May 20, 2010
Ke Alaka i Volume 92: Issue 3
Future The pros and cons of a graduate degree
Food Spring Foodfest brings more variety
Fire Fireknife champion holds back-to-back title
Akasha dancer performs with sand during a dress rehearsal for a Performance Series event. Photo by Aissa Mitton.
Table of Contents
Ke Alaka i May 20, 2010 • Volume 92: Issue 3
Amanda hansen e di tor-i n - c h ie f
rachel Au ieong art director
AISSA MITTON ph oto editor
Copy Editors Jokke K ok k on e n Lan e a Mille r Val eri e T h orn e Ni col e H am ilton
podcasters Keith Borgholthaus Aaron Knudsen Brian Poppleton
Marketing Chri stop h e r M an n in g
art & graphics Rachel Au Ieong Hoi Chu E m i l y Me a r n s
STAFF WRITERS Vi k tor Bezhani, Carrie Coll i ng r i d g e, A m y H a ns o n, Kyl e H ow ard, Robert Hu ndley, T r i j s ten Lea ch, G eo ff Lo, Suzan ne Tut t le , P a r i s Sp i l l a ne
PHOTOGRAPHER Le isa Tapia, S am S u ki m a w a INTERN Ai ssa M itton
web design A i s s a Mi t t o n
Ad manager Ch ristoph e r Ma n n i n g Email: AD INFO: KEALAKAIADS@GMAIL.COM Phone: ( 80 8 ) 6 7 5 - 3 6 9 4 Fax: (8 0 8) 6 7 5 - 3 4 9 1 Office: C am pu s A loh a C e n t e r R o o m 1 34 News Center Box 1920 BYUH Laie, HI 96762
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Edi tori al , ph oto su bm ission s & d i s t r i b u t i o n i nqu i r e s: k e alak u h . e d u . T o s u b s c r i b e t o t h e R S S FEE D or to v ie w addi t i o n a l a r t i c l e s , g o t o keal u h . e du .
Ke Alaka‘i
6 7
Akasha: the contemporary dance team that portrays the elements
Protect your skin from the dangers of the sun
Meet the last living PCC construction supervisor
Student letter to the editor regarding insurance changes
Miller facebooks articles for students Faculty member Dr. Ronald Miller, professor of psychology, has a Facebook account like most people, but instead of updating his status with things like “I just saw Iron Man 2, it was awesome” or “I just ate Taco Bell and now my stomach hurts,” he posts scientific articles. “Facebook for me started as a way to keep in touch with alumni from my classes and projects,” said Miller. “I also use it to get alumni to contact each other to help each other out, only I had no idea what to post to have people want to visit.” After realizing he needed to find something appealing to get his previous students to check out his page, Miller thought if he posted something like “1:29 p.m. Ron is doing stats,” or “4:45 p.m. Ron is still doing stats,” that would only be remotely interesting. “So after thinking about it, I started posting links to some of the scientific articles I read,” said Miller. “I only post summary articles--if I can’t find one, I don’t post it -- I figure that most people have a few moments to read an article, but no one wants the 30-page article in its entirety.” “Dr. Miller provides a way to make even Facebook an educational experience for his students,” said Susan Moore, a senior in psychology from Redlands, Calif., and one of Miller’s Facebook friends. “It is nice to be able to stay up-to-date on the most recent discoveries on a wide variety of topics, simply by signing into Facebook. From quantum physics to child-rearing, there is no end to the fascinating things you can learn from his articles!” On average, people can read five new articles every day on Miller’s page. Topics range from string theory and tests of modern physics to psychology, stats and biology. For students that are interested in other subjects, each Sunday he posts scholarly articles on the LDS Church and gospel/religious topics. “I think Dr. Miller is open-minded and he gives us a different perspective on topics from intelligent people from different fields,” said Aaron Moore, a junior in business finance from Texas. “I enjoy reading his articles when I have a chance.” If you want to be Miller’s Facebook friend, you might start by taking one of his classes, he said. Here are some to name a few: statistics, multivariate statistics, social research methods, consumer behavior and evolutionary psychology.
-ROb Hu ndle y
The Spring play, “The Wizard of Oz,” will be performed May 27-29 at 9:30 p.m. in the McKay Auditorium. Prices are $1 for BYUHawaii students; $2 for BYUH faculty and $3 for general admission. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Aloha Center front desk or in the McKay Auditorium on the night of the show. Sheri Dew, former councilor in the Relief Society General Presidency and CEO of Deseret Book, will be speaking at a special fireside titled “God Wants A Powerful People” on May 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Cannon Activities Center. BYUH Ohana, community and the public are invited to attend. Photo by Aissa Mitton
The Granite Mountain vault, the LDS Church’s record preservation and storage site, was released to the public through a virtual video tour at a recent family history conference. The vault includes scriptures in every language published, leather-bound temple ordinance books and minutes from presiding priesthood quorums.
“Relay for Life” 2010 will be held Friday, May 28 at 6 p.m. at Hauula Community Park. The relay, spanning from Kaaawa to Sunset, is “a chance for the community to come together to celebrate those who have faced cancer, remember those lost and empower those to fight back,” said Bae Aumua, the event’s development chair. To get involved, contact Bae at 808-384-0586.
NOTEWORTHY NAME: JASON CHOI WHY HE’S NOTEWORTHY: Jason Choi is a current BYU-Hawaii student in music from Korea whose name has been seen and heard all across campus over the past few weeks. Three days before his fellow Concert Choir members were to leave for Taiwan and Hong Kong, Jason’s backpack was stolen from his room in Hale 4, only to be discovered nearby the next day. The only problem was this: his passport, visa, temple recommend, Photo by Kallie Roderick and iPod were all missing. The moment he realized his backpack was missing, Jason did everything he knew how to do to have it returned to him. HIS TAKE: “My first thought was, ‘How could it happen at BYU and among LDS?’” Choi said. He checked the security and RA offices, watched hale security cameras, looked through dumpsters, put up flyers and sent mass e-mails out through the campus e-mail system, asking for help from his fellow students. He received much more help than he ever imagined. “People I don’t even know started sending me e-mails to encourage me and telling me they were keeping me in their prayers,” Choi said. “It was really helpful and I was really grateful. It was amazing to have people care about me and love me enough to do that.” Choi’s belongings never showed up, so he was unable to accompany the Concert Choir on their current tour. Choi has already applied for a new passport, but will have to go through the process (and cost) of obtaining another visa once he is home in Korea next month. “Even if [the thief] came up and gave it back to me right in front of my face, I would just say, ‘Thank you so much for bringing it.’” -Nicole Hamilton- NICOLE HAMILTON
Avatar rocks the boat and sinks James Cameron’s previous record holding film “Titanic” in box office sales... G o o nlin e to Kea l a ka i . by uh. ed u Fo r f ur t h e r info r ma t i o n .
May 20, 2010
H on o r C od e U pda t es • New posters are in pre-production to reemphasize the guidelines for BYU-Hawaii grooming standards. The new Honor Code VP is looking for students who would like to participate in the poster productions. If interested in helping, e-mail • There is a new task force being implemented starting May 20 that will be reviewing and revising the Honor Code. The task force will be a focus group of students. The revisions will be sent to President Wheelwright to review and consider. • On-campus mediation is offered to students who may be having difficulties with roommates, teachers, and others. For more information, contact Emily Judson or Amy Williams. • An upcoming change in grooming standards will be dealing with beard cards. In the near future, beard cards will be obsolete. • The Office of Honor would like the opportunity to answer student questions and concerns anonymously. The future Honor Code column will have a small section where student questions will be answered by the Office of Honor through the third party Ke Alaka‘i campus newspaper. -K y l e how ard
Part of the Helping Hands service day involved volunteer work at Malaekahana Beach Park. Photos by Aissa Mitton
Li ghtenin g th e L o ad Initiated nearly a decade ago, the Mormon Helping Hands program is an extension of the LDS welfare services. From disasters such as Hurricane Katrina all the way to the earthquake in Haiti, this program has provided an opportunity for members of the church across the globe to show their love for and extend service to those in need. On Saturday, May 8, under the direction of this program, members of the Laie community joined with communities across Hawaii endeavoring to beautify the island. Ashley Shaum, a recent graduate of BYU-Idaho and resident of Laie, attended the service project and enjoyed this opportunity to give back to the community. “It felt really good to get out and do some service,” said Shaum. “It was encouraging to see so many people come out to support.” BYU-Hawaii student wards as well as several on-campus clubs were organized and assigned service areas. Kallee McBride, a junior in elementary education from California, enjoyed going with the 10th Ward to Kakela Beach Park. There they raked and picked up trash, as well as helped re-build the stone wall surrounding the park. “I feel
Ke Alaka‘i
Volunteers Kat and Agus Mulyono fill their rubbish bags during the statewide service day May 8.
like the best way for a community to come together is through service,” said McBride, “and it doesn’t feel like work when an entire group of friends are working with you.” The school’s Canadian Club went with the 13th Ward to Kahuku Hospital to do some landscaping work. Club member Kristine Magnusson, a junior from California in biology, said; “Now every time I drive past Kahuku it looks so much more beautiful and clean.” For others, Saturday consisted of painting over graffiti, raking, and removing driftwood, old tires, garbage, and leaves from beaches and parks. According to the Honolulu Advertiser, more than 4,000 people on Oahu alone participated in this Helping Hands service project, using 5,640 garbage bags to fill five city garbage trucks. -P ARIS SP ILL ANE
nity to spend seven-to-eight days helping to repair Makali’i, scraping off old paint from the bottom, lashing pieces of the canoe together and preparing new pieces of wood to Students in the Hawaiian Studies program replace the old. spent two weeks on the Big Island working “The whole trip was the most to repair the voyaging canoe, Makali’i, and spiritual experience I’ve had in my whole life. taking daily excursions around the island. It was also good preparation for my mission. Plans to sail aboard the Makali’i The class was a real life religion class, where changed after the double hulled canoe susI learned other skills too,” said Kekauoha. tained termite damage on one of the I’ako Under the direction of Hawaiian (wooden rod that connect the hulls of a Studies professors Kamoa’e Walk and Kawika double hulled canoe). Eskaran, students took daily excursions to “We felt bad we couldn’t sail the Hawaii’s western coast, which helped to canoe, but we also experienced things that we break up the workload. One place visited was never would have done because of it. A lot of Parker Ranch or Pua Nui, 2,500 acres of an good came from it,” said Spencer Kekauoha, ancient cultivation field. The land is located junior in Hawaiian Studies from Laie. in a particular climate zone where no irriga Instead, students had the opportution is needed because of the annual rainfall.
In times past, varieties of Kalo (Hawaiian word for taro) and Uala (sweet potatoes) were grown there. Students were able to see firsthand this re-discovering of ancient farming technology. One of the day trips included a visit to a dry forest. The forest was home to the lama tree, a rare Hawaiian tree that was around 1,000 years old. Among other things, students were able to visit the University of Hawaii Hilo’s astronomy center and visit the center’s planetarium. One night students created a Kukulu o kalani or rather “star compass” measuring 15 feet in diameter. Students stayed up till 2 a.m. talking and learning from the captain and navigators of Hokule’a and Makali’i about celestial navigation.
started on their career plans now, beginning preparation before they become seniors. Bungard said, “Too often we have seniors come into our office wanting to find the job of their dreams, not realizing that they should have started refining their skills much earlier. We encourage all students to take time to come in and become familiar with our services which include career planning, internships, graduate school preparation, and employment preparation.” Chowen said, “Whether students use the new employment Website or visit Career Services, the most important thing is to utilize these resources to get prepared for employment. Helping students get prepared and find a job is the ultimate goal for our staff. Networking is critical.” Career Services is currently renovating their own Website. Kim Austin, from BYUH Career Services, said, “We are working with LDS Employment to help populate the new system.” The center gears graduates and spouses of students towards LDS employment. There are three options for creat-
ing an account on the church’s new site: 1) Quick Registration, for those who don’t know their membership number; 2) Full Registration, for those who do; and 3) Register as a Friend, for those who are not members of the LDS Church. Once signed up, a verification email will be sent to you, which needs to be confirmed. From there, you can post your resume, search for job openings or you click on “Promote Educational and Entrepreneurial” for further counseling. Heather Bungard from Career Services said while the site will be helpful, BYUH Career Services can also help in the search for employment. “I think most of these jobs would be geared toward full-time job seekers who live closer to the larger towns on Oahu,” she said. “Students can find a wealth of information here in our office.” Chowen said, “Career Services has resources covering all of the same services offered on the Website with an additional depth of resources in specific areas.”
H a w a i i an S t udies g o e s t o B i g I sland
BYU H C ar eer C enter r e c om m ends l dsjobs.or g The LDS Church has released a new Website to help job seekers and employers meet. The site,, is called LDS Employment Resource Services. Jodi Chowen, from Career Services, said, “In order to set up a complete profile, students will need their membership record number. However, there are a lot of resources available via a quick registration or for people who do not have a membership record number.” The staff at Career Services is in support of students and others using the new Website for their career planning. Chowen said, “The new employment Website has a collection of great tools and tips from career planning to career advancement.” Kyle Turley, a senior in ICS from Idaho who works for Career Services, said, “ is a great resource we have been using and recommending.” The staff at Career Services emphasizes the importance of students getting
-trij st e n le ach
May 20, 2010
An Akasha dancer performs a number depicting the fifth element Akasha - created by combining wind, water, fire and earth - during a dress rehearsal. Photo by Aissa Mitton
Akasha performance depicts elements Dancers clothed in ornate costumes moved rhythmically to the melodic music, creating for the audience a world of fantasy. On Friday, May 7, the BYU-Hawaii Performance Series featured Akasha in the McKay Auditorium. The performance was carried out by the IONA contemporary dance theater. When all the elements - wind, water, fire and earth - come together it creates Akasha or ether, which is the Hindu word for the fifth element. Choreographer Cheryl
Flaharty brought all of these elements together to create Akasha in dance form. Managing Director Renae Adrian said of Flaharty, “She is inspired by the earth and the elements that create it. That is where she gathered her inspiration.” Each of the elements were broken down into dances such as Earth, The Garden, Fire, Cycle, Water, Under the Sea, Air Cosmic Wind, Ether, and Angels Have Landed. “I was most moved by the woman
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dancing on the fabric amidst the sand,” said Eliza Hanza, EXS junior from Hawaii. “What impressed me is that she wasn’t distracted at all by the sand.” In the dance a performer hung a few feet from the ground climbing higher, during which time sand fell like a stream of water from the ceiling over the dancer as she moved. The garden scene was a personal favorite of Ivan Goldtooth, a junior in biology from Utah. “I liked the trees and the lady hanging from the rope spinning around - that was impressive. Also the costumes were really amazing in ‘the sea,’” he said. Costumes were large in this piece and took the shapes of sea creatures, animals and plant life. They were brightly colored and very detailed. IONA is a non-profit dance company that has been in existence for 20 years. It has done shows in other parts of the country and has gone as far as performing in China. -trij st e n le ach
Eat i n g h e althy at Laie fast f ood stores
with Jared - the guy who ate Subway and lost weight. As far as fast food goes, Subway does offer a menu with a lot of alternatives Eating out in Laie while trying to watch your on the side. It is better to order a side salad and healthy eating. However, even Subway weight can be rather difficult. Instead of oror fruit and yogurt parfait than to get the dering a Big Mac with fries and a Coke, you french fries. Also be careful about consuming can be unhealthy. A lot of unhealthy topcan order healthier alternatives. calories from soda. Instead of ordering a soft pings can turn your good intentions into an unhealthy choice. The meatball marinara drink try a Diet Coke or low-calorie lemonsandwich is one of the sandwiches which is McDonald’s ade. full of fat and calories. You have to be careful McDonald’s has had the stigma of about the selections and toppings that you unhealthy eating, which was portrayed in Taco Bell get from Subway and also if you get the meal the movie “Supersize Me.” The film followed Taco Bell has healthier alternatives such as be careful of the chips. Check the nutritional a man who ate McDonald’s every day and the Fresco menu, and posts the amount of facts before ordering because it will help you began to rapidly increase in size and weight. fat and calories of these menu items. Be to make an informed decision. However, since that movie, McDonald’s has careful of fried food. Even though it tastes The key to eating healthy is been trying to make its meals healthier and great fried, it is almost always less healthy change this image. The key to eating at Mc- than grilled. Be careful of the nachos because moderation and substitution. Instead of rice or fries, exchange the side for a salad or Donald’s or any other fast food is moderation the calories in this are almost as much as another healthy alternative. Try to look at and choosing which sauces or condiments your daily intake should be. Another word to put on. For example, it is better to have of caution is that the salads are not healthier the restaurant’s nutritional facts or ask if they have them available. If not use your best a plain hamburger than to have it full of than the other menu items. For example, mayonnaise, ranch, or other fattening sauces. the Fiesta Taco Salad is 20 points on Weight judgment; you know what is or isn’t good Also options like the Chicken McNuggets or Watchers while a Chicken Burrito Supreme is for you. Eat what makes you feel healthier. Avoid foods that are high in carbs, sugars, fat Chicken Selects are healthier alternatives. only 9 points. and calories. Healthy eating will help you to The Filet-o-Fish sandwich without feel your best and your body will thank you the tartar sauce is also a healthier option to Subway for it. the regular sandwich. If you insist on get Subway: “Eat Fresh.” We’ve all -Su zanne Tu tt le ting the value meal, make healthy choices heard this slogan and are well acquainted
Avoid extra calories at McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Subway
H aw a iia n s t udent s pos i t i v e a b o u t ‘ P ri n c e s s K a i u l a n i ’ fi l m It was during a time of political turmoil for the Hawaiian Islands when Ka`iulani Cleghorn was born to Princess Miriam Likelike, wife of Scottish Financier Archibald Cleghorn. As the heir to the throne, 13-year-old Ka`iulani and her parents decided it would be best for her to be educated in England. The years to come would find her fighting
for her people in Europe, the United States, and her native Hawaii. She stood before U.S. President Grover Cleveland, loved art, wore gowns from Paris, spoke four languages and loved surfing. Her story has also made it to the big screen, which opened in select theaters May 14. Fara-Mone Akhay, a junior ICS/ Hawaiian Studies major, saw “Princess Ka`iulani” on opening night and is excited that Hawaiians are finally being represented in film. “New Zealand had ‘Whale Rider;’ this is the big thing for us,” she said. “If it’s done correctly it will be good for Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians throughout the nation. It will help people understand the struggle we
had, and how royalty had to struggle with their own lives and the lives of their people. I’m really excited.” The film has sparked controversy because of its original title, “Barbarian Princess,” and because the actress portraying Ka`iulani is not Hawaiian. But Hawaiian club President Kahala Rowe, a sophomore Hawaiian studies/history major, is sure that despite these issues the film will mean something positive for her culture. “I think this will enact people to understand that… we’re more than just grass huts, hula dances and moonlit walks on Waikiki,” she said.
-vale rie thor ne
May 20, 2010
Staff Opinion Both husband and wife go to grad school As financially uncertain these times may be, education – and I’m talking grad school education – is a smart investment of money. This isn’t just because education is part of the package you send into the life hereafter. As the bachelor’s degree becomes the new high school diploma in the eyes of employers, grad school becomes necessary to both men and women in order to be viable employees. It is true that traditionally women are encouraged to make motherhood and homemaking their primary occupation – an honorable and full-time occupation. Women are also encouraged to gain an education for themselves and their children. They are encouraged to be prepared to adapt to any situation that may arise, whether disaster, sickness or death in the family. Whether in preparation for future obstacles and possibilities, or for the sake of pursuing a future career, I believe strongly that any who desire to go, should go to graduate school. Mari Selli, a senior graduating in political science from Brazil, was uncertain about going to grad school until classes and conversations with Dr. Houghton helped her make up her mind. “You get a better chance for better work,” Selli said. Already a mother and wife, she said she wanted to go to grad school “just in case.” What she hasn’t decided yet is whether to work right after grad school or later. In any case, Selli is preparing for the unexpected. - jokke kokko n en
Ke Alaka‘i
Grad school. Who goes? Wife, husband, or both? What do you think? Different employees of the BYUH Ke Alaka‘i staff give you their take.
Onl y hus b a nd g o es to g r a d s ch o o l “By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation.” This is nothing new; this information is in The Family: A Proclamation to the World. I think that it is appropriate for the husband to continue his studies beyond his bachelor’s degree if he is using his graduate degree in a field that will benefit his career - a career that is prayerfully chosen, that will afford him time to fulfill his family and church duties. An undergraduate education for a wife is a wonderful thing if she uses it as a foundation to educate her children. Typically when a young woman pursues a graduate degree she might plan for a career, a career incompatible with being primarily responsible for the nurture of her children, because of the possibilities of not having children, or of being left alone to provide for them herself. She might fail to focus her education on the gospel and the useful knowledge of the world that nurturing a family would require, not realizing that the highest and best use she could make of her talents and her education would be in her home. President Spencer W. Kimball also viewed this as a potential problem in the family: “Numerous divorces can be traced directly to the day when the wife left the home and went out into the world into employment. Two incomes raise the standard of living beyond its norm. Two spouses working prevent the complete and proper home life, break into family prayers, and create an independence which is not cooperative, causes distortion, limits the family and frustrates the children already born.” Do I think a wife should be denied a graduate education in a field she desires? No, but I think this should only come once the children are fully grown or it has been deemed necessary because of family circumstances. I realize that with the current economic climate, times are tough and more moms are required to help support the family. However, I feel this should come as a last resort. - Robe rt Hu ndle y
H u s ba nd goes t o grad sch ool, w if e cons i d er s As LDS prophets continually proclaim the need for nurturing mothers in the home, yet expound upon the importance of educated, college degree mothers, what is the right path for the uniquely small demographic of Mormons in an increasing equal gender based workforce? I was recently watching “That 70s Show,” a sitcom that documents societal and economical norms of the ’70s in a comical manner. I fortuitously watched the episode where Donna, a high school teenager involved with the importance of equal rights for women, continually argues with her dad about her views on women’s rights, which always receive a fatherly response of, “Is this about clothes Donna? Because I can buy you clothes.” I laughed at this statement by Bob, her father, as many readers are probably doing now; but I couldn’t help but stop and think about how times have changed for my generation. Concerning grad school, what is the right path for a husband and wife, both pursuing education, all the while desiring a family? In economic times as the one we are currently facing we must ask ourselves if educational opportunities are worth the financial costs. Should a husband who plans to soon be the breadwinner of the family along with a woman who plans to soon be a nurturing, stay-athome mother both plan on attending grad school? If financial costs are to be replenished in a timely manner I would agree yes and I will explain why. Before worrying over financially supporting children, both a husband and wife must look at the self-worth of a woman who depends on her husband for her livelihood, yet is responsible for the literal outcome of multiple, future lives. This is one of the most complex scenarios that a person can be given. It is for this reason that a woman, particularly a wife with children must be confident with herself and happy with her personal achievements in life. It is this woman that I believe is the most successful at the unique position of life just explained; and if grad school is a necessary path to this, it must be considered. I say “considered” because life is full of necessities, particularly financial ones. So what is the dividing line at which grad school for a stay-at-home mom should be appropriate or not? First, how much income, decided by the professional path chosen, will the bread-winning husband bring home? Second, what paths have the wife taken in her life to create the opportunity for grad school; good grades for scholarships or saved and invested money? These two questions are necessary starting points in a couple’s decision, along with many more that should be asked. However, the point that I would like to make is that if a couple cannot financially support a family properly because both attend grad school then the wife should not attend. -k y l e how ar d
W i fe s ho ul d g o to g r a d s cho o l The world has changed drastically since 1986 when roughly 50 percent of graduate students were men and 50 percent were women. Today many women are pursuing graduate degrees to help them advance in the workplace, help them become appealing candidates for jobs when returning to work after raising a family, or they are like me, they have always seen a graduate degree in their futures. Although I have always had plans to go beyond undergraduate work, the thought never crossed my husband’s mind. In my family, my husband has been successful in his trade and business because of his work experience and natural and learned talents. He has been more than able to provide for our growing family without pursuing a degree. He also has always supported my desire to finish my undergraduate degree and continue onto graduate work. For us, this works. In the church, the role of women and their education seems to be constantly revisited as women and men worry about too much or too little education for women. President James E. Faust said in 1998, “For women, the important ingredients for happiness are to forge an identity, serve the Lord, get an education, develop your talents, serve your family, and if possible to have a family of your own.” President Faust does, however, caution that you cannot do all these things well at the same time, but should work at them prayerfully and “sequentially.” So I think if you feel that your education and grad school is important to you, and you’re a young woman, or young mom like me, pray with your family, work hard, achieve all that you can, and do it all to serve the Lord and your family. -Le isa ta P ia may 20, 2010
Spring Term’s Foodfest introduced fare from new clubs, like the Canadian and European clubs, as well as the old favorites, like bubble drinks with tapioca, steak plates, and crepes. Children played and spun around on carnival rides in the field, while students, faculty and community members crowded around the Little Circle with chains of tickets hanging from their hands, searching for the perfect meal.
Kasey Ross, community member from San Diego, indulged in the potato pizza from the European Club. “[Foodfest] is good, because you get sick of always eating the same stuff in Laie... I love the food from different cultures; I used to live above a Samoan family that always offered their food, and it was really cool to try new and different things.” Jordan DeVard, senior from Illinois in business management, chose Mongolian beef. “My only complaint is that every time I come, the food is more expensive. It seems like a common trend. I remember getting meals for like two tickets, now it’s more like six or eight.” DeVard continued, however, saying, “It’s cool that we have kids from all over who know how to make all these different foods. I think we should have more activities like this, that bring all of the cultures together; not just with food but with music or other things.” Jed Lee, freshman from Singapore, double majoring in hospitality and tourism and investing and finance, bought a Japanese steak plate for dinner, which he critiqued as, “Kinda salty, but not bad.” As for the atmosphere of the event, he explained, “Singapore is a very multi-racial country, and the food courts there have a ton of international cuisine, so this reminds me of home a little.” As Scotty Olson, senior from California in International Business, exclaimed, “Foodfest is a great way to be able to experience the international flavors of BYUHawaii!” -Amy ha nson
Ke Alaka‘i
Left: Yasuko Nakamatsu, Airi Nishi, and Kiyomi Hamai advertise kimono-style. From top clockwise: Filipino Club serves up lumpia and chicken adobo; Mongolian Club members pose over fresh meat pies; Appolonie Nahishakiye and Battogtokh Baatar dish up some scrumptious food; Aiona Hernandez, Michael Alboroto, Kathy Kamiya, Hyrum Mitton and Feng Wong pose while munching; Paris Spillane and Ashley Flake flash their tickets; Kathy Wong showcases her club’s cotton candy. Photos by Aissa Mitton
may 20, 2010
Fireknife “Let’s get ready to rumble,” said Pulefano Galea’i, the World Fireknife Championships founder, as the three senior fireknife finalists entered the Polynesian Culture Center Pacific Theatre. The three finalists, Fili Mafiti from Samoa, Joseph Cadou from Tahiti, and Mikaele Oloa from Waialua, competed for the 18th World Fireknife Championship title during the night show’s intermission May 15. Oloa, last year’s reigning champion, was crowned with the title at the end of Ha, with Cadou and Mafiti following behind in second and third. The three warriors each received a check and a trophy knife in rank of their achievements. “It feels awesome to win,” said Oloa. “I was in the moment. I thought that Joseph was going to win, so it means a lot to me to be the world champion.” The warriors were judged by a panel of 14 judges in five different areas: variety and difficulty, level of energy, speed of routine, height of throws, and most importantly, not dropping the knife. “If a warrior drops his weapon, he gets killed,” said Pulefano. “So, three points are deducted for every drop.” Each warrior’s routine included dancing with both single and double knives. But, Cadousteau and Oloa also added third knives to their routines. Oloa choreographed his own routine for the competition. “I created the routine as ideas came through the year, and a month or two before the competition, I put the routine together,” said Oloa. According to the rules of the competition, once Junior Division third place winner, Malo Mata’u from Laie, places the fireknife on his mouth during the competition. Photo by Sam Sukimawa
Ke Alaka‘i
may 20, 2010
Left: Mikaele Oloa from Waialua listens to the crowd cheer as he finishes his routine. Oloa was crowned as the 2010 champion. Photo by Trijsten Leach. Above: Preston Weber from Florida spins the fireknife during the Junior competition. Photo by Aaron Knudsen.
a warrior has remained champion two years in a row, he is not allowed to compete the following year. Oloa will be able to return to the 2012 competition. The preliminary competitions began May 12, with the Semi-finals, Junior Division, and Open Duet Competition May 13. In the Junior Division Age 6-11 the champion was Preston Weber from Florida, with Achilles Tafiti from Laie in second and Hale Motuapuaka in third. In the Junior Division Age 12-17 the champion was Rex Tiumalu from Florida, with Keenan Chung from Kaneohe in second and Malo Mata’u from Laie in third. The warriors that won the Open Duet Competition were Castillo Braddah and Sistah in first and the David Galea’i group in second. - amanda ha nse n
Ke Alaka‘i
Left: John “Jack” Pierce stands by his son, Keith Pierce. The older Pierce was one of the men who worked to build PCC. Photo by Nathan Williams.
Buil di n g a l e g a c y : Old e st liv in g PC C supe r v isor shar e s h is s to r y To understand why builder Keith Pierce chose Kamehameha Highway in Laie to build his “Utah-style” home instead of on his native mainland, one has to go back several years in Laie’s history; back to a time when the campus was much smaller, when soda was 10 cents a can, and, according to Keith’s father, John “Jack” Pierce, a time when the “village raised the child.” “The attitude then was, ‘What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours. That was Laie. It’s something I wish everyone could feel,” Keith said. It’s a time remembered fondly by an older generation that watched the miracle of the Polynesian Cultural Center unfold. In a small sitting room in his son’s spacious home, Jack Pierce dusts off an old green book called “The building missionaries in Hawaii: 1960-1963,” a yearbook published after the completion of PCC. The book is full of dozens of pictures of those who contributed: builders and supervisors, mostly volunteers, of all ages and races, working together for a cause they all believed in. Jack is currently one of the oldest living witnesses to that project, and the last remaining building supervisor for the center’s original construction.
In the early 1960s, construction was nothing new for Jack. His resume spanned the mainland United States and included projects in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. He was working in Orlando when the call came that would change his life. “I was scared to death,” he said, recalling the day he was asked to be the building supervisor of a Polynesian center in Hawaii. “I didn’t know what to expect.” So, with his young family, Jack began a new adventure in the very small Laie on Oahu’s North Shore. Thinking about what life was like back then, he said, “You can’t picture it. You can’t explain it.” His son Keith, who spent his growing-up years among the workers, said, “They put people together and they built PCC… It was a feeling of unity. I’ve never felt like that anywhere else.” The Pierces said that it is thanks to this unity that the Polynesian Cultural Center was able to build up so quickly despite the rigorous work they were doing. “We mixed our own blocks, brought them on the job and built them up… It was difficult,” said Jack. And there were other struggles later. Financial circumstances after the building was completed had “the people in Honolulu” counting down the days until the center went out of business, said Keith. “But people realized it was here by prophecy and it was going to work.” That prophecy was made by apostle and former New Zealand missionary Matthew Cowley nearly a century ago, when he said to a group of saints in Honolulu, “I hope to live to see the day when my Maori people down there in New Zealand will have
Community a little village there in Laie, with a beautiful carved house. The Tongans will have a village, too, and the Tahitians and Samoans – all these islanders of the sea.” While Cowley did not live to see the fulfillment of that prophecy, the Pierces and the other workers witnessed evidence of its truthfulness through countless miracles during the center’s construction. One such instance occurred when a young labor missionary was run over by a forklift. The next day the doctors did an X-ray and the man didn’t have a single broken bone. He was back to work in seven days. “Time and time again there were things like that. You could see them almost daily,” Keith said. “The biggest miracle wasn’t a time or thing. It was a process. The miracle to me is the friendship, … in the overall picture of PCC, the temple and BYU all happening under a prophecy,” he continued. Both Keith and Jack said the bonds formed with fellow workers during that time still exist today, and they are in large part what kept them in Laie after the construction was finished. Jack has since retired, but the legacy of building has continued in the Pierce family. “His father, my father, me and my son are all builders,” said Keith, pointing to his father. Keith now runs Pierce Construction with his son, and they have worked on numerous projects for the Polynesian Cultural Center as it has continued to grow. Speaking of the future, Keith said of the PCC, “You’ve only seen the beginning. We have no idea how the Lord’s going to use it… I just wish everybody could appreciate PCC for what it is. It’s known for good everywhere.” -vale rie thor ne
may 20, 2010
P r eventi n g t h e burn While living in Hawaii, avoiding the sun is impossible. Not only does it hit us at the beach but also walking to classes and biking to the grocery store. Even though the “sunkissed” look may be in, over time, the sun can cause skin cancer.
How much sun is too much? Although it is true that sun exposure produces the vitamin-D your body needs, often times people overestimate the amount of sun that is required for this. “When the sun’s UV-B rays hit the skin, a reaction takes place that enables skin cells to manufacture vitamin D. If you’re fair skinned, experts say going outside for 10 minutes in the midday sun—in shorts and a tank top with no sunscreen—will give you enough radiation to produce about 10,000 international units of the vitamin,” said U.S.
Wearing sunscreen prevents sunburns as well as skin cancer. Photo courtesy of www.i.ivillage. com
News on the research published by Archives of Internal Medicine. Be conscious of the amount of time you spend in the sun.
How to Prevent Sunburn: (Heath Magazine) • Stay out of the midday sun (between 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon) because the sun is the strongest then. • Wear sunscreen that has a Sun Protector Factor (SPF) of at least 30 and apply at least 30 minutes before to all areas of exposure. If you are swimming or sweating, reapply every
2-3 hours because water on the skin can reduce the amount of protection. • Try wearing a hat with a rim to help protect your neck, ears, eyes and scalp. • Wear sunglasses with UV protection
How to Treat Sunburn: ( • Use a cool cloth on the sunburned areas • Take a cold shower or bath • Apply aloe vera lotion or gel • Topical steroids such as hydrocortisone cream can help with pain or swelling • Sunburns can cause dehydration so make sure to drink a lot of water • Use calamine lotion to relieve itching •A dd oatmeal [0.5 cup] or baking soda to a cool water bath • Cut a raw potato and spread the juice on the burned skin • If blistering occurs, avoid breaking them. - NICOLE HAMILTON
Ke Alaka‘i
giate class in high school that was able to be counted toward his college credits, filling in the missing gap and allowing him to keep his scholarship. From there, Akana then asked Buensuceso if he would take the missionary discussions.“I felt obligated because I’m a nice person. I felt like he helped me out in some way, so I could do this for him... In Virgil Jay Buensuceso of California is a the back of my mind, I knew I wasn’t going senior in EXS. He grew up Catholic, but was to convert,” said Buensuceso. When Akana recently was baptized a member of the LDS graduated in 2009, Buensuceso stopped takchurch – something he never thought he ing the discussions and returned home to would do when he first accepted admission to California for the summer. BYU-Hawaii. Upon returning for the fall, he “I came here for basketball origifelt like something was missing. Another nally,” said Buensuceso. “Basketball has been teammate’s decision to get baptized inspired my whole life. My father put a ball in my Buensuceso to consider making the same dehands, not because he wanted me to be a cision for his own life. “Lucas Alves kept his star, but because he didn’t want me to get baptismal date from everyone. I was blown into trouble.” away. We [the Seasiders] were the first to know,” he said. It was during Alves’s baptism that Buensuceso decided he knew what was missing from his life. He started reading the scriptures and praying again, but something still didn’t feel right. That was when he started taking the discussions again. “It happened to be New Year’s Day 2010,” he said. One of the sister missionaries who had initially been teaching Buensuceso was leaving and asked him if she could do anything for him before she left, so he asked Looking back, Buensuceso sees her to teach him one last lesson. “I guess you how everything that happened to him had could say, this time I was taking the lessons a purpose. “I don’t believe in coincidences for me instead of for a friend,” he said. Buenanymore. BYUH was my last choice on my suceso started contemplating baptism. list of collegiate scholarships.” Buensuceso’s parents maintain alle From the beginning, there were giance with the Catholic Church, his mother trials that caused him to turn to the Lord. devoutly loyal and his father less active. “The After arriving at the school, Buensuceso only thing that was holding me back was my found out that he was one credit short and mother. She had her own strong testimony was going to lose his scholarship. “One of of her faith because she had gone through my teammates, Trenson Akana, asked me if I breast cancer.” Their feelings about the decibelieve in God. I told him that I do. He told sions he was making in his own life were me to have faith and pray,” he said. It turned weighing on him. “I started getting worried. out that Buensuceso had taken one colleShe was telling me that she would disown
Team member’s baptism inspires
Buensuceso’s teammates support him at his recent baptism. Below: Buensuceso poses with the sisters who taught him. Photo courtesy of JR Buensuceso
me,” said Buensuceso. “That was one of her main concerns when I started coming here that I might get baptized.” Buensuceso said during the time that he was struggling with his decision, things were really difficult. The closer he got to finalizing his decision, he said, the more things started to go wrong. “Usually, bad things happen once in a while. Bad things were happening to me every day... After the worst part had happened, all the aspects of my life brought me to my knees,” he said. Buensuceso found inspiration when his car, which the top mechanics were telling him was too damaged to repair and that he should just dump, miraculously started. He also found out that his best friend, Mike Aronica, was a convert, something he had not known before, and that he had served his mission in Buensuceso’s hometown. As he entered the church on his baptismal day, he still felt weighted down. He was still keeping this important event in his life secret from his parents, who he felt would not approve. That was when he got a call from his father who said to him, “Me and your mother love you a lot. We have seen the person you have become and it has made you a better person. Whatever choices you make in our life, we will support you. Have a great day.” Buensuceso said this event “sealed the deal” for him. He knew he was making the right decision. - C ARRIE COLL INGRIDGE may 20, 2010
Sports Tennis teams perform at nationals On the men’s side, the 29th ranked BYUHawaii defeated the 30th UC San Diego 5-1 for the NCAA II West Regional tournament. With this win, the Seasiders advanced to the NCAA II National Championship in Florida. “I feel we played great as a team throughout the whole game,” Agnel Peter said. “We lost one of our doubles and I was in that pair. I need to keep improving so I can help the team as much as possible.” On the women’s side, the thirdranked BYU-Hawaii Team defeated Cal State Stanislaus to clinch the NCAA II West Regional title. The Seasiders swept their 19thranked opponent 5-0. With this win, BYUH reached 29 wins in 29 games this season. In the doubles matches, the ladies came out a little slow but were able to close out all three and take the lead 3-0. “I like watching the girls playing doubles because they show good team spirit,” said Hui Chen, a junior from Taiwan majoring in TESOL. Coach Porter was happy with the
Intramurals update While fall and winter are popular seasons for intramural sports at BYU-Hawaii, during the summer terms most students go back home, leaving very few students participating in intramural sports. One Saturday this month at the Homerun Derby only one person showed up, prior to that at a racquetball tournament two people participated. “The past two events weren’t very 18
Ke Alaka‘i
Yuan Jia takes a swing during a recent tennis tournament. Women’s tennis fell just short of a national title this year. Photo by Ryan Bagley
win but is confident in his players’ capabilities to improve. “We started a little slowly because we hadn’t played a game in three weeks. We need to keep improving and anything can happen at nationals,” Porter said. The both teams then headed to Altamonte Springs, Florida, where the
national tournament was held. In the end, the men’s team lost in their first match, and the women’s team fell just short of a national title, losing to Armstrong Atlantic State 5-1 in the finals of the NCAA II National Championship Tournament. It was their only lose this year.
successful, but we will have a golf tournament on the 22nd,” said Mike Apo, intramurals director. “We are hoping with this golf tournament to get more students to participate.” While basketball is generally the most popular sport, some international students are eager to see a soccer tournament too. “I have played in past basketball intramurals, but I would really enjoy playing soccer,” said Yoshihara Matsubara, a senior
in corporate finance from Japan. The First Term is expected to have many students back participating in intramural sports. “Usually before the fall season we have plenty of students that register to play intramurals,” Apo said. Students wishing to participate in the upcoming golf tournament or a later tennis tournament can visit and find out information on upcoming intramural sports.
since she was very young. “I am excited to share the music that the choir prepared for the people in Taiwan and Hong Kong,” she said. “I will be able to see my family, and I invited many of my family and friends who are non-members to come see the concert. BYU-Hawaii’s Concert Choir left for China Plus, we are going to perform in Hong Kong on Saturday, May 8 and will be gone until Disneyland!” the 24. They began their trip with a week Keli`i Wesley, a sophomore in in Taiwan and then left for Hong Kong the HTM from Laie, is also excited to go to Taiweek after. wan and Hong Kong. He was really excited Ming Lau, a recent graduate in because he is going to go to Hong Kong music from Hong Kong, was very excited for Disneyland on his 22nd birthday. the trip to China - the choir has been prepar- “I am really excited to go to China ing for a long time, she said. “We have been because it will be a really great experience,” preparing for this for almost a year. The last Wesley said. “We have been looking forward semester and the boot camp we have right to this trip for a long time and worked very now are the most intense.” hard to get prepared.” Lau was especially excited to go For Michael Murray, there were to Taiwan, because she has not been there not enough available spots to go on the
tour. Space was very limited and those who attended the tour had to commit that they would be involved in choir for a year straight. Murray had to take time off of choir because of his schoolwork and by the time he came back to the choir there were not enough open spots left for him on the tour. Murray, an HR management major from Shelley, Idaho, said, “I would have loved to have gone to China, but because of scheduling conflicts and lack of available space, I wasn’t able to go on the tour with the rest of the choir. I hope that all the students who go on the tour have a great time, because they have been working really hard and I know that they will do well.” “This is the second choir tour that I am in,” Lau said. “We had great success on the last tour, and I know that we will have some great experience this time as well.”
and is excited to go. Kumar was married only a month ago, and said, “It’s going to be sad to be apart, but the choir plans have been set in motion since before we were dating.” Once every three years, the BYU-Hawaii Kumar is not the only one who has Concert Choir takes a trip across the globe made the choir a priority. Tori Simpson, a juto let their voices represent the school and nior from Sweden studying music, said, “I’m LDS Church. The choir, comprised of 52 really excited to go. I was willing to wait performers, has headed to Hong Kong and two months to see my husband in order to Taiwan, beginning May 8. Within the choir go on this trip.” Simpson was married at the are several members who, whether engaged beginning of the year and soon after moved or recently married, will be separated from to Hawaii so she would be able to pursue her loved ones. For some, those two weeks could music education. For the past six weeks, her feel like a lifetime. husband has been working out of town, and Choir President Denzil Kumar from she will be joining him after her return. She the Fiji Islands, a recent graduate in music remarked, “The best part about the trip is education, will be traveling with the choir being able to be ambassadors for the Lord.”
Travis Kneisly, a junior in general music and composition from South Carolina, gave some insight into his decision to go on the trip: “When I first got engaged, I didn’t want to go on the trip anymore. All I wanted to do was get married.” Later, he said, due to the encouragement of his friends and fiancée, he decided to plan the wedding around the trip and will be married June 4. Siu Hing Chan, a senior majoring in vocal studies, is enthused about this opportunity to return home to Hong Kong and visit with family. “It’s helped my wedding plans because it’s cheaper to print wedding invitations in Hong Kong,” Chan said. She is engaged and plans to be married June 26.
Cho ir go es t hr ou gh ‘ bo ot ca mp’ fo r Fa r Eas t t r i p
Sepa r a t ion m a kes the h e a r t gr o w f o nd e r
-P ARIS SP ILL ANE may 20, 2010
Letter to the editor S t ud ent ins ur an ce r aises q ue s t i on s Aloha Ke Alaka‘i . . . I wasn’t sure if I should send you a message or not. Could you do an article on the new ‘tuition hikes.’ I find it troubling how the administration tries covering up tuition jumps by calling them fees, etc. If we already have outside insurance, do we still have to pay the extra ‘tuition hike’ fee covering insurance costs? If so, wouldn’t this be a form of socialized
medicine, which I can almost guarantee the entire school administration doesn’t support (when done on the national USA level), so why is it okay for them to go contrary to their principles and establish something that they don’t agree with? It seems like this is a shady policy. A simple recommendation would be to allow students a full scope’s view of the financial and accounting information regarding this new health insurance policy. Allow students to see an itemized chart,
ee at BYUH’s International Student Services Office. Arnold Lavaki, a junior in information technology from Tonga, said he it was “really a privilege. Back home we hardly interact with the royal family.” To see the prince here made Lavaki feel an added measure of pride in being from Tonga. The ceremony began with gifts of leis welcoming the prince. A talking chief representing the president of the PCC then announced a gift from the students at BYUH. This “ceremonial gift to honor [His Highness],” said the talking chief, was a roasted Tongan Prince Tungi receives a gift from the PCC Samoan village chief’s daughter. pig ready for eating and a wish that Prince Photo by Aissa Mitton Tungi would feel of the love of Christ during visit. Other gifts were given, including a PC C, BYUH w el c o m es his traditional Tongan gift, the Kava plant. The prince was recognized for Princ e of To n g a coming from a particularly royal blood line, The Honorable Prince Tungi of the Repubincluding his father, the King of Tonga, and lic of Tonga visited the Polynesian Cultural his mother of royal heritage in Samoa. This Center on Friday, May 14 and BYU-Hawaii close tie with Samoa is one that the people students were able to take part in and attend at PCC’s Samoan village are very proud of, the event. The prince was on Oahu for his and they sent the chief’s daughter to give step brother’s graduation from the University their offerings to the prince. She gave him of Hawaii. a staff representing authority to lead and “It was really a huge deal… [and] a direct with honor and respect. They also gave huge honor,” said Audrey Nonoa, an employ- him a lei representing endless wisdom and a Ke Alaka‘i
Costs of insurance will be added to tuition in the upcoming year. Photo courtesy of
including costs and projections as to how this will profit the university and still be in each student’s best interest. Another recommendation would be to revamp the policy and allow certain exceptions as done in the past.
-Sha u n Ne lson
fue, a braided coconut husk attached to an intricately carved wooden handle. The fue is the fountain of language and it inspires the speaker while also bestowing knowledge. Students at BYUH then performed a dance composed for Prince Tungi and students from Kahuku High School followed performing a fun dance about youth in love. The dances “brought the Tongan spirit and the Tongan culture,” said Lavaki. Kap Teo Tafiti, the senior ambassador for the PCC, said, the ceremony “was appropriate. That’s what the Polynesian Cultural Center is all about.” It followed “culture and protocol in its pure form,” he said, which is important since this could be the only ceremony of this type that many attendees will ever see. The entire ceremony was monumental and an exciting time for everyone involved, said Nonoa, because the last member of the Tongan royal family to come to Laie was the king himself. The talking chief representing the prince said the gifts and presentations had gone beyond what was expected, and that they were deeply appreciated. As the talking chief said, “this day will not be forgotten.” - M argar e t Johnson