Businesses aid in moon return plans
By DAVID BROOKS Monitor staffNASA’s return-to-the-moon program Artemishas 18 New Hampshire companiesand institutions supplying products or services,from temperature sensors to gaskets to research projects, so it was no surprise that business was featured when astronautChristina Koch swungby theDiscovery Center for a visit Monday.
“We areactually startinga new industry a low-earthorbit economy,” said Koch, speakingtoa dozenpeopleincluding representatives of firms from Hudson, Dover and
Rumneyduring around-table discussion. She talked about NASA’suse of theprivate companySpaceXtoshuttleastronautsto theInternational Space Station, inwhich the government agency is acting as a contractorrather than ownerforthe firsttime,as wellas theimportance oftraditional sub-contractors such as those in New Hampshire. Koch is oneof four crew members selected for Artemis II,the firstcrewed launchof the Artemisprogram designedtoreturntheU.S.tothe moon,witha goalofestablishing a human basethere as a step towardhuman missions to Mars. She has spent more
For Sindy Chown,dance is belonging: withinone’s own body,within aculture,within a community.
“When someonedances with theirheart, you seeit in their face,” Chown said. Their eyes will light up, and a smile willbloom ontheir face. It s like acoming together for yourself.” Chown starteddancingasa toddler,watching peopleinher hometown ofBarranquilla, Colombia, andfollowing along.
From anearly age,she was praised for thespirit with which shedanced: herfamily and friendswould tellher that shebecameanewpersonwhen the musiccame on.She dreamed ofdancing professionally, butit wasout ofreach forher family,ledby asingle mother. Whenshe started teaching startingfirst with Zumba classes something justfeltright.
For the lastfive years, Chown hastaught dancein Concord, both traditional Colombian dances andother styles,forfree.Hergroup,BarranquillaFlavor,wasbornfrom her regular performances in Concord’s Multicultural Festival, which shenow co-chairs.
Alongside her daughter, Soraya, Chown teaches weekly classes ofkids starting at agefive who performat eventsandfestivalsaroundthe state. Now, atits largest ever with 20 members, the group performsand attracts kids in the Concord area from all backgrounds, connecting them to friends, skills and confidence theyotherwise wouldn’thave, theirparents said.
In thefew yearsthey’ve been Chown’s students, Christina Miller has watched her twogranddaughters transform. They both havethis look when they dance, she said. “Youcanseethejoyonthem.”
Both theperseverance of
learningthesteps andtheconfidenceittakes toperformare nosmallfeat forhergranddaughters, Millersaid. Ages nine and 11, onehas a large scar on her body from a medical procedurewhen shewas bornand theother faced trauma inher early years. Itis onethingfor Millerto tell her granddaughters that theyarestrongandbeautiful butwhen theydance, shesaid, theyseeitforthemselves.
When she started, Hannah MacBride’s daughter Susan “wasterrified ofdancinggenerallyand alsoinfront ofpeo-
• You can purchase a lot space, or space and table, in our parking lot to host your own yard sale on June 1st. Visit www.communitybridgesnh.org/donate and click the link to the Community Yard Sale Fundraiser.
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ple.” Atfirst, shewantedto quit. But Chown didn’t let her give up, and she’s a leader in her groupnow, MacBride said. “She’s this combination of strictand loving,” MacBride saidofChown. “She can tell who is maybe having a tough dayorwhoneedsmore.”
Formany inthegroup,
dance classes and performancesaround thestateat cost wouldn’totherwise befinanciallyaccessible. Parentswiththegroupwork together, poolingresources to supporttheprogram,including travelandcoveringcostsofthe costumesthatChownbringsin fromColombia. Ifsomeone needsaridetopractice,Chown willpickthemup. Thinkingaboutthefinancial barriersher familyfacedin
Barranquilla, “Itry toprevent thatfor thesekids, thatthey cannotfollow theirdreambecause their family cannot affordit,”Chownsaid.
WhileChown brings inher own background, shealso encouragesherstudentstodothe same.
“Dances shareculture, and
Chown becameinvolved with themulticultural festival performing traditional Colombiancumbia withSoraya.Over time,asher roleinhelpingorganize the festivalgrew, her performances didas well.In 2019, when she became cochair, she decided to give local kidstheopportunity tolearna dance and joinin, and BarranquillaFlavorwasborn.
I lovethat theycan sharetheir own culture, becomfortable in theirownculture,”Chownsaid. “Itdoesn'tmatterwhereyou're
from,ifyou'refromAmerica,or acrossthe world.You willhave a placein the programto
time in space than any woman due to her three stints on the International Space Station,which includedsix spacewalks.
But during the 45-minute session itwaspolitics ratherthanbusiness – includingwar, famouslycalled “politicsbyother means”– that really drove the conversation.
U.S. Sen.Jeanne Shaheen,who brought Kochto aManchester middleschool andthe DiscoveryCenter on Monday s tour,talked abouther dualpositionson theSenateAppropriationsCommittee,whichoversees
funding for NASAamong other things, as wellas the Armed Services Committee.
The latter, she said, gave her insight into “the otheraspect ofwhat’s happening in spaceright now,” including arace to themoon against China,which hasbecome amajor space-travelnationin ashorttime, and concernabout Russia’s intention,since theleaderssayit willdeploy a nuclear-powered anti-satellite weapon into Earth’s orbit.
“I thinkwe allought tobe concerned, she said. The exploration piece fromNASA is evenmore important becauseit givesus morein-
formation aswe think abouthow to keep spacefrom being weaponized. Everything that you all are doing has greater significance nowgiven theotherrace inspace, whichiswhatis goingtohappenin space, howare wegoing tokeep it open, keep it weapons-free.”
More down-to-earth politics also showed up asShaheen criticized Republicans in Congressfor blocking federalbudgets, hurtingfundingfor Artemisalongwith manyotherfederal programs.
The biggest obstacle to what we’re tryingto doin spaceis the ability of Congress to get a budget on
time andcontinueto providetheresources thatNASA needsto dothe mission,” shesaid, notingthat the budget this year andnext will be lower than 2023 and pointing out that Chinaput alanderonthe farsideof the moon, a first,during a U.S. governmentshutdown.“We’relookingat the competition, inChina. They don’t have that limitation.”
While notresponding tothe political details,Koch agreedthat certainty is important to the Artemis program. “We have to have a known future stability for what is going to be procured The business reasons andbusinesscosts intermsofcer-
tainty, we have the same thing at NASA.The cost(increase) ismore than justlinear when youhave delays.” BruceBond, presidentofJackson Bond Enterprisesin Dover,talked about the business difficulties causedbya lackofconsistency.His company makes specialized seals for windows on Orionspacecraft, which willcarry peopleto themoon, andis developing huge inflatable wings thatcan beused toslow downused engines re-enteringEarth’s atmosphereas wellas potentiallyhelping
Sales Consultant
With our expansion project and merchandise revitalization plan in full swing, we are looking to add the right individual to support our team in building our brand and restoring the Ippolito Legacy.
This position requires initiative, positivity and the ability to learn.
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This is a full-time retail sales consultant role,working Saturdays and Sundays with two consecutive days off during the week.
New Hampshire Ball Bearing’s Astro Division is located in Laconia, NH-heart of the scenic Lakes Region. Astro is a World-Class 450+ person, climate-controlled manufacturing facility that produces spherical bearings, rod ends, subassemblies and other ultra-precision metal part for the aerospace industry.
Looking for a transformational leader to manage and direct quality personnel including organizational preparation for ISO & AS audits, management review of quality systems, and advancing Astro’s Certified Operator Program. Experience with international Quality System rules, regulations, including essential planning and implementation functions required. Responsible for leading initiatives to improve internal and delivered quality performance.
Position requires Bachelor’s Degree with a focus in Applied Sciences. Quality Assurance experience in an aerospace component manufacturing environment or other technology-driven Continuous Improvement environment. Six Sigma, Professional Development, 6s, and root cause analysis experience desired. Strong written and verbal communication skills including PC based computing in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint is essential.
NHBB fosters long term economic, social, and environmental viability through sustainable business practices. Interested in being part of the NHBB team? Please visit www.nhbb.com and then submit your resume via any of the following options:
We are proud of our store shopping hours which support a positive work/life balance.
We offer a base pay of $20 per hour with the opportunity to earn a monthly bonus and other incentives. In addition, we offer a matching 401k plan, health insurance, dental/vision insurance and paid vacation. Plus, you’ll receive a generous employee discount. Ippolito’s Furniture has proudly inspired their customers to make their homes beautiful since 1978.
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NHBB, Inc.
Astro Division 155 Lexington Drive, Laconia, NH 03246
Fax Number (603) 524-3524
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New Hampshire Association of Special Education Administrators
Office Manager
Reports to: Executive Director
FLSA Status: Part-Time with benefits Learn More at: https://www.nhasea.org/join-our-team/
The NH Association of Special Education Administrators (NHASEA) is NH’s premier non-profit professional organization supporting leaders in the field of special education. The NHASEA is a proven and influential association providing a wide array of services to its members. When you join the team of the NHASEA office staff, you enjoy the opportunity to engage with NH’s educational leaders, policy makers, state and federal agencies as well as advocacy groups. Individuals considering this position will work as part of the team, as well as independently and will be responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the office. The Office Manager serves as the primary point of contact for all members and constituencies of the Association, and the position offers hybrid employment opportunities working from both home and the office. This position also serves as a liaison for the Board of Directors and, assists in the organization and execution of all professional learning events offered by the NHASEA.
The ideal individual will have an entrepreneurial spirit, have the ability to work independently, exercise good judgement in a variety of situations. Equally important, candidates must demonstrate strong written and verbal communication, administrative and organizational skills, and the ability to maintain a realistic balance among multiple priorities. The Office Manager will work in collaboration with the Executive Director and the NHASEA Bookkeeper as it relates to accounts payable and receivable and any aligned financial transactions. The office manager must have the ability to work independently on projects/events, from conception to completion, and must be able to work under pressure at times to manage a wide variety of activities and confidential matters with discretion.
Pay and Benefits:
• $19-22.00 Hourly Rate, depending on experience.
• Part-time, 30 Hours a week
• Medical and Dental Insurance included.
• Can accrue vacation days.
• Position will remain open until filled.
To Apply:
• Submit a cover letter and resume to Jane Bergeron, NHASEA Executive Director via email, jbergeron@nhasea.org.
Or send cover letter and resume to: NHASEA, 25 Triangle Park Drive, Suite 103, Concord, NH 03301
This job description is not intended to describe every job duty or responsibility that NHASEA requires of the person in this position.
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Seeking dynamic candidates to join our school community for the 24-25 school year. Successful candidates should seek to cultivate a learning environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and self-direction.
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All positions are open until filled NH Certification required for all teaching position Salary commensurate with experience Excellent benefit package For more information and consideration candidates should apply online at www.sau73.org
New Hampshire Ball Bearing’s Astro Division is located in Laconia, NH—heart of the scenic Lakes Region. Astro is a World-Class 450+ person, climatecontrolled manufacturing facility that produces spherical bearings, rod ends, sub-assemblies and other precision metal parts for the aerospace industry. This position is responsible for providing full time environmental health and safety support to the operation and will ensure that all activities and practices are in compliance with applicable regulation and company policy. This position will be responsible for coordinating environmental, health and safety regulatory compliance programs, reporting, and permitting, and will oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive employee safety and health program with a goal of reducing work related accidents and injuries. BS Degree in Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Science, or related field, preferred Masters Degree, or professional certification such as CHMM or CSP, or ability to obtain such within 2 years. Lean / Six Sigma / Continuous Improvement experience preferred. Minimum of 5 years’ experience in an Environmental Health and Safety role, preferably in a manufacturing environment. Knowledge of OSHA, NHDES and EPA regulations required. NHBB is a company entrenched in Continuous Improvement. If you are interested in being part of our team, please mail, fax or email your resume to Human Resources at: NHBB, Inc. Astro Division 155 Lexington Drive Laconia,
Ippolito's Furniture has an opening to join our delivery team. Five days a week Tuesday to Saturday 40+ hours.
The primary responsibilities will include in-home deliveries, as well as other warehouse duties.
Must be able to work Saturdays, have a clean driving record, and be able to pass a DOT physical.
Starting Pay is $22. Negotiable for prior furniture delivery experience. In addition, we offer a matching 401k plan, health insurance, dental/vision insurance and paid vacation. Plus, you’ll receive a generous employee discount.
• Administrative Assistants
$17.80 to $19.40 per hour
• Custodians
$17.00 to $18.36 per hour, shift differential available
• Educational/Instructional Assistants
$17.14 to $22.28 per hour
• Food Service Assistants
$14.53 to $16.56 per hour
• Permanent Substitutes
$19.00 per hour/$21.00 per hour (Licensed Teacher)
• School Bus Drivers
$18.16 to $22.53 per hour
• School Bus Monitor
$14.47 to $19.03 per hour
• Substitute Nurses
$200.00 per diem
• Substitute Teachers
$100.00 per diem
• Tutors
$23.34 to $28.13 per hour
Businesses help NASA
a spaceship land on Mars. These itemsrequire aspecializedmaterial towithstand hugeheat, whichis difficultto get and would require a large additionto thefacilityinorder to process it at scale.
“Wedon’thaveanycommitments that there s going to bea waytopayfor that.How do Iinvest 2 or 3million (dollars)if allofasudden theygo, ‘Oops, the contract is gone’?” he said.
Difficulties with funding as well as supply-chain issues left over fromthe pandemic shutdown havepushed back the Artemisschedule. The plan to have a crew orbit the moon is nowset for September 2025, withlanding astronauts on the moon planned for September 2026.
The first mission to the planned Gatewayspace station orbiting themoon is aiming for 2028.
and complicated conditions.
Care Rooted in Empathy and Experience
Do you ever wonder what it is that makes some doctors so incredibly compassionate?
In the case of Dr. Kristen Markwith, D.Ac., L.Ac., of Trend Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine, it is a case of true empathy. “I suffered from cluster migraines in my teens and twenties,” she explains. Cluster migraines are named such for their debilitating pain that is a step above the norm. “I had migraine headaches 3-5 days a week that were so intense I was often bedridden and would become physically sick.”
Being that migraine is one of those complicated conditions that is not fully understood, Dr. Markwith’s options were prescription medications that did not work and lifestyle changes to limit triggers that could cause migraine. “It was no way to live,” she shares. “I was young and should’ve been living a bright, vibrant life. Instead I was monitoring my daily caffeine intake, avoiding long exposure to fluorescent lights, and doing my best to prepare for changing weather conditions.
As you can imagine, Spring and Fall were especially rough. It wasn’t until her primary care doctor sent her to an acupuncturist that she found real relief.
“This is why I often refer to my practice as ‘The Last Resort With The Best Results.’ You’ve been everywhere else and been given the same disheartening prognosis, prescribed the same medications, and told: ‘This is just something you’re going to have to learn to live with.’”
Soon after her incredible experience with the healing arts, she made the life changing decision to pursue her doctorate in acupuncture. “Acupuncture quite literally saved my life and I wanted to share that with the world,” she proclaims.
While in school she watched as her grandmother began to suffer from peripheral neuropathy. “Your golden years should be golden, not plagued with insufferable pain while doctors and specialists tell you there is nothing they can do.” Understanding that Eastern Medicine excels where Western Medicine fails, Dr. Markwith set forth to develop treatment protocols for all variations of Peripheral Neuropathy (including diabetic and chemotherapyinduced) and now has a 90% success rate in treating this once difficult to manage condition.
“I was tired of seeing the older generation suffer unnecessarily,” shares Dr. Markwith. “Diagnosing them as ‘just getting older’ and giving them a treatment plan of ‘you’re just going to have to get used to it’ has never sat well with me so I wanted to offer them a real option for treatment and care.”
And what do those in her care have to say? “Dr. Markwith looked me in my eyes and wanted to know about me, not just my condition. I feel like a person, not just a patient,” shares Mike. “In fact I don’t think she ever used the word patient.”
Dr. Kristen Markwith has a long personal history in complicated, difficult conditions, and understands how tragic it can all be if left untreated. “I have sat where my patients sit during their initial consultation. I’ve experienced their pain and suffering in a very real way. I know the frustration of feeling hopeless on an intimate level. And it brings me incredible joy when I get to say ‘I can help you!’”
Dr. Markwith and her staff specialize in treating chronic pain, complicated neurological conditions, and autoimmune diseases. Ready to schedule? Call (603) 456-8294 to schedule a consultation or visit trendacupuncture.com. Now accepting Care Credit.