Own competences of LGs of a) the administration of the goods from the public and private domains of the the 2nd tier (raions) * raion; b) planning and administration of construction works, maintenance and management of public objectives of raional interest; c) construction, administration and repair of roads of raional interest, as well as of road infrastructure; d) organisation of passenger car transport, administration of bus stations and car stations of raional interest; e) establishing a general framework for the arrangement of the territory at rayon level and the protection of the forests of raional interest; f) supporting and stimulating the initiatives regarding the economic development of the administrative-territorial unit; g) elaboration and implementation of construction projects for interurban gas pipelines (including medium pressure gas pipelines), other thermal energy objectives with local destination; h) administration of culture, tourism and sports institutions of district interest, other activities of educational, cultural and sports character of raional interest; i) administration of municipal enterprises of rational interest; j) administration of social assistance units of raional interest; k) development and management of community social services for socially vulnerable categories, monitoring the quality of social services. Delegated tasks to LGs of the 2st tier **
Education: channelling funds and supervising autonomous schools Social protection: separate social care facilities under the purview of the LGs of the first tier - of the regional importance Social assistants: institute of social assistants is important in evidence-based targeted social support to the vulnerable groups of the population. Such support is coming from the central level, the task of social assistants is merely to document the situation
* LGs of the 1st and 2nd tier competencies according to the Law on Administrative Decentralisation ** Delegated to LGs competencies according to sectorial legislation. Most important and applicable. Financing for own competencies is very scarce while financing for delegated competencies is almost completely missing.