Status Report Moldova

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REFERENCES 1. Republic of Moldova: Law on Administrative Decentralisation no. 435-XVI of 28.12.2006. 2. Republic of Moldova: Law on local public administration no. 436-XVI from 28.12.2006. 3. Republic of Moldova: Law on local public finance no. 397-XV of 16.10.2003. 4. Government of Moldova: National Decentralisation Strategy and Action Plan for 2012-2018 (adopted by Law no. 68 from 2012 and amended/extended in 2016). 5. Council of Europe. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe: Monitoring report on Recommendation 436. Local and regional democracy in the Republic of Moldova. April 2019. In: https:// [Download: 26.11.2020] 6. Council of Europe. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe: Recommendation 411 on local democracy in the Republic of Moldova. 2018. 7. Council of Europe. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe: Recommendation no. 322 on local and regional democracy in the Republic of Moldova. 2012. 8. Council of Europe. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe: Resolution on the Situation of Local Democracy in Moldova in 2018. 2018. 9. Council of Europe. Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe: Fact finding mission on the situation of local elected representatives in the Republic of Moldova. In: congress/Pages/

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