatingin atleastoneoftheshows.It ispossibletobeinboth productions.
Foralltheinfoonhowto registerandprepareforthe auditionscheckoutpower-
housenh.org/auditions. Also,checkoutpowerhousenh.orgforallthe latestinfoonPowerhouse includingticketlinksforits summerproductionofFiddlerontheRoof,orcontact info@powerhousenh.org formoredetails.
Formoreinformationon alltheprogramsatPrescott Farmgotoprescottfarm.org.
AwardsLuncheonrecognizedthefollowingoutstandingbusinessesand leaders:
■ SmallBusinessofthe Year,LiliseDesignerResale
■ BusinessoftheYear,JH SpainCommercialServices, LLC
■ NonprofitBusinessofthe Year,CapitalRegionFood Program
■ BusinessLeaderofthe Year,LeslieWalker,Mason+ Rich,ProfessionalAssociation
Therewasenthusiasticapplauseandforeachawardrecipient,withafewtearsof joypunctuatingtheawards
ceremony.Theaccomplishmentsofeachhonoreewere outlinedbyChamberBoard Chair,AriPollack,Esq.of Gallagher,Callahan& Gartrell,PC.
LiliseDesignerResalewas recognizedforitsoutstandingcommunityimpact.
Thebusinesshasestablished aninclusivespaceinthe heartofdowntownConcord andcontinuallygivesbackto areainitiatives.Owner, ElyssaAlfieri,gavetearfulacceptanceremarks,andreflectedonthecommunity supportshehasreceived overtheyears.
vices,LLCwascelebratedfor itsprofessionalexcellence andimpressivephilanthropic efforts.Owner,JoeSpain, thankedfellowprofessionals inattendancefortheircontributiontothebusiness’s successandlongevity.He wasthrilledtocongratulate hischildren,Meghannand ColinSpain,forcarryingon thefamilybusiness.
TheCapitalRegionFood Programwashonoredforits outstandingeffortstosupportindividualsinourcommunityfacingfoodinsecurity.BoardChair,Elena Alois,reflectedonthecommunity-drivenmissionand
50-yearhistoryoftheorganization,includingthestoryof theHolidayFoodBasketProject’sfounding spearheadedbyhergrandfather. LeslieWalkerofMason+ Rich,ProfessionalAssociationexpressedherenthusiasmforgivingbacktothe community.Walkerhas demonstratedexceptional leadershipandexpertisein herfield,andiscommittedto sharingherknowledgeand empoweringothers.Asa Concordnative,shewashonoredandthrilledtoreceive thisrecognition.
Theeventalsorecognized theConcordYoungProfessionaloftheYear,Chad JohnsonofNHTI-Concord’s CommunityCollege,andthe W.GrantMcIntoshVolunteeroftheYear,DavidJuvet ofBusiness&IndustryAssociationofNH.TheChamber extendedspecialthanksto theeventsponsors:Eastern Bank,EversourceEnergy, andBusinessNHMagazine. AdditionalsupportwasprovidedbytheGrapponeConferenceCenter,ConcordTV, andSpeedyPrinting& Copying.
TheSaxtonsRiverArt GuildisexcitedtoparticipatewithourfirstexhibitionJune28–Aug.3,atthe JaffreyCivicCenter(40 MainStreet).Areception fortheartistswillbeheldon FridayJune28,from5to7 p.m.,attheJaffreyCivic
ArtistsfromtheSaxtons RiverArtGuildwillbepresenttotalkabouttheirartworksandrefreshmentswill beavailable.Receptionson Friday,June28arealso beingheldfrom5to7p.m. forthegroupshowsinthe
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Friday, June 14th at 7pm
Hedwig and the Angry Inch Saturday, June 15th at 8pm
The Celluloid Closet Sunday, June 16th @ 6:30
Monday June 17th @ 7pm But I’m A Cheerleader Tuesday June 18th @ 7pm
Wednesday June 19th @ 7pm The Matrix Wednesday June 20th @ 7pm
Auditoriumgallery,andthe CunninghamGalleryupstairs
ForthemonthsofJune28 toAug.3,thecurrentexhibitionintheshowcaseson thefirstflooroftheJaffrey CivicCenterfeaturesthirteenmembersoftheSaxtonsRiverArtGuild workinginvariousmedia, includingwatercolor,oils, acrylics,pastel,colored pencil,andsculpture.
Participatingartistsare: PilarAbaurrea,MariaBergeron,CarolCorliss,Lori Ebare,BarbaraGreenough, KathyGreve,MarshaHewitt,SarahLarson,Carolyn LaVoie,MarjorieLayman, DonnaBascomLund,Anne Ward,andLizWinchesterLarson.
Foundedin1976bysmall groupofartistswholivedin SaxtonsRiver,VTthatgot togetherinformallyfor paintingclasseswithvariousinstructors.TheSaxtonsRiverArtGuildisnow anon-profitorganization whosepurposeistopromoteandencouragetheadvancementofthefinearts withabout80members throughouttheMonadnock regioninNewHampshire andtheSouthernConnecticutRiverValleyareaof Vermont.Theiractivitiesin-
clude:exhibitandsales venues,classesandworkshops,openstudiotime SeptemberthroughMayat theUnitedChurchofBellowsFallsandpleinairgatheringsJunethroughAugust, luncheonswithguest speakersanddemonstrations,andtripstomuseums andgalleries.Anartscholarshipisawardedyearlytoa qualifiedseniorfroman areahighschoolwhois goingontoa4yearmajorin thearts.
Formoreinformation abouttheJaffreyCivic Centervisitjaffreyciviccenter.com
Main Stage (In front of the Concord Food Co-op)
Thursday, June 20
6p.m.–7:15p.m.-Freese BrothersBigBandsponsoredbySulloway&Hollis
8:30p.m.–10p.m.DazedandConfusedMovie PresentedbyRedRiverTheatres(RatedR)(1hourand 42mins)
Friday, June 21
CostumeParadeWinner Announced
8p.m.–10p.m.-HeadliningPerformance:TheUltimateQueenCelebration,a tributetoQueen
Saturday, June 22
1p.m.–2p.m.-Mary Fagan&theHoneybees
4p.m.–5p.m.-Lucas Gallo&theGuise
Home Grown Stage (Bicentennial Square)
Thursday, June 20
Friday, June 21
11a.m.–11:30a.m.HankOsborne 11:30a.m.–12p.m.-
A Champion for Mental Health is an individual who:
• Advocates for greater access to mental health services
• Contributes extraordinary time, talent or treasure to improving the lives of people with mental illness
• Publicly gives voice to those with mental illness, helping eliminate the stigma and stereotypes.
• Has spent significant time working on this issue in Merrimack County or the Capital Region.
1p.m.–1:30p.m.-Lucas Gallo
Saturday, June 22
10a.m.–11:30a.m.-Don Bartenstein 11:30a.m.–12p.m.-Joe Messineo 12p.m.–12:30p.m.KevinHoran
1p.m.–1:30p.m.-Slim Volume
3:30p.m.–4:15p.m.BrianBurnout&TheSmoke Signals
6:30p.m.–7:45p.m.DavidShore’sTrunkof Funk
8p.m.–9:30p.m.-Supernothing Eagle Square Stage
Thursday, June 20
1p.m.–1:50p.m.–King Polo
4p.m.–4:50p.m.–Carl Beverly
Friday, June 21
11a.m.–11:50a.m.–Mr. Aaron
12p.m.-12:50p.m.–Lee &Dr.G
1p.m.-1:50p.m.–Cathy Main
Honor those making a difference in the mental health of our local communities. NOMINATE NOW a deserving colleague, leader, or community member. Winners will be honored October 22 at Riverbend's Champions for Mental Health Awards ceremony and public celebration!
Questions? Contact: development@riverbendcmhc.org
Saturday, June 22
1p.m.–1:50p.m.–Liz Kantz
2p.m.–2:50p.m.–Inthe FieldIrishDancers
3p.m.–3:50p.m.–Chris Townsend
4p.m.–4:50p.m.–Joe Messineo
5p.m.–5:50p.m.–Ryan Deachman
6:30p.m.–10p.m.–Tandy’sIdol Forthefullscheduleof eventsandactivitiesvisit marketdaysfestival.com
2 Bros. NH Bait & Tackle 13 McLaren Avenue Nashua, NH 03060 (603) 943-7276
Berry’s Bait
6 Suncook Valley Road Alton, NH 03809 (603) 875-0169
LL Cote
7 Main Street Errol, NH 03579 (603) 482-7777
Newfound Sales & Trading Post
381 Lake Street, #6 Bristol, NH 03222 (603) 744-8658
North Country Angler 2988 White Mountain Highway North Conway, NH 03860 (603) 356-6000
Ossipee’s Bait & Tackle
306 Pine River Road Effingham, NH 03882 (603) 539-3695
Pawtuckaway Trading Post 15 Freetown Road, STE 3 Raymond, NH 03077 (603) 244-2463
Ray’s Corner Country Store 1156 W Milan Road Milan, NH 03588 (603) 449-2236
Rocky’s Ace Hardware 257 Newport Road New London, NH 03257 (603) 526-2800
Squam Boat Livery 853 US Route 3
Holderness, NH 03245 (603) 968-7721
The Loon Center 183 Lees Mill Road Moultonborough, NH 03254 (603) 476-5666
The Tackle Shack (Meredith) 54 NH Route 25, Unit C Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-3152
Lopstick Outfitters
10 Metallak Place Pittsburg, NH 03592 (603) 538-6010
OldFashionedBargain Days,fondlyreferredtoby someasOldFashionedJunk Days,originatedin1974as aninitiativebydowntown merchantsinConcordto clearoutaginginventory. Thissidewalksalenotonly offeredamazingdeals,butit attractedmanyvisitorsto theareatoexplore.
Astheyearspassed,the eventgrewandevolved.In 1980,acrucialdecisionby theorganizersatthetime ledtotheclosureofMain Streettovehiclesforall threedaysofthefestival. Thisshiftmarkedthebeginningofitstransformation fromamereshoppingevent intoafull-fledgedcommunityfestival,including music,abeergarden,and entertainmentforthewhole family.By1993,theevent hadgainedanewname MarketDays atestamenttoitsgrowingscope
Despitethemanychanges overthedecades,oneelementhasremainedsteadfast:theunwaveringcommitmentofthecommunity anddowntownbusinesses. Eventhehiatusforcedby theCOVID-19pandemic couldn’tdampenthespirit ofMarketDays.Uponitsreturn,theeventemerged largerandmoredynamic thanever.Today,itboasts threestagesoflivemusic,a varietyoffreeactivitiesfor childrenandadults throughouttheday,andan impressivelineupof162 vendorsspanningfood,retail,andnonprofits.
ThesuccessofMarket Daysisstrengthenedbythe generosityofitsmanysponsors,includingthisyear’s PresentingSponsorXfinity andtheMediaSponsor BinnieMedia.Theevent alsobenefitsfromthesup-
portoftheCapitolCenter fortheArts,whosecollaborationbroughtanationally renownedperformanceon Fridaynight,andRedRiver Theatres,whohasmadethe Thursdaynightoutdoor movieabelovedannualtradition.
MarketDaysisplannedby oursmallbutmightyteam atIntownConcord.Intown Concordisanonprofitorganizationthatconsistsoftwo full-timestaffmembersand anintern.Wearesupported byaworkingBoard,along withtheMarketDaysPlanningCommittee,andan armyofvolunteersthat trulybringtheeventtolife eachyear.
MarketDayscontinuesto growandevolve,yetitremainsasymbolofcommunityprideandconnection. WhileIntownConcord planstheevent,itslonghistoryandsuccessaretruly
Intown Concord's annual Market Days in downtown Concord.
drivenbythededicationof theresidentsandlongtime supporters.Thankyoufor 50wonderfulyears,Concord!
TakealookatthehistoryofMarketDaysinthe summereditionofAround ConcordMagazine.Buyan issueatGibson’sBookstoreinConcordorstopby theConcordMonitor boothduringMarketDays. We’llhavelimitedcopies availableforfree!
Check for updates throughout the day at concordmonitor.com.
JUN 20-22 10am - 10pm
Artisan Hill Treats A11 (GF)
Batulo's Kitchen G161 (VE)
Brothers Cortado E107
Buba Kitchen A16
Bubble Bee Milk Tea B27
Bueno Burrito B43
Cali Arepa B47 (GF)
Canterbury Kettle Corn G154
Carolyn's Creamee G158
Chubba Wubba's Sweets A1
Curry Leaf G152
Deadproof Pizza Co G157
Dudley's Concessions G156
Gina Foods D77
Holly Fried Dough D106
Kona Ice C61
Let the Dough Roll B45
Live Juice G146 (VE) (V) (GF)
Maddy’s Food Hub A3
Phily’s Good Eats C65
Pours & Petals G163
Puppy Love Hot Dogs D92
Revelstoke B60
Roadside Diner C80
Sandi's Concessions D108
Sillie Puffs A9
Simply Cannoli E120 (GF)
Tea Garden Restaurant D73 (V)
Teatotaller D83
Tommy's Pizzeria A5
Wicked Tasty D75 (VE) (V) (GF)
Yankee Farmer's Market Buffalo B49
Achromatic D87
AliCat Jewels, Inc. C64
At The Purple House C70
Black Forest Nursery A15
Bona Fide D113
Budget Blinds B34
Campanion A22
CandleTree Soy Candles E110
Capital Car Audio E103
CBD American Shaman of Plaistow A12
Concord Arts Market F143
Coonhound Soy Candles, LLC F126
Cosh LLC F123
Creative Therapy Jewelry A21
Dandelion Children's Consignment F138
Darci's Purple Passion Nails-Color Street B56
Fabulous Looks C76
Gondwana & Divine Clothing Co F121
Grappone Automotive Group F137
Hannaford Supermarkets B51
Hilltop Consignment Gallery D102
Hobbys with a Twist F122
Homebody A26
Hound Street Boutique D81
Inty collection D88
Joe King's Shoe Shop E97
Jus Labs C57
Kind Finds LLC C68
LDR- Lilise Designer Resale F127
Lilla Rose Hair Accessories B50
Little Red Shed G168
Made by Mandy A2
Maker Man A135
Mobile Dealin F128
Nectar of the Vine F133
Ooh My Crochet and Crafts F134
PaperPie B52
Penumbra E111
Pitchfork Records G151
Queerlective B37b
R&R Legacy Studio F139
Rescon Basement Solutions LLC A4
Rowell's Services C84
Rubins Hot Sauce llc C67
Runas Crafts E116
Runner's Alley A20
Simply Birkenstock E109
Soldier Solutions LLC C72
Spicy Shark F129
Steve DeMasco's Shaolin Studios F142
Tanglewood Hollow F136
The Bead Sting, Inc G155
The Merrimack Company F131
The Vintage Herb Company C66
Viking House F115
Wicked Crafty D98
Wine on Main F125
Trampoline Parks B29
Fire Henna D104
Atherton Arts C28
Binnie Media B58
Breezeline E105
Casella Kid's Rover B23a
Casella Waste Systems B23b
Certapro Painting G160
Core Benefits/Harrigan Insurance A18
Christ the King Parish E99
Community Action Prog. Belknap-Merrimack
Community Bridges C82
Concord City Dems/Merrimack Co Dems
Concord Community
Headliner: The Ultimate QUeen Celebration FRIDAY 7:30PM
Counties A17
Concord VFW Post 1631 B42
Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire C62
Derry Imaging B31
Disability Rights Center - NH D79
DMC Primary Care B33
Eastern Bank G150
Face Painting by Jessie D100
Fidium Fiber B36
Friends of the Concord Lake Sunapee Rail Trail A13
GE Aerospace B39
GoodLife Programs & Activities B38
Granite State Baptist Church C74
Heritage Home Service G162
Hotworx G148
Independent Services Network B48
Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan B46
KWC Marketing/InnSeason D94
League of Conservation Voters D85
Ledyard National Bank G166
Lincoln Financial Group E118
Live Free Heating Cooling Electric C59
Manchester Transit Authority A19
Merrimack County Savings Bank C69
New England Healing & Freedom Center A14
by OUTDOOR MOVIE “Dazed and ConFused” (R) THURS 8:30-10pm
New Hampshire Air National Guard
New Hampshire Army National Guard D86
New Hampshire Family Radio - WKXL C78
New Hampshire Gospel Radio F132
Nh Animal Rights League G174
Northeast Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services E114
One Church B41
Path Vacations/Steele Hill Resorts G164
Ram Axe Throwing A8
RallySound, Inc. G144
Red River Theatres G170
Riverbend Community Mental Health C63
Rotary Club of Concord D96
Save the Children Action Network B44
Shaheen & Gordon B37a
StitchesNH A10
Sundial Solar F140
Temple Beth Jacob D112
The Concord Monitor F145
The Psychic Shop B30
The Zoo Health Club E101
T-Mobile D89
US Cellular A6
Xfinity D93
Zenith Martial Arts B25
Bold = Sponsor
DIETARY RESTRICTIONS (GF) Gluten Free (VE) Vegan (V) Vegetarian Accessible
Pedestrian Only
KarenBrazwasalready along-timemember andperformerwith TheCommunityPlayersof Concord,NHwhen,inthe late1980s,sheraisedtheidea ofexpandingthegrouptoincludeachildren’stheatre.
“IwasatBobandPhyllis Stuart’shouseandIwas talkingaboutthisideafora children’stheatreandthis pallfellovertheroom,”said theenergeticKarenBraz, humorouslyrecallingwhen shefirstapproachedthe CommunityPlayersabout startingtheChildren’sTheatreProject.Shesubsequentlysentthegroupa videoofashowshedirected fortheJuniorServiceLeague
whichhelpedpersuade them.
By1996,thePlayerswere wellontheirwaytobuilding theirownrehearsalstudioin EastConcordandBraz’s questtooffertheatreprogrammingforchildrenfinallybecameareality.Under Braz’sdirection,thegroup’s newlyformedChildren’s TheatreProject,beganwith TheWindInTheWillows, featuringacastofyoungactorsages8to14performing atConcord’snow-defunct AnnicchiaricoTheatre.
Sincethen,“CTP”haspresentedafullyproducedplay ormusicaleveryfall(nowat ConcordCityAuditorium) withtheexceptionofpan-
Sincethebeginning,Karen andherteamhaveoffereda WinterVacationTheatre Camp,whereyoungthespiansspendfivedaysrehearsingshorteradaptations ofshows,withapizzaparty forthecastandafreeonstageperformancefor family,friendsandthecommunity.Forthepastten years,CTPhasalsooffereda similarSummerTheatre CampeveryAugust.The numberofchildrenwho havebeeninvolvedinthe plays,musicalsandcamp productionsdirectedbyBraz isatthispointalmostincalculable.
TheaverageConcordarea residentmayormaynotbe familiarwithcommunity theatreshowsgenerally,but oneneednotgofartofind someonewhowillperkupat mentionofthename “Karen”astheyfondlyrecall thepositivetheatreexperiencestheirchildrenor grandchildrenhavehadwith CTPoverthedecades.The 25thAnniversaryofthe Children’sTheatreProject occurredduringthepandemic,leavingtheCommunityPlayerswithlittleopportunitytorecognizeand celebratetheoccasionas theyfeltit–andKarenBraz –trulydeserved.
Whenaboardmemberrecentlysuggestedcreatingan annualawardinhernameto recognizeabove-and-beyondsupportfortheChildren’sTheatreProject,the responsewasinstantand unanimousapproval.The annualaward,calledthe “KarenBrazChildren’sTheatreProjectAward,”wasfirst presentedatthePlayersAnnualMeetingonSaturday,
June8,andthefirstrecipient oftheawardwas,ofcourse, KarenBraz.
EllenBurger,Community Playerspresident,was thrilledtopresenttheaward toBrazonbehalfofthe Players.“Inmyopinion,the positiveimpactofchildren’s theatreonthechildrenit serves–boththoseonstage andintheaudience-cannot beoverstated.”Burgersays. “Weareimmenselyproudof andthankfulforCTP’swork andhopethisannualaward willserveasanenduringtestamenttoKaren’sremarkablecontributionsandasinspirationforthededicated adultswhodevotetheirtalentstosupportingchildren’s
KevinBelval,whohassupportedthetechnicalaspects ofcountlessCTPshows, commented,“Workingwith Karenfornearlytwo decadesIhavehadthefirsthandopportunitytoseeher impactontheyouthinour community.Shehashelped countlesskidsachieveeverythingfromovercoming stagefrighttopursuinga livingintheperformingarts. TheCommunityPlayersare luckytohavehadsuchanimpactfulpersonworkingin thisareaalltheseyears.”
Inthefallof2021,Braz tooktimeoutfromdirecting tobeinterviewedbyConcordTV.“Overtheyears,
therearepeoplewholookat melikeI’vegotnineheads becauseIworkwithkids,” Brazsaid.“No.Don’teven thinkthat.Theyaregreatto workwithandtheyarethe future.Ifyouwantpatronsof thearts,ifyouwantactors,if youwanttechies–thisis wheretheystart.”Ina suddenreflectivemode,the directorrecalled,“Thereare kidsforwhomthisnicheis reallyimportant.Therewas thisonelittleboy,attheAnniccharico–I’mnotsure whatcampweweredoing–andhelooksupatmeandhe goes,‘Thisisthebestnightof mylife!’”Brazlaughsasshe tellsthestorybutadds, “oftenyoudon’trealizeuntil
yearslater,whenkidscome backandtellyouhowmuch itmeanttothem.”
Brazwasstunnedand gratefulwhentheawardwas announcedatCommunity Players’AnnualMeeting,but sheisnotrestingonherlaurels,astheworkcontinues.
TheChildren’sTheatreProjectSummerCampisfully subscribedwithforty campersenrolledandwill presentSisterAct,Jr.,on Friday,August9,at6:30p.m. Admissionisfreeandno ticketsarerequired.
CTP’s29thseason marchesforwardinthefall andwithCharlotte’sWebon October18at7p.m.and 19at2p.m.Ticketswillbe
availableatthePlayerswebsitelaterthissummer.Both showsareatConcordCity Auditorium.Information abouttheCommunity Players’Children’sTheatre Projectcanbefoundatcommunityplayersofconcord.org.
whileworkingthroughher mentalillnessandchronic hives.Thetwospendalot oftheirtimediscussing theirnarcissisticmother whoappearstohavejoined anessentialoilspyramid scheme.Thestoryfollows theirrollercoasterofayear: thefights,make-ups,returninghomeforThanksgiving,andJules’oddlovehaterelationshipwith strangersonInstagram.
Alexandra’snovelisintimateinthewaythat readingitfeelsalmost voyeuristictothereader. It’soneofthosebooksyou can’ttearyoureyesaway from.Eachcharactermakes horribledecisions,andare horribletoeachother,but atthesametimetheiractionsandmotivesfeltvery realistic.Iwouldrecommendthisbooktoanyone whoenjoyedtheHBO’s showGirls.
Shane PhillipsShare what’s happening in your community.
Email snapshots to communitynews@cmonitor.com.
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ElectricEarthConcerts presents“Evocations”on Sunday,June30at4p.m.at theFirstChurchinJaffrey (14LabanAinsworthWay).
Schubert’sjoyous“Trout” Quintetmeetsthedark,mysticalworldofOsvaldo Golijov’s“Dreamsand PrayersofIsaactheBlind”,a Klezmer-inspiredclassicof ourtimeforclarinetand strings.Theprogramalsoincludes“ForToru,”byLukas Foss.RaneMoore,clarinet; JesseMillsandEmilie-Anne Gendron,violins;Jonathan Bagg,viola;ThomasKraines, cello;LauraGilbert,flute; RiekoAizawa,piano; ZacharyHobin,bass.
LukasFoss,aGermanbornAmericancomposer, conductorandpianistwas borninBerlin,studyinginitiallywithJuliusGoldsteinHerford,theninPariswith NoëlGallon.Hemovedto theUSAin1937,andcon-
tinuedhisstudies-compositionwithRosarioScalero, pianowithIsabelle Vengerovaandconducting withFritzReineratthe CurtisInstitute,withKoussevitzkyatTanglewoodand PaulHindemithatYale.
OsvaldoGolijovgrewup inanEasternEuropean JewishhouseholdinLaPlata, Argentina.Borntoapiano teachermotherandphysicianfather,Golijovwas raisedsurroundedbyclas-
sicalchambermusic,Jewish liturgicalandklezmermusic, andthenewtangoofAstor Piazzolla.Hisblendingof genresandseamlessintegrationofvoicesspeakvolumes abouthisapproachandstyle, amusicallanguagethatcan onlybetermed“Golijovian.”
Generaladmissionis$30, payableonline(www.electricearthconcerts.org)orvia cashorcheckatthedoor. Studentsmayattendforfree. Formoreinformation,con-
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Thisconcertisgenerously sponsoredbyGroveStreet Fiduciary.
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■ A Rail Journey Through India: 10 to 11 a.m. A trip through Rajasthan, via the “Place on Wheels”. $5. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St., Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@goodlifenh.org.
■ Bereavement Group: 10 a.m. to noon. Join us for a monthly bereavement group facilitated by bereavement counselors from Bayada Hospice. Drop-in. Free. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St, Unit L, Concord. lgagnon@ goodlfienh.org.
■ The Big Book Sale: 9 a.m. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord. jsalemy@ concordnh.gov.
■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Thursdays): 6 to 8:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Concord.
■ Everett Arena Roller Skaing (June & July!): 6 to 9 p.m. Admission is $6, rentals $6. $5 Helmet. Everett Arena , 15 Loudon Rd., Concord. Everettarena@concordnh.gov.
■ METALSUM – Art Inspired by Nature and Imagined Through Found Objects: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Rd., Concord.
■ Roller Skating: 6 to 9
p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.
June 21
■ The Big Book Sale: 9 a.m. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord. jsalemy@ concordnh.gov.
■ Class in Nashua - Basket Weaving with Ruth Boland (Fridays): 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Natural Wellness Corner, 239 Loudon Rd., Concord. (603) 595-8233.
■ Everett Arena Roller Skaing (June & July!): 6 to 9 p.m. Everett Arena , 15 Loudon Rd, Concord. Everettarena@ concordnh.gov.
■ METALSUM – Art Inspired by
Nature and Imagined Through Found Objects: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. McLane Center, 84 Silk Farm Rd., Concord.
■ Posture & Stability: 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Focus on strengthening your flexibility and movement to improve your posture. $55. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St, Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@goodlifenh.org.
■ Roller Skating: 6 to 9 p.m. Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Rd., Concord.
■ Art Opening Reception: 5 to 6:30 p.m. Fine Art Opening Free. The Glimpse Gallery, 4 Park St., Concord. 6038928307. contact@
■ The Big Book Sale: 9 a.m. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord. jsalemy@ concordnh.gov.
■ Flying High Dogs - Summer Reading Kickoff: 10 to 11 a.m. Free. Rollins Park, Concord. jsalemy@concordnh.gov.
■ Storytime Stations at the Heights: 9:30 a.m. Free. Heights Branch Library, 14 Canterbury Rd., Concord. jsalemy@concordnh.gov.
■ Everett Arena Roller Skaing (June & July!): 6 to 9 p.m. Everett Arena , 15 Loudon Rd, Concord. Everettarena@
■ One Million Steps for OCD Walk: 2 to 4 p.m. Free. $25 for T-Shirt. White Park, 1 White St., Concord. info@ocdnewampshire.org.
■ The Big Book Sale: 9 a.m. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord. jsalemy@ concordnh.gov.
■ Concord Hospital Complimentary Programs: 10 to 11 a.m. Complementary programs and offerings provided to patients in admission at their hospital campuses. $5. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 N. State St., Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@goodlifenh.org.
FirstCongregationaland WesleyUnitedMethodist Churchesaresponsoringa family-friendlyconcertserieseveryotherThursday thissummer.Thefirstshow, aconcertbytheCarter MountainBrassBand,will beonThursday,June27. Portsmouth’sSharon JoneswillperformonJuly 11,followedbyEmily’s GarageBandonJuly25,and theScottSpradlingBandon August8.Thefinalconcert oftheserieswillbeElectric PraiseonAugust22. Thesefree(Donationsaccepted)concertsarefrom6 -7:15p.m.andtakeplacebehindthechurchat79 ClintonStreetinConcord (We’llmoveindoorsifit’s threateningtorain).Seating isonthegrass,sobesureto bringlawnchairsandbug spray!Formoreinformation visitClintonStreetConcerts.org.
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Our Vision
In the ConVal community, all learners will achieve academically, act thoughtfully, and contribute to the larger society.
Our Mission
To provide opportunities and inspire our learners to explore interests, pursue new knowledge and skills, learn about self and others, and give of oneself to the greater community.
ConVal is hiring for the following positions:
• ConVal School District
Elementary School Principal
District/Community Preschool and Elementary Case
Special Education Teachers – All Levels
Speech/Language Pathologist Assistants
School Psychologist – Elementary and High School
Occupational Therapist
School Nurses
Sign Language Interpreter
Paraprofessionals – All Levels
• ConVal High School
General Science Teacher
Math Teacher
Music Teacher
Computer and Information Technology CTE Instructor
Pre-Engineering CTE Teacher
ELO Work Base Learning Counselor
10-Month Administrative Assistant
• ConVal Middle Schools
Technology Integrator
Physical Education Teacher
Math Teacher
• ConVal Elementary School
Elementary School Counselor
Physical Education/Health Teacher
Library/Media Specialist
• ConVal Support Staff
Part-Time Administrative Assistant
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Graduated with Distinction from Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY with a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Materials Engineering.
“Clarkson is 5 hours away so I would get adjusted every time I visited home. Now that I’ve graduated I’m looking forward to being able to get regular adjustments again.”
Logan is a 2024 high school graduate of The Derryfield School and will be going to college at New Jersey Institute of Technology studying Financial Technology while playing Division 1 Lacrosse.
The Crossroads Chiropractic team has played a very important role in maintaining Logan’s ability to be a 3 sport athlete with weekly adjustments keeping him in peak performance!
Aaliah is a 17 year old high school graduate of Pembroke Academy. She will attending Southern NH University in the fall to study graphic design.
“Since starting chiropractic care I noticed a distinct change in my gastrointestinal tract as well as my height and posture. Sitting in front of a computer screen all day is obviously not good for anyone, in this specifically I noticed the neck traction block has significantly redirected my neck and helps me hold my head up high, literally and figuratively, for the future ahead of me. Thank you, Crossroads!”
Isaiah is graduating from Trinity Christian School in Concord, NH. He has played trumpet for 9 years and soccer since he was 5 years old. He was accepted to Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, FL where he will study mechanical engineering.
Ava is a 2024 graduate of Concord high School Ava will be attending Sacred Heart University in Connecticut will plans to earn a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Ava looks forward to staying active while playing Club lacrosse.