SDA Summer Meeting 2011

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Stewardship Development Association Annual Meeting July 18-20 2011 Hood River Oregon

SDA Business Session July 20, 2011 The morning session began with a devotional time led by David Sundeen of Minnesota. He used Matthew 1:18 f.f. to highlight some of the ways in which Joseph dealt with his personal struggles. David pointed out that Joseph moved from his problem with Mary’s pregnancy to accepting it as the fulfillment of God’s will. (Stan gave appreciation for David Sundeen and Archer Thorpe for providing devotional thoughts and for Cecil Sims for serving as a tremendous host for the annual meeting and for his special apple presentation on Monday night and his decades of service to the Lord.) Brandon Pickett of Virginia presented the newest Cooperative Program promotion videos as part of the Cooperative Program strategy being developed between SDA and the state conventions. Stan Smith led a brief time of conversation concerning some of the “best” practices being used for Cp promotion in the work in various states. Stan Smith called the group to order and into a business session. Stan reviewed the 5 purposes of SDA as stated in the Constitution & Bylaws: ARTICLE II – Purpose 1. To provide a forum for Christian Stewardship leaders to uphold the Biblical vitality of stewardship and to: 2. Provide an opportunity for discussion of common interests and needs; 3. Prioritize, coordinate, and develop stewardship, and Cooperative Program, resources which are necessary for strengthening churches to accomplish the Great Commission; 4. Develop the professional skills of its members; 5. Enrich the personal fellowship of its members.

Stan Smith called on Gary Anderson who presented the financial report, after a brief time of discussion concerning the budget a motion was made by Gary that the budget for 2011-2012 be approved, the motion passed without dissent. Stan Smith brought a recommendation concerning a 10 year Cooperative Program plan. SDA would take the initiative by Stan Smith as president of SDA writing a letter to Dr. Frank Page with a copy to Dr. Emil Turner to endorse the concept of a meeting with representation of Dr. Frank Pages staff, state Executive Directors, national entity leadership and from SDA to discuss a 10 year plan for Cooperative Program development and support. The motion was seconded by Jerry Mixon and passed without dissent. Stan Smith asked the group to break into small groups of 4 or 5 to deal with two questions that he proposed. The first question to be answered was How are we (SDA) doing? He mentioned examples like: Are we going to fast or too slow? Where are there gaps in our work? What are we missing in what we are doing?

The responses as received are stated here for further consideration: Are we moving too fast? Yes– no choice We need quality + At this pace we may miss something We need long term financial plan “Process precedes Product” We need to minister to Executive Directors - Debrief concerning SDA activities. We need to move at right pace-watching communication There is a gap. We need to consider marketing beyond ourselves adding new revenue stream. Personalization and marketing to local churches.

The second question to be answered was What are your thoughts about our structure as we go forward? What do we need to endorse or change? The responses as received are stated here for further consideration: Group needs to recruit new members Survey a number of pastors concerning their use of SDA materials Website needs to be relevant Establish ‘Facebook’ for SDA Members List SDA resources on state websites Have ‘on demand’ resources Rethink free materials Consider seeding future projects Establish website access by levels Be involved in Social Networking at front end of our work Add product (templates) Expand membership-at the local level Consider adding more SDA officers Create Ad Hoc group with charge of preparing a financial plan for SDA More SDA Staff Encourage committees to become more active Initiate discussion about the increasing work and role of David Waganer.

Stan announced items for further consideration: Future need for more SDA staff Need for committees to become more active in their assignments Revisiting the role of David Waganer as demands for product increase. Stan highlighted three themes surfacing from the discussions in which he requested volunteers. They are as follows: Membership, Funding, Structure. He gave members the opportunity to

volunteer or to simply wait to be called upon. Those choosing to volunteer are to email David Waganer and Stan Smith with their commitment. Nominating Committee report for new officers for the coming year was presented and approved without dissent. President Stan Smith President Elect David Michael Treasurer Gary Anderson Secretary Don Campbell VP for Stewardship Billy Compton VP for Cooperative Program David Michael Membership Chairman J John Bryan Stan called on Don Campbell, host for the 2012 meeting in Williamsburg VA. Don presented the host hotel and the many possibilities for free time touring. Virginia is waiting for their chance to host the SDA. Stan called for prayer after which the meeting was adjourned. The following members were present at the summer meeting of SDA: Cecil Sims, Northwest Denny Wright, Arkansas Jonathan Gray, Texas Spencer Hutson, Missouri John Bryan, Georgia Michael Stewart, Louisiana Gary Anderson, South Carolina Jerry Sosebee, South Carolina Vince Blubaugh, Missouri Jerry Mixon, Mississippi David Sundeen, Minnesota/Wisconsin Mike Creswell, North Carolina Ray Barrett, Indiana Don Campbell, Virginia Archer Thorpe, Tennessee Gary Rickman, Tennessee Clarence Hackett, Florida Ashley Clayton, SBC Executive Committee BenStroup, Consultant/Presenter Stan Smith, Pennsylvania/South Jersey Rod Wiltrout, California Billy Compton, Kentucky Scott Priessler, SWBTS James Zik, student Kelly Burton, student Will Stevens, student Brandon Pickett, Virginia Lynn Nikkel, Wyoming Frank Shope, NAMB

David Waganer, Resource Coordinator, SDA (non-member)

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