Twelve KC mag October

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SPECIAL THANKS To all of Our Writers, Designers, Planners, Contributors, Advertisers & Supporters of Xii.

Ken L. Tierra Allan Shemeka Cockerm H. Ervin Photography W. Sarah Fletcher DJ Franklin

Join the team: Email:

Antisha Gaitan Eric Harland Andre Hayes Rhenate Hodges Jasmine Jackson Raye Jackson Stefan Jones Katrina Leonard Clarence Lomax Iman Lott Sherry Lumpkins LeAndrea Mack Randi McCreary Carlanda McKinney Gary Mitchell Casie Murff Tiffaney Oakes Corey Phillips

Miko Richardson Theresa Sanders

SPECIAL THANKS “Halloween Feature”:

Earl Smith

Coralyn Martin, Owner/Director, Cirque du Risqué

LaToya Traylor

Model: Ashley Garland

Tony Van Trece

Model: Wrayne Simmons

Jessikha Williams

Model: Diana Gordon

Christopher White

Model: Miko Richardson Actor: Fred Buford


For Connoisseurs & Conscious Living This magazine is called TWELVE to note its monthly presence, only TWELVE times a year. Also, and more importantly, TWELVE is a symbol of time. So it represents timely information and the central point by which life events are measured. And of course, timepieces are part of the finer things, perfect for our core readers in pursuit of sophisticated living. Welcome to TWELVE.


Volume I, Issue X

COVER  Xii Pink. Style by Chris White DON’T MISS


HOW TO WIN! Welcome to No. X!

 Calendar 42

TWELVE Magazine is part of the network. Owned by H.G.E. Marketing, LLC. (H.G.E.). Views & opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of H.G.E. or contributors.

Can you believe it? We’re at the 10th issue. Only two more issues to go before we wrap up the year. Just think. It started as an idea and has now become a movement. Thank you for the support.


Speaking of 10, this is the Winning Ways edition, so you’ll find Ten key steps we should take for both business and community success. Of course, we’ve also gone “Pink” in this issue to support Breast Cancer Awareness month, so you’ll find plenty of information on living and overcoming.

Healthy Food


As always, we highlight the people to watch, key tips and places to go. So enjoy the features.


Remember, this is your magazine. You have an opportunity to contribute to the content by writing, submitting story suggestions, and of course, attending the launch events and more. Contact us at to get involved and send us feedback, too!

Who I Am

Sincerely, Halloween Pics

Breast Cancer


Ken L



What’s Different? Read It & Experience it Live Affordable Care


10 Winning Ways 48




Though a lifestyle publication isn’t unique, TWELVE evolves the genre. It’s the only magazine that you both read and live. We set out to create more than a literary piece. We’ve merged both the online world and the live event into the “magazine experience”. Once a month, we release a new issue of the magazine. The release is paired with a live launch event on First Fridays, where the feature elements and characters of our magazine are brought to life for you to touch, taste, feel and experience. The live experience becomes part of gathering ground of additional stories, photos, and more for the final written magazine. 6


Cancer Fighting Food by: Corey Phillips


onsidering that today's society has become more health conscious, we can surely take notice that Americans have started to make better eating choices. Did you know that choosing certain foods are key in guarding against the onset of illnesses? Disease tends to develop in bodies that are malnourished

and highly acidic in make up. A great meal selection should be colorful according to its natural feel, look, and texture, and filled with plenty of vegetables and lean meats. A planned meal selection, in comparison to the basic five-minute drivethru meal, could possibly keep ailments, such as cancer, in its place. Ever find yourself making a quick stop at the first fast-food joint that shows up on the side of the road, or do you carefully plan out your weekly meals? This is one of the major



issues with food consumption. People are not getting the true daily allowance of nutrition value needed to sustain wellness and health. We all should know by now that processed foods have harmful chemicals in them that affect the body long -term. Fast foods also hold very little nutritional value because of the preservatives used to prolong the life of the food. Preservatives replace the fresh value of nutrients that accompany food in their natural state. The problem? We choose convenience over necessity. Most fast food restaurants contain some form of preservatives or artificial coloring. According to, Yellow 6 artificial food coloring has been known to cause adrenal gland and kidney tumors, as well as having the presence of other carcinogenic. Millions have most likely consumed their share of Yellow 6 and other preservatives due to the consumption of fast food. On the other hand, careful planning of a balanced meal consisting of enough alkaline foods will affect the body in an opposite manner, compared to quick chemical filled foods that contain harmful ingredients. Eating healthy starts with a simple selection of beneficial foods. Alkaline foods are life-preserving selections because of their ability to fight radicals and cell mutation. Foods with great alkalinity fight Lee Langston One of KC’s Top high acidic conditions inVoices the body. These are created with food that doesn't contribute to essential cellular growth. The true battle is balancing acid levels within the body. They allow the body to be susceptible to diseases like cancer, especially when you add carcinogenic properties like Yellow 6.

Plan your weekly meals around selecting alkaline items first. Foods that are alkaline in make up:  Root Vegetables  Leafy greens  Cruciferous vegetables  Lemons  Garlic  Cayenne Peppers  Whole Grains 9

Suggestions for the Readers:

1. Plan your weekly meals around selecting alkaline items first 2. Don't allow your hunger to make decisions for your health 3. Start with a monthly fast-food limit, and then increase your goal limit every 2 to 3 weeks after 4. Drink more water 5. Pack raw vegetable snacks for lunch 6. Create a healthy living group with close friends

Email your top goal for healthy eating change to and receive free tips on changes we have made in meal selections through the months of October & November

Trilogy Sports & Fitness (l) Chris Westmoreland, Master Fitness Trainer (r) Corey Phillips Founder / Elite Sports Performance Trainer


I Ted McKnight

One-on-One with one of KC Chiefs Top Running Backs

Story By: Randi McCreary Photo: Antisha Gaitan Bluvision Photography



Curshion Jones Founder & CEO WHO I AM Series

By W. Sarah Fletcher


HO I AM Series is impacting young people across our nation by allowing their voices to be heard. The series provides a platform for them to share their stories and who they are. The intent is that their voices will illuminate and provide access for healing life’s traumas and wounds, through the sharing of personal journeys.


Founder and CEO of the WHO I AM Series, Curshion Jones, is a college student in his last semester at William Jewell College. A native of Denver, Colorado, Jones has embraced Kansas City as his home while attending Jewell. The vision for the WHO I AM Series came when Jones’ mother suddenly passed away when he was 23. Feeling alone and struck with grief, Jones withdrew and battled depression; merely existing in isolation. Jones felt that no one understood or could relate to where he was. It was in that moment, he realized his peers had stories too; they had heavy burdens and issues they were lugging around and trying to simply hide their pain with a smile.

Curshion is helping the unveil the dreams, personalities, successes and struggles. Discover what you can learn through the Who I Am series..

(Continued from page 11)

Jones has been on a relentless mission ever since to give voice to this generation of untold stories. What started as a platform to give voice to students has quickly evolved to giving voice to musicians, actors, entertainers and more. One of the most astonishing points of the WHO I AM Series, is that Jones started filming his episodes using his iPhone as his only equipment. Passionate about Drama Therapy and a thespian by training, Jones was not familiar with world that existed beyond acting. So, he began to research and study everything he could get his hands on. He watched countless YouTube videos on editing, recording, different tricks and techniques for filming--- all while filming with just an iPhone. A quick study, Jones was soon able to do his own video edits, and his series came to life. He has been unstoppable ever since.


Because of his series, he has been awarded various prestigious awards and recognition from Jewell. He received a scholarship to study at NYU this year for their summer session. Upon graduating from William Jewell College,

Jones aspires to attend NYU to pursue Drama Therapy, continuing to give voice and an outlet for healing through the arts. Jones, firmly planted in his faith, is careful to give God the glory in his life; all he wanted to do was help others and give them a voice. He is constantly receiving emails and requests from people touched by what they viewed. Now, they want to share their story too. The WHO I AM Series knows that everyone has a story and for every one story, there are millions more. Supporters of the WHO I AM Series are easily spotted as they wear their Billboards, aka T-shirts in support of the Series. The current Billboard Campaign is for all Greeks to show their support with their own Billboards, as he makes a donation back to their organization for their support. For more information on the WHO I AM Series, visit




The 1st MO Classic, September 14, 2013. Over 20,000 guests in attendance. The weekend included a comedy show, rallies, happy hours, afterpartIes & more.




My Song Words, Jasmine Jackson Photos: Kenny Johnson Photography


and critics alike were enthralled by new music sensation Shae`

Mara when she became a top contestant on the America’s Got Talent na-

tional television show known to the world as Shanice Hayes. It was Shae` Mara’s dynamic singing that caught the attention of label executives after watching her perform live on the streets of Kansas City at the famed Country Club Plaza. She was offered a recording contract and began the quest that she's always dreamed of. Shae` Mara now has a new focus, a higher sense of purpose, and most of all, exciting new music!


Shae` Mara


Jasmine- What inspired you to pursue a career in music? Shae Mara- My father inspired me. When I was a little girl I watched him perform all over. (He was in the air force.) I would see him practicing on the piano, and I’d go up to him and ask “Can I sing?” and he’d allow me to sing with him. That inspired me to do music, sing, and perform. Jasmine-How long have you been singing, then? Shae Mara- I’ve been singing since I was 12, professionally, and when I took it seriously but, I’ve actually been singing since I was 6 years old. Jasmine- And how did you come up with your stage name? Shae Mara- “Shae” is short for my first name Shaniece, and I still have the Mara, which is my middle name. I used to go by “Shaniece Mara” but now it’s just Shae Mara. Jasmine- I like that. It’s really cute. So, throughout your childhood, other than your dad, because I’m sure that’s your first influence, did any other artists inspire you, whether mainstream or underground? Shae Mara- As lot of kids, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston. I’m a real old school baby. My daddy had us listen to all the old school music. So, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Stevie Wonder. Jasmine- Niiice. Shae Mara- Stevie Wonder was a big inspiration. My biggest inspiration is Aaliyah. I really looked up to her a lot when I was little. Just her being a female artist, and doing her thing, being herself, and I loved it. Jasmine- Would you say that your style is similar to Aaliyah’s? Is it more feminine? Shae Mara- My style of music is more pop-ish. I want to do a mix of a lot of different things into it. Like, I come from a background of jazz and blues. I want to add all of that but, modernize it. More like pop and R&B, sort of. Jasmine- Nice. Alrightee. So, what is your music mostly about? And what audience are you targeting with your music? Shae Mara- My music is more about the things that I’m going through as a young woman, transforming into this woman. I’m 19 turning 20. So, I’m kind of evolving into a woman now, and some of the things I’m dealing with are being put into a diary. My relationships, my personal life, and things a lot of young girls can relate to. I’m targeting more of the young girls. The girls around 20, 22,


23, and even older. I want to reach a wide audience. Jasmine- Awesome. In the future or even now, who are some of the artists that you would like to collaborate with? Shae Mara- There are a lot of people that I would like to collaborate with. Bruno Mars, Drake, there are so many. I want to work with artists in different genres like Katy Perry. I want to do everything, like I said. Nicki Minaj, and even the hardcore stuff like what Eminem does. Jasmine- Yes, I think it’s good to have variety and be open, and diverse. So a few weeks ago, I heard that you sung the National Anthem at the Missouri Classic. Was that the first time you sang the National Anthem? Shae Mara- No, I sang the National Anthem at the Sprint Center for the Heat game, last year, and for the 80th Annual Kansas Relays at the University of Kansas. All of the experiences were great. It’s surreal sometimes. Jasmine- Was there a difference? Anything new about that experience, compared to the one at the Sprint Center? Shae Mara- There was a difference in the audiences. I've never seen anything like it. The NBA has a mix of fans, the track and field meet fans were there to see track runners but it seemed like there were so many alumni and fans of the HBCU experience there. It wasn't just the Grambling fans or the Lincoln fans. There were fans of UAPB, Southern, Jackson State, Alabama A&M, Tuskegee, Spelman, Johnson C Smith, Howard. It was just an incredible site for 23,000 people to come out and witness this. I will always come back to the Missouri Classic. Jasmine- And I’m sure the sound was different. Arrowhead it outdoors and Sprint is indoors. Shae Mara- Singing at a place like the Arrowhead stadium makes the delay so long. I would be singing on one line and the speakers were on the last line. Jasmine- I’m sad I missed it. Now, what are your biggest accomplishments with your career so far? Shae Mara- I would have to say being on the TV show America’s Got Talent. That was a big accomplishment. Something I thought that I would never do because, like I tell everyone, I always struggled with my confidence, and believing in myself as a little girl. Being on the show…I never imagined do-



Courtesy of Kenny Johnson Photography


ing that. I never thought that I would have that much strength to go on the show and deal with the criticism and everything but, I did. And that, to me, is a big accomplishment. Even though, we didn’t necessarily win. It was a big accomplishment making it to the top ten. Jasmine- Yes, absolutely. I agree. What made you want to audition? Shae Mara- I actually went on there with my father. We were seen performing on the plaza, and they contacted us, saying “Hey, you should come down and audition.” They also said that about four years ago, and I was like “No” at the time. I was too scared *chuckles*. They’re always booing people off. But, we ended up going, and next thing I know, we’re in New York. Jasmine- Wow, so would you do it again? Shae Mara- Ummmm…. I don’t regret anything but, I don’t think I would do it that way again. It was a great exposure but, I’m happy where I’m at now. Rather than putting the face on for the TV. Jasmine- Alright. What projects are you working on currently? Shae Mara- I’m working on my album. It should be coming out soon. Probably the beginning of next year. That’s what I’m working on right now. Jasmine- Ok, do you have a title yet? Shae Mara- No, but it’s in the making. Jasmine- Well, I look forward to it. What do you fear most about the music industry? Shae Mara- I always say my biggest fear was failing. I don’t want to fail but, I work so hard that I don’t believe that I will fail. I feel like going into this industry, you have to be fearless, you have to be strong. That’s how I feel. I don’t really fear anything right now, going into the industry because if I go in there fearing things, then I’ll be afraid of doing this and doing that but, I keep myself grounded. I know my morals and where I came from and I won’t do anything that goes against my values. I don’t want to be afraid of anything. Jasmine- I think that’s a good attitude to have. I believe that if you just go into it and have faith that you will succeed, I believe you will succeed. Both- *chuckles* Jasmine- If you could choose any other career, what would it be, and why? Shae Mara- Everyone knows I have this soft spot for children with disabilities and cancer. I think that if I weren’t doing music, I’d be doing music therapy. I did research on that in high school on that job oc21

cupation, when I was a senior. And I feel that even though I’m choosing this as my career path, I still will be able to do that, and help raise money for children with disabilities and cancer. Jasmine- Absolutely, you’ll have a big influence. That opens the door for many opportunities. So, go for it! So outside of the studio, what do you spend most of your time doing? Shae Mara- Well, lately I’ve been writing a lot. This experience has taken a toll on me emotionally and physically. I’ve been writing a lot of poetry and it’s been helping me. In my free time, I spend a lot of time with my family, I like to shop *chuckles* Jasmine- We all do, that’s every woman. Shae Mara- That’s basically what I like to do in my free time. Jasmine- Final question, are you in an exclusive relationship right now? Shae Mara- No, I’m not. My main focus is music. Jasmine- That’s wonderful. In your music, are you touching on a lot of love experiences? Shae Mara- Definitely. Even though I’m not in a relationship now, I have been and I have gone through a lot of things that a lot of young girls go through, even grown women, we all kind of go through similar things with relationships. Heartbreaks and feeling broken. I do touch on a lot of relationships with my music. Jasmine- Do you ever write about anyone else’s experiences? Shae Mara- Yeah, I do. I’m from the city, I’ve grown up around a lot of things. I do write about things I have gone through personally. Jasmine- Do you write all of your music? Shae Mara- I don’t write all of my music. I haven’t recorded any of the music I’ve written. I just have those writings in my diary but, we’re still working on my album. So, hopefully, soon I’ll be able to record some of it, and I just started writing. Jasmine- How can your fans access some of your music? Shae Mara- They’ll be able to access through links I post on my social media pages and my website. Everything that comes out will be on there. Jasmine- Well, alright. I really appreciate the time you’ve taken out to come here and be interviewed on behalf of myself and Xii Magazine. We wish you all the best in the future with your career, and I’m sure you will make it big. I’m proud to say I met you. I’m looking forward to seeing on TV, and saying “Hey, I know her!”




KC’s Own


Shemeka Cockerm Make-up & Hair

Coralyn Martin

Owner/Director Cirque du Risqué


Model: Wrayne Simmons Make-up: Shemeka Cockerm


Eric Harland, photo




By Katrina Leonard

ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness

Month, and thousands of women are fighting to survive the odds. Helping to lead that fight through education and awareness efforts is Kansas City's own Surviving The Odds Foundation (STO). STO is a breast cancer awareness and education organization founded by Consuelo Ross after she received the devastating news that she had breast cancer. Ross, a single mom of two, was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2007. Determined to survive, Ross immersed herself in the knowledge necessary to beat the disease. Soon after, Ross decided the research she had done to learn about the disease trying to take her life would be useful for all women. She found that women of color had the highest rate of death due to breast cancer. African American and Hispanic American women fall victim to the disease at alarming rates. Among tumors biopsied, about 80% are found to be malignant (cancerous). These odds were the driving force in Ross' decision to work as a resource for those in high26

risk groups. By providing education, support, and hope to women and families affected by breast cancer, Ross’ personal fight against breast cancer has mushroomed into a mission that will lower statistics and increase awareness. Surviving the Odds Foundation has partnered with medical facilities, physicians, and cancer specialists to offer a host of program benefits for its members. The program includes very effective clinical breast exam education to teach members how to properly conduct self-examinations. STO also offers solace services to comfort members after diagnosis, surgery, or therapy through prayer, a listening ear, or a fun activity to help patients cope. Additionally, STO now offers guardian patient services where knowledgeable volunteers are available to help navigate new patients through doctor’s appointments and decisions. The organization has even created a physician database that allows new patients to make informed choices between doctors, surgeons, and treatment plans. The (Continued on page 28)

Photo: Raye Jackson


Consuelo Ross

Never Give Up (Continued from page 26)

foundation's goal is to provide all of the tools necessary for patients to make clear and conscious decisions about their future and recovery. Vital information is always at the fingertips of Surviving the Odds members, including a plethora of education materials on prevention, treatment, diagnosis and survival. With dedication and empathy for her members, Consuelo Ross gives hope and understanding to people and families like her own. She prides herself on the outreach that her organization lends to women of color and wishes that even the littlest bit of information finds its way to someone in need. To learn more about this organization visit the website: or Contact representatives by phone at 816-866-3STO (3786) between the hours of 9am-5pm (CST), Monday-Friday.

Lonnie Bush: The Living Testimony. By Iman Lott

Triple negative breast cancers have a relapse pattern that is very different from hormone-positive breast cancers: the risk of relapse is much higher for the first three to five years but drops sharply and substantially below that of hormone-positive breast cancers after that. Albergaria, A.; Ricardo, Nottingham Prognostic Index in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer:

“I found the lump myself while taking a shower. I called my doctor immediately but they weren’t really concerned because they considered me young and healthy, plus I had no family history of cancer.” Lonnie Bush was considered a healthy 39 year old woman. She was a personal trainer who worked out consistently, ate right, and was in her prime. She had the doctors remove the lump she found. They were to do a biopsy and have her come back in for results.“It was two weeks before Christmas when I found out. The doctors wanted to treat me immediately but I asked if they could wait. I didn’t tell my family. I wanted them to enjoy their holiday.” Bush started treatment two days after Christmas in 2009. She received two different types of chemo four to five hours a day once every three weeks. She did that for five months and as a typical patient, lost her hair and even lost two teeth.“I still went to train clients everyday while going through chemo. If I couldn’t train I would at least teach classes.”

“A lot of women are ashamed of having cancer and I try to make them feel like they shouldn’t be. “ Lonnie Bush 28

She did radiation for eight weeks after receiving chemo.“Triple negative breast cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of its kind. They have to treat it so aggressively because it’s so hard to treat. They want you to stay cancer free for at least five years to be in the clear.” As of today, Bush is living cancer free.“I found

Lonnie Bush “The main focus is to give them something to look forward to. To give hope.”

Wizard Photographx

out two days before my birthday. I went into the doctor’s office thinking the worst but when they told me I was cancer free I cried. I thought about my friend Karen McNair who passed while we were battling and felt a little survivor’s guilt but I trusted the Lord to keep me and He did.” Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Black women and in 2010, the Center for Disease Control reported that breast cancer was the leading cause of cancer death for Black women aged 45-64 years. What’s most alarming in this CDC report is that the breast cancer death rate for this age group was 60% higher for Black women than White women.“I can’t stress enough how important it is to do breast selfexams and get mammograms. Early detection is the key. One of the focuses of my organization is to spread mammogram awareness.” Bush started the Celebration of Life Foundation which donates hats, wigs and even anonymously pays cancer patients copays. “A lot of women are ashamed of having cancer and I try to make them feel like they shouldn’t be. I tell them that just sharing their story can help somebody else that is battling or in the beginning stages so please don’t keep it to yourself. While I was battling I kept a journal. It helped me with my emotions. I published my journal in a book titled “Cancer was my blessing”. I often give cancer patients I meet my book for free so that after they read it they understand and want to open up and live.” Bush is currently a part of a triple negative study where


her blood work and lifestyle are being evaluated. Researchers are trying to figure out why more African Americans are battling this most aggressive form of breast cancer.“If I can play a part in them trying to figure this out then I am more than happy to do so.” Currently the owner and operator of Lonnie Bush Fitness, Lonnie continues to train and offer group fitness classes. She is not only looking to get people in physical shape but to encourage those who struggle with serious health issues. For every weekend in October to bring more consciousness to awareness, Bush’s foundation is sponsoring different events around the city.“We are having a charity basketball game, participating in a fashion show and doing a walk. I have several speaking engagements and am asking for more donations. I want to do as much as I can and solicit as much help as I can in October so that I can have things to help cancer patients with for the rest of the year.” In the future Bush hopes to develop relationships with insurance companies in order to help patients that can’t afford to pay for their own help.“I just want to travel and spread awareness about better insurance options for patients. The main focus is to give them something to look forward to. To give hope.” And that she does. For more information on how you can get involved visit


The Extensio

By Theresa Sanders



ocial media is not for the

faint of heart. It can be a pushy environment. Many personalities are shared through passionate post on a variety of subjects; it's a place for everyone to state their ideas and opinions via status updates and pictures. As I was thumbing through my Instagram account, looking to be entertained, I came across a picture of Idris Elba standing on a beach with a gorgeous African model. Under the picture a quote, supposedly from Mr. Elba himself, was emblazoned stating, " I only date African women. Unlike African America women, African women don't hide behind weave and make up." Underneath the quote were at least thirty likes and comments from Black men supporting Mr. Elba's alleged statement.

wearing them has deeprooted self esteem issues. However, this "beef" with extensions and the women who wear them, appears to be a result of misunderstanding and mixed messages from both men and media alike. Does society, media, and the male populace send out mixed messages to women? One look at a shampoo commercial will show that longer hair is coveted. One gander at Instagram's infamous "Women Crush Wednesdays" post will show that men are posting pictures of women with long hair (usually fake), that fit their ideal image of beauty. Yet, some of the same men can be seen vehemently discussing their disdain for extensions in previous or later post, all of which proves to be confusing. Let's face it, women dress and maintain themselves according to what men find attractive. So if weave is so unattractive to men, why is a good majority of the female population wearing it so readily?

" I only date African women. Unlike African America women, African women don't hide behind weave and make up."

At first I was taken aback by this quote. How could this man lump all African American women into one category? Why was it being assumed that only African American women wear make up and weave and African women or women of other ethnicities did not? Was a continent filled with countries flooded with advertisements for skin bleaching being viewed as more selfrespecting than African American women just because we wear weaves? Upset, I combed the Internet to find the article that must have accompanied this quote, only to find no such article existed.

The bigger picture is not the fact that the quote was false, or the humorous Instagram post, but more so the implications and ideology behind them. Apparently, in the Black community, wearing extensions is viewed as false advertisement, a form of self- hatred and emulation of European beauty ideals. It is assumed the woman 30

To further dissect the discomfort many men are having with hair weave, a better understanding of why it is worn and who wears it needs to be discussed. Socialites and celebrities of all ethnicities wear extensions. The Kardashians, Paris Hilton, and BeyoncĂŠ just to name a few. Caucasian women are known to spend anywhere up to $1,000 or more to have extensions installed. Wearing extensions isn't a sure fire indicator of baldness or self -hate. Women install extensions to create new looks that are less permanent. Adding some fake tresses is a great way to add body, add color, or even wear a short hair cut without physically altering the actual hair. Furthermore, extensions can be low maintenance, requiring less heat and styling. This allows more freedom in less than pleasant climates and weather; serving as a protective hairstyle.

e t a b de To Weave or Not To Weave, That is the Question. At the end of the day, people can have preferences. Just stand by those strongly, and don't press your ideologies on others through fake article quotes. Hiding behind the guise of a famous actor and the Internet is an unacceptable way to pass judgment on others or state ideas. Whatever a woman decides to do, to make her feel more beautiful should not be sneered at. It should be approached with an open mind and curiosity not judgment or assumptions. 31

her to make a difference and raise awareness. “Your maternal grandmother is a direct indicator of what can happen in your family”, says Smith. At a young age, her mother encouraged her to be aware of her body. As a result, breast selfexams and healthy eating became a routine part of her health regimen. Today, Smith encourages other women to take on these same practices in the hopes that women can begin to see the correlation between prevention, diet and exercise. As a certified Zumba instructor, Smith works with women from all walks of life. Smith espouses, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Taking small steps, like cutting back on alcohol consumption, or infusing more fruits and vegetables in your diet are great ways to begin. Sticking to an exercise regimen helps reduce body fat, which in turn, lowers the risk of developing hormones that promote cancer, such as estrogen. Working side by side with the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Smith kicked off the second annual “Viva La Pink” Zumba Event on October 18th at UMKC’s Swinney Recreation Center. The event was a fundraiser to raise money towards education and screenings, while giving women a chance to experience a Zumba workout, along with a few special surprises. Smith’s hopes for

Amber Smith Until there’s a cure.

By Randi McCreary

The American Cancer Society estimates approximately 232,340 new cases of breast cancer in 2013. A statistic such as this is a reminder that being proactive and preventive are key factors in the fight against a disease that claims more than 39,000 lives around the country every year. Despite the numbers, the fight against breast cancer is not a losing battle. Early Readand It. knowledge have proven to be highly prevention Wear effective, givingIt.women a positive outlook for the future Dream of research It. and a passion for supporting a cure. No one understands that passion more than Amber Smith. In 1988, Smith’s grandmother passed from breast cancer. Smith was only nine years old at the time, but the event left a lifelong impact that inspired 32

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Taking small steps, like cutting back on alcohol consumption, or infusing more fruits and vegetables in your diet are great ways to begin. this year’s event are to let women know that there is a true line of support out there. “The Komen funds $3.6 million in the Kansas City area to people that are underinsured or uninsured. That would have been my grandmother. The reason I do this is to make sure that they know that resources are available. “ In year three, Smith hopes to include KU Medical Center and possibly help breast cancer patients with the cost of medical bills. Her great expectations are exactly the kind of motivation it takes to truly make a difference.



TRANSFORM Model: Ashley Garland Make-up: Shemeka Cockerm

Mirror Mirror Fairest of them All


Crack & Meth At the Same Time



Photos: Jessikha Williams | KL

The TAKEOVER BLOCK PARTY. Official MO Classic Afterparty featuring MC Lyte. Brought to you by Alpha Phi Alpha Frat., Inc., Beta Lambda chapter. Saturday, September 14, 2013. 18th & Vine KCMO.




Model: Diana Gordon Make-up: Shemeka Cockerm



Behind the Fairytale

Costumes & Fantasy...But Don’t Miss The Message

The National Retail Federation reports that this Halloween, Americans will spend close to $8 billion on Halloween candy, pumpkins, decorations, and costumes. What is the purpose? Is it a pagan holiday, a day that we welcome evil, or just a fun and nostalgic way for Americans to celebrate and dress up as their favorite characters and celebrities? Many churches are opposed to this holiday and schools are phasing out the term “Halloween”, opting for less dubious celebrations like “Fall Festivals” and “Harvest Gatherings”. While that is an arguably appropriate direction, some of us wax nostalgic for an excuse to immerse ourselves in our favorite fairytales. For little girls, fairytales speak of damsels in distress and Prince Charming who save the day! We grow up and realize that our Prince may not be charming, gorgeous, or a prince at all but do fairytales still teach us a lesson or two about life?

Snow White

One of the classic fairytales, Snow White is sweet, generous, and beautiful. She befriends seven unusual individuals with distinct characteristics and learned to get along with them. Her looks are coveted by a witch that learns that it is not Snow White’s stunning looks that makes her beautiful but it’s her kind heart and soul.

Princess and the Frog

This fairytale doesn’t flow as easily. The prince is broke, preys on what he thought was a rich girl, and gets caught up in a bad deal with a witch doctor. Tiana is hard-working, focused, and determined to get her restaurant but her ambition ultimately turns her into a frog along with the prince. As they embark on a journey to be humans again, the prince helps her realize how to enjoy life and she shows the prince how hard work can pay off. Disney’s production of these fairytales attempt to reveal subtle messages of morality and humanity but ultimately they are fairytales, or fables for our children – and us – to simply enjoy! So, whether you celebrate Halloween or Fall Festival or Harvest Gathering, if you find yourself dressed as a princess, you surely won’t be doing so alone. Take the occasion as an opportunity to have fun, while exploring the character and learning its ultimate lesson.


By LeAndrea Mack



Alpha Phi Alpha on the scene at Xii Magazine’s event, #READY, 9.6.13, at the Ambassador Hotel. They’ve got a BIG plans for KC. Visit for all the haps. You don’t want to miss this.

Add your upcoming events and more to Just create a login or use your Facebook log-in. Fri 10/25 Ruby Red Slippers Gala Event type: Community Action Venue: Grand Street Cafe: 4740 Grand Ave Kansas City MO Time: 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM Producer: R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. Contact: Chantell Garrett Email: Phone: 816.607.1031 Web: Sat 10/26 Chris Cakes All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast Event type: Fundraiser Venue: Paradise Baptist Church: 1600 E. 58th St Kansas City MO Time: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Producer: Omicron Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Contact: Haywood Jackson Email: Phone: 8166681524 Web:


Sat 10/26 ICE SCREAM 2 Event type: Party Venue: Uptown Theater: 3700 Broadway Kansas City MO Time: 8:00 PM - 1:30 AM Contact: Email: Phone: 816-921-6161 Sat 11/09 16th Osage Beach Shopping Spree Event type: Fundraiser Venue: Osage Beach Outlet: Osage Beach MO Time: 6:30 AM - 9:30 PM Producer: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc Alpha Epsilon Zeta Chapter Contact: Email: https://2013aezshoppingspree.eventbrit Sat 11/09 New Dinner Theatre - Never Too Late Event type: Comedy Venue: New Theatre Restaurant: 9229 Foster Overland Park KS Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Contact: Tracy Ivy Owens Email: Phone: Tue 11/12 11 12 13 Urban Pros Happy Hour Event type: Networking Venue: Overland Park Sheraton: 6100 College Blvd Overland Park KS Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Producer: TWELVE Magazine Web: Sat 11/16 TALENT Show: Debonair Affair Event type: Performance Venue: UMKC Student Union Student Theatre: 5100 Cherry Kansas City MO Time: 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM Producer: Alpha Phi Alpha Beta Lambda Email: Phone: Web: affair KCs Urban Source. Add Your Events!


Model: Miko Richardson Make-up: Coralyn Martin


Affordable Care. NOW.


By LeAndrea Mack

While the government has made the decision to roll out the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, America’s decision is still divided. It’s been more than three years since President Obama signed the unprecedented Affordable Healthcare Act into law but the debate and fierce resistance against it continue. The new healthcare laws affect how health insurance is administered. It’s expected to provide health insurance to 14 million people who could, otherwise, not afford it. The debate is not whether every American should be insured, but whether the act is anti-business and that the wrong individuals – particularly, business owners – will be penalized. The Affordable Healthcare Act, dubbed ObamaCare, doesn’t close every gap and many critics believe there are a host of loose ends that should be tied up to ultimately make the law effective, but for the millions who have no affordable access to healthcare, the act may literally be life-saving. Supporters seem to be driven by compassion and the belief that all people should have access to basic healthcare. Detractors argue that ObamaCare hurts small businesses, and therefore, the broader U.S. economy. Their fear is that small businesses, which currently make up over 52% of the U.S. workforce, will stop hiring in effort to keep their employee count under 50 because, under the act, employers with 50 or more employees are required to provide health insurance to their employees; a provision that some small businesses may deem too costly, thereby limiting business growth and hiring. To date, the Affordable Healthcare Act is one of the most audacious accomplishments in public policy during the Obama administration and is a monumental move toward accessible healthcare. The Affordable Healthcare Act makes health insurance available through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the health insurance “exchange.”


According to the government site,, 1. Any American seeking insurance can use the Health Insurance Marketplace. 2. Based on your application, the Marketplace will inform you if you qualify for reduced income rates based insurance or Medicaid. 3. Even if you do not qualify for reduced rates, the Marketplace may prove beneficial to you because it allows you to purchase insurance that covers essential health benefits, pre-existing conditions, and preventive care. 4. It is important to take some time to determine your healthcare needs and select a plan that’s right for you. 5. With few exceptions, those who do not have healthcare coverage by 2014 will pay a tax penalty of $95 per adult and $47.50 per child (or 1% of your income, whichever is higher). To learn more and to apply, visit: or contact 1.800.318.2596



10 Ways to WIN

Photos: Jessikha Williams

The Community & Business Plan

14th Annual Winning Ways. Roundtable edition called the “Working Session” (l. to r). Marquell Harris, AIM 4 Peace, center, George Walker, Black Family Technology Awareness Association, John Hundley, entrepreneur.

Friday, October 4, 2013. H.G.E. and TWELVE Magazine hosted the 14th Annual Winning Ways. Winning Ways helps build connections while unveiling success strategies. This year’s event maintained its networking core, but evolved from its common exhibit table based approach to present the “Working Session”. This centered on a roundtable strategy discussion to begin generating solutions and plans for Kansas City and more specifically the urban community. Open to the public, some attendees were experts, others were conscientious contributors; those with a desire to help identify some of the ills and opportunities in our community. Although it was only a short time to address both business and community, dialogues like the Winning Ways Work Session lay the groundwork for a better society. Here are some key steps we determined on Winning: 48

“Does saying it’s

Black make it better?

Black can’t be the differentiator. Yes. I’m pro Black, but just saying we’re Black won’t get me the support we need. We have to compete. We can’t just be on par.”


Secure Equitable Education Education. It’s almost cliché to note as part of a winning action plan, but education will always be essential to surviving and thriving. Despite undeniable progress, African-Americans must still continue to fight to be better. It’s not just going to school and graduating. It’s taking the right courses and leveraging the latest books and technology. High schools should have college preparatory classes and every student should have access to a computer. Just previous generations did, parents should fight, demand, and even sue for these fundamental provisions. Formal education should be supplemented with mentors, starting with parents, which can both encourage and illustrate the long-term value of education. Teach Soft Skills Richard Mabion, community and environment advocate, says improving soft skills are mandatory. He’s Founder and CEO of Building a Sustainable Earth Community and has worked with civic and community leaders. “According to workforce partnership experts, the number one issue is soft skills training. This used to be called “life skills”. Soft skills, also called people skills, are those character traits and interpersonal skills that allow us to interact and communicate effectively with others. Mabion states that although math and science are important, today, it’s the attitudes and behaviors that affect employability. Youth are missing the foundational ability to communicate with each other. Public behavior, mannerisms and the fundamental understanding of respect are some of these soft skills. “You can hear it on the phone or when you step into a Church’s Fried Chicken. These condescending attitudes are not going to cut it, says Mabion. For us to get our people prepared for the future we’re going to have to deal with those kinds of behaviors.”


Herston Fails, president-elect of the 100 Black Men of Greater Kansas City agrees. “A lot of it comes from restoring people’s sense of humanity.” Fails recalls retail experiences and dealing with a difficult customer. In the end, he apologized for being, in his own words, an ass. I had the awareness to remain polite. That’s a teachable skill. You can teach people tact”, says Fails. 49

“In the 100, we talk to our mentees. It’s important that we all do this because eventually the youth will run into each other. Each group should do their part to work with youth whether it’s a mentoring program or part of a curriculum.” Own Your Community Eric Austin, recent graduate from Northwest Missouri State University, believes in a community push for one cause, but it takes a variety of different efforts and programs to address the community ills. “It’s not one certain thing. Each organization can take care of their own area, but we have to stick together in our own community.” He reiterated the need for taking responsibility for our community. “I feel bad for Trayvon and his family, but we have people in our own city that get killed, but we don’t march for kids that are killed in our own community. Lots of things in our community wouldn’t happen if we take care of each other first.”


Plan Your Work, Then Work Your Plan There has to be a goal and a plan to reach that goal, and then some action. “You can’t do it with marching alone, says Fails. “Look at the 50’s and 60’ era where you had groups like SNCC (pronounced “snick”, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Community), sit-ins, boycotts, and all of the movements. Now we march, then we go back home and watch Atlanta Housewives or whatever. The action stops with the march. When you read the history, you know the work happened before and after the march,” says Fails. Fails describes how preparation included meeting and learning to be nonviolent even when people spit in your face. Then they took action. “We marched, we sat. Now we’re going to build organizations, programs after school, and more.”


Read Your History The good thing about the challenges we face is that somewhere, someone has been there before. Fortunately, most of it is there for you to learn from—whether it becomes part of a business case, proof point of what


(Continued on page 52)


Giving from The SOLE By Jasmine Jackson Photos: Shawn Riddle

Most women would agree that a pair of stylish shoes can be therapeutic and even boost self-esteem. The founders of Show-Me-Shoes Foundation believed in this theory when they embarked upon this journey in 2009. Shivon Starr’s and Anneka Jenkins’ passion for shoes and young girls birthed Show-Me -Shoes into a divine purpose. The organization’s purpose is to assist young women that may be experiencing hardships and instill confidence through its mentor program. The program caters to mentees ages 18-23. As participants of the program, the women take advantage of seminars, activities, and retreats. These experiences are intended to pave a bright future and inspire the women to be successful. Through the mentorship, they will encounter opportunities by networking with community leaders. Each year Show-Me-Shoes conducts a shoe drive for new and gently worn shoes. This year, the Boys and Girls Clubs in the Kansas City Metro area, were the recipients of the donations. This year marked their 3rd annual shoe drive and on September 26th, the “Soles and Cocktails” celebration at The Drop Bistro marked another year of making a difference in the community. Guests were invited to enjoy an optional cocktail, customized ShowMe-Shoes cupcakes, social interaction with fellow supporters, and make a last minute monetary or shoe donation. Twitter:@Show_MeShoes Instagram:@showmeshoes Web: 51

SOLES & COCKTAILS Sept 26. 2013 (r.) Shivon Starr, co-Founder of Show-Me Shoes Foundation along with T.Ray of Stop the Violence.

(Continued from page 49)

can happen, or strategy for war. The key is getting to the information. According to George Walker, president of the Black Family Technology Awareness Association, “If you only know history from news broadcasts, all you see is marching. You have to dig to see what else is going on. If all you hear is from the mass media, all you know is that you have watched a good speech and people leave. You only get the shallow view. Reading is fundamental, as they say. We have to talk more to our young people about our whole history.”

Your Business. Our Money. John Hundley, M.B.A. strategy consultant, entrepreneur and doctoral student in behavior economics weighs in, “The thing that makes money is money”, says Hundley, speaking within the realm of finance. “Every business touches finance. Everything is touched by the laws of economics. Look at JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America. Those are the businesses that are making money. You see investment shows where people are giving out money to get people started, but when you get to that feedback loop, like Kevin O’Leary, in Shark Tank, he says ‘How is this going to make money off of my money?’ That’s why my focus is on that equity and owning our businesses, and not just owning our businesses but self-financing”. Hundley relays that the African-American community has a bleak future without



action. “Reinvesting in our community is what’s going to sustain us long-term. Kansas City is being gentrified. We will be displaced. Why? We don’t have equity. We’re running the shops, but at the end of the day, we’re going to somebody else’s bank. How many Black holding companies do we have? Bank holdings? Few and far between, and they’re making money off of all of our enterprises.” Further illustrating the lack of financing from our own institutions, D’Juan Love, founder of Kansas City Black Business, the online directory, says he met with, Liberty bank, the only Black-owned bank in the area. “They said out of the KC metro, they have less than 1% of the

Black population’s money in the bank. To be selfsustaining we have to put money in our banks.” Build an App D’Juan Love sees technology as a moneymaker. “There are not a lot of Black application makers. How many application designers do you know?”


Herston Fails illustrated the vast financial potential in the mobile applications space citing the cyber buzz over the last few years around Nick D’Aloisio, inventor of Summly, an iPhone app. “A few months ago, young man out of the UK, who got a computer when he was 12 years old, later developed an algorithm that would go out and convert news stories into human speak. Now (Continued on page 53)

17, Yahoo just paid him Thirty million, with 90% in cash.” Turn Consumers into Producers We’ve got to change the mindset. The consumer mentality focuses on where we can find a good deal as a perception of value. However, the producer is making the money behind those deals and knows the actual value, attested to by the yacht, fleet of cars, and luxury homes he owns. We have to break down the numbers to illustrate the importance of perception versus reality of this opportunity according to Fails. “If you put an app in the Apple store, they give you 70% of sales from that app”. Fails illustrates that just 1% of app sales on even a percentage of iPhone users, like 10 million users, will make you a millionaire. “We’ve got to take the conversation from ‘oh I’m going to buy an app’ to ‘oh I’m going to make an app’, says Fails. The other mental challenge to overcome is small thinking. We have to view business opportunities with scale. We have the mindset of opening “one” store. “You think Apple would be where it is today with that mentality?”, asks Fails.


Create Worldwide “Current”-cy There’s a beauty in AfricaAmerican culture. There’s a distinction in our art, food, and history, but that doesn’t mean we should be relegated to only selling soul food, beauty products and dashikis. “I try not to be so proBlack that I’m anti -World”, says Fails, speaking of the worldwide emerging business opportunities that too many of us are not pursuing and are totally unaware of because it’s outside of our traditional African-American community or field of knowledge. “Do you know there’s a 3-D modeling company called Shapeways. You can model your own jewelry. They’ll print in 3D and even sell them on their site.


Make “Buy Black” Worth It Where do you spend your money? Walker asks, “Do we go to Leon’s United Super, the only Black-owned supermarket in the city? Will we make that effort since it’s out of the way and not as



convenient to some?” Hundley counters that the value has to be there stating that a convenience store that’s inconvenient is a foundationally flawed business strategy. “If it survives now, it could encourage others to start one”, Walker answers, noting that if we go out of our way to support it, Leon’s becomes a benchmark to other would-be entrepreneurs, who are then encouraged to set up shop in locations convenient to those previously inconvenienced. Herein lies the “chicken or the egg” dilemma in the Buy Black postulate. Shannon Fields, a social media professional, believes in the need for collective Black buying power. “The Black Chamber of Commerce needs to be up and running,” he says. Fields works with the Latino Chamber of Commerce and Young Professionals groups. The Latinos are making moves and they make connections. They’ve got the numbers and the economic spirit. I don’t think we’re hungry enough. We don’t link each other up. We’ve gotten complacent. We have to get back the fire we had”. Hundley argues the value that “Black-owned” must have. “Does saying it’s Black make it Better? Black can’t be the differentiator. Yes. I’m pro Black, but just saying we’re Black won’t get me the support we need. We have to compete. We can’t just be on par. That can’t be the value of your business. It helps if we’re Black if we’re doing great things. If we’re strong, well functioning, growing, and true sense of community is engrained in those organizations. But otherwise, just being Black is not enough. We encourage you to reflect on these weighty ideas, using them to help formulate your plan. Then execute these Winning Ways as part of your plan for your community and family. Be sure to read Xii for more opportunities to grow.

BUY Aim 4 Peace 816.513.7902 816.352.3069 24/7 Peace Line D’Juan Love Kansas City Black Business 816.217.2563 Christopher M. White Meddrin, Inc Fashion Styling/Image Consulting 816.529.1531 Jessikha Williams Photographer 816.589.8491 Randy B. Jenkins Photography By Fasco Studios 816.255.4790 Raye Jackson Photographer 816.916.4711 Richard Mabion Founder/CEO 913.481.9920


Shannon T. Fields Social Shadow 913.940.1876 Sherry Lumpkins Blue Symphony, LLC Web & Software Design, IT Consultant 520 W. 103rd St. #176 Kansas City, MO 64114 816.260.8385 W. Sarah Fletcher Greatness Realized Professional Coach, Speaker and Development Specialist 913.890.3402 Facebook: Greatness Realized

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