WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2013 The Daily News, Kamloops S1
Wednesday, July 24 - Saturday, July 27
Shopping, entertainment, games & four days of family fun!
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Market brings downtown to life Find amazing food, great deals, lots of local produce and so much more at this year’s Downtown Merchants Market
he annual Downtown Merchants Market is almost upon us, the fourday sales extravaganza is by far the most anticipated event of the year with people calling for months and weeks before asking when their favourite component is scheduled for the year. Everyone has a favourite; finding summer specials at a fraction of the original cost, sampling delectable eats from all the best downtown restaurants, trying their luck at dunking local celebrities in the Community Carnival dunk tank, eating lunch on a patio while listening to live local talent, getting a weeks worth of veggies at the extended Farmer’s Market. It is four days of sales, fun, entertainment and activity! Merchants are the key to this event, it is them that plan their special sales and slash their prices truly making this B.C.’s biggest sidewalk sale. It is this participation that the Market is all about. After all, it is a market and ultimately it is the massive sales, markdowns and food samples which attract the hoards of people who come.
Daily news file photos
Travelling street performer, Paul Perreault, above, showed off his skills on the Cyr Wheel during the 2012 Downtown Merchants Market. Right, Fusion belly dancer Claire Lindros performed as part of the 2012 Buskers Showdown which takes place on Saturday afternoon.
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