Ukraine Relief Update

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Everything you read in the pages of these precious letters was possible because you gave so generously to the Kingdom of God. Every day, around the world, TOGETHER, we are VICTORY! TOGETHER, we have provided food, clothing and financial assistance to ministries in Ukraine in a time of adversity. TOGETHER we are putting our faith into action, and revealing the love of Jesus to the people of Ukraine at this time. We love and appreciate you!

YOU Together We Are VICTORY

A Letter From Martin Hawkins, KCM Europe Director

Dear Partners and Friends,

It is a pleasure to write to you with thanks and gratitude on behalf of the Ministry.

Your generous sowing into the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe Relief Fund, means that we have been able to sow £16,000 to support those involved in the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

We have been able to work with Partner Churches and ministries in Romania and Bulgaria to give aid to refugees fleeing the Ukraine, and to those that have been displaced within their own nation.

These churches and ministries have supplied shelter, food, hygiene products, clothing, and equipment. Some of the funding was also used for the fuel and transport costs of delivering aid to local churches where pastors are helping people locally displaced by the conflict.

Please thank God with us that we have been able to show the love of God in a tangible and practical way.

Thank you again Partners and Friends, this is Your Voice, Your Victory, Your Ministry.  We Love you, God Loves you and Jesus Is Lord!

Inside Back Cover] A WORD FROM OUR CEO AND SENIOR PASTOR [Letter Pending]
Mart Hawks

Letter From Philip Rashev, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dear Friends and Partners from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Greetings and blessings from Sofia, Bulgaria.

Thank you so very much for your big and open hearts, always ready to share the love of God around the world. We are sending this thank you note, via pastor Mark Baines.

Your reaction touched us deeply and serves as an inspiration to many of us. We have received your support, and right away started actively helping refugee families coming to Bulgaria.

I would like to mention that your support is already making a difference:

A five-member family who were without a roof, just entered Bulgaria. Our team went to get them by car, drive them to a nice place in Sofia and provide food for the first week for them.

The second family, 5 children and 2 adults, were standing in the cold near the railway station in Sofia. We immediately responded and went to get the family from the station. Secured accommodation and food and blankets for the month.

A Mother with 2 children, was transported to Sofia and accommodated.

2 adults and 3 children were placed at our volunteer’s apartment. Food, accommodation and utilities fixed for a month.

2 mothers and 4 children were placed in a hotel for several nights until the accommodation was ready for the next month.

The list goes on.

Your support has enabled us to not only provide initial support for the families but to also create an ongoing program with visitation from our church members to the accommodated families. We can see how the Lord has prepared the hearts of the people.

We already have 3 people who are looking for a water baptism in one of the houses.

While placing another family in a church volunteers apartment, we mentioned that there is a cell group gathering during the week. Initially, the family was a bit skeptical and not very attentive to what I was saying.

I tried to communicate with the boy, maybe around 7 years old using a mixture of Bulgarian, Russian and English. I was trying to understand how the situation is in his hometown, but the boy was just looking at me.

Eventually, he figured out what was I asking and knowing I might not be able to understand what he would tell me, he just swung his hand from the back of his head to the plate in front of him and made a noise of an incoming bomb, and then he spun his hand several times while making a noise of a siren.

What he was trying to communicate was that in the night, planes were dropping bombs around his house and sirens were sounding to evacuate the homes. They quickly ran to the basement where they had spent a lot of time. Eventually, they knew the war was not going to end any time soon and decided to flee to Bulgaria.

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So... on the day of the cell group they decided to stay and we had arranged a proper translator. While our cell leader was reading the Bible verses, the mother enquired what he was reading about? The translator interpreted for her and you could see tears running down her face. A precious moment for eternity. They are now all asking if they can join the church on Sunday morning.

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Your support has also enabled us to organise an event for children of the saved families and they went for a fun day with all the families, where for 2 hours, different people were bringing toiletries, cosmetics, food, clothes etc.

It was a very good event and we pray now to see if we could start a Ukrainian speaking service.



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Faith Life Church, Cambridge, Mark Baines


[Letter Pending]

The day after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, God told me to help the refugees.  I did not realize that it was God speaking, but at first, I simply thought that assisting transiting people in need and taking in refugees who desire to stay in Romania was my natural reaction to the war.  Only when I heard God repeat the same idea the next day did I realize these were God’s directions to me: not just to think about it but just do It!

Years ago God directed us to build a multi-purpose centre, with six dorm rooms, kitchen, and large meeting room. Thanks be to God for His directions and advanced preparations.

On  25 Feb. I called Odessa and spoke with our main translator for two conferences I had organized there some years ago. I asked her to let people know we have a place to house and feed those who would be fleeing the Russian attacks upon their homes and cities. We had no idea that just two nights later she would lead the first group of new friends/refugees to eat, sleep, get refreshed, encouraged and then continue their flight westward after staying with us.

Late that Saturday evening Nicolle and twenty-one others came. Also, just before midnight, a team of Christians arrived from Germany, to eat and sleep before continuing east. They were headed to Moldova to arrange upcoming food distributions for Ukrainians who are/will be staying in our neighbouring nation. Three mornings later these men, with twenty-seven new Friends arrived. They ate, slept several hours, ate again, and headed west that afternoon.

The 3rd of March God added another facet to our work. I was able to coordinate with a friend (from Lasi, an eastern border city), to bring us eight refugees, who were without a vehicle. They ate, as did four who came with their own car, and then  I drove them to Oradea, our westernmost city: near the border to Hungary.

God has greatly expanded our contacts in Eastern and Western Europe!. We connected with a man in Oradea who met us and took the new Friends in one of his commercial buses, through the border, processing formalities and then into Hungary, where they were received by the next link in the transport chain.

We also had three ladies and a baby overnight on the 3rd.   The 4th was an easy evening, just three people. 5th and 6th, eleven people.

Funny things can happen. The eleven left the morning of the 7th. An hour later they returned. Why? The two drivers had different GPS programs which did not agree, so they returned. With a simple solution I said to one the next morning, “You are the leader, Lead”.

It’s a good thing they did not return that day because fifteen minutes before they left we had forty-three arrive! We remade the beds, brought up mattresses to put on the meeting room floor (only twenty-two places in the six dorm rooms) and twelve came to our house to sleep/rest. Six hours later they ate again and continued west.

Another observation: the adults all slept; the teens all spent the time on their smartphones - connected to our WiFi, and the children played out in the sun for a while, played & ran around in the meeting room at the centre, and then really enjoyed themselves when we let them loose in the big boxes of kid’s prizes and snacks!

This group included twenty-three children traveling in the back of an enclosed work van. With the roads and the border crossings full of refugees, this group required twenty-eight hours to make the thirteenhour drive from Odessa to us!

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A Letter From Rufus and Dee Whynot Yielded Vessels, Romania

We took seventeen of the children in our vehicles and drove them to Oradea. Praise God for His supernatural favor! There they spent the night in a Baptist facility and the next day all twenty-three children went on a commercial tour bus to their destination in Bochum, Germany!

We had our first New Friends arrive to stay with us long-term, until it is safe to return home on 7th of March.

Over 240 have stopped in to eat, sleep, eat again and then continue westerly. We provide transportation, for those without vehicles to Oradea. Just one more elderly man has come to stay with us long-term, so far. He came because the Russians destroyed his house with a direct explosive hit. Not sure if it was a bomb, missile, or artillery round.

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God had me turn over the responsibilities for the transiting and staying Refugees to one of our Romanian spiritual sons and I now spend most of my time online and on the phone, coordinating with other ministers and secular leaders who are involved in helping the Ukranians in nine different nations, including Ukraine, as well as in many cities/towns in Romania.


We have been able to arrange food, bedding, medicines, medical supplies, inverter power-generators, and other humanitarian aid to transport into different groups in Ukraine, found long-term housing in Bavaria and Switzerland for several families, as well as within Romania.

Levi, and Atti (two of our spiritual sons) have made three trips to pick up aid from friends in Bavaria, six delivery trips to Ukraine with aid from Bavaria, many other supplies donated from within Romania, and more things we purchased locally.

I drove the first family of four to Bavaria to see how our contacts there receive the people we send to stay long-term.

Governments (national and local), organizations, communities, and individuals are showing such a desire to help the refugees that I am really amazed how God has turned the hearts of so many towards helping!



VICTORY Everything you’ve read in the pages of these precious letters was possible because you gave so generously to the Kingdom of God. Partner, we are honored to take the gospel around the world TOGETHER with you. Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Post Office Box 15, BATH BA1 3XN United Kingdom Tel: 01225 787310 International Tel: +44-1225-787310 Email: Registered Office: 85-87 Locksbrook Road, Lower Weston, BATH BA1 3EN Registered UK Charity No. 326392 Registered Limited Company No. 1722542

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