SDA Winter Meeting Minutes 2011

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Notes of interest Stewardship Development Association/SBC, Executive Committee Joint Meeting Feb 23, 2011 Ashley Clayton spoke and then introduced Dr Frank Page. Under the theme “New Opportunity for Cooperation” Dr Page shared openly his concerns for the Cooperative Program. Here are some quotable quotes from Dr Page. - “We cannot keep on doing what we’ve done before.” - “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” - “[There is] too much selfishness not enough self-less-ness.” - “The only way to rebuild trust is through self-less-ness.” - “Trust is what we must rebuild by being selfless as we show it and by teaching our people by example.” - “I am trying to rebuild the image of the Cooperative Program”. - “We all want authenticity.” Ashley Clayton introduced Curtis Swartz from Crown Financial Ministries. - Curtis spoke about Crown’s ability to assist in the areas of Making, Managing, and financial fulfillment. -Curtis showed “The Widow and Oil” produced by Crown and then gave each of the representatives in the room the total set of six Crown films. Kerry Bural spoke about “Branding.” Branding is about personality of entity, about their behavior and how it relates to those you are trying to reach. He mentioned the book The Purple Cow by Seth Godin. It asks the question “What are you doing that is truly remarkable?” He mentioned that originally the Cooperative Program was the “Purple Cow” but its uniqueness has diminished. David Waganer, SDA Resource Coordinator gave an update on SDA resources and then encouraged everyone to pay their SDA dues. David Michael led in a presentation of the history, growth and demise of the Cooperative Program. He pointed out the movement of SBC away from the “societal model” of raising mission funds to the “business model” for raising funds. He defined the gradual disenchantment with the Cooperative Program due to theological/political conflict along with shrinking dollars as evidenced in shrinking percentages. It seems that SBC is moving back toward “Societal Ineffectiveness” while the only real thing to do is to build

new missions collaboration. He raised the Acts 1:8 challenge and need for biblical tithing to stimulate Cooperative Program. Bill Townes Discussed the revised and updated 2011 Church Financial Guidebook. A list for orders was circulated among those present. He mentioned that we may not create a new book every year but instead just put the necessary changes on the Website for downloading. Ben Stroup spoke to our issues with our new website and encouraged all to sign up for the E-newsletter. He mentioned how important the site was to our corporate ID. Stewardship Development Association Business Meeting February 23, 2011 Nashville TN Meeting was called to order by SDA President Stan Smith. Financial Report was presented by Treasurer Gary Anderson and members have access to the monthly minutes when posted on website. Stan Smith shared information concerning the two last legal documents to be signed and shared the documents so they could be seen. He mentioned that when signed these two documents would complete all of our legal paperwork. Stan Smith announced the appointments to the Nominating Committee. Individuals appointed are: Spencer Hutson, MO; Allen Witham, KY; and David Sundeen MN/WI. Stan Smith shared the decision to continue our contract with Ben Stroup through July 2011, and mentioned our ongoing relationship with “Resident Group�. Stan Smith called on Cecil Sims to share information concerning our July 2011 Summer meeting at Hood River, OR. He has reserved a block of 50 Rooms under the name of SDA and the Northwest Baptist Convention. Reservations are to be made prior to June 30, 2011. A suggested itinerary was distributed and has been posted on the website for future meetings. After general discussions and answered questions the meeting was adjourned.

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