Craft Materials Art & Design
and pap e r R A B R COLO erized by: ct c h a ra
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Two sided print Color Bar
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The popular and gorgeous paper and card series COLOR BAR is designed specially for schools, and clubs as well as arts and craft enthusiasts. This series offers many wonderful colours and countless possibilities for colour combinations.
Color Bar, plain colors PaperAssortment
Color Bar, pattern 100g
Cardboard Assortment
Cardboard Assortment
Printed, double sided paper in beautiful bright colors with white core. Pack with 16 asstd. colors each of 10 sheets. Supplied in a box.
Printed, double sided cardboard in beautiful bright colors with white core. Pack with 16 asstd. sheets each of 10 pcs. Supplied in a box.
Printed, double sided paper in beautiful bright colors with white core. Pack with 16 patterns each of 10 sheets.
Printed, double sided cardboard in beautiful bright colors with white core. Pack with 16 patterns each of 10 sheets. Supplied in a box.
A4 21x30 cm, 100 g
A4 21x30 cm, 250 g
A4 21x30 cm, 100 g
A4 21x30 cm, 250 g
067 025 337 160 asstd sheets
067 025 417 160 asstd sheets 20.00 A2 42x60 cm, 250 g
067 025 377 160 asstd sheets
067 025 457 160 asstd sheets 20.00
067 025 497 160 asstd sheets 73.00
For Easy Ordering Please See Inside Front Cover