Mining Week

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The Daily News, Kamloops D1


Kamloops transforms into a centre for mining excellence By DANNA BACH The Daily News


hen mining is mentioned, often the first images that come to mind are of giant holes in the ground, blasting and heavy machinery. But it’s so much more; mining and all of the companies that service the sector, has become a vital piece of this vibrant regional economy, says Venture Kamloops executive director Jim anderson. anderson attended the Kamloops exploration group’s conference in early april, and was pleasantly surprised by what he found. “You see companies based in Kamloops that have 100 employees and you’ve never even heard of them. they’re working all over the world.” “i think there’s an impact that nobody knows, and it’s those companies that service those mines; it’s all those jobs for people who work for companies that are paid by those mines.” Between Kamloops and Cache Creek there are four operating mines, with many others in the exploration and permitting stages. Because there are so many mines in operation locally, anderson says Kamloops is perfectly situated to attract service providers to the mines. “if companies aren’t based where the mines are, there’s a cost factor involved — proximity to the operations is pretty key.” the potential for building on the bustling local mining sector is huge,

Moly-Cop employee Stephen Turpin operates a magnet crane, moving heavy grinding balls used in mining processes.

IT Could be an eConoMIC hoMe run If we Could realIze all The eConoMIC SpIn offS. -JIM anderSon, VenTure KaMloopS

and Venture Kamloops is capitalizing on that as much as possible. “it could be an economic development home run if we could realize all the economic spin offs,” says anderson. as a result, Venture Kamloops has identified mining and its related suppliers and service providers as one of four key areas to focus on in the year ahead. “We’ve put a lot more money and effort into it this year because the time is right for us.” Certainly, mining has become extremely political, with many strongly vocal about their position on Kghm international’s ajax development, but anderson says that even if that development doesn’t materialize, the existing mines have already created the potential, and it’s that potential that Venture Kamloops is hoping to harness.

w Continued on Page D4

To learn more about mining in B.C. come explore

MINING DAY in Kamloops

MAY 11


presented by:

Exploration Group

l Kam oops

South Central Branch

at the Big Little Science Centre

985 Holt Street, Kamloops BC 11am - 4pm


FREE TO ATTEND - learn to gold pan with Yukon Dan - recycle your household alkaline batteries - bring your ‘mystery’ rocks to be identified - try New Gold’s Heavy Equipment Simulator



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