CM Impact Report 2024

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The Monitor’s annual update to the community –what we’ve done and how we’re preparing for our future



Welcometoour fourthannualReport to Readers, ayear-end effort that aims todetail whatwe’ve donein the past yearand what we’replanning for the year ahead.We’ve accomplished a lot in2024 andwe’re bracingfor abig 2025. Here are some of the highlights.


Our newsroom

The Monitor added an Education beat and a State House beat to its newsroom this past year. That means wenowhavemorenewsreportersthan we did 10 yearsago. That’s because of thesupport ofourreaders, thegenerosityofsome majorfundersandthe guidance ofour family-ownedcompany,whichallowsusthetimeandflexibilityto carrythe Monitorinto thefuture.

Thisisnotto sayournewsroomis bigger than it was10 years ago. Our editingstaffismuchleaner,andthey’re accustomed to wearing many different hats. But their hard work, dedication andtalentis evident.TheMonitorwas again namedthe bestnews organizationof itssizeinNew England.(We’re proud to say that several news organizations in ourfamily-owned company –TheMonadnock Ledger-Transcriptin Peterborough, NH;the DailyHampshireGazette andthe ValleyAdvocate in Northampton,Mass, andThe Recorder in Greenfield, Mass. – also receivedhonors).Theseawardsreflect the vibrancy thatour local advertisers bring tothe paperand website,and the honors area testament to thepower of local ownership.


We launched anew, temporary website late in 2023. Themove came as a result of somesignificant technical problems withour previoussite, which waspainfullyslow toloadandgetting worse bythe week. The newsite has madeloadtimesmuchfaster,butitstill has just a fraction of the functionality that wewant to offer ourreaders. So we’re ramping up for a website relaunch later this year.

6 days

On thefirst weekendof March,we made the biggestfrequency change in aboutthreedecades whenwemoved fromseven daysofprint publishingto six. Thatmatched thefrequency of most newspapers of oursize, and in fact, we were the last daily newspaper in northern New Englandto make the switch. Our new Weekend Edition, which comes out on Saturday, is at least fourpages largereach week,has more localcontent andwe also bumped upthe size of ourMonday edi-

tion. And,of course, we makesure our readers don’t missadayof comicsand puzzles, so ourWeekend Edition doubles up on those.

Mail delivery

Manynewspapershaveturnedtheir entire delivery system over to the United States Postal Service. They’ve done thatbecause ofthe continuing challengeofmaintainingconsistentdelivery.TheMonitor hasputsome routes into the mail, especially in areas where delivery had been an ongoing issue. But, so far, just a small percentage of ourpapers aredelivered thatway. Thetradeoffto moreconsistentdelivery is that the paper arrives later in the day. We’ve recently heard from readers who weren’t surethey’d likeit, butwho have since adjusted their reading habits around mail delivery. We’ll keep exploringtheviability ofthismethod. But a note to readers: Some of you may nothaveexperienceddeliveryissuesin recent months oreven years, and that’s to the credit of your newspaper carrier. They’rea hard-workinggroup that workstirelessly to getyou your morningdelivery despitethe dailyobstacles.


This addition toour website also came out in March. That was when we introducedourreaders toPuzzmo,a collection of digital puzzles that are free forall to play.Each day, youget a newsetof puzzles,whichincludea crossword, two other word-based games,aspatialpuzzleandaversionof chess that’ll challengeyour senseof the game. While it’s free,youcanalso registerfor expandedaccessand trackingor youcansubscribeto getall the puzzles you want.

App launch

There are two thingswe hear consistently. From younger subscribers, they want an app so a connection to the newsis rightthereon theirphone. From longtimesubscribers, wehear howmuchtheyusethedigitalreplicaof theprint editioncalled theE-edition. Earlierthisyear, wecombinedboth withinanewapp.TheConcordMonitor app,availablefor freedownloadon your smartphoneor tablet,allows our subscribers totoggle betweenthe app experience, which brings you the most updatednews withsomeadditional features,andthe E-edition,whichallowsyoutogettheprintexperienceina digital format.


Our newspaper has been around since1864,so thatmeanswe’ve published well over40,000 individual editions over the years. That’s a lot of stories,alotofnewspagesandalotofcon-

tent that’s trappedon paper.We’re startingtopeckawayattheenormityof digitizingourarchives. Wemadesome significantheadwayin 2024.First,we mademorethan adecadeofConcord Monitor editions instantly available to subscribers. All you haveto do is log into theE-edition eitheron thefree Concord Monitor app orfollow the Eedition linkatop ourwebsite. Onceyou login,clickon thearchivebuttonand pick youryear, month andday. Most usefulofall,you cansearchacrossa rangeofdates tofindexactlywhat you’re looking for.

We’vetaken thingsa stepfurther, though youwon’t see this onour website. We’ve been ableto upload all ConcordMonitoreditions datingbackto 1947 to This is useful tothose whousethatsite forancestry searches, but it’salso a lot offun for regular readers.


New content

Thiscoming year,the Monitorwill continuetoreport onourstate,cities and towns,with astrong focuson local government and accountability. But we also know that many readers look to us for differenttypes of news. We’llbe expanding ourcoverage ofarts, entertainment, culture and lifestyle, and we’re introducinga newcolumn on wellness. You’ll see that coverage online, in the print edition, in the Concord Insider and in Around Concord magazine.


By theend of2025, weexpect that readingthe Monitoronlinewill bea wholenewexperience. We’re now hard at workwith the beginning stagesof a newwebsite thatwillgiveus morecapability than ever. We’ll have better displayof ourphotos, moreinteractive contentand storiesgeared towardour growing digital readership. Our goals areclear. Themore subscriberswe have – in print oronline – themore we can invest in our news gathering.


Thetermengagement isfairlynew to localjournalism, but theconcept is about ascentral tothe industryas anything. Tobe better journalistsand to deliveradailyreport thatisvaluedby our subscribers,we have tobe willing tolisten.Engagement isaboutbeing outinthecommunity.It’saboutfielding questions.And it’s about communicating back consistently and effectively. Engagement canbe alot ofthings. It’s attending community events. It’s holding listeningsessions. It’s meeting withorganizations ofallkinds andex-

plaining what we do and why. It’s building out policies and communicating those to our readers.

We’ve madebig stridesin thisarea over the past fewyears. We’ve started theannualreport you’re reading now, and we’re about towelcome our fourth reader advisoryboard, a groupof communitymemberswhoweselectedfrom a pool of applicants.

Community Partnerships

We’ll continue to expand our base of Community Partners.Below arethose who fundedsome ofour reportingover the past year. Supporters have no input on the stories you read. Our editorial independencepolicyputstheselection, writing and editing of articles solely into the hands of Monitor journalists.

Northeast DeltaDental andMerrimackCounty SavingsBank: They’ve contributedto ourTwo New Hampshires positionfor threeyears now. Thatbeat is focused onissues like the housing crisis,homelessness and inequity in New Hampshire.

Rath, Young andPignatelli: Our original CommunityPartner, thelaw grouphassupported thereportingof national correspondentPaul Steinhauser, a NewHampshire journalist who writesa weeklyOn TheTrail columnaboutthe politicalhappeningsin the Granite State.

Barr Foundation: Their support helped us relaunch our education beat, which is among our best-read content. NewHampshireCharitableFoundation: They’veagainbeenahugehelp to ournewsroom. Theypreviously backed our educationcoverage. Now they’rehelpingus supportourState Housereporter. Weshare thisposition with oursister paper,the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript.

Report For America:

This national nonprofit’s mission is tohelp news organizationslike oursaddto theirreportingstaff. We’ve been partners since 2020and we currentlyhave two beats – Two NewHampshires andour StateHouse coverage – that receives support from this group.

Concord Hospital: They’ll be supporting a new serieson wellness starting in January, so look for those stories.

And you: Occasionally, weask for donations fromour mostdedicated readers.Andyou’vealwayssteppedup. Thatmoneygoesexclusivelytohelping our news staff report. Recent contributions havegone toour environmental andStateHousecoverage.Learnmore about how to makea donation on the back page of this section.

Thanksforbeing areader.We couldn’t do it without you.

Steve Leone, Publisher

Steve joined the Monitor as editor in 2014 and became publisher in 2020.



Those on this page can best be reached by email. Their addresses include their first initial followed by their last name

Jonathan Van Fleet, Editor

Arianna MacNeill, News Editor


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General news

Business news

Hometown communitynews


Arts, Entertainment and Lifestyle



News tip: submit-a-tip Letter to the Editor Visit Opinion and select “Submit Letter to the Editor”


Our goal is to always provide accurate information. If we learn that information we published is factually inaccurate we will publicly correct the mistake as soon as possible. In print, corrections and clarifications run on either Page 2 or Page 3. They are also added as an Editor’s Note either above or below a previously published online article. To report inaccuracies, please email news@

Jonathan works directly with all reporters. He arrived in 2014; named editor in 2020.

Sruthi Gopalakrishnan, Reporter

Sruthi covers environment mental health and news in Bow, Hopkinton and Dunbarton.

Arianna leads many of the newsroom initiatives. She arrived in 2024.

Jeremy Margolis, Reporter

Jeremy is our lead education reporter. He covers courts and towns north of Concord.

Allie Ginwala, Engagement editor

In addition to overseeing opinion, she focuses on outreach.

Michaela Towfighi, Reporter

Michaela is a Report for America corps member. She covers the Two NH beat.

Sean McKenna, Digital VP

Sean returned to the Monitor in 2020 to lead all revenue and digital operations.

Steve Pare, Ad director

Steve leads the ad team and works with customers on a range of products.

Joelle Ciras, Operations manager

Joelle works with members of the ad staff to deliver results and maintain quality.

Geoff Forester, Photo editor


Geoff started at the Monitor in the 1980s before moving to the Globe. He returned in ’14.

Charlotte Matherly, Reporter

Charlotte is also a Report For America corps member. Her beat is the NH State House

David Brooks, Reporter

David has been writing about environment, science and more since the 1980s.

Catherine McLaughlin, Reporter

Catherine covers all things Concord, with a focus on city government and planning.


Deb Spaulding, Sales

Deb is responsible for classified sales, recruitment advertising and legal notices.

Tim Brennan, Sales

Tim leads efforts for businesses in the downtown Concord area.

Hannah Sampadian (left) and Rachel Shepard (right)

Hannah and Rachel lead the newspaper publication process for the Monitor and other newsrooms in our family-owned news group. They lead a staff that includes four other editors and newspaper designers across New England.

Rachel Wachman, Reporter

Rachels covers the Suncook Valley with additional focus on accessibility in our region.

Alexander Rapp, Sports Reporter

Alex covers local sports, recreational sports and local news.

Dan Attorri, Sports Reporter

Dan has been here part-time since 2012. He works full-time in the Bow School District.

Justin Graybill, Sales

Justin works closely with businesses in Concord, Bow and beyond.

Erin Greenlaw, Sales

Erin covers the Lakes Region, areas of Concord and greater Manchester.

Jeffrey DeFrancesco, Marketing

Jeff is the audience development manager across all NNE.


Carol Dubuque is the Monitor’s Circulation Director and leads all operations for home delivery and in-store newspaper sales.

Seized & Sold: Investigating government power

Few thingsin theLive-Free-or-Die state strike a chordlike the government taking someone’shome for unpaid taxes and then selling it.

Ina five-dayseries,reporter Michaela Towfighi talked to multiple homeowners inthis direpredicament. They were oftenlower-income residents, elderly or sick. Many of them saiditfeltlikeadeathsentence.Municipalities like Concord saidthey had no choice butto takethe propertyand sell ittoputitbackonthetaxroll.However, areviewofalltaxdeedsfiledacrossthe

state showed thatsome communities usedthe legalprocedurefar moreoften than others. Some never used it.

The seriesalso foundthat during the pandemic every municipality in the state was supposed to stop the process oftakinghomes forunpaidtaxes. Rather thanuse AmericanRescue Plan Actmoney given toassist residents during thepandemic, Towfighi found that 240properties weretaken in75 townsand citiesinviolation ofthe executive order, which was announced in March2020. No actionwas ever

takenagainstthemunicipalitieswhoillegally took these properties.

that in some cases surpassed the original amount owed in taxes.

The Monitorworked withthe Investigative EditingCorps toanalyze years of tax deeds across all 10 counties in the state. We found:

■ Someowners wereunaware the municipalityhad takenownershipof their propertyuntil afterit happened due to undelivered certified mail.

■ Acrossa 10-yearspan,towns rarelywaived intereston latepayments, despite an abilityto do so. Homeownersfaced interestcharges

10.Melissa,whoasked thatherlastname

play in the backyard of their 19th-century Walker house

Encampment story goes viral

One storymore thanany other caught national attention last year: the plight of a Concord family who had a homeless encampmentin their backyard.

Robin Bach was sympathetic to the people living in tents in the woods and wanted the city’s help to move them to a more appropriate spot to live.

Asof July,Bachhadcalled thepolice37times sincesheboughtthe house in2018, accordingto records from theConcord PoliceDepartment – six timesfor anarea check,another six for disturbances.

Homelessnessrose by52% inNew Hampshirefrom2022 to2023,faster than in any other state, according to theU.S. Departmentof Housingand Urban Development.

Theencampment onBach’s prop-

erty poseda unique situationsince it sat onrailroad tracksthat run through theproperty. The cityhas a memorandumof understandingwith therail companyfor enforcementon the property – meaningthey can go and issueno-trespassing ordersat any time.

Eventually, Concord police cleared the encampment, but it was far from a permanent solution forthe city. The peopleliving inthewoods saidthey would just move somewhere else.

Concord hashad multiplediscussions at the citylevel about how best to solve homelessness, but have determined the issue is best handled by privatenon-profitagencies liketheConcordCoalition toEndHomelessness and thecounty communityaction program.

Some,like MichelleLaverdure, have urgedthe cityto sanctionone area in Concordwhere people experiencing homelessnesscan lawfullylive outside, whichcity leadershave resisted. Currently, city ordinances prohibitallovernight campingonpublic property.

Laverdure typicallygets upbefore dawnand hitstheroad early.She’ll driveher vantodrop offdonations with people,pick up those whoneed a reprieve from the outside and bring anyone who asks to Planet Fitness for ashower,where shehasamonthly membership.Lately, herfocushas turned from assistance to action.

After her storyappeared in the Monitor, aConcord readercalled to donate supplies to Laverdure that she could give to others.

■ Transparency ofthe processvaried,withsomecommunitiesdiscussing takingproperties atopen publicmeetings,while othersmake thesedecisions behind closed doors.

One story focused onJon Jones of Franklin, who suffereda stroke before thecity cameafterhis home.After Seized andSold publisheda reader drove to Franklin City Hall and prepaid the taxesfor Jonesfor therest ofthe year.

2,300 units coming

Throughout the last year, and lookingahead, Concordresidents have seen and willsee a variety of new housing developments come to completion.

Concord hasabout 2,300units in the pipeline, which excludes a mixed-use development with up to 1,000 unitsthat stalleddue tonegotiations with the city over zoning. While that’salot forthecity,the state isstill clamoringfor more.By 2030,New Hampshireisexpected to need 60,000more housing units. By2040,that numberclimbsto 90,000 units.

Towns throughout thearea are grappling with thisdemand for housing, while also considering how to maintain their character. Housing experts say building single-familyhomes onlargeparcels ofland isn’tthe bestway toincreasehousing growthandlower costs. In the currentmarket, a median homeprice of $500,000is emphasizing the needfor a “missing middle” ofhousing. Potentialfirsttime buyersare often pricedout of home ownership,which inturn keepsthe rentalmarketstagnant withcurrent vacancyrates atless than 1 percent.

Concord High grad Shamir Darjee, 20, who immigrated from Nepal 10 yearsago, bucked thistrend. He worked two jobs and saved enough money to buy a five-bedroom home forhisfamily for$460,000.Afterthe story ran, ananonymous reader gaveDarjee$1,000 tospendonhis family for the holidays.

GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff
Melissa F. stands in front of her homeless camp on the railroad tracks in the back of Robin Bach’s home on North MainStreet inConcordonJuly
notbeused,read abouthowBach’s children wouldn’t
in Concord.

Critical vote focuses on new middle school

The future of Concord’s middle school hung in the balance this fall ahead of two referendums that challengedthedecisionto buildatBrokenGround, rather than in the South End.

Oncereferendums landedon theNov. 5ballot, Concord reporter CatherineMcLaughlin and the rest of theMonitor newsroom set outto inform Concord voters onsome critical questions – what was the true cost and scope of the project, what other op-

tionsexisted, howhave otherschool districtshandledrecent rebuildingprojectsandhow wouldissueslikeathletic fieldsandtransportationfactor intothis communityvote. Wetook readersinside Rundlett Middle School, which officials and teachers say has fallen into disrepair.

Thisreporting, whichwe called “Rethinking Rundlett,” was publishedin the paper andonline in the days ahead of voting.

Among the more ambitious parts of this project was our staff-wide poll. The Monitor knocked on 100 doors in Concord to learnabout residents’ views on the middle school decision.

Both referendums were widely rejected by city votersand schooldistrict officialsare nowweighing the nextstep forthe futureof Concord’s middle school.The Monitorwillkeepreporting onthisdeveloping story.

In the classrooms and beyond

This year,we relaunchedan education beat with thebacking of the Barr Foundation.That allowedusto dotwo things. Wehired Jeremy Margolisto be our education reporter, which means he writes thebig-picture stories,many of whichhave astatewidefocus.It alsoallowedother reportersto delvemore deeply intoeducation issuesin Concord andsurroundingtowns. Herearejust some of the education-related stories we’vefollowedoverthepastyear:

■ Risingproperty taxeshaveputa greateremphasison schoolbudgetsin many towns across New Hampshire. The issue hasbeen especially pronouncedinPembrokewhereTownMeeting voters rejecteda proposed increase to theschoolbudget toavoideven steeper increases. Residentslashed out

duringthe Marchvotewith onehomeowner puttingit succinctly: “People are at a breaking point.” Elsewhere, school leaders areexpressing frustrationwith thestateandwarningthatspecialeducationcostswillfurtherincreasetaxbills.

■ Wefollowed thecampusprotests that erupted this pastspring across the country, includingon theUniversity of New Hampshire’sDurham campus.We spoke with campusleadership and those whowere arrested,including astudent who saysvideo takenat thescene shows he was unfairly treatedby campus police.

■ We’vewritten extensivelyabouta transgender sports ban for girls’ high school athletics.We’ve followedthat acrosslegislation, voting,lawsuitsand court orders, and we’ve interviewed

someof thetransgender studentschallengingthenewstatelaw.

■ Inhigher education,wereportedon the closing of Magdalen College in Warnerastheschool putits129acresup forsale. We’vealso toldthestory ofhow thenewFAFSA applicationandregulationsaremakingitharderforsometoattendcollege.

■ We’recontinuing toexplore the growingoptions outsideoftraditional publicschools inNew Hampshirewith therise offundingfor charterschools andEducationFreedomAccounts.

■ Whilein Concord,there wasa tense discussion about buildinga new building (detailedabove), itwasa differentstory inAllenstownasthecommunitycametogetherfortheopeningofitsnewelementaryschool.

State House beat returns

It’s been a few years since the Monitorhad adedicated StateHouse reporter.Wewere still able to report extensively by relyingonour currentstaffto address statewide issues with their beats. (For instance, you’ve seen Michaela Towfighi reporting onhousing bills, SruthiGopalakrishnan onlandfills and David Brooks on energy legislationfor thepastcouple years). But wealso knew we’d bebetterif wecouldmaintain that approachwhile addingan additional reporter to navigate the state house in Concord. We were able to hire CharlotteMatherly thissummer thanks to supportfrom national nonprofit ReportFor America and the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.We also turned toour readers.We createda digitalsubscriptiondonationprogram calledNewsFor Your Neighbor. Those who donated to that program helped a family who otherwise couldn’t afforda subscriptiongetdigital access. And donors indirectly contributed to the creation of this beat since we directed those donations to help fill the position.

Matherly hasbeen offand running with this position, which we share with our sister publication the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript inPeterborough.She wasinstrumentalin coveringour electionsandshe’s now busy gearing up for a busy sessionahead outof theState House.

GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff
Allenstown Community School Principal Shannon Kruger gives a high five to second grader Mason Pieberl as students and faculty gather for a drone photo outside the school on the first day of classes at the new facility.


Casinos open books

Accusationsoffinancialwrongdoing againstConcord Casino owner andformer statesenator AndySanborn spurredacloser examinationofthestate’sgrowing charitablegamingindustry.

Morecasinos areopening acrossthestateandarecollecting more moneythan everbefore. Withcurrent revenuetrendsand at least four more casinos in the pipeline,the industryisprojected tobecomea $1.1billionmarketin justthreeyears.

State law requires casinos to donate at least 35% of their table game revenue tocharities and nonprofits.Of theremainingrevenue, 10% goes tothe state, with therestkeptbythecasino.

However, aMonitor investigationfound charitiesweren’t being paid as much moneyas they were due, primarily because casinos were allowedto chargethem rentalfees.In Sanborn’s case, he withheld as much as 50% of their proceeds for himself, which was allowedbylaw.

A new law prevents casinos fromchargingthesefeesinthefuture asthe amount ofmoney they takeingrows.

The state’s charitable gaming hallswereintendedtobesmall,locally-ownedoperations, yettoday, noneofthemarelocallyowned.

Telling Barbara’s story

BarbaraFilion wantedtoend her life on her own terms. After battlingmetastaticbone cancerfor14 years,sheconstantly fearedabone fracture, butmost of allshe feared being confinedto abed formonths, waiting to die.

Thisyear, theMonitorpublished a series called “Planning the End,” which followed Barbara’s journey to ultimatelyendher ownlifethrough Medical Aid inDying. Reporter Sruthi Gopalakrishnan provided context, clarity andhumanity to a widely-debated issuewith statewide importance.

She noticed thatmany in the Capital Region were talking about HB 1283,both for andagainst, by writing Letters tothe Editor and testifying athearings inConcord. She set out tohear from folks on bothsides ofthedebate tounderstand why someone would be in favor of allowing Medical Aid in Dying inthestate ofNewHampshire,and why others would be so strongly opposed.

Thenshe foundBarbara.With patience,care andcompassion, Gopalakrishnan earned the trust of thefamilyand wasgrantedaccess to be alongside them, to tell Barbara’s story and shed light on a very realissuefacing manyinNew Hampshire. Barbaradied inVermont on March 28 at the age of 82.

Accepted and included

Earlier this fall, reporter Rachel Wachmansat downwithConcord residents James Piet and Patricia Vincent-Piet to talkabout their experiencesexploring localoutdoor spots and thelevel of accessibility theyfindin placesaroundthestate. Thisinterview ledtoa broaderconversation about the inaccessibility of many spaces – outdoor and otherwise – for peoplewithdisabilities.In recentmonths, Wachmanhas turned the focus of her reporting to efforts around accessibilityand inclusion and the lived experiences of people with disabilities.

“A newspaper should be a place where people can find their stories –their successes,their struggles,

their joys, theirfrustrations – reflected back to them in the coverage they read,” said Wachman. “I seek to strengthen the connection between the disability community and the Monitor bybringing individualsand theirstoriesto theforefrontofmy writing. Everyonedeserves tofeel acceptedand included – this means bothintheirdaily livesandintheir local news coverage.”

Wachman has covered the Buddy Walkfor DownSyndromeAwareness,written aboutthedecade-long friendshipforged betweenOwen Sansoucieand CheyenneBoucher through the BestBuddies program, and told the story of accessible trails in our region through the eyes Piet,

Vincent-Piet, andother localresidentssuch as10-year-oldBodhi Bhattarai, whotraversed rootsand rocks in his motorized wheelchair on a class trip to Sewalls Falls. Wachman also pointed readers to thepremiere ofa documentaryby localfilmmakers SamuelandDan Habib. Born withcerebral palsy, Samuel, now 25, and his father created the documentary The Ride Ahead: Love,Tattoos, andOther Disabled Thingsto capture Samuel’s transitioninto adulthood ashe pursueshighereducation, ponders romance, faces medical challenges, transitions into independent living and advocates for disability rights.

BarbaraFiliongivesthepeacesign asshegetscomfortablebeforetakingthe medical aid in dying medicine, putting an end to the pain and suffering caused by her metastatic bone cancer, a battle she had endured for the past 14 years.
GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff Cheyenne Boucher andOwen Sansoucie recently enjoyed a night of bowling night at Boutwell’s in Concord.


What you’re reading online

Our editors are constantly following articletraffic onourwebsite tobetter understand what typesof stories our online readers value the most.

Our most read storiesof the past yearfocus mostlyon housingand homelessness, but there were other trendsthat we’vefounduseful aswe consider how to align our coverage.

A different kind of outdoors coverage

Our readers apparently love stories about hiking. Sometimes, it’s about the mountain rescues thatare necessary whenunprepared hikerscan’t makeit down ontheir own.Other times,it’sa bit more heartwarming like the story we published about Poppy Rose, a twopound rescue bunny that has scaled all 48 of New Hampshire’s 4,000 footers.

Local business

Our readers clearly liketo be in the knowwhenanew businesspopsupin Concord, or really inany of our towns. Just a few thatreceived wide readershipwere therelaunchof Vinnie’s Pizzaria, the sale of Hermano’s, the openings and closings at Concord plazas on Storrs Street, FortEddy Road and Loudon Roadand a newbilliards hall in Penacook.


There’sbeen movementonseveral bigbusiness projectsin andaround Concord. Chief among them is the current downtown construction of Arts Alley, a multi-use project that will add additional buzz todowntown. That site required the removal ofthe Civil Warera Norris House,and readers were paying attention. Articleson Steeplegate Malldevelopment andthe addition of a Whole Foods nearby were also closely followed since that scale of projectissureto remakethebusystretch of Loudon Road. Andwhile it may not becoming foryears,weknow thatthe coming widening of I-93 and the intersection withI-89 is high onour readers’ priority list.

Hometown Heroes continue to resonate

We started the Hometown Heroes series as a nod to all thepeoplewhoweregoing aboveandbeyondduringthe pandemic.The focushas shiftedas we’vereturned toour dailylives, butthe sentimentwithin thecommunity isas strong as ever. We often hear from readers how much they value these weekly stories. And for us, it helps ground our approach.

As a localnews organization, our goal is tobe a mirror tothe community.Often, thatmeanswe haveto reporton sensitive topics.But there’salso awhole lotof goodhap-

peningin ourcorner ofthe world,and theHometown Heroesseries isagreatway totellthestories ofthose people.

HometownHeroes ismadepossibleby supportfrom Ledyard Bank, the series sponsor,and by our readers. Our Hometown Heroes are nominated by members of the community.Our editorsselectwhoto profileandthe pieces are writtenby members of ournews staff. Submitting a nomination is easy. Just visit the Hometown Heroes link at

How we’re using new technology

It’sno exaggerationtosay thattechnology ischanging fasterthan ever.That shift presents new capabilities and requires newethical standards.Artificial intelligence hasemerged asa forcein all industries and that’s beentrueinlocal news as well. AI cansound like a scary term. In reality,artificial intelligence means alot ofdifferent things,and it’s alreadybeen inuse hereat theMonitor. We’ve beenusing it foradvanced grammar checking,for automationsthat allow usto easilypoststories ontoFacebook andtotranscriberecordedinterviews.

We’re lookingat otheroptions aswell, and we’ve donesometesting inrecent months. We’veusedAI tohelpdolight editingonsomecommunitysubmissions. Andrecently,weundertookamuchwider use ofAI aswe builtout avoter guide aheadofthe Novemberelection.Forour voter guide,we knewreaders would valuequickinformationthathelpedthem assessa candidate’sstanceon akey topic. So we took our own reporting from previous weeks and used an advanced versionofChatGPT tosummarizethose Monitor articles intoscannable quickreads.Weusedittoextractcandidatepositions on keytopics across Merrimack County Houseraces. To be clear – our policy isto use AIto assistour reporting andpublishing,nottowritearticles.

While theuse ofthis newtechnology allowedustobuild a24-pageprintand digital guide that wewould not have had theresourcesto createwithoutredirecting efforts from otherareas, it didn’t comewithout itschallenges.Specifically in one case our final editing didn’t properly frame the nuanceof a candidate’s statedposition. Thiswasa goodlearning experiencethatshaped ourplansforfutureuse.

Oureditorsandreportersarebuilding andrefiningourAIpolicy,whichrequires thatajournalistcommunicatetoanother editorhow theywilluseAI tofacilitatea process.It alsorequiresthat ajournalist hasfinal signoffontheend result.Our policystates thatwecanexplore theuse of AIfor headlines,quick summariesfor socialmedia andnewslettersand toassistthe newsgathering processes,especiallyinvestigativereporting. Wewillnot publish articlesgenerated exclusively throughAIandwewillnotuseAI-created images that are meantto represent real images. We’llkeep youupdated onour policy, which is sure to change alongside thetechnology.

Thisisan importanttimeforlocal journalismandweneedtobeabletokeep up withadvancements intechnology whilemaintaining themostimportant thingwehave–thetrustofourreaders.

Poppy Rose gets a lift up one of the state’s 4,000 footers. The bunny, often seen wearing a hiking harness, isn’t fully reliant on human assistance.
Monitor file
The Norris House was knocked down to make room for Arts Allley.

On the fields and beyond

Monitor sportsreporters havealways strived tobe therein themoments thatmatter most. Quiteoften, that’sa bigrivalry matchup ora championshipgame likethis pastJune when the high-powered Bow baseball team walkedaway withastatecrown. Wecapeach seasonby selectingthe topplayers foreach sport.

But we also look forthe other stories and moments that matter. Ourreaders loved the recentstorybyAlexanderRappabouttheConcord Highathletes whodo double-dutyas part ofthe schoolband.Andthere arethemeaningfulpiecesthatshowus allthatthepointof sportsistobringustogether.Thatwasthecase in the spring when we went to Franklin High to

watch ateam anda communitycome together as a player and her family faced adversity. It’s not all about high school sports coverage. We’llfollow local athleteswho go onto excel elsewhere. That’s the case with former MerrimackValleyHigh starrunnerKristie Schoffield,who wascompetingfora spotinthe ParisOlympics,Concord HighalumNick Reynolds,who isnow throwingthe javelinfor theUniversityofTennessee,andConcordgrad Maria Armaganian,who wasselected forthe 2024-25 U.S.Women’s NationalIndoor Field Hockey team. And we were happy to report thatformer starathleteand risingsports leader AnnieMattarazzo is taking overas the new athletic director at NHTI.

Environmental reporting lab grows

The Monitor’s environmental reporting lab,which focusesnewsroomefforts onclimate issues,entered itssecond yearwith a continued lookinto solidwaste andrecycling through itsseries ofstories called “Landfill Landscape.”

We askedour readers totell uswhat aspectsof reportingonthe environmentthey most wantedto see.They selectedthe topic and we delivered.

The reporting and concept became awardwinning.

“A projectfueled byaudience interestand concern,with robust,thoroughjournalism deliveringadeep accountingofwatchdog journalism,” thejudges NewHampshire

Press Association contest wrote. “On-site examples show how the state struggles to monitor landfills, and how waste management companies lobby for their interests. This project marks a virtuouscircle of newsroom-audience interactionfrom which allare better informed, and better preparedto address issues in thisimportant environmental realm.”

The issue is simmering across the state as New Hampshire continuesto accept out-ofstate trashwhile it isrunning outof landfill spaceat thesametime. Planstobuild anew landfill inthe North Country townof Dalton havestuckachord withresidentswhocontinue to ask lawmakers for stricter rules.

Brooks receives career honors

Known bymany ofhis fans as the Granite Geek, reporter David Brooks was chosen by a board atthe NewEngland Newspaper & Press Association to be inducted into the journalism Hallof Fame this year.

“David continues to use imaginative ways to illustrate complex stories.His spiritofinnovation continuesto drivehim,” Monitor publisherSteve Leone wrote in his nomination of Brooksto theNew England Newspaper andPress Association. “But I suspect his greatest motivation comes from the readershe haslongserved because he knowshow much they rely on his journalism.” Brooks wasgrateful tore-

ceive the Hallof Fame honor buttakenaback bybeingsingled out forpraise. Delivering thenews hasalways beena team effort.

“I’m thankful to NENPA for this honor and to the Monitor forgiving meahome foralmost a decade. But I must say that thething I’m really thankfulforis beingareporter,” saidBrooks, among the region’slone sciencereporters, who saidhe has no plans toretire. “After all,I get paidto badgercomplete strangers about things that interest me! It’s ablastandapparentlyreaders, atleast some of them,have a blast too.”

Having worked in the news business fornearly four decades, Brookshas written thousands ofstories that caught the interest of readers, including hisweekly science columns.

Award-winning work

The Weekend Monitor won New England Newspaper of the Yearhonors forthe second year in a row.

The award was given out thisfall bythe NewEngland Newspaper andPress Association toorganizations above and below a circulation of 20,000editions. TheMonitorwon inthe smallercategory.

Reporter SruthiGopalakrishnanwon aPublickOccurrences award forher “Planning the End” series focusing on medical aidin dying throughthe lifeand deathof Barbara Filion. These awards recognize the best work that New England newspapers produce each year.

Earlier in the year, the Monitor and itsstaff won 10 first-place awards, including Journalistof theYearand Photographer ofthe Year fromthe NewHampshire Press Association.

Reporter MichaelaTowfighi, who covers a beat called “Two New Hampshires” that focuses on equality, diversity and disparity, wasnamed the

New Hampshire Journalist of theYear. Shealso wonfirst placefor governmentreporting for a series of stories probing the state’s juvenile justice system.

Photo Editor Geoff Forester wasnamed Photographer of the Year.

Gopalakrishnan won three first-place awards.One was for investigativereporting for her examination into Concord Casino’s Andy Sanborn. Thesecond wasforenvironmentalreporting forherseries “Landfill Landscape.” The third was for business reporting for givingreaders a deeper look into Sanborn’s various businessventures across the state.

The Monitor also won first for featurereporting fora series ofstories called “Portraits in Diversity,” and for crime and courtreporting for aprofile ofFabianaMcLeod, who was sexually abused by former Concord teacher HowieLeung, andthe changes made by the Concord School District since Leung’s arrest in 2019.

CHIP GRIFFIN / Photos by Chip RamonReynolds(24),arunningbackfor theConcordHighfootballteam,isamong the athletes who double for the school band. Here, he performs at halftime.


More reporters means more training

Thanksto severalincrediblysupportive programs,the Monitor wasable to provide more training opportunities to its growing staff of reporters.

Sruthi Gopalakrishnan,Catherine McLaughlin andCharlotte Matherlyattended the 14th annual Gloria L. Negri First AmendmentInstitute at Northeastern Universityin Boston runby the NewEngland FirstAmendmentInstitute. The multi-day,intensive program focusesonfreedom ofinformationlaw and investigative reporting techniques. Namedafter trail-blazingBostonGlobe


Criers receive an honor

Since the 1990s, a dedicated group of volunteershas held a special place inthe Concord Monitor. OurTown Criersreport on thehappenings in theirtown thatdon’t makeit into the news report.

This fall,that groupof 20 community writers was recognizedatthe annualSpiritof NH Awards, an annual event at the CapitolCenter for the Artsthathonors theverybest volunteers in our state.

Cheryl Stinson was among those who wenton stage to pick up the honor.

Stinson decided to respond to anad in theConcord Monitorlooking foraPenacook Town Crier in1995, and she’s beenwriting aweeklycolumn since.

“I never envisioned that 29 years later I’d still be doing it,” Stinson said.

journalist Gloria L. Negri,it is offered eachyear to25working NewEngland journalists.

McLaughlinand JeremyMargolisattended advanced training on covering fiscal issues from the Ravitch Reporting Program at theCraig Newmark GraduateSchool ofJournalismatthe CityUniversityofNew York.Themulti-daysessions are designed togive reporters indepth knowledge, help them overcome reporting challengesand improvetheir storytelling.Itis fundedbygrantsfrom long-time New Yorkcivic leader Richard

Ravitchandthe LauraandJohnArnold Foundation.

MichaelaTowfighitookpartintwoadvancedreportingprograms,onethrough the national Investigative Editing Corps, which assistedwith herSeized andSold project,and adata fellowshipfocusing onjuvenilejusticerun bytheCenterfor Health Journalism at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

Allof theseopportunities wereprovidedatnocost totheMonitor.Wecan’t thank these programs enough.

How local news is getting stronger

We’re coming upon five years since the start of the pandemic. While that certainly conjures up painful memories, in New Hampshire journalism that event serves as a clear marker of a time when local news outletspivoted from competition to cooperation.

That’sbeen becauseofthe emergence ofthe Granite State NewsCollaborative, which now includes17 media partners.

Inthe earlydays, theCollaborative focused on big story projects. But the pandemic alteredthat focus.Fromthat point on, it’s beenaboutfilling daily coverage gaps to help keep readers more informed about newsfrom acrossthe state.

We’ve now taken another major step as we move toward the formationof acommunity newsfund.A newsfundwill help raise moneyacross the state to help the partners and New Hampshirejournalism meet critical reporting needs. We just partnered on our first fundraising campaign that runs tothe end ofthe year. Visit and click “Consider donatingto local news” in the right hand rail to learnmore. Ifyou’ve alreadydonated, abigthank you. Your donation will help make us stronger in 2025.

Our 2024 donation

Eachyear, theNewspapers of New England Foundation makes a donationto a local nonprofit.

Last year,the foundation made a $10,000 donation to the Friendly Kitchen in memory of longtimeeditor MikePride. This year, thefoundation is making numeroussmaller donations. Among thosein New Hampshire receiving$2,000 will be the Granite State News Collaborative.

GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff
Jean Ver Hoeven, the Concord Town Crier, writes from her South End home. She has been a key voice for Concord since taking over the role.
Cheryl Stinson has been the Penacook town Crier for the Monitor since 1995.



ABOVE,LEFT:Lightningstrikeson theeastsideoftheNewHampshireStateHouse onJuly16.ABOVE,TOPRIGHT:Ahotair balloonisseenthrougha reflection on the water at the Pittsfield Hot Air Balloon festival. ABOVE, BOTTOM RIGHT: Nayajay Perugini of Italy greets the children of the Boys and Girls Club as the runners come into the gymnasium for a ceremony on Aug. 13.

BELOW, LEFT: CarrieBechard grooms Chippy, the 16-pound Persianretired champion at the New HampshireCat Show and Agility Event onMay 5 in Concord. BELOW, CENTER: Melynda Parks of Salt Spa Concord uses Red Light Therapy at her new business on Oct. 15. BELOW, RIGHT: October foliage lines the view in front of the Meeting House at Canterbury Shaker Village.



What is the Concord Monitor Reader Advisory Board?

Its an initiative to bring readers and community-minded individuals together to talk aboutlocal news. We’re enteringourfourth yearandreadyto welcomea newgroupinto thenewsroom.

What do board members do?

Discussion and an exchange of ideas are at the heart of this program. We rely on ourboard members to give their input on changes and improvements for thereader advisory board and the newspaper and our web site as a whole.

One of the biggest commitments we ask ofreader advisoryboard members is to read the Monitor regularly and tell uswhat theythink. Werely onour board members to share what’s going on intheir neighborhoodor community, to offer guidanceon who we should talk to,and to let usknow what themes they’re seeing, and what questionswecould answer.We’re committed to including voicesfrom our community in everything we do at the Monitor,and thereaderadvisoryboard isa great opportunity for us to connect and learn.

Plus, they get totalk to other journalists inour newsroomand members of ouradvertising sales team.And everyone’s favorite is thetour of the press in Penacook.

Who can join the board?

There’sanopencallforapplications in thefall andour editorsand publisher pickthe newcohort, withinput from members of the existing board.

This is for people who are active in the community, have a passion for local news, andwant tolearn moreabout theworkthat goesintotheConcord Monitor.Wealso wantmemberswho live, work or go toschool in a town or city in the Monitor’s coverage area.

Is anyone excluded from participation?

Toensurefairness, thosewhocurrently hold elected positions, those whoareconsidered publicfiguresor those with arole in locally-connected public relationsor communications will notbe chosenfor thereader advisory boardto avoid conflictsof interest.

Their commitment to respect and civility

Allourboards havestoodoutin their ability torespect diverse opinions. We want board members who are

Concord Monitor’s Reader Advisory Board is heading into its fourth year in January with a whole new lineup of readers. The group below is just finishing up. We’re excited for the new 2025 cohort to get started. We’ll be making that announcement soon.

passionateand locallyfocused,ready to sharetheir opinionsand expertise while also being open and able to listen to considerother viewpointsand talkabout them.The readeradvisory board isa spacefor conversationand exchange,not conflict.Theycome ready to consider the bigger picture on atopic andincorporatea widerworld view when needed.

This sounds fun. Can I apply for 2025?

We’ve justselected theincoming board,but keepan eyeoutfor ournext call for applications inthe fall. You do not needto re-applyif youhave filled out the application forthe reader advisory board before. All previous entries have been saved and wedo our best to includeapplicants fromprevious


Hear directly from members of our 2024 board

We asked board membersto tell us about the past year and what they have taken away from the process. Here are some ofthe responseswe received from them:

“I wanted to bea Concord Monitor Reader Advisory Board member to betterunderstand hownews iscaptured and delivered in my community. I alsowantedtooffer anyinsightorexpertise thatI mayhave duringmy tenure. Truth be told,I also wanted to know if the ConcordMonitor was still delivering ‘news’ inaworld wherethe presentation ofdaily eventsis continually skewed by people with various mo-

tives. Listeningto theCM editorsand howtheycontinually seektoimprove and grow despitethe many hurdles facing thenews industry isboth fascinating and encouraging. Understanding the business dynamicsas well as howstoriesare developedtaughtme that our communityhas more influence than it may realize. I’m pleased to say thatI have a numberof takeaways fromthisexperience andIwould highly recommend it.”

Graham Gifford

“Local journalism matters so we all understandwhat issuesourcommunities arefacing, andwhat peopleare tryingtodoto addressthoseissues.It also reminds us of our own humanity; no matterwhere you arepolitically, we all know what it’s like to give help when we can, and to receive help when we need it.”

Jessica Geiben Lynn

“IhavebeensubscribingtotheConcord Monitorsince 1974 whenI moved to Allenstownand then Epsomin 1979. While news delivery has changed drastically over that half-century with a flood ofdigital deliveries,one thing that hasnot changed is thetrust you feel when you read the Monitor.”

Eric Orff

“Myexperience beingon the2024 Reader Advisory Board has given me thewonderfulopportunity tomeetthe peoplebehindthe bylines,thepeople doingthe editing,andall theothers that make the Monitor the great daily NHnewspaper thatitis.They areall young, bright, and incredibly dedicated to public service and getting us readersthe facts.Wearelucky tohave them.”

Nick Perencevich

“Having spentmore thantwo decadesas areporter andeditor, Ireallyenjoyed beingamember ofthe Concord Monitor’s ReaderAdvisory Board. It’sbeen funand informative. Thereportersand editorsaregenuinely interested in comments from theboard, andoverthepast yearhave followedupon manysuggestionsfrom members of theboard. The monthly meetings have providedsignificant insightinto howthe newspaperoperates, fromthe newsroomto advertising sales.

At a time when many, many newspapersare cuttingbackstaff,it isinspiringto learnthecreative waysthe Concord Monitor’s management team hasfound tofundspecificbeats asa way toadd reporters toits newsroom.”

Wendy Lapham
Susan Hewey Eric Orff
Nick Perencevich
Kathleen Beltrami
Kathryn Ann Gray
Jessica Geiben Lynn
Graham Gifford
Berit Brown
Ann Davis
Pete Mosseau



There’s a reason newsrooms often call their paper The Daily Miracle. There are a lot of processes involved, and a lot of people, though not nearly as many as there once were. We print the Monitor Monday through Saturday, minus New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. And we publish online 365 days a year. Someone is always doing something to get the news to readers. It may be a reporter running out to an event far past deadline, an editor reading an article alongside their morning coffee, a pressworker solving computer and mechanical malfunctions as deadline approaches or a delivery driver trying to juggle the complexities of a route. We don’t claim to be perfect, but we do strive to do things a little bit better than we did the day before. We thought it would be helpful if we gave you this painfully simplistic view of our story flow – from the reporter’s notepad to your computer screen, smartphone or front door.


Reporters, photographers and editors work together to determine stories and report the news you read online and in the paper. Here, reporter Rachel Wachman is out on assignment writing a story about the Allenstown Fire Department. She’s with Allenstown firefighter and Advanced EMT Ben Savage >



The Monitor is done being printed around 6 p.m. But there is plenty left to do. Our 50-plus delivery drivers start arriving around 9:30 p.m. to pick up almost 30,000 papers for their routes. They’ll be delivering the Monitor, but they’ll also be delivering up to a dozen other publications, like the Boston Globe and the New York Times. In all, our drivers average about 100 miles each night across mostly rural roads. Our goal is to have all papers delivered by 6:30 to 7 a.m. As you can imagine, that’s a tough haul, and many things can go wrong along the way – sick kids, flat tires, icy roads just to name a few. If your paper arrives each morning, you have your driver to thank. If we’ve been more spotty than we should, please let us know and we’ll work hard to fix the problem.


Editors post the stories online throughout the day. Along the way, they also build the newspaper that will eventually reach thousands of homes.

This is where the heavy lifting starts, literally. The Monitor closed its printing press at 1 Monitor Drive in 2019 at the same time that it launched a new and even bigger printing operation in Penacook. Inside that site, you’ll find two printing presses that churn out paper after paper for Newspapers of New England’s New Hampshire news operations, including the Monitor, the Valley News in West Lebanon and the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript in Peterborough. Plus, they’ll print many other publications throughout the day. Inside, you’ll see stacks of newsprint rolls almost to the ceiling. Each roll has 7 miles worth of newsprint and weighs one ton.



We often get the same reaction when talk to new advertisers. “We didn’t know you do all that.” We’ve been publishing newspapers in Concord since 1864, so we understand why some may think only of newspapers when they hear our name. Newspapers continue to be a big piece of what we do, but we offer many other options, from digital to magazines, as we build our audience. We suggest local advertisers look at it the same way. You need to reach your customer. Some buy the newspaper. Some read our site. We can connect you with both. Some may not read the paper or the website, but we reach those homes as well. Contact us, and we’ll help you explore the ways you can expand your business.

Advertising contact information is on Page 4. You can also fill out a form at to learn more. Click “Advertising” at the top of the page.


In the daily Monitor

We print about 5,500 copies each day, which puts our print readership above 14,000 local readers. The average reader is age 45 or older and has a household income around $70,000.

Non-Monitor readers

We deliver 36,000 Monitor Extras to homes in and around Concord. In fact, nearly every home in Concord receives the Extra, which includes some stories and local advertising. We also reach more than 13,000 readers with My Concord and 5,300 homes with our quarterly glossy lifestyle magazine Around Concord. On and our app

Our 12-month average number of pageviews is about 800,000 per month. The vast majority of those views come from local readers who are either subscribers or those who only occasionally visit our site.

Social media

We have more than 17,000 local readers who like us on Facebook. They’ll reach our site through the social platform, and then they’ll see your advertisement. The Brander Package

Get your business the branding it needs. Run every edition of Concord Monitor, Concord Insider, Monitor Extra with 300,000 ad impressions on The Brander packages start as low as $250 per month.


Connect directly with readers in their email inbox.


We can reach the audience any business craves across a network of top websites, games, apps, streaming devices and email. Find the ideal customer based on where they shop, online behavior, and different socio-economic, demographic, and geographic areas defined by you.


A new and exciting way to expand your presence in our market. CTV/ZTV options

Reach customers who have cut the cord through our streaming TV platforms.


The Monitor uses premium tools to get a deeper understanding of how our content is being read online. That helps us better reach your next customer.


The Monitor conducted a survey of central New Hampshire shoppers throughPulse Research.Thedata helpslocaladvertisersbetter gaugehowtheir market seesthe medialandscape and what shoppers are prioritizing.The followingisa sampling of resultsfrom 343 local survey participants.

What local news sources are you using most now?


Local newspaper and website

Which of the following have you or any members of your household done in the past WEEK?


Local newspaper and website

In the last 30 days, have you or a member of your household made a purchase or sought out more information on a local product or service advertised in the local paper, local radio, local TV?


Local newspaper and website (That number is four times higher than either local TV or local radio)

GEOFF FORESTER / Monitor staff



We print a lot of newspapers at our facility in Penacook (read more about it on Page 12). But a local news organization like ours does so much more. We produce a weekly alt magazine, several seasonal special sections, a weekly “Extra” edition, a special monthly publication called My Concord, a quarterly glossy lifestyle magazine and a whole lot more. Online, we publish all day on, and we reach readers through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. More than ever, we’re connecting with readers through digital newsletters. In short, we reach a lot of readers across central New Hampshire and the state in a variety of ways. Here’s a closer look at our products.


We print six days a week and we deliver across the region, from parts of Manchester to the Lakes Region. Concord and the surrounding communities are where most of our readers live. The Monitor is $1.50 Monday through Friday on the newsstands and $3.00 on the weekend. Of course, you get a much better rate with a print subscription, which also gives you full digital access.


Here, you can get all the local news you’d normally get in the paper. If you’re a print subscriber, you automatically have access to our website. Or, you can get a digital-only subscription. (We love all our subscribers equally!) In most cases, you’ll see the news first on our website. That’s because we want to send our news to our paying customers as soon as we feel it is ready to publish. As you can imagine, we can do that far more quickly on our site than we can with print and delivery. Our reporters and editors work hard each day to bring you news as it happens. So check our website a few times a day – you’ll be certain to find something new about the world around you.


We get that websites can sometimes be harder to navigate than a print newspaper. It can be a lot to stay on top of. Our newsletters help organize information by topic and deliver stories straight to your email inbox, so you can get all your news at once. We have a daily Headline Alerts newsletter, plus newsletters for science, arts and entertainment, real estate and sports. Among our most popular offerings is our breaking news email, which puts you on an alert list when major events happen. You get full control of which email lists you want to be included on. It’s easy to sign up at Click “Newsletters” at the top of the page.

This is a digital replica of the newspaper and it’s available to all print and digital-only subscribers. So, why would someone want to read a newspaper on the website? Well, it actually has a lot of advantages. Here are some of the reasons readers turn to the e-edition:

■ They like their news to be organized in a newspaper format, but they don’t necessarily want to get the paper sent to their home each morning.

■ Unlike the website, when you never feel like you’re done with the news for the day, you can read the edition on your iPad, desktop or phone and put it away until tomorrow.

■ You have access to more than a decade of papers.

■ Remember a story you read but can’t remember which paper it was in? Well, you can easily search across that full month.

■ Plus, there are other great features like audio playback, email notifications based on your desired search term and an ability to adjust the type to the size that works best for you.



Once a week, the Monitor sends out the ‘Extra,’ a free publication that includes stories from the Monitor, advertisements and help wanted ads. We reach more than 36,000 homes in central New Hampshire, including all of Concord.


Once a month, the ‘Extra’ includes My Concord, a publication that features events information, ads and community photos.



You’ll find some of our content on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn, and any other new social platforms that allow us to better connect with our readers. Of course, this all takes work on our part, so we do the best we can to choose which platforms can connect with the most people. It’s pretty easy to find us, but if you’re struggling, we have a link at the bottom of each of our articles and at the bottom of our homepage.


Once a week, we publish the Concord Insider, which can be found in the Monitor on Thursdays and for free at pickup locations across the city. The Insider tells you about the big events coming in the next week, and it’s a place where you can connect on what’s happening in and around the city.


Our quarterly lifestyle magazine gets delivered to about 6,000 homes, hotels and offices across central New Hampshire and is available for purchase at Gibson’s in downtown Concord. You can purchase a subscription to get it delivered directly to your home for $20 annually. To do that, visit and click “Subscribe” in the top right corner.




Each year, we produce many special publications that are inserted into the Monitor. These include the Bridal Guide, Active Aging, the Harvest Guide, the Holiday Gift Guide and the summer travel Staycation magazine.

The easiest way to subscribe to the Monitor is to visit, and click “Subscribe” at the top of the page. Pick all-access, which includes print, or digital only.


Contact customer service at (603) 224-4287 or at


■ Many of our loyal subscribers like to buy the paper for their loved ones, especially around the holidays. If you want to do that, just follow the same process detailed above.



ave someone in your life that you think would benefit from a print or digital gift subscription? Subscribing is easy. Just visit, and follow the Subscription link at the top of the page.


Consider a gift to local news

Many of the big decisions that impact your pocketbook, your family and your community get made in planning committees, school board meetings, and State House hearing rooms across New Hampshire. Far too often, those decisions are often made in front of empty rooms save for a lone local news reporter.

National and cable news are not going to cover these decisions. You won’t know about them without local news reporters.

Local journalism is a critical part of the civic infrastructure holding up democracy. Like solid roads and water pipes in your neighborhood, our local information systems need to be strong and sustainable.

In New Hampshire, we are proud that many local news outlets are working closely together to keep that infrastructure strong. The local news partners in the Granite State News Collaborative have set aside generations of deeply ingrained competition to focus on the shared belief that our communities are stronger when we work together.

This month, we have introduced the New Hampshire Community News Fund. It is a way for you to make a donation to strengthen local journalism and increase the number of reporters here in the Capital Region and across the state.

Through the Community News Fund, you can donate to the Concord Monitor, other participating media outlets, the Granite State News Collaborative, or a combination. Your donation will directly support news operations and strengthen the connections local news fosters in our communities.

To donate, visit and follow the link “Consider donating to local news.”

Thank you. We appreciate your generous support.

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