Twelve TRUTH 2015

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This magazine is called TWELVE to note its monthly presence, only TWELVE times a year. Also, and more importantly, TWELVE is a symbol of time. So it represents timely information and the central point by which life events are measured. And of course, timepieces are part of the finer things, perfect for our core readers in pursuit of sophisticated living. Welcome to TWELVE.


Volume III, Issue II



Johnny Barnett DON’T MISS

The TRUTH Issue

Calendar 52

TWELVE Magazine is part of the network. Owned by H.G.E. Marketing, LLC. (H.G.E.). Views & opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of H.G.E. or contributors.




Health & Fitness




Match Maker


TRUTH: Gallery


MLK: 8 Step Plan 35

White Lies/Black Truths



Welcome to number TWO of TWELVE. call this The TRUTH. It’s where we examine the truth in race and relationships, a tie-in to both Black History Month and Valentine’s Day. Race and culture are some of the biggest issues of the day, so read all about it here. Be sure to discover upcoming events and take note of what’s happening in the city. Remember, beyond the digital or print experience, TWELVE is interactive, so get involved and engage at our live events too!

You have an opportunity to contribute to the content by writing, submitting story suggestions, and of course, attending the launch events and more. Contact us at to get involved and send us feedback, too! Sincerely,

Ken L


What’s Different? Read It & Experience it Live Though a lifestyle publication isn’t unique, TWELVE evolves the genre. It’s the only magazine that you both read and live. We set out to create more than a literary piece. We’ve merged both the online world and the live event into the “magazine experience”. Once a month, we release a new issue of the magazine. The release is paired with a live launch event, where the feature elements and characters of our magazine are brought to life for you to touch, taste, feel and experience. The live experience becomes part of gathering ground of additional stories, photos, and more for the final written magazine.


SPECIAL THANKS Pictured: Johnny Barnett TRUTH shoot.

To all of Our Writers, Designers, Planners, Contributors, Advertisers & Supporters of Xii.

Ken L. Shemeka Cockerm Keyana Collins Kween Colston DJ Franklin Jasmine Jackson Raye Jackson Katrina Leonard Clarence Lomax Iman Lott Sherry Lumpkins LeAndrea Mack Randi McCreary Carlanda McKinney Gary Mitchell Casie Murff Earl Smith Tony Van Trece Jessikha Williams Christopher White




Duane A. Joseph CEO of Maranatha Educational Services



TEACH THE FUTURE Duane A. Joseph is CEO of Maranatha Educational Services (MaranathaEd, LLC), a math tutoring and test prep company he founded in 2012. He also started the Duane Anthony Joseph Foundation in March 2014 to work with inner city youth, families and the elderly in the 18th and Vine District.

Joseph is known as an educator’s educator. His more than 20 years of education experience have served students and teachers alike. His passion began early in his career and continues to this day. Everything he does is intentional and that is exactly what his colleagues, students and their parents have come to love and admire about Joseph.

“Students do not want to know how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Prior to starting Maranatha Educational Services, Joseph was a Kauffman Scholar Academic Coach for the Kansas City-based Kauffman Foundation. Joseph was at Kauffman from 2008 to 2012. He is originally from Seattle, WA. and also spent time with family in Thibodaux, LA where he matriculated at Nicholls State University, earning an Associate of Arts Degree in Education. Joseph subsequently received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education from Florida7

based Logos Christian College, as well as a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville where he studied both education and history. He later received his Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on Multidisciplinary Studies (Math) from Webster University. Joseph is a well-known speaker in the academic community. In 2014 he was appointed to a national organization, Leading Educators, through which, he coaches teachers to help them enhance their skills and success in the classroom. In addition, in 2014 he was also asked to work with a leading architecture studio team to help build a unique team that looks at all issues impacting students, their learning environments, and home life, including: medical concerns, learning disabilities, family dynamics, and cultural issues. Joseph is helping to manage this issues-based team that assists the firm and its clients as they work to understand how these factors can be considered when formulating the design of schools. This effort is in the planning stages and will be announced in 2015. “Students learn best when they have the most enthusiastic, engaged teachers possible,” said Joseph who believes strongly in the importance of good tutoring programs that help supplement the education that students receive in the classroom. He values the teaching profession as a sought-after career and firmly believes the education profession is something each teacher must personally know is his or her calling. He lives by the motto: “Students do not want to know how much you know until they know how much you care.”


Dr. Donald Peghee Jr. “I wanted to better serve my own community and provide different services in weight loss management while molding the practice to provide the best care possible�.


Photo: Raye Jackson




The holiday season has come and gone. The time for overeating and under exercising has made its way into all of our hearts. With all the dinners and family gatherings behind us, our fitness goals have reemerged and we may need to be reminded on how to achieve them.

According to Dr. Donald Peghee Jr., where there’s a will, there’s a way. “I have a passion for dealing with weight loss and wellness and the use of natural supplements to aid in weight loss and overall wellness”. Specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Peghee, originally from the Wyandotte county area, worked for the St. Lukes Health systems for seven and a half years before opening his

Fitness 2015. Where there’s a will….

I spoke with Dr. Peghee about ways rebound from one of the unhealthiest times of year. Here are some tips on remaining dedicated to #TeamFitness:

Portion Size “This doesn’t mean you can’t splurge on a few sweets here and there, however, don’t have a plate full of sweets. Make sure your plate consists of 70% veggies. Also, cut your carbohydrates in half and you’ll be in good shape “.

Healthy Options “Healthy veggies aren’t’ heavy with cheese or sugary additives so maybe scrape the marshmallow topping off the candied yams or eat the broccoli instead of broccoli and cheese. Try the greens without the meat additive. Small adjustments pay off big in the end.”

Exercise “Gym time or cardiovascular exercise is very important to get rid of those extra holiday pounds we tend to gain. If you can’t make it to a gym because of budget or time constraints, taking a couple of extra laps around the mall while you are shopping the post-holiday sales or even parking farther from the door helps. If you have an elevator option, take the stairs.”

Intake Lastly, Dr. Peghee suggests limiting your alcohol consumption. “Be modest in your drinking. Two 6 ounce drinks of wine for the weekend or a mixed cocktail should be your limit when trying to keep those extra pounds off.” “I love what I do and hope these tips help keep you healthy during the holidays and all year long”. own private practice in the beginning of 2014. “I wanted to better serve my own community and provide different services in weight loss management while molding the practice to provide the best care possible”.


Legends OBGYN is located at 8919 Parallel parkway (3 minutes east of the Legends shopping center) suite 430 in Kansas City Kansas. Dr. Donald Peghee is Board Certified specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as performs robotics surgery with the da Vinci Surgical System. You may also find more information and links to their wellness and weight loss supplements at .


IN FITNESS & IN HEALTH Craig & Claudia Donnell. Couples can be perfect workout partners.

Photo: Raye Jackson




A Great Body… A Great Marriage... IT TAKES WORK!




he fitness challenge begins. It’s common for households across the country have at least one family member working to lose weight or shape-up in the new year. Married couples have the added pressure of maintaining their looks—fighting time and gravity—to be the person your spouse married. It helps when there’s some support inhouse to help maintain a workout regimen or diet and keep you motivated. Craig and Claudia Donnell have an advantage here. They are married and both are personal trainers. According to Craig, “We met on Facebook believe it or not (lol). Claudia was under ‘people you may know’, I glanced at her and I was hooked. I sent her a message, she sent one back, and the rest is history.” Soon enough, the relationship moved offline and they met. “We both knew the first time Craig came to my old church in Oklahoma City, Integrity Voice of Victory Church (IVVC)”, says Claudia. “God revealed to us both that I was his wife, and Craig was my husband.” A strong relationship has to have enough commonalities to survive. Fitness is one common denominator for the Donnells. “We work out together as much as much as we can,” says Craig, “When our schedules allow it and when we are not training other people,” he says. Some of their favorite couple exercises are running stairs, hills, doing squats and abs.

WORKOUT TIPS For couples that want to start a fitness 13

routine, Claudia offers this advice, “If you don't want to invest in a gym membership, focus on high intensity interval training. For example, do one round of squat jumps, burpees, lunges, pushups, and crunches, 30seconds each. Rest 1-2 minutes and do another round. The goal is to be constantly moving with minimal rest, which will burn calories. Want to secure personal training from one of the Donnells? Contact them today:

“We met on Facebook believe it or not (lol). Claudia was under ‘people you may know’, I glanced at her and I was hooked. I sent her a message, she sent one back, and the rest is history.”


Kathleen Brandt Genealogist




“You can’t know where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been.” You’ve likely heard that or some variation of that adage by now. Interpret it in two ways. First, it speaks of knowing history to use as a foundation to build a better future. Speaking directly to the “Black Experience,” we often speak of the resilience, education and fortitude of ancestors, provided us with education and guidance to create a better future. Second, there’s a genetic interpretation to this saying. The person you become—physically and mentally--is built, to a great degree, on your physiological make-up. Consider the doctor’s office, requesting your medical history. Your very life could depend on knowing your make-up. Genealogist, Kathleen Brandt echoes this sentiment of the importance of knowing your history and eloquently states, “Through the study of the names, dates, migrations, census information and DNA, cold historical dates become milestones in the life of someone we are connected to. It is not only discovering a history but also uncovering a human journey….By honoring our past we teach our children to honor theirs. When we honor the struggles and triumphs of our fathers and mothers we honor the struggles of all families at all times in all places.”

Kathleen…In the Beginning I began tracing my own maternal grandfather’s line (Morris family) in the 1990’s to prove or debunk our oral family history. Although names were verified through basic research, our ethnic (Continued on page 16)





By Kathleen Brandt

HISTORY Although it is becoming more popular every day, the use of DNA tests as a tool to help us connect ex-slave families and solve adoption cases is underestimated. DNA results must be accompanied by good genealogical practices, but it does help the family researcher with connecting family branches that were torn apart due to the American slave trade. For example, we know that African Americans have on average 20 -25 percent European ancestry, but what is often denied is the percentage of African American blood, proven by DNA, in those who would consider themselves to be of “racial purity.” Actually, if DNA existed in a pre-Civil War era, there are many who would not have passed the “one drop rule.” And, as we know, the one-drop rule continued well into the 20th century.

Although American textbooks impress on students that our black or mixed raced ancestors were only freed as runaways using the Underground Railroad, or, less frequently, purchasing their freedom when allowed by their slave masters, history lessons fail to share that many mixed race children had white mothers and black fathers and were born free due to their mother’s race. Although miscegenation (interracial marriage) was outlawed in all of the southern colonies plus Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, by 1750, prior to that, we find interracial cohabitation and marriages. This can be burdensome, when looking for our African American ancestors especially in colonial Virginia and North Carolina. Yet, court records may specifically state the names of the white father (and black mother), as they often do in Louisiana.

What is often overlooked is the fact that Native Americans owned slaves. Today, many African Americans claim Native American ancestry, especially in the Midwest, when in fact they were slaves of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, or Seminole Indians. Through tribal records and DNA tests, we can most often pinpoint tribal association and Native American blood percentage. However, as of today, only the proper paper trail is accepted for tribal citizenship.

African Americans are underrepresented in the DAR (Daughters of American Revolution) and SAR (Sons of American Revolution) lineage societies. African Americans served too, making up as much as 10% of the Continental Army. But we have to connect the family lineage as proof. We can also use limited DNA analysis for proof of lineage. 16

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makeup on this line was quite shocking. Instead of finding the expected Native American bloodline, this exslave Morris line was of English/Irish descent from the Appalachians, void of Native American blood. I was able to trace the earliest exslave Morris (mulatto) to 1807 and connect him to his Irish slaveholder family, using DNA tests and analysis. To make this family more interesting, the slave (Wiley Morris), purchased his freedom in 1855, 10 years before the Civil War was over. And was a landowner by 1860. Of course, as most family historians will find, our knowledge of history is incomplete, but I was able to learn that Wiley intermarried with a “free -colored” woman, who owned land as early as 1838. All of his children were born free and were able to read and write. This family was so fascinating to research, I became immediately addicted to researching other branches of my ancestry, which span from the slaves of Missouri, Kentucky and North Carolina to the free-coloreds. This required researching our English, Irish, and Swedish heritage; as well as the Native American connection on my paternal side. I have been successful in connecting cousins from Massachusetts and New York to California. In 2008, Kathleen opened a3Genealogy, an international genealogical research firm that also specializes in medical genealogy. She has stellar credits and an international portfolio of work. “As an international genealogist, I have been called upon to research for episodes of Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, and five seasons of Who Do You Think You Are, on TLC and NBC. Yet, my most recently published book, Colored Marriages of Saline County, Mo (published by Two Trails), is probably my most treas(Continued on page 17)



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ured project to date. As I visit various courthouses and repositories, I keep an eye out for hidden African American court records that may help the family researcher. Preserving books and accounts, like the Colored Marriages of Saline County, Mo, help slave family researchers to link their families to the pre-Civil War era.” When it comes to history, the tales are endless, but as we close, Kathleen shares a fascinating moment. “My favorite story is that one of my ancestors, Ned Griffin, served in the Revolutionary War as a replacement for a slave master with the promise that he would be free after his one year of service. However, after completing his year and serving in the 1781 Battle of Guilford Courthouse he was put back into slavery in North Carolina. Ned Griffin, petitioned for his freedom by taking his slavemaster to court in 4 April 1784 where he and all of his heirs were “forever delivered

and discharged from the yoke of slavery.” The Griffins owned land in North Carolina as early as 1817. A copy of the court record “An Act for Enfranchising Ned Griffin” and early land records are two of my most cherished possessions.”

Contact Kathleen to begin tracing your roots: Website: a3Genealogy

accurate accessible answers

P.O. Box 414640 Kansas City, MO. 64141 816-729-5995; fax: 816-817-2146






Match Maker Kaleena James

Photo: Raye Jackson


orn and raised in Kansas City, Kaleena is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Events are her expertise. She’s a Senior Events Manager for the City of Kansas City and she’s also the owner of Kater Concierge, which specializes in business and lifestyle management including: event planning, executive/corporate assistance, household management, administrative support, public relations, and more. You’ve seen some of her work at the KC Music Festival, the KC Black Expo, the Festival of Praise, Broadway Across America, and even KC Boat & Sportshow. We should also add matchmaker to her qualifications because she’s the producer of the annual Single’s Mingle Speed Dating event held on or near Valentine’s Day. Kaleena says Single’s Mingle fills a gap. “I often heard the statement ‘There are no good men or women in KC’. That’s why I took the initiative to create an event where ‘good’ men and women can be in the same environment, under the same roof looking for the same thing: a ‘good’ date.” Who is The Singles Mingle For? The Singles Mingle is an event created for professional men and women who value relationships. Its mission is to create a fun at-



Boy + Girl = Love

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mosphere where singles, who share similar values, can socialize and network on a holiday that is usually intended for couples. Any successes with long-term relationships from these events? There have been many pairing successes throughout the history of the Single's Mingle. The 2013 Single's Mingle even resulted in a marriage proposal. There’s no guarantee of a love connection at Single’s Mingle, but to have fun and improve your chances of a connection, Kaleena says it often comes down to good conversation, open-mindedness, compatibility, and positive body language. 3rd Annual Single's Mingle "Real Men Wear Pink" Speed Date & Benefit Auction Wednesday February 11th, 2015 @ KC Jukehouse 1700 East 18th Street KCMO 64108 7pm Hosted by Sean Tyler & Lonnie Bush, Sounds by DJ Q Starts 7pm (10) of KC Hottest bachelors to be auctioned. All proceeds from auction benefit the Celebration of Life Foundation

Featured: Trina Leonard & Sherrod Clifton Photo: Raye Jackson 21

about love February is the month of love, considering Valentine’s Day is front and center among national headlines. In the spirit of romance and the questions that surround matters of the heart, we present you our Truth about love gallery, with a few thoughts along the way.



Johnny Barnett, Featured Raye Jackson, photo 23


Ride or Die


Johnny Barnett + Ke’Mya Long styled by TheeBMSCloset IG: @theebmscloset or @bonniieemonnroe

whine & dine He loves me...He loves me not. Valentine’s Day will give you all the clues you need. Aight people, it’s that time of year again - and this year's season of love is gonna be a BIG one since Valentine’s Day falls on a weekend in 2015. So what’s on this year’s list of expectations ladies??? Flowers? Candy? Balloons and teddy bears? Earrings and tennis bracelets? Let’s be honest here one time - some of you ladies will likely get the romantic evenings with candlelight and bubble baths…while the rest of you will get the late night calls or the infamous Feb 15th a.k.a #SideChickDay dates…. Which one are you???

Will you be the one getting the late night calls or the infamous Feb 15th a.k.a #SideChickDay dates?

The key to this puzzle starts with not only getting to know yourself a little better, but also knowing what kind of man you're dealing with altogether. Realistic expectations are a must during this delusional time of year. Brothers get the stigma of not expressing emotions and appreciation often enough, but trust me - if a man is into you for the right reasons, he’ll go out of his way to make you feel special. It all depends on the stage of your relationship with this man - and ladies, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out where you stand. For instance, we all know that women love surprises. If your guy is planning to surprise you with gifts delivered at work or school, he’s gotta be absolutely sure of your work or school schedule on the big day. Saturday the 14th could be your off day, but even then he has to plan for your whereabouts. If he hasn’t recently made any casual attempts to confirm that schedule with you, don’t hold your breath waiting to be the envy of your peers.

Dinner and a night on the town is usually assumed in those deeper relationships, and dinner plan availability isn’t often a secret between true lovers. If you're in a ‘txt only’ relationship with this man, chances are y’all not hooking up offline that night for anything other than usual ‘hook-up'. Txt Only includes all forms of non-voice chatting, so ladies be real with yourself about what type of situation you're in. If you’ve sent this man nudes but you’ve never been seen with him in public… won’t be seeing him at a decent hour - if at all - on the 14th. At any rate, there’s never a reason to whine about how your evening turns out. There are levels to everything, including love. No matter what type of “situationship” you’ve found yourself in this Valentine’s Day, don’t spoil the weekend by expecting more out of it than what you’ve put into it. Respect starts from within. Have a safe and happy V-Day everyone!!! -HoLLyRod25


Lee’s Summit MLK Celebration 1.19.15 Speaker, Jenna Hanchard, 41 Action News Reporter


resolute my breath has life it flits and flutters in volume and verse my lungs expand beyond the continent humming tribal hymns

inhaling injustice in an exhalation of eminence my breath sings hope soothing to the sobbing peaceful to the protest it is a jubilant truth. my breath speaks veracity planted in the soil streaming in the oil

continuing my breath takes heed delicately daunting heard above the haunting as if chorus my breath has life whispered in the ear pondered behind fear that cripples the sound. By Randi McCreary



Ready & Willing

Trina Leonard, featured Ken L., Photo 28



We Own the Night

TheeBMSCloset IG: @theebmscloset or @bonniieemonnroe 30

TheeBMSCloset IG: @theebmscloset or @bonniieemonnroe



I Promise



Alex Johnson & Johnny Barnett, featured Ken L., Photo


Happy Valentine’s Day Order Your Copy of TWELVE’s 2015

Work of Art




Dr. Michael McAfee, a Kansas City native and director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute in Oakland, California, was the featured speaker at Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s 17th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast.

MLK 2015

Civil Rights 8 Steps To Invigorate The Movement


Dr. Michael McAfee, a Kansas City native and director of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute in Oakland, California, was the featured speaker at Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s 17th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast. The free event, open to the public, was held Monday, Jan. 19, 2015, at the Beta Lambda Educational Institute, 2915 Swope Parkway in Kansas City, Mo.

The theme for this year’s breakfast was “The Dawning of a New Civil Rights Movement.” The event included a continental breakfast and musical tributes. McAfee, a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha and a U.S. Army veteran, has been a leader in the education, government, philanthropic (Continued on page 37)



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and human services sectors for more than 20 years. The Promise Neighborhoods Institute focuses on improving access to quality education and provides services to more than 250,000 children. McAfee is the former president of YouthNet of Greater Kansas City and the former director of community leadership for the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. This annual holiday breakfast celebrates the legacy and contributions of Martin Luther King Jr., who was a devoted member of Alpha Phi Alpha. The fraternity led the project to build the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The Beta Lambda Educational Institute of Alpha Phi Alpha is a not-forprofit organization that provides Scouting services, mentoring programs, leadership development and scholarships for youth in Missouri and Kansas. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, founded in 1906 at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y, is the first and largest Greek-letter organization established by African-Americans. Beta Lambda Alumni Chapter, chartered in Kansas City in 1919, is the fraternity’s oldest alumni chapter west of the Mississippi River.



Dr. McAfee began his remarks at the 17th Annual MLK Breakfast, by quoting Dr. King: “I refuse to accept the idea that the ‘isness’ of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal ‘oughtness’ that forever confronts him.” Building on the notion of oughtness and the desired and expected living conditions, Dr. McAfee outlined actions that ought to take place to achieve an equitable state.

1. We’re A Great and Beautiful People Own what’s already in us, which is greatness, not bravado. Not false sense of accomplishment. By the faith, the victory has already been won.

2. Civil Rights Movement Continues There’s been progress, but we haven’t won anything. “What’s new? At the very moment that we’re about to start high-fiving, most of us won’t put our kids in the school system here. Most of us have to talk to our Black boys about how to manage being brutalized and unfairly accused of crimes in order for them to survive. Voter suppression is on the rise. So the very things that Dr. King was fighting against then are front and center on the table now. The sad truth is they’ve been on the table.” A new Civil Rights movement isn’t needed, but we do need to reinvigorate the current one.

3. Equity is the Goal “Help the poor. Dr. King’s vision was far bigger than his own. Our vision has to bigger than our own or even our own family unit. It needs to be about what Dr. King cared about, the most vulnerable among us. We have to muster the manhood and womanhood to take on the (Continued on page 39)


Alissia Canady As a Jackson County Assistant Prosecutor, Alissia is an advocate for crime victims, seeking justice and restitution for hundreds of families. At the same time, she has championed a pilot rehabilitation and mentoring program for young first-time offenders, to give them a second chance. Alissia also knows the power of education, entrepreneurism and economic development to improve the lives of everyday people. Alissia held down a full-time job in high school to help her mother and her family. She bought her first home at the age of eighteen and worked in the banking industry while putting herself through college at Park University. She then ran her own small business for several years, learning the rewards and challenges of entrepreneurship first-hand.

USING THE LAW TO HELP YOU IF YOU ARE A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Intimate-partner violence is a major problem in the United States. On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States--more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year. About 1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner (e.g., hit with a fist or something hard, beaten, slammed against something) at some point in their lifetime. Local domestic violence programs are a vital resource, providing free and confidential assistance to women victimized by domestic violence and their children. They provide emergency safety services, such as shelter and 24-hour crisis hotlines. But you don’t have to stay in a shelter to get help from a program. Most also provide a full range of non-residential services to women who have been battered. CONTACT THE NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE AT 1800-799-SAFE (7233). For a listing of local domestic violence shelters visit Protection or Restraining Orders Ask your local domestic violence program who can help you get a civil protection order and who can help you with criminal prosecution. In Jackson County, forms also can be found at by select(Continued on page 41)


Alissia is a Kansas City native and graduate of Northeast High School. She received her bachelor’s degree in Finance at Park University, Juris Doctor from the University Of South Dakota School Of Law. Alissia is a member of the Missouri Bar (MO BAR) and currently serves as interim President of the Jackson County Bar Association (JCBA). She is also a member of Association of Women Lawyers (AWL), Kansas City Missouri Bar Association (KCMBA), the Central Exchange (CX) and the Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus (GKCWPC) and has served on several boards. This year she served as chair of the 2014 Heartland Legal Diversity Job Fair for the KCMBA and was featured in the 2014 “Who’s Who in Black Kansas City”. For additional information please visit

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system to improve our community.”

4. An Agenda For Mass Results “The worst thing that’s happening in our community right now is people’s desire to give us programmatic solutions into structural racism.” McAfee discussed “Black folks get upset and people say, “Let me give you a program. Let me give you a three-year initiative.” However, they define the terms of the initiatives in such a way that never takes on structural problems. “Hundreds of thousands need support”, says McAfee, “but we launch a program for two hundred. You’re never getting out of this hole.”

5. Capitalize. Fund the Agenda When money is received to address issues, the very things that we say we want are funded by someone else. That’s not owning our manhood and our womanhood. We can organize to capitalize our institutions, own our agenda that we all have a stake in. That is not sexy, but it’s necessary.

6. Avoid the Seduction of the Moment We lose traction because we’re seduced into sexiness, flashpoints that are in the media today. Are we so into the moment that our attention will just ebb and flow? If that’s a case we are not a threat to anybody. All folks have to do is just wait us out.

7. Act Now “This is not gradualism. For each of you that has a child, there’s an immediate sense of urgency, but when it comes to other folks’ kids, you abandon them by opting for a five- or ten-year plan.” Citing the urgency: Prison systems capitalize on our kids by gauging their reading levels when they’re in the third grade to project the number of prison systems to build.

8. Develop Metrics What are the results that my institution is advancing? What are the metrics by which I am measuring that? How do I measure that steady progress toward the goals? Do we have that right now? Let’s salute Dr. King’s memory by implementing these steps today. 39



witness to the crimes of that day, not a distant bystander. In addition, the film highlights Dr. King as a mere man—insecure and vulnerable—yet still a leader who worked with and among the many for equal rights.


n recognition of Black History Month, countless heroes—forefront and unsung alike—could be featured. This year in particular, there is additional relevance in remembering Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. legacy. Most notably, 2015 marks the 50year anniversary of the March on Selma, Alabama. Selma, the film, poignantly captures the movement and the struggle for civil rights and voting rights, in particular. What’s most powerful is that the film brings the viewers into the moment, making them a

Rather than a direct recount of the film’s moments, we wanted to reflect on the moral. There are four quotes, in particular, of Dr. King that effectively capture the message and the goals we should own for our community.

SELECT KING QUOTES We challenge you to take these steps as a call to action to implement individually and in your organization. Selfless action for greater society should be the agenda for us all.


No one should ever treat you the way you were treated today.

Courage and Conscious. “Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles; Cowardice is submissive surrender to circumstances.

Courage breeds creativity; Cowardice represses fear and is mastered by it. Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency ask the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But conscience ask the question, is it right?



Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.

3 4

And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is right.” Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


(Continued from page 38)

ing Court Forms > Adult Abuse Forms. If the judge finds that there is an immediate and present danger of domestic violence or stalking, an ex parte order of protection will be issued.

In most places, the judge can: Order the abuser to stay away from you or your children Order the abuser to leave your home Give you temporary custody of your children & order the abuser to pay you temporary child support Order the police to come to your home while the abuser picks up personal belongings Give you possession of the car, furniture and other belongings Order the abuser to go to a batterers intervention program Order the abuser not to call you at work Order the abuser to give guns to the police

If you are worried about any of the following, make sure you: Show the judge any pictures of your injuries Tell the judge that you do not feel safe if the abuser comes to your home to pick up the children to visit with them Ask the judge to order the abuser to pick up and return the children at the police station or some other safe place Ask that any visits the abuser is permitted are at very specific times so the police will know by reading the court order if the abuser is there at the wrong time Tell the judge if the abuser has harmed or threatened the children; ask that visits be supervised; think about who could do that for you Get a certified copy of the court order Keep the court order with you at all times

CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Show the prosecutor your court orders Show the prosecutor medical records about your injuries or pictures if you have them Tell the prosecutor the name of anyone who is helping you (a victim advocate or a lawyer) Tell the prosecutor about any witnesses to injuries or abuse Ask the prosecutor to notify you ahead of time if the abuser is getting out of jail

BE SAFE AT THE COURTHOUSE Sit as far away from the abuser as you can; you don't have to look at or talk to the abuser; you don't have to talk to the abuser's family or friends if they are there Bring a friend or relative with you to wait until your case is heard Tell a bailiff or sheriff that you are afraid of the abuser and ask him/her to look out for you Make sure you have your court order before you leave Ask the judge or the sheriff to keep the abuser there for a while when court is over; leave quickly If you think the abuser is following you when you leave, call the police immediately If you have to travel to another State for work or to get away from the abuser, take your protection order with you; it is valid everywhere "Excerpted and Reprinted by permission of the American Bar Association from The Domestic Violence Safety Plan: Safety Tips For You And Your Family, a joint project of the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section and the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence." 41



KWANZAA 2014 National Black United Front & the American Jazz Museum host the celebration at the Gem Theater. Culture, history, art and economic development are all part of the experience, held annually, Dec 26th through New Years Day. See more events at




Lacey Schwartz Producer/ Director

By Iman Lott Photos: Little White Lie

Lacey Schwartz was told that she was white growing up. Some questioned it. More made excuses. Yet others, including her very own mother, knew the truth, but denied the “dark” reality.

Mother and daughter-Peggy & Lacey Schwartz

“You light skinded and yo momma a white lady!” “Is that your hair or weave?” “White girl! White girl!” 44

This chanting coming from my 4th grade peers would provoke me to adamantly scream back that I wasn’t white, my mother and father were black and in fact my long hair was indeed my real hair (cue neck roll and simultaneous eye roll). When I moved to Oak Park, Illinois from South Attleboro, Massachusetts where I was inexplicably the “blackest” thing they’d ever

seen, one of four black children in the entire elementary school and where my head was petted often because my hair was so “different”, it changed me. I grew up in a household where we talked about issues like race and where we came from really early on. I knew who I was and the fact that my black peers tried to place me in a cultural class designated for “mixed kids”, one I had never heard of, had me almost convinced that maybe I wasn’t who I thought I was. What does “mixed” mean?

“ find yourself wondering how and why no one ever asked “where did you come from?” Lacey Schwartz can identify. Growing up in an upper middle class Jewish household, from an early age she was educated on her Jewish, White identity. But if you look at Lacey in all of the family photos that make an appearance in her documentary “Little White Lie”, you find yourself wondering how and why no one ever asked “where did you come from?” “Little White Lie” tells Lacey Schwartz’s story of growing up in Woodstock NY with a mother and 45

Lacey Schwartz fields questions at the KC screening on dealing with race.


father who told her that her dark skin was inherited from her darkskinned Sicilian grandfather, however, she felt deep down that something else may have contributed to it. At the age of

reveals that her biological father is a black man. Suddenly she is catapulted into a world where she feels drawn to embrace what she seemed to secretly believe all along: She is biracial. (Continued on page 48)

Lacey with both parents. Her race still a secret.

18, a few years after her parents abruptly split she has a conversation with her mother who finally



By LeAndrea Mack

mongst the cultural and historical 18th & Vine district there is an institution that captures the essence of an American art form and cares for the preservation of the legacy and historical importance of a Kansas City favorite throughout generations: jazz music. The Kansas City Jazz Museum continues to celebrate the talented musicians and storytelling that were bred in Kansas City, those world-renowned that frequented KC for the 46

happening jazz scene and the modern day musicians who come to the museum to connect with the art form and perform.

of jazz music.

As a Kansas Citian, it should be a requirement to visit the museum and absorb the history that intertwines historical events of the civil rights movement with the sound of jazz. It is one of the only museums in the world to focus on the advancements, exhibition and preservation

The American Jazz Museum maintains its connection with the commu-


changing jazz themed art gallery exhibits. Tours of the museum are held TuesdaySaturday from 9am-6pm and Sunday from noon-6pm for about $10 per person. The American Jazz Museum also caters to children and students for specific events including jazz story-telling and poetry jams. Stop by the famous Swing Shop, located inside of the Jazz Museum, for memorabilia that represents the timeless art form. {The Swing Shop at the American Jazz Museum is now also the exclusive retailer for Twelve Magazine. Pick up your copy today}

nity raising awareness and providing unique opportunities to learn about the legends and to respect and honor their legacy. The museum also provides an opportunity to enjoy live jazz music at the Blue Room, annual concert series at the Gem Theater, and ever47

“Bird Lives”. Kansas City’s own sax man, Charlie “Bird” Parker, has a name synonymous with jazz. A statue in his honor sits just North of the American Jazz Museum, in his honor.

(Continued from page 45)

This new discovery doesn’t make its way through the family gossip line until Lacey attends her biological father’s funeral where she is identified publically as his daughter. Following the funeral Lacey makes it her mission to sit with family and reconcile the once hidden parts of her history while trying to reestablish a broken relationship with the man who raised her. You are able to see his struggle with accepting how she identifies herself as being anything other than White and Jewish as well as witness her mother’s definitive battle in keeping the secret of her multiyear affair for so long. The film brings so many questions to the forefront like what it means to be biracial and what it’s like to struggle with the pressure to identify with one ethnicity or the other. It addresses the many different interpretations of race from all cultures and backgrounds and challenges people, especially Black Americans, to actively pursue the knowledge of where and who we actually came from. Lacey successfully documents her unique story of self-identity and selfdiscovery in “Little White Lie”.

The film brings so many questions to the forefront like what it means to be biracial and what it’s like to struggle with the pressure to identify with one ethnicity or the other.

Lacey and I are bound by a similar struggle with racial identity. Through the years I’ve endured many more chants and remarks. In college I was called “Valley girl” because of what was then considered having a “white” appearance. By then it didn’t bother me as much. Through my ongoing research I discovered the many different places and people I am a part of. From Madagascar to my most recent discovery of Cuba, there are many more layers to unfold. Besides, in this melting pot that is the United States of America, how can we focus so much on black and white? I have, over the years, gained a strong sense of who I am. Like Lacey Schwartz, my question for you is: do you know who you are? 48


DON’T MISS magazine

TWELVE NOW ALSO ON VINE Want your copy of TWELVE in print? Order directly at OR get your print copy, monthly, in the Swing Shop at the American Jazz Museum.



Photos: Eric Burroughs, Black Ski Summit



n the early eighties in KC, approximately 25 African Americans met at the downtown airport one evening to talk about skiing. Bill and Pam Robinson, avid California skiers, had recently relocated to Leavenworth and wanted to start a ski club. The emphasis was placed on introducing African Americans, especially youth, to this winter sport. Midwest Ski and Travel Club was deemed the official name and it was unofficially dubbed Black Ski KC. The first club bus trip was to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for Thanksgiving 1982. “We stayed in The Ranch condos and began sliding, laughing, rolling, falling, tumbling, screaming, praying and finally, for some, skiing down the bunny hill,” recalled the Robinsons. “It’s a different experience. It’s fun!,” says



Eric Burroughs, former Midwest Ski Club and KC Slope Riders member. Skiers have many event and activity options. The National Brotherhood of Skiers hosts a true party on the mountain with their annual Ski Summit. It features seven days in the mountain with an itinerary that can be roughly described as: Ski, happy hour, chill, party, and repeat. Accommodations can be as grand as your budget allows including condos with heated floors, fireplaces, and outdoor

Springs, Keystone, Vail, Copper Mountain, Park City, Banff, Vail, Whistler, Snow Mass, Lake Tahoe, and Austria just to name a few. For more information about MSKC

READY TO GO? Skiing usually takes some expense and time, but we’ve taken much of this away by hosting a DAY SKI TRIP. TWELVE MAGAZINE SKI DAY TRIP 2/21 SNOW CREEK, Weston MO (40min from KCMO) Sign-up for Info:

FIRST TIME SKIERS Pad-Up and Wear Water Resistant Clothing, Equipment Check-list for Beginners Wrist Guard grills.


Knee Pads (Not mandatory but help for be-

Describing the experience, Eric says, “You hit the grocery store up the first day you get there to buy your meats, wines and cheeses.” Club meetings and events are part of the experience, but it’s a seven-day party. The happy hours are even like a day party with a DJ and dance floor, but the night, hosts big names such as Biz Markie, Kid Capri, and Cedric the Entertainer. Outside of NBS function, “renegades” have been known to present some high quality nightlife, too!


Black clubs, featuring well-to-do AfricanAmerican professionals come from as far away as New York and even London. According to Midwest Ski, more than 60 clubs (1,500 participants) from across the country attend which makes for a fantastic week of skiing, fun, social events, meeting people, and in general having the time of your life.

Shirt that wicks away sweat (example :under

Skiing provides a true vacation with an opportunity to travel around the world to some of the best destinations. For Midwest Ski, after affiliating with the National Brotherhood of Skiers (NBS), many members attended the Summits: Lake Placid, Sun Valley, Steamboat

Ski or Snowboard Coat

Padded Shorts (example: under armor)

Gloves (Ski or water resistant) Sport appropriate long johns (example: under armor cold gear) Ski or Snowboard Socks (wool, not cotton) Goggles (or sunglasses) Helmet (can rent) armor cold gear) Skis or Snowboard (can rent your first time) Ski Boots or Snowboard Boots (can rent) Ski Poles (can rent your first time) Hand warmers & Toe Warmers Lift Ticket Pouch (if not provided in ski coat). Your lift ticket has to be presented for each ride on the lift to the top of the slopes.


As SEEN ON Add Your Events & See Complete Listings There Today.

Add your events and more to Fri 2/6 First Fridays KC-Upscale Groove Event type: Party Venue: Privilege 1822 Main Kansas City, MO Time: 7:00 PM– 3AM Producer: TWELVE / Fly Societyr Contact: H.G.E. Email: Web: BUY Sat 2/7 Sassy Silver Naturals Workshop Event type: Other Venue: Southeast Community Center: 4201 E 63rd St Kansas City MO Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 AM Producer: That Curl Contact: V Besch Email: Phone: Web: Wed 02/11 3rd Single’s Mingle-Speed Date & Date Auction Event type: Networking Venue: The Juke House, 1700 E. 18th St. KCMO Time: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Producer: Kater Concierge Contact: Phone: 816.547.9377 Wed 02/11 Love Jonez - Live Poetry, Music, and Open Mic 52

Just create a login or use your Facebook log-in.

Event type: Networking BUY Venue: The Tank Room: 1813 Grand Blvd KCMO Time: 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Producer: The Omicron Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Contact: Omicron Xi Lambda Email: Phone: 816.419.5759 Web:


Thu 02/12 2015 State of Black Kansas City Book Release & Reception Event type: Networking Venue: Central Library - Downtown: 14 West 10 Street Kansas City MO Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Producer: Urban League of GKC - Reach Contact: Melva Brownlee Email: Phone: 8164710550 Web:

Sat 02/14 1st Valentine's Cabaret Gala Event type: Fundraiser Venue: The Nefertiti Ballroom, KC, KS 66106: 1314 Quindaro Blvd KC KS Time: 7:00 PM - 12:00 PM Producer: NCBW, INC-KCMO Chapter Contact: Gail Holmes Email: Phone: 816.974.3237Web:

Fri 02/13 Blue Carpet Affair Event type: Comedy Venue: Diebold Hall: 7501 N. Kensington Avenue Kansas City MO Time: 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM Producer: Alpha Delta Sigma of GKC Contact: Ivan Fenwick Email: 913-488-3729

Sat 02/21 SKI DAY TRIP JOIN #12MAG Event type: Sport Venue: Snow Creek Web:

Sat 02/14 Divas and Diamonds Event type: Party Venue: Arts Tech Center: 1522 Holmes Kansas City MO Time: 7:00 PM - 2:00 AM Producer: Deltas and Kappas Contact: Email: Phone:

See the complete calendar at


Live Like the Rich and Famous!

fun. When you walk into a room, we want you

From playing chess and skiing to exploring

to be prepared to play the games, talk the talk

new wines, what do you want to do today? Plenty of options are coming for those who participate in the TWELVE FLIGHT CLUB. This isn’t a destination, it’s an experience…an adventure. True to its mission to expose Kansas City, most adventures are close to home. Did you know you can do everything from ski

and make the decisions of the rich and famous. Participate in the TWELVE FLIGHT CLUB to do exactly that.

the slopes to lounge on beaches or explore

part to educate the community in the world of money and power. Learning new languages, exploring new places, making new friends are all components of the TWELVE FLIGHT CLUB. Don’t miss a single FLIGHT. Sign-up at

wineries all in the Kansas City area? Consider this the field trip tour for sophistication, class and culture. Urban professionals citywide can explore new ground, expand their knowledge base, but most of all, have

Publisher, Ken Lumpkins states, "We all have an opportunity to learn and expand our horizons. We want to make sure Twelve does our

More than a magazine. It’s a movement. From the digital magazine to the print publication, you can READ IT. From the Live Events to the Music and Movies...EXPERIENCE IT.

Always something new. Be a part of it!


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