KC Parent magazine June 2022

Page 14




Local libraries’ summer reading progra ms are a great way to keep yo ur child reading. Check out KCPa rent.com for info on programs an d events.

QUESTION: With my daughter’s compulsion to be

a week when

on the internet and her mobile phone, my tween just

the entire family

about stopped reading for pleasure during the school

will sit down together

year. How can I motivate her to become a reader once

in the same room and

more? When she was younger, she could scarcely be

read for a half-hour,

seen without her nose in a book. – Not Reading

perhaps right after dinner or some other time when everyone is likely to gravitate toward the electronic

ANSWER: Unfortunately, when the technological

world. And if she has younger siblings, assign her the

world takes over a child’s life and she stops reading for

task of reading books to them instead of your reading

pleasure, she is missing out on a lot of benefits. Reading

to them every night. She might find this to be fun if she

beyond classroom assignments has the advantage

is reading entertaining books to them. Subscriptions to

of building vocabulary, writing, spelling and grammar

age-appropriate magazines can also encourage your

skills. And it is also likely to boost test scores. There

daughter or any tween or teen to read more.

is even some evidence that it helps kids think more clearly and solve problems more effectively. Today, it is very common for children your

Recently, we talked to children from elementary school to high school about what they will be reading this summer. Most of the older children admitted that

daughter’s age and those who are teens to sharply

they will be doing most of their reading online. This will

reduce the amount of reading they do outside the

include browsing online websites for topics that interest

classroom. You will need to be creative to reawaken

them, and some say they will be taking classes online

her interest in books. You definitely should encourage

to learn new skills. A few said they would actually read

her to read books that are tied to her interests. Other

books—mostly fiction—however, some wanted to read

books that may reignite her desire to read are those

nonfiction, especially history. Genres especially popular

that are parts of series or books that have been made

with middle schoolers and high school students were

into movies.

fantasy, adventure and science fiction books. And,

Though you can try motivating your child to read,

interestingly, we found a second grader who limited his

she still may not willingly put down her mobile phone

reading to reading aloud rhyming books to anyone who

or stop her online activities. You can try doing some of

would listen. Overall, most agreed they actually read

these things. Resume reading to her before bedtime

more in the summer when the pressure of having so

or after supper and discuss what has been read. This

much schoolwork disappears.

can encourage her to complete a book on her own. Another suggestion is to set aside a definite time twice

14 june 2022


Do talk to your daughter about what she is looking at online. She may be reading more than you think.

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