TheCommunityPlayers ofConcord(CPC)will offeraseriesoffree workshopsdesignedtodevelopandenhancetheater skillsforparticipantsofall levels.RunningfromDecemberthroughJune,the workshopscovertopicssuch asacting,setdesign,and Shakespeare.Allsessionswill takeplaceatthePlayers’ Studio.
Toreserveaspot,email CindyDickinsonatcynthia.dickinson@communityplayersofconcord.org, specifyingtheworkshops youwishtoattendandincludingaphonenumber. WorkshopSchedule
mensionsofactinginthis one-dayworkshopfocusing onidentifying,feeling,and projectingemotions.
Contact:wtarrytown@ aol.comorcall603-6685466.
Saturday,Jan.25,2025,9 a.m.–1p.m.
Thisinteractivesessionexploreseffectivescene staging,allowingparticipantstopracticeandunderstandchoicesinstaging.
Contact:bettylent54@ gmail.com
Saturday,Feb.8,2025,9 a.m.–noon
Learntocreateadetailed backstoryforyourcharacter,
PresentedbyWallyPineault andJimWebber
Saturday,Mar.15,2025,10 a.m.–1p.m.
Diveintosetdesignessentials,includingtheory,communication,budgeting,and collaborationwithtechnical teams.
Contact:jbw1026@ aol.comorwpineault@comcast.net
PresentedbyBettyLent Saturday,Apr.19,2025,9 a.m.–1p.m.
Discoverthehumorin Shakespeare’scomedies throughhands-onexplorationandstaging.Noprior experiencerequired.
Contact:bettylent54@ gmail.com
PresentedbyRickSilverberg Tuesday,May6,13,and20, 2025,7p.m.–9p.m.
Learnhands-onscenery constructiontechniques,includingtheuseoftoolsand buildingmaterials,whilecreatingflatsandplatforms.
Contact:rsilverberg54@ gmail.com.
Aone-daysessioncoveringphrasing,subtext,and emotionalexpressionin
Contact:wtarrytown@ aol.comorcall603-6685466.
Workshopleadersinclude experiencedCPCmembers andprofessionalswithextensivebackgroundsindirecting,acting,design,and construction.
Formoredetailsonindividualworkshops,contact thelistedpresenters.Join CPCtosharpenyourskills andconnectwiththelocal theatercommunity.
OnNov.13,NHTI–Concord’sCommunityCollegehosted theannualNewHampshire DepartmentofTransportation(NHDOT)Popsicle StickBridgeCompetition onitsConcordcampus.The eventfeatured43teams fromhighschoolsacross thestate,includingConcord HighSchool,Gorham MiddleHighSchool,HopkintonHighSchool,Milford HighSchool,NashuaHigh SchoolSouth,PlymouthRegionalHighSchool,and WinnisquamRegional MiddleSchool. Studentsworked throughoutthefallterm underthementorshipof NHDOTengineerstodesignandconstructbridges usingonlypopsiclesticks, hotglue,andcreativity.The bridgesweretestedfortheir loadcapacityandefficiency, withthegoalofholdingthe
highestloadrelativetotheir weight.
Thecompetitiontook placeinSweeneyHallAuditorium,whereeachteam registeredtheirbridgewith NHDOTandthenplacedit onatestingrig.Therigdistributedloadevenlyacross thestructurewhiletheteam membersmonitoreditsperformance.Winningbridges demonstratedexceptional strengthandefficiency.
■ FirstPlace:Hopkinton HighSchool
■ SecondPlace:HopkintonHighSchool
■ ThirdPlace:Milford HighSchool
Thecompetitionispartof theAmericanAssociation ofStateHighwayandTransportationOfficials (AASHTO)STEMOutreach SolutionsProgram. Throughthisinitiative,state transportationdepartments
collaboratewithhigh schools,providingcurricula,resources,andengineermentorstoinspirestudentsandhighlighttherole ofmathandscienceinengineering.
Inadditiontothehigh schoolcompetition,NHTI studentsfromtheArchitectureandCivilEngineering Technologyprograms showcasedtheirskillsby designingandbuildingaluminumbridgesaspartof theirSteelandTimberDesigncourse.Thesecollegelevelbridges,whilenotpart ofthecompetition,demonstratedtheadvancedtechniquesstudentsdevelopin highereducation.
Formoreinformationon thecompetitionortoobtain detailedresults,contact NHTI’sArchitectureand CivilEngineeringTechnologyprogramsatvtcarter@ccsnh.edu.
“BeautifulandTerrible Things”byS.M.Stevens, publishedbyBlackRose Writing,hasbeennameda finalistintwomajorbook competitions:the2024 “ShelfUnbound”BestIndie BookCompetitionandthe
2024AmericanWriting Awards. The“ShelfUnbound” competitionselectedthe novelasoneoffivefinalists acrossallgenres,with awardsbasedoncreativity, writingquality,originality,
andimpact.Thewinnersare featuredintheWinter2024 issueofthemagazine, whichreachesover125,000 readersworldwide.The issueincludesafour-page spreadonStevens,featuring anauthorinterview,biography,andexcerptfromthe novel.
“Thisrecognition,spanningallgenres,isagreat honor,”Stevenssaid.
IntheAmericanWriting Awards,“BeautifulandTerribleThings”wasnameda finalistintheLGBTQcategory.Thiscompetitionevaluatesbooksonstorytelling ability,pacing,characterdevelopment,andoverallimpact.Thenovel,whichfeaturesadiversegroupofsix
friends,includingtwo LGBTQ+characters,wasselectedfromarecord numberofsubmissions across82categories.
PublishedinJuly2024, “BeautifulandTerrible Things”(ISBN978-168513-447-1,$24.95)explorescontemporarysocial issuesthroughtheinterconnectedlivesofitscharacters.Ithasearnedmultiple accolades,includingHonorableMentionintheReaders’ FavoriteInternationalBook AwardContestandfinalist statusinthe2024American FictionAwards.
formats,thenovelisdistributedthroughmajorretailerssuchasAmazon, Barnes&Noble,andBookshop.org.
S.M.Stevens,aWashington,N.H.,residentand boardmemberoftheMonadnockWriters’Group, beganwritingfictionduring personalhealthcrises.Her previousworksinclude HorseshoesandHand GrenadesandtheawardwinningnoveletteTheWallaceHouseofPain.Learn moreatAuthorSMStevens.com
Formoreinformation, visitBlackRoseWriting.com
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By ARIANNA MacNEILL Insider staff
Theholidaysareso closethatyoucanalmost hearthefaintringofbells wornbySanta’sreindeeras heglidesthroughthesky. Butforthoseofuswho playSanta(becausethere’s alittlebitofholidayspirit inusall,right?),andalso procrastinate,findingthose last-minutegiftscanfeela tadstressful. That’swhereweatthe Insiderhaveyoucovered! Luckily,Concordhasa
uniqueblendofshopswith avarietyofitemsforyouto choosefrom,becausewhat makesagoodmother-inlawgiftanyway?Youhave manyoptions: WalkingintoViking Houseprovidestheunique experienceofbeingableto buyEuropeanproducts withouthavingtostepona plane.
Forthelovedoneconstantlytryingtobattlethe coldofaNewEngland winter,theshophasavarietyofwarmweathergear –fluffyhats,not-sofluffyyetstillwarmlookinghats,andmittens andglovescomingfromas farawayasPolandand Sweden.
Thatfoodiefriendon yourlistmaylovesome freshcheese,whileany childreninyourlifemay enjoyoneofthestore’svarietyoftoys.
VenturingintoPitchfork Recordsisalwaysamusical adventure.Fromusedvinyl tonewjams,thestore –itmarked50yearsdown-
townthisyear!–hasmany selectionsforeventhe mostuniquetastesof music-lovingfriends.Or, maybeyou’dliketogift someonewiththeirown musicsetup.Theyhavea varietyofturntables,too. PlusthereareusedCDsand DVDs,forthosewhoprefer multipleformsofphysical media.
Ormaybeyou’reshoppingforthatfriendwhose noseisalwaysinabook. Gibson’scaterstothe newestreaderstothosealwaysscanningtheNew YorkTimesbestsellerslist. Thepopularbookstoreoffersfiction,non-fiction, travelguides,coffeetable bookstoleafthrough,and more. Inaddition,thestaff ofbooksellersisalways happytomakearecommendation.
Plus,there’sthecafeto pickupahotbeverageof choiceortreat,toenjoy yourselfwhileyoushopfor others.
Forthoseofuswholike togiveactivegifts,whynot
anightoutatthemovies? RedRiverTheatresisthe primeplaceforfilminConcord,especiallyafterthe Regalclosedearlierthis year,restinpeace. RedRiverhasgiftcards, whetherforamoviebuff –weallknowatleastone –orthosejustlookingfora relaxingtimeinfrontofthe silverscreen(unlessyou’re seeingahorrormovie,then maybenot.)
Fromcriticaldarlingsto blockbusters,RedRiver caterstomanytastes.Plus theseatsarecomfy,always awin.
Fortheoutdoorenthusiastslookingforgiftsunder thetree,Concordrecently welcomedtheoff-priceretailerofoutdoorgearand apparelSierratoLoudon Road.Andjustdownthe roadisatime-honored storesellingeverything fromcanoestothrowrugs –theL.L.Beanoutleton FortEddyRoad.
BackdowntownJoe King’shaseverything anyoneneedstokeeptheir
feetcomfyanddry.Trythe cellarifyouarelookingfor alast-minutedealona budget.FurtherdownMain Street,UnitedShoeRepair offersleather-goodsmade righthereinNewHampshirefromDeerfield Leathers.Theslippersare awesome(trustus)andthe beltswilllastlongerthan yourcar.
Purchase gift cards in-store from November 29 - December 31 and receive 20% of your total purchase back on a Common Man Bonus Card!* Available at Common Man locations.** Purchase online starting Cyber Monday, December 2 at theCman.com.
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■ Concord Handmade PopUp Shop: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Join Concord Handmade for handmade goods from 30+ artists local to New England. Open at 3 Bicentennial Sq., Concord. concordhandmade@ gmail.com.
■ Crafting Joy: The Art of Optimism Exhibition: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 49 South Main St., Suite 100, Concord.
■ The Greg and The Morning Buzz Ball: 7 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main St., Concord.
Main St., Concord.
■ Lego Club: 3:30 p.m. Free. Concord Public Library, 45 Green St., Concord. jsalemy@ concordnh.gov.
■ The Rock Orchestra By Candlelight: 8 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main St., Concord.
■ Technology One on One: 9 a.m. to noon. 30 minute oneon-one session where participant can ask questions on any device (computer, phone or tablet) Call 603-228-6630 to regsiter. $15. GoodLife Programs & Activities, 254 North State St., Unit L, Concord. kgagnon@goodlifenh.org.
■ Winter Solstice Soirée: 4 to 7 p.m. USD. Nature Conservancy (inside The Hotel Concord), 11 South Main St., Concord.
Dec. 20
■ CCMS Student Recitals: 6 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Concord Community Music School, 23 Wall St., Concord. reception@ ccmusicschool.org.
■ CCMS String Department Student Recital: 6 to 7 p.m. Free. Concord Community Music School, 23 Wall St., Concord. reception@ccmusicschool.org.
Choice Ribeye Steak
6oz Fillet of Oscar Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Baked Stuffed Filet of Sole with Newburg Sauce
Lobster Mac and Cheese with Sirloin Tips
Broiled Jumbo Lump Crabcakes
Mustard Crusted Cedar Plank Salmon
Pork Ribeye with Sauteed Onion and Mushroom
Crispy Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo with Broccoli
Vegetable Creama Rosa with Penne Pasta
Grilled Swordfish Steak with Lemon Butter
Chicken Piccata with Mushroom Risotto Marinated Greek Chicken Tenders over Rice
Lobster Ravioli with Cream Sherry Sauce
Baked Stuffed Artichoke Hearts
Baked Stuffed Clams
Marinated Greek Shrimp
■ Concord Handmade PopUp Shop: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Join Concord Handmade for handmade goods from 30+ artists local to New England. Open at 3 Bicentennial Sq., Concord. concordhandmade@gmail.com.
■ DeSoL: 7:30 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South
■ Concord contra dance: 7 to 10 p.m. Christmas contra dance with Dudley Laufman. Saturday, City-Wide Community Center, 14 Canterbury Rd., Concord. Ages 15-25 are $5, under age 15 are free. CityWide Community Center, 14 Canterbury Rd., Concord. 603225-4917. concordnhcontra@ gmail.com.
■ Concord Handmade PopUp Shop: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Join Concord Handmade for handmade goods from 30+ artists local to New England. Open at 3 Bicentennial Sq., Concord. concordhandmade@ gmail.com.
■ Heather Pierson: 7 p.m. BNH Stage, 16 South Main St., Concord.
■ The Heather Pierson Trio w/ A Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas: 2 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main St., Concord.
■ The Heather Pierson Trio w/ A Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas: 7 p.m. Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 South Main St., Concord.
■ Meet Santa at The Paper Store!: 10 a.m. to noon. Free. The Paper Store, 68 Fort Eddy Rd., Concord. (603) 225-6767.
■ Storytime Stations at the Heights: 9:30 a.m. Free. Heights Branch Library, 14 Canterbury Rd, Concord. jsalemy@concordnh.gov.
■ Winter Solstice: 1 p.m. White Park - Merrimack Lodge, 10 White St, Concord.
Dec. 22
■ Service of Lessons and Carols: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Free. St Paul’s Church, 21 Centre St., Concord. (603) 224-2523. office@stpaulsconcord.org.
Dec. 23
■ Concord Handmade PopUp Shop: 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Join Concord Handmade for handmade goods from 30+ artists local to New England. Open at 3 Bicentennial Sq.,, Concord. concordhandmade@ gmail.com.
■ Crafting Joy: The Art of Optimism Exhibition: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 49 South Main Street, Suite 100, Concord.
Here’swhat’scomingup attheCapitolCenterforthe Artsthroughtheendofthe month:
Buzz Ball
■ 7p.m.,Dec.19,Chubb Theatre deSol
■ 7:30p.m.,Dec.20,BNH Stage
The Rock Orchestra by Candlelight
■ 8p.m.,Dec.20,Chubb Theatre
Charlie Brown Jazz Christmas
■ 2p.m.and7p.m.,Dec. 21,BNHStage
Zach Nugent’s Dead Set
■ 8p.m.,Dec.27,Chubb Theatre
R-Rated Comedy Hypnotist Frank Santos Jr.
■ 8p.m.,Dec.28,BNH Stage
Joe Gatto: Let's Get Into It featuring Mark Jigarjian
■ 7p.m.,Dec.30,Chubb Theatre
The Big Easy New Year's Eve
■ 8p.m.,Dec.31,BNH Stage
Dec.19,1774:TheBritish frigateScarborougharrives atPortsmouthHarbor,the secondoftwoshipswhose presencequellsaninsurrection.Intworaidsduringthe week,dissidentcolonists havetakenlightcannons, musketsandgunpowder fromFortWilliamand Mary.Thepresenceofthe Britishshipsiscreditedwith keepingthedissidentsfrom returningtoseizethefort’s 45heavycannons.
Dec.19,1975:Thestate acceptsasagiftthehistoric JohnLangdonhousein Portsmouth,birthplaceof anearlyNewHampshire
Dec.20,1863:New HampshiremanBenjamin BrownFrenchattends“the mostbrilliant”receptionin histimeasaWhiteHouse aidetoPresidentLincoln. Congress,theCabinetand theSupremeCourtareallon hand.Theguestsofhonor:a Russiandelegationvisiting thecapital.“TheRussianofficersweremagnificently uniformed,”writesFrench, “andexceedinglypoliteand stiffintheirmanners,asall foreignersappeartobetous free-and-easy‘Yankees.’”
Courtrulingthedaybefore, gayrightsadvocatesinthis statesaytheywillintroduce legislationtoconferon same-sexcouplesthesame rightsasmarriedcouples. Otheradvocatessayitwould bebettertowaitfortheVermontlegislaturetorespond tothecourtrulingbefore acting.
Dec.22,2000:Former NashuaaldermanPhil Grandmaisonisamong59 peoplegrantedpardonsby PresidentClinton.Grandmaisonservedninemonths inprisonforlobbyingtwo colleaguesonbehalfofthe constructioncompany
whereheworked.His brotherJoeisaformerstate DemocraticPartychairman whoworkedfortheClinton administration.
Dec.22,1840:Belknap Countyisestablished.
Dec.22,1939:Firedestroysthefirststeamer MountWashington.
Dec.23,1865:Homeat lasteightmonthsafterthe
lastshotsoftheCivilWar werefired,theSecondNew HampshireVolunteerInfantryRegimentparades throughthestreetsofConcord.Gov.FrederickSmyth andotherdignitariestoast theregiment.Threedays later,theSecondwillbepaid offanddischarged,having servedlongerthananyother NewHampshireregiment.
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Deerfield Fair in Deerfield, NH is seeking an Office Assistant. Candidate must be highly organized w/attention to detail possessing exc. communication skills. This is a PT position is 20 hrs per wk during the Fair's off season from Nov. thru June & 40 hrs per wk for the months of July thru Oct. as we prepare for & complete work following the annual Fair. The candidate will provide clerical support & outstanding Customer Service while assisting vendors, customers, Department Superintendents & Deerfield Fair's Board of Officers and Directors. This is a dynamic position w/varied work duties throughout the year. Hourly wage is w/experience.commensurate Interested parties may apply by sending a cover letter & resume to secretary@deerfieldfair.com.
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