5th European CSPF Meeting

Recap & key-findings of the previous meeting, dissemination, introduction & presentation of meeting agenda

Recap & key-findings of the previous meeting, dissemination, introduction & presentation of meeting agenda
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
➢ Conceptually: the need to make transparency and citizen involvement compatible with the “black box” problem
➢ Legislatively: At the European-level, the legal framework needs to understand citizens not only as end-users but deployers
➢ Geo-strategically: Europe needs to develop its own industry, not only think in terms of integrating and regulating technology (“referees don’t win matches”)
➢ Risk of hacking increases with concentration of servers: digital transformation in the PS will likely increase cyber-crime, due to more entry opportunities
➢ Need to be “secure by design”, from the beginning instead of (only) responses
➢ Potential to build own software to make it secure, but a municipality cannot do this on its own
➢ Legal framework as regards new technology (AI, drones, etc.) has to catch up, must guarantee:
➢ Privacy (example: make sure drones only store strictly pertinent information)
➢ Citizen right to manage his/her own data (data storage and, again, data accessibility)
➢ At present, public data is not always, in practice, open data
➢ Citizen access to own data must be improved
➢ Local governments can meet their own needs while also developing transferable services
➢ Conforming to standardized models (EIF4SCC, MIMs, CEF/EC building blocks, etc)
➢ Thereby representing added-value to the European-level
- LET DATA WORK FOR OUR CITIES! by Jeroen Geelhoed, Matthieu Guerlain and Alexander Heichlinger
- EPSAS UPDATE by István Varjas
▪ 3-4 OCTOBER, TORONTO (CAN): Key note address to 4th Urban Economy Forum (#UEF) on “Sustainable Urban Finance”, in celebration of the UN’s World Habitat.
▪ 17 JULY, BARCELONA: Presentation of “Oportunidades de financiación para el despliegue de proyectos urbanos”, in the 1r Fòrum de les Agendes Urbanes Locals
▪ 16 DECEMBER, BOLOGNA: “City Debate” within the Executive Master of PMI of the Bologna Business School (BBS)
Artificial Intelligence/ Datafication
Possible sub-headings:
• Advanced data analytics technologies and tools
• Forecasts/futureproofing, modelling market fluctuation
“Please help” session back!
Digital Skills
Possible sub-headings:
• Legislation and regulation of foreign private entities
• Risk of hacking (criminal/ political)
• Increased risk due to digitalization of previously offline processes /databases
• Citizen privacy
- Public sector employees training & Re-skilling
SDG 10: Reducing Inequality in cities
Possible sub-topics:
• Context of public investment cost and currency devaluation effect on low-income citizens
• “Socially fair” businesses and its fiscalization
• Fiscal, wage, and social protection policies
New Metrics/KPIs Monitoring Tools/ Evaluation
Possible sub-topics:
• Choosing performance indicators for PAs
• Beyond GDP: wellbeing and progress
• Measuring impact of social trust on finances, savings, capital invest
• Impact on planning/ budgeting & assessing policies
“Please help” Session
Digitalization / Datafication II & Spare Capacity Use
Possible sub-topics:
• Business cases / use of “big data” for analysis /action plans
• Spare capacity
- Assessing wastage
-Repurposing “Please help” Session
Transversal component: These themes and related issues will be also addressed taking into account how they are dealt with and/or recorded in the respective accounting systems / financial reporting / IPSAS (EPSAS).
10.10 Impact of European economic governance on local governments
10.30 Main findings of the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment
11.00 SDG 10 measurement and monitoring at regional and local level in the EU level
12.00 The role of public financial institutions and ethical banks
12.40 Panel with CSPF member: Identifying best practices in social business/ service model to reduce inequality by Barcelona and Bordeaux
15.30 Guided visit and presentation of 22@ District and Super-Blocks (Poble Nou)
09.15 Opening of second day, wrap-up and summary of key elements of the first day
09.30 Short update on EPSAS developments
09.45 Presentation and discussion on the pilot templates for KPIs in city-level (SDGs) financial sustainability carried out by Amsterdam, City of London and Trondheim
10.15 Workshop & debate on the Technical Support Instrument (TSI): How to prepare a joint proposal and on what topics
“Please help”– Interactive working session for developing ideas & solutions to two challenges
Challenge 1: Trondheim/Amsterdam
Challenge 2: All
13.00 Key take-aways of the Metropolis City Manager Community 2022 on “How to finance safe, affordable and sustainable metropolitan transport”
13.15 Miscellaneous, closure and end of 4th CSPF meeting