

“CAF is the European Guideline for better Quality and Governance in Public Administration.”


European Institute of Public Administration
CAF Resource Centre
CAF National Correspondents Network
CAF Expert Group
CAF National Correspondent & CAF experts
Directors General
Working Level
Ministries of Public Administration
EU Member States

EUPAN *) European Public Administration Network
European Commission Observer
Technical Terms:
Group of External Feedback Actors (EFAC)
CAF Resource Centre
CAF Antenna

CAF National Organiser (External Feedback PEF)
*) informal network of the DGs responsible for public administration in the Member States of EU, the EC and observer countries

▪ definesCAF-strategy
▪ overallresponsibility

▪ appointedCAFResourceCentre
▪ appointedPEFOrganiser

▪ ExchangeofEFACspracticalexperiencesfromdifferent countries
▪ LearningfromgoodpracticesofProcedureofExternal Feedback(PEF)(e.g.onsitevisit,maturityevaluation)
▪ Settingthescenefor multicountry exchange and strengtheningtheEFACs (3 monthly, fast online session)
▪ Commonselectionofthetopics
▪ EveryEFACisinvitedtoactivelycontribute
▪ withgivinginsightsintotheirEFACpractice
▪ preparationofonetopicofinterestforthenextmeeting



WhatI‘m particularly lookingforward totoday?

▪ ExternalFeedback
▪ ThroughCAF-Feedback-Experts(best,longestCAF-practitioners)–EFACs aspeers
▪ TheCAFlabelaccredits
▪ CorrectUseoftheCAF-Instrument
▪ Firsteffectivestepstoanexcellentorganisation(asdefinedbyQM)
▪ StandardizeduseoftheCAF-LabelinwholeEurope
▪ 3questionnaires–Self-assessment–ExternalAssessment
▪ CAF-Self-Assessment
▪ implementationoftheimprovementactions
▪ „Maturityoftheorganisation
▪ Validity:2years


▪ IncreasetheimpactandqualityoftheCAFimplementation
▪ Supportandrenewenthusiasmintheorganisation
▪ FindoutifandtowhatextenttheorganisationisinstallingTQMvaluesastheresultoftheCAF
▪ Promotepeerreviewandbench-learning
▪ RewardorganisationsthatstartedtheCAFjourney

„Experiences of KDZ with conducting of CAF Professional External Feedback Procedures.“

▪ Poolof25QualityManagementExpertsfrom thepublicsector
▪ (municipality,stateandfederal administration,publiccompanies,NPOs)
▪ Admission:
▪ Provenexperienceinimplementingthe CAFandworkinginthefieldof organisationaldevelopment,HRM, controlling,qualitymanagement
▪ CertificationasEFAC
▪ ContinuousparticipationintheEFAC network
▪ CodeofConducttobesigned
▪ FeesforconductingthePEF

▪ TwoEFACsmeetingsperyear
▪ Lessons-LearnedfromPEFprocedures conducted
▪ FeedbackLoopsforongoingPEFProcedures
▪ Furtherdevelopmentofcommonpracticesfor deliveringofPEFprocedures
▪ StandardsfortheworkofEFACs
▪ Internalrulesandprocedures
▪ CAFNews
▪ Platformforprofessionalandcontinuous exchangeonQualityManagementinthe PublicSector

The PEF evaluation tool leads applicant organisation and EFACs through the whole PEF procedure.

Small organisation (unit) <50 employees
Duration of the site visit:
Agenda items:
1) Interview on the CAF project with top management, possibly to be attended by the quality officer(s).
2) Interview with management and the quality officer(s) - with focus on the CAF process as well as on the design, communication and implementation of improvements.
3) Interview with the CAF self-assessment team - with focus on the CAF process as well as on the design,communication and implementation of improvements.
4) Interview with representatives of 1 to 3 external stakeholders - with focus on selected TQM principles
5) Inspection of selected QM instruments:
Medium-sized organisation (unit)
Large organisation (unit) > 100 employees
50 to 100 employees
1 day 1 - 1.5 day/s 1.5 - 2 days
yes yes yes
yes yes yes
At least 50 % of members must be present
At least 50 % of members must be present
At least 75 % of members must be present
The EFAC may individually increase the percentage of members present - e.g. if the organisation has a diverse range of tasks.
At least 2 external stakeholders (one representative each)
At least 2 external stakeholders (one representative each)
At least 3 external stakeholders (one representative each)
In any case,the following stakeholders must be consulted: clients,partners,if possible also supervisors (higher-level bodies,political representatives,...). The EFAC may individually increase the number of interviewed stakeholder representatives by 1 to 2 representatives - e.g. if the organisation has a diverse range of tasks.
yes yes yes
The applying organisation is required to implement at least one QM tool per excellence principle (indicated by self-assessment in questionnaire 3),in order to reach the initiation level. EFAC only check the two selected excellence principles (by analysing documents and during the site visit). Feedback on the organisation's maturity in the CAF Feedback Report is also limited to the two selected excellence principles.
[No minimum standards (minimum instruments) are established.]
1. Leadership quality and objectives
2. Result Orientation

Vision, mission, strategy, values, objectives, leadership evaluation
Stakeholder analysis; objectives system / control system (on the level of processes or products, finances, employees, customers); Forms of involvement of employees, customers and interest groups in decision-making processes
3. Citizen or Customer Focus
Citizen and/or client surveys - results and acting on results (action plans etc.) ; complaints management system; access to information (folders, brochures, online, by phone); creating a common understanding among staff about clients' needs (workshops, training etc.) Forms of client involvement in decision-making and change processes
4. Management through processes and facts
Documentation of processes; staff knowledge of standard procedures; process indicators are collected; process changes are made in case of deviations
5. Staff development and involvement
Personnel development plans; training plans; training records; staff appraisals; staff surveys; staff involvement in strategy and planning; reward/motivation system
6. Learning organisation, continuous improvement and innovation
Internal suggestion scheme; benchlearning with other organisations, environment analyses; use of innovative methods; project management according to the PDCA cycle
7. Developing partnerships
Partnership agreements; system of active search for new partners (responsibilities); evaluation of partnerships
8. Social responsibility Impact measurements; projects with social added value
Guided tour of the organisation yes yes yes
Free tour through the organisation and interview with 2 to 6 employees (random unprepared selection by EFAC)
At least 2 employees At least 4 employees At least 6 employees
Final feedback by EFAC in any case to top management and quality officer(s) (as well as to CAF team and CAF Label team, if desired)
yes yes yes
Some critical points during PEF …
▪ Pillar 1
▪ ProjectManagementand responsibilitiessetup?
▪ Communicationplan?
▪ SelectionofCAFSelfAssessmentGroup?
▪ Presenceofallmembersof SAGduringCAFTrainingand Workshops?
▪ “Quality”ofSelf-Assessment?

Some critical points during PEF …

▪ Pillar 2
▪ ActionPlanwithout priorities,responsibilities, timelineetc.…
▪ No“Ownership”…
▪ Monitoringofimprovement measures?

Some critical points during PEF …
▪ Pillar 3
▪ ProofofCAF-ExcellenceStandard–BaselineforInitiation,Realisation andMaturityLevel?
▪ Whichorganisationalpractices supporttheCAF-Excellence Standard?
▪ Howstricttheassessmentshould be?

Some critical points during On-Site-Visit …
▪ Self-Assessment of Leadership / QM vs. External view
▪ Evidence, how the principles of excellence are anchored in the organisation (system, culture etc.)?
▪ How employees perceived the CAF implementation?
▪ How stakeholders pereceived the CAF implementation?
▪ Commitment to CAF on 1st management level
▪ How CAF is connected with the overall strategy
▪ Responsibility for CAF /QM named?
▪ Proof of Evidence
▪ Balance between interview setting and getting hardfacts captured
▪ EFAC Team
▪ Role clarity

➢ Whatarethestrengthsand challengesinconductingPEF proceduresinyourexperience?
➢ Whichchallengesandquestions youwouldliketodiscusswith yourcolleaguesinthenextEFAC NetworkMeetings?

