Jan 15, 2009

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Books and bouncing as the semester begins


he Opening Social is the Ă€UVW RSSRUWXQLW\ RI WKH semester to make new friends and dance the night away. It ransformed the Cannon Activities Center into a social event and Moroccan-looking bazaar. People were also sitting on the Ă RRU VXUURXQGHG E\ ERRNV MHZHOU\ clothing and other items for sale at the BYUHSA sponsored book sale. The bargain hunting was accompanied by blow-up jungle gyms on the other side of the room, and the night’s HYHQWV HQGHG ZLWK WKH Ă€UVW GDQFH RI the semester. Mixed emotions resulted from the Opening Social however, with complaints coming in about lighting, lack of space and a lack of food. However, Emily York, junior in International Cultural Studies from Michigan, said, “I was extremely pleased with everyone’s company. I really saw some dancers come out that night and I felt joyous vibes bouncing


DURXQG WKH URRP Âľ Momomi Hannemann, senior in TESOL from Washington, left feeling a little ripped off after buying a $20 used 6th edition textbook. “I really needed the 8th addition, but this was DOO , FRXOG Ă€QG %XW , GLGQ¡W WKLQN WKH RQOLQH ZDV ZRUWK LW Âľ 7KRXJK QRW HYHU\RQH ZDV VDWLVĂ€HG with their purchases, some were appeased by the dance. 2I WKH Ă€UVW GDQFH RI WKH VHPHVter, Theodore Davis, senior in Business from Utah said it was “the best one ever! It was fun and exciting and SUREDEO\ WKH EHVW DWWHQGHG HYHU Âľ Pehrson Hawkley, senior in biochemistry from New Jersey, said, “The best part of the whole night‌ was the EDNHU\ Âľ +DZNOH\ ZDV UHIHUULQJ WR WKH bake sale put on by a student in need fund raising for their tuition. –MARNI VAIL

Above: (L to R) Ryan Orm, Ronald Casaba and Jacob Auna bargain with fel-

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low students at the book sale during the &=9,7% 3TIRMRK 7SGMEP

BYU-Hawaii campus reaches 50-year mark

ec. 17, 2008, the Brigham Young University Hawaii campus — that is, the actual physical plant — marks 50 years to the day since President David O. McKay stood at the podium in the brand new auditorium, now named in his honor, and dedicated the core facilities of the Church College of Hawaii (renamed in 1974) that the labor missionaries had just completed. That morning, President McKay and Elder Mar-

,Q WKH DXGLWRULXP WKH DXGLHQFH Ă€OOHG HYHU\ seat, awaiting their arrival. Large louvers on the VLGHV ZKLFK KDYH ORQJ VLQFH EHHQ Ă€OOHG LQ ZHUH opened so more people could watch, and loudspeakers were also set up for even more people in ion G. Romney of the Quorum of the Twelve, and the foyer and hallways. their wives, walked from Laie Elementary School Hawaii Governor William F. Quinn, Honolulu parting the long garlands of plumeria patterned Mayor Neal S. Blaisdell, Deputy Superintendent of after the greeting community residents gave King Territorial Schools Deal F. Crooker, and UniverKalakaua when he visited in 1874. They stopped for sity of Hawaii President Dr. Laurence Snyder were the unveiling of the mosaic mural above the foyer already on the stand. of the building now also named in his honor. The In his remarks, Gov. Quinn said, “We have no PXUDO KDG OLWHUDOO\ EHHQ Ă€QLVKHG MXVW D KDOI KRXU doubt that the Church College of Hawaii will serve before President WKH 3DFLĂ€F ZRUOG ZHOO Âł DV DQ HGXFDWLRQDO McKay’s arrival. center — just as heretofore Laie has been a Below: Fifty years ago, the Church College spiritual center; and that we, the Occidental SJ ,E[EMM´W ½VWX TL]WMGEP FYMPHMRK [EW HIHM- SHRSOH WKH 3RO\QHVLDQ SHRSOH RI WKH 3DFLĂ€F world will come and that the Church College cated by President David O. McKay. Today of Hawaii will make its contributions to the that same building bears his name. destiny of Hawaii which is so manifest in this 3DFLĂ€F ZRUOG WR EH LQ WUXWK D OHDGHU RI DOO RI WKH SHRSOHV RI WKH 3DFLĂ€F Âľ About two hours later, as President McKay began his remarks, he recalled that 38 years earlier ´ZH VWRRG DURXQG WKH Ă DJSROH DQG SOHGJHG DOOHJLDQFH WR WKH Ă DJ VR GHDU WR DOO RI XVÂľ Âł D VFHQH recreated in the mosaic mural. –MIKE FOLEY

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January 15, 2009

Opening Social Book sale, dance ERH MRžEXEFPIW welcome students

Men’s basketball jumps up in ranks January 15, 2008


BYUH celebrates 50 years http://KeAlakai.byuh.edu

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1/15/09 10:18:53 AM

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